Stealing the election of 2020 was a blessing in disguise. DJT returns to office with a lot of real DC experience. He now knows all about the rats out there. He will surround himself with much, much better this time. He was sent by God. I truly believe that.

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I’m so impressed and pleased with the team he’s surrounded himself with. I think all can be considered trusted advisors and I hope each one will be confirmed quickly. I too, in retrospect, am glad he didn’t prevail in 2020. We are now blessed with a much wiser president who I expect to be remembered through the ages of this great nation. I’m sorry for the troubles he and his family were forced to endure reassuring us that they were not after him but us and he was the one standing in their way. God bless you Donald J Trump!

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I cried and cried when the election was stolen and was super mad at God. Turns out He knows what he’s doing!!

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It's. All. Set. Up. Can I get an amen?

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That ear shot sorely tested my agnosticism. If there is a God, I wish he'd quit screwing around, letting us get right to the very brink before pulling us back. My heart can't take much more of that stuff.

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God does use hard times to get our attention; the Bible is full of examples of this. Check it out...

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It’s pretty much the entire narrative of the entire Bible! Hah!

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I agree with your comment. Unfortunately, though, the harm this illegitimate, incompetent and pathetic Biden regime has put America through has been at a terrible cost to a great many.

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I've been saying that for a while now. Adam Schiff had bricks in his shorts.

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I agree 100%.

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Don is showing off. And he earned the right to do it.

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After the Steal of 2020, the ongoing lawfare campaign, and the disastrous Biden term, the Deep State has been revealed to average Americans much like the incompetence of Newsom and Karen Bass has been revealed by the wild fires in LA. We now know who they are and these scumbags have nowhere to hide.

The best news is that a wiser DJT is coming into office with his own team which includes J.D. Vance, who has the charisma and gravitas to follow 47 to become 48. Gone are the first term weasels who stabbed Trump in the back every chance they could. I am so looking forward to the next four years and beyond.

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The late senator Harry Reid (D) Nevada deserves credit for breaking the historic senate rules to allow a simple majority vote to approve cabinet members. Reid's desire for instant gratification resulted in a resurgent Republican majority and a now two-term president who has selected the youngest and likely the most consequential cabinet in our history.

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We have a lot of battles still ahead. Disappointment comes with the political territory. We need another surge of Conservative members in the House in 2026. We need to replace some of the older RINOs. We need to vet a replacement for the Trumpster. We won't be able to clean out the bureaucrats in one term but we need to put the fear of God into the ones who hang on. Lots of work to do.....

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Yeah , I hope he is rolling in his grave .

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He's not, though - his bones, along with what passed for a soul were consumed in fire the moment he arrived in Hell.

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Watching Garland leaving the DOJ building and Austin leaving the DOD building for the last time to the applause and hugs of all those deep state staffers tells you all you need to know about the “rank and file”. If he doesn’t shut down all these three letter agencies then President Trump needs to fire the lot of them and start over. The Steal was a blessing in disguise for this country.

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Use facial recognition software to identify everyone standing and applauding those two, and fire them all immediately. A good start anyway

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I laughed when I saw Yellen and Garland leave. They never came or left through the front door ever. Their black secret service SUV would enter the building through the basement parking and they would take the elevator to their office. Please.

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The deep state will rue the steal - DJT has had the perfect window to wargame term two and come in supercharged!

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There's no doubt what you say is true. I agreed with you at the time. Trump 2.0 is going to be a steamroller baby. Watching the confirmation hearings you can hear the desperation in their voices. All of the questions were about standing up to Trump. Could they tell Trump no. Trump's nominees are prepared. They're taking no prisoners. It's a thing of beauty to watch.

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I watched almost all of the hearings and you are dead on correct: the strong and even at times, aggressive uniformity of loyalty expressed by each and every one was breathtaking! They were taking no sh*# from the Commies.

Interestingly, the one that stood out in its intensity to me was Russ Vought’s as OMB Director. He will be instrumental in the Trump administration in cutting government down to size with a buzz saw and the Dems fear of him was palpable. They were relentless in their attacks on him, and he was like an immovable rock and gave them nothing. He made them absolutely crazy!

