“deranged Democrat Senator….” Can be written before any of the deranged loser democrats. Please continue.

It’s always a dead giveaway. Any bill Chuckie Schumer likes is bad for America.

Add delirious Pierre Delecto to the list. If he’s for it, it is bad for America.

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How many Republican senators are not deranged? I think I can count three maybe four the rest are as traitorous has a Democrats. They even may evil, since we know that the Democrats are scum.

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Exactly. There are about 12 decepticons(McConnell, Cornyn, Grahamnesty, et al) that are globalist China lickers...

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that is why the turtle sent money to AK and ME to keep his Rino cohorts in office.

No money for NV, AZ,GA

He just wants to remain, not legislate.. he can just let Schumer run things

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and killed funding to any other Republican runners. Thereby making sure there was no red wave in 22.

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Yep, to highlight 'how toxic' Trump was. It is ALL about keeping YOU out of their grift.

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The picture of Schumer and smug McConnell, I think right before the press conference where they announced the bill but nothing in the bill. They look like 2 schoolboys who had just stolen the pies that were for lunch, and thought no one would notice or know it was them. Pissed me right off.

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I hate the turtle more than Chuckie.

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Me too

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Chuck “The Schmuck” Schumer has never been called to account on two important comments:

A) The “intelligence agencies have six ways to Sunday to get back at you” comment.

B) The “You listen to me, Kavanaugh & Gorsuch, you will reap the whirlwind” comment.

A: Who wants to live in a country where if you take on the powers-that-be your life gets ruined?! So much for free speech, huh? This country wasn’t founded on that!

B: He’s blatantly attempting to bully & intimidate two SC justices into backing away from doing their constitutional duty as SC justices.

He should be censured, shamed, kicked out of Congress, & - if appropriate (I’m not a lawyer) - prosecuted. Have no idea what’s in the minutiae of the law vis-a-vis SC justices. I suspect if Schumer had an “R” behind his name he’d already be doing 10 to 20 for some type of felony.

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Great points. I believe the threats to the justices were illegal.

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Only if made by a Repub.

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You need to have your responses ready when your friends ask silly questions about this supposed compromise bill. I have my three answers in my opining for the day. Do you have yours? If not, take a look.

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Twenty five states are lined up in support of Texas. Several more may be added over the next few months. Trump has the ability to bulldoze the Dems...if those states stay together and support him. And Mike Johnson damn well better live up to his words. He said, "Any border "shutdown" authority that ALLOWS even one illegal crossing is a non-starter. Thousands each day is outrageous. The number must be ZERO."

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POLL: "Will there be a civil war?"

The answer is 'Yes' - no matter what words come after it. We've reached the boiling point; too many Americans are suffering from the maleficent decisions of this administration: crime (because of an open border), the economy, Covid mandate residue (and the fear/suspicion of the next "medical emergency").

We're done; stick a fork in it. If there's anything resembling a fair election in November, Trump will be 47.

Since the Dems are in control of every federal agency, I'm beginning to doubt that election will happen. Then civil war will be inevitable.

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If they attempt rig the election, or to cancel the election through some “National emergency”, I believe the same states you see in support of Texas (hopefully more), will unify to stand against the Federal government’s illegal usurpation of power, and then will be the true standoff, and “Civil War” that’s being set up as we speak. It may or may not be bloody, but I don’t expect the Dems to go quietly into their good night.

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I think our Lord said that much prayer and fasting is required to cast out these sorts of demons (oops! dems).

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The Dems want civil war badly. Anything to take more control or even instill some form of martial law benefits them and makes the MAGA crowd look like the insurrectionists the media will show.

Revolution is a risky and tricky business. I have much greater respect for what the founders did. I think they were far smarter than we are today.

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they want war with iran. they want war with russia. they want war with china. war makes them all rich because they don't fight the wars.

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When I was in uniform, we would joke about all the armchair George Pattons who were never going to have to suffer for their decisions.

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CCR comes to mind.. they send our kids.. not theirs. Somehow their kids get "college deferments."

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They think they will win and it will be bloodless. It wouldnt. The dems never send their kids to the military, it is usually the red states. soooo their thinking is based on a faulty premise that 'they' the Dems, wont pay a price for this shit.

