What is the latest miscarriage of justice in America? Were more protesters inside the Capitol being stripped of their citizenship by branding them insurrectionists? Was Donald Trump raided again? Was another acquaintance SWAT teamed at 5 AM in front of CNN for a parking ticket?
First, can the cat please give us an “all of the above” option for today’s poll?
Second, we already know all of the information in your column today, Don, but it’s good to see it all compiled in one place again as a reminder. Thank you. The corruption and evil is so vast that it’s hard to keep up. And as you said, the deluge is meant to overwhelm us and keep us depressed and cowering in fear.
It’s heartening to see the push-back going on but I’m not hopeful that it will be enough. As I frequently say, I’m glad that I’m old. My terror is for my grandchildren, especially because I lived behind the Iron Curtain for a while and I know what’s coming.
I’m a senior too but I’m not glad about it. I have no intention of giving up………none. Mush heads and the so-called millennials are not going to lead the push back, old guys are. Never give up!!!! That was Dons message here. The deep state wants us to just give up and go along with it. Do not let them win, if not for our sake, for you grandchildren's sake. There is a reason we have been labeled “the right”.
I’m not giving up either. I try to stay optimistic and support the people I think can change things. As for the Millennial and GenX crowd - it may not be they who save the US, but it just might be their kids. My daughter is a millennial and is raising her four kids to be conservatives.
Same here - two daughters - one with three kids, one with four (the one with four says they aren't done yet). Both raising their kids in Christian, strongly patriotic homes (even though the one daughter lives overseas - still American citizens).
I'm with you Reddog! Us old farts are armed and ready. I'm just waiting for a few Red State Governors to find their spine and get sick enough of the criminal behavior from Washington. They just need to call up their Guard units and enlist a bunch of us for extra numbers, and start driving to Washington!
How much you want to bet most of those politician chickenshits would clear out of town, never to be seen again?!
I feel for the children, too, and share your concern. But lately, I’ve come to realize that weak men create bad times and bad times create strong men and women. I did read that on a meme, but doesn’t history shows that as a pattern?
My hope for today’s children is that most of them will resist, push back, and not comply. In a word, rebel. I don’t know that success will be the outcome. I do know their souls and spirits will benefit.
I never lived in a communist country (ok, stop chuckling), yet. Optimism and hope is my birthright as an American. Time will tell.
Yet to be seen are the children under 10 years old. Especially those who have been homeschooled or brought up in classical, conservative, private schools. Many families I know of average four to seven children—mostly boys to faithful, God-fearing parents.
I have faith that is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen as I read in Hebrews 11:1.
My four grandchildren started having failure problems in public school when they lost 3 grandparents in the same 3 months they moved and changed schools. Schools complained that they weren't like their cohort. Son and daughter-in-law started home schooling them. Happily that trouble was the best thing that could have happened. The youngest, dyslexic, taught herself to read a page as written, then began to excel in math. The one with possible AD/HD became a math whiz, and learned to manage the attention issue. The eldest excelled in math and was hired by a national company to be the credit manager of their local stores immediately upon graduation from high school. As Joseph told his brothers, you meant it for ill but God meant it for good.
Yes, very true. It is the recurring theme that humanity never seems to pay attention to until it ends or we end up in a conflict. I do not believe much of the country will ever get it, but I do believe we will end up in a bad conflict over it. We already are having a civil war. It just hasn't gone hot yet. But it will happen because the left does not want to compromise on anything. Obsessive power will do that to you.
We have two America's today. There is the spoiled, self-centered ignorant one and then there is the rest of us. I'm betting on the latter, but the awakening will come at a very painful price for some.
My original post this morning, which I have since deleted, was to show just how badly we as a country, have been deceived. In short, I basically said that NO ONE who works for the government, certainly not politicians or anyone in "Law Enforcement.". What we need now is God and a few Patriots to show these animals who now run our government who is really in charge. We did it when Obama was in charge. We can AND MUST do it again.
Remember the little girl who couldn't sit still in church? Third reprimand she whispered, "Okay. I'm sitting down on the outside, but inside I am standing up and dancing."
Unfortunately we all lived behind the iron curtain, we in the west just didn't know it. Tearing down the wall didn't free the oppressed, it enslaved the free. GOD, help us.
A singular voice. But the Deep State isn't content simply to rule, it must rule FOREVER and root out dissent wherever it may appear, even before it appears. This is the purpose of the 87k IRS agents -- Audits on a Mass Scale -- for anyone who strays from the party line. Those corrupt bureaucrats are going to be the Deep State's Enforcers. And Kevin McCuck let it slide.
