One of your best, Don. I think of the hundreds of square acres covered by ridiculous flat solar panels. Ugly...and how are the flora and fauna doing? And solar energy doesn't work. Leftists: dumb and dumber.

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They are pushing that crap here in the People's Republic of Maryland with these energy cooperatives that have farmers filling up their fields with Chinese solar panels instead of growing food. What could go wrong?

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Oh CP, I’m a FORMER Marylander!

I went to MoCo MCPS K-12.

I'm happily in ( northern) FL now!

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Same. Baltimore County. Calvert hall H.S. now in Sarasota. I vote with my feet.


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Ha. We went MD-VA-FL. 🤣

Hubby didn't want to go too far south (too much heat/humidity) so we're in panhandle, for now. Will explore more and might move east to a little more...civilization. 🤣 I've heard Sarasota has exploded and is very nice.

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I, of course, have a different approach in thinking. I have no problem with wild child children experimenting since I am the wildest of all, but basic safety must be observed and all government subsidies must now and forever cease. My hero, I have several, Elon musk says the same thing. Pull the rug out from underneath these idiots. Cut their allowances to zero. Elon musk is one of the most daring, and because of his extremely hard work, is one of the most successful. The BBC conducted a survey, question: when are they not conducting a survey? And discovered that certain nationalities had common features but it had very little to do with race and everything to do with language. The hardest working country according to this survey was South Africa. After I heard the results of that survey while listening all night long to the BBC, I had a chance to observe a delightful illustration of that fact. One of our sister companies Dana was requesting overtime during a backlog of work and I got a chance to go over and observe them up close. Among my group were 12 black South African women. When the get ready to go home buzzer went off We hardworking Americans, we're number two, said everything down and got cleaned up. The 12 South African women who were all there in South bend area studying nursing, kept busily sweeping up until the last second.

As a follow-up to this I'm going to offer some unusual advice in stocks with a disclaimer I'm too poor to sue if I'm wrong. The best investment if you're looking for open-ended unlimited growth is Elon musks the boring company. This has unlimited potential not only for Tesla taxis and shortcuts for rich people but just in case some idiot starts a nuclear war all of those tunnels underneath the big cities will be a place of refuge. Even if God's not planning apocalypse soon, I believe even he thinks it would be a wise investment. You're welcome America.

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My father was a stock broker. When asked for a stock tip he said, "Buy American Thermometer. It's at 45, but if you stick it up your ass it'll go to 98.6."

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You do remember, don't you? My story of filling my daddy's gas tank with water trying to save him money? And of course loving to experiment with music and adding rock and roll jazz and all sorts of black evil influences made me one of the most loved musicians in my very conservative Church of the Nazarene. And I am of the opinion that we all are an experiment, but fortunately the master engineer and chemist God Almighty is in charge and his former right-hand man Satan or Lucifer became convinced that that experiment was doomed to failure and has been doing everything he can to trip us up to prove his point that we are a bunch of losers. But God and me make them majority, and I am living proof of that. Pardon me while I indulge in some old-fashioned praise God hallelujah hanky waving praise.

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My mom had a theory about women members of the Church of the Nazarene: they were all beautiful, had lovely manners and could sing. My dad's friend of early 1940's was one of the best loved pastors of that church. Dad photo'd many of their "tent meetings" (I don't remember what those were called, but were held in Ruskin Cave.)

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Everyone who has had a solar device knows that it works best on the first day and then it steadily loses its ability to be fully recharged and then it becomes junk. Okay for toys and not so bright Christmas lights. Not okay if you want it to produce reliable energy.

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And with the leftist government's help - rich and richer.

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It's with our taxpayer dollars help. All these projects wouldn't be viable without government funding. That's what pisses me off about these huge bills that hide a lot of the funding sources and reward dem donators.

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That’s because Dems might be evil but they’re NOT stupid!

They know where the endless money supply is - govt funding! 😡

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Republican donors too

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Yeah, the windmills off the east coast killing all those whales, not an environmentalist to be found. The solar and windmills have a pass on killing Eagles and any other bird that is endangered. They kill thousands of birds.

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Where does solar panel energy creation make sense ?

Where they were before subsidies.

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Agree, Dermot, but this may slow them down:


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A characteristic of people on the Left is magical thinking. They firmly believe that mankind (or is it humankind) can control the temperature of the earth. Not only that but that control can be accomplished merely by eliminating one parameter, CO2. That sort of magical thinking is what also makes progressives and useful idiots believe that a man can transform himself into a woman and vice versa. And with magical thinking there is no contemplating what the downstream negative effects of these catastrophic ideas will bring. Thomas Sowelll calls it stage one thinking. This is what the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party and the RINOs believe and it will destroy this nation unless we can put DJT back into the WH and kick out the rest of the kakistocracy.

