Over on CJ Hopkins’ substack, where people promoting “peace” go to share their sensitive insights, the conversation looks like this. I asked people what they thought Israel should do in response to the attacks.
Somebody named Phillip Badger objecting to my support for Israel and Zionism in general. As soon as I told him I was a Zionist I got this:
“Thank you for stop attempting to be a human being and showing all of us here that you really are -- a monstrous, hateful racist and utterly evil piece of garbage who can't turn into rotten stinking lifeless meat soon enough. Good luck with your disgusting existence as an aberrant, ugly, inhuman skin-wrapped bag of feces.”
Because he’s all about love and peace.
Several others with similar choice comments surfaced.
You can support Palestinian causes without endorsing torture and murder. These people expose themselves for what they really are: insane and full of hatred. And this is what these same people teach the “best and the brightest” at ultra expensive, formerly excellent universities. These are the people that Crooked Joe Biden celebrates and imports. Crooked Nikki Haley wants to bring a million Palestinians to the USA. Why? and how much will she make on the deal?
I’m not a fanatic. I don’t want innocent people of any group to suffer. But I know right from wrong. I recognize there are shades of gray in most things. But this isn’t one of those things. Hamas needs to be destroyed and so does Hezbollah and the Iranian regime. They are no different from iSIS. This is a battle for civilization, life and freedom versus a death cult, good versus evil. Israel is not an isolated target. This is a global jihad. Wake up and be vigilant. Be prepared to defend yourself to the best of your abilities. This is going to get worse before it gets better.
It's a mystery me. That's why I no longer attend synagogue; I have no desire to hang out with people who excuse those who are trying to kill us (and everyone else, apparently).
Chris there are synagogues that are not “woke”. I left mine 20 years ago and found one that does have a membership of different political leanings many if not most members are conservative(in the political sense). All are respectful of different opinions. That’s the sort of thing you get with conservative thinkers. Seek and you will find.
Because they choose to perceive it all as a “political” cause, not an existential threat to their very existence.
They didn’t believe them when they told them they wanted to “kill all the Jews”, and they STILL won’t believe them when they do “kill all the Jews” they can get their hands on.
You said it way better than I could. The Dems have a serious disconnect with reality. When Iran chants " Death to America" They MEAN it. Same with Hamas and all the others. And Haley is just as delusional. She thinks Shera law and the constitution are compatible. Oh Hell no.
Dems also believe that CO2 a plant food is poison, and that men (without uterus) can have a baby.
Jews are “liberal” for the most part and like most liberals they think conservatives are the enemy and so vote for leftists who are the true enemy of Jews and Americans
It is not limited to Jews. There is a whole swath of our country that think they are more intelligent than all those they consider beneath them, mainly conservatives. But they still believe that Co2 is poison and men can have babies. I swear if you told the moon was white, they would believe it was cheese because they dont live in reality. They live in their own delusional world.
Those two worlds are going to crash and this war may do it. The libs dont know how to deal with disappointment, or reality. They will be in a world of hurt.
....And I find most Jews to be the same way. OH, go to NYC and see how many Jews are already marching with the likes of Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and AOC.. Jewish people have ALWAYS been their own worst enemies and history verifies that, you know, like George Soros.
Most people do not support those who would destroy them, but they have to see the danger.
If they don’t see the threat, then they get taken advantage of. Why does anybody vote for things that are not in thrive best interest? They are either stupid, don’t think it’s important, or don’t see the latent problem. People now see.
Things will not go back to the way they were. Sometimes you have to shock people to open their eyes.
My cousin called them self-hating Jews. As a convert married to a Jewish man, neither of them could stand such people. That is tantamount to saying G_d made a mistake!
Agreed It's a stated jihad that we've never seen take place in the Western nations. Right and wrong, are principles from which to ac and are not always clear to the participants in a conflict. In my engineering I had a professor who always wrote "BASICS" on chalkboard as he began. I see a continuation of a century's old tradition, Islam is a cult of conquest and submission, Judeo-Christian religion is one of love and acceptance. I see this as a form of a non-kinetic warfare mush like the Chinese are using in their infiltration of Western nations and the US. Much of this conquest is being masked by territorial claims and calls for independence and freedom. Freedom for what? A woman can be stoned to death for unmasking in public or adultery while men have a multitude of wives. BTW Phillip Badger could have been clearer how he feels about you. LOL FJB
80/20 rule applies. 80% of Christians/Jews are good, 20% evil. The 20% seems magnified by a corrupt news media and support financially from groups tied to the CCP.