Yeah, makes you wonder what they have on Kevin McCuck. Tucker Carlson go some of that video footage, then was gone the next week. None of the rest of it has been released. by hook or by crook, anyone that goes to DC has to fall in line......
If we can’t turn this ship around, when the archaeologist unearths Gender Queer, hopefully they will also discover your posts so they can understand the fall of the American empire.
Meanwhile, after reading your morning missive - which is 100% right on - my blood pressure is up so much that I need to take a deep breath and open my Bible to remind me that, in the end, God will not be mocked, and these liars, thieves and murderers (on both sides of the aisle) will go down with wailing and gnashing of teeth.
After spending a few minutes in God's word, and reflecting on your article, Don, I'm reminded how much I/we need to pray for our President, Donald John Trump, as he goes through this travesty of justice. May God continue to give him strength, hope and resolve. He is standing in the gap for us.
All true. Every word. There’s only one question and we all know what it is: What are we going to do about this? Leave, accept that our nation has been stolen by crooks and degenerates and hope for the best, or fight to get it back? These people can be beaten. But we won’t be able to do it playing by their rules. I can’t see a way that this happens peacefully. They aren’t going to just give back their power. And hope is not a plan. They are driving the country into the ground while they get richer and more brazen by the day. There are no limits to their behavior. COVID was an attack and the US government perpetrated the attack right along with the CCP. They are willing to do anything to stay in power. They’ve already proven that to be the case.
As I said in a post on another Substack - it will take 5 or 6 Red State Governors and AG's to say "enough is enough" and together, call out their state's Reserves / National Guard units to go to Washington and put down this illegitimate government.
The "Press" will call it a coup, but We The People will know it is a restoration of our Constitution and Republic.
Now - which Governors will have the fortitude and conviction to do the right thing?
None of them. This will fall on regular Americans, just like everything else.,It’s a massive problem, like rooting out the Mafia in Italy, only 100 times worse because of the power these people and their institutions possess.this is far worse and has been going on for far longer than anybody knew. But the insiders all knew. Our congressmen and Senators and governors, the media etc.. they all knew/know and did nothing to sound the alarm except for a couple of people. They are all bought off or terrified. Speaking of which today it was announced that Obama’s personal chef drowned near their Martha’s Vineyard estate while paddle boarding alone. I’m sure that’s normal.
And poking around on that chef drowning story, I came across another news story from 2007 that 3 gay black men from the church Obama attended (Rev. Wright’s “church”) were murdered within 6 weeks of eachother, 1 of whom had told that he had sex with Obama on multiple occasions. The article essentially asked were these murders “clean-up “ for Obama’s presidential run?
Funny, you never hear about people who worked for Trump suddenly dying under questionable circumstances. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that people around the Clintons and Obama keep disappearing, just like Obama’s college transcripts and the fact that nobody at certain schools remembers seeing him, or that as President of the Harvard Law Review he wrote virtually nothing and what he did write was semiliterate crap. And then as a virtually unknown junior Senator he suddenly gets the nomination and runs the election. But of course he’s a genius and it’s racist to ask these questions. I’m sure there are perfectly good explanations for all of it...🙄
Kenyacide has a lot of catching up to get to Arkancide levels. But Soetoro is young and has time to make up ground.
All of what you say is spot on Tanto. The coverupS around Soetoro’s history are massive.
And don’t forget, his Social Security Number is the number once used by a deceased person from Connecticut. If Soetoro was truly Hawaiian, his SSN would be different.
As to the Connecticut social security number, I read this once long ago, and never saw the article again, but it said that his white grandmother (the same Communist grandparents that had Obama tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis in Hawaii), volunteered in Hawaii at the Bureau of Vital Statistics. Who volunteers at a place like that?? Someone who is looking for a good social security number for her foreign-born grandson, that’s who. Never saw this verified in another article, but it fits with everything else.
Obama's homosexual relationship with the choir director of Wright's church - who later mysteriously "died suddenly" (before COVID!) is documented in Jack Cashill's book, "Unmasking Obama". It's an excellent read - I highly recommend it:
You could be right. I know there was a witness. I went to look and cant find the article. Amazing how stuff disappears that doesnt make any sense for it to go away.
And now there are stories that someone tried to help him but couldnt get there fast enough but still no comment on who it was. The article I read implied they were paddle boarding together.....
Tough call on the poll today, Don, but more important you made the clearest case for why Donald J. Trump should not be prosecuted for the Mar A Lago raid. To do it all you had to do was quote the words of James Comey in his exoneration of Hilary Clinton. He made the clearest statement yet on why this case is based on persecution, not prosecution.
