I concur. He would be a far better Justice than he is a Senator. I like the guy, but I’m tired of hearing him preach with no action by anyone afterward. The GOP has a lot og good people on the Hill, just little leadership and far less action. The caucus could easily pass for a retirement home.
what he lacks in medical knowledge he possess in terms of medical skepticism. We need more of that. After our VAX disaster, how could an anti-vaxx guy possibly be the 'wrong guy?'
I like you Jester- IF you can't afford a blue button, one will be supplied. When I see your blue button, you will receive a $100 Amazon gift card to offset the charge. Win-Win
If I recall, Yeltsin was the 1st President of Russia after Gorbachev, and at one point the Russian Deep State was trying to move Yeltsin out of the Presidency, but a remarkable thing happened and 150,000+ ordinary Russians came to rally at his residence, defending him. For Russia, this was unusual and touted as a sign of nascent democracy in Russia. Yeltsin prevailed, and I think his dancing thing arose after that (he publicly danced more than once). Someone else may remember the history better, but I think eventually Yeltsin reverted to more typical Communist behavior.
Is there any question Mitch McConnell is owned, bought and paid for by the Deep State? The Senate will be our biggest road block. It is run no different than the Mafia -- with the code of omertà alive and well. They still have wet dreams of doing business as usual...
Elaine Chow, McConnell’s wife is the connected one in DC. Mitch is just a side piece that frustrates R senate candidates by funding non-winners and unfunding winnable races.
We haven't seen or heard much about McConnell since Thune's election as Senate Leader. I can't help but picturing McConnell sitting in the background there someplace and still calling the shots.
Trump45 figured that out; Trump47 has developed his plans on how to Build a beautiful Wall, and the NewUSA, with 4 years on the ‘bench/docket’ to devise strategies, select proper Hammers, and line up Tongs, to overcome a different group of Mafia. AG has t/b the Superman - a DC savvy EMP to stagger them in droves - cannot be a stupid coward like Jeff Sessions and surrender the field w just a whimper. Cupboard full of fresh Jiffy Pop ready for 21st century Rope-a-Dope of Lazy Carrion Birds in the WWilson bastardised Senate.
It is delicious - you want him as AG or his beaming mug in your Senate Cloakroom 3 days a week, a few months out of the year when those lazy bastards aren’t out w lobbyists…
I’ve said so many times, the GOP is our biggest problem. We would not have an out of control Dem party accomplishing so much if the GOP knew how to fight. When Senate membership became a profession, their whole business model changed. Same is true of the Dems.
The only name on that list I recognize is Usha Vance, and she’s the last person I’d pick. Not bc she wouldn’t do a far better job than Sotomayor, but because I want JD and his family to remain as normal as possible.
Cartels can fly them on deadheading drug cash jets, but they really cannot beat free transport anywhere in the US, complements of Tulsi Gabbard’s DHS. Bush43 has to be proud of his progeny.
Load them on C-17 Globemasters, give them a chute and drop them as far south as possible. Give them a recipe book for penguin in their native language.
I was thrilled with Greg Abbott when he shipped the illegals to Blue places--and he truly DID change the course of this election by putting illegal immigration in the forefront of the national consciousness. So kudos for that.
But then--I canNOT understand why he stopped doing it. Is the correct phrase "he pulled his punches", meaning he folded, he did not keep landing these marvelous blows against the Left. it was incredibly frustrating to watch him stop using the single most effective weapon we had in this election.
We have been focusing a disproportionate amount of attention on our frustrations with the RINO Republicans--and have done virtually nothing to attack Democratic House incumbents. Even if we were to get perfection on the Republican side, the Democrats are virtually tied with us in the House, and they always vote in lockstep with Marxist Leader Hakeem Jeffries.
We really need to focus on undercutting these Democratic members of the House. The single best way would be to ship immigrants specifically to their Districts. You KNOW their constituents would turn on them. It is extremely frustrating that Abbott and DeSantis stopped this program. If they would be aggressive about it, we could win a really big House majority in the 2026 interim elections, and no longer have every House vote teeter on a razor edge.