Also a rule which applies to most social bodies, i.e., places of worship. 80% do all the work and all the giving. 20% only enjoy the benefits. Think of a wedding reception. The caterer and a staff of 2 prepare, serve and clean-up after 100 or 150 people. Night or day, regardless of weather, etc., etc.
You're a good person, Tanto. It's clear you are not a fanatic. The peace and love people are often the most authoritarian and controlling and hateful. It is totally a battle for civilization.
Jeez Loueez! My son graduated HS in 1990, their favorite buzz word was "Burn!" Shouted only after he or another teen had made a great sarcastic remark. One could possibly conclude that the fanatic who did answer you has a bad case of Arrested Development. He can get older, but his mouth won't, ever.
It is. It will not change. The press, the universities, other institutions have sold their souls to the evil one! This is a war between good and evil at every level!
The magnitude of the evil enabled and the brazenness- even from the “safe” distance where we live - is sickening. Our priest cannot bring himself to say the words. How can we worship there now?
I left my church 18 months ago as they were beginning to embrace critical race theory and sent the young adult group to Disney World. Went to a solid bible believing church and unexpectedly met my new wife!! Married on 10/14/23!
Mother's Day of 2020, I left my church after 80 years when the new, too young, pastor started bowing to Covid-19 Fear Porn. Of course many of my cohort were already in nursing homes where I could not visit them due to local law, but the church bowing down was a bridge too far.
Good decision. Covid became a handy tool of the lunatic leftists to destroy another institution of a good society (The church). Good people held positions of both sides of that issue for their own good reasons in the early days of COIVD. By early 2021, it became clear it was "political science" instead of "medical science" and the only correct side was to resist.
SEE articles by The Archbishop Vigano at CatholicCity.com. He was a strong opponent of the communist, pedophile promoting Pope Francis who has continued to destroy any resemblance of the original rock-solid teachings of Catholicism. Francis sold out Christian Chinese and Archbishop Zen to his much-maligned Chinese Communist Party to refill the Vatican's coffers. I've even heard that Xi Jinping's portrait is in place of the crucifix. Imagine that's Xi's way of trying to say "just remember who's in charge.'
Yeah, they wanted some diversity but couldn’t have an American or African. That would be too crude. So they selected a Jesuit from one of the worst governed countries in the world as if he would no something about something.
Remember that the 60’s had a big shift in the Catholic Church toward ordaining gay men. The Vatican bureaucracy was long a full deck of gay agencies. I’ll bet that the Curia lobbied the cardinals hard for their desired candidate. Not so much for diversity but for gay friendly policies. Maybe Francis is not gay but he is indifferent to doctrine on sex. It’s just another item in the Marxist toolkit. The Curia hated the faithful policies of the John Pauls and Benedict especially.
I did not know that, I am not Catholic but one of my BFF is. I am sorry to see the church fall so low. And all the rest of the religions are following.
The Marxist’s were very very active and successful in South America in the 60’s. Francis was ordained then. I just looked at his wiki page and it doesn’t mention that key connection….. liberation of the “oppressed”. It was a big deal in the Vatican Council of the time. He would have been very active and proud I would imagine. It tied right into the black nationalism in the US the same time period. Just as radical just as violent. Nothing f’all to do with benefiting blacks. It did make them victims tho.
And the enemy of God has no use whatever for sinners. He's already got those corralled. He only wants, "if it were possible, to deceive the very elect."
You may find it hard to believe, but I do as well. In Biblical Revelations, it says "The Eagle will walk with the lion." The eagle is a symbol for the United States. Many people think the lion stands for Israel. The lion is a symbol for the whole of the mid-east. The United States has two battle groups just sitting there doing nothing. Israel could level every state over there who had ever had bad feelings towards Israel. If God is with you as you claim, you will be successful and there will be peace. With someone like Joe Biden having your back, you'd better run like hell because "Summer is no longer niegh." Israel's time has come.
I'm troubled two battle groups in Western med sea are very vulnerable The landscape of conflict has radically changed with the weaponry, The Russian Kinzhal missile and the CCP
YJ-21 and DF-27 have redrawn warfare especially for our surface fleets, which we and Britain have relied on for some time.