That hearing really revealed how terrified they are about what is to come, but they will be ruthless in fighting against it.

It’s gonna be awesome.

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No longer days, we're down to hours! I'm like a kid waiting for Santa. I'll be popping a cork tomorrow!

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Me too. On a bottle of scotch though. 😎

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A capital idea

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They will need to match such ruthlessness and wanton abandon with their own.

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01/18/25: As for the poll, I'll be spending Monday trying to remember when MLK Jr was the president, and rememiniscing about the "good" old days when I was the only one in the office who would want to work on these holidays because the time-and-a-half was just about the difference between a Biden presidency (no OT; spam for din-din) and a Trump presidency (OT; "the cat drinks unleaded!").

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Trump DOES arrive with a lot more experience, this time around. But although he himself is surrounded by competent, hard-hitting people, will that be enough to defeat the massive slug colonies that have drawn their slime-trails all over the DC swamp? I just read some of the report by James Sherk: “Tales from the Swamp: How federal bureaucrats resisted President Trump”, America First Policy Institute, January 26, 2021, which details how they stymied much of Trump's program by these typical bureaucratic methods:

• Withholding information;

• Refusing to implement policies;

• Intentionally delaying or slow-walking priorities;

• Deliberately underperforming;

• Leaking to Congress and the media; and

• Outright insubordination."

The problem is that these people, who in a private organization would be kicked out the door, will be hard to change, let alone to get rid of. That's because of the "Civil Service" protections behind which they hide.

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If they won’t go then relocate them to some God forsaken town in a red state, take away security clearances and give them a pencil to push around the desk all day. Make it a town with only a Walmart and a Dollar Tree.

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Thank goodness, then, that Poca has no Walmart

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I could throw a baseball and hit 3

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I'm with Don , not sure I have it in me to re-acclimate lefties to life's realities . Maybe someone younger with more patience than I ; like a priest or pastor .

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Schedule F - Noon EST 20th Year of Our Lord Anno Domini 2025….

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The poll showing Biden at an all time low for any president was something like 61% unfavorable to 39% favorable.

That 39% are all working for the federal government and its tentacled minion contractors - and of course a few useful idiots, like the media types, thrown in there.

If Trump and his team can successfully and dramatically eradicate the bulk of the administrative state and re-alter the structure, size and scope of it, we have a fighting chance at saving this country.

8 more years with Vance could seal the deal.

Lots of Big “if’s” there, though.

We shall see.

Buckle in.

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I hope you're right, Suzie -- I really do. But these people have all day to concoct intrigues and subterfuges to block any real action. BUT -- making a few examples might help. Like demoting and prosecuting for TREASON that bemedalled blowhard Milley who promised the Chinese he'd let them know if Trump was doing after them.

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Trump and his crew have been working on this for four years. Advantage Trump!

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Elon showed how to do it with his former Commi-Twits, changing the tyre while driving at 75 mph….rescind their clearances, turn in the Government property, including un-bleach-bitted burner phones, and wait for your direct deposit pay not show up at your bank…

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But, Not to forget the Commie Left have been working on corrupting the entire system for decades!

We need Jack hammers and blowtorches to dismantle the rot, root and branch.

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It would be foolish of us to not consider how many minds Trump has changed within the government. Just as he has in all other areas.

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There is also the possibilty that there were conservatives in the "Deep State" all along but were afraid to "Come Out". This time conservativesa are coming out of the wood work. They're everywhere. It feels like a new dawn.

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Well, nothing’s a given, but a Vance- DeSantis ticket in 2028 might be invincible. And then another eight years…..!

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I don’t know that DeSantis would accept the number 2 spot. It will be an exciting primary. As a former New Hampshire political junkie I can assure you there are hopefuls already sitting in living rooms across the state exploring the possibilities.

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True ; in some instances one has to keep one's head down so as preserve sweat equity until the sun shines again .

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JD will not be a given, Suzie. DeSantis is a much more experienced leader. He may give it a shot. Could get interesting. Time will tell.

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Not sure if both one or two are supported by Karl Rove & his Bush buddies…

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DeSantis is.

