The Cloward-Piven Democrats are deliberately destroying the nation. Biden was put in place just for that purpose. But they can’t figure out why most of America hates them? They want to hang on to power, while they make that power worthless. The rest of the world is moving on from “Pax Americana” because they believe they now have better options. The people who created most of our problems are the politicians of the chaos party and their RINO controlled opposition. There are about 5-10,000 people responsible for ruining this country. And numero uno is that Commie phony Obama. Surely we can make room in our prisons for a lot of these creeps, some of whom are responsible for mass murder with Covid. These psychopaths have been grifting off the people their whole adult lives. So I don’t mind letting them live at taxpayer expense until they die inside our prisons.

Trump 2024. America has always been great.

We just need to take out the trash.

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You have made a CRUCIAL point, Tanto-- "There are ONLY (my addition) about 5-10,000 people responsible for ruining this country." This is something very important we need to realize. Our opponents are not numerous. We have been infiltrated by a determined group who targeted key positions in our primary institutions and weaseled their way in by stealth and deception.

About 500 of the 5-10,000 are in the Media, and they have propagandized half the country to buy into a shallow distorted narrative. Another 1,000 or so have wormed into academia and hoodwinked young people, whose still undeveloped minds were vulnerable to the distorted narrative. The largest chunk of the 5-10,000 went after the Democratic party and took control of it. And there is a chunk, maybe 1,000, of people whose names we do not know yet, salted through our own intelligence agencies, plus foreign players from China and Davos-type entities.

But this is NOT alot of people. Most can be identified and removed. They were "clever" enough to take advantage of a trusting and open society and gain power, but they are colossally incompetent when it comes to actually governing and sustaining or creating anything good. They are only good at destroying and spinning fancy-talk to deflect from it.

We can beat them. As you said, "We just need to take out the trash". Simple and direct. Let's do it.

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They are basically Commies, hiding in plain sight. Same wine, American bottle. There is plenty of serious criminal activity to be prosecuted by a non-captured DOJ. But a lot of ground to be covered to get there. Probably won’t happen, but has to happen to eliminate the threat.

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Reasonably sane people see and know this but feel powerless to respond. As we now have a militant politicized DOJ the battles are between Patriotic Americans and pure evil emanating from the regime DOJ.We can not win if we do not fight.

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There is NO, none, zero, nada, Constitutional

provision for most of these departments agencies, except those constituted via Congressional

Laws, which can be revoked, so it entirely legal and in keeping with the Constitution to defund and shut them down.

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Yes, alot to do. But we normal Americans VASTLY outnumber these poisonous interlopers. We just need to not be intimidated or feel overwhelmed by their Left media-supported bluster and aggression.

One step at a time. Each American of integrity who stands up to this aggression in their sphere of activity (in their profession, their job, their church, any activity they participate in) strikes a blow. These millions of blows taken together will do the job, and it is already happening. I do think that right at the moment we particularly need to both pray for, and take as many human steps as we can to support, all the GOOD judges and attorneys, as they are especially being faced with the need to be courageous and unintimidated.

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Get rid of, root and branch, the State Dept., totally clean house in the DOJ and Intelligence branches, defund ALL NGO’s, end every US federal grant handout, shut down the DOE and the EPA, and Homeland security, and about 85% of the problems go away right there.

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True, but we allow it. Now what?

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Yes, every time a so-called "crisis" came along, we remained silent while yet another federal agency was birthed into eternal life. That SIMPLY has to stop, and the pruning shears applied to the existing bunch. Trump should start by abolishing the civil service protections, so he has free rein to lop off the top troublemakers, above all in the "intelligence" agencies; what a contradiction in terms that is. I sure hope his staff has drawn up the purification lists. And, these are not courageous people; it took a long time of nobody noticing for them to work up enough "courage" to commit subversion. But when they feel the way the new wind blows, they will cower -- where else could they get that kind of pay for that kind of work?

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I agree. But without a healthy congress, he will not be able to do so. We Americans apparently expect very little from our congress. And thats what we get.

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It's hard to figure out which of a congress critter's two faces to look at.

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Red, we have the best congress MONEY CAN BUY .

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Marlan, oops, replied incorrectly. But you get it.

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Think of it this way, Hillary WAS all of the above.

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When you print $1T of fake money every 100 days something will collapse.

