No one has found evidence that Kamala ever tried a case before a jury while a prosecutor. (or as a lawyer) No transcripts, no newspaper reports, no appellate cases mentioning her trials.

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Trial lawyers tell their “war stories” to each other. Each trying to outdo the others. Some are funny some are gruesome. She has never described any trial tried by her. Get me started and I would bore you for hours with my trial tales.

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And I think that Harmeet Dhillon would agree with your assessment after listening to her conversation with Tucker recently

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I had to leave before that conversation ended but even now, close to 11/5, it’s worth going back to it on YouTube. Ms. Dhillon has a complete dossier on Kamala. It confirms what we see before us in real time. She does not have one achievement of merit unless you count…you know, Willie. Nevertheless it’s fascinating to hear step by step how she slid through the doors of power opened by the California machine. They are all intertwined, business partners (Newsom/Getty Plump Jack Winery and restaurant), Willie Brown the career maker, Jerry Brown heir to father Pat both former governors, family judges, etc. Gavin Newsom is the next Kamala they are dying to run. It’s no secret what they’ve done to our state.

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You are right: Harmeet Dhillon did a job on Commie-La that laid that grifter bare.

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Ms Dhillon revealed also that from the start Que Mala broke laws and got away with it.

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I think you meant Willie’s willy. (Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Shame on me.)

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So many people there seem so eager for this nonsense to continue. I realize California is a very affluent state in comparison to so many others and it appears that residents do not see the danger in continued voting for lefty's. I do not understand how so many people are so blind to their own eventual crash.

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I sure those who leave CA for such places like TX would leave their CA crappy values in CA!

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If I understand correctly, California has not been affluent for quite a while. At least their state finances have been a disaster. I think it was 10 or 15 years ago, if you had a tax refund coming from the state, they gave you an I.O.U.

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good background

Robert Barnes (Viva/Barnes on Rumble) has some evaluation on her "competence" also..

not good, "dumbest DA ever" as I took it to mean

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Maybe she's too stupid to remember? Maybe she got her ass handed to her so thoroughly that she would be humiliated to tell?

Has she told any court stories from before she became California's worst AG?

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Not sure she was their worst, just one of many "worst AG's". The sky is the limit in California, apparently.

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10/25/24: She makes JFK Jr. the prosecutor look competent, who once managed to get a burglar convicted. The crook had broken into a home, then fell asleep on a bed, easy for the cops to arrest. This is one of what I recall were four successful prosecutions by the later-on publisher of George magazine. They won't dare let him near any "iffy" prosecutions (this was back in an era when a state district attorney was NOT the chief defense lawyer for criminals).

In other news, UK Foreign Secretary Lammy, who has made a point of insulting Trump (after having enjoyed a free-lunch scholarship to Harvard) will have a very hard night of it 11/05-06/24.

I caution him to fall asleep in his own bed on the evening of November 5th.

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Note: "Rows back" evidently is a British-ism for "turned tail and ran."

"Shadow foreign secretary rows back on his previous comments describing the former president as a ‘racist’ and ‘Nazi sympathiser’ "

Telegraph [UK] Tony Diver ("U.S. editor"; 05/08/24; copied 10/25/24)

Lammy apparently has been sending kiss-and-makeup roses and chocolates to the Trump campaign for about a year now. This might be contagious, with Liz Cheney getting the Double-Quisling Fever and banging on Donald's door any minute now!


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She’s a sham candidate. I just hope we don’t have a sham election. But not holding my breath…

Trump/Vance 2024

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IDK, I wonder if they think the shite show they’re handing to The Don might be the only way to sink/retire him? It’s imperative that we take all 3 branches. This isn’t just ‘clean up in aisle 5’. I hold hope that it’s the reason God has sent his band

of merry helpers…Elon, RFK, Tucker, Vivek, Tulsi, Kari. Great thinkers for solving big problems. And of course rock solid JD. What a good time they’ve been having at MAGA rally’s.

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Did you ever get the feeling that the government does not want to solve any of OUR problems?

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10/25/24: Having intentionally created them, why would they want to solve them?

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I do!

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10/25/24: Sham Bam Thank You Ma'am!

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I was at a conference last year, which included presentations from federal agencies like Census, BLS, DOL, and the people with the Census mentioned that the data coming in was shite because survey responses have fallen off a cliff during and after the China virus. This meant they would have to impute a lot of the data, which means it’s even more shite.