I don't have room for many more wrinkles (worry causes wrinkles) but even knowing that God is in charge, I keep trusting and "hedging my bets" by praying for Donald Trump.
Having just read "JFK and the Unspeakable" by James Douglass which is an excellent, well researched book about the assassination, the FBI and especially the CIA, have been doing these things since at least the early 1960's. In a sense Trump is lucky he's just having legal trouble. The CIA (now called deep state) hated Kennedy because he went against their mandates. They ignored his Executive Orders. They fought him every step of the way. Trump or whoever bucks them will be lucky to not end up like JFK. The evil is deeply entrenched.
Wow! As others have stated here, seeing the events we all saw unfold knitted together in this storyline makes the implications fearfully shocking. I can only say the fight is really between satan and God and I have chosen to side with God. I don't know how next year - or the 2024 election - will turn out (actually, I think I do know how they will turn out), but I know I will be on the winning team in the end and Obama will be burning somewhere in a lake of fire.
He shall speak words against the Most High,
and shall wear out the saints of the Most High,
and shall think to change the times and the law;
and they shall be given into his hand
for a time, times, and half a time.
I'm with God, too. But brace yourself for tests of your faith because it is going to be rough!
Forsake not gathering yourself together with other believers. That is for strength and for comfort. That's what you call two fellows in the same ship: Fellowship.
Somehow the future fate of evil people doing the backstroke in that lake of fire brings strong, conflicting emotions of satisfaction and pity--mostly satisfaction.
…And all that you, Don, have outlined here only scratches the surface in painting a picture of the times we now live in.
The robbery of the US Treasury resulting in incomprehensible debt, the destruction of the US dollar, the Ukraine war fiasco, the destruction of the gas and oil industry, crushing inflation, the poisoning of children’s minds and the mutilation of their bodies, the suppression of free speech along with all our other God-given rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, and so much more.
These truly are dark times we are witnessing and living through.
But for those who believe in the One, True God, we are admonished to keep our faith and hope in Him, the way, the truth and the life, and look to Him to guard our hearts and minds and to stand fast and persevere in all that is right, and good, and true, no matter what is happening around us, knowing that this life here is not the end, but the merely the gateway to our eternal life with God in heaven.
“We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;”
Forgive me, but I still can’t post a direct comment from my phone, only reply to existing comments. Is anyone else having that problem?
Anyway, the good news is that 90% of Americans, Left and Right, don’t support all this crap. The bad news is that most of the folks on the Left are unaware of it because they only get information from the corrupt Media Cartel. The most dangerous enemy is the “gatekeepers” to information. But the suggestion that the good people are outnumbered by the bad people is an ILLUSION, because if folks on the Left had real information, support for the Left would collapse like a house of cards. And it already is starting to collapse because enough glimmers of news are leaking out to folks on the left and they are concerned and restive.
On another note, I was disturbed recently to discover that Mapquest and Rand McNally no longer offer Driving Directions. Google Maps bought Mapquest and Mapquest itself no longer exists. Apple Maps bought Rand McNally’s driving directions function. So now, besides being able to cut off our access to the internet and the usage of our phones, Google Maps and Apple Maps now know exactly where we go in our cars. Sick, sick, sick.
Excellent piece and after reading through comments, yes, it's again proving thought provoking. I feel the same as many others. On another sinister note, I saw interview with WV US Senate candidate Chris Rose. He spoke of the widespread distribution of this children porn throughout WV I was shocked to the extent, given WV citizens I assumed were more conservative like I. Your columns serve as a fundamental instrument as was journalism in our Revolutionary War period. It's essential to people, us, if we are to continue to distinguish good from evil. Thank you, Don Surber! FJB and his associates
Nothing was said about child porn, but recently came across video of Peter Santenello traveling through Appalachia, specifically WV and the hollers to KY. You might find interesting. I wish a large group of all conservatives could just go reinvest in one of those deserted towns and live there together. Rough terrain, beautiful countryside.
Once upon a time in the late 80’s I lived in WV. It was solidly blue due to the coal mining unions. What turned it red was 0bama’s and then Hillary’s campaign promises to shut down the coal industry. The state has only been red for about 15 years.
Most of the citizens of this country are just rearranging the deck chairs on the SS Titanic after it hit the iceberg. We are Country, adrift with no moral center, and without the love of God. All of the lifeboats will be filled with whom you would expect, but not the righteous and not us. And yet, there’s nowhere for those lifeboats to go. Faith is the only solution. Your analysis is brilliant. Thank you again.