Isn't it just possible, TPG, the Feds made him an offer he couldn't refuse? Texas receives over $102 billion in federal funds that make up a significant portion of the state's budget. Federal aid is critical for many areas of Texas's budget. Silly me-our govt would nevah threaten anyone.🙃
I think that's possible, but I think it may have more to do with big TX employers wanting cheap labor & his donors probably leaned on him. Plus, he made his point & made it well. And there are diminishing returns on moves like that........NYC & Chicago furious with their mayors' handout programs, Venezuelan gangs taking over Aurora CO, etc etc........at one point, if he kept it up, I think those mayors could have successfully blamed Abbott instead of the federal govt's immigration policy, which is what the public now blames. And voted accordingly.
'That’s not true. Denver does not have the highest immigrant population per capita. Hialeah, Florida does. Denver isn’t even first in its state. Aurora is'. Let's call a spade, a spade. Don. You know they're lying every time they move their lips.
About confirming his nominees to his cabinet... The Trumpster has made his reputation by accomplishing things many things that experts say couldn't be done. I am excited to watch him work his magic when he gets back in the oval office. No more mister nice guy this time.....
I think RFK jr will have a tougher time being confirmed than either Gaetz or Hegseth or Gabbard. The FDA and other organizations are positively going nuclear over his nomination. Lots of money at stake here. One thing is for sure, the pushback to these nominations is clear indication that our government is totally corrupted and has been allowed to get far to cozy with the companies they supposedly regulate, not to mention the Dem party itself. Get ready for the winter of civil war over these nominations. The outcome will decide Trumps four year term in many ways. It will also showcase the GOP unity on the Hill or lack of it. If they can’t unite to confirm these nominations, the GOP will get destroyed in the mid-terms. And rightfully so.
You didn’t have the obvious SCOTUS selection. Ted Cruz. Roberts might have a nervous breakdown.
I concur. He would be a far better Justice than he is a Senator. I like the guy, but I’m tired of hearing him preach with no action by anyone afterward. The GOP has a lot og good people on the Hill, just little leadership and far less action. The caucus could easily pass for a retirement home.
all hat and no cattle
And that’s too bad. Kennedy is a funny guy.
what he lacks in medical knowledge he possess in terms of medical skepticism. We need more of that. After our VAX disaster, how could an anti-vaxx guy possibly be the 'wrong guy?'
I love it when he eats up a couple of Biden choices before lunch!
All good men, just no leadership.
Not a trick question. Name, three better. If you win, I buy you the blue button. If you lose, meh, just another welcher.
yes but of the choices offered, Habba was the obvious one. She has been a wonderful defender of our once and future President!
Of course she is; but I was feeling my Malt-o-Meal this morning. Some say oats.
Mike Lee or Ted Cruz.
I had to look up most of the poll options. Don Willett was highly praised by Ted Cruz, so that's who I voted for.
Seeing Roberts begin to cry and take his ball and go home would be precious.
Yes! I thought of Cruz too!!
Need young people who will be there a while.
Or even Dershowitz would be hilarious!! And he’s so old DJT could probably replace him too and get two for one!
Want to see heads explode? RFK Jr.
He is still a Democrat-never forget that. Still left thinking.
I agree, I'm just envisioning how the leftists would go ape shit.
He does check a lot of boxes. More than a WASP
I thought the obvious choice was Judge Judy
Preach it, brother. But she is a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat. Bless her heart.
Huge democrat donor Chuck so pass.
I just learned, from Don, that shitshow is one word.
Does anybody else do the Trump Dance while sitting at the computer?
Oh baby!
No, but I say, "Hi, precious!" each time I see him on TV our YouTube.
I like you Jester- IF you can't afford a blue button, one will be supplied. When I see your blue button, you will receive a $100 Amazon gift card to offset the charge. Win-Win
I can never get enough of the Trump dance! It is just pure joy!
Thanks for sharing this. It's so good to start the day feeling happy!
I thought it was fun seeing Milei doing his version of the Trump dance at Mar a Lago gala this weekend
Thanks for the tip. Great catch.
