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As I said in a post on another Substack - it will take 5 or 6 Red State Governors and AG's to say "enough is enough" and together, call out their state's Reserves / National Guard units to go to Washington and put down this illegitimate government.

The "Press" will call it a coup, but We The People will know it is a restoration of our Constitution and Republic.

Now - which Governors will have the fortitude and conviction to do the right thing?

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None of them. This will fall on regular Americans, just like everything else.,It’s a massive problem, like rooting out the Mafia in Italy, only 100 times worse because of the power these people and their institutions possess.this is far worse and has been going on for far longer than anybody knew. But the insiders all knew. Our congressmen and Senators and governors, the media etc.. they all knew/know and did nothing to sound the alarm except for a couple of people. They are all bought off or terrified. Speaking of which today it was announced that Obama’s personal chef drowned near their Martha’s Vineyard estate while paddle boarding alone. I’m sure that’s normal.

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And poking around on that chef drowning story, I came across another news story from 2007 that 3 gay black men from the church Obama attended (Rev. Wright’s “church”) were murdered within 6 weeks of eachother, 1 of whom had told that he had sex with Obama on multiple occasions. The article essentially asked were these murders “clean-up “ for Obama’s presidential run?

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Funny, you never hear about people who worked for Trump suddenly dying under questionable circumstances. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that people around the Clintons and Obama keep disappearing, just like Obama’s college transcripts and the fact that nobody at certain schools remembers seeing him, or that as President of the Harvard Law Review he wrote virtually nothing and what he did write was semiliterate crap. And then as a virtually unknown junior Senator he suddenly gets the nomination and runs the election. But of course he’s a genius and it’s racist to ask these questions. I’m sure there are perfectly good explanations for all of it...🙄

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Kenyacide has a lot of catching up to get to Arkancide levels. But Soetoro is young and has time to make up ground.

All of what you say is spot on Tanto. The coverupS around Soetoro’s history are massive.

And don’t forget, his Social Security Number is the number once used by a deceased person from Connecticut. If Soetoro was truly Hawaiian, his SSN would be different.

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As to the Connecticut social security number, I read this once long ago, and never saw the article again, but it said that his white grandmother (the same Communist grandparents that had Obama tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis in Hawaii), volunteered in Hawaii at the Bureau of Vital Statistics. Who volunteers at a place like that?? Someone who is looking for a good social security number for her foreign-born grandson, that’s who. Never saw this verified in another article, but it fits with everything else.

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And all his stuff disappeared without a stink but Ms thesis and schoolwork was all hid and it was a stink for a couple weeks.

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Obama's homosexual relationship with the choir director of Wright's church - who later mysteriously "died suddenly" (before COVID!) is documented in Jack Cashill's book, "Unmasking Obama". It's an excellent read - I highly recommend it:


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Cashill is a pit bull when covering Soetoro.

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There was someone paddle boarding with him in one of the first stories. Makes you wonder why he had no life vest on though.

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I think somebody paddle boarding saw him go under. I’m not sure if he was with him. You might be correct.

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You could be right. I know there was a witness. I went to look and cant find the article. Amazing how stuff disappears that doesnt make any sense for it to go away.

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And they never name the person or even say if he was a friend, relative, fellow chef or anything. And no eye witness account from him. Weird.

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And now there are stories that someone tried to help him but couldnt get there fast enough but still no comment on who it was. The article I read implied they were paddle boarding together.....

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