You know what I wish, Mr. Suber? I wish you, along with everyone else out there who uses the term "gay" in describing homosexual behavior, would stop using that term. 'Gay' used to mean to be happy. To be use it to describe a chosen lifestyle where over 50 percent are alcoholics or drug addicts in addition to being addicted to sex defies the term 'Gay.'

I was in the hospitality field for over 40 years and I dealt with thousands of them, so there are two things I CAN say about about every one of them. They are all thieves and liars including my former business partner of six years and they love to talk about themselves and their sex lives.

I also stand by what I previously said in another article about trans athletes. They are nothing but homosexuals crying for attention since they can't compete at their own level because they can't win.

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It is telling that many in the homosexual community have come to realize exactly what is at stake with the escalation of the trans wars, and the LGBTQRTUV crowd, that the rest of the world is getting to the point of beginning to care, and in starting to care, they are angry that the whole idea of live and let live doesn't compute with this radical crowd. In being forced to not be tolerant, but to be celebratory of things they do not like, they find the least intolerant in the world are those groups demanding they be tolerant, and more.

This always had a shelf life. Most people are live and let live really. What gay groups see, who also just want to live and let live, is that the radical factions among them are ushering in an era where live and let live will no longer be, and society writ large will start taking out their anger on them. Protections and acceptance hard earned, will evaporate. They don't want that.

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None of my gay friends are happy with the radical LGBT movement. I don't know any T's personally, but even my gay buddies think they're mentally ill. Especially now that they've brought children into their perverted world with storybook hours and their twerky shows. One of my good friends said you have to wonder, children don't need drag shows, why do drag shows need children?

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Yeah, I know several gays. They hate the T part of the movement. It became clear what was going on when the banks and tech started demonetizing the gays against grooming group. This is nuts, the supposedly most tolerant of the world because they are so so demonized, are the most intolerant themselves. It is their way or the highway. I am glad that the extremists are now being faught against.

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I agree. Call them what they are.

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The truest definition of “Woke” is calling Good Evil and Evil Good.

It is a psy-op designed to capture your mind, and using language is the first and most essential tool in “converting” you into their game.

It started with the hugely successful art of PC, “political correctness”, whereby they managed to get an individual to “self-censor” their own use of language, in order “not to offend”. That has mushroomed into the force feeding of such absurdities as the use of a person’s “preferred pronouns” and submitting to the lie that there are more than two genders.

In other words, (no pun intended) once you comply with their language parameters now they’ve got you, and have hooked you up to their electrodes in their effort to fully invade and capture your mind.

That is why the first act of ours in this War must needs be - and make no mistake it is a war as lives are at stake - is to refuse to comply with their language. Call a “he” a “he” and a “she” a “she”, no matter how much they stomp their feet. Never budge from the indisputable fact that there are only two genders. Resist all PC as a Warrior, because that’s what we are, no matter who or how much it offends. Correct your children when they become prey to it. Stop it in its tracks. It is an insidious poison, designed to twist and torture the truth.

As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn warned, “LIVE NOT BY LIES”.

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In 1988 my leaders on active duty were black and hispanic and thankfully we realized we had much in common and laughed at all the 'EO' stuff that was being peddled. But we knew what 'EO' really was = woke today.

Laugh it off and fight back when attacked.

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"Woke" always was a stupid word. It's the past tense of "wake," yes, but we already have a perfectly good word for "not asleep," which is "awake." But the cultural left has an entirely unhealthy fixation on words because they believe, with some validity, that words shape reality. On the other hand, if you're going to try to use words to shape reality, you might want to do so with intelligence and not leave the other side such an easy opening for ridicule.

I grew up in the era of "colorblindness." And just when we started to become "colorblind," we began to be told that "colorblindness" is "racism." Why? Because there is no profit in being just another face in the crowd. Gay people can do anything straight people can do, including be lost in the masses if they are useless and mediocre. So the useless and mediocre among them use the thing that they have always told us is their least relevant feature to make themselves stand out and maintain that "specialness" and the rest of us are supposed to go along with it or be bigots. But I'm proud of people who don't play the game.

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Let's get rid of the fay word, "off-putting." Hollywood has been obnoxious, period. Leaving us unable to breath. Imagine that, once upon a time, the Oscars were splendid. Today, they're toxic.

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The MSN get by with their propaganda by mixing some truth with all the other nonsense. When they report that we have a disinformation problem they are correct. They don't report the disinformation is primarily coming from them.

