"“The View Ratings Shocker as Show Loses to Harris Faulkner at Fox News.” When a program trots out Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, Meghan McCain, and Sara Haines, viewers are limited to imbeciles, alcoholics and women with spit cups on their ironing boards..
Typically w smokeless tobacco the spit cup w/b a plastic gimme cup. However I w/b concerned it might tip over since it w/b lite if not close to full…. That is why they make snap cowboy shirts with a good helping of rayon, so you won’t need to iron them….
wouldn't it be a slice of home made pie if it turns out that the biden admin was paying all those yapping hyenas on the view extra assets under the table?
02/06/25: Small correction, humor me. "Spitoons" (not "spit cups"). And can we really credit such "women" with the skills necessary to make our clothing look presentable?
Or an empty beer can. I know of one instance where a fight broke out when hubby got home, set his beer down, turned around, turned back, picked up the spit can and took a healthy swig. He lost teeth and she was trespassed from the base for damaging government property. He was an E4.
"Cheeseburger Schumer, Chardonnay Nancy and Pocahontas." How dare we forget the vital role being played by the esteemed Pasadena Pencil Neck? And I recommend changing the above to "Cheeseburger Chuck."
Once again I haven’t finished reading today’s article but I have to jump in and wonder about something. Don mentions Chardonnay Nancy as one of those pushing back, but I haven’t seen or heard a peep out of her since the inauguration. Has anyone else? I’m a news/political junkie so I doubt that I would have missed it if she had.
Hubby and I were talking about it yesterday and we concluded that she’s laying low and keeping quiet because PDT and crew have enough dirt on her to put her in prison.
Didn't she recently break her hip? The sight of her using a walker or wheel chair won't do much to restore confidence in her leadership. I think her days as a spokesperson for the left are over.
02/06/25: This doesn't square with the fact that the only way anyone has ever been able to keep Nancy out of circulation is to take her out with a Panzerfaust.
Agree, but where is she? Ordinarily she would be in front of the mics screeching like a banshee on an hourly basis. And I don’t think that the fractured hip has anything to do with it.
My theory is the fractured hip, hospitable outside the U.S. (don’t recall which country), prevented a much needed nip/tuck and now that she’s back in the USA, she’s getting a little facial ‘refresher’. At her age healing takes awhile. I don’t think she’s going to have a come back.
Chardonnay Nancy has been busy counting her ill gotten stock market gains. OTOH, I'm sure you didn't miss Mad Max Waters on the front line of the protests yesterday
MAGA is doing wonderful things with Trump's leadership. I just hope they can manage to balance the abrupt harshness of the changes and cuts with the important need to fully educate the average American voter on the extent of corruption and unconstitutional behavior of the last many decades of administrative state unchecked power. Many are unbelievably shocked at what they've seen so far but the strategy of exposing it must be done well.
Hopefully, it will bring all voters along for the ride so they at least understand the history and facts of this corruption. If we fail to do that, we may completely lose the will of the independents and moderates. Most don't want to fight like The Donald.
As for those who blurt out that they didn't vote for Elon Musk, I don't recall voting for ANY of the dozens of NGOs - or their corrupt employees - who have been secretly hoarding my tax money for their corrupt benefit. Someone needs to shove that little fact back at the unhinged leftists.
After a multi-year election campaign hearing that Donald Trump is unhinged, I must ask, who is unhinged now?
The first thing Elon did when he took over Twitter was lock the computers so they couldn't be purged of evidence. The second thing was call in journalists he trusted and gave them free rein to rifle through what became known as "the Twitter files." Once that was all exposed - without Elon interfering - the defecation struck the propeller. I expect no less here.
Hell, what am I saying? This will make The Twitter Files look like doodling in the sand. Ditto Watergate. Mark my words; you heard it here first.
I'd like to see the Trumpster give a speech on national tv starting with the words "My fellow American's".... Presidents used to do that when I was younger. He could bring everyone up to speed on the good, bad and ugly findings so far and what he's going to do about it.
Jake, anytime Trump is speaking, we like it, but I would suggest that the revealing of the deep corruption in the NGOs should be summarized line item by line item and presented to the American people by the cabinet head or the AG, if the behavior was illegal or unconstitutional.