Our offense capabilities are severely compromised. Our sea power is antiquated in modern times. Each battle group can be sunk with advanced hypersonic missles. The fleet’s are there as trip wire, to trigger a broader future conflict.
The battle groups of WWII and Vietnam no longer exist; Even destroyers are a whole new look. The problem with the military is thanks to Joe Biden and fairy barry obama, says it is OK to have fags in the military. Uh, no it isn't. Anyone who says such bullshit has never been in the military. Faggots are the exact opposite of what it takes to be a good soldier, let alone a good human being.
Speaking of that airy fairy from Kenya! Loved Don's tanning bed reference. At least that angry woman founder of BLM made enough gelt from her scam to buy a few mini-mansions. Sec. Clinton (aka PIAPS) turned State Dept into anti-Israel at Obama's command. I always wondered how much he paid HER to let him win that first election. Probably it was because she could scam more money from John Q. Public at State than from a first-woman-potus scam.
"Hamas may be killing more Palestinians than Israelis are." I say, do whatever works! But if this is just the parrot media trying to pull a Poor Little Palestine, I think a few key US people and their lapdog media should discover unexploded land mines in their garages. You know, those freebies we left for them in Dirtbaghistan. Thanksgiving is coming up. Be thankful for this great website and for our remaining freedoms.
You're right but never be "impressed" by that institutional paper. Worked with plenty of PHDs and have noted the contrast among many of them. I have two neurologists now and I see the same thing. Unfortunately, I am like their guinea pig. Some good some bad. Hope I got lucky. LOL FJB
As a graduate of an Ivy League school, there are certain realities that one has to face. Students are not necessarily brighter at Ivy League schools than it local colleges. Ivy League schools may have a greater percentage of smart people, but in fact, many of the Pac 12 or big 12 schools produce more top rate individuals. The reason is Ivy League schools are hard to get in but once you’re there, it’s very difficult to leave or be thrown out. On the other hand, there are so many people at the Pac 12 or 12 schools, the competition tends to weed out the wheat from the chaff. I always remember two of the dumbest people I’ve ever met were both Harvard graduates.
Thank you for your response. It was very enlightening. I went to a Big 12 school although it wasn't that when I attended. I agree that my school weeded out the students. In my particular school (music), the students that returned the following year reduced by approximately 30% from the previous year every year.
I think you're right. On these campuses you have a few Commie bastard leaders who are the true Marxist believers and then you have the other 90% that are the drone, meathead followers or bots.
Indeed the Jew haters have exposed themselves. Yet another massive "Palestinian" protest in Montreal yesterday. Some of the opinions voiced: Sickening.
Speaking of 1942, if the Israelis are foolish enough to launch a ground attack into Gaza, by now much of it impassible due to the pulverized buildings, they will face the same exact deadly conditions --- perfect for defense --- that the Germans faced after they had bombed Stalingrad into near-impenetrable rubble. For an excellent book on the subject, I recommend Enemy at the Gates, by William Craig [1929-1997]; E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc. (1973).
"Proportionate response"? An Israeli soldier -- female -- responded "We considered a proposition response, but we couldn't persuade our soldiers to rape, torture, and murder women, and behead babies or burn them alive."
When a group of people savagely murder, rape, torture, maim, behead and kidnap innocent people including BABIES, under the cloak of a “political” cause, and that group of people are celebrated by thousands upon millions of people in every city, town, campus and village square around the entire world, where are we?
If these acts of barbarism are allowed to be not only condoned but moreso encouraged in this situation, the eternal Israel/Palestinian conflict, then they can -and will be - be championed in any and all perceived “righteous political” causes to come.
We may be witnessing the bitter end of any semblance of civilization, decency or morality as we may have known it, and the advent of an age where wanton slaughter, chaos and mayhem, in the furtherance of __________, (fill in the blank with your “cause du jour”), will be considered thoroughly justified.
Seeing all the well-educated brats, prats and assorted chumps out in the streets, playing at "social justice" by condemning the Israelis, just leads me to assume that, collectively, they have very few brain cells to rub together between 'em. Their willful anti-Semitism is their latest 2 Minute Hate, fueled by the same people who would force them to kneel, and then hack off their foolish heads. I can picture their faces: "But we're your FRIENDS, why are you doing this??" Ugh. The dumb is appalling...
