Zelensky did not "misread the room". He misread the man and the sensible and conservative side of America. He is a thug. Look at the guy's body language. Aggressive and defensive. When you are asking for money from your "daddy", you listen, smile, agree, and you get what you want. Trump was right to toss the dirt-bag out; no lunch either; it sat in the hallway and the staff ate it. Classic.

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He was played like a fiddle by the party who wants to destroy America. But they again did us a favor. Penis playing piano boy is now rendered irrelevant.

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Yes the Democrats played him to sabotage the peace plan just to damage Trump. Pure evil.

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That's what the little twerp gets for listening to the evil d's prior to going to the Oval. They all should hang together. OTOH, now we won't have to sacrifice Elise Stefanick becoming our NATO ambassador. I'm sure Trump will find a better spot for her.

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I smell Lyndsay Graham behind this debacle as well.

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Yuck! I was having a good morning until you painted that picture.

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What? It's a great picture. Bye bye to NATO and WHO and UN, etc. they are NOT our friends. Everyone wants to be us so let's not blow what we have.

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Dems maybe but the EU for sure. Europe is still in denial and doesn’t understand the real meaning of our last election. Guess they need to learn to code and speak Russian.

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Continuing the war benefits their goals, depleting American weapons stocks and enriching the military industrial complex. Putin met with Davos in 2023.

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If I'm not mistaken, USAID funded a program for penis playing piano boys. Something like $2 billion - like Biden gave to Stacy Abrams? /s/

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You are not mistaken and the worth of USAID bought shit is par for money laundering Shrugged.

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"penis playing piano boys." But the white keys are much bigger than them there black keys.

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Does Z understand that the donks are in bed with Russia? The collusion delusion could not have happened without there being collusion with Russia. That collusion was between HiLlARy's supporters and oligarchs in Russia who are close confidents of Vlad the Stalinist.

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Yep , remember the golden rule about the donks : Whatever they accuse you of is what they are guilty of . Never fails . Great call JR 👍.

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Never forget his only paid job as an adult was as a comedian. Someone wrote his jokes. This man comes to every public event as if it is a performance. He performed the script the Dems and war mongers gave him and the other guy adlibbed. He doesn’t think for himself. He reads jokes. This same person did a vogue photo shoot with his wife at the beginning of the war and sent his wife to Paris fashion week and skiing. He is performing every minute he is in public.

And I really really hope Trump kills NATO. Leave those wistful thinking European aristocrats on their own to solve their own problems. Especially with their own money. This Ukraine Warmongering is reminding me too much of how they talked themselves into WWI.

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In his defense , that is one job better than Bernie Sanders.

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Guess Paris fashion week is out this year for little Z and wife due to a lack of funding. No more photo shoots either.

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Do not lay a bet on this LuANN as the asshat has no couth.

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True, Marlan.

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I don't think little Z misread the room. I think he did it on purpose and was encouraged by Biden and Obama advisors to be aggressive to try to humiliate Trump in the Oval Office. I just love the fact that the Starmer says the U.K. will provide boots and planes but needs U.S. support. Bloody ridiculous. Every single French commenator this morning where I live is clutching their pearls and defending Ukraine and "democracy," but not one of them would be willing to send their sons to fight on behalf of Canada. Neither am I, but I don't support Ukraine. Just stop it already. No more moralizing from the beta team. Let Trump and team get the job done -- peace.

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What amazes me is that it is clear that the war is, at best, a stalemate, and at worst a slow but sure Russian victory. The slaughter of soldiers and civilians will continue with no hope for a positive outcome. Yet the legacy media, the Dems, and the Euroweenies are cheering Zelensky on and trashing PDJT and Vance for trying to put an end to the madness. Pure evil on display.

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I think you are totally right, Jim. It is pure evil.

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They are literally dragging people off the street to fight for Ukraine. (as VP Vance pointed out).