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95 percent of scientists agree..... my ass!

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I say, kick the bastards out...with overspin.

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You are so right in saying the Left is engaged in magical thinking. They refuse to deal in facts because that would negate their magical thinking. They are "true believers" which they believe makes them right. As Marlan H. once said, that makes them "rebels without a clue".

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May 17·edited May 17

It does feel like some fresh air is blowing across the land. Yesterday's "revelation" that the NIH was indeed funding gain-of-function experimentation at the Wuhan Lab felt like a real breakthrough in uncovering the crimes and the criminals from the last four years. I am eagerly awaiting Fauci's arrest and incarceration among many, many more.

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May 17·edited May 17

The attitudes of those responsible are enough to make my head explode. I find it hard to contain my anger toward them. While Trump sits in a courtroom on banana republic charges that have no end, these narcissists are walking free and continuing to lie.

I've said this before. I long for the day these NIH people are hanging from a noose from the arm of the statue of liberty and left there until the buzzards pick their bones clean. Then, we will use their bones to erect a statue using their bones as a representation of what we will do to the federal government - to make it a skeleton of its former self.

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Oh if only!

The evil endless vortex that sucks endless taxpayers money to the black hole of destruction known as the federal govt must be dismantled!

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F Fauci and bring him up on charges of lying to Congress. Rand Paul are you listening?

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Think about how disgusting it is that corrupt, lawless dwarf is galavanting around giving paid talks to dopey corporate executives while collecting a mid-six-figure government retirement.

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He has already sent criminal referrals to the Just-Us dept. Nothing will happen to Fauci while Garland is AG.

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or any other democrat.

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Don't forget about Birx. She helped Fauci spread the ''wealth'' of idiocy.

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Rand Paul is definitely listening--and talking. It's the RINO's that aren't listening; and of course, the entirety of the Dems.

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I'm afraid that's too much to hope for.

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May 17·edited May 17

The VP must be someone who can carry Trump's stern commitment to undoing the evil that has taken over our government. The VP needs to be one who sees government as being the source of most of the problems we face as a republic with a track record of delivering on those principles in an elected leadership role.

The only person on the list who fits the requirements the best is Sarah Sanders. If she'll run.

Don't forget, Trump will only have four years in office IF elected. That isn't enough time to clean up one fourth of the filth in government. The VP must be someone as strong as Trump to continue that tough job for eight more years.

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or, Trump can get another term and control things from Mar e Lago like Obama does. That's the new standard for running the government.

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If Sarah Sanders is his VP and we can keep the "wave of liberty" going, he would certainly have influence if he's able and willing. The others on the list are great cabinet picks, but Sanders has done it as governor. She also had to look the media in the eye everyday as Press Secretary and tell them the truth. I like that combo of deliverables.

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I am a big Sarah Sanders fan. She was tough as Press Secretary and now she has credentials as an executive and a politician as Governor of Arkansas. When we finally elect a woman to the Presidency, we need someone akin to Maggie Thatcher and I believe Sarah has the smarts and the spine to handle the job.

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May 17·edited May 17

Totally agree. I think her image suffers because she doesn't get in the ring and throw punches. She is the opposite of Trump on the emotional intelligence scale and simply does what is right and tells you why without throwing insults. I don't mind the insults because (1) they are deserved, and (2) someone needs to say it since the media won't say it. She is a perfect compliment to Trump's personality and a perfect transition back to a stable political environment.

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GMTA Shrugged.

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I like Sarah very much but she’s only been a gov for a hot second. Plus she never seemed to land any real blows as press sec. Her demeanor imo is not combative enough to win. I’ve been saying for a while that I’d LOVE to see Dennis Preager take the first 6 months (or as long as he’d be willing to do it!) of the next Trump White House spokesman job. OMG what poetry in motion that would be!

Following Prager should be Newt Gingrich for 6 months.

It should be a changing line up of great and BRILLIANT patriots who are SO WELL VERSED in HISTORY as well as current events that they EDUCATE, even a little bit, the rest of the country.

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There are strengths in all of them but as for experience as governor, DeSantis is the only one on the list with that credential, and I don’t trust his loyalty to Trump. We’ll all wait to be surprised I guess.

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I know. I REALLY WISH DeSantis had NOT allowed himself to be talked into running this cycle! He seems to be an excellent executive but a really $%^ politician. He likely never would have even made it over the finish line had Trump not helped him. But WHO CAN be fully trusted to be pro-Trump? Not many.