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I don't think a lot of young people in Canada, the U.S., or Europe would fight. They just aren't interested and don't see the benefits of getting killed or maimed for life for causes they simply don't believe in. Both my kids said they would never volunteer or accepted to be conscripted. So who exactly is going to fight these wars the War Pigs want?

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You mean, the Dems are ready for a civil war, by mobilizing their fearsome drag queens and buttle-hardened LGBTQRSTVXYZ freaks? That should be fascinating.

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No. Trannies aren’t in the Dem pending army. The Dems (Obama) have a surrogate army of the BLM crowd plus the thousands of military aged males who have illegally crossed the border.

The dems are very smart about playing stupid. If there is a citizens militia that begins to defend our Constitution, they won’t be suppressed by our military or the tranny squad. They will be attacked by the goon squads that were called up in Portland, except there will be real imported terrorists in that crowd. And, Biden will claim he had nothing to do with it and blame Trump. It will be Obama's "army", not our military.

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I suspect you are right Shrugged.

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Whoever they are paying to protest for Hamas may be the same crew, but will riot and shoot to kill on demand I expect.

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You’re right about that. Obama said he wanted his own "army" when he was is office. I don't recall how he said it, but here we are looking at Obama running the puppet strings and by God he has his army on call when he needs to distract and destroy.

To your point, just where did all these Hamas cheer leaders come from? Who organizes them? From who do they get their money and supplies for their destruction?

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The same “foundations” and NGO’s that are supporting the democrat machine. Soros is the big name but “they” are all at it - think a liberal Foundation and they support social justice organizations, mental health, gay/lesbian, education “reform” activists and they all get grants and know where to call up for action. Mostly I think by now they don’t need to be told what to do or how to do it. The templates for signs and slogans show up online or in text and voila, instant protest. The Gates Foundation funds a big umbrella foundation based in DC that sends money all over the country, all manner of activism. It’s well choreographed. And as for NGO’s - they are funded in large part by taxpayer money.

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Shrugged, I think you are right about Obama's army. Back when the ObamaCare bill ("Affordable" Care Act) was first passed, I did some reading of the actual text of the bill. I remember being surprised and concerned that there was a section that in the event of a health emergency, the President was authorized to create a domestic army, under the SOLE control of the President. It was separate from the National Guard and our regular military. No purpose was given for which the army could be used, though it's placement in the AFA implied it was to be used to maintain order in a health emergency. But that was how an innocent person would interpret it. The law itself did not say the purpose for which this separate army under the control of the President could be deployed.

It may sound strange, but I personally also read a provision that allowed the government to confiscate the gold holdings of private citizens.

At the time ObamaCare was passed, we were all still pretty innocent about things. But in retrospect, the presence of the above provisions (if they were still in the bill when it finally passed) are ominous, and would indicate that there was "premeditation" in how these powers would be used in a national health emergency. It also makes Nancy Pelosi's statement--"We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it" more ominous as well.

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I think Civil War is not the correct title. It think it would be Citizens against the Federal Government that under our Declaration of Independence, we no longer agree with, and hence want to change its form - to FOLLOW the Instructions of the We The People.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

>>>>That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. "<<<<<<

THIS IS WHERE WE ARE. G-d bless the Wisdom of the Founders of our nation. When the first shot at a federal government failed - The Articles of Incorporation, Our founders scrapped that and created the US Constitution. That was not complete, so the BILL OF RIGHTS were added G-d bless Geo Mason for getting them added - even though everyone thought 'they were not needed b/c everyone knew those were understood t/b part of the Constitution & didn't need t/b written out'. Now we are seeing how these Protections from England are now necessary from violations our current tyrannical trending Federal Government is doing, 300 years later.

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no civil war mike. ask yourself this question: who is going to storm the ramparts first? exactly who? trump? mtg? tucker? gov. noem?

not happening my friend. if it was, it would have.

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Dr. Peter Chambers is an extraordinary man who has been integral in organizing the convoy to the border and bringing attention to the crisis.

He is featured toward the end of this podcast with Tucker and Paxton as well.

It has a few commercial breaks so hang in through them to hear the whole thing (about 40+ minutes in all).


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They been poking and poking trying for a response.. they may get one..