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Wokal Distance has some interesting, though secular, thoughts on how liberals attack anyone trying to define "woke" (or any other label that calls out their inexcusable behavior). But Dennis Prager has identified the true essence of "woke": it is an effort to defile the works of God. It is not about any of the things they claim as important (such as intersectionality). It is about destroying the order God created. In Genesis, God didn't just create something from nothing; almost as importantly, he ordered and separated and distinguished the things he created (light and dark, sea and sky and earth, kinds of living things, man and woman). The woke are trying desperately to remove these distinctions because they show us the glory of God. Most of them don't even know that is what they are doing, but because they have no faith, they have been given over to Satan.

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To me, the use of the word woke is and was and will ever be just whitey's cultural appropriation of a Hood Linguistic. Good. It'll give them something else to whine about. See'um sayin, Bro? Whaas ahp widdat? However, according to British comedians Flanders and Swann, Cannibals ''will eat you even if they can't digest your opinions.''

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The wokesters have seemingly lost Bill Maher. That is big time. The dyke has sprung a leak and soon it will burst.

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Dig around YouTube and find the Maher-Gutfeld interview, it's quite an "awakening". I enjoyed them very much.

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I will do that, I heard about it but hadnt had confirmation of it. thank you

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The name for all these smooth operators is N-E-O-B-O-L-S-H-E-V-I-K.


Neo-bolsheviks of all perversions know they don’t have a majority public opinion for anything they say or do. All they have going for them are the insider operations of a fully unionized bureaucracy. The bureaucracy in the U.S.A. is a communist front. Every city, county, state, and federal bureaucrat in the U.S.A. belongs to one of the many AFL-CIO affiliated government workers' unions. Neo-bolshevik politicians keep money flowing to the bureaucratic institutions. Well-paid, well-organized bureaucrats grease the skids for treasonous politicians and their activist armies.

We The People, people of common sense and common decency, have no place in the neo-bolshevik loop. It is not Democrat. It is not Republican. It is communist neo-bolshevism and they want us to be either silent and stationary, or dead. Give them the name that fits them best: neo-bolshevik trash.

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I was suspended from Twitter for entering a "men can get pregnant" discussion with "you mean, crazy women who call themselves men can get pregnant?" Boom - I got charged with harassment. When I appealed for making a truthful statement, I needed the word crazy to separate them from, well, normal women. I'm sure the Twitter appeals court was stacked with LGBTXYZ that day.

I'm on probation in a Facebook classic Hollywood group for using the word "woke". Someone didn't think the new Mel Brooks History of the World was funny which I had to ask, you mean woke not funny or not funny for Mel Brooks? I thought it was an innocent question, but a moderator would not have it, woke is political and not allowed, don't use it again. S/he did answer my question though with a stern warning. LOL.

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That, is why , I never Fakebook or twerp. Early on I realized they were trouble. "Avoid Zelots, for they are humorless, and want the world to be that way." -Unknown.

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Funny how the left is starting to eat their own. This quote sums it up best for me: "In the future, everyone will be cancelled for 15 minutes" - Mark Emerson

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I never bought into the idea that conservatives should not fight for cultural normality. Boiled to their simplest terms the culture wars are battles between good and evil.

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I have always loved Rocky Horror Picture show. Music is so good and witty. I identify w Riff Raff. I sure hope those DeSantis troglodykes don’t edit out te naughty bits like they did to Blazing Saddles and Song of the South.

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Different group. Libs went after Blazing Saddles and Song of the South

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Don, I just noticed your red check. Congratulations on your subscribers !

I couldn't put Mel Brooks book (All About Me) down, it was funnier than his movies. The studio also wanted heavy editing for Blazing Saddles, he ignored them. He won.

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and the History of the World and Monty Python. and omg, they chopped the living sh** out of Bugs Bunny cartoons but left the 30 min of solid violence of Transformers alone...

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They schlonged Mel Brooks before it was trendy.... I remember the Utah group that edited out 'bad words' 1980s movies, so families could watch them w/o fast forward. Hollywood decried the 'destruction of their artistic integrity'.....now the new cannibals (Lawsy0) are all in favor of complete erasure of the history of any artist or thinker or professor that fails to comply with the latest pronouncement of the 'Ministry of Funny Walks'...

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As long as Rocky Horror plays in its lane, there is no need to worry about it. And its never tried to play outside of it.

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I’m sick and tired of reading about this stuff.

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