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Vivek Ramaswamy

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Sarah Sanders is your answer.

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Vivek Ramaswamy.

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Might be Bergum from North Dakota too. He doesn't have the name recognition but I just read an article explaining why he would be a solid choice. We need someone with Brass Balls like the Trumpster. Hard to find in the political world. They're all out building and doing things.

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re: offshore oil and windmills. Reminds me of the remark made by Alabama senator Howell Heflin - a Democrat, actually - when presented with a telephoto picture of senator Ted Kennedy banging some bimbo on his boat: "It would appeah that the Seenyah Senatah from Mass-a-two-shits has revuhsed his pohsition on offshoah drillin."

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We had an up close and personal experience of how well those windmills didn't work a couple of winters ago while living in the cold and dark for a few days plus on some of our drives through west Texas we've seen those huge land masses of solar panels - hummm - do you all remember how a recent big hail storm took some of those suckers out? It's time to drill, baby drill! Trump 2024!

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A couple of years ago I and a couple of friends and I flew my light plane from Virginia to Oshkosh for the big aviation convention. Our flight path took us across the east central U.S. and much to my surprise over literally hundreds of windmills. My buddy noted that of all them, no more than 20 percent were even spinning at all, let alone fast enough to generate much power.

Now Virginia has thousands of acres of solar panels which generate minimal power when it's cloudy and zero at night. When I fly over a solar farm I have fantasies about how much good for America I could do with a box of rocks. LOL.

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Same reaction in a marine solar farm after Nature did a cameo appearance at sea.

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I think DeSantis could have run a much better campaign, but he deferred to “experts”.

I don’t think too ill of him for that, because that was Trump’s biggest (perhaps only) fault as President.

I think DeSantis is too smart to upstage him as VP. And Trump can’t run again after this next term, so there’s no reason not to work with DeSantis, and every reason to work together.

Together they’d be the dynamo needed to blow the Deep State out of the water.

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A lot of those 'experts' were JEB! experts/donors. Made me really worried that DeSantis has been RINOed or at least turned into a sleeper RINO

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When the “geniuses” take God out of decisions the results are obvious. God: There are only 2 genders. Man: There are many. God: There is no Global warming. Man: CO2 is destroying the Earth. God: FJB. Man: FJB. Finally we may be in sync.

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JD Vance for VP

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Could be as great a synergism as Trump/DeSantis

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If you haven’t read Hillbilly Elegy (Vance’s bio) or seen the movie, you must.

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I've read it, and it was good, but I don't think he has enough political experience yet.

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Good point

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Who is your pick for VP?

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Still thinking. It’s not a job that can promote on potential. This time it’s not a ceremonial or in-training spot. I want to know what an individual has accomplished in d real world. Smart and articulate helps. Speaks in full sentences that express a single idea clearly. Someone willing to be point on cutting agencies. Not someone for whom which fraternity to pledge was the hardest decision they’ve ever made, nor someone who peaked at 26. Maybe Vance. Maybe Rubio (I know the residency issue;) not DeSantis - he’s best as governor; not Vivek - his attention span is too short. Still thinking.

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There is an article today in a history feed I get about Antarctica millions of years ago when it was a tropical paradise of trees, jungles, and dinosaurs. And the sea temperature was 95 degrees is some areas of the world. And the ocean was 550 feet or so higher than it is now. Fast Forward to NOW and the folly of spending Billions of Dollars attempting to control nature. STOP IT. It is a waste of money. Funnel that money to Veterans, the Homeless, and the Mentally Ill to start. Take care of our people; stop being the welfare and police department of the world.

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Thinking that man can control the climate is delusional. The climate is ALWAYS changing. I also noticed the article regarding Antarctica but haven't read it yet. I always start my day with Surber. When I was a kid, the area I grew up in central West Texas experienced several consecutive years of minimal rain, lots of dust storms that would darken the sky and even the incandescent lights inside the house, but then we finally got past that, the rains came and dry lakes refilled. They're going through another period of minimal rain, but not like we did in the 50's. This is not a problem caused by man, anymore than the ice age was, it is just a cycle.

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All true; well written; I agree 100% with you.

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I spent the majority of my Air Force "career" in West Texas at Dyess AFB in Abilene. As I was in the Air Weather Service, I got a chance to see the climate there up close and personal. T-storms there were very exciting to say the least. Also, the people who lived there were tough as nails and very friendly. The salt of the Earth.

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May 17·edited May 17

With the exception of Veterans, the Homeless and mentally ill should be strictly state issues to deal with. Enough of the Federal Govt using our tax dollars to f’n “fix” everything when they’ve proven they can’t fix anything only actually make it far worse.