Guess when you cancel elections there is no way to remove the foolish Zelenskyy.

Meanwhile, some figures--which others may have read already: 500MM Europeans, 140MM Russians, 35MM Ukrainians (and 334MM Americans). Also, EU is spending more on Russian gas than they loan Ukraine, by a large (billions) margin.

Perhaps Musk's starling has picked up additional details of where Ukrainian oligarchs have stashed their (our) cash.

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Obviously we can't list long term vision as a attribute of the lefties .

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Reckon what they are going to do with all the Logan Act violators ? A guy can dream.

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He's been used to dealing with Xiden and his sniffer son. He thought he could get away with it after sucking up to the democrats.

Frankly I'm surprised the donks like him given their long history with Russia. Never forget that floater Kennedy conspired with Russia against Reagan.

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Thug is right. Ever notice how you hear very little opinion come out of the Ukraine? Maybe they should ask the people dying what they think. The runt is just the latest tin pot dictator running the country and destroying what is left of it.

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And the ONLY reason he was in power was because of US subterfuge and money. He's a pathetic little twerp without that.

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You are right about body language. He sat there with his arms crossed looking like Daddy just took his car keys away and grounded him for the weekend.

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Absolutely. To me it was.... go to your room but sit there until I say "go". Brooding thug.

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Z-boy, nose twitching drug addict. Precisely the pliable Idiot needed to do the dirty work for the boys behind the curtains.

Still averting your eyes from the 2020 Election Theft and the installation of the Criminal Biden into office, to do the dirty work for the boys. Hunter? Just another Insurance Policy to ensure the profits flow from USAID and the War/Money Fog.

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I have been seeing comments on X about little Z's cocaine use. Is that true?

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You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. Hunter was no stranger, and had the cameras not been rolling, he likely still would be in Ukraine.

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I was wondering if there was any evidence too.

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Zelensky dresses like an actor playing some comical hit man that meets a comical demise in one of those secret agent comedies. Well, last week, the little hit man met his comical demise - not comic for him and his supporters like Tom Friedman.

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“For now, hope is alive that we will escape the bear trap in Europe and quit the continent entirely.” That continent is shortly to become an Islamic hell hole with Muhammad the most common name for newborn males. We are going to need to figure out how to deal with this catastrophe irrespective of what happens in Ukraine and Russia. NATO is not only useless now to confront Putin but cannot do a thing about the demographic Muslim invasion of Western Europe.

Just saying.

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It seems NATO is welcoming the Muslim invasion.


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I agree. The Globalists have forgotten or never read history. The Crusades happened for a reason.

I am also tired of supporting people who hate the US but have their hand out every other min. Our money is good but you would think we brought the horse droppings in with us.

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This is Europe's gravest problem and it's going to affect us all.

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By the end of the Trump Admin, we’ll be in a defense alliance with Russia to balance China and Eurostan.

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Great prophecy, but must include the Russian people finding a way to free themselves first.

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What are the chances Trump will have a Reagan-Gorbachev moment with Putin?

The legacy media, EU, and all things left will melt like the wicked witch of the west and their legs will roll up like a party horn!

Yeah, probably never, but it's fun to think of such things on a Monday.

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that was a brilliant visual, roll up like a party horn, lol.

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It never hurts to plant a seed, Shrugged. First you dream then write it down to make it concrete, stand back to watch it sprout. Freedom is such a dear, lovely, irresistible word.

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Kind of like Trump's vision for Gaza. We all know the saying, that "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results."

Visionary thinking "breaks the box" and does help open the door to new paths.

And there sure are alot of situations on Earth right now where we could use a few breakthroughs.

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Freedom doesn't mean the same to Russians as it does to us. They have a long history of being led and told what to do.

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They are a constitutional republic. Putin keeps getting elected because they love him. He will be leaving soon, having brought his country through the tough times.