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Rev, I think this country is in trouble regardless of which side gets elected. People can feel it in the air. If Trump wins the Left will create havoc. If Trump loses patriots will finally say enough. At least that’s how I see it. With all the illegals from all over the world coming here unvetted I’m sure there are several terrorists. Our enemies view us as weak & are probably waiting to strike, be it cyber, EMP or terror attack. Our allies don’t trust us any longer as we have reneged on our partnerships. My only hope is in Jesus Christ.

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forgive my pessimism but i don't trust black voters a lick. every cycle it seems we're told the black vote is drifting right and is coming around and by gosh....it doesn't. i'll leave it there. anything else i say will just be piling on.

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What’s interesting to watch now with regard to the border issue, is how, historically, the Democrats “ghettoized” blacks in order to make them a perpetual grievance vote for their party.

They now are attempting to do the same thing with the hordes of illegals, but as needs must, are crowding them into those same black ghettos, (as, heavens forbid!, the elites won’t have them anywhere near their neighborhoods), thus siphoning off the black share of handouts. The black communities are now onto the scheme and it’s a total backfire on the Dems.

Gotta love it!

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It seems to me the radicals (the Dems) just love having a slave class and they are importing a new one. The cartels are no better than the African chiefs who sold their enemy captives and own tribal undesirables in the 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries. (I’m pretty sure they did it before the Europeans got involved, as have every nation/state which ended up with prisoners of wars over territory or other. Non-citizens and captives became slaves and assets.) The credentialed snobs making policy are willingly supporting slavery and sex trafficking.

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Yep, want to know where most racists are? DC.

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It seems to me a person bringing up racism in a conversation is the racist in the room.

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Not sure your meaning but if you are directing that to me, you are wrong. I'm no racist, but I am sick to death of the whole "black Americans have to be treated differently" issue. But different than what? They are Americans and color doesn't matter. So why should we still be treating them differently and giving them deference on issues? Black Americans ARE Americans, and it's time THEY realized they got everything they marched for and then some. Now comes the hard part, taking personal responsibility for all those rights as Americans. How many trillions of dollars do we have to spend before that happens? If that is racist saying that then I can't help it.

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Not aiming at you but the talking heads and msm.Racists promote racism !!

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blacks won't vote for trump or any other candidate not a dem. they'll simply demand more free shit from the donks (who are already in charge)...and they'll get it too.

in fact i would say this border bs actually advances the reparations agenda and guess which party pushes that? no they'll stick with equity over equal opportunity. like always.

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"The blacks" aren't a monolithic bloc, though. There's a big difference between lower class ghetto blacks that are dysfunctional and want all the handouts. The middle class blacks are a whole 'nother story, though. They embody solid American virtues, work hard, have stable families, send their kids to college, often have an active faith affiliation, etc. These are the folks that are moving to Trump.

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but at least in Chicago, the blacks are not getting the free shit, its going to the illegals. It has them totally pissed off. The new mayor is not smart enough to promise the blacks they will get their stuff then never deliver like always.

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Drag a free iphone thru the streets and you have locked up the black vote. No, I’m not a racist, just someone who sees reality and is fed up with it.

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When the SH*T hits the fan.. I want to be OUT of the cities.. hunger makes one violent

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Although black communities are unhappy about sharing the “ghetto pie” with illegal aliens, none of that will matter come “counting the ‘votes’ days and weeks.” The dems who count the votes have their fraudulent, magical voting machines at the ready for that eventuality.

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Is it the black voters or is it the pollsters and journalists feeding us garbage?

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Don, hearts are changing slowly. Things that change slowly are like oak trees that grow slowly and are unmovable.

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none remember the south were DEM (KKK).. and Dred Scott... NONE

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"Democrats and RINOs desperately try to wipe the open borders off their shoes" that’s a subhead you can’t write when you are a mere employee.

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I mean you write it but it isn't published.

"Great line, Don" always meant it was gone

Write for a newspaper for one year. That's it. Move on

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Every day I am grateful that You’reNotTheBoss of me - aka DonS - presents an essay in clear, declarative sentences written in the active voice without euphemism. An invasion is an invasion, the strategy presented by the administration is stupid and best of all : “His (Trump’s) whole presidency is based on a desire to close the border.” I wish more conservative “experts” would follow the same rubric. Tell the truth. Don’t treat fellow citizens as uninformed, disinterested, incapable morons.