I'd also like to see a .gov website constantly updated with line item detail - by NGO - of the corruption and spending they find. Let Elon do the digging but make the cabinet head do the communications with Americans.
The corruption goes higher than the NGO's and USAID. Yes, they stole government money but at the behest of Democrats in power. Those criminals are in Congress and were in the White House.
How about calling them out at the SOTU address. "I see Nancy who stole 150 billion in foreign aid. There's Adam Schiff who is in line for the gallows for his treason. Where's Fauxcahontas? Stand up Liz, Yup, there she is, ready for twenty years for all the Big Pharma bribes...."
Then have the Marshalls cuff em and march em out while the audience cheers!
While I share your feelings, we should remember that if Trump can get multi-million dollar payouts for defamation, so could the opposition if the language used was careless.
I'm talking about their arrests taking place during the SOTU, not just naming and shaming. Lawsuit won't go far if they are being tried for their crimes, especially when they are found guilty.
Totally agree, this is a GOLDEN opportunity to once and for all wake up a big majority of the voters on the Left. It is ESSENTIAL to us being able to move forward with a reunited nation, for the destructiveness of the Left to be fully grasped by Left voters.
Love every idea floated here for how to best do this--do them all--each will reach or appeal to a different constituency. So much is happening, a single official website devoted to this would help, listing each new confirmed misuse of funds, with constantly updated totals by agency.
We need to be very professional about this--not gloating and childish. Behind closed doors we can frankly celebrate, but it would be shooting ourselves in our own feet to alienate Left voters. Just lay out the facts--crystal clear, in an understandable way, and repeated over and over so it isn't just swept under the rug. And welcome the awakened Left voters back into the fold of sanity, with kindness and respect. In so many cases, they are literally our family.
There is a vanishingly small group of D's that are subject to persuasion, as their opinions are solely formed by the propaganda outlets (still on the air and otherwise, despite loss of USAID funding) and their own emotions.
In my consulting work, I've found that orgs (and people) don't change until it is too painful NOT to change.
Believe it or not, it doesn't seem that most D's are in that much pain yet. Watching them scream and rant...well, guess we'll see.
I agree! The messaging on the Trump administration’s efforts has to be loud, clear, simple and damning. Kari line is doing an exceptional job of that in her particular venue, but it is beyond essential that ALL Republicans in every position held anywhere and everywhere grab the microphones and cheerlead Trump’s effort. And to study at the feet of the masters like JD as how to handle the media’s mendacity.
Some Repubs will be caught in the nets as well. These foundations of all stripes are a vehicle for laundering money. The Trumpster wondered out loud about kickbacks when he was talking about money from USAID...
I’m fine with that. Take out the trash, ALL the trash. If it takes out republicans, they were dirty and need to go too. Same for the sexual abuse payoff roster, expose them all, regardless of party. If you can’t keep it in or pants or out of the till, get out.
My favorite USAID slush trails are the ones that end up in the MS media coffers. They spend like democrats apparently, since they don’t even have enough $$ to pay their “reporters” one day after the freeze. The best way to shutter them is to bankrupt them. We are watching the cord being cut from democrats to NBC, MSNBC,ABC, CBS,CNN, PBS, etc. I’m lovin’ it. Trump is giving America a well-deserved happy meal.
The Trumpster has kicked over the money table in the Temple. The anguish of the den of vipers is hilarious. Al Green anyone??
I gotta say that delaying confirmation of these cabinet members hasn't had the effect the Dems thought. They've been kicking garbage cans over all over Washington without them.
Still waiting to see who the first person to be charged by Pam is?? Should start a Surber lottery on that one...
02/06/25: Alas, the WH press secretary yesterday had a wonderful but unrealized opportunity to ask the Politico reporter present in the WH press briefing room to please stand up, and leave the room in shame.
Politico's on the USAID slush fund payroll. How long will it be before we find out about all the rest of the corrupt legacy media, including the NY Times?
Remember when NYT was going broke and then suddenly, during the first Trump presidency, they came into money explained away as "new subscriptions"?
And have yet to hear about the gazillions of COVID money that found its way to filling the coffers of every bankrupt blue state, amongst a plethora of other Left pals and projects.