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What should be most shocking is that 32-38% disagreed that the process to select Kamala was undemocratic and these people vote!

In the early 19th century, Alexis de Tocqueville summed up what would become 21st century America when he said, “Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.... The subjection of individuals will increase amongst democratic nations, not only in the same proportion as their equality, but in the same proportion as their ignorance.”

Life sucks but at least we have Halloween to have fun, or at least we used to have fun before the woke took it over. Maybe Trump is the Great Trumpkin who will at least make Halloween Great Again? https://lizlasorte.substack.com/p/in-search-of-the-great-trumpkin-to?r=76q58

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if i were a woman i would lament that after 248 years the best america can come up with is kamala harris. perhaps i could tweak that a bit and state the best america chooses to come up with. either way is a sad commentary.

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Well, she is clearly the best "puppet" available.

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Liz, the scariest part about those 32-38% for me is the recollection that only 1/3 of the colonists supported THE revolution back in 1776. Here we have /3 of the population encouraging the demise of our republic. [BTY: love your essay on Halloween.]

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Thank you and thanks for reading!

Maybe we need a journalist to find out if that 1/3 is on welfare?

According to John Adams’s writings, about 1/3 of Americans were patriots for the Cause, about 1/3 Americans were fence sitters and the 1/3 were loyalists to King George. That matches up to Solomon Asch’s Conformity Experiment where over 60% are afraid to buck the system and 10-30% are courageous and unafraid to speak up. So, if even half of the fence sitters can gather the courage to speak up and educate the next generation, we might have a chance to Survive. But, in our case, I think it means voting in 2024.

Prayers and fingers crossed for positive outcomes!

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Germany had the same ratios, allowing Hitler to come to power...

history echos

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True, the Nazi party never got more than about one-third of the vote. It was only thanks to the peculiar way that Germany chose Prime Ministers (which is found in other European countries as well) that Hitler got his big break.

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Germany today is preparing to ban the more popular opposition party, AfD, who just won the majority in their most recent election, claiming they are “extremist”.


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So how does the party that just won an election based on a majority of the votes get "banned"? They won the election. If they aren't the power in charge then who is the real power?

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I checked out that site, which has interesting contents, but with only an unpaid subscription they won't let me comment, so I won't follow them further.

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That one-third may be those with the most to lose by bucking the system. The more one has to lose - in whatever coin they have to value that - the more one avoids disequilibrium in their lives. Disequilibrium, which - after all - is always a disruptive and fearful process. They are the ones who - in the midst of social, political, and economic chaos - find their "rice bowls" filled to the brim.

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Great comment. I always look at the percentage of people who seem to be completely oblivious to reality as the gauge for how well we are doing. 32-38% tells me there are a lot of confused, detached, irrational voters out there. The percentage never seems to vary that much either. Maybe the old adage that "you can't fix stupid" is valid.

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Thanks. And the Homeless in Philly are voting. How is it possible to prove residency without an address?

NBC Philadelphia says, “Ahead of the election, city leaders work to ensure homeless residents vote.” https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/decision-2024/homeless-vote-2024-election-philadelphia/4008884/

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That's the way to do it, Liz, show them a little skin, and then direct them to your Substack. If they're interested, great; if not, meh.

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To me, Halloween has been whitey's half-hearted attempt to ape the Mexican Day of The Dead. Parading a macabre costumed zombie corps in diapers around the neighborhood with the english version of "Mordida o mayhem!"

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I believe those poll results Don wrote about, always landing somewhere between 52-34%, give or take a point, are the truest reflection of where the people in this country actually fall today. I think the Dems internal polls are pretty close to reflecting exactly that as well. They are in full desperation mode now, and their only hope is that they can pull off the Steal of the Century.

In a true and fair election, I believe the absolute rock-bottom baseline vote for Trump would be what it was when he won in 2016. That was after 8 years of Obama’s “transforming” administration.

If 2020 had been fair and true, Trump, after 4 years of his stunning administration, we can know of a certainty he exceeded his 2016 numbers, but was quite literally robbed of his win before our very eyes.

This election, after suffering through 4 more years of Obama/ Biden on steroids, crushing people into the ground and the world on fire, I would expect Trump’s numbers to vastly outdo both those prior elections. That is the actual reality. We know it and they know it.