Trump’s inability to govern properly is one of the reasons some commentators want to abandon him. It is like telling a rape victim she should have fought harder.
this post contains a typo that itself conveys an important truth "to destroy the moral of their enemy". destroying morality is the core project of the elite, whether it be in intergenerational genocide (so far mainly conducted against the very young, but soon coming for us oldsters too in the name of cutting Medicare costs), demolishing the family, genital mutilation, buggery, pr0n, rampant drug abuse, normalizing theft, etc.
I wasn't going to comment due to the immensity of the problem and how overwhelming it is. It just makes me sad at times. Then I read everyone's comments and changed my mind. Great column and great comments.
We simply can't give up. Prayer and small acts (probably of defiance) are the answer. I pray what we're all facing (the U.S. especially but, really, all Western liberal demcracies) can be beaten with time and perseverance. It won't be easy but turning away from the problem will not solve it.
How did we get here? Again, I think it's largely the education system. Most kids spend more time with their teachers than their parents these days.
We've all got to do our part to make a greater difference. We cannot wave this challenge away.
I had this weird dream last night that Joe Biden went on national TV to tell people he was resigning and going into a nursing home because he knew that he had done evil. Everything in the dream was green except for Biden who was old and white. Hopefully, this dream is a sign.
LuAnn - I really think it all rests on the media. A media that held education, gubment and hollyweird’s feet to the fire would have made worlds of difference the last 50 years. Now, with the internet, Facebook, Google, etc and government trying to control them, the problem is much harder to overcome. It can be done though, but without media/social media coming over to the right side, darn near impossible.
Mr. Lardmaster: I think you are right that it rests with the media, but they did come out of the education system veering to the left. I know -- it happened to me. Took a long time to get "righted" again.
But since the media is nothing more than Pravda now, prayer and small acts are our tools. It's a gigantic task, for sure.
Schlongy ,you are right about the msm but independent thinkers and writers such as Don and Tucker using the web can and are informing the public albeit slowly.We are winning and i will not concede my freedoms to the likes of ozeros minions.
Like you say, LuAnn, “prayer and small acts (probably of defiance) are the answer.” Think about the math for a moment:
Say there were 75 million Trump voters in 2020. (Actually there were many more, but let’s be conservative and use a low round number.)
If 75 million people did prayer and one small act of defiance or a small speaking of the Truth to someone on the Left just 4 days a week, that’s 300 million prayers and 300 million acts of defiance or speaking of Truth a week, or 1.2 BILLION speakings of the Truth or small acts of defiance a month.
And that would be 1.4 TRILLION speaking of the Truth or small acts of defiance in a year. Or close to 2 trillion before the November 2024 election. Think that would make a difference!?!
So it is a lie that we are overwhelmed and on the edge of defeat. They would love for us to be discouraged and silence ourselves. Actually, that is the ONLY way they can defeat us— is to seduce us into defeating ourselves by yielding to defeatism and passivity!
We can make our small acts of communication with those on the Left who need waking up be gentle, respectful, even humorous, but such an approach can be very effective and pierce their resistance. Or we could approach store managers, like at Target, Kohl’s, and so on and speak with them. Or any of a million small acts we can do.
Some of us, like Don Surber, are blessed to be playing a much larger role. But all of us can do our part, cheerfully and with trust in God Almighty.
First, can the cat please give us an “all of the above” option for today’s poll?
Second, we already know all of the information in your column today, Don, but it’s good to see it all compiled in one place again as a reminder. Thank you. The corruption and evil is so vast that it’s hard to keep up. And as you said, the deluge is meant to overwhelm us and keep us depressed and cowering in fear.
It’s heartening to see the push-back going on but I’m not hopeful that it will be enough. As I frequently say, I’m glad that I’m old. My terror is for my grandchildren, especially because I lived behind the Iron Curtain for a while and I know what’s coming.
I’m a senior too but I’m not glad about it. I have no intention of giving up………none. Mush heads and the so-called millennials are not going to lead the push back, old guys are. Never give up!!!! That was Dons message here. The deep state wants us to just give up and go along with it. Do not let them win, if not for our sake, for you grandchildren's sake. There is a reason we have been labeled “the right”.
I’m not giving up either. I try to stay optimistic and support the people I think can change things. As for the Millennial and GenX crowd - it may not be they who save the US, but it just might be their kids. My daughter is a millennial and is raising her four kids to be conservatives.
That is the generation to watch! God bless your daughter and God bless your grandchildren!
Same here - two daughters - one with three kids, one with four (the one with four says they aren't done yet). Both raising their kids in Christian, strongly patriotic homes (even though the one daughter lives overseas - still American citizens).
I don’t think my daughter is done yet either!
I meet many young people today who are more conservative than the parents who raised them so there is hope on the horizon.
