Surber quote: "That Democrats offer free vasectomies and abortions at their convention shows which side they are on."

My response: Repblicans need to flood Chicago with mobile units offering free euthanizing services for radical Democrats. Frame it as a public service for our country. Thin the herd of Raskins, Schiff's, Pelosi's, et al and Make America Great Again.

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They are exterminating themselves with this mobile abortion / vasectomy unit…the Democrats are a death cult.

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Not exactly. They do have principles. One is that if the voters don't like their politicians, the politicians need to get better voters. That's why, while abortion, castration and childlessness are promoted, tens of millions of new Democrat voters are invited in.

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It’s a death of everyone but themselves cult - they assiduously and always exempt themselves!

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Their motto: What's good for thee is not good for me.

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DJ, I always love your posts! on free euthanizing--Can't you hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth, they've come to kill us, they're a gun cult, they want death & destruction!!!! Meanwhile in blue cities nationwide, murders skyrocket, perpetrators are set free. May death come early for Soros, Obama, Pelosi, Hillary & Schiff. Biden et al are just puppets of this cabal. I am losing hope that we can overcome the cabal this time as I think with what they've done to Trump so far, there's no way they will let him win. Further dividing the country into those of us who see reality and the ones still trapped in mass formation psychosis, with the cabal controlling the puppet strings.

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Excellent, Jester. But label it "health care" for ALL democrats.

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All the appointments to their extermination truck have filled - they’re booked for the week, 😈👻💀☠️😈

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Great idea. Send that comment to the DC Country Club where they are "resting" after deciding Biden committed impeachable offenses that they never had any intention of acting on.

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Justin Trudeau will euthanize anybody. Once he hears how bad life is according to the Democrats, he’ll want to put all of them to sleep. Let Canada do it.

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Sorry, believe me I’d like to help, I mean firing squads and neck tie parties are so, ya know, icky! But Medical Aid in Dying (thats right, MAID…you can’t make this stuff up) is only reserved for Canucks and only then if you’re having a bad day, your friends are mean to you and/or you have a hang nail!

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Sick society Chuck ??Im on your side.

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I don’t understand the Dems obsession with abortion for all anytime and any place.

One would think that a decision like that would be a very private matter you wouldn’t go around bragging about.

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It’s the family. They hate intact healthy families not dependent on government.

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that's because intact families connote a father and man making decisions and that's not nor has been the agenda of the democrat party for fifty years now.

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This is SUCH a TRUE statement. FACT. PERIOD.

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well bill...abortion is all about keeping women angry. as long they are angry they will vote and that vote will be for the abortion supporting party. thee most malleable voting block out there is women and it ain't even close. if women believe they can't get an abortion (and tens of millions apparently do believe that) the dems can count on their vote. that's the ugly truth.

abortion is power.

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birth control - what a concept - or abstention - oh noooo! Actually, I'm glad they're clearing the world of more libs, but one of these days, they'll deeply regret killing their babies

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This appeared in the Wall Street Journal, January 10 of last year:

“In his 1968 book ‘The Population Bomb,’ Paul Ehrlich famously declared that unless countries engage in population control, ‘hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death’ in a ‘race to oblivion'. He was wrong ...

Sadly though, the Stanford University biologist’s claims helped drive human-rights abuses around the world, from forced sterilizations in India to forced abortions under China’s disastrous one-child policy. …

I was a college student when I read Mr. Ehrlich’s ‘The Population Bomb.’ I took it to heart and now have no grandchildren, but 50 years later the [world’s] population has increased to eight billion without dire consequences. I was gullible and stupid.”

It's common knowledge that China's abortions were managed by Mao, but less well known that India's forced sterilizations were "forced" by that social justice warrior LBJ, as a condition of "foreign aid".

And is it my imagination, or are the most strident voices arising from today's Social Justice street mobs always the higher pitched -- I mean, female? Does that mean they are more gullible? Perish the thought.

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Not mentioned elsewhere in this article that I've seen is LBJ's hand in destroying the family. His "Great Society" did much to give monetary incentives to single mothers and then fatherless homes in turn. I think this fiasco preceded feminism.

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Quite right, except that feminism has been around much longer.

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Feminism is a meaningless term. It is now so broad and includes so many different groups of women that it is actually in conflict with itself. Getting the vote was positive, the rest merely politics.

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Vance calls them future cat ladies. Better add small dogs. Seems like the mothering instinct is now morphed into dog mothering. A dog will give you a little love back. Cats, not so much.....