I am grateful that my kids - all grown men, and two with family - were raised to see this madness and not get swept up by it. Rather, they see it plain, and have hardened themselves against it, and they would lay down their lives for family against it. However, I have reminded them, in paraphrasing the words of Patton: "It is not your job to lay down your life defending your family. It's your job to end the S.O.B. who is trying to harm them."
Antisemitism is an ancient form of fear known as ‘Fear of the Other’, those that are like us but not quite, and is such a part of our DNA that it could be described as a need. Seriously if the Jews didn’t exist, they’d have to be invented.
Having said that, the current state of Antisemitism can be traced to Edward Said’s influence particularly in his book Orientalism.
The book, published in 1978, swept through the liberal arts courses in NA and had its most obvious affect in Journalism, Education and the Social Sciences, all the above being previously affected by the social and education changes following the 1968 Democratic Convention and so-called ‘Peace Now’ movements affected by the Vietnam Experience!
This in no way, excuses it it only helps to explain it.
Add to that mix the unrestricted acceptance of Muslim immigrants here in NA under any pretense and Voila!
On a related note, my wife read of the incident in New York wherein someone burned the door of an apartment displaying a mezuzah, perhaps attempting to set the entire apartment on fire. So she went on Amazon and put a mezuzah in our cart. We're not Jewish, but if it comes to putting yellow stars on our outer garments, we will follow the example of the King of Denmark.
I hope to save the lives of their soldiers Israel simply floods the tunnels and forces the fighters to surrender or drown. See the pumps the Netherlands use to keep their land free of sea water. A few of those pumping the Mediterranean Sea into those tunnels wouldn’t take all that long to bring about a surrender or a lot of funerals.
It will be interesting to see how they approach this. They have advanced robotic technology and mini tanks and drones that they can send in first. They will try to retrieve hostages alive if they can. They can use sonic weapons and other technology to drive them out of the tunnels. We shall see.,Mosul in 2007 was a preview. Extremely brutal, deadly CQB.
So, the ADL tacitly condemns the protests in support of Hamas not because of the terrorism of 10/7, but because it believes such protests are organized and sponsored by white supremacists?
Is that it?
Is that how the left can have it both ways?
If the US were truly an ally, it would simply let Israel do as it sees fit. The response of our nation's installed president repulses me.
What a sordid state of affairs we are witnessing as a direct result of the communist infiltration of high er miseducation institutions.People who ignore history are doomed to repeat the unthinkable atrocities of mankind.Great post but poll is a both in truth. Thank you Don and pray for sanity to arise from the ashes.
Growing up I always heard "never again", apparently that has an expiration date. Fortunately, the line s between good and evil are clear and the enemy within has chosen sides.
SL, we see the foot soldiers of the depraved barbaric enemy, we do not see those still in the shadows, the puppet masters. We can guess who they are but really do not know their names.
I used to think democracy was a good thing, but now all that I hear from the demoturds is them screaming from the mountain tops, that we're killing it, DJT is killing it, the deplorables are killing it, there's been so much overuse of the phrase it's becoming meaningless. The demoturds have been hurling the insults of Nazism, Racist, Xenophobes for so damn long it is now just commonplace. It doesn't even have the shock factor any longer. I am pretty sure that Japan doesn't even allow the Muslims and their religion of peace to set foot in their country, must be nice to have borders. What ever happened to the phrase you can't have your cake and eat it to, another prime example of idiocracy when we pour who in the hell knows how much of our tax dollars to support both the Israelis and the simultaneously the Palestinians.....INSANITY. To paraphrase one Forrest Gump" I'm not a smart man but I know what is right from wrong" Is the real problem not being addressed called Iran? Once again I say we are the frogs being boiled, it's coming here, and it's later than you realize! Unleash the dogs of war, I agree with a commenter earlier here, you're gonna have to shoot your way out...........
I think the Dems, believe that they will be the last ones standing, history not withstanding. They dont understand that they will be the first turned on. The actual lies and deception that they tell themselves to live in a non-real world is astounding. It would cure our energy problem if we could actually bottle it.
Right! Never ask an crocodile if he'll carry you across the river on his back. He'll tell you, "Sure, hop on." You'll be his lunch. Aesop said it first.
If I knew how to attach a picture, I'd share my new favorite. Bulldog is worried about being kidnapped, says "The more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe, eat cake!"
A civics teacher in the late 1950's told our class that democracy often led to Mob Rule. I've wondered if it was true or false since I've been an adult. Civics, of course, is no longer being taught in our American schools. They prefer DEI and BLM.