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Maybe a bit like my relative on 9/11 who swore to vote for the ‘meanest SOB we can find’. Thinking of Dick Cheney, in a moment of patriotic rage, we didn’t know what we didn’t know…Halliburton, etc.

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Off topic, but years ago, I had a lefty screaming "Dick Cheney! Halliburton!"

I asked her if she knew who owned Halliburton?

"Dick Cheney!", she shrieked.

I answered, George Soros, he bought it from Ladybird Johnson. Cheney works for Soros.

She asked who George Soros was. I told her in front of the gathered crowd, you shouldn't be screaming about politics in public if you don't know who Soros is.

She shut up. Temporarily of course.

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True, back then Georgie boy was one of those we didn’t know. Cheney later became the poster boy for corruption in Iraq.

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Definitely will be an economic alliance of some sort. Doubt the defense part. Russia can see the economic reality of not having a strong economy. China will own them if not careful.

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Russia is already tightly aligned with Iran. That is a combination we must avoid becoming part of at all costs.

Russia has reached a deal with the new government in Syria to be able to remain there. Eventually they will attack Israel and the results will be biblical.

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IDK, God and Mossad may have other plans for Israel. It is the land of miracles after all…much like our beloved country. I count PDJT as one of the best divine inspirations of my lifetime. I’m so proud of him and Team Trump.

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GOD has revealed his plans, we just need to understand him.

It would be the democrats wet dream to get us aligned with Russia. Just understand that China is already aligned with Putin in many ways.

It's getting oil from Iran funneled through Russia and the Norks are getting involved.

The majority of Israel has not accepted Jesus and many are not practicing Judism. Judgement is coming for those who don't accept him as Lord.

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Looks to me like Trump is planning to save the world. I expect a surprise in Iran.

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It's possible, my expectations are that he greenlights Israel and let's them have the pleasure. We would likely provide aerial refueling.

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I was thinking with help from the GCC, and maybe Putin, he helps the people overthrow the mullahs and Iran can become the rich and beautiful nation of Persia once again. Islam is not in the hearts and mind of most Iranians. They hate the Mullahs.

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Putin is friendly with the mullahs. They have been supplying each other with weapons and technology for years.

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Yes to that Greg. That sounds very realistic.

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This has been decades in the making. I read this years ago about the plan of Muslime to take over the world and rid them of the infidels and I never thought it would come to pass. Just shows to go ya' as we said in Southern Ohio in the days of yore.

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I've heard that a few times here in Northeast Ohio.

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Russia is just a bully today. No economy, no real effective Army (see Ukraine conflict). No Navy, no effective Air Force. Just nukes. Russia could not be beaten in WWII by the Germans because they refused to die. Our global threat is from China right now. They intend to use the economy and our greed to destroy us. So far, they have done a good job of it.

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In WWII Russians"refused to die"???? Did you just make that up? The estimates say they suffered more than 20 million deaths, which is 80 times the American deaths in the European theater.

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Russia overwhelmed the Germans with numbers, not tactics. The USA suffered small losses by comparison because we valued life and used artillery instead of human waves.

The United States armed Russia as well as England. The Russians would have continued to charge the Germans armed with rocks until there were none left.

The Chinese used the same tactics in Korea.

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True, my friend as a child and her mother survived the trek to Moscow during the German invasion. They had no choice. Russians held off the invaders until winter and Mother Nature defeated them. Later as a young adult she came to the U.S. as a Russian emigre to work as an interpreter for a government agency. Retired at 80, she maintains many contacts today and says her Russian speaking Eastern Ukraine friends prefer Putin over Little Z which speaks volumes. Easy to understand following Z’s embarrassing performance in the Oval Office.

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Yes MLR, Eurabia is going to eventually be the U.S.'s and world's most challenging problem.

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THIS ☝, cannot be overstated .

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Russia is not unpredictable, nor is Vladimir Putin: he will do what is in Russia's best interest. It is America who is unpredictable - we are so rich that we are like the mule that starved to death between two bales of hay, unable to decide which to eat first.