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Byron Donalds as veep could be a major key in November. He's a good guy, and a no nonsense guy.

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Donalds is alas also from Florida.

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Good man but can’t build consensus with fellow members. Typical of our party. Some good soldiers but no leaders.

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I'm not sure about that. How could anyone build consensus with someone that is compromised, fearful, and corrupt. I think Byron Donalds shows leadership in that he is one of the few people that speaks out bravely and clearly and persuasively to the entire country.

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Well, we seem to have a bunch of those passionate folks these days but what are they actually accomplishing besides getting my blood pressure up? I am past the talking stage here. I want to see some action and first place finishes for a change. So I guess we can agree to disagree on his leadership.

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Yes, we haven't gotten a "critical mass" of true patriots yet in Congress to get the kind of action we need.

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When we have more patriots than politicians things will improve.

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mostly a talker. he loves his position. the black and male version of marsha blackburn.

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The Border, Energy, the Economy Education, the Media, M/F relationships, Child/Parent Relationships, the Military.

Is there any aspect of NA life these d-rat ghouls haven’t poisoned beyond repair?

The Democrats need to be destroyed root and branch. Those that openly or surreptitiously promoted this need to face a court charged with treason, with summary executions in a public demonstration, over and over again until public's trust in authority is re-established.

And for you Civil War fans out there. There are lots of alternatives available before a shooting resolution is called for, beginning with state nullification of federally imposed law right up to secession. Not only is a Civil War the worst conflagration that can be experienced by any people, it’s a gift that falls right into our enemies hands. Ask any of our military who watched terrible Civil Wars unfold like the Balkan atrocity.

If you want to read about that before subjecting your families (particularly your women and children) to it read

‘SHTF Survival Stories’ by Selco Begovic.

We clearly have to act! But first we have to think…clearly!

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We agree on this. It always bothers me when people are so quick to advocate for war or nukeing someone because the same people would rarely be expected to be the ones to go fight and die. Lyndsay Graham does this monthly, knowing he is safe and warm at home. Arguing for open conflict is arguing for anarchy essentially because no one is going to be in control once the shooting starts. But to remain violence free, our elected representatives must do their part to support the people. If they don’t then they are of no value and are conceding to a violent outcome.

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Also very well put.

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Amen Brother! I used to post on another site under the name ‘RedDogRed’

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Very well put Chuck.

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Byron Donalds on Mayorkas: “He’s lied to Congress. If you ignore the fact that a Cabinet secretary has perjured himself before Congress because you’re concerned about your reelection then you should leave. That’s my position.”

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It’s soooo hard to believe any of them at this point

This has been going on for 3.2 YEARS! And suddenly they’re all popping their cowardly little heads up and all outraged?! Could it be an election year? Oh yeah.

They’ve been AWOL on so much for so long and left us all out here to hang while they’ve given the Dems almost everything they want.

I don’t trust a single one them.

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I'm with you. They piss and moan instead of legislate. And they are a divided party. Let's hope for a house cleaning in November.

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On a good week, they hold a Congressional committee hearing that is all talk. It enables a handful of conservatives to get media sound bytes sounding really tough and concerned. By Friday, they are smiling and back-slapping each other in happy hour.

Fauci - the global murdering terrorist - is still a free man.

Mayorkus - the national welcome wagon for global terrorists - is still in office.

The CDC and FDA have not been reigned in and continue to weaponize their regulations.

And, the border is still wide open while great hand-wringing continues.

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And the innocent J6 prisoners are still in their cells while Ray Epps strolls away with a slight tingling in his wrist.

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Yes, this is a big one too.

The J6 treatment - given all that has been very questionable about FBI involvement - is enough to cause a "grand insurrection" by itself.

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Left out the most nefarious one of all. The IC. The one with the stranglehold over the Swamp via blackmail.

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You have forgotten the Republicans' most effective weapon - their nuclear bomb - THE STRONGLY WORDED LETTER!

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And the band plays on, Shrugged.

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Both party’s.

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Keep the money flowing.....can't shut the Crucial treasury/Fed printing presses.....

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One could say that the real constitutional crisis today is not the southern border but the total capitulation on the part of the House and Senate to follow the law. They better get the message because there wont be any do-overs for them if they fail.