Literally all their eggs are in the Steal basket which they are beyond a doubt executing and putting into play as we speak, via all sorts of methods, from fake ballots, to fraudulent voter rolls, to quirky machines, and an army of lawyers and lawfare waiting in the wings to crush any and all who attempt to question the results.

Two things have to happen on Election Day:

1. Trump has to win by an utterly history shattering margin.

2. They absolutely, positively and beyond the shadow of a doubt have to be caught red-handed interfering with this election so there can be no doubt about his victory.

But more than anything else we need the help and mercy of God to intervene on our behalf, if it His will we are to continue to survive as a country He blessed us with nearly 250 years ago.

Pray without ceasing. 🙏♥️🙏

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Well said and you nailed it, Suzie.

I pray for Truth to be revealed, and that they do get caught red-handed flagrantly cheating.

I pray for individuals who are in a position to witness fraud to have the courage to videotape it and stand up and tell the world.

I pray for Americans in every position related to the election (attorneys, judges, poll watchers, election officials, media, postal workers, fake ballot truck drivers (drive to the police station NOT the polling places!!) to step up and play their role in history.

Etc., etc.

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Amen! We’re going to need courageous whistleblowers and honest citizens to stand up for what’s right.

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I’m convinced the Democrat Party put her and Tampon Tim up as cannon fodder because they either knew they couldn’t beat Trump this round or they had such incredible confidence in their ability to steal another election they named the worst possible people just to rub America’s noses in their hegemony.

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Obama wanted the Astronaut with China ties but Ole Joe endorsed Kamala before they had a chance to put him in place. Joe was pissed he got pushed out so he stuck it to them good and hard.

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You are exactly correct about "why" FJB so-quickly (or Dr. Jill....) endorsed Commie-La: that foreclosed the "open primary" so-called, planned by Granny Box-Wine and soetero, and the gimmiecrats found themselves with the worst of all possible scarecrows to place in the middle of their field of evil corn. I learned that from listening to Tucker interview Paul Manafort.

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Most definitely the latter. They are still riding high (cocky) over their ability to steal 2020 they feel virtually invulnerable, and thus take pleasure in insulting and demeaning Americans every chance they get.

Pride comes before a fall. 🙏♥️

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the courts. "no standing" facilitated that.. lazy, useless

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They are still doing that "no standing" crap this year.

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I wanted to answer today’s poll “her career ends on November 6th,” but that assumes that we’ll know the outcome of (s)Election - a misnomer of ever I heard one - the day after and that The Other Don is declared the winner. I don’t believe Harris The Talentless Hack (well, not completely, as she obviously left a long-lasting impact on Willy Brown) ever really even had a career, just a series of promotions to higher offices in which she failed to distinguish herself as anything other than an empty skin suit. We’ll soon learn whether we live in anything approaching a just and sane world. I’m strapping in.

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I think it is pretty common in politics for some to get promoted beyond their capabilities. There are the family ties as well. Bob Casey and Liz Cheny are current examples but I'm sure if you did a study you'd find a large proportion of our representatives are some sort of legacy hires. Probably explains why some vote in lockstep and are almost impossible to get rid of.

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Kinky Friedman had it right: everyone gets two terms, the first in office and the second in prison.

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Yes, in my neighborhood Leon and heir Jimmy Panetta. I don’t vote for dynasties.

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don't forget Bushes.

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“Loosen her girdle and let her liberalism all hang out?” There’s some real competition for all time best 1 liners but this is up there.

For any you meet who do not know who to vote for - ask what the first or last original thought Harris ever had is. Then ask - if Joe is not running the country, and Harris is not responsible, who IS running the country.

I’ve used that about Chris Pappas here in NH and it’s a conversation stopper.

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A yesterday was top down day were I live. The climate … I mean the weather was perfect, upper 70s with low humidity (note: I am a few days short of being a perfect 70 with low humility) about 3pm I checked my IRA and had gained $2k on the strength of T-Mobile. T-Mobile was at $207 the morning after the FCC announced the temporary permission to connect directly with Starlink and it hit $233 yesterday. I decided to take my own advice so I cranked up my Mustang put the top down, hooked my phone to my hearing aids and to my favorites on Amazon music and drove to the early voting station, thus keeping the voting streak that started in 1972, going. It felt very good. Many others were also voting and I wish I could have bought them a soft serve ice cream cone like I had on the way home with the top still down. It felt really good you should try it - The ice cream and the voting. Don’t wait for Guy Fawkes Day.