Russia does not have that privilege. It is America's adventuring in "regime change," driven by old hens like Victoria Nuland, Hillary Ramrod Clinton, and Lindsey Graham, and the titular rooster, FJB, that led directly to the deaths of millions in Ukraine and Russia. Thank God we are defunding USAID, the bucket of cash these adventurers dip into when they're bored and want them some of that Regime Change for entertainment. It's money for us; it's their sons' blood for everybody else.

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Spot on. Promising Ukraine NATO membership is what drove or gave Putin the excuse to invade. Our Neocons started this war. If we can avoid WWIII we will be very lucky.

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Pat Buchanan knew this and predicted disaster. All the needless lives lost. What a tragedy.

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Didn't know Xiden was a Neocon.

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I just watched part of a video from Jeffery Sachs about the Russian Ukrainian conflict. He blames the neocon policies of Bill Clinton and also cited events that happened under Barry the Indonesian.

Your mention of Nuland immediately brought that to mind.

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Nuland -- wife of Satan.

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Sister in law to HiLlARy?

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Yes, Jeremy. They are all related and their families are spread out everywhere. No joke.

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Nailed it Jim !!

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Zelenskyy's other misstep was relying on Rice, Blinken, Vindman, and Nuland for advice just before he met with President Trump. He deserved what he got. I'll try and be witty for a moment. Zelenskyy didn't get lunch, but he did get his just desserts.

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If Bondi would wake up over there at the DOJ, she might realize at least one law was broken when these unelected individuals met and attempted to influence a foreign official in the midst of negotiations.

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There has been a lot of Logan Act actions going on for a while. Kerry talked to Iran a lot in the first Trump Admin that he was not a part of.

I really hope Bondi gets some help. She has a lot of people and corporations to go after for a lot of different things. There's going to be referrals from DOGE for misuse of funds in the States too. States still letting boys walk all over girls. Grift that is actionable. And that doesnt include all the deep state and stupid.

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Somewhere, Andy Rooney’s rolling on the floor.

Ukraine-splain! The staff literally ate Z’s lunch!

Stop it, you’re killing me! 😂

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He'll be here all week! Try the veal it's excellent!

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So, he weekends in the Poconos?

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Loves watching Johnny and Baby do the "Dirty Dancing". "Now I've had the time of my life."

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Losing Lindsey Graham really doesn't mean much. He is just another weasel politician that does what politicians do best. Pivot whichever way the wind is blowing.

Wasn't that long ago when Graham called aid to piano boy "the best money we've ever spent". And at the same time Russia issued an arrest warrant for the Senator.

Talk about weasels. This is why we hate politicians. They are devoid of principals and immoral cowards.

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You are SO RIGHT about politicians. I even hate the ones I like! I am so fed up with NATO, EU, UK BELGIUM, GERMANY all of these so-called "allies" that only want one thing from the USA - money. F em all!

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I am hoping Lindsey Graham ends up on a DOGE list of expenditures needing cutting. Fire Lindsey Graham.

His state is on fire. How much is Mr. Grifter going to ask for this time?

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Losing Gramnasty is like losing Miley. He caves faster than the French government.

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He shoulda said ‘the easiest money I ever made.’ He was counting on not being outed for attending the breakfast meeting pre-Oval Office where anti-Trumper Dems gave him his script and pledged their undying support to Little Z. Then after the public scolding from the grown-ups in the room and Little Z’s departure, Lindsay in a panic flip flopped. If he had an iota of self respect, he’d resign. Yeah, right.

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Graham is a Neocon and flopper. He wont win another election.

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Heard miss Lindsey took a knee for defense funding.

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I haven't really had my coffee yet to able to defend it, but I've recently been thinking that killing NATO solves an awful lot of problems.

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Same with the UN.

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Europe is fast being overrun by Islamists. As they seize control our obligations under NATO become more dangerous.