I'm with you Reddog! Us old farts are armed and ready. I'm just waiting for a few Red State Governors to find their spine and get sick enough of the criminal behavior from Washington. They just need to call up their Guard units and enlist a bunch of us for extra numbers, and start driving to Washington!
How much you want to bet most of those politician chickenshits would clear out of town, never to be seen again?!
I feel for the children, too, and share your concern. But lately, I’ve come to realize that weak men create bad times and bad times create strong men and women. I did read that on a meme, but doesn’t history shows that as a pattern?
My hope for today’s children is that most of them will resist, push back, and not comply. In a word, rebel. I don’t know that success will be the outcome. I do know their souls and spirits will benefit.
I never lived in a communist country (ok, stop chuckling), yet. Optimism and hope is my birthright as an American. Time will tell.
Not sure I share your optimism about the mush head generation but we can hope and pray for it.
Yet to be seen are the children under 10 years old. Especially those who have been homeschooled or brought up in classical, conservative, private schools. Many families I know of average four to seven children—mostly boys to faithful, God-fearing parents.
I have faith that is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen as I read in Hebrews 11:1.
My four grandchildren started having failure problems in public school when they lost 3 grandparents in the same 3 months they moved and changed schools. Schools complained that they weren't like their cohort. Son and daughter-in-law started home schooling them. Happily that trouble was the best thing that could have happened. The youngest, dyslexic, taught herself to read a page as written, then began to excel in math. The one with possible AD/HD became a math whiz, and learned to manage the attention issue. The eldest excelled in math and was hired by a national company to be the credit manager of their local stores immediately upon graduation from high school. As Joseph told his brothers, you meant it for ill but God meant it for good.
A most beautiful and encouraging witness. Jars of clay in the Master’s hands.
We both are praying for the kids then. But not sure they understand who are what the enemy is.
I try to let my kids know the truth. I do it for them, but more for their kids, my grandkids.
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone
Yes, very true. It is the recurring theme that humanity never seems to pay attention to until it ends or we end up in a conflict. I do not believe much of the country will ever get it, but I do believe we will end up in a bad conflict over it. We already are having a civil war. It just hasn't gone hot yet. But it will happen because the left does not want to compromise on anything. Obsessive power will do that to you.
I guarantee the parents I know are and will instruct their children properly.
We have two America's today. There is the spoiled, self-centered ignorant one and then there is the rest of us. I'm betting on the latter, but the awakening will come at a very painful price for some.
My original post this morning, which I have since deleted, was to show just how badly we as a country, have been deceived. In short, I basically said that NO ONE who works for the government, certainly not politicians or anyone in "Law Enforcement.". What we need now is God and a few Patriots to show these animals who now run our government who is really in charge. We did it when Obama was in charge. We can AND MUST do it again.
I have read articles about a younger generation, don’t know if it’s X, Y, or Z, being more questioning and non-compliant. If true, it’s a good sign!
It may have been X or Y. Can’t keep those straight and can’t seem to edit my reply :(.
Silent Running.
Take the children and yourself and hide out in the cellar
By now the fighting will be close at hand.
Teach the children quietly for someday sons and daughters
Will rise up and fight while we stood still.
It was a quote before a meme but I cant remember from who.
God bless you for continuing to speak with a prophetic voice to remind us of the danger ahead if we do nothing.
Remember the little girl who couldn't sit still in church? Third reprimand she whispered, "Okay. I'm sitting down on the outside, but inside I am standing up and dancing."
Unfortunately we all lived behind the iron curtain, we in the west just didn't know it. Tearing down the wall didn't free the oppressed, it enslaved the free. GOD, help us.
It’s sad. There is no push back.
Most of the time it seems you are a lone voice crying in the wilderness. For America to survive it cannot remain this way much longer. Sad.
A singular voice. But the Deep State isn't content simply to rule, it must rule FOREVER and root out dissent wherever it may appear, even before it appears. This is the purpose of the 87k IRS agents -- Audits on a Mass Scale -- for anyone who strays from the party line. Those corrupt bureaucrats are going to be the Deep State's Enforcers. And Kevin McCuck let it slide.
Yeah, makes you wonder what they have on Kevin McCuck. Tucker Carlson go some of that video footage, then was gone the next week. None of the rest of it has been released. by hook or by crook, anyone that goes to DC has to fall in line......
You get the picture my friend. The fix is in.
What, exactly, makes you think America still survives, at least in any way that matters?
If we can’t turn this ship around, when the archaeologist unearths Gender Queer, hopefully they will also discover your posts so they can understand the fall of the American empire.