Here's a video of former Russian President Boris Yeltsin dancing:
If I recall, Yeltsin was the 1st President of Russia after Gorbachev, and at one point the Russian Deep State was trying to move Yeltsin out of the Presidency, but a remarkable thing happened and 150,000+ ordinary Russians came to rally at his residence, defending him. For Russia, this was unusual and touted as a sign of nascent democracy in Russia. Yeltsin prevailed, and I think his dancing thing arose after that (he publicly danced more than once). Someone else may remember the history better, but I think eventually Yeltsin reverted to more typical Communist behavior.
Funny, and doing the Twist!
Is there any question Mitch McConnell is owned, bought and paid for by the Deep State? The Senate will be our biggest road block. It is run no different than the Mafia -- with the code of omertà alive and well. They still have wet dreams of doing business as usual...
What's going on in Pennsylvania right now is further proof that the Democrat party is fully a crime syndicate.
the only one you could trust to be on top of that shitshow is elon musk.
Elaine Chow, McConnell’s wife is the connected one in DC. Mitch is just a side piece that frustrates R senate candidates by funding non-winners and unfunding winnable races.
His Chinese SIL sits on the board of The Bank of China. Along with China-Wife, that’s more than enough China for me.
Chi-nah. He’s owned by Chi-nah.
Even has a live in handler.
We haven't seen or heard much about McConnell since Thune's election as Senate Leader. I can't help but picturing McConnell sitting in the background there someplace and still calling the shots.
Just like his pal Obama has done.
You could be right. Thune has always been a McConnell acolyte. He is always standing behind the Turtle during any announcement.
Maybe he is somewhere, frozen in time.
We can only hope.
Trump45 figured that out; Trump47 has developed his plans on how to Build a beautiful Wall, and the NewUSA, with 4 years on the ‘bench/docket’ to devise strategies, select proper Hammers, and line up Tongs, to overcome a different group of Mafia. AG has t/b the Superman - a DC savvy EMP to stagger them in droves - cannot be a stupid coward like Jeff Sessions and surrender the field w just a whimper. Cupboard full of fresh Jiffy Pop ready for 21st century Rope-a-Dope of Lazy Carrion Birds in the WWilson bastardised Senate.
And that's my 4th horseman, Matt. Matt!
All well and good but don't think AG will be Matt Gaetz. Frankly I think we might be better served with Gaetz in the Senate.
Elon said today he’ll bring him into DOGE with a special assignment to investigate corruption in the House and senate.
It is delicious - you want him as AG or his beaming mug in your Senate Cloakroom 3 days a week, a few months out of the year when those lazy bastards aren’t out w lobbyists…
Realistically though, he will never get confirmed as AG. He can be appointed to the Senate.
No way, Adorable. He's the guy that squealed on the inside trading in the house. They would “Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war” in the Senate.
I’ve said so many times, the GOP is our biggest problem. We would not have an out of control Dem party accomplishing so much if the GOP knew how to fight. When Senate membership became a profession, their whole business model changed. Same is true of the Dems.
They know how to fight! They've been keeping conservatives at bay for decades.
The only name on that list I recognize is Usha Vance, and she’s the last person I’d pick. Not bc she wouldn’t do a far better job than Sotomayor, but because I want JD and his family to remain as normal as possible.
Alina Habba is the kickass and beautiful attorney that DJT had on his NYC bs law cases.
And there’s the problem. She is much too hot to hang out with that bunch. Pardon the sexist opinion.
That reminds me of the waitress sandwich that Chris Dodd and Teddy the K made.
“Hold the mayo!”
Ha! IDK, DJT usually hires good looking people, men or women.
Perhaps those first class plane tickets could be used to fly them back to their home countries.
Nah, they walked north to the border; bus them to the border and let them walk south.
Cartels can fly them on deadheading drug cash jets, but they really cannot beat free transport anywhere in the US, complements of Tulsi Gabbard’s DHS. Bush43 has to be proud of his progeny.