While times like these are disappointing and frustrating for most good people, events, like this expose the hidden evil that exists in our society. While God knows the evil that is inside us, man needs to be reminded from time to time that evil walks among us.
Historically, there was not much difference on college campuses during the 1930s when Nazism was supported by many of the universities, including Harvard. Many of our top elites at that time also supported the Nazis such as Joseph Kennedy and Ford. The difference between now and 90 years ago is that the men who saved us back, then have all been emasculated, and will not come to our defense.
I think it is clear that the Biden Administration's actions show it to be on the side of Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Turkey, and Qatar, against Israel and the Sunni States of the Middle East.
I agree. Whenever anyone talks about the need to protect the humanitarian needs of the Palestinians, they are in complete denial or are lying. There is no difference between the Hamas leadership and the Palestinian people living in Gaza and the West Bank. They are all brought up to believe that Jews have taken away THEIR land, and that they are totally within their rights to kill as many Jews as needed to get it back. Meeting their so-called humanitarian needs is supporting genocide. Genocidal terrorists must be defeated and destroyed before they kill more innocent people.
In one interview, a Palestinian man from Gaza stated that no one living in Israel is a civilian. Not even babies or children. To him they are all part of the army of Jews that took their land away.
When people justify child burning, you know they have crossed the line and have become the devil's minions.
The idea that one is a victim of aggression does something very powerful to a person's mind: it makes that person unable to control their aggression. For if you have been victimized, you feel anything you need to do to get revenge is 100% justified. This is the same personal victim stance that Hitler experienced. In his mind, the Jews had caused the defeat of Germany in World War I, and brought on the hyperinflation and depression. He believed the Jews had caused his personal defeat and inability to succeed in life. This then became organized in his mind as an obsession with eliminating Jews and Slavs from Germany, which he believed would allow for Germany's purification and allow Germans to rise to overcome every past defeat.
When you dehumanize people and believe them to be "sons of pigs and apes" as Muslims do, or "vermin" as Hitler did, you further justify eliminating them as a threat.
The Palestinian people live in a culture of death. Death in the effort to kill Jews is glorified, much more than living good lives. They believe it is the shortest route to heaven.
These people have been programmed to kill Jews and abolish the state of Israel, and our US government has done all in its power to help them.
We cannot let them win anymore than we could have let Hitler win.
The poll was difficult as both are true. They spent so much on the preparation to kill Jews they neglected to build their own infrastructure. I do have to wonder why the Israelis didn’t figure out that by providing for free water and electricity it freed up the money for terror. Like the elites here, the leaders there are smart stupid people.
I agree neglected was too charitable. They chose kill Jews to the lives of their people. That is why they build their offensive military depots in and under civilian and religious structures. My question is with so many Jewish brains in Israel how did they not figure that out before?
As a Twitter poet, my only criticism of my mental health friends are "There are too many words." Nap time? Then finish Don's blog? Make American great... again...and again...and again.
Over on CJ Hopkins’ substack, where people promoting “peace” go to share their sensitive insights, the conversation looks like this. I asked people what they thought Israel should do in response to the attacks.
Somebody named Phillip Badger objecting to my support for Israel and Zionism in general. As soon as I told him I was a Zionist I got this:
“Thank you for stop attempting to be a human being and showing all of us here that you really are -- a monstrous, hateful racist and utterly evil piece of garbage who can't turn into rotten stinking lifeless meat soon enough. Good luck with your disgusting existence as an aberrant, ugly, inhuman skin-wrapped bag of feces.”
Because he’s all about love and peace.
Several others with similar choice comments surfaced.
You can support Palestinian causes without endorsing torture and murder. These people expose themselves for what they really are: insane and full of hatred. And this is what these same people teach the “best and the brightest” at ultra expensive, formerly excellent universities. These are the people that Crooked Joe Biden celebrates and imports. Crooked Nikki Haley wants to bring a million Palestinians to the USA. Why? and how much will she make on the deal?
I’m not a fanatic. I don’t want innocent people of any group to suffer. But I know right from wrong. I recognize there are shades of gray in most things. But this isn’t one of those things. Hamas needs to be destroyed and so does Hezbollah and the Iranian regime. They are no different from iSIS. This is a battle for civilization, life and freedom versus a death cult, good versus evil. Israel is not an isolated target. This is a global jihad. Wake up and be vigilant. Be prepared to defend yourself to the best of your abilities. This is going to get worse before it gets better.
