Up in the Holler, we have a saying: nothing worse than two men in a fight and only one of them knows it. To this point, the Evil Party is down in the sawdust, rolling in the mud and the blood and the beer, while the Stupid Party is asking what are the rules.

I hope the Stupid Party and those who vote that way get a rod up their spines (I can think of other places I'd shove it) and FIGHT. Make no mistake, boys and girls; this is for all the marbles. I'm doing everything possible to encourage truckers I know to refuse all pulls to New York. I review every purchase for any indicators that company does business in NY or CA, and if so, I put it back. I keep two lists on my refrigerator - one Patriot, one Woke. I haven't had a Woke Coke in years. I live in the same town as the Freedom Caucus chair, Bob Good, and spent an hour talking with him on the street yesterday about priorities. To the extent possible, I donate to candidates.

And, of course, on Substack I rail on about Lawfare, Alleged President Joe Stolen, and this Nation's descent on the Hellbound Train. I hope we make it.

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That's what needs to be done to every Dem and RINO ... problem is, it wouldn't hurt them, cuz they don't have any balls...

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I think I love you!

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Well, I AM single ... but I'm too cantankerous to stand.

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Single, sarcastic, and disagreeable here!

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We must meet sometime, and trade insults.

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Time and place?

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Don: feel free to delete this if it violates some rule or other.

I don't know if you are in WV, but I visit there fairly regularly to see my older brother (although after speaking with him today, I think that might soon cease). He lives in Raleigh County. Here's my email:

jim at james m wills dot com

Take out all the spaces, add @, and of course substitute ".com" (Trying to avoid the spammers, at least a little bit.)

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Your first sentence is classic.

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Re the $400 million Trump has to put up before he can even appeal — in itself absurd — why doesn’t he start a go-fund me page to help raise the money? If he does it will be the most money I ever gave to a politician. (Although he is a patriot way before he is a politician.) And I believe an awful lot of people feel the same way.

Think of the message this would sen to the swamp scum?

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GoFundMe is a left wing group and would never allow it. The one to use is GiveSendGo. And yes, I would donate.

Hillary screeching about a Putin stooge ought to know - SHE is the one who colluded with Russia in 2016. Steele Dossier, anyone?

As I’ve state before, Donald Trump has my vote no matter what happens and I’ll happily write it in if I have to. MAGA forever! And FJB.

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Was hardly the point… but of course.

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I believe he must place a bond against the judgement. It will tie up assets, and the appeal will get in the way of the campaign. But he will easily get the award reversed. Panic is an interesting sight to behold.

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Appeals cost a lot of money. The left knows it. This is about bleeding Trump dry, not the trial judgements. Have no idea how many lawyers are working and billing hours on all these cases and appeals but rest assured they aren't working for just a thank you.

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ADD to that the time factor! These things can drag on for years!

The process is the punishment.

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I have read a bit more about the judges decision and understand where it is coming from - by definition this violates the 8th amendment - I would appeal it, and declare the process for working the appeal to be unconstitutional and force an appeal to the SCOTUS if the NY court system won't hear the case.

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Oh - and the longer it goes, the better it is for Trump politically. The dems are doing everything in their power to make it more difficult for Biden to cheat enough to win.

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Yes, they do. But $300-$400 Million is a LOT of money. The appeal is a rounding error at this point. And it is all expensible. In the end, Uncle Sugar is the only person who will see a big decline - a decline in tax receipts.

Oh, and it would appear NY is looking at some large reductions in all sorts of receipts.

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Yes. My favorite Rush-ism: actions have consequences. I love(d) New York City. Loved it. Now I would no more consider visiting than I would drinking lye. I like to do a little amateur stock trading in my dotage, and when a company drops out of my screen, the first thing I do is to look if it is headquartered in California or New York. (now Delaware, too). If so, I move on. It's just too dangerous for any company to do business there.

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Don’t think it is going to be this easy…

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No - it is a pretty basic process. He needs to secure a bond against the judgement, that will come from his businesses and his attorneys will file the appeal. It is a pretty simple. The trial itself was a joke, the selective enforcement will probably result in a higher court censoring the judge in the lower court. But that will be the waiting game. The bigger issue is the next trial coming in NY for the Daniel's matter. Georgia is about to go on the backburner for the rest of the campaign season, if the case even survives to do that.