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One of the appaling and revolting neologisms now in common use is "furbaby." It sets my teeth on edge when I hear anyone use it. How dare anyone elevate a pet--no matter how beloved--to the status of their "baby"? Or conversely, denigrate a human child to something akin to a pet animal? I shudder.

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Maybe they would abandon their children along lonely country roads the way some people have abandoned their pets...

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There is someone in my family who is childless and has a small dog that is her surrogate child. The dog is rather old and I don't want to be near her when it dies as it will be very traumatic...until she gets another surrogate.

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I see the mental illness on Facebook & Instagram. “Friends, who daily post photos of their dogs/cats & add captions in babytalk. It’s bad enough to see folks posting photos of their children daily let alone pets. If I were King I would reestablish mental institutions and banish them to one.

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my 70 year old feminist neighbor that loves all things liberal babysits dogs to augment her ssa.

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Does she report the income to Big Brother?

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Ehrlich was wrong just as all the ecological activists were and still are wrong: "we have to cut down the human population to save Gaia!" Gaia: the modern female version of the Philistine god, Moloch, to whom infants were burned as sacrifices. Today's women sacrifice their "lumps of cells" to Gaia (each of us could be labeled as a "clump of cells").

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Sad but true.

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Some of those screeching voices belong to non-Alpha males.

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Owww -- you naughty boy!

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i doubt it cookie..

"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." vladimir lenin

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No, I don't agree. I think Lenin was kidding himself. I think people react pretty aggressively when they find out that they were LIED to. Think of the number of former folks on the Left who eventually got 'red pilled'.

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Not enough...

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no evidence of that whats-so-ever gail. as we speak the uk is putting into motion laws that will see men jailed for speaking their minds and they will be making room for those men in the jails by releasing convicted criminals.

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And just wait till the ones who they do not kill - but instead they spay and neuter - grow up to hate their parents who did that to them!

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That requires a soul, something they don't have.

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Sorry to repeat a comment, but the reason they hate life so publicly is because:

John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

We can choose to serve God or satan. If you choose satan then God will give you over to satan's desire to destroy the created order of God and replace it with chaos.

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"God will give you over to satan's desire"

Why would God ever give up on a person?

That doesn't sound too good.

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There is always a choice to repent and accept Christ. Remember the thief on the cross--no chance for him to "earn" salvation.

But the operative verb is repent--which means turn away from sin and evil and making Christ the center of one's life. The folks described above haven't made that choice, instead they've chosen Satan. Satan rampages accordingly.

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Interesting. Thanks for sharing this.

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It is not an easy thing to hear, but it is straight from the Bible. This is why Paul says we should work out our salvation with fear and trembling.

1 Tim 1:18-20

This charge I entrust to you, Timothy, my child, in accordance with the prophecies previously made about you, that by them you may wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting this, some have made shipwreck of their faith, among whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme.

1 Cor. 5:1-5

It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that is not tolerated even among pagans, for a man has his father’s wife. And you are arrogant! Ought you not rather to mourn? Let him who has done this be removed from among you. For though absent in body, I am present in spirit; and as if present, I have already pronounced judgment on the one who did such a thing. When you are assembled in the name of the Lord Jesus and my spirit is present, with the power of our Lord Jesus, you are to deliver this man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord

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Interesting. Thanks for sharing this.

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The root of this barbarity is spiritual. Remove God the Author of life from an individual or a society and something will fill the vacuum - in our case, the one Jesus warned “who only comes to steal, kill and destroy”.

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It becomes a mob mentality. The more people you attract to your cult of debauchery the more you rid yourself of guilt and shame, right?

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Exactly. Abortion is entirely a private matter between a woman and her doctor and that's why it needs to be publicized and celebrated.

Yeah, I don't understand those people either.

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Hypocrisy is considered a righteous virtue in libbie land.

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It would be a private matter if they actually valued human life. But they don't. Remember Clintons "it takes a city to raise a child" or something to that effect? We should be asking them for the details of their Utopia dream perhaps. Might not be what we think it is.

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I alway thought proliferate folks who reluctantly follow the law would also call comment “it’s your choice, a really sad choice”.

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But you have moral scruples. That's the difference.

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Dems get cash kick-backs.

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Republicans do too. It's not that they're spineless, it greed pure and simple.

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I have a very weird family. My one and only wife and I are 82 and 81. 56 th anniversary coming up in Dec.three sons all married over twenty years. Seven grand kids. No divorces. What’s wrong with us?