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Truly! I fail to understand why, if YOU see and comprehend what’s going on, and I and other “just folks” like ourselves do also, and are scared out of our wits as to where all this is heading, why on God good earth don’t they see it too and the grave urgency of stopping it in its tracks?

Do they breathe a different oxygen?

That they can be so utterly complacent and complicit in their positions I will never, ever comprehend.

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I reluctantly live for now in Alexandria Virginia. The entire region is a different country than the one most people live in. Everyone owes their jobs to the federal government in some fashion here. Its a foreign country in terms of what makes it tic. We have 3million federal employees today, not counting contractors and part time employees. Big government is a culture no different than some foreign one. It acts to protect itself and build its size because size brings power. I have wittinesses first hand how seemingly good people can twist and contort an issue to benefit their interests…. first. I honestly doubt anything is going to reduce the size and power of the federal machine until our economy collapses and defaults follow. Mr. Trump isn't going to do it in four years. Just understand that when you have essentially 3,000,000 employees that are unelected but in charge of a country, you will always be fighting for your rights and freedoms.

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Maybe Abbott should start bussing a few thousand immigrants into Alexandria and see how they like it then? But they’d probably pull a “Martha’s Vineyard” in about a nano-second.

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Notice how all these illegals rarely get dumped in wealthy neighborhoods or gated ones? In my neighborhood, the illegals are the house cleaners, landscapers, and nanny's, because they are cheap labor. That's why the US Chamber of Commerce is not discussed here. We have a fake society today with the people who are making the decisions being some of the biggest proponents of the invasion .........................right up until the crime problem in their neighborhood gets bad or their family is a victim of illegals. We have lost our moral compass as a country.

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Interesting to hear. Each federal agency or department that is closed will help. Start with 1, then another, etc.

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There needs to be a top to bottom IMPARTIAL review of all agencies in the federal government along with recommendations afterward. Why do we need a hundred thousand employees in Dept of Ed when every state in the union has the same department? Why do we need a Bureau of Labor when they perform no labor and generate no value to the country? Wish Attilia the Hun was running on the GOP ticket.

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Amen Suzie.

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He’s right but too little too late.

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Anyone with half a brain knows that the Democrats are responsible for the border fiasco. Therefore, it’s more clear now than ever, that Joe Biden has less than half a brain.

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I like what Mark Krikorian wrote about this disaster of a Senate bill that gives Biden the authority to exercise his powers to stop the flow of illegals--powers he already has--once it hits 5,000 illegals per day: “That’s more than 1.8 million illegal aliens a year, something this administration would treat as a target, rather than a trigger.”

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Yes, it’s a horrible sham of a proposal. But then, thats pretty typical, isn’t it?

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Seeing the pendulum change direction is a fascinating thing to watch. This coupled with the article I just read on defining women legally in just about half the states now, tells me that there is hope that the Pendulum has hit its turning point and sanity might prevail to save us from the minority that would take away our ability to deal in reality.

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Don, we are the same age. I grew up in Florida where we kids went barefoot all summer long, except on Sundays at church. You haven’t experienced dog shit until you’ve had to clean it out from between your toes.

As to the black vote, one positive note. I have blacks in my extended family, one of whom has always been conservative and a big Trump supporter. He is slowly pulling the rest of his family off the demonicrat plantation. There is hope.

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Amen, I have a couple of neighbors that are seeing the light too.

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On this matter of civil war, we shouldn’t be myopic and fall for the “you may have an AR, but you don’t have F-16s” line of crap. There are other ways to fight back.

Read: By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission by Charles Murray

Also read: The Power of the Powerless by Vaclav Havel

…for examples and inspiration.

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You may have your muskets and your long rifles, but you don't have Hessians

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They did have a barfly (pubcrawler?) by the name of Paul Revere (before he and the Raiders hit it big).

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This was an incomplete thought, unless you were able to read my mind.

Paul Revere was not only the equivalent of the internet, allowing disparate groups to communicate thru him. Actually, he was more like proton mail, encrypted and uncrackable.

Any true civil war will require that. And I mean a benign, non-shooting war (except in self-defense).

