An endorsement by the Atlantic is like Willlie Sutton going to bat for the US Treasury Department. By the way how did they go about naming the rag the Atlantic? Was Shit's Creek already taken?

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Ha ha! Brilliant

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Since the purchase by Mrs. Microsoft the rag has gone fully into the tank for DEI, Reparations, Palestinians, Gender and all the rest. It is among a very few places that the Gilmore daughter would be able to find gainful employment today after earning a Yale journalism degree.

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Hi Cranky,

Yes it is a rag--though I have read the very occasional essay with some merit.

IIRC it is Mrs. Apple (i.e, Lauren Jobs, wife of Steve Jobs of Apple) that owns Atlantic.

Mrs Microsoft (Melinda Gates) has also moved into full scale political funding and endorsements via her own foundation since her divorce from Creepy Bill.

These people are not just far removed in $$, their worldview is off the charts as well.

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10/16/24: Fools and their money are soon parted.

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Correct, Laureen Powell Jobs (killer).

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They named it back when the filth and pollution off the east coast was obvious.

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I would argue it is still obvious, especially in Baltimore, DC, New York, and Boston. That stain of filth has soaked back to the inland soil of these cities.

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Legacy media endorsements do not matter.

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10/16/24: The Atlantic endorsement will motivate seven people to get to the polls. If it isn't raining.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16Liked by Don Surber

The lens of history is the final arbiter of truth. The Atlantic should be humiliated and STFU.

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Oct 16Liked by Don Surber

Upon hearing of the Atlantic’s endorsement of Harris, the Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Southern oceans, along with the Baltic, Red, South China, North and Caribbean seas all came forward to endorse Trump.

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10/16/24: They were one vote shy and then Battle Creek put T over the Top.

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Hah! Love it!

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16Liked by Don Surber

Sci American endorses Harris? As if I needed another reason to vote for Trump.

As a working scientist, that rag is an embarrassment.

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When I consider I was given SciA articles to read when I took Cell Physiology in college and how far it has fallen is is a sad thing. Of course I was in that course in1971. I had a SciA subscription until the early 2000 when they went left and lost their attachment to science

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Me too! The articles seemed so professional and a guide for those of us still in the learning stage of our careers. Then the ozone hoe was threatening and the next ice age loomed and things started going south for Sci Am. Articles became more preachy than scientific and I dropped my subscription sometime in the '90s.

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About the same here with polymers. I think I stop reading it about the same time.

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🤢- I always knew Don's Surbs were the most knowledgeable on the Internet.

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PM, THANKS for the 'Recommend'. I don't know how else to get you a personal Ty. WS

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You deserve it. All Surbs-try-cyrano829@gmail.com- I check it about once a week. You cannot imagine all the emails I get from Google and sons.

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Got it and understand. I noted the address however cannot play with this any longer today. Must attack some critical action items. Be patient.

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Running from a SciA endorsement isn't enough. Calling out their fake science for 25 years is the spanking they need.

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As in [ I Am Science Fauxi ?? ]?

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Oct 16Liked by Don Surber

All this time I thought the Atlantic was an ocean that just smelled fishy. Nice deep dive into the endorsement pool with their dog ate my homework reasoning. Someone told me in politics follow the money ,ergo Musk,Ackerman ,and many Indy Techsters who prefer anonymity in politics. Past performance is the best resume and PDJT did an outstanding job while having his hands tied by { his own party ? }and a deep state machine bent on destroying him. The very overt machinations by the DOJ in bed with the msm and flaunting it as they continue the assaults on him tell you he is on target and thus a target . Lead on Poca-Man and we shall overcome .

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You guys are cracking me up with these double-edged, blue steel puns. Way to go.

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Oct 16Liked by Don Surber

The Atlantic should be renamed The Titanic. Owned by Steve Jobs widow is as readable as a transcript of Kamala’s speeches. FJB

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Oct 16Liked by Don Surber

The Atlantic children's endorsement of LBJ in '64 brought me back to the National Lampoon High School Yearbook parody. The kids on the '64 yearbook staff came up with a marvelous dedication. It began with this:

"We proudly dedicate the 1964 'Kaleidoscope' to John Fitzgerald Kennedy, whose tragic death marred the passage of this year at Kefauver High, a man whom we admired not for what he did for himself but for what he did for his country and we as citizens of it. JFK, perhaps we learned more from you than from any other teacher in high school. You taught us the courage of action in West Berlin, the wisdom of patience in Southeast Asia, the action of wisdom in our space race, the patience of courage in desegregated schools, and the active patient wisdom of wise courageous action at the Guantanamo Naval Base."

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Who had the gall to name a school for Estes Kefauver? Here in Tennessee we nicknamed him Keepoffher.