Interesting article, but explain to me ONE THING. Why do the Jews on both sides of the Atlantic continue to support those who would destroy them ??
It's a mystery me. That's why I no longer attend synagogue; I have no desire to hang out with people who excuse those who are trying to kill us (and everyone else, apparently).
Chris there are synagogues that are not “woke”. I left mine 20 years ago and found one that does have a membership of different political leanings many if not most members are conservative(in the political sense). All are respectful of different opinions. That’s the sort of thing you get with conservative thinkers. Seek and you will find.
Because they choose to perceive it all as a “political” cause, not an existential threat to their very existence.
They didn’t believe them when they told them they wanted to “kill all the Jews”, and they STILL won’t believe them when they do “kill all the Jews” they can get their hands on.
In short, they are deluded and deceived.
You said it way better than I could. The Dems have a serious disconnect with reality. When Iran chants " Death to America" They MEAN it. Same with Hamas and all the others. And Haley is just as delusional. She thinks Shera law and the constitution are compatible. Oh Hell no.
Dems also believe that CO2 a plant food is poison, and that men (without uterus) can have a baby.
They dont live in the real world.
Thank you.
Jews are “liberal” for the most part and like most liberals they think conservatives are the enemy and so vote for leftists who are the true enemy of Jews and Americans
For a race that prides itself on their intelligence, I find Jews to be quite stupid and incredibly arrogant, which is another word for PRIDE.
It is not limited to Jews. There is a whole swath of our country that think they are more intelligent than all those they consider beneath them, mainly conservatives. But they still believe that Co2 is poison and men can have babies. I swear if you told the moon was white, they would believe it was cheese because they dont live in reality. They live in their own delusional world.
Those two worlds are going to crash and this war may do it. The libs dont know how to deal with disappointment, or reality. They will be in a world of hurt.
When everything else fails, try praying--It's easy and free!
Cute! To think that our Creator also invented Instant Messaging!
I find Niederberger’s to be quite bigoted and pompous.
Go march with Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and AOC.
Sod off.
....And I find most Jews to be the same way. OH, go to NYC and see how many Jews are already marching with the likes of Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and AOC.. Jewish people have ALWAYS been their own worst enemies and history verifies that, you know, like George Soros.
Let's fight the common enemy and not each other. Now is the time to stand united. Our world is going to depend on it.
You could make that claim - the Jews are their own worst enemy - about any person from any time throughout history, Jewish or otherwise.
The entire Republican Party never misses an opportunity to shoot itself in the foot, and each other while they’re at it.
The mere fact that you CHOOSE to single out Jews is sadly and unforgivably revealing.
To quote that modern day profit Elliot blues Brothers... We're on a mission from God.
Also Rodney King... Can't we all just get along???
I’ve gone over the reasons for this here before .
Most people do not support those who would destroy them, but they have to see the danger.
If they don’t see the threat, then they get taken advantage of. Why does anybody vote for things that are not in thrive best interest? They are either stupid, don’t think it’s important, or don’t see the latent problem. People now see.
Things will not go back to the way they were. Sometimes you have to shock people to open their eyes.
Nope, things are not going back to the way they were.
They must be JINOs. Jews in name only.
My cousin called them self-hating Jews. As a convert married to a Jewish man, neither of them could stand such people. That is tantamount to saying G_d made a mistake!
See Steve's reply to me Saturday.
Tanto, this guy Badger probably has a “Hate is not welcome here” sign in his yard. Excellent comment!!
Agreed It's a stated jihad that we've never seen take place in the Western nations. Right and wrong, are principles from which to ac and are not always clear to the participants in a conflict. In my engineering I had a professor who always wrote "BASICS" on chalkboard as he began. I see a continuation of a century's old tradition, Islam is a cult of conquest and submission, Judeo-Christian religion is one of love and acceptance. I see this as a form of a non-kinetic warfare mush like the Chinese are using in their infiltration of Western nations and the US. Much of this conquest is being masked by territorial claims and calls for independence and freedom. Freedom for what? A woman can be stoned to death for unmasking in public or adultery while men have a multitude of wives. BTW Phillip Badger could have been clearer how he feels about you. LOL FJB
80/20 rule applies. 80% of Christians/Jews are good, 20% evil. The 20% seems magnified by a corrupt news media and support financially from groups tied to the CCP.