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it's great to see someone in charge of their assets and life's journey.

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Kamala’s real problem is honesty.

She can’t be honest about anything because she would reveal who she really is and what she really wants to do to, not for, this country.

One thing Democrats have exposed in this race is they aren’t very good at anything. They kicked Joe out but are now stuck with someone who is even worse with about the same mental facilities as Joe. Their plans for the country can be summed up easily: Power for them and F you.

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Have you seen the latest from Candace Owens regarding the person she connected with in Jamaica who actually knew Kamala's grandma and it's not the very dark one pictured in her book but a light skinned wealthy woman who looked just like Kamala - yet another LIE exposed!

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found that on CFP last night

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Apparently your readers, Don, don’t think Que Mala can fry fries any better than Shumer grills cheeseburgers. (Which, btw, isn’t very Kosher for Passover)

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I am glad SOMEONE finally brought up the ban on cheeseburgers

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Fortunately Christ lifted the ban for us goyim, but not so much for Shumer’s tribe.

Which reminds me of the time I was in the chow line with a Jewish buddy on a day they were serving ham. With no hesitation he said, I’ll have the red chicken.

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Yes! I think......I'll have a ......Cheeeeezeburger! With a green chile on top of the cheese. One a day will do.

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Obama is regretting not choosing Shapiro.

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Obama's anti-Semitism got him in the butt

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I'd like to take Obama on a trip to the Grand Canyon. Great photo; back up a bit.

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Music to my ears. He also regrets not getting in front of Joe before he endorsed Kammie.

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Neither one of these two idiots would be elected as the class representative in Junior High School. The d-rats needed a fill in because at that point Biden couldn’t identify a football never mind worrying about dropping it.

Hey, all good for the commies! Know Why? Cause they don’t care! They know that they will never let Trump put one foot in the White House! Assassination attempts by varied groups/3 letter agencies are now expected, but are we ready for country wide riots, scenarios that resemble the opening episode of ‘Designated Survivor’ or WW3? All of the latter by the way are reasons to declare Martial Law (just you never mind that declaration last week that allows the US Military to open fire on American Citizens in America and on American Soil…they would never do that. Would They?) and cancel or delay the Election!

If you haven’t gone full prepper by now, it probably too late to do it properly. Not too late to buy as much ammo as you can though. Get crackin! Ya got less than 2weeks

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the military has tried their darndest to rid themselves of patriots.

trans Generals? MOST 4 STAR salad eaters ever?

I did 12 yrs (Army, no combat) (Carter/Reagan)

Just bought an extension battery for my solar generator

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zombies breaching the wall from WWZ also fits.

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Don, The wall was effectively breached in 2020!

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Have the Democrats reached the height of conceit? They staged a coup to remove a sitting President. They put forth as their candidate an imbecilic puppet who received zero primary votes. They are telling The People, "Elect this puppet because (A) she is a woman, (B) she is black, (C) Orangeman will destroy democracy, (D) The Donald is actually Hitler, (E) You can't trust your lying eyes and ears, she really isn't what you see and hear, (F) "We" (whoever the cabal members may be) are saving democracy, If you noticed that each of those items is a lie, you are not a Democrat. *** One correction Don. It isn't that the Democrats no longer believe in America. Trust your eyes and ears. The Democrats are demonstrating on your lawn and screaming in your face that they hate America and every concept upon which it was founded.

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Kamala is safe and effective.

It's not a lie.

It's two lies.

It's weird how easy it is to compare her campaign to a shoddy vaccine campaign.

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Amen and Amen. It's not racist. It's reality. - "Harris is a heels up politician, groomed over a quarter-century by a California Democrat Party trying to instill Maoism in America through DEI. Her qualifications are being black, female and Asian. She went from local DA to state attorney general to U.S. senator before being selected as vice president due to the color of her skin and not the content of her character."

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“Sadly for America, Kamala is the best candidate Democrats have.”

Reason being their bench was thoroughly wiped out twice during Bathhouse Barry’s terms; the Dems got shellacked in two Congressional elections. Now it’s “Woke-R-Us”.

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