Load them on C-17 Globemasters, give them a chute and drop them as far south as possible. Give them a recipe book for penguin in their native language.
Send them to Guantanamo
If we house them at Gitmo, we have to feed them. A few extra bucks on gas and any who can swim become Australia's problem.
Air Pinochet could probably handle it.
I was thrilled with Greg Abbott when he shipped the illegals to Blue places--and he truly DID change the course of this election by putting illegal immigration in the forefront of the national consciousness. So kudos for that.
But then--I canNOT understand why he stopped doing it. Is the correct phrase "he pulled his punches", meaning he folded, he did not keep landing these marvelous blows against the Left. it was incredibly frustrating to watch him stop using the single most effective weapon we had in this election.
We have been focusing a disproportionate amount of attention on our frustrations with the RINO Republicans--and have done virtually nothing to attack Democratic House incumbents. Even if we were to get perfection on the Republican side, the Democrats are virtually tied with us in the House, and they always vote in lockstep with Marxist Leader Hakeem Jeffries.
We really need to focus on undercutting these Democratic members of the House. The single best way would be to ship immigrants specifically to their Districts. You KNOW their constituents would turn on them. It is extremely frustrating that Abbott and DeSantis stopped this program. If they would be aggressive about it, we could win a really big House majority in the 2026 interim elections, and no longer have every House vote teeter on a razor edge.
Isn't it just possible, TPG, the Feds made him an offer he couldn't refuse? Texas receives over $102 billion in federal funds that make up a significant portion of the state's budget. Federal aid is critical for many areas of Texas's budget. Silly me-our govt would nevah threaten anyone.🙃
Elon & Vivek have PDJT47’s blessing to ID the Blue $, and squeeze/impound when needed…
Yep--clearly SOMETHING caused him to halt that program. What a disappointment it was.
Colony Ridge started expanding.
Abbott can keep them on his reservation.
I think that's possible, but I think it may have more to do with big TX employers wanting cheap labor & his donors probably leaned on him. Plus, he made his point & made it well. And there are diminishing returns on moves like that........NYC & Chicago furious with their mayors' handout programs, Venezuelan gangs taking over Aurora CO, etc etc........at one point, if he kept it up, I think those mayors could have successfully blamed Abbott instead of the federal govt's immigration policy, which is what the public now blames. And voted accordingly.
Trump’s nominee for Energy Secretary is a law abiding man. He will follow the law. The laws of physics, the laws of thermodynamics …
...the laws of economics.
Abbott ain’t perfect but he isn’t a Michigan Republican either.
He knows how to eat a tamale….
'That’s not true. Denver does not have the highest immigrant population per capita. Hialeah, Florida does. Denver isn’t even first in its state. Aurora is'. Let's call a spade, a spade. Don. You know they're lying every time they move their lips.
I think every border town in Texas tops Denver in percentage of unwanted invasive species.
About confirming his nominees to his cabinet... The Trumpster has made his reputation by accomplishing things many things that experts say couldn't be done. I am excited to watch him work his magic when he gets back in the oval office. No more mister nice guy this time.....
Dosen't have to be reelected.
I would like to see one 6 yr term for president, for that reason.
Just like Mexico? Be careful what you wish for.
I think RFK jr will have a tougher time being confirmed than either Gaetz or Hegseth or Gabbard. The FDA and other organizations are positively going nuclear over his nomination. Lots of money at stake here. One thing is for sure, the pushback to these nominations is clear indication that our government is totally corrupted and has been allowed to get far to cozy with the companies they supposedly regulate, not to mention the Dem party itself. Get ready for the winter of civil war over these nominations. The outcome will decide Trumps four year term in many ways. It will also showcase the GOP unity on the Hill or lack of it. If they can’t unite to confirm these nominations, the GOP will get destroyed in the mid-terms. And rightfully so.
Recess appointing
Good blackmail pics Elon has filched from RICO guys over at FBI, and/or Hillary’s BleachBit server in Chappaqua, or Bidens Delaware garage….
Trump can adjourn both the House and Senate.
Mitch will truly look like Trump's bitch.