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Joe, you're a very lucky man. Got two beautiful daughters and 8 above average grandchildren myself. Our wives raised our kids right. All I did was love the hell out of them and they know it.

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Ha... congrats!!!

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64 years to the prettiest girl, w/grandchild in Texas.

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Healthy family , Joseph! Keep doing what you are doing.

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"Abortion" is the perfect metaphor for the Democrat party. Shit show, train-wreck, chaos, lie-fest, disaster would work quite well also.

Killing babies has been Dems raison d'être for decades now. Their go-to issue that attracts women who can only think with their emotions -- instead of their God-given brains. Unfortunately it works every time.

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Not “every time.” But tragically too often.

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Hope FOX Business adds the 'Heaven Cam' - livefeed on the democrat mobile Nazi Death Unit, videoing Womyn going in; when they emerge victorious, Fox crawl on screen shows '1 less tranny kid to heaven', Fox could even ping NSA facial database and report their 'Abortion count' - how many non-viable tissue masses (S)he has sent to heaven. Better yet Fox business could estimate the $$ revenue to Planned Parenthood from this deluded pitiful women that Satan presently owns....

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I'm thinking some will come for the abortion pill just to brag about it to their Dem friends. Chances are greater than zero that some will not even be pregnant. They just want the street creds.

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Not every time :)

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Well said.The tyrants will eventually eat their own, but how long do we have before that happens? (Biden is too old and feeble to count.)

I have a very difficult time understanding how anyone could advocate (let alone vote for) gender affirming care for minor children who legally cannot consent to anything, let alone mutilation of their bodies.

America is at her tipping point when No Lives Matter anymore. https://lizlasorte.substack.com/p/no-lives-matter-anymore-what-happened?r=76q58

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When Plyler decision occurred my house framing career died. So I started college at 22, and worked the entire time I was there. Never needed a loan. Put my kids through college with no loans. We paid off our house with its 8% mortgage in our mid 40s. Being debt free has its rewards but having a bunch of grandkids running around is the coolest achievement we've acquired. By far.

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Did you mean that an influx of illegals killed your carpentry job? I had to look up the Plyler decision; turns out that in Plyler the SC decided 5-4 that states could not refuse to pay for the education of children of illegal immigrants. That was in 1982, and of course the narrow majority consisted of liberals. Could be different now.

As we are constantly reminded, more recently in the Dobbs case the SC decided that since abortion is not in the Constitution nor a federal responsibility, abortion should be up to the states.

It's now argued, I think correctly, that the same applies to education. What a great argument for abolishing a federal agency ...

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nailed it

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“Destruction of the family began with feminism.”

I disagree, it began in 1920 with the 19th amendment. It’s been downhill in this country ever since. And no, I’m not a misogynist, just a realist. Men and women are fundamentally different, which seems to have escaped the comprehension of the so called feminists. Just to put a point to it, one of the early feminists insisted that “a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” A woman needs a man and a man needs a woman, it’s that simple.

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I agree that men and women think differently, decide issues differently, which can make the process of voting in the political process a bit edgy, but you seem to suggest that male thinking is correct and female thinking is incorrect for politics.

I know crazy leftist lunatic men and women just as I know Christian conservative men and women. These two groups are vastly different in their interpretation of "normalcy". But, their XX and XY gender isn't the cause of the different ideas of normalcy. If the male and female role is the centerpiece of marriage and family, shouldn't that same family team engage and fulfill the rest of their societal responsibilities, including the political ones like voting for a family-supporting platform?

Blame the feminists for attacking and destroying good women. Blame pornography for attacking and destroying good men. This is a spiritual war of God vs satan. I don't think it is a gender issue. Gender-blaming is the conclusion satan wants us to have so we'll fight among ourselves and cause more division. That empowers corrupt institutions like planned parenthood.

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Best comment today, IMHO, Shrugged. Agree--it is not a gender issue.

This blaming of our political situation on women is ridiculous. The Democratic Marxist party is full of misguided white men financing and promoting all the destructive policies. The men who support abortion and the breakdown of the family are privately thrilled to be relieved of the responsibilities of marriage and child-raising. Free sex; just kill the inconvenient baby if the women gets pregnant. Marxism likes that just fine--keep the males boys, not men; easier to intimidate and control.

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Exactly right. This is another one of many truths that are just not allowed to be said today.

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Life is tough for a man. Without a good woman and family behind you, it's a hell of a lot tougher....

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Amen Jake .