We haven’t chosen the weapons (‘they bring a knife, we bring a gun’ BHO [ripping off Sean Connery]). But George Washington, et al were our Fathers. And they waged a God-ordained resistance against tyranny.)

So, all I’m saying is ‘Raise a glass, to Brother Revere’.

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They're coming across the border every day. Texas had 300,000 in December alone.....

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The Battle of New Orleans comes to mind in 1814.

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Kurt Schlichter has written a couple of articles showing how the citizenry can beat the government and he should know with his military background. Not to mention that the Texas Air National Guard has a pretty impressive lineup of fighter jets of its own. As do other states.

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I pay more heed to PlaysWithNeedles than Schlicter since he became a NeverTrumper (or a NotThisTimerTrumper). Reminds me of when Ret. LtCol Ralph Peters (short-lived Fox darling) went off the deep end- blaming the problems of the ME on evangelicals.

A brilliant military historian enlightened me, when he replied to my question, saying Lt Colonels are a dime a dozen, and he far rather know what Sgt Boggs (my son then in Iraq) thought.

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Then you must have missed Kurt’s post-DeSantis suspension of campaign column that called for all DeSantis supporters to enthusiastically support Trump.

The take-away point I recall had to do with leading men into battle as Kurt has done and has suffered loss. He asserts (rightfully) that Trump values life and will not squander (Kurt’s word) military lives as Joementia has done and will do in the future.

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I did miss that. Good for him for coming to his senses.

Do you recall seeing anything amounting to repentance for turning on him as he so boldly did before. Ant mea culpa whatsoever?

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Here’s the title on Townhall, “Time for Us DeSantis Supporters to Rally Around Donald Trump.” Kurt is quite forceful in his support of Trump. It’s worth a search and read.

I think it’s important to give everyone the chance to change his mind especially when faced with a binary presidential election. We have an uphill battle against all the evils of Hell so we should welcome all comers whatever path they took to arrive in agreement with us.

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You make good points.

Perhaps mine is a guy thing.

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Spot on Sophie.

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There are two groups of folks who can beat the government rather easily. Farmers and truckers. If these two groups align, the government would capitulate quickly. Note what is going on in Europe right now with just the farmers. I will throw my lot in with farmers and truckers in a heartbeat because we can't live without them, but we can live without the Federal government for a few weeks until they cave.

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Biden blinked against Texas - conservative GOP voters know the compromise in Congress with Biden does nothing to stop the flow, the spin is admirable, but it is going nowhere. What will be coming out loud and clear is that Biden can close the border right now, if he wanted to. But he doesn't.

If any of your leftwing friends gives you an MSNBC talking point, suggest they learn how to read.

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Yes, read and understand.

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"Democrats and RINOs desperately try to wipe the open borders off their shoes"

It is infuriating just how stupid both documented and undocumented Democrats think we are.

"'That's the problem is — he’s not talking about what the American people want.'"

Not so, Little Tricky Nikki Quickie Hillary - chief among what we want is a closed southern border, because as long as tens of thousands of illegal aliens are coming over 24/7, everything else is compromised.

The Hill's coverage is blatantly dishonest, with THIS new, false narrative:

"Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) has made supporting the war in Ukraine a signature policy priority, but his efforts have been complicated by fellow Republicans, including former President Trump, who are moving the goalposts on the issue."


"...moving the goalposts on the issue."? Seriously? Apparently so.

"...his wins in Iowa and New Hampshire, coupled with his recent remarks calling for Republicans to oppose any border package short of H.R. 2, have complicated the path forward for the Senate."

Good - the senate needs to locked up as tight as someone who's on their second round of Imodium.

I can't wait for Mittens to go away.

"I thank Governor Abbott for changing public opinion about the invasion by sending the invaders to those smug, self-righteous sanctuary cities."

Giving credit where it's due is a hallmark of fair-minded people, but let's pump the brakes on any overly effusive praise of Gov. Wheels Abbott - yes, making the sanctuary cities live up to their talk is genius - but he still needs to be held to account for his reckless panic during the scamdemic.

We're ALREADY in a civil war - just not a hot one.

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Yes, we are. Have been for about the last dozen years or so starting with Obamas second term. But calling the lefts bluff here is not assured. If the House caves and agrees to that horrendous compromise bill, this will explode and the GOP will lose the House and Senate in 24. So GOP members on the Hill better think long and hard about their futures here.