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Do you read Jeff Childers Substack? He is probably going to start one. He raises a lot of money for people in need

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Know what would be cool?… if Elon Musk stepped up with the money! And he would be sure to get it back… unlike the bottomless pit of the government run “X”.

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Elon has his own problems right now. The left is after him the same way as they went after Trump.

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Interestingly, Musk has our government over a barrel, as they are seriously dependent upon many aspects of his technological advancements for a great number of things, which affords him several layers of protection from them executing their worst efforts upon him. They are thus forced to tread very carefully around him.

That’s what’s called “FU” insurance.

I’ll bet that just burns them up.

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I tend to agree with you about Elon vs gov but remember the gov doesnt give a shiiit if one may rebel a bit .Taxpayer funding always wins.

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His problem’s might be a whole lot more manageable if we get DJT over the finish line.

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Musk is a strange dude indeed. He doesn't see things as right or left, he sees them from some "Z" axis I am not familiar with. He has become increasingly more right leaning as I think many former moderates are doing as well. Eventually, the truth and reality get to us all. Musk also realizes his businesses will flourish under Trump and the bogus lawsuits will vanish. Smart guy.

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He hasn’t had much to say about this situation that I’ve seen

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He will.

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Musk has some wiggle room with the Deep State blob, but not THAT much. He has to tread carefully here. Still if he found a way to lend support via channels could be good for him if Trump gets in.

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Just read a Lucianne link to Conservative Treehouse (who I stopped reading awhile back bc the trails thru much of his pieces were a ‘long and winding road’ which I had no basis to evaluate). But this is a simple, powerful point.

Gov. Hochul’s assurances to NY high rollers not to worry that what happened to Trump could happen to them, could only mean that the standard business practices they nailed Trump for were just the tool they used to get Trump now before he gets back the White House.

I hope she’s given Trump the rope to hang them all. Love to see a twofer- Engeron & Letitia hung back to back with same rope.

(I’m still a sinner. Not sanctified yet. Working on that Love Your Enemies command. Pray for me.)

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Exactly. Phuckemall.

I divulged this before with this lovely group (I assume, Don, you’re an active banner (one who bans) the occasional asshole. Otherwise how to account for the high level of conversation here?) that the gov’t sent me on an 18 mth vacation to one of their re-education camps (club feds is a myth).

I was allowed to bring in a book, and I chose Gulag Archepelago. The first page speaks of ‘zeks’, the Siberians, many of whom found their way into the Gulag.

It wasn’t too long before I began to relate to that, and thought about organizing, when I got out, The United Zeks of America. I fantasized that when we met, the leader of the meeting would raise his glass and say, “Phuckem”. The response would be, “Phuckem all!”

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That must have been a very rough experience, Steve, and you were probably tempted to drown in a sense of darkness.

But remember what they say about how diamonds are made--"deep within the earth...under conditions of intense heat and pressure".


Blessings to you.

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Thank you, Tea Party Gal

Actually, I was able to embrace the whole thing as God ordained. Our family only grew stronger by it, our church handled it as wonderfully as a church should, and God was with me each and every day. Spent more time in the Word than I would have on the outside. Best of all, I got an education.

My cellmate subscribed to the WSJ, and I read the editorial page a lot. (The news section sucked) I remember reading a Tom Cotton tough-on-crime opinion piece that was shot full of inaccurate bullshit. I could fact check those things in minutes.

But again, thx for your kind wishes. As Joseph said to his brothers- “what you meant for evil, God meant for good.”

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God bless you, Steve.

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You're right on, Steve!

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Think we are all in the same boat, Steve.

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“I’m still a sinner. Not sanctified yet. Working on that Love Your Enemies command. Pray for me.)”. Steve, Tucker Carlson gave a couple of speeches in Canada about where Canadian Christianity & politicians were taking the country. Very apropos your remark above. theconservativetreehouse.com, 2/12/24, Tucker Carlson Discusses Russia and the big question, …

Check it out.

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Yeah, I had to quit the treehouse too. The people there were sounding more like a cult and any new ideas or descent you tried to present were quashed ugly. I’m not interested in a room full of head nodders. The inability to verify also bothered me.