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The British historian Paul Johnson, who died last year, observed:

“ American women who appeared in Britain from the 1820s onwards were variously noted for being ‘independent,’ ‘uppity,’ ‘self-sufficient,’ and ‘strong-minded.’ British visitors to the United States brought back exactly the same impression. If American women had exerted their strength, they would have secured votes by the mid-19th century. The historian is driven to the conclusion that, for the great majority of American women, voting came low in their order of priorities.”

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the main venue for the war on children is being waged inside k-12 and the results can be vividly seen in the streets of our cities and on the compii of our colleges...both boys and girls to be clear. girls come out of k-12 power mad alpha chicks while boys have been completely buried under feminist dogma and false revisionist history. women comprise almost 90% of all k-12 teachers and k-12 administrations of which 90% are feminists and 99% vote democrat 99% of the time. their playbook is ritalin, soy, anti-depressants, the pill, title 1X, feminism, revisionist history and the constant and never ending war on boys, mostly white boys. what men that ARE allowed inside those halls of k-12 are almost all timid, attention seeking beta-male enabling simps looking for a pat on the head from their betters. the results are sad to behold and stark but usually ignored by the majority of parents and the public in general.

k-12 is child abuse.

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Jesus granted the demons wish (Legion) and sent them into the nearby herd of pigs. They then rushed headlong off a cliff and drowned.

The logic of this escapes me, but something tells me it’s the same thing that explains the Dems obsession.

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John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

The devil's logic is to oppose God; he wants to destroy God's creation – all of it.

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Well, Lake Michigan is right there, so maybe…?

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Nailed it, Steve.

Except today that herd of pigs will be rushing into the planned parenthood traveling RV of death to children.

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I’m fine with Dems sterilizing themselves, but it’s still off-putting.

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And this is why Trump is reportedly doing VERY WELL with American MEN voters -- some of them are still 'man enough' to want to stay that way and so they are fleeing the Left.

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Take the money out of transgender surgeries and drugs, and they will disappear.

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Spot on Dennis.

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From your mouth to DJT's ear-an Absolute Truth.

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I agree, we are now firmly in the realm of good vs. evil. Whether it’s the Devil or just bad people depends upon your perspective. Use any moral equation which gets you to the right answer. The trick is that many of the bad guys think they are the good guys. They rationalize their bad behavior and dehumanize the opposition. The Left has abandoned their BS about peaceful coexistence and equality. They now want to lock you down, confiscate your property, your kids, your freedom. And they will feel morally superior the whole time. Just like the Nazis, the Maoist Communist Red Guard and dozens of other totalitarian groups. These things don’t end with elections. We have to change the culture. We either do that or it won’t go away. And then we’ll go away and not by choice. But we need to be smart and brave enough to do the things that need to be done. Because when you defund academics or shutter a federal department or deport illegals, the Democrats are going to call you ugly names. You still have to do it. And if they escalate matters, then they need to be dealt with accordingly. Because remember, they are the ones attacking you. They are the ones rioting, looting, and beating people up. They enjoy it.

You won’t be left alone until they understand it’s not a good idea to test your resolve. So far we aren’t showing enough resolve. Don’t feed the RINOs.

Trump/ Vance 2024

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Amen, Don. Thanks for the clarity of your commentary.

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All true, Don. You clearly understand the purpose of those on the Left is to create a two class world of slaves and masters. The means to their end are tools of destruction. Reduce the population. Destroy the process of education. Destroy election processes. Destroy cultures. Destroy languages. Destroy standards of public morality. Replace self rule with unaccountable corrupt bureaucrats dictating how much food, water, fuel, electricity and money citizens are entitled to use. Replace self-sufficiency with dependency on government. Destroy the means of creating individual wealth, aka, individual freedom. Use confiscatory taxation and lawfare to punish those who achieved success despite government efforts to stop them. And finally, censor every citizen Soviet style.

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What is it about MURDERING INFANTS and PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY DESTROYING CHILDREN that gets Democrats all Hot and Moist??? We are truly seeing SATAN at work in America today. ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS!!!!!

The Democrat "women" that show up at these rallies (!!!) are all UGLY! Their chances of getting pregnant are not going to be a problem. So, why do they do it? SATAN!

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My youngest son who is 46 will become a father for the first time in January. It took a long time to meet the right girl, but he finally found her and we love her a great deal. We were talking on the phone yesterday about her latest doctor visit and I was thinking to myself, that despite his late entry in the world of parenting, he will, like his older brother, be a great dad.

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How wonderful for him, and for you!

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