We indeed need to walk away from the alliance. We also need to keep a close eye on the happenings in Canada and have a plan in the event they too become an islamic demonated state. It's our longest border and just as many problems as the Mexican one.

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Actually, what you say - and I agree - brings up another aspect. As Europe's Muslims get more, um, feisty, there are going to be civil disturbances that border on or become civil war. Under normal circumstances, Euros can't be sending their military to UKR *and* fight a civil war at home; but they've denigrated everything military, from spending to culture, to the point that no one is even ready, willing or able to do what needs to be done.

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Europe is done. Little Z will need to sign the rare earth minerals deal with the U.S.

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I'll take islamists over liberal woke for $300 Alex. Deal with the islamists winners in the bonus round.

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The woke will be screaming about the big bad USA while the females among them are being raped by the satanic followers of the pedophile.

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EU - not our problem - EU/UK can fix it, or not.

Canada....I think Trump will offer King Charles a deal hit can't refuse, and he can throw in Western Canada - US'll take BC & Alberta w their oil.

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Amen. and as PWN said, the UN too.

They want our money but diss the US every chance they get.

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For 30+ YEARS //Past time to dump them/tj

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Upon reflection, Ukraine blowing up the deal is the outcome that works well. US has enough minerals that we can mine; can buy from Russia or China.

Don't need a p/ship w bribery Ukrainians that w/b a perpetual headache. EU and UK try can 'go it alone' on Ukraine w/o the rest of willing NATO members; US won't have to Insist they pay 5% of GDP (which they can't afford) - Europe is Europe's problem.

Germany & UK are NOT our Allies. They are not democracies - NOT listening to their Citizens. They'll either revolt or just remain serfs. Trump47 can sell them NatGas for a profit, can sell them Weapons for a profit, we get out of our EU bases and don't pay for NATO>

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Reported yesterday that lil Z met with Democrat pols moments before the Trump meeting. Treasonous! Those senators should be arrested, tried, and hanged.

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He also apparently had a conference call with Blinken, Nuland, Rice and Vindman during his flight to DC. That’s even worse treason. It’s about time that we actually used the 226 year old Logan Act to prosecute traitors.

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Plus his sit down with the Dems

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Has that phone conversation been confirmed by any outlet? It wouldn’t surprise me but it seems unlikely right now given our DOJs actions of late. Hope its not true.

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Yeah, heard a lot of reports but no confirmations. Although Rice knowing ahead of time all the details of the deal seems pretty suspect. Also she was very careful to say she had never met Z in person over the weekend. Well that doesnt preclude knowing him now does it?

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Mollie H. had a thread on x saying asshat z did meet with dems .

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Our president and his team work overtime to save America not only from bankruptcy [which may not be possible ] and wars without end. The fact that msm takes up for a tinpot would be dictating thieving little asshat with no sense of humility or decorum is exactly why no one trusts or believes them today. PDJT did the dirty job no one else would by stepping in and staring to clean up the swampy mess we thought was government but knew were screwing the taxpayers. Luntz s x poll should wake up the world, Zelensky enjoys the profits of war traveling the world grifting while crying Putin,Putin,Putin ala pencilneck and Russia, Russia,Russia.Poll is too kind ,should have included cleaning out door toilets in Sick Francisco.

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'Bipartisan Group of RINOs and Democrat Senators Met with Zelensky and Blew Smoke Up His A$$ Before He Met with Trump – Zelensky Releases Video where You Can See Clearly Who Participated. This is what's called bipartisan'. Z learned You do not poke the bear, regardless. of your rino & Democratic buddies.

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Did you mean buy-partisan? The ties that bind....

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Bipartisan: if I remember correctly there were 7 Democrats and 2 Republicans.

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Or as the youth of today would say: IIRC. Acronyms Anonymous.😊

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From NYPOST.com:

Actually, the Ukrainian president did read a room — but it was the wrong room.