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And they just keep going…2-3 TRiLlION more debt a year for the foreseeable future. Buy Bitcoin, gold, food, ammo, medication, and a private island.🏝️

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3.5T this year 6T in 2 years. Buy real estate alcohol tobacco firearms food medicine and ammo. Think crypto and gold not as valuable in a crash. Only things worth having are things you can barter.Get a plan to leave Big cities

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Crypto is portable and you can buy all of the above if the govt. seizes your bank account. Much harder to seize crypto based on a wallet address self custodied. Not impossible, but a lot more effort.

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Mar 5, 2024
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Crypto great in a scenario where one jets away from a collapsing US society and land in a place where new refugees are welcome and crypto not outlawed or replaced by Centralized Digital currency. For most people stuck in the aftermath not sure it would be as valuable. JMHO. Agree great in most other scenarios (for now)

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20 percent of the destroyers cause 80 percent of the damage/harm. An even smaller group leads the 20 percent. Soros, Obama, WEF, Dem leadership and Davos have created a wide swath of pain and suffering for America.

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We could even use the illegals in a work program to build new prisons just for them! What irony!

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You've covered much of what I believe as well. So many lies perpetrated on the American people and in my lifetime when I look for the primary cause, most recently, it always leads back to that fraud and his trans wife.

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No argument here but I think you understate the most obvious problem. They control all aspects of our education system and are turning out good little tools faster than we can counter them. We know its going on yet nothing is being done to counter this on a national level. Parents need help. But here we are wasting our congressional time trying to put Hunter and Jim and Joe in prison. It will never happen.

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I understand the sentiment, but there IS actually alot going on right now. Did you see on CFP yesterday that the Columbia University Hospital DEI Director, Alade McKen, who has also been a DEI officer in several other Columbia University departments, is a serial plagiarist--with 60--SIXTY--blatant instances of gross plagiary (whole pages verbatim from Wikipedia!!!). I don't know if this came to light due to Bill Ackman's project to use AI to analyze academics published work to identify plagiary. There will surely be a deluge of more revelations to come. And some states are starting to completely outlaw and defund DEI.

We need to recognize and publicize every forward step being made, not dismiss or minimize them. The first instances of folks challenging the Left require the most courage, but they are the ones that get the ball rolling. Celebrate and support them.

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Well said TPG.

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Legally, I don't understand why they're getting away with it. There are Supreme Court precedents going back to 1943, concerning public school districts, that explicitly deny them any right to inculcate school kids with any kind of ideology, or force them to confess their belief in it.

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They get away with it thru control. Get rid of public employee unions. There are strong legal arguments that address why public employees should not be allowed to unionize. But we allow it because too many are indifferent to the issue. We Americans accept such a low bar with respect to our government workers its appalling.

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One of the chief reasons for the seeming ignorance and apathy of Americans has been the Fake Media, having become an apparatus of the State, thus falsely reporting what’s been going on all these years in collusion with the powers that be.

Branding the media as the Fake News that it is by Trump, was the first and most valuable crack in the wall protecting those in power.

That is why they’re #1 mission is to crush free speech, the absolute greatest threat to their power.

It was their marching orders from the last Davos WEF meeting, to, by whatever means necessary, crush all free speech. And they, every government in the world, are working feverishly night and day to make that a reality,

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Cant blame media. It has been corrupt for decades. We the people are the problem. We are too comfortable and have tolerated a lowering of the bar for too long. Just got back from my polling place after voting. Ghost town with poor turnout according to one of the ushers. Ignorance and indiference are sinking the USS America.

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There are always those types of people, but many just feel powerless and demoralized.

You underestimate the power the media wields in shaping public opinion, and alerting people to news and events, who otherwise would be too involved in their day to day lives, to know better or maybe even care. I know soo many, who when finally told the truth about the invasion at the border, just for one example, are shocked and immediately ask “why no one’s reporting about it or doing anything about it!” It’s stunning. But it is also the beginning of their awakening.

Yes, media has always been corruptible to one extent or another, but never at the scale it is today, coupled with the massive GOVERNMENT effort to silence the truth. It matters: big time!

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I want to strangle whoever took the photo of Jimma Caata's cabinet, high-fiving each other about the creation of that Department of Child Indoctrination in 1979. They made an idol of the Big Yellow School Bus, and genuflected at its Shrine.

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It can be fixed today, but it takes people with moral and ethical conviction as well as strong determination to do so. So it wont happen.