I’m enjoying the NY billionaires realizing they might be the next target if they wrongspeak. 🍿 If Trump finally wins over the billionaires it’s all over; or even if Biden loses the billionaires, that works too.

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Hadn’t thought of that- good point!

What billionaires are waking up?

Maybe the billionaires could coordinate with the truckers, and give the NY gov’t and judicial system and their jury pools a big helping of FAFO.

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Kevin O’Leary came out big and said he’d never invest another penny in NY. He says he’s talked to several NY investors who say the same.

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O Leary is a talker but is he a doer? time will tell.

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I also like, Stanley yelnats, that you’re the same guy, coming or going. Rare quality.

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Everyone knows it was a set up. But they did it anyway. The WH, DOJ, NY state, they were all in on it to bleed Trump and his family dry. The left is doing so while flipping us all off at the same time. They are even laughing about it on CNN and other places. This will not end well.

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The love your enemies commandment is one of the most difficult. It really helps to pray for them (also commanded).

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Sorry, I must be a bad Christian then because I don't love my enemies, not even close. When I see my country being destroyed and people like Joe Scarborough and his inflatable wife Bubbles getting paid millions calling me a communist, makes me realize even more how I am on the right side of history here. There are going to be winners and losers in this fight to save the country and its citizens. The Big Guy didn't do this to us, we did it to ourselves and it is up to us to fix it. And we will fix it. My enemies don't need me to love them, they need to stop destroying our freedom.

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Loving your enemies does not mean approving of them.

I’m praying for Chuck Schumer because he’s my senator, but the other enemies I’ve prayed for have been those I know personally who have tried to harm me. The focus of Jesus’ words is on our personal enemies. We can hardly do good, after all, to people we don’t know.

There is nothing wrong with wanting justice, which I think is what you’re talking about. The Psalms are full of David’s cries for justice, but when he had opportunities to kill his archenemy, Saul, he didn’t do it. And he did not hate Saul. We can hate what people are doing and want them punished for their evil deeds without hating the people themselves. Hatred is corrosive.

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Let's just agree to disagree on this one and recognize we all see things, including Christianity, a bit different.

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You leaning right Steve so thanks.

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With great respect Mister Don, may I remind us all that it was not the FBI's Special Agents who spilled the beans on Hillary Clinton's crimes. It was Julian Assange. Since Mr. Assange did the right thing and uncovered Bill & Hillary's crimes against humanity, the Five Eyes have hounded Assange nearly to death. Now, right now, they are putting on a show-trial in England "authorizing" Assange's extradition to the United States where another show-trial to imprison him for life is being arranged.

The work Julian Assange did in revealing The Clinton malfeasance is and example of honest, fearless reportage. Instead of being awarded for his integrity, Mr. Assange is being driven into obscurity and death. His wife says her husband is as good as dead already if he is extradited to the U.S.


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I love Trump but he made errors. Not giving pardons to Assange and Snowden were one of those errors

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We all make errors. When you find the perfect politician, let me know.

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I think Biden ought to be the investigated.

Not so much because we know he is a sell out the country crook but because of all the little acorns that would fall out of the investigation . I cannot think that the Biden crime family was the only political family or person who benefited from these obvious purchases by foreign entities.

Might be rewarding to find out who else was in on the take.

Pelosi comes to mind as does the turtle and Pierre Delecto.

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What we would learn is that there are probably half a dozen Senators and Congresspersons in DC who aren't tainted/bought in some way. It's a small club, the innocent.

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Lawfare by the Dems have consequences:

1. No trucks delivering food and supplies to NYC and DC. Truckers have learned from the Canada affair. No blockade just don’t take the assignment then their trucks aren’t confiscated. No Fois Gras for Manhattan and Foggy Bottom.

2. NYC verdict makes businesses wary of doing business in NYC. More companies will leave for greener pastures like Miami. NYC will be left with its migrants and no tax revenue.

3. Don’t elect DEI attorneys to important jobs. Civil Rights Attorney Benjamin Crump observed that all crime laws should be dropped against blacks in America as it’s in their nature to commit crise. DEI DA admits that’s it’s in Mr Wade’s nature to be a Bon Vivant. If blacks want true equality with whites then they need to either follow the same rules in society as whites Asians Indians and Hispanics or sufferer the embarrassment they were hit with this week.