Come to think of it, practically all the traditional media are in a financial hole, so I wonder how many more of them the late, unlamented regime has bribed -- sorry, I mean "financially encouraged".
Here are just some of the cases I wonder whether the DOJ will go after:
• The Russia Russia Hoax
• Election Rigging
• Jan 6th prisoner prosecutions + Committee
• Spygate
Bondi has chosen to start with the Lawfare campaign against Trump, which is fine, because it implicates a whole heck of a lot of big dogs at the same time.
But the day I’m waiting for most of all, is the day SOMEONE goes to jail! Hopefully to be followed by many more.
Sometimes you can hurt people far more by shaming them in their chosen profession than by indictment. Case in point, removing the security clearances from the gang of 51.
One can just feel that Vindman is the tip of an iceberg on the whole Ukraine thing. Individually, he is glaringly low hanging fruit, but probably realistically we shouldn't pluck it til we're ready to go thoroughly into the Ukraine corruption and unaccounted for billions, so Americans can follow the story somewhat chronologically and grasp the magnitude of what went on.
Is it only me that has noticed there have been NO leaks from the White House! If you recall Trump 1.0 was devastated by repeated leaks by the undercover apparatchiks put in place by the never Trumpers and the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party! None of his phone calls have been released to Politico et.al. I think this portends a real sea change in how DJT will succeed in reversing the catastrophe that was the Obama/Biden Marxist takeover of America.
02/06/25: EXCELLENT observation. Thank you. It never occurred to me.
You're right. At least half of the people in the White House during the Trump years were "embedded" Deep Staters, which wasn't realized until it was too late.
It will not happen twice (if we don't renege on our "Graham Crackers and Milk" pledge to Musk's junior executives currently exposing the USAID bribery racket).
"... torpedoed the Democrat Party. Its approval rate sank to 31%, a large slide from 48% share of the votes they received on Election Day."
WHO'S TO SAY the election day "poll" of 48% was ACCURATE and VALID??
MAYBE it's been 31% (or less) THIS WHOLE TIME. 🤔🤔🤔
I can't WAIT for DJT to see what ELECTION INTEGRITY MEASURES he can / will institute!!!
And NEXT we have to somehow get the CENSUS count issue remedied in order to strip the Dems of 25+ CONGRESSIONAL SEATS when their illegal headcount is shrunk!!
I've been waiting for the "election integrity" shoe to drop...hard. It needs to happen early in Trump's term so we can have "real/honest" midterm elections. Then we can watch boredom tears as they start losing all those seats they've been stealing for years!
Totally agree with all. Well phrased--"waiting for the 'election integrity' shoe to drop". I think it is wise, though, that these other things are happening first. Exposing the corrupt spending is very powerful, and will dispose most Left voters to begin (guardedly and cautiously) opening their mind.
Once the Left has absorbed that there has been undeniable gross financial corruption, they will be more able to listen--just a little bit at first--to proof of election corruption. But if we try to hit them with election corruption first, they will adamantly resist it.
Financial corruption and cheating are tied together. These groups/individuals are getting paid for their work. The foot soldiers caught will talk to avoid jail time. It's bound to be the scandal of the century.
There is no left-wing voter base, all the elections are rigged and fake, all the liberal media outlets have no audience and are kept alive by USAID funding. All their politicians and political pundits are paid by USAID to say what the government wants’. Can this possibly be even 1/2 true, Elon?
One really smart thing Trump is doing this time is to shield DOGE from the legal challenges to come. By putting DOGE inside the Executive Office of the POTUS in what used to be called the United States Digital Service, DOGE has the shield of executive privilege as advisers to the president.
All protestations that Musk is unelected, that Democrats have been denied bipartisan participation in DOGE activities, lack of transparency, yada-yada-yada are going to be futile because Trump has absolute immunity for all official acts he conducts within his own office.
I'm often wrong but never in doubt. When the cuttin's done, the activities of Elon and his whiz kids will be the most consequential actions of the Trump presidency. When you have every grifter in Congress howling like broke-dick dogs in front of the Treasury, you know that you are hot on the trail of something monumental. Locking the "career" people out of the computers and indeed out of the building - as well as working weekends and moving your sleeping couch into the workspace is a well-honed technique perfected in the Twitter takeover. GO, BABY!