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There’s a lot of kick back money at the federal level on both sides. That’s what has to be stopped. Let them do book, tv, and speaking gigs for their grift. IC Kamala made a couple hundred bucks from her latest book. Even Dems don’t want to buy them.

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I actually want them to turn some of that back to the churches to take care of. The churches made it a community tailored effort. HOWEVER, I do not want NGOs involved or much federal money. the NGOs are killing us with helping the illegals cross and be supported here.

CA lost 24 billion to homeless solutions and cant find any of it.

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Unfortunately Too many (churches?) have morphed into NGOs with little ties to the Bible left.

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Its sad because they were doing Gods work but now they are doing it for money or status. The Catholic churches are very big into helping the illegals to the point of recruiting illegals to import. Not a good look.

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Youngkin or Sanders; we need businesspeople.

"Americans are seeing DC’s version of a communist state up close and personal."


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You can bring down a building in seconds; it takes years to rebuild. Ditto a nation (but enough about FJB). Because it is so easy to destroy things and takes so long to build back, the Veep must be somebody dedicated to carrying MAGA forward, and somebody able. PDJT said it himself in a recent interview with Bartiromo. I fully expect them to assassinate The Orange Man - everything is on the table and they will not hold back. To my mind that means Ramaswamy or J.D. Vance. Either will Do What It Takes, I believe.

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Agreed. I will take Vivek or Vance, but all of them seem prone to the Blob's influence and threats.

I think that is what I appreciate most about Trump - he has the courage to push the Blob and the worst part of this whole experience is that he is the ultimate dealmaker and the UniParty isn't interested in dealing because they don't know how. That is the most dangerous part of the current existence.

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I agree with you Jim, with it being Vivek Ramaswamy.

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Right on, Don. The swinging pendulum is the enduring lesson of all history. In the Bible, it is presented as "the last shall be first." The historical examples are many. One example is the pre-WW2 American isolationism which gave way to American leadership of the free world. *** Since WW II, there has been a consistent blatant undermining of traditional values on a worldwide scale. In Eastern Europe, it was Soviet repression. In the West, it has been the sellers of socialism and communism. Those who objected were ignored, silenced or defamed. Thanks to technology, the shackles of state run media are being cast off despite the government collusion of technology companies. *** European nations are now taking baby steps to cast off the EU deep state. Eastern European and even some Arab citizens are fighting for freedom. Yes. a pendulum swing, a revolution if you will, is in process. *** Reality check on the Left. Your Trump persecution efforts make him more powerful. The People see him as a victim around whom they can and must gather if they wish to remain free. *** Hope: Yes, the forces opposing American freedom appear to be in the majority and holding all levers of power. Do not despair. With England holding all levers of power in the colonies, Washington led a minority of colonists to overcome he majority preaching loyalty to the King.

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First time this week I've felt there's some hope for our Nation. Between this column (thank you!) and the news from a certain New York courtroom there's a big smile on my face this morning.

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Nice piece today, Don. You tied up many of the incursions on our liberty pushed by Leftists.

An added bonus of restoring America's right to drill and produce energy would be a huge reduction in the cost-push component of inflation. Oil and its byproducts account for up to 30-40% of the cost of most products (at a minimum, the energy used in factories). Might also prompt additional anchoring of factories.

Vote TRUMP and for steel-spines true conservatives to support him. No RINOs please, we're patriots.

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The pendulum may have reached a zenith but when the return starts to transform into swords and scissors eliminating wasteful laws and EOs only then will sanity return ala Miley.Morrisey got a great win as have Paxton and DeSantis but much more awaits the cutting room crew.When PDJT is elected for a 3rd time the pendulum will be in full return arc.Would love some Sears as Veep but can be happy with Sanders instead.Lead on Poca-Man to MAGA 2024 and beyond.

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For VP pick hoping for Tulsi Gabbard actually.

Let’s call DEI (Didn’t Earn It - h/t Scott Adams) what it is: blatant racism directed by an imbedded Political Kommissar. Back in the 1920’s as the Bolsheviks solidified their control over what was becoming The Red Army, a Political Kommissar was imbedded in every military unit @ every level with the power to countermand the military unit’s commander. For example, if a unit was in danger of being cut off & surrounded the unit commander could order a retreat but if the Political Kommissar didn’t agree, he could countermand the order & the unit commander had - under Red Army directive of the time - to acquiesce to the Political Officer. As you might expect this + the innate profligate tendencies of communist thinking led to disastrous repercussions both during the Russo-Finnish War of 1939-40 & later after Germany launched Operation Barbarossa. Because of the innate stupidity of such actions, the Soviet Union would lose over four million men in as many months. Several level-headed Soviet commanders - Georgi Zhukov & Konstantin Rokossovsky (a guy they pulled out of Lubyanka Prison barely alive to send to the front - “fight for us or die”) come to mind informed Stalin of the absurdity of such actions & Stalin - losing the war @ that point @ breakneck speed - relented, curbing the power of the Political Kommissars. They were still dangerous- witness Nikita Kruschev’s actions @ Stalingrad - but less so.