4. Russia Collusion Version 2. Tucker Carlson has shown maybe we can have clean subways non GMO food inexpensively if we side with Russia. In addition Biden looks like Putin in his treatment of his political opponent, although the irony is lost on him… along with everything else.

5. Trump mugshot = Trump win. Republicans will come out in force and also have learned to stuff the ballot box.

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I wonder if the Trumpster will use the mugshot for his official portrait??

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No, it will be used on the new money printed in 2024.

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Now that would be something I’d like to see.

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Like it Red.

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Well said, Mark.

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While I like how this case is exposing Fani, Fulton County corruption and Democrat corruption in general, my opinion, based on the years I lived there and reason for getting out, has more to do with reverse racism than investigation. The man whose attorney looked into the Wade divorce filings and found the Willis/Wade relationship was a black defendant. The other 17 are white. No black in Fulton, Cobb, Clayton or DeKalb would ever have come forward to volunteer corruption information against a black helping a white person. Wade's law partner even said on the stand nobody would tell the truth and "burn that bridge".

I moved to Atlanta when it was the "city too busy to hate". It was wonderful. Vibrant, full of opportunity. Safe. I left because of the danger, but the final straw was when they told my husband directly and without any fear of reprimand that they threw out his repeated applications for advertised government positions because the positions were being held for their black friends.

Jim Crow and segregation 2.0 is alive and well with role reversal.

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Good morning, all.

I'm a big fan of karma. Having observed its workings in my life and others around me, I learned how to keep my life balanced in such a way - by not acting out in anger - that I no longer have to deal with those consequences. Not that I haven't entertained the idea of acting out; in times before, I was a big fan of retribution. Grateful that I learned I no longer need to go there.

Have a great day, everyone.

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Revenge is a bad thing, but it is not the same as retribution. I thought you might enjoy the historical definition of the difference.

"Revenge is a personal, retaliatory action against an individual, institution, or group for some alleged or perceived harm or injustice. Retribution, on the other hand, is a form of punishment inflicted by law, aiming to serve justice and uphold societal order." ~ Francis Bacon

To my eye, retribution is Precisely what is needed.

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I probably should have framed it as "revenge, thinly disguised as retribution." That's all it was...thanks for that, Jim.

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That's a distinction that more people need to understand.

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With a large side of whoopass.

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Congrats on overcoming this temptation to act out. Wish I had leaned it years and years ago.

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I still haven't. My mind goes to a dark place when I think of the $350+ million ruling against Trump for doing a successful and profitable business deal that benefits both parties. Zero victims here. Yet once again we on the right do nothing but bang on our keyboards

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I'm with you. Some deeply held switch of right vs wrong gets lit up when crap like that happens and I go into anger mode.

I have learned it is a response that rarely holds lasting satisfaction and other less reactive responses are more mature - and effective - for the long-term.

I'm still learning, usually the hard way.

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Yeah… can we just see ONE of these POS get their comeuppance?

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One won't be enough.

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Agreed. It's just not our personal job to do so. Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord.

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It’s not vengeance. It is justice.

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I agree! It may only take one key individual to get raked across the coals right into prison to bring the whole house of cards down!! (And hopefully they become a squealer as well).

It is JUSTICE, True Justice, not revenge.

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They would start squealing on eachother like crazy.

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The time is coming sooner than we all realize when banging on the keyboard will get you the same result as Mr. Trump is facing. We are going to fix this one way or the other. America does not fail when it sets its mind to a cause. The left forgot that message.

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There is a role for every component of our war with the Left. 'Banging on the keyboard' is a necessary and legitimate component, because the population MUST be awakened. The entire population doesn't have to be awakened BEFORE we succeed in regaining the White House and start to reverse the Left's damage, but the population MUST continue to be awakened AFTER we succeed, or our success will not be stable and enduring. We got into this mess because people were not clear enough to value our American freedom and recognize the threat to it.

The country as a whole needs to go through an intellectual, conscious, cognitive, re-awakening to the foundations of our system of American freedom. And I think it may be that the ONLY way THAT aspect of this return to freedom can occur is THROUGH the 'banging on the keyboard", the one-to-one personal conversation with people, and through reclaiming the educational system.

