Your summary puts it all in perspective. A very frightening perspective. I just can't wrap my head around the number of people who hate this country and would do anything to undermine it. I think Trump's idea of decentralizing it is his best yet as D.C. is rotten to the core.
I would argue that they love manipulating your tax dollars into their pockets. That is what folks like Nixon and Trump did: they upset the trillions of your money that the Deep State couldn't get under their watch.
You connected the dots. Congrats. 'Hate, hatred and hating' are symptoms and strategy tactics of Marxists and Marxism. Hatred first fires up people to 'move' against authority in our case the government. In turn, the Marxist 'hate' ALL organized religion for two reasons. Most religions speak of 'love', the opposite of hate and believing in God(s) does not leave a mind that they can manipulate.
Yesterday I watched Tucker's interview with former Nixon White House staffer Geoff Shepard who has uncovered new evidence that Watergate was the first instance of law fare where the entire Democrat machine from Congress, the courts and the Academy conspire to take out a Republican. Shepard has spent 27,000 hours going through archives to find hand written notes from judges and attorneys outlining the legal assassination. He has written three books on Watergate. Shepard has also produced a documentary on the matter which debuted last night on his website called Watergate Secrets. I have spent a lifetime in politics including 34 years elected ending with 18 years in Congress. I was stunned by the blatant use of the law to destroy, not only a presidency, but a man. We are seeing the exact same thing happen again with Trump and anyone who goes to bat for him. Pray for our beloved country.
John was my Congressman representing GA district 11 for several of those elected years. Very dependable Conservative. While I agree with him that prayer for our country is essential, I'm afraid prayer alone will not save it. It is time to fight back, damning the consequences to our lives-liberty-fortune. Or we can watch GA district 4 Congressman, reknowned brain surgeon and rocket scientist Hank Johnson, take over Ways and Means committee.... We are dead.
God gave us talent to work to make our earthly lives better, along with prayer for guidance. Work in every State to elect Trump and every conservative you can to every office, right down to cemetery trustee and especially school board.
ESPECIALLY school boards. Thanks for the reminder EODMom. The schools are where this fight started and was lost. Our kids were brainwashed into silently believing that GOD doesn't exist and that we are merely mutant pond scum.
Once those children became parents, the erosion of truth accelerated and truth, in the public schools is dead.
It's time to defund the schools and empower parents to choose what is taught and by whom.
John, sorry I missed this comment, it would have saved me the time of writing mine. The Tucker/Shepard interview is terrific. Shepard has the smoking guns on all the players. He just needs a friendly DOJ to bring it officially to light. Nixon and others falsely accused by John Dean for the cover-up will be vindicated.
If Kemp really cared about our state, he would have already changed election law as Youngkin has done. Instead he signed into state law the future use of ballot drop boxes and Dominion voter fraud machine.
But I believe Kemp is for Kemp and so he secured his winning a future senate seat by selling out Georgia’s electoral votes for President and both senate seats in 2020 to the dem voter fraud machine in Fulton County.
Kinda strange how his daughter’s boyfriend died in a “fiery crash” a day after he gave in to calling for a signature audit of votes and then after the boy died he changed his mind. Kinda strange how Special Agent Sullivan died while investigating the crash and no other agent was assigned to finish the investigation.
Kamala Harris is beyond saving. Signs of metal disability begin with people like her who bray like jackasses. They have a hard time speaking without a script. Real idiots tend to be liberals. That's why they look like morons to the rest of us. There is good reason to classify Kamala and many others like Raskin, Schiff and AOC as imbeciles, because they would consider it a compliment. I have difficulty determining if our federal government is made up of morons, imbeciles or idiots. Hey Don, that would be a good daily quiz question. Mull it over.
It takes a certain kind of idiocy to think one can successfully deny and rebel against God, the Almighty Creator of the Universe.
How blind, deaf, heartless, diabolical and stupidly evil to be a communist, a tyrant, a thief of property and liberty, to murder babies and mutilate children, … to believe and demand that others believe that good is evil and evil is good.
But that kind of idiocy is not new. It is old as Eden, the spawn of satan, a serpent who is never the less, clever in promoting all evil things, especially deception… and he controls his useful idiots well.
King David labeled these useful idiots well, as “strange children whose mouths speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood”. (Recommend Ps144 as particularly appropriate for us in these dangerous days. FWIW, a shout out for the KJV for the feeling it evokes in this particular Psalm.)
We underestimate the serpent and his useful idiots, his reptilian spawn at our peril.