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Call him what I call him, "Mr. Mom Jeans." Probably an AP photo of him hanging drapes in some living room somewhere. I neither know nor like him enough to lie about it.

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03/05/24: Trash time! Haley is Biden's running mate in 2024. No notable increase in IQ from his current Veep.

"Without America, NATO is a gaggle of defenseless Eurovision song judges." --- !!! --- Best line in quite some time...

"Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Florida" ?!?!?!?!?! How's THAT for the bottom of the barrel? (No, sewer system.)

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The opening story and video reminded me that, a couple of years ago, Pedo Joe attended one of those big NATO like summits - I can’t remember which group it was - but in the official photo he was shoved off to the very far left end of the first row. He looked like an afterthought stuck on at the last minute and I have no doubt that is exactly what those other “leaders” thought of him.

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There is a comedy show in Italy which is their version of our SNL, who did a skit about Biden at a podium, falling down multiple times, speaking gibberish and nonsense, being lost and doddering, and went on and on for quite a while, that was received by the audience with uproarious laughter. He - We - are a laughingstock.

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Indeed; and we fried Ethel and Julius Rosenberg for a lot less than Biden has done in the last 49 years.

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and should you so choose, you'll be able to see that live on TV during the SOTU debacle

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Oh hahaha!

Ugh. How embarrassingly sad but true.

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That was hilarious! It is still up on CFP--Press "Control" and the "F" key together (to open the Google Find function), then type in "Italy" in the search box.

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When it gets televised, I notice that every time Obama is in the same room as Biden, BHO ignores Biden.

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Pathetic, wasn't it? And what's changed?

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God made America great again through Trump. For a brief moment.

The "No new wars" poll option is better summarized as "peace," one of the fruits of God's Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Another one is self-control, which is how many of us have behaved the last 4+ years, despite the best attempts by the deep state to start a war.

If we stick with God, there will be more tribulations but also an inheritance in His kingdom.

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As always you focus on eternal truths.

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However you spell his last name, Florida's Surgeon General is a breath of fresh air ;-)

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He is impressive. Ladapo has appeared on several podcasts; he is both persuasive and knowledgable. (traits sorely lacking in most the blob apparatus, particularly those covering "health" care)

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I'm thinking Trump's press secretary should be a 350 pound, heavily tattooed biker from Hell's Angels. (His main job will be to thin the herd from CNN ,MSNBC, Bezos Washington Post, NYT, etc.) Instead of calling on a reporter who writes bullshit, he'll wade into the audience, grab them by the throat and say, "What's on your mind, punk? Gotta a question?"

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Smart, sensible, no-nonsense, large and in charge.

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You just beat me to it. Tyrus would be the guy. He has enough tats for the crowd. And he is articulate as all get-out. I watch Greg Gutfeld's show just to see Tyrus.

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And he doesn't take any guff from Gutfeld, who can be quite petty / rude to his guests. Watch his shows "The Red Eye" on You Tube, dating back 10 or so years ago. THAT Gutfeld deserved to succeed. The current GG is oft-insufferable.

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Their main job is to mercilessly berate and ridicule, burying them with actual history, facts, and common sense, any journalist when they try to ask stupid and “gotcha” questions, leaving them a forever shamed puddle in their seat.

Then say, “Next question?”

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Suzie, you've got a fire in you! I think there must be some position awaiting you in the new Trump administration--or somewhere, maybe in your state, or some really effective organization. I hope you're keeping your thought open and praying to be led to the right battle post.

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Wait! I thought that was right here? 😉

You’re waaay too kind, TPG.

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You're a true American Patriot, Suzie, and this is what will save America.

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And meanwhile, I honor and appreciate your role right HERE!

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Aaa! Saw this after I typed that! 🤣

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I'm thinking Dirty Harry "Go ahead, make my day".

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That mental image made me laugh out loud. If only...

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Trump’s biggest failure in 4 years (and perhaps his only real failure) was not draining the swamp. But he’s a man and not God, so cut him some slack. He knows a heckuva lot more now than he did then.

My calculus in 2016 was Hillary would give me nuthin I wanted, Trump would probably give me 50%. He gave me 90+%. (Poor Ann Coulter- all she wanted for Christmas was a wall, and she wanted it yesterday.)

Sure looks like he’s stomping out the last of the Lilliputians trying to tie him down. If his troops can minimize election fraud, he should win by another landslide.