There are many people, and Reddog you and others who comment on this site are probably some of them, that can also play a direct role in a wide variety of ways based on their background, skills, areas of activity (their professions, jobs, or circles of action), etc. Right now there doesn't seem to be any central coordination of further efforts that are needed (the truckers embargo of NYC and DC being an exception). But it seems that each person will find that their individual way to contribute will surface.

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I repeat myself but am pleasantly surprised by the conservative trend of young folks I meet in store and on the streets.We are winning voters.

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Revenge is ugly and it is best not practised.

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I have learned not to act out. Works 80% of the time.

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Is the balance (20%) unresolved frustration or regret for acting out? Asking for one who has done both.

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It’s hard to be Zen when people push my buttons, but I’m improving. I think sometimes anger can be useful, but it’s not usually the right solution. We all have some regrets in life.

It’s natural. You did something. You didn’t do something when you should have. Mostly I find that I did the best I could with what I had to work with at the time. I just try to keep learning.

And I try to do the right thing for others. Mostly it works, not always. And I’m more humble than I was when I was younger. It helps when you realize how little you really know.

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‭"Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord."

Romans 12:19

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Don't believe for an instant that the Fani Willis Trump Persecution Game is going away quietly and soon. A second day of testimony by her was abruptly canceled without a remotely adequate explanation. Even the locals where wondering WTF? We know anything is possible in Fulton County (Atlanta) where the number one rule of politics is corruption pays.

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Great essay to follow yesterdays example of an ideal presidency.I firmly believe PDJT is in the mode of Washington in risking his very existence for the love of a once and maybe again great example of freedom and opportunity for all.The challenges we are facing can be overcome with diligence and un-relenting efforts requiring faith in God and his guidance in life.Poll needs aota but lead on Poca-Man as we march to victory for America and humanity MAGA 2024.

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I truly agree with you, Marlan, that "The challenges we are facing can be overcome with diligence and unrelenting efforts requiring faith in God and his guidance in life." The American people are deeply rooted in good and in generosity, so the maliciousness and stealth that has been exercised by the Left is just plain alien to us. So this lumbering giant of America has been slow to awaken, but the scales have been increasingly falling off peoples eyes now.

And look at the progress that has been made! First, it all had to come to light and the realization crystallized as to what's been going on. Check mark here--we're pretty far along now on that front. The Left media is starting to crumble; the Right media has exploded--just tons and tons of Right media outlets now, all gaining strength, plus Elon Musk's tremendous turnaround of Twitter.

The RINO establishment is finally starting to crumble, too. It was fantastic to get Kevin McCarthy out, and Mike Johnson is a HUGE improvement--he's doing valiantly to try and work miracles with a razor thin majority--the weaker members of which the Dems are doing their best to hound out of Congress (e.g. Santos).

Even just one month ago, everyone was super upset with Ronna McDaniel, but I swear NO ONE foresaw then that she would be OUT in just a few weeks--this is a TREMENDOUS achievement! And with Lara Trump in as one of the co-directors!!! I love Lara Trump, she will give them hell. This is, of course, not a COMPLETE coup yet over the RINO's, but it has been a strong move--MAGA is actually on the way to gaining control over the Republican party. Wars are underway in many state Republican party apparatuses. Really--to repeat-- even a month ago NO ONE was predicting Ronna McDaniel would be gone!!!!!! What will happen in the next 4-6 weeks that we can't foresee right now?

The Turtle exposed himself horribly with his manipulations on the border bill, he is probably fatally wounded politically. I know we all hesitate to predict he will be gone soon-- as we are understandably still locked into a very pessimistic view on all this. But his departure is probably already beginning to take shape.

"Diligence and unrelenting efforts requiring faith in God and his guidance". Amen, brother!

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We’ll said. Love the positivity. Baby steps lead to Yeti steps!!!

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Here in socialist Or. the repubs just lost the right to vote canidates of choice due to the barring of them for missing sessions in stopping the dem.steamroller.This was a tactic began by the dems when in the minority in Or.

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Marlan, lived a majority of my life in Oregon, back when it was just kind of eccentric and touchy-feely. Some of my family still there as well as a lot of friends. Oregon is a classic case of allowing people with idealistic ideas and no sense of reality to govern people. They have created a mess and now that it requires a fix, they have panicked and decided to follow the California model like Washington state, knowing that as long as they have Democrats in power in DC, elected or otherwise, they will get bailed out for their mess and be able to continue the charade and pretend their failed ideology works. It has worked for them thus far because they destroyed all industry in Oregon and have kept Oregon's economy from expanding, thereby keeping most voters on the poor side. And it was all done under the guise of "Keep Oregon Green". The saying just left off the words "........and Poor".