Anyone, who does not routinely pray for God’s mercy in these perilous times, that He by His Grace and not because we deserve it, will spare us from the trending calamity (“Hell on Earth”, Trump called it.), does not truly understand what is afoot.
Well said, Lloyd! Rarely have I read a better description of the evil we face. I believe we have seen that God has answered the prayers of the righteous most recently by sparing Trump’s life. He will continue to uphold us no matter what happens this November and beyond.
Your faith that God will uphold us, as I’m sure you know, is exactly what He promised.
Your reminder takes me to the old hymn “How Firm a Foundation”. It was R. E. Lee’s favorite. His troops knew this and would often serenade him with it. The version below, I imagine, sounds almost like it might have sounded on such an occasion in a small town church near here, where Lee and his soldiers routinely worshiped in the uncertain days of 1863/4. I hope you will listen, enjoy and be uplifted:
I don't think they bought AOC, she's so stupid she serves them for free. Same is probably true about horizontal Harris who Hoovered her way to every office she's held.
A damning indictment of Democratic evil. I'm also glad you are bringing up Nixon again. Your "Nixon Got Boned" column on Monday was a big eye-opener for me. To revisit Watergate in light of what we now know about the Deep State was actually stunning. It takes awhile to assimilate this, so we need to keep reviewing this Nixon situation frequently right now.
You are pulling together the various pieces of Democratic corruption over the recent decades, and this is resulting in an increasingly profound clarity about what has been going on. This is a huge contribution to this awakening moment in America.
Thank you for the years you spent in the trenches of journalism, observing and analyzing. As you come to epiphanies in discerning the patterns and operation of the evil that has been attacking America, and share your discernments in these columns, we are all strengthened to fight more knowledgeably and wisely.
As it's been said, "evil exposed is two-thirds destroyed, and the last third kills itself". Although dismaying, we can be thankful for the clear exposure. And we can see around us the mistakes and disarray that the Communist Left is increasingly manifesting. May their false kingdom crumble rapidly.
Nicely stated. But, frankly their false kingdom will probably not crumble rapidly. Like a wounded wolf in the corner, they will fight hard and hurt a lot of people and institutions before they fold up. We are in big trouble as a nation. I have little faith that the election will go our way. Most likely this one will be rigged too.
Neither one of these two morons can hope to stand up to Trump in any kind of face to face confrontation and the d-rats know it. They’ll stop at nothing to win because they are so complicit in so many crimes, they know they’ll never be able to withstand the retribution.
They’ll stop at nothing including assassination attempts, large scale civil insurrections and frankly initiating WW3 with Russia to avoid the election all together. Cheating during the election of ‘20 is going to look quaint in comparison.
When they pic some obviously hopeless mental deficient and a real weirdo as her second in command (what’s up with that horse semen story anyway) as their point people you gotta know there is a big surprise up their sleeve coming, and i don’t believe they’re gonna wait till October to spring it!
This is not Watergate with extra hormone injections, a few more three-letter agencies rippling across its chest, some chemically induced outrage, and more lying TV personalities. It is the final, total conflict between those who love the truth and those who cling to sin. Choose wisely, act carefully, stay in Christ and He in you.
Great recap on deep state asshats in DC but this is exactly what DDE and Sen McCarthy warned us lay ahead .Neither could have foreseen the total takeover of journalism and mis-education systems by the communistic plants in America.Now we face a struggle for the survival of our nation as founded and the battle falls on the shoulders of PDJT ,his coattails and American Patriots who must step up in ever greater numbers if we are to avoid a second stolen election.Lead on Poca-Man to MAGA 2024 victory as the first in a decades long battle to regain our AMERICA !
How interesting and timely considering that this is the anniversary of Watergate. I started listening just last night to a Tucker conversation with Geoff Shepard who was very closely associated with the Nixon administration throughout his presidency. It’s another 2 hour plus conversation and I began listening too late to finish it last night but this guy knows well all the CIA players
Our Democratic system is failing to weed out incompetents and idiots from office.
Hackworth wrote the book "About Face". In it he describes a German Colonel who believed officers have the following traits. They are either stupid or smart and lazy or industrious. A lazy but smart officer makes a good commander. They get things done the easiest way. An industrious and smart officer makes a great staff officer. They'll get things done efficiently. Don't worry about a dumb and lazy officer because the system will quickly demote and drop them. However, an officer who is industrious and dumb must be drummed out of the system as soon as they are identified. They will cause irreparable damage. Kamala and Walz are lazy and dumb. What's wrong with our system???