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Oct 16Liked by Don Surber

I can’t ever recall reading the Atlantic so I’ll just consider their endorsement not much different than the Atlantic Ocean’s endorsement that I’m sure is soon to come.

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The people who rely on endorsements for President from a rag like The Atlantic are the same people who believe it is moral and right to surgically change the gender of a 10-year old child. The Atlantic isn't worth being the "toilet paper" in an outhouse.

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The Atlantic's pages are to shiny and slick. We need Sears and Roebuck catalogues to come back.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

"Shiny and slick" has the appearance of being as ostentatious as Obama and as fake as Kamala.

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I don't see either of them as being slick. Sneaky and underhanded would be more apt. Neither one can speak without a teleprompter. People give Barry waaaaay to much credit. They're both dumber than a box of rocks. Simply vessels for whoever is really running their shows.

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Agree. Neither do I. That's why I said it was ostentatious and fake.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16Liked by Don Surber

The article is informative and enlightening as usual. I MAY have read the Atlantic once or two in my life but it's very forgettable. Hereforth I shall associate Atlantic only with the ocean. FINALLY, you must MUST begin listing 'all the above' as an option in the Poll. I found Jane F's endorsement difficult to get passed and was ready to cast my vote there. Then I saw M Moore and suddenly the decision went from no brainer to impossible. Thanks for starting my day in a quandary and on such a confusing note.

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well....if don adds 'all of the above' to his polls that will suck up the votes and invalidate any real meaning from the poll itself other than a conduit to vent.

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DBW you make a great point

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i thought so too but i'm taking some flack for it. it's the circle of life.

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I hope you're joking. I would not worry about it.

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Please don't take away 'venting'🙃

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Mr Welch, with respect look what you said AFTER... invalidate ... meaning ... poll. Polls form and sway the opinions of those that cannot or are not capable of independent thought, logic or reasoning. Fortunately this does not apply to the astute readers of DS.

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1,000 👍 WADR might irritate Mr 'welch' even more

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i got irritated on maximum overdrive in 2015 in the first debate when baier, wallace and kelly tried to take out candidate trump. fired foxnews on the spot and never looked back.

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'All of the above' would take the fun out of it. I suspect that would win most of the time.

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I agree but remember it's POLL and has the same value as a small stinking pile of ... you know. 🤭

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FOAO. (For our amusement only)🤣

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You just made a believer out of me. Thanks.

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10/16/24: Michael WeighsMoreThanHillary got my vote.

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Any institution’s endorsement of a candidate is less important than my own. I have a vote, it does not. Apparently admitting instances, I’m also smarter.

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Oct 16Liked by Don Surber

In the Atlantic’s 2020 endorsement of Biden they wrote: “Vote for the decent man.”

Decent? I echo Scott McKay (The American Spectator): “Joe Biden is a son of a b***h, and he always has been. He’s venal, crooked, petty, and narcissistic in a way that has marked him as one of the worst examples of awful American politics for 50 years.”

He’s also a creepy perv around women and children. And by the way, Biden's family knew as early as 2019 that he was suffering from dementia.

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Yup. The POS was always a dirt bag. And his politics went whichever way the wind was blowing. Maybe Ted Kennedy was a bigger POS... but it's close.

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Two ps in a pod AD.

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This X1000!

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Oct 16Liked by Don Surber

One of the great satisfactions of a Trump landslide will be the proof of the relevance of the MSM: They have none. Will a single Trump supporter change their vote based on The Atlantic, or any other magazine or newspaper's endorsement? Magic 8 Ball says, "My Reply is No."

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Oct 16Liked by Don Surber

I wandered in to the mag/rag reading room of my local library 10 years ago. I saw “the atlantic” propped up on a shelf and having never read it before, was curious to do so. I opened it to a random page and skimmed an article. I was mildly shocked at the left wing bias, so flipped to another article to compare and found the same bias screaming out from the page. I gave it a third try and found the same bias, only in spades. Lunatic “writers”.

Lesson learned.

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Oct 16Liked by Don Surber

Ah Don, an excellent poll! At first I thought this is the first time I need an "all of the above" choice, but then I thought Fonda, Moore, LeBron are Americans and although I reject all of their opinions based on a lack of respect, truly the London mayor & the autistic Swede Greta are foreigners & their opinions hold no sway. (Or at least shouldn't hold sway, but some dunces listen to Taylor Swift.) So I picked Greta, who has moved on from wacky environmentalism to marching for Palestine wearing a keffiyeh. She has started to look a little like Yoda these days.

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My thoughts were similar, Alice. The foreigners should have no political influence at all. However, I went with the mayor of London since he is so pro-Muslim and anti-American.