Before meeting President Trump, Zelensky met with anti-Trump Democrats who advised him to reject the terms of the mineral deal that the president was offering, according to Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.).

“Just finished a meeting with President Zelensky here in Washington. He confirmed that the Ukrainian people will not support a fake peace agreement where Putin gets everything he wants and there are no security arrangements for Ukraine,” Murphy’s office posted on X at 11:15 a.m. Friday.

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I saw a pic with Linsey and a couple of Dems but I didnt see the one will all 9. They all know better.

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Unlike America, Europe maintains a clan mentality. That fact is important to understanding European politics. Let me illustrate. The Russia-Ukraine history reminds me of Slovenia. Poor Slovenia has seemingly been conquered by everyone in Europe. Its official language is Slovene but another dozen languages, including Italian have co-official language status depending on the particular city. German, Czech, Hungarian, and other ethnicities dominate areas. Each group or clan has its insular traditions and loyalties which drive local politics. Ukraine is similar if not so extreme. Putin has claimed the invasion is to restore prior Russian borders. That claim is a lie but depending on which era you care to examine, he has an arguable point. The Russia-Ukraine border has changed so many times that a large percentage of Ukraine's population consider themselves Russian. Like the old Yugoslavia, these countries are held together by strongmen dominating the clans. Ergo we have Putin and Zelensky. *** NATO? Don, from your pen to God's ears. Let Donald kill NATO. As stated, it is a toothless bureaucracy sucking at America's breast. Fact: Not a single NATO ally can airlift as many as 500 troops at a time. Most of them don't even have the 500 combat troops to airlift. Britain's Prime Minister laughably promised Zelensky he would send troops to Ukraine .Fact: He can't do that without USAF airlift capacity. NATO is nothing more than a redundant diplomatic agency funded by the US. As such, it creates more diplomatic problems than it solves.

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I'll just add that at one time long ago, they were one nation ruled from Kiev.

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The Zelensky Oval Office episode was quite extraordinary, made more so by the news that Little Z met with Democrat supporters - yes, I know there were RINOs there too, which is the same thing - that encouraged him to stand his ground with PDJT. I haven’t seen a beat down like that before! Little Z seemed to think he was still dealing with POTATUS and his handlers. If that’s the kind of sophistication he applies to his analysis of opponents I guess it explains why he keeps trying to prosecute a war he has no chance of winning. Poll question answer is “it doesn’t matter.” If the Ukies back home figure out what just happened they’re going to rid themselves of him, and soon. I don’t think he survives in office by summertime. I don’t think he survives on Earth through the end of next year. Epstein didn’t kill himself, but Zelensky might have done so on TV inside the Oval.

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I thought that J.D. Vance was awesome the way he took it to Little Zee. He showed that he has some serious foreign policy chops. His salvo really led the follow-up of PDJT's ass kicking. I think Trump made a divinely inspired choice in picking J.D. as his VP.

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Yes! Vance demonstrated an inner talent we are all glad to see. He was also awesome in his address to the European group a couple weeks ago.

There's a certain type of courage that comes from an inner integrity--that compels you to stand up and speak the Truth. It is selfless--in that it is not calculating whether taking the stand will be "politically good" for you or not.

Trump embodies this type of courage, and we love him for it. I am thrilled to see JD Vance also is driven by what NEEDS to be said and has the courage to step up and do it.

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Vance -- 2028.

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Was watching that Marine getting worked up......sadly he didn't snatch Z's little heart out of his fallen chest with bare hands....

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10 Amens Jim !!!

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The most amusing thing about the Zelensky boot from the Whitehouse is seeing Trump shock the world, particularly European leaders, with his simple downhome honesty and integrity. His morals and values were simple and powerful against a world of thieves and grifters, especially Zelenskyy.

'The Good' finally wins again.