Meanwhile, after reading your morning missive - which is 100% right on - my blood pressure is up so much that I need to take a deep breath and open my Bible to remind me that, in the end, God will not be mocked, and these liars, thieves and murderers (on both sides of the aisle) will go down with wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Come quickly, Lord Jesus. Amen.
After spending a few minutes in God's word, and reflecting on your article, Don, I'm reminded how much I/we need to pray for our President, Donald John Trump, as he goes through this travesty of justice. May God continue to give him strength, hope and resolve. He is standing in the gap for us.
Absolutely, Amen.
Amen Rev.
My morning Bible email was about controlling our anger. Very timely.
Truth, Donnie Boy. They hate you. Remember that. Especially the republican party; demonrats have been estranged from you for decades.
All true. Every word. There’s only one question and we all know what it is: What are we going to do about this? Leave, accept that our nation has been stolen by crooks and degenerates and hope for the best, or fight to get it back? These people can be beaten. But we won’t be able to do it playing by their rules. I can’t see a way that this happens peacefully. They aren’t going to just give back their power. And hope is not a plan. They are driving the country into the ground while they get richer and more brazen by the day. There are no limits to their behavior. COVID was an attack and the US government perpetrated the attack right along with the CCP. They are willing to do anything to stay in power. They’ve already proven that to be the case.
As I said in a post on another Substack - it will take 5 or 6 Red State Governors and AG's to say "enough is enough" and together, call out their state's Reserves / National Guard units to go to Washington and put down this illegitimate government.
The "Press" will call it a coup, but We The People will know it is a restoration of our Constitution and Republic.
Now - which Governors will have the fortitude and conviction to do the right thing?
None of them. This will fall on regular Americans, just like everything else.,It’s a massive problem, like rooting out the Mafia in Italy, only 100 times worse because of the power these people and their institutions possess.this is far worse and has been going on for far longer than anybody knew. But the insiders all knew. Our congressmen and Senators and governors, the media etc.. they all knew/know and did nothing to sound the alarm except for a couple of people. They are all bought off or terrified. Speaking of which today it was announced that Obama’s personal chef drowned near their Martha’s Vineyard estate while paddle boarding alone. I’m sure that’s normal.
And poking around on that chef drowning story, I came across another news story from 2007 that 3 gay black men from the church Obama attended (Rev. Wright’s “church”) were murdered within 6 weeks of eachother, 1 of whom had told that he had sex with Obama on multiple occasions. The article essentially asked were these murders “clean-up “ for Obama’s presidential run?
Funny, you never hear about people who worked for Trump suddenly dying under questionable circumstances. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that people around the Clintons and Obama keep disappearing, just like Obama’s college transcripts and the fact that nobody at certain schools remembers seeing him, or that as President of the Harvard Law Review he wrote virtually nothing and what he did write was semiliterate crap. And then as a virtually unknown junior Senator he suddenly gets the nomination and runs the election. But of course he’s a genius and it’s racist to ask these questions. I’m sure there are perfectly good explanations for all of it...🙄
Kenyacide has a lot of catching up to get to Arkancide levels. But Soetoro is young and has time to make up ground.
All of what you say is spot on Tanto. The coverupS around Soetoro’s history are massive.
And don’t forget, his Social Security Number is the number once used by a deceased person from Connecticut. If Soetoro was truly Hawaiian, his SSN would be different.
As to the Connecticut social security number, I read this once long ago, and never saw the article again, but it said that his white grandmother (the same Communist grandparents that had Obama tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis in Hawaii), volunteered in Hawaii at the Bureau of Vital Statistics. Who volunteers at a place like that?? Someone who is looking for a good social security number for her foreign-born grandson, that’s who. Never saw this verified in another article, but it fits with everything else.
And all his stuff disappeared without a stink but Ms thesis and schoolwork was all hid and it was a stink for a couple weeks.
Obama's homosexual relationship with the choir director of Wright's church - who later mysteriously "died suddenly" (before COVID!) is documented in Jack Cashill's book, "Unmasking Obama". It's an excellent read - I highly recommend it:
Cashill is a pit bull when covering Soetoro.
There was someone paddle boarding with him in one of the first stories. Makes you wonder why he had no life vest on though.
I think somebody paddle boarding saw him go under. I’m not sure if he was with him. You might be correct.
You could be right. I know there was a witness. I went to look and cant find the article. Amazing how stuff disappears that doesnt make any sense for it to go away.
And they never name the person or even say if he was a friend, relative, fellow chef or anything. And no eye witness account from him. Weird.
And now there are stories that someone tried to help him but couldnt get there fast enough but still no comment on who it was. The article I read implied they were paddle boarding together.....