"“The View Ratings Shocker as Show Loses to Harris Faulkner at Fox News.” When a program trots out Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, Meghan McCain, and Sara Haines, viewers are limited to imbeciles, alcoholics and women with spit cups on their ironing boards..
“spit cups on their ironing boards”!!! DJ- tell me that’s a real thing! That’s disgustingly beautiful.
I should add I’ve always found Rosie the Riveter beautiful.
She was hot stuff during WW11.
Norman Rockwell greatly exaggerated her biceps.
True, but that’s because he wanted to portray her inner strength, and all that put their shoulders to that great mission.
Typically w smokeless tobacco the spit cup w/b a plastic gimme cup. However I w/b concerned it might tip over since it w/b lite if not close to full…. That is why they make snap cowboy shirts with a good helping of rayon, so you won’t need to iron them….
If you ever saw the movie Johnny Dangerously, (it's a hoot), his mother had one.
wouldn't it be a slice of home made pie if it turns out that the biden admin was paying all those yapping hyenas on the view extra assets under the table?
i would write a check to see that.
02/06/25: Small correction, humor me. "Spitoons" (not "spit cups"). And can we really credit such "women" with the skills necessary to make our clothing look presentable?
Nope, spit cups. A cup from the kitchen cabinet.
Or an empty beer can. I know of one instance where a fight broke out when hubby got home, set his beer down, turned around, turned back, picked up the spit can and took a healthy swig. He lost teeth and she was trespassed from the base for damaging government property. He was an E4.
Two different things for the same purpose. A Ford Mustang vs a Lincoln Continental.
"Cheeseburger Schumer, Chardonnay Nancy and Pocahontas." How dare we forget the vital role being played by the esteemed Pasadena Pencil Neck? And I recommend changing the above to "Cheeseburger Chuck."
I'm committed to Chuck the Schmuck.
I prefer a blond vs a red head.
Actually they probably use a discarded Miller can.
Small correction to a small correction: It's SPITTOON, with a double T.
I understand they also came in well behind the test pattern and static/ snow.
Once again I haven’t finished reading today’s article but I have to jump in and wonder about something. Don mentions Chardonnay Nancy as one of those pushing back, but I haven’t seen or heard a peep out of her since the inauguration. Has anyone else? I’m a news/political junkie so I doubt that I would have missed it if she had.
Hubby and I were talking about it yesterday and we concluded that she’s laying low and keeping quiet because PDT and crew have enough dirt on her to put her in prison.
Now, back to the article.
Didn't she recently break her hip? The sight of her using a walker or wheel chair won't do much to restore confidence in her leadership. I think her days as a spokesperson for the left are over.
She wasn’t so much a spokesperson as a dictator. Can’t wait to find out where all the bodies are buried.
McConnell needs to buy one….Or else get new rubbers for his exercise machine….
Saw a headline last night that Mitch had another fall yesterday, don't know the details
Just getting closer to his boss.
02/06/25: This doesn't square with the fact that the only way anyone has ever been able to keep Nancy out of circulation is to take her out with a Panzerfaust.
Agree, but where is she? Ordinarily she would be in front of the mics screeching like a banshee on an hourly basis. And I don’t think that the fractured hip has anything to do with it.
02/06/25: Place a mirror under her nose. See if moisture appears. If not, there's our answer.
People in her party have politely told her to shut up I think.
What a great, descriptive name for an absolutely devistating anti-tank weapon.
But it isn't powerful enough to rip an Abrams skank err tank
That would explain the condition of her face.
Just take a gargoyle from an old cathedral, put a wig and makeup on it. No one will know the difference.
My theory is the fractured hip, hospitable outside the U.S. (don’t recall which country), prevented a much needed nip/tuck and now that she’s back in the USA, she’s getting a little facial ‘refresher’. At her age healing takes awhile. I don’t think she’s going to have a come back.
Chardonnay Nancy has been busy counting her ill gotten stock market gains. OTOH, I'm sure you didn't miss Mad Max Waters on the front line of the protests yesterday
My guess is sh’s on a Delaware beach with FJB hoping to recover from old age. Permanently!
(I can dream can’t I?)