He’ll do more this time than last, but with all the roadblocks the Dems & Rinos will put up, 4 yrs will not be enough to rebuild the tracks to put us back on. So, let’s temper our expectations.

And let’s figure out what we can all do to join the fight. (I’ll be over here helping my kids raise my grandkids. My job is to help them develop fully operational bullshit detectors. And giving them every reason to know that God loves them, and so does their family.)

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Unfortunately, I was never concerned about politics much until I retired and Trump faced that evil Darth Vader called Hillary. Any good leader recognizes the importance of his subordinates and their contribution to those established aims. Trump entered DC, the swamp, and exposed it to everyone. It's the Military Industrial Complex Eisenhower warned America of. Trump was met by it's full attention. Who would have known. I had no idea how entrenched and powerful it actually is. That fraud Obama comes along and he became their useful tool. ANYWAY, personnel make an organization. SEE www.Project2025.org The Heritage Foundation has assembled a 3000-member non-appointment team to accompany Trump into the swamp to accomplish his goals of MAGA

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Thanks for that link. I was unaware, but delighted to find, something like this is being done.

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While extremely encouraging to see such an extensive plan to eliminate the Goliath, it does give me pause why you’d want to publish that? Kind of like telling the enemy the details of your battle plan before you’re even in the field. Worrisome in that regard.

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If you're aware of the CISA and FBI Cyber Security expert Kris Krebs, who called the 2020 election the most secure, and was rewarded by heading CISA, you'll know that these people , these evil people are listening to ALL our communications. You see there are no secrets, only our disregarding them when we only look.

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I think it's to prove there's a competent team planning the second presidency. People like my husband (who wants calm & non-chaotic leadership when we need a battering ram) worry that no good people will join Trump's team for fear of career harm & being cancelled by the crazies. I think many people are very willing to serve Trump as they've watched the Dems destroy our country. Different world from 2020.

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Excellent points!

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coulter should be trumps press sec. imagine the q&a.

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If you mean Ann Coulter, she hates Trump, unless she did another 180 degree turn again. She was a supporter before becoming a turncoat which cost her a lot of followers. I don't think Trump would give her the time of day - nor should he.

There are many good people with a quick mind and tough soul to put the media in their rightful place (hell) should that opportunity arise.

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I like the reference to the directional heading of a person indicating flip-flops if you will. Alex Christoforou of The Duran describes the German Foreign Minister as "Annalena 360" because of her constant face saving spins and flipping.

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She’s very bright, but she’s a snob and a self-aggrandizing, immature and disloyal person. Look, all of us have warts. If you’re looking for the “perfect” politician, well you’re looking in the wrong place. It’s better to get 75% of what you want than zero.

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No argument on the imperfection of all people but she doesn't deserve the position or the spotlight. There are better candidates for press secretary.

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I agree with you. I’m just saying that she threw Trump under the bus unfairly when he didn’t get the wall built.

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Ann loves her some Coulter press.

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Ann Coulter is a mental case.

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Always liked her but at times she seems spaced out.

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all women are space cadets bill. if you're old enough to be retired (i am 75) you're old enough to know that. ann coulter would be perfect.

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kari lake?

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Now you are on the right track.

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not my first choice. i'm just simping for you guys. i would try to get jesse waters from foxnews. that won't work because he wouldn't take the pay cut. lake would probably be unemployed however so available.

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Ugh. Big fat NO WAY.

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My preference is Christina Pushaw!

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She is def brilliant but She turned on Trump as soon as the grass looked greener. Big NOPE.

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another mia love. not a solid gal.

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Well, in that role, she would be the greatest media arsonist in American history, that's for sure.

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no doubt. everyone talking about how she and trump don't mix are missing the point. if he could figure out a way to kiss and make up with coulter no one in history would compare. she would be a great asset in those closed door powwows on almost any subject.

tally ho!

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How about as the White House press secretary?

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do, that's where i started this thread from the jump. coulter for press sec.

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Quite remarkable how Ann Coulter went over the mental waterfall, isn't it?

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Today's Poll: All of the above?

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“Biden DOJ is the MOST partisan & political DOJ in history.”