Tough call on the poll today, Don, but more important you made the clearest case for why Donald J. Trump should not be prosecuted for the Mar A Lago raid. To do it all you had to do was quote the words of James Comey in his exoneration of Hilary Clinton. He made the clearest statement yet on why this case is based on persecution, not prosecution.
I don't have room for many more wrinkles (worry causes wrinkles) but even knowing that God is in charge, I keep trusting and "hedging my bets" by praying for Donald Trump.
Having just read "JFK and the Unspeakable" by James Douglass which is an excellent, well researched book about the assassination, the FBI and especially the CIA, have been doing these things since at least the early 1960's. In a sense Trump is lucky he's just having legal trouble. The CIA (now called deep state) hated Kennedy because he went against their mandates. They ignored his Executive Orders. They fought him every step of the way. Trump or whoever bucks them will be lucky to not end up like JFK. The evil is deeply entrenched.
Wow! As others have stated here, seeing the events we all saw unfold knitted together in this storyline makes the implications fearfully shocking. I can only say the fight is really between satan and God and I have chosen to side with God. I don't know how next year - or the 2024 election - will turn out (actually, I think I do know how they will turn out), but I know I will be on the winning team in the end and Obama will be burning somewhere in a lake of fire.
Daniel 7:25
He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.
I'm with God, too. But brace yourself for tests of your faith because it is going to be rough!
Forsake not gathering yourself together with other believers. That is for strength and for comfort. That's what you call two fellows in the same ship: Fellowship.
Somehow the future fate of evil people doing the backstroke in that lake of fire brings strong, conflicting emotions of satisfaction and pity--mostly satisfaction.
Yes, great satisfaction indeed - even though I should not wish it on anyone. I am guilty.
We are only human after all. God doesn’t wish it either. Those who suffer this fate chose it.
If I could draw, that'd be a great graphic!
Absolutely the fight is between satan and God. God will prevail in his own time.
He already has.
…And all that you, Don, have outlined here only scratches the surface in painting a picture of the times we now live in.
The robbery of the US Treasury resulting in incomprehensible debt, the destruction of the US dollar, the Ukraine war fiasco, the destruction of the gas and oil industry, crushing inflation, the poisoning of children’s minds and the mutilation of their bodies, the suppression of free speech along with all our other God-given rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, and so much more.
These truly are dark times we are witnessing and living through.
But for those who believe in the One, True God, we are admonished to keep our faith and hope in Him, the way, the truth and the life, and look to Him to guard our hearts and minds and to stand fast and persevere in all that is right, and good, and true, no matter what is happening around us, knowing that this life here is not the end, but the merely the gateway to our eternal life with God in heaven.
“We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;”
-2 Cor 4:8-9
Keep THE Faith.
Totally agree, Suzie.
Forgive me, but I still can’t post a direct comment from my phone, only reply to existing comments. Is anyone else having that problem?
Anyway, the good news is that 90% of Americans, Left and Right, don’t support all this crap. The bad news is that most of the folks on the Left are unaware of it because they only get information from the corrupt Media Cartel. The most dangerous enemy is the “gatekeepers” to information. But the suggestion that the good people are outnumbered by the bad people is an ILLUSION, because if folks on the Left had real information, support for the Left would collapse like a house of cards. And it already is starting to collapse because enough glimmers of news are leaking out to folks on the left and they are concerned and restive.
On another note, I was disturbed recently to discover that Mapquest and Rand McNally no longer offer Driving Directions. Google Maps bought Mapquest and Mapquest itself no longer exists. Apple Maps bought Rand McNally’s driving directions function. So now, besides being able to cut off our access to the internet and the usage of our phones, Google Maps and Apple Maps now know exactly where we go in our cars. Sick, sick, sick.
I still have some old paper maps. Maybe I should hold on to them for now.
Definitely. And those oversized paper Road Atlases. I love those.
Have you tried Waze? (a free app) Son says it was always better than Google.
Google (and I suppose Apple too) can track you even when your phone is turned off. I don’t have anything Google on any of my devices.
What a great verse to remember. I’m making it my verse for the rest of the year and teaching it to the grandkids. Thank you!
Excellent piece and after reading through comments, yes, it's again proving thought provoking. I feel the same as many others. On another sinister note, I saw interview with WV US Senate candidate Chris Rose. He spoke of the widespread distribution of this children porn throughout WV I was shocked to the extent, given WV citizens I assumed were more conservative like I. Your columns serve as a fundamental instrument as was journalism in our Revolutionary War period. It's essential to people, us, if we are to continue to distinguish good from evil. Thank you, Don Surber! FJB and his associates
Nothing was said about child porn, but recently came across video of Peter Santenello traveling through Appalachia, specifically WV and the hollers to KY. You might find interesting. I wish a large group of all conservatives could just go reinvest in one of those deserted towns and live there together. Rough terrain, beautiful countryside.