Send Chardy to Gitmo.
MAGA is doing wonderful things with Trump's leadership. I just hope they can manage to balance the abrupt harshness of the changes and cuts with the important need to fully educate the average American voter on the extent of corruption and unconstitutional behavior of the last many decades of administrative state unchecked power. Many are unbelievably shocked at what they've seen so far but the strategy of exposing it must be done well.
Hopefully, it will bring all voters along for the ride so they at least understand the history and facts of this corruption. If we fail to do that, we may completely lose the will of the independents and moderates. Most don't want to fight like The Donald.
As for those who blurt out that they didn't vote for Elon Musk, I don't recall voting for ANY of the dozens of NGOs - or their corrupt employees - who have been secretly hoarding my tax money for their corrupt benefit. Someone needs to shove that little fact back at the unhinged leftists.
After a multi-year election campaign hearing that Donald Trump is unhinged, I must ask, who is unhinged now?
The first thing Elon did when he took over Twitter was lock the computers so they couldn't be purged of evidence. The second thing was call in journalists he trusted and gave them free rein to rifle through what became known as "the Twitter files." Once that was all exposed - without Elon interfering - the defecation struck the propeller. I expect no less here.
Hell, what am I saying? This will make The Twitter Files look like doodling in the sand. Ditto Watergate. Mark my words; you heard it here first.
You are feeling the senses I am picking up with the AP payola only the tip of a long knife Jim.
I'd like to see the Trumpster give a speech on national tv starting with the words "My fellow American's".... Presidents used to do that when I was younger. He could bring everyone up to speed on the good, bad and ugly findings so far and what he's going to do about it.
Jake, anytime Trump is speaking, we like it, but I would suggest that the revealing of the deep corruption in the NGOs should be summarized line item by line item and presented to the American people by the cabinet head or the AG, if the behavior was illegal or unconstitutional.
I'd also like to see a .gov website constantly updated with line item detail - by NGO - of the corruption and spending they find. Let Elon do the digging but make the cabinet head do the communications with Americans.
Elon should be invisible.
The corruption goes higher than the NGO's and USAID. Yes, they stole government money but at the behest of Democrats in power. Those criminals are in Congress and were in the White House.
I'm sure you are right. I probably can't get my head around the size of it, but now I better understand the Uniparty and what holds it together.
Secret money.
USAID is a literal drop in the bucket. This could get really big - and very dangerous. Trump is stepping on the tail of the dragon.
Yes, dangerous. But kind of like a vampire in the sun, every exposure also has an impact on destroying it.
Other than a busted hip, that's probably why Nancy is laying low.
How about calling them out at the SOTU address. "I see Nancy who stole 150 billion in foreign aid. There's Adam Schiff who is in line for the gallows for his treason. Where's Fauxcahontas? Stand up Liz, Yup, there she is, ready for twenty years for all the Big Pharma bribes...."
Then have the Marshalls cuff em and march em out while the audience cheers!
While I share your feelings, we should remember that if Trump can get multi-million dollar payouts for defamation, so could the opposition if the language used was careless.
I'm talking about their arrests taking place during the SOTU, not just naming and shaming. Lawsuit won't go far if they are being tried for their crimes, especially when they are found guilty.
We can dream, can’t we?
Totally agree, this is a GOLDEN opportunity to once and for all wake up a big majority of the voters on the Left. It is ESSENTIAL to us being able to move forward with a reunited nation, for the destructiveness of the Left to be fully grasped by Left voters.
Love every idea floated here for how to best do this--do them all--each will reach or appeal to a different constituency. So much is happening, a single official website devoted to this would help, listing each new confirmed misuse of funds, with constantly updated totals by agency.
We need to be very professional about this--not gloating and childish. Behind closed doors we can frankly celebrate, but it would be shooting ourselves in our own feet to alienate Left voters. Just lay out the facts--crystal clear, in an understandable way, and repeated over and over so it isn't just swept under the rug. And welcome the awakened Left voters back into the fold of sanity, with kindness and respect. In so many cases, they are literally our family.
There is a vanishingly small group of D's that are subject to persuasion, as their opinions are solely formed by the propaganda outlets (still on the air and otherwise, despite loss of USAID funding) and their own emotions.