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Red,I still feel PDJT won in Or.and Wa in 2020 but the ghost of Gino for governor in Wa.is alive and more evil than ever.Wife wants to stay for grands and great grand so am still here.

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I like your optimism, TPG. However, I sense that more evil will be revealed. There seems to be no end to the looney left’s wicked plans to obliterate everything good and decent in our country.

But hope remains.

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Yes, Sophie, I agree, there are still probably tons of evil that will be revealed, and we will feel incredibly shocked and dismayed. The rot goes very deep. I think it was you that recently quoted Theoden in LOTR--"What can men do in the face of such evil?" Amen. All of us decent people will feel that and be tempted to give up. But I don't think we will actually yield to that temptation.

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Oh, TPG, you are so right. The rot is deeper than we can imagine. But no matter what comes, we shall not be “black pilled.”

I wish all our hopes did rest on two little hobbits. We can read how evil was defeated and then we close the book. The end.

But we are in the middle of our story and see through that obscured glass. And, although we’ve read to the end of our book, all the events yet to come haven’t happened yet.

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LOTR was a masterpiece. They were in a situation where things were "hanging by a thread". All they had was a longshot last ditch effort, courage, hope, and that marvelous fellowship with eachother. Although LOTR was technically "fiction"-- it's power is that what it described was Truth--"non-fiction". Same way Jesus's parables were "fiction", but so well conveyed Truth.

And boy was LOTR popular! It shows that the human spirit deeply responds to such calls to rise to the occasion and defeat evil. Like Marlan has said he has been encouraged by the conservatism he encounters in the young people in Oregon, I found it very encouraging to see how much this young generation enthusiastically embraced LOTR. For some, it is practically their religion--or as close to a religion as they have in their lives (so far) :) .

PS: good descriptive wording-- "black pilled"!

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Thanks. My son either coined or appropriated “black pilled.”

I think we could converse for hours about Tolkien, Lewis and the rest of the Inklings and God’s eternal truths they gifted this world with. It’s not really fiction, you know. There is a bit of hobbit in all of us. And the young people today are full of surprises! We have every reason to hope.

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I’ve been inspired to pray for my impossible senator, Chuck Schumer, by the example of a group in Pennsylvania praying for John Fetterman. God does amazing things in answer to prayer!

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This is very true, Kay. Prayer can 'move mountains'. Our default way of thinking looks at a Schumer or an Alvin Bragg, etc., and is furious at the evil. But the truth behind that is that each individual did not create themselves, God did, and the evil is something artificial grafted onto them. (Though they bear most of the responsibility for allowing it to be grafted onto them.) But spiritual light brought to focus on the original purity can have an impact on dislodging evil's grip on them. It takes a special purity though, to be willing to pray in this way, so many kudos to you. I think it is probably a very direct way of influencing events. You spur me to want to rise to this level of prayer as well.

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God has answered many prayers for me personally and thankfully in retrospect denied more than a few,

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I think it’s possible that the Never Trumpers run Trikki Nikki Haley as a third party candidate to siphon off votes from Trump and throw the race to whoever the Dems end up running. They’ve already shown they will sink MAGA candidates and elect Dems instead.

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Yesterday's news that Trump has to post a half billion dollars in order to appeal is a corker. Once again, no victim, no nothing, but a determination to strip him of his wealth. It's time for Jamie Dimon to get a group of banks to rally together and show the rotten Dems that America's financial institutions won't stand for third world treatment. And it better happen this week!

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If Dimon and the like have any morals left NY is toast business wise.

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Wouldn't you love to see the New York banks band together and take the rotten justice system apart?

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Visioning things can contribute to them happening.

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Laser focus, by all MAGA people.

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All this stuff against Trump is tantamount to a Bill of Attainder. It’s against the law to single one person out and mete out “justice” just to that one person and nobody else. Equal protection and treatment under the law is a cornerstone of our legal system.The Democrats essentially already admitted (bragged) that this treatment is uniquely designed for Trump. It’s unconstitutional - all of it, not to mention the charges and conduct of the proceedings are making a complete mockery of the legal system. The ruling class continuously breaks the law in the name of the law. They need to go.