True statement. But the real truth of it all is that they got away with it and will continue to do so until all the players are removed. None of them will go to jail or be left penniless from attorney fees fighting charges. We will be left with the results. Bidens four year term will be seen as proof the congress is largely impotent at fixing anything including the worst constitutional violations. They are totally worthless. Today we as a nation of laws are held together by the Supreme Court while part of America seeks to undermine even that branch of government. If the GOP loses control of the House and fails to reclaim control of the Senate, our failsafe SCOTUS will be attacked mercilessly. We are very close to the edge today.

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…And it was all so good and promising just 4 short years ago!!

It is mind-bending to consider the hell and havoc that has been unleashed by Biden and the Dems in just 3 1/2+ years!

Maybe it has all just been a necessary process of flushing out the evil so that it can be more surgically targeted and eradicated, but it will take men and women of exceptional wisdom, courage and character to bring it about.

Maybe the shaping of those people these last 3 years has been part of that plan as well.

Hope springs eternal!!!

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Think you've put your finger on it, Suzie-- "...a necessary process of flushing out the evil so it can be more surgically targeted and eradicated". First, it had to be exposed. We've been in that very dismaying phase. And actually, it might be an amazing course of events, that Trump had to sit out 4 years--while this came more fully to light. For the Right, which was already partly aware of things, now we see the whole thing alot more clearly. And on the Left, so many are becoming aware (they're probably at the point of awakeness most Republicans were at 5+ years ago) that they are losing big chunks of their traditional voting base (i.e., blacks, Hispanics, sensible people, etc.).

In a way, after the unveiling of the Swamp that occurred in Trump's first term, the country had to digest this, and the momentum had to build and expand to the (now, I believe) majority of Americans. So, Trump's second term will be that much more effective NOW, than it would have been if he had continued in 2020.

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There were brilliant and caring individuals who lived under Hitler, Stalin and Mao. Obama is no better. Unless DC is destroyed and rebuilt, then there is no hope for America. If Trump makes it, he needs to become the person the opposition makes him out to be in the media. Like wartime Lincoln, he needs to suspend Habius Corpus, arrest the traitors from within. Fire lifetime appointed judges, close the FBI and CIA and publicly hang those who brought us to this point. Otherwise he will kick the problems down the road another 4 years. While the American revolution left America with problems, it was far better than the French Revolution which ushered in Robespierre and the Reign of Terror. Have no illusions that the marxists running Obama et al have the will and desire for subjugation( BLM, Antifa, Palestinians). They just don’t have the means yet. However by bringing in 8M illegals and the ATF apparently arming them, get ready for a hot summer and fall.

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Of note: after a fair trial like at Nuremberg.

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Tell me about ATF arming illegals. Haven’t heard about this.

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Per atf: A nonimmigrant alien who is lawfully admitted to the United States without a visa (e.g. Visa Waiver Program), may acquire or possess a firearm in the United States. The issue becomes the definition of legally. Is an alien who crosses the border and claims sanctuary or awaits status check legal or not. Either way, why is the ATF allowing noncitizens the ability to purchase firearms?

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Is this new? Seems unjustifiable regardless. Makes no sense from a national security perspective.

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It makes lots of sense: Let in 8 M military aged men arm them and viola you negate 2A Americans or at least create chaos….

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Yeah, but that’s again to destroy the country, not to protect it. Meanwhile those twerps are constantly harassing citizens with legally acquired firearms.

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..and purported justification to declare Martial Law and mass gun confiscation.

That’s what they rink. Huh.

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Not so sure about the ATF thing, but I do recall reading somewhere, whether it was a theory or fact, that countries, (China in this particular reference), were clandestinely shipping arms into the US, and the people from those nations crossing over our borders are given instructions as to where to collect said arms. It sounded all too plausible, and pretty chilling.

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There are military aged men from all over that are coming across our southern boarder. Have been since the start. They just accelerated it since DHS and the govnmt dont care. If you look at all those pictures of 'families', you see its 80% young men and rest families. Now it is 95% men. Some of the recent pictures show the men kitted out in pretty good gear, military grade a lot of it. Pretty chilling as you say.

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What is a “non immigrant alien”? Sounds like an oxymoron. Or someone from another planet.

Also, “lawfully admitted” sounds like a political “term of art” for those who’ve been “allowed” to pour into our country, by a Border Control turned concierge service.

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In any year before 2020 the Democrats would tuck in their really crazy Marxist’s ideas, now they don’t care. Since not a winning formula in fair elections I guess they know something and don’t care.