In my consulting work, I've found that orgs (and people) don't change until it is too painful NOT to change.
Believe it or not, it doesn't seem that most D's are in that much pain yet. Watching them scream and rant...well, guess we'll see.
I agree! The messaging on the Trump administration’s efforts has to be loud, clear, simple and damning. Kari line is doing an exceptional job of that in her particular venue, but it is beyond essential that ALL Republicans in every position held anywhere and everywhere grab the microphones and cheerlead Trump’s effort. And to study at the feet of the masters like JD as how to handle the media’s mendacity.
Some Repubs will be caught in the nets as well. These foundations of all stripes are a vehicle for laundering money. The Trumpster wondered out loud about kickbacks when he was talking about money from USAID...
I’m fine with that. Take out the trash, ALL the trash. If it takes out republicans, they were dirty and need to go too. Same for the sexual abuse payoff roster, expose them all, regardless of party. If you can’t keep it in or pants or out of the till, get out.
That can be also be used as valuable leverage against those recalcitrant RINO’s who most definitely have the biggest hands in the cookie jar!
My favorite USAID slush trails are the ones that end up in the MS media coffers. They spend like democrats apparently, since they don’t even have enough $$ to pay their “reporters” one day after the freeze. The best way to shutter them is to bankrupt them. We are watching the cord being cut from democrats to NBC, MSNBC,ABC, CBS,CNN, PBS, etc. I’m lovin’ it. Trump is giving America a well-deserved happy meal.
The exposure and defunding of a lot of NGOs and the media is a body-slam to The Resistance. Trump 2.0, DGAF Edition!
The death nail for those media outlets will be "no Pharma advertising"
Especially since their main audience is very old folks.
The Trumpster has kicked over the money table in the Temple. The anguish of the den of vipers is hilarious. Al Green anyone??
I gotta say that delaying confirmation of these cabinet members hasn't had the effect the Dems thought. They've been kicking garbage cans over all over Washington without them.
Still waiting to see who the first person to be charged by Pam is?? Should start a Surber lottery on that one...
02/06/25: Alas, the WH press secretary yesterday had a wonderful but unrealized opportunity to ask the Politico reporter present in the WH press briefing room to please stand up, and leave the room in shame.
Politico's on the USAID slush fund payroll. How long will it be before we find out about all the rest of the corrupt legacy media, including the NY Times?
Remember when NYT was going broke and then suddenly, during the first Trump presidency, they came into money explained away as "new subscriptions"?
And have yet to hear about the gazillions of COVID money that found its way to filling the coffers of every bankrupt blue state, amongst a plethora of other Left pals and projects.
I think that Politico received a tiny fraction of what AP received. Boy howdy, it's sure easy when you're spending other people's money!
Excellent point about the NYT. That was suspicious.
Come to think of it, practically all the traditional media are in a financial hole, so I wonder how many more of them the late, unlamented regime has bribed -- sorry, I mean "financially encouraged".
Here are just some of the cases I wonder whether the DOJ will go after:
• The Russia Russia Hoax
• Election Rigging
• Jan 6th prisoner prosecutions + Committee
• Spygate
Bondi has chosen to start with the Lawfare campaign against Trump, which is fine, because it implicates a whole heck of a lot of big dogs at the same time.
But the day I’m waiting for most of all, is the day SOMEONE goes to jail! Hopefully to be followed by many more.
Sometimes you can hurt people far more by shaming them in their chosen profession than by indictment. Case in point, removing the security clearances from the gang of 51.
Low hanging fruit 1st.
One can just feel that Vindman is the tip of an iceberg on the whole Ukraine thing. Individually, he is glaringly low hanging fruit, but probably realistically we shouldn't pluck it til we're ready to go thoroughly into the Ukraine corruption and unaccounted for billions, so Americans can follow the story somewhat chronologically and grasp the magnitude of what went on.
You have to pick the low hanging fruit first so that future traitors know they are in jeopardy if they cross the line.
Is it only me that has noticed there have been NO leaks from the White House! If you recall Trump 1.0 was devastated by repeated leaks by the undercover apparatchiks put in place by the never Trumpers and the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party! None of his phone calls have been released to Politico et.al. I think this portends a real sea change in how DJT will succeed in reversing the catastrophe that was the Obama/Biden Marxist takeover of America.
