An irreverent aunt of mine once hollered "Hot Damn" in church when for the first time she had heard one of the ancient solos sung well. If she picks Pete the Buttigieg, I will stand up and holler Hot Damn so loud you can hear it in West BG Virginia!
An irreverent aunt of mine once hollered "Hot Damn" in church when for the first time she had heard one of the ancient solos sung well. If she picks Pete the Buttigieg, I will stand up and holler Hot Damn so loud you can hear it in West BG Virginia!
An irreverent aunt of mine once hollered "Hot Damn" in church when for the first time she had heard one of the ancient solos sung well. If she picks Pete the Buttigieg, I will stand up and holler Hot Damn so loud you can hear it in West BG Virginia!
No can do. Two women on the same ticket is box office poison.