I watched that video embedded within a Not The Bee article. I think it was the same video. Didn’t catch the interviewer’s name, though.
I wish Appalachia would be revitalized also.
Once upon a time in the late 80’s I lived in WV. It was solidly blue due to the coal mining unions. What turned it red was 0bama’s and then Hillary’s campaign promises to shut down the coal industry. The state has only been red for about 15 years.
Thanks for the info appreciated
The history of a national tragedy worthy of Shakespeare.
Most of the citizens of this country are just rearranging the deck chairs on the SS Titanic after it hit the iceberg. We are Country, adrift with no moral center, and without the love of God. All of the lifeboats will be filled with whom you would expect, but not the righteous and not us. And yet, there’s nowhere for those lifeboats to go. Faith is the only solution. Your analysis is brilliant. Thank you again.
Trump’s inability to govern properly is one of the reasons some commentators want to abandon him. It is like telling a rape victim she should have fought harder.
I wholeheartedly concur!
An utterly extraordinary line!
I loved that phrase also. Used it to RT and promote Don.
this post contains a typo that itself conveys an important truth "to destroy the moral of their enemy". destroying morality is the core project of the elite, whether it be in intergenerational genocide (so far mainly conducted against the very young, but soon coming for us oldsters too in the name of cutting Medicare costs), demolishing the family, genital mutilation, buggery, pr0n, rampant drug abuse, normalizing theft, etc.
I wasn't going to comment due to the immensity of the problem and how overwhelming it is. It just makes me sad at times. Then I read everyone's comments and changed my mind. Great column and great comments.
We simply can't give up. Prayer and small acts (probably of defiance) are the answer. I pray what we're all facing (the U.S. especially but, really, all Western liberal demcracies) can be beaten with time and perseverance. It won't be easy but turning away from the problem will not solve it.
How did we get here? Again, I think it's largely the education system. Most kids spend more time with their teachers than their parents these days.
We've all got to do our part to make a greater difference. We cannot wave this challenge away.
I had this weird dream last night that Joe Biden went on national TV to tell people he was resigning and going into a nursing home because he knew that he had done evil. Everything in the dream was green except for Biden who was old and white. Hopefully, this dream is a sign.
LuAnn - I really think it all rests on the media. A media that held education, gubment and hollyweird’s feet to the fire would have made worlds of difference the last 50 years. Now, with the internet, Facebook, Google, etc and government trying to control them, the problem is much harder to overcome. It can be done though, but without media/social media coming over to the right side, darn near impossible.
Mr. Lardmaster: I think you are right that it rests with the media, but they did come out of the education system veering to the left. I know -- it happened to me. Took a long time to get "righted" again.
But since the media is nothing more than Pravda now, prayer and small acts are our tools. It's a gigantic task, for sure.
Schlongy ,you are right about the msm but independent thinkers and writers such as Don and Tucker using the web can and are informing the public albeit slowly.We are winning and i will not concede my freedoms to the likes of ozeros minions.
Like you say, LuAnn, “prayer and small acts (probably of defiance) are the answer.” Think about the math for a moment:
Say there were 75 million Trump voters in 2020. (Actually there were many more, but let’s be conservative and use a low round number.)
If 75 million people did prayer and one small act of defiance or a small speaking of the Truth to someone on the Left just 4 days a week, that’s 300 million prayers and 300 million acts of defiance or speaking of Truth a week, or 1.2 BILLION speakings of the Truth or small acts of defiance a month.
And that would be 1.4 TRILLION speaking of the Truth or small acts of defiance in a year. Or close to 2 trillion before the November 2024 election. Think that would make a difference!?!
So it is a lie that we are overwhelmed and on the edge of defeat. They would love for us to be discouraged and silence ourselves. Actually, that is the ONLY way they can defeat us— is to seduce us into defeating ourselves by yielding to defeatism and passivity!
We can make our small acts of communication with those on the Left who need waking up be gentle, respectful, even humorous, but such an approach can be very effective and pierce their resistance. Or we could approach store managers, like at Target, Kohl’s, and so on and speak with them. Or any of a million small acts we can do.
Some of us, like Don Surber, are blessed to be playing a much larger role. But all of us can do our part, cheerfully and with trust in God Almighty.
Great comment, TeaParty Gal, and that is absolutely the right way to approach it.
And you're right, the only way to defeat us is to defeat ourselves.
I am glad that I did not walk away from this blog this morning, as I had originally planned.
We will all give each other the strength to get through this. It's going to be an epic battle between good and evil.