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I also chose London mayor. I used to love traveling to London but you couldn't pay me to go there now. Sadly they've become such a third world country

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I really miss QEII, she was my childhood idol. The monarchy may be on their way out as far as Great Britain is concerned.

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Unfortunately, I think London & Paris are lost.

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They are.

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I noticed the "Yoda Look" the other day.

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It's pretty pronounced.

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Oct 16Liked by Don Surber

Michael Moore has to be persona non grata in this day and age. To reset the world to where we’ll own nothing and be happy implies no more all-you-can-eat buffets, and this clearly goes against the grain of Moore’s ideology and meal schedule.

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One look at Moore and you have to figure he eats when they slop the hogs.

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My favorite snark from junior high is, "He's ugly and his mama dresses him funny!" Be it unto Michael Moore.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16Liked by Don Surber

I realize that hindsight, and hence history, is always 20/20, but endorsing LBJ in 1964 should count among the most contemptible media mistakes of the century, as deserving of derision as the New York Times' indignant denials of Stalin's purposeful starvation of millions of Ukrainians in the early 1930s. But let's face it, the Atlantic and the NYT were not alone. I remember a worshipful Time Magazine cover of those days, describing LBJ as "The Whirlwind President". That was an accurate description, but probably not in the way they intended: Johnson's whirlwind left destruction, disaster and death all over the place, as whirlwinds tend to do.

After Roosevelt, LBJ gave the biggest push to the Deep State, and what did his "War on Poverty" achieve? The federal bureaucracy spread like Kudzu Vines in the South, and Gorse on the Oregon coast. Equally catastrophic was his "brain trust" idea for fighting the Vietnam war: the brain trust's so-called "escalation" policy was based on the unproven, intensely stupid theory that if only American power were applied gradually, one little bit at a time, the Viet Cong would get scared of what might happen next, see the error of its ways, and sue for peace; micro-management by the Americans could be an equally valid description. Whichever term you prefer, in war the exact opposite is the truth: overwhelming force is what works, as had been confirmed not long before in World War II, and by both sides too. In May 1940 Hitler's Blitzkrieg defeated the Low Countries and France within days; and proving the same point, the Allies' Normandy invasion 4 year later inflicted overwhelming force by sea, land and air, until the German defenses turned into a chaotic rout.

But along comes LBJ, with his brilliant brain trust, feeding American boys into a pointless meat grinder. No wonder those boys invented "fragging".

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Sort of reminds me of the way Biden & his team are trying to micromanage Israel. They need to let Israel do what it needs to do to destroy Hamas and the rest of that bunch

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I couldn't agree more. Israel has a prefect right to defend itself, and put up with those hoodlums far too long. By the way, this kind of micro-management applies to the aid given to Ukraine as well. They kept limiting the use of the various missiles for geographical reasons, evidently because the Biden bumblers were intimidated by Putin's nuclear hissy-fits. But it's like fighting with one hand tied in a sling.

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When PDJT is re-elected a 2nd time these conflicts will end rather quickly I feel.

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Yes, but hopefully without giving away big parts off Ukraine, after they've lost so many people. There have been signs that Putin may be resigned to losing Crimea, because he had his billion-dollar palace there demolished, and the peninsula is difficult for the Russians to supply, especially since Ukraine cut off water to it. Regaining it would be very meaningful for the Ukrainians, and would give them the Sevastopol Navy base which the Russians cannot use now, anyway.

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I agree re LBJ. He was a cunning operator and a bully, and reliable reports also indicate he was crooked.

The "cost benefit" analysis on The Great Society is responsible for destruction of the Black family and erosion of work ethic. What was left of work ethic was dynamited by COVID and its aftermath.

Probably 60-70% of our total gov't debt is a result of Great Society programs, debt racked up in various unwindable wars (Vietnam the first of many), and politicians schemes to reward donors via payola gov't programs.

The rest due to loss of tax revenues on those that would be employed and earning (and thus paying taxes instead of living off the gov't, and other taxpayers).

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But we should not lost sight of the fact that in creating all those new programs and the bureaucracies to run them, LBJ created a lot of faithful Dem voters -- as Wilson and FDR did before him. Last I heard, DC was 94% Democrat -- so if Trump wants to make real change he will have to rock the breaucracy's boat enough so they will do his bidding -- or else.

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No doubt Wim. This is why they despise him so. Despise is a mild description; it may actually be even worse.

Another reason to pray!

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Yes, although I was always hesitant to pray about politics. The danger is to consider politicians your Saviors. On the other hand ...

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So true. Not trusting in pols, only in God's will--sometimes not what we want but what He wills

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