I expect more of the same, just louder, with civic unrest thrown in. I expect Trump rallies to be infiltrated and become “spontaneously and unexpectedly” violent. I expect massive ballot fraud. I don’t expect to see Kamala much.
Yes--that is a great phrase. The word "magnet" nails it. This is why Communism has always ended up failing wherever it takes hold. The concentration of power attracts people with 'holes in their souls' who get their jollies by bossing around their fellow man. Or in more psychological language--exercising power gives them the illusion of having an actual identity and value. (Hillary is a good illustration.) Instead, they should be getting their sense of identity and value from God, the source of each of us. But when there is power to exercise, that is the "magnet", and among the lost souls that battle to attain this power, it is the most ruthless bullies that win. (e.g., Arkanicide). Hence, these Communist governments always end up being ruthless dictatorships.
The Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party, a criminal organization and its propaganda arm that is the press are using its soldiers who reside in the DOJ and the CIA to destroy this once great nation. It’s even worse since we no longer have real elections because the evil party controls all the levers of that process.
Thank you for this column, Mr. Surber. I think you should re-run this and Monday's annually. We need to remember, and the younger generation needs to learn the history.
Your summary puts it all in perspective. A very frightening perspective. I just can't wrap my head around the number of people who hate this country and would do anything to undermine it. I think Trump's idea of decentralizing it is his best yet as D.C. is rotten to the core.
I would argue that they love manipulating your tax dollars into their pockets. That is what folks like Nixon and Trump did: they upset the trillions of your money that the Deep State couldn't get under their watch.
You connected the dots. Congrats. 'Hate, hatred and hating' are symptoms and strategy tactics of Marxists and Marxism. Hatred first fires up people to 'move' against authority in our case the government. In turn, the Marxist 'hate' ALL organized religion for two reasons. Most religions speak of 'love', the opposite of hate and believing in God(s) does not leave a mind that they can manipulate.
Yesterday I watched Tucker's interview with former Nixon White House staffer Geoff Shepard who has uncovered new evidence that Watergate was the first instance of law fare where the entire Democrat machine from Congress, the courts and the Academy conspire to take out a Republican. Shepard has spent 27,000 hours going through archives to find hand written notes from judges and attorneys outlining the legal assassination. He has written three books on Watergate. Shepard has also produced a documentary on the matter which debuted last night on his website called Watergate Secrets. I have spent a lifetime in politics including 34 years elected ending with 18 years in Congress. I was stunned by the blatant use of the law to destroy, not only a presidency, but a man. We are seeing the exact same thing happen again with Trump and anyone who goes to bat for him. Pray for our beloved country.
John was my Congressman representing GA district 11 for several of those elected years. Very dependable Conservative. While I agree with him that prayer for our country is essential, I'm afraid prayer alone will not save it. It is time to fight back, damning the consequences to our lives-liberty-fortune. Or we can watch GA district 4 Congressman, reknowned brain surgeon and rocket scientist Hank Johnson, take over Ways and Means committee.... We are dead.
God gave us talent to work to make our earthly lives better, along with prayer for guidance. Work in every State to elect Trump and every conservative you can to every office, right down to cemetery trustee and especially school board.
ESPECIALLY school boards. Thanks for the reminder EODMom. The schools are where this fight started and was lost. Our kids were brainwashed into silently believing that GOD doesn't exist and that we are merely mutant pond scum.
Once those children became parents, the erosion of truth accelerated and truth, in the public schools is dead.
It's time to defund the schools and empower parents to choose what is taught and by whom.
Listening to the Shepherd conversation is on my to do list to finish today!
John, sorry I missed this comment, it would have saved me the time of writing mine. The Tucker/Shepard interview is terrific. Shepard has the smoking guns on all the players. He just needs a friendly DOJ to bring it officially to light. Nixon and others falsely accused by John Dean for the cover-up will be vindicated.
Nixon got his revenge by getting China into the world market. Still paying for it today.
China entered the WTO in December 2001. George W. Bush was president.
Praying is not enough. If we don’t take a stand as a collective force, we will not fix this problem.
Thank you.
Not always ANYTHING. This is a war, not a battle. The governor of Virginia, the Hodor of our few remaining freedoms,
has just mandated paper ballots. One small step for man, one giant leap.... well, you know.
edit: It just keeps getting better:
Love my Gov! And his team!
If Kemp really cared about our state, he would have already changed election law as Youngkin has done. Instead he signed into state law the future use of ballot drop boxes and Dominion voter fraud machine.
But I believe Kemp is for Kemp and so he secured his winning a future senate seat by selling out Georgia’s electoral votes for President and both senate seats in 2020 to the dem voter fraud machine in Fulton County.