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Yes, they should but likely will not. They can barely see beyond the ends of their noses, let alone the next election.

I expect the rose-coloured wing of the uniparty bird to not have the spine nor intestinal fortitude to call the left's bluff for the reason I've offered previously: the "Republicans" desperately DO NOT want to be the majority party - that means being accountable, and that is anathema to them.

They would much rather be in the minority, benefiting from having a seat at the table but not having to actually DO anything.

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Sometimes it is easier to be the weak party in a negotiation. You talk tough, demand a lot, and then settle for what you wanted all along. Then you let the party in power explain it to the critics. That is DC.

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Great phrases-- "Little Tricky Nikki Quickie Hillary" and "undocumented Democrats"!

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The only thing missing from little tricky nickki quickie hillary is the slimy oil in her hair. I get reminded of a slick used car salesman everytime I see her.

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Although DeSantis did not come off so well during his campaign, Nikki Haley has absolutely destroyed her political future. Boy has she been exposed as practically a Democrat. And as just out for fame and power.

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Was he slow on Covid, yes. Was he worse than Trump, absolutely not. I'll give credit where credit is due. Abbott found his voice and his weapon, and has used it brilliantly. And he has just shown that Biden and the feds have a certain paper tiger quality to them (which our foreign adversaries have also noticed) that has just granted every red state a huge amount of latitude in their dealings with the DC junta.

I congratulate him without reservation.

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That is a good point, Jim, about the feds response in Texas having a certain paper tiger quality to it.

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I'll respectfully disagree not with you, personally, but with your opinion.

Mine (and it could be incorrect) is that Abbott was every bit as knee-jerk in shutting down Texas as other governors were their respective states.

Yes, he was among the first to lift the mask mandates, but there are a lot of ruined lives and livelihoods on his hands.

I'm glad he's comporting himself thusly, and ought to be given credit, where credit is due.

I'm glad that Lt. Gov. Patrick, and AG Paxton are in his corner.

Just curious, are you a resident of Texas? Granted, my credibility may be diminished because I moved here from Illinois, hence NOT a native.

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I grew up in Illinois, but have watched in horror what has become of it. I am in the free state of Indiana, but was watching all the COVID stuff in my role as an HR Consultant in determining what clients should and should not be doing visa vi COVID. A lot of bad stuff out there. I'd put Texas in the better half of how states dealt with it, but there were certainly errors made, and Abbott was complicit in some of them.

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Glad you were able to escape Madiganistan!

I, myself, fled Illinois in 2018 in Autumn.

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I pray you are right Jim.

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Who on earth would think spinning this mess to make it look like Biden wants to close the border is a winner for the left? Good grief, after three years of Biden’s efforts to flood the country with cheap labor and future voters, no one ......... no one is that stupid. It only show you how desperate and hollow leftist politicians are today. The lefts plan was always to flood the country with as many illegals as they could. I will bet they even assigned a number to it. So now that they have succeeded they are ready to concede the issue, not because of the law but because more than half of the states are in open rebellion to a corrupt federal government and we are at a constitutional crisis akin to the start of the last civil war. Likewise, the left has skillfully created a bill in the Senate that is so onerous they know the GOP cannot accept it and have now made it look like the latter or the bad guys. Sorry, but there are limits on everything, even stupid. So spin away lefty’s. We are done with you. Some friends and I were curious why Abbott suddenly got a backbone on the issue. I said it was out of character for him given his largely do nothing efforts up to now. But there could be another reason; his future career. I suspect there is a good chance he and Mr. Trump have talked, and Mr. Abbott has voiced the desire for a high level cabinet position in the 2024 Trump administration and the boss agreed providing Abbott got tough on the invasion and told Biden to stuff it. Maybe the motive is less important than the significance of the move where individual states are now pushing back against federal over reach. Now that the GOP has finally found their backbones, it remains to be seen if the DC GOP will get the message and follow suit. Any bets?

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To be fair, there are lots of stupid, gullible people who think they’re well informed because they watch CNN and read The NY Times. They are unaware of any outside reality, because unless it smacks them in the face they just can’t see it.

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They found microphones, yeah, but I see no evidence of backbone. Show me your ACTIONS not just your empty words.

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