02/06/25: EXCELLENT observation. Thank you. It never occurred to me.
You're right. At least half of the people in the White House during the Trump years were "embedded" Deep Staters, which wasn't realized until it was too late.
It will not happen twice (if we don't renege on our "Graham Crackers and Milk" pledge to Musk's junior executives currently exposing the USAID bribery racket).
Missing me a dour mug of Mike Hart-Pence right about now…..NOT! This is so GREAT!
"... torpedoed the Democrat Party. Its approval rate sank to 31%, a large slide from 48% share of the votes they received on Election Day."
WHO'S TO SAY the election day "poll" of 48% was ACCURATE and VALID??
MAYBE it's been 31% (or less) THIS WHOLE TIME. 🤔🤔🤔
I can't WAIT for DJT to see what ELECTION INTEGRITY MEASURES he can / will institute!!!
And NEXT we have to somehow get the CENSUS count issue remedied in order to strip the Dems of 25+ CONGRESSIONAL SEATS when their illegal headcount is shrunk!!
I've been waiting for the "election integrity" shoe to drop...hard. It needs to happen early in Trump's term so we can have "real/honest" midterm elections. Then we can watch boredom tears as they start losing all those seats they've been stealing for years!
boredom = Dem...
Totally agree with all. Well phrased--"waiting for the 'election integrity' shoe to drop". I think it is wise, though, that these other things are happening first. Exposing the corrupt spending is very powerful, and will dispose most Left voters to begin (guardedly and cautiously) opening their mind.
Once the Left has absorbed that there has been undeniable gross financial corruption, they will be more able to listen--just a little bit at first--to proof of election corruption. But if we try to hit them with election corruption first, they will adamantly resist it.
Financial corruption and cheating are tied together. These groups/individuals are getting paid for their work. The foot soldiers caught will talk to avoid jail time. It's bound to be the scandal of the century.
Nailed it Gail with the census .
I’m having trouble with obsessive schadenfreude, stalking my liberal friends on Facebook.
I love looking at Homan—he’s every bit the sex symbol that Noem is.
Their hysterical sputtering, devoid of any justification for what is being uncovered, is a delight.
Homan is a good guy, but a sex symbol ??????????????
To each their own.
"You don’t wonder where the money’s spent when you elected Donald president." Excellent, Don.
Great jingle!
Reminiscent of “you’ll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent”.
I liked that one too. In fact I stopped to read that paragraph to my wife.
One of the few times a sequel is even better than the original.
There is no left-wing voter base, all the elections are rigged and fake, all the liberal media outlets have no audience and are kept alive by USAID funding. All their politicians and political pundits are paid by USAID to say what the government wants’. Can this possibly be even 1/2 true, Elon?
One really smart thing Trump is doing this time is to shield DOGE from the legal challenges to come. By putting DOGE inside the Executive Office of the POTUS in what used to be called the United States Digital Service, DOGE has the shield of executive privilege as advisers to the president.
All protestations that Musk is unelected, that Democrats have been denied bipartisan participation in DOGE activities, lack of transparency, yada-yada-yada are going to be futile because Trump has absolute immunity for all official acts he conducts within his own office.
I'm often wrong but never in doubt. When the cuttin's done, the activities of Elon and his whiz kids will be the most consequential actions of the Trump presidency. When you have every grifter in Congress howling like broke-dick dogs in front of the Treasury, you know that you are hot on the trail of something monumental. Locking the "career" people out of the computers and indeed out of the building - as well as working weekends and moving your sleeping couch into the workspace is a well-honed technique perfected in the Twitter takeover. GO, BABY!
Teacher Union Chief Randi Weingarten in Total Panic Over Trump Plan to Shut Down Education Department-In other news, water is wet.
02/06/25: Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open SLAY (target: Dept of Ed).
I sea what you did their. Don will like it two.
Call Gaza...Area 47 (from Steve Gruber Show)
I like that.
Trumposaurus Rex is tearing it up while the libs are tearing up.
👍. You sure that's not tiering? 😊The lunatic left won't even know whom you're talking about. I prefer Trumpster, Trumplican works two.