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Well, the first thing Trump (all his new agency heads) can do is force them to drag their lazy butt's back into the office (no more "working" from home), then move those agency offices all over the country - completely breaking up The Swamp geographically.

I suggest putting those agencies in places like North Dakota, the UP of Michigan, southern Alabama and southern New Mexico...far, far away from any desirable locations. Most of these bums will retire or quit.

Then, for anyone left (or who can't be moved from DC for some reason), start the biggest RIF ever seen... we know at least 75% of these people are totally unnecessary.

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Michigan's UP is beautiful, and doesn't deserve such an insult.

Send them to North Dakota, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Minnesota...

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Everyone in the federal government not elected to office serve at the " pleasure of the President ".

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That's a nice turn of phrase and a nice idea, but like many such it may not reflect reality.

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You're asking me to invest an hour-and-a-half in watching a YouTube video. B efore I do that, can you explain in a few words why I should?

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What a ride it has been. Easy to forget how close we came to losing our country. Thanks be to God for his mercy on us. Pray for his protection for Pres. Trump, his team and for all of us to return to the essential virtues that founded this country.

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One Nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all

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Amen to that! We live on a knife’s edge between good and evil, and only steadfast determination and vigilance will assure seeing it through to completion, and then the eternal job of keeping it in place.

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Indeed ! But the struggle is ongoing ; we have definitely gained a lot of ground ( the make or break battle ) . The road to restore our country's values is long and not without nasty potholes . Elements / problems not acknowledged are now visible and will probably require conflict .

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Growing up “Martin” I always had a warm fuzzy for MLK, whose birthday was right there on the calendar the day after mine. So in my dotage I consider Monday as the national observance of my birthday too. As to Don’s column about The Other Don I’m convinced that as pissed off as I’ve been ever since Faux News called the Arizona presidential race for Gropey Joe in 2020 followed by the overnight steal, I’ve been thinking in the months leading up to this election that the coup against PDJT 45 was a blessing. I always thought that one of Trump’s superpowers was to make people drop their masks and reveal their true selves. The stolen election and the 4 years of disaster that have brought our country to the brink revealed to even normies how broken and corrupt our system and the people running and/or grifting off it truly are. Have only caught a couple of confirmation hearings so far, along with snippets, but it was illuminating to me 1) how ideologically corrupt and stupid so many of our politicians are, and 2) the high quality of the incoming cabinet nominees. Heck, Marco Rubio impressed me, and that’s never happened before. I don’t believe PDJT 47’s term is going to be anything like a PDJT 45 second term would have been, nor will the disruption be like anything the country has seen before. I don’t know if Mr. Trump can save the country from itself in four short years, but he’s the only one who possibly can.

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re: The Poll. For three weeks I've been saving bacon grease to use popping corn for The Event. Gen-u-wine butter, too. Got a dentist appointment later in the day, but hell - they could cut off my head and I wouldn't feel it.

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I'm a new paid subscriber here. A NON white, America FIRST American whose dad came here LEGALLY to finish his Ph.D at Mizzou.

I wanted to attend Trump's inauguration but was unable to. Trump will have events we can attend just like he did during his first term, right?

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I’m working. Every Democrat state should rescind the holiday, they don’t believe in what MLK stood for anymore.

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Re print comments with re prints.

We are all geniuses.

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Political conventions are rah-rah events. In 2016, they became groaners after Trump wrapped the nomination. The zero rah-rah quotient could not have been more obvious. Count this Ted Cruz supporter among the "Oh my God what has happened?" crowd. As Don points our, everything has changed. Trump is no longer the naive outsider forced to rely on insider advice and compromise. He is the undisputed leader of the GOP with ever growing political capital. He has met the enemy and knows they are the executive/administrative branch of our government. SCOTUS has changed the rules in favor of an executive ready to clean house. Biden's ghost government has awakened The People from their usual slumber. Look for the abolition of government unions, the closure of agencies, reductions of budgets, Prominent, aka, showy, but not enough firings at the Pentagon. We have a new sheriff in town with a mandate to clean house. Neither the media nor Congress will not stop him and the Deep State's day of reckoning has arrived. PS. When one of the Chiefs of Staff says, "We are willing to work with the new administration," the rot in our military leadership could not be more obvious.

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