I hope I’m wrong, though.
Kinda strange how his daughter’s boyfriend died in a “fiery crash” a day after he gave in to calling for a signature audit of votes and then after the boy died he changed his mind. Kinda strange how Special Agent Sullivan died while investigating the crash and no other agent was assigned to finish the investigation.
He can’t win without funds. Don’t give him any.
Kamala Harris is beyond saving. Signs of metal disability begin with people like her who bray like jackasses. They have a hard time speaking without a script. Real idiots tend to be liberals. That's why they look like morons to the rest of us. There is good reason to classify Kamala and many others like Raskin, Schiff and AOC as imbeciles, because they would consider it a compliment. I have difficulty determining if our federal government is made up of morons, imbeciles or idiots. Hey Don, that would be a good daily quiz question. Mull it over.
It takes a certain kind of idiocy to think one can successfully deny and rebel against God, the Almighty Creator of the Universe.
How blind, deaf, heartless, diabolical and stupidly evil to be a communist, a tyrant, a thief of property and liberty, to murder babies and mutilate children, … to believe and demand that others believe that good is evil and evil is good.
But that kind of idiocy is not new. It is old as Eden, the spawn of satan, a serpent who is never the less, clever in promoting all evil things, especially deception… and he controls his useful idiots well.
King David labeled these useful idiots well, as “strange children whose mouths speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood”. (Recommend Ps144 as particularly appropriate for us in these dangerous days. FWIW, a shout out for the KJV for the feeling it evokes in this particular Psalm.)
We underestimate the serpent and his useful idiots, his reptilian spawn at our peril.
Anyone, who does not routinely pray for God’s mercy in these perilous times, that He by His Grace and not because we deserve it, will spare us from the trending calamity (“Hell on Earth”, Trump called it.), does not truly understand what is afoot.
Well said, Lloyd! Rarely have I read a better description of the evil we face. I believe we have seen that God has answered the prayers of the righteous most recently by sparing Trump’s life. He will continue to uphold us no matter what happens this November and beyond.
Thank you, Sophie.
Your faith that God will uphold us, as I’m sure you know, is exactly what He promised.
Your reminder takes me to the old hymn “How Firm a Foundation”. It was R. E. Lee’s favorite. His troops knew this and would often serenade him with it. The version below, I imagine, sounds almost like it might have sounded on such an occasion in a small town church near here, where Lee and his soldiers routinely worshiped in the uncertain days of 1863/4. I hope you will listen, enjoy and be uplifted:
We know Who wins in the end!
Useful idiots to the elite caste. All are bought and paid for.
I don't think they bought AOC, she's so stupid she serves them for free. Same is probably true about horizontal Harris who Hoovered her way to every office she's held.
They're not imbeciles at all. Not brilliant minds, but their cunning is off the charts. It's simple evil, the possession spectrum.
That poll would definitely require an "All of the Above" option.
Or it could be the first with a tie for the #1 spot among all the choices.
And electric voting machines tied to the internet. Easier to change the totals
You’re splitting hairs here I think. Functionally, one and the same.
A damning indictment of Democratic evil. I'm also glad you are bringing up Nixon again. Your "Nixon Got Boned" column on Monday was a big eye-opener for me. To revisit Watergate in light of what we now know about the Deep State was actually stunning. It takes awhile to assimilate this, so we need to keep reviewing this Nixon situation frequently right now.
You are pulling together the various pieces of Democratic corruption over the recent decades, and this is resulting in an increasingly profound clarity about what has been going on. This is a huge contribution to this awakening moment in America.
Thank you for the years you spent in the trenches of journalism, observing and analyzing. As you come to epiphanies in discerning the patterns and operation of the evil that has been attacking America, and share your discernments in these columns, we are all strengthened to fight more knowledgeably and wisely.
As it's been said, "evil exposed is two-thirds destroyed, and the last third kills itself". Although dismaying, we can be thankful for the clear exposure. And we can see around us the mistakes and disarray that the Communist Left is increasingly manifesting. May their false kingdom crumble rapidly.
Nicely stated. But, frankly their false kingdom will probably not crumble rapidly. Like a wounded wolf in the corner, they will fight hard and hurt a lot of people and institutions before they fold up. We are in big trouble as a nation. I have little faith that the election will go our way. Most likely this one will be rigged too.
Seems the honeymoon period is winding down for Kamala. This liar that was picked FOR HER as VP is showing a great many signs of being a mistake.
Her dropping in on large music events that have nothing to do with her won’t play well for very long.