Trump should ignore Zelenskyy and Europe and let them both swing in the wind for 3 to 6 months without an attempt to resolve anything. Remind them they walked away and then bad-mouthed the U.S.A. Zelenskyy should never set foot in the Whitehouse again under Trump and any signing of a treaty should be done in a Holiday Inn by some lower 7th tier administrative official wearing blue jeans and sandals.

Next up? NATO. Like WHO, pull out and don't fund a penny of it. Europe pays for their own defense. Half of it is anti-American Muslim now so who are we really defending? Germany's Chancellor-in-waiting, Friedrich Merz, has adopted a platform of "Prioritizing 'REAL' independence from the U.S." Let's start with closing every military base in Germany, France and England.

I say we start helping him achieve that goal. Cut off Europe today.


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I loved the German idiot saying he wanted independence from the US but they are going to be buying Russian gas again.

Really, let them sink. They are talking out of both sides of their mouth. If they want real Independence, stop our money to them and they can swim on their own. German is for the first time in NATO history going to make the % of GDP into NATO. Dudes, its been 80 yrs for that agreement. The rest of NATO cant manage it but they can pay for a lot of other stuff.

Get out of NATO, get out of the UN. Kick UN out of the US and stop all the money out to either organization.

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The really dirty secret is that Europe has been buying Russian energy throughout the duration of this war, and spending more for it than what they’ve been giving to Ukraine. How’s that for insanity?!

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Yes, Suzie. European hypocrites.

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American dem/socialists you mean ??

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Yes. Close the bases - but under Trump we bring A the weapons and anything else of value back to the US. Maybe before we leave we raze the buildings and bulldoze the runways. Let Germany rebuild it all with their own Duetchmarks.

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US is paying Germany property taxes for all the assets/buildings at those bases.

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Loved "...any signing of a treaty should be done in a Holiday Inn by some lower 7th tier administrative official wearing blue jeans and sandals." !!!

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So Starmer has promised Two Billion Euros to help Ukraine? Big deal; the Eu has paid Russia about Twenty Billion Euros for natural gas imports since the Russo-Ukraine War began! (Source: The Guardian.) Somebody help me make this make sense!

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Yep and Germany is looking to up the buy because their economy Whooops needs it to run. Trump told them in 2018 they were making a mistake. They laughed.

I say we take our money and go home. Let them figure it out since they want 'True Independence'

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Don't forget that Ukraine also got a cut since the pipeline ran through their territory.

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And Europe! Truly staggering!

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Years ago a friend who lived in the twin shitties was telling about a confrontation he had. He and several friends got into an exchange with a like number of gang bangers. As it was heading to blows my friend paused and realised that his companions were whimps and that while he could kick all their asses, his friends were going to get smacked pretty hard before he completed the task. He opted to make peace. Several weeks later he again encountered the gang, this time alone. Confident he would back down, they again baited him hoping to shake him down or rob him.

He handily beat them to a pulp . He gave me one of their switchblades as a souvenir.

That is the picture of The US of A amidst NATO. We don't need them. They need us.

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you said it with more panache than this 77 year old brain could muster!

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Let's also remember that we are strong because GOD made us strong. When we forget GOD he will make us foolish.

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One good outcome of Zelensky's debacle is the failure to complete the mineral agreement which is very likely to draw the US deeper into the conflict, as there would be purported "US interests" at stake. The are no geologic surveys pointing to any important minerals in economically recoverable quantities. The idea appears to be a pretext or feint.

I say, the US should cut its losses--and solely concentrating efforts toward the conclusion of the conflict.

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Also, there have been several reports that Zelensky already sold the mineral rights to Britain, (and elsewhere?), so for many reasons, I don't think any contract for mineral rights would end up being "for real".

I think Trump was (smartly) trying to give Zelensky a semi-"face-saving" way to concede by allowing him the 'conceit' that he had something to bargain with.

A point the Japanese are known for is that when they are negotiating, they always take care to allow their opponent to "save face" if the opponent is likely to lose.

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