These DEI people are nothing but Political Kommissars; with them its ideology uber alles & they care not a whit for the destruction wrought on people, companies, customers, or reputations.

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Very interesting about the Political Komissars. But disagree on Tulsi Gabbard--may have promise, but we must see "Performance" first.

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Re: the poll. None of those but I don’t know who else. Still thinking about who would stand against the wave to disable the new administration in the event of the President’s death. I put a lot of currency in past behaviour (and talent)nas indicative of future behaviour and skill. Still thinking.

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That's why I voted for Sarah Sanders (nee Huckabee). She's kicking liberal a$$ and taking no prisoners in Arkansas.

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I don't know a lot about Byron Donalds, but he's been a strong defender of Trump and Trump's policies. There's nothing wishy-washy about the man. I like him.


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Donalds speaks as a man of conviction unwavering,a rarity in DC.

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I have a serious question about a scenario: First: God forbid anything like this ever happen, But were Trump to [die] PRIOR to having publicly named his choice of VP, say sometime before the Convention, what happens then to the Republican ticket for President? How does it get decided Who would be another candidate determined to be eligible to run on the ticket at such a late juncture?

I can only envision sheer chaos in the party.

Just tossing that out there with another giant GOD FORBID it should ever happen.

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The U.S. Constitution and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 outline the presidential order of succession. The line of succession of cabinet officers is in the order of their agencies’ creation.

Vice President

Speaker of the House

President Pro Tempore of the Senate

Secretary of State

Secretary of the Treasury

Secretary of Defense

Attorney General

Secretary of the Interior

Secretary of Agriculture

Secretary of Commerce

Secretary of Labor

Secretary of Health and Human Services

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Secretary of Transportation

Secretary of Energy

Secretary of Education

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Secretary of Homeland Security

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Yes that regards an elected Presidential succession.

I’m referring to a situation where a presidential CANDIDATE, slotted to be on the ticket, for whatever reason, should become unable to run prior to having named his potential VP.

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Bingo! Perfect! That answers my question.

Thanks so very much!!! 👍

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Suzie, there actually was an exact verbatim excerpt from the Democratic Party's rules that was printed on CitizenFreePress a few months back, that exactly described what would happen if they nominate Biden at their Convention and he is subsequently "unavailable" for any reason. I tried to find my saved Bookmark of it, but could not. This excerpt was also on Twitter and widely circulated for a few days. I posted it here in the Comments twice.

But what it stated very specifically, is that in such a case, the leaders of the Democratic National Committee and Democratic leaders in Congress would consult together and select the replacement nominee. PERIOD. That is the process for the Dems.

So I think that is actually already the plan--they plan to shove Biden thru the Convention, and then Biden will withdraw, and the DNC leaders and selected Democratic leaders--behind closed doors--will select the Democratic Presidential Candidate. They could pick anyone--even Michelle Obama, Hillary, Hakeem Jeffires, Pete Buttigieg, ANYONE they want--their handpicked next "puppet".

The Democratic voters, and the American people, will have NO SAY in who this person is. Their only "say" will be to vote for that person or Donald Trump in November. That person (whoever the Dems put forward as their "selected candidate", will have evaded all national media scrutiny for the past 18 months, and with only weeks between the convention and the election, very little of their true background and beliefs will have a chance to come to light.

What I commented about on this before, was that Republican voters have been disenfranchised by the Democrat's election cheating. This year, the Democrats are DISENFRANCHISING THEIR OWN DEMOCRATIC VOTERS !!!! Digest this! Not only have they manipulated the primaries to keep any challenger off the ballot (esp. RFK), but they CANCELLED the Democratic primary in some states (e.g. Florida). Democratic voters essentially have had ZERO choice in 2024, because the Democrats haven't allowed any significant person to challenge Biden.

And they DO plan to dump Biden, and the leaders huddle together in the "smoke filled back room" and pick the person they are going to foist on the American people as their "Presidential Candidate".

Democratic voters be damned. "We know better than the voters who should be President."

When are the stupid Democratic voters going to wake up and realize they have been completely shut out of the process of selecting the Democratic nominee?

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