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The big banks are all a major part of the corrupt cabal.

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Willis and the rest are small potatoes but they serve as road signs for the rest of us. Their signs point to preemptive strikes at the Left's worst enemy. *** A hallmark of Trump Presidency #1 was ignorance. International business is a woven fabric of interdependent companies and politicians engaging in high stakes self promotion with a side (sometimes main) course of corruption. Trump knows how to play that game but he failed to realize the same framework existed in our government. *** He was an out of towner. HIs unfamiliarity with the government game was amply demonstrated by his reliance upon advisors who were themselves self-promoting players in the game. Look to his appointees! *** The corruption and deep state (Yes I repeat myself) derailed him. Now he presents a real problem to the Left. He is a proven master at international business. He has armed himself with broad knowledge and the rules of the government game. He has been building an army of units focused on specific issues to be quickly addressed after his inauguration. The Left will do anything to stop him because he can destroy them and their turf. They are forewarned that he is coming for them and brining Hell with him.

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Even erred on his own VP, who turned out to be a back stabbing rat.

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Well said, Jim.

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Speaking of relationships and possible conflict of interest, the CFP had some background info on Judge McAfee, the judge presiding over the Fani Willis hearing. Besides his music degree from Emory University, he also reportedly worked under Fani Willis for a while back early in his career. That sounds like another conflict of interest possibility.

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Absolutely-- that judge should have recused himself--he worked for her for 4 years and is clearly intimidated by her.

The legal profession has been oddly silent about all this abusive lawfare. I have to believe there are still many lawyers out there who have integrity and chose the career out of a commitment to the ideals of justice. That is not naive. Most people do desire to do good with their lives.

Unfortunately, the people who have been active in the state Bar Associations seem to be disproportionately liberal. I do not know that much about the legal field's structure, but I believe the main role of the state Bar Associations has been to rate judges for promotion to the federal bench. Liberals have been more "savvy" than conservatives, and seem to have dominated these Bar Associations. I do know that the ABA judicial ratings have always been slanted to the Left.

Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a forum through which conservative lawyers can present their views to the public. Maybe I am wrong, and more is going on behind the scenes. But it has not percolated to public view yet. I hope it does, and soon.

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Rachel Alexander is a great tutor on the bar associations.

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Wow, just looked her up--she was disbarred in Arizona by the state ABA for trying to address the corruption! (from my cursory initial look at this).

Heroes all over the place. In every field, Americans are waking up to realize this has to be fought on all fronts, because there will be nowhere for us to hide if we don't and the tyrants solidify their control. It needs to be fought bigly in medical associations; I've even heard of some stuff in realtors groups, etc. Everyone's livelihood, peace, and prosperity is going to get trashed if we don't.

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The poll is a tough one but I voted for the most amateur at the corruption game, and the one most likely to have been affirmative actioned into her job. She’s the most likely to feel invulnerable and without possibility of error. But my money is that James was bought and paid for and sees a bigger payoff coming her way. Prideful and all that.

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That’s because Bath House and Mike weren’t on the Poll!

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One of the (many) things I admired about Trump is that he didn't hire henchmen like James Carville (the Clintons), Lee Atwater (the Bushes) or David Axelrod (the Obamas) to do his dirty work. Trump did it himself, without the "plausible deniability" every other politician hides behind. Those who stood up for Trump--Giuliani, Bannon, Navarro, the peaceful J6 demonstrators, et al--have all become victims of lawfare, too. I don't know how this ends, but the cycle of hate and revenge needs to stop.

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Actually, you do - and everyone else knows, too.

It isn't pretty - but tyrants and authoritarians do not remove themselves, voluntarily.

It will be violent, bloody, and messy - but, as Duranty said, to make an omelette, one needs to break a few eggs.

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Sidney Blumenthal has been another one of those henchmen for the Clintons, continuing to recent times.

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Marc Elias is one THE WORST!!!!!

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If follow the money works, maybe start with Soros or Obama. The hard part will be finding someone to head the DOJ. We don't seem to have anyone with the Gonads for the job....

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