Her shallow cluelessness is starting to show and it won’t get better.
She repeats the same speech almost word for word each time. No imagination at all.
She is what happens when you are chosen and have no talent or ability for the job.
Unless your party is looking for a hand puppet……. again.
No brain at all.
Neither one of these two morons can hope to stand up to Trump in any kind of face to face confrontation and the d-rats know it. They’ll stop at nothing to win because they are so complicit in so many crimes, they know they’ll never be able to withstand the retribution.
They’ll stop at nothing including assassination attempts, large scale civil insurrections and frankly initiating WW3 with Russia to avoid the election all together. Cheating during the election of ‘20 is going to look quaint in comparison.
When they pic some obviously hopeless mental deficient and a real weirdo as her second in command (what’s up with that horse semen story anyway) as their point people you gotta know there is a big surprise up their sleeve coming, and i don’t believe they’re gonna wait till October to spring it!
If Harris/Walz passes muster at the convention and survives to November intact, the Dems have something huge - and very surprising - up their sleeve.
Thank you, Chuck-you made Don happy and me ecstatic-You and Shrugged stand tall/w your medallions. Hopefully, more will join the elite group.
This is not Watergate with extra hormone injections, a few more three-letter agencies rippling across its chest, some chemically induced outrage, and more lying TV personalities. It is the final, total conflict between those who love the truth and those who cling to sin. Choose wisely, act carefully, stay in Christ and He in you.
Great recap on deep state asshats in DC but this is exactly what DDE and Sen McCarthy warned us lay ahead .Neither could have foreseen the total takeover of journalism and mis-education systems by the communistic plants in America.Now we face a struggle for the survival of our nation as founded and the battle falls on the shoulders of PDJT ,his coattails and American Patriots who must step up in ever greater numbers if we are to avoid a second stolen election.Lead on Poca-Man to MAGA 2024 victory as the first in a decades long battle to regain our AMERICA !
Spot on.
How interesting and timely considering that this is the anniversary of Watergate. I started listening just last night to a Tucker conversation with Geoff Shepard who was very closely associated with the Nixon administration throughout his presidency. It’s another 2 hour plus conversation and I began listening too late to finish it last night but this guy knows well all the CIA players
The parallels are...stunning
Our Democratic system is failing to weed out incompetents and idiots from office.
Hackworth wrote the book "About Face". In it he describes a German Colonel who believed officers have the following traits. They are either stupid or smart and lazy or industrious. A lazy but smart officer makes a good commander. They get things done the easiest way. An industrious and smart officer makes a great staff officer. They'll get things done efficiently. Don't worry about a dumb and lazy officer because the system will quickly demote and drop them. However, an officer who is industrious and dumb must be drummed out of the system as soon as they are identified. They will cause irreparable damage. Kamala and Walz are lazy and dumb. What's wrong with our system???
Not the system, what is wrong with both parties? Somewhere along the line they dropped “for the good of America” from their platforms.
Seems that when there is so much money to be had it provides an easy motive for no longer caring about the welfare of others.
I expect more of the same, just louder, with civic unrest thrown in. I expect Trump rallies to be infiltrated and become “spontaneously and unexpectedly” violent. I expect massive ballot fraud. I don’t expect to see Kamala much.
The Trump rallies will be “self-healing” if glowies try to instigate a disturbance. Bubba ain’t dumb. Or afraid.
"DC where a government too big and too powerful has been a magnet for crooks and traitors."
I love that expression. I'm pea-green with envy.
Yes--that is a great phrase. The word "magnet" nails it. This is why Communism has always ended up failing wherever it takes hold. The concentration of power attracts people with 'holes in their souls' who get their jollies by bossing around their fellow man. Or in more psychological language--exercising power gives them the illusion of having an actual identity and value. (Hillary is a good illustration.) Instead, they should be getting their sense of identity and value from God, the source of each of us. But when there is power to exercise, that is the "magnet", and among the lost souls that battle to attain this power, it is the most ruthless bullies that win. (e.g., Arkanicide). Hence, these Communist governments always end up being ruthless dictatorships.
The Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party, a criminal organization and its propaganda arm that is the press are using its soldiers who reside in the DOJ and the CIA to destroy this once great nation. It’s even worse since we no longer have real elections because the evil party controls all the levers of that process.
Thank you for this column, Mr. Surber. I think you should re-run this and Monday's annually. We need to remember, and the younger generation needs to learn the history.
They are going to hide Kamala in her basement and cheat like there's no tomorrow because for them if they lose, there is no tomorrow.