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This thing with Kamala is just a time wasting diversion. We have already seen thru the Obama-Biden conduit how the d-Rats govern and how importantly they hold the Office of the President.

They hope that while we’re watching team d-rat/team Kamala try and find the best match, we won’t see them find another kook to be the fall guy while this time they use 4 or 5 real shooters to go after T, and if that doesn’t work, they’ll try even more harsh methods to take him out.

So we can’t let them. See something say something. Yell, scream go directly to his guardians. You know in your bones they’ll stop at nothing to take him out.

As good citizens who loved our life here in NA, before it was stolen from us, we can’t let them take our last good and decent chance away from us!

We can’t!

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Or they will try something else, like poison. They are all in.

As far as Kamala, I wouldn't assume she's the nominee given Obama's silence. Who knows, maybe they'll try to assassinate her to reduce Trump's afterglow. The devil eats his own.

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Yeah, I believe Obama is holding out for a hard-core Communist like Pete Buttigieg or Hakeem Jeffries.

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By the way I got $5 USD that says it’s Mike!

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Keep your money. Moochie is not running in any year, especially this one. She is too smart and too lazy to subject herself to what is going to be a lost cause for Dems. Besides, then she would be fair game for all those questions about why Harris was appointed by her husband if she was too incompetent to take over for Joe. Just not going to happen.

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Agreed! I don’t see it happening. It has to be someone boots-ready surely. Not all Dem voters are idiots. Surely??

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Surely the majority are. Hey, why aRe we assuming that these elections are honest and that Dem voters ACTUALLY EXIST?!

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And the ones who do exist don’t matter as they just overthrew all primary votes for Biden.

They are just useful idiots used as a means to the machines ends, which do not include them at all.

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Yes, and it is kind of shocking that most Democrats have no idea that they themselves were disenfranchised when their party leaders manipulated the Democratic primary and suppressed all the alternatives to Biden.

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07/22/24: There must be a few who have a dimwit's inkling of what you describe. However, when one is instantly replaceable, one keeps one's mouth shut and says "Thank you" for the bags of swag (peanuts) tossed your way.

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"And the big rumor is Pete Buttigieg will be her running mate."

Oh, great. Kamala "Big Mike II" as president.

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An irreverent aunt of mine once hollered "Hot Damn" in church when for the first time she had heard one of the ancient solos sung well. If she picks Pete the Buttigieg, I will stand up and holler Hot Damn so loud you can hear it in West BG Virginia!

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No can do. Two women on the same ticket is box office poison.

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I’m inclined to agree. Expect the unexpected. Then the obama has a mainline to run his operations from his basement, in his pajamas, thereby fulfilling his self-professed (insert your own descriptor here) dream.

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You're one of the cool kids at the table, Chuck. If it's Mooch, I buy you a blue button-if not, you buy one\Win, win😁

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You are on kiddo

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What odds did you get?

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Even-either way Don gets at least 2 blue buttons

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I've been gambling non-outrageous amounts of money since 1985 and "blue buttons" is new to me; it sounds like a good thing, too, to avoid animosities flaring up when one side wins and the other loses.

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Hi Don- I promised I would never mention Founding Member again - i was making too many folks uncomfortable. I am now calling them blue buttons- It's 100 bucks, but it's well worth it. Don gets it either way

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07/22/24: I would never be uncomfortable in the familiar confines of wagering terminology. BBs are a splendid way of putting it. I see that the stakes have been adjusted for inflation. When I tip people $100 today, I'm embarrassed because I used to get $100 tips in the 80s (which absolutely floored me), and now all I'm doing to repay these long ago acts of generosity is handing the person a piece of paper worth only about $25 in 1980s dollars.

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Welcome to Bidenomics

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I have said for some time Biden wouldn't be on the ticket and Mooch was a top contender. I still believe that, but I don't think she'll be chosen over Hillary. Hillary is my bet. So, for the sake of testosterone - a needed commodity in this election - I'll take you up on that wager.

In fact, I got $10 USD that it will be either Mooch or Hill. Harris may be allowed to stay on the ticket as VP, the result of convention magic.

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Three months until election. A few weeks until the convention. Keep dreaming. Not going to happen. Remember, Clinton couldn't beat Trump in a normal election.

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Perhaps. We'll see.

Hillary beat Trump in popular vote by 2.5% and only lost the swing states (electoral college) by a very low percentage. That could shift easily. I don't see an alternate ticket that will come close to that. Certainly not one with Kamala at the top.

Remember, it isn't about actually winning. It's about how many fake votes have to be bled into the system to appear to win. The cheat will be most feasible with Hillary.

Think like a criminal and it makes perfect sense!

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the ballot printing presses would be running as we speak but they don't know whose name to put on it right now other than not PedoJoe

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👍Their printing window has halted production-a definite+

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But now there’s the Steele Dossier, Russiagate, Crossfire Hurricane to hang around her neck. Plus she’s 8 years older, does she want to do

this still? I know, I know, voracious ambition for sure.

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Harris is an attorney and a prosecutor. She is a control freak and laughs about her titular strength (i.e.) not authentic. She's the wizard hiding behind the curtain.

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I think she’s lazy and unwilling to do the hard work, supposedly this is true and is the reason she loses staffers at a rapid rate. They do all the work and she does nothing, including does not prepare for interviews and debates. As much of a lightweight DEI pick as she is, she is preppable for debate, unlike Joe Biden. Remember her as an attack dog with Kavanaugh? Granted, no one was speaking back to her, and that will be different. I may hate Hillary Clinton, but she’s a hell of a lot smarter than Kamala.

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Our neighborhood stray cat is a lot smarter than Kamala. He hits the garbage bins on our street before 5 a.m. on Mondays. Truck run at 6 a.m.

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I may be remembering it all wrong, but it seems some of the ladies pretending to be after Hillary, at that time were still trying to wrangle a Hamburger and Fries with Billy Jeff behind Hill's back (IMO that's her best side)!

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Reddog, are you the one keeping track of the celebrities who promised to leave the country if Trump got elected in 2016? Did anybody really leave that we know of?

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There were no mail on ballots in that 2016 election.

It’s a whole new ball game now and believe me, she wants in.

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No not me keeping track. I stopped caring what those idiots threatened to do or what they thought a long time ago.

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Either way, Don wins. Many thanks.

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We all win when Don wins.

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Saw a headline just minutes ago that the person the rally attendees in Butler PA gave the photo of the shooter to wasn't with Secret Service - haven't taken time to read the article yet but it's next as soon as I get through these comments - no one knows who to trust these days!

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Actually the article is in Townhall by Matt Vespa. Worth a read

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I am firmly convinced that Obama will grease the skids for Kamala's exit, and it could come as early as this coming Thursday (07/25/24). And now for the (I am sorry to say, sick) joke:

Don S.: "And the big rumor is Pete Buttigieg will be her running mate."

Oh, great. "Big Mike II" for president.

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Her running mate could be Mark Kelly of Arizona.

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Chuck, as we speak (or type), Obama is steamrolling every obstacle on his way to eventual oblivion. And leaving not a fingerprint on anything as he goes along. With the assistance of the fifty IC traitors who id'd the Biden laptop as "Russian disinformation."

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