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Bidens speech recently said the illegals were 'new comers'.

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Given the rampant federal corruption I called local FBI office (Columbia SC) and asked if they were providing hidden weapons caches for the illegals and if they felt they were getting their fair share from DC of money due to drug and human trafficking. Crazy I know but I'm old and have had it with their crap. This is like an old time western where the bad sheriff and bad judge are running things.

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We need John Wayne to come ridin' in. Or Clint Eastwood.

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Damn right!

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No one is coming to save us - we'll need to save ourselves.

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Did you get to talk to a live person? What was the FBI's reply?

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Regarding the not-vaccines, Don, I recall reading very early on that the vaccines could cause Bell's Palsy and even Guillain-Barre Syndrome. I don't care if it's a one and a million chance. Guillain-Barre is not something you want to have. So I decided to take a chance on covid, being in my 60's and reasonably healthy. I became one of about 6% of "seniors" to not take the not-vaccine. One of the best decisions I ever made.

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Dr. Robert Malone, who was one of the original developers of the MRNA technology way back, said early on that it was never ever used in human trials because it was far too dangerous and unpredictable, and should never, ever have been unleashed in mass quantities upon an unsuspecting and deliberately ill-informed public. It was the absolute height of medical malpractice and irresponsibility, if not an outright crime of the ages.

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A rushed new "vaccine" for a new virus.

Everyone knew this.

Any one who got in the Russian Roulette Jab line is an idiot.

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Especially for those of us, who have never, ever taken a flu shot.....Who would fall for this stunt?

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"Trump made America great again"

Trump BEGAN to make America great, again - his mission in his capacity as president was interrupted by the stolen election and subsequent coup d'etát of 2020 - it will resume should he win in November and be inaugurated in January of 2025. He will undoubtedly continue even after he's left office for the last time as his influence will be felt for years to come, hopefully.

"Twice as many people now say he was better for them than Biden is"

This is hardly surprising - but unless these people vote for Trump in November, it's little more than an anecdote.

I can hardly wait for Trump to scrap NATO, and then follow it up with evicting the UN from the US but declaring it federal land so that the oligarchs in NYC cannot prosper from its redevelopment.

Honestly, it is shocking that the current governor of Illinois, oka Mr. Creosote, hasn't sought to crush the McLean County Republicans - for that matter, it is even more so that the GOPe hasn't sought to neuter it with citizen RINOs.

"Who would have guessed that Democrats, Republicans and our public health apparatus would be willing to kill millions of Americans just to win an election?"

Anyone who has spent any amount of time studying history; or observing the behaviour of congressional RINOs since 2008, at least; or who has lived in a nation ruled by a totalitarian regime.

"...having been proven to be lay liars on covid, the media and the academia have politicized the measles."

Well, of course - it's what Marxists do - they can't help themselves.

All they can do is cast aspersions on bona fide medical professionals, especially when those medical professionals are surgeons general at the federal OR state level. If memory serves, SG C. Everett Koop (despite his impeccable credentials), was ridiculed by the Marxists of the day simply because his medical training and experience made him unapologetically pro-life.

Hence, those pismires in Florida do not deserve the pub they have received, here.

"DC is now the largest collection of evil men outside of Davos, Switzerland."


"...Americans prefer [Trump] shoving prime ministers out of our way. Europeans do too."

Even if, like Germany, they are loathe to admit it.

While there is not one achievment of Trump's first administration that I don't fully endorse, my favourite is no new forever wars overseas in foreign countries.

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‘AP was appalled that Trump asserted his authority.’..

AP was appalled that Trump as America’s leader, acted like a man!

Fixed it for them!

And THAT kids, is all anybody really needs to know, about why T was and will be again the Greatest American President since Washington!

There I said it and I’m glad I said it😊!

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Without America, NATO wouldn't exist.

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Tru dat !

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Another masterpiece by Don Surber chief examiner of the so called media.We do know as November nears the loons will get crazier and the crazies will riot in hopes of stopping the election so it is best one be alert and prepped.Poll had nice options but lacked aota.Lead on Poca-Man and we will survive the battles of MAGA 2024 in our march to a restored America.

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I don’t think anyone, including NIKKI, has ever found Nikki’s spot!

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Trump just got the Nancy Mace endorsement

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But she kept looking . . .

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Apparently several have tried, though....

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really glad I had set my coffee down.....

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