Your faith that God will uphold us, as I’m sure you know, is exactly what He promised.
Your reminder takes me to the old hymn “How Firm a Foundation”. It was R. E. Lee’s favorite. His troops knew this and would often serenade him with it. The version below, I imagine, sounds almost like it might have sounded on such an o…
Your faith that God will uphold us, as I’m sure you know, is exactly what He promised.
Your reminder takes me to the old hymn “How Firm a Foundation”. It was R. E. Lee’s favorite. His troops knew this and would often serenade him with it. The version below, I imagine, sounds almost like it might have sounded on such an occasion in a small town church near here, where Lee and his soldiers routinely worshiped in the uncertain days of 1863/4. I hope you will listen, enjoy and be uplifted:
Thank you, Sophie.
Your faith that God will uphold us, as I’m sure you know, is exactly what He promised.
Your reminder takes me to the old hymn “How Firm a Foundation”. It was R. E. Lee’s favorite. His troops knew this and would often serenade him with it. The version below, I imagine, sounds almost like it might have sounded on such an occasion in a small town church near here, where Lee and his soldiers routinely worshiped in the uncertain days of 1863/4. I hope you will listen, enjoy and be uplifted:
We know Who wins in the end!