Also a rule which applies to most social bodies, i.e., places of worship. 80% do all the work and all the giving. 20% only enjoy the benefits. Think of a wedding reception. The caterer and a staff of 2 prepare, serve and clean-up after 100 or 150 people. Night or day, regardless of weather, etc., etc.
You're a good person, Tanto. It's clear you are not a fanatic. The peace and love people are often the most authoritarian and controlling and hateful. It is totally a battle for civilization.
Thank you.🙏
I'm not sure it gets better.
Jeez Loueez! My son graduated HS in 1990, their favorite buzz word was "Burn!" Shouted only after he or another teen had made a great sarcastic remark. One could possibly conclude that the fanatic who did answer you has a bad case of Arrested Development. He can get older, but his mouth won't, ever.
It is truly sickening to read about and see the massive, blatant hatred for Jews on display.
At least the haters have exposed themselves.
It is. It will not change. The press, the universities, other institutions have sold their souls to the evil one! This is a war between good and evil at every level!
It sure is a war between good and evil. No doubt there.
Do you want to take a wild guess about which side the American Jews are on?? I'll give you a hint. It is NOT Israel.
The magnitude of the evil enabled and the brazenness- even from the “safe” distance where we live - is sickening. Our priest cannot bring himself to say the words. How can we worship there now?
I left my church 18 months ago as they were beginning to embrace critical race theory and sent the young adult group to Disney World. Went to a solid bible believing church and unexpectedly met my new wife!! Married on 10/14/23!
Mother's Day of 2020, I left my church after 80 years when the new, too young, pastor started bowing to Covid-19 Fear Porn. Of course many of my cohort were already in nursing homes where I could not visit them due to local law, but the church bowing down was a bridge too far.
Good decision. Covid became a handy tool of the lunatic leftists to destroy another institution of a good society (The church). Good people held positions of both sides of that issue for their own good reasons in the early days of COIVD. By early 2021, it became clear it was "political science" instead of "medical science" and the only correct side was to resist.
I believe that there is no longer a point in attending left-wing churches. Give thanks every day to God instead and practise works of kindness.
Most main stream denominations have split into left-wing and conservative branches by now. One must do some homework to figure these details out
Good for you. I should be so lucky!!
Never give up Tony. My mother remarried at 82. My bride and I are 71.
DITTO remember ditto heads.
Of course I do. Now, ask me WHY I remember them and I couldn't tell you.😁
Congratulations, Rob! In this case, church worked on many levels for you.
Yes it did! Thank you LuAnn!
Congratulations and Best Wishes. You are both winners! Happy ever-aftering!
Thank you!!!
Look no further than
1. What Muslims did to Christians in the Holy Wars
2. what the Spanish did to the Americas in the name of the Catholic Church.
SEE articles by The Archbishop Vigano at CatholicCity.com. He was a strong opponent of the communist, pedophile promoting Pope Francis who has continued to destroy any resemblance of the original rock-solid teachings of Catholicism. Francis sold out Christian Chinese and Archbishop Zen to his much-maligned Chinese Communist Party to refill the Vatican's coffers. I've even heard that Xi Jinping's portrait is in place of the crucifix. Imagine that's Xi's way of trying to say "just remember who's in charge.'
Francis was raised up in South America under liberation theology and has been a Marxist from youth. The cardinals who voted for him knew it.
Yeah, they wanted some diversity but couldn’t have an American or African. That would be too crude. So they selected a Jesuit from one of the worst governed countries in the world as if he would no something about something.
Remember that the 60’s had a big shift in the Catholic Church toward ordaining gay men. The Vatican bureaucracy was long a full deck of gay agencies. I’ll bet that the Curia lobbied the cardinals hard for their desired candidate. Not so much for diversity but for gay friendly policies. Maybe Francis is not gay but he is indifferent to doctrine on sex. It’s just another item in the Marxist toolkit. The Curia hated the faithful policies of the John Pauls and Benedict especially.
Great point. Thx for making it.
I did not know that, I am not Catholic but one of my BFF is. I am sorry to see the church fall so low. And all the rest of the religions are following.
The Marxist’s were very very active and successful in South America in the 60’s. Francis was ordained then. I just looked at his wiki page and it doesn’t mention that key connection….. liberation of the “oppressed”. It was a big deal in the Vatican Council of the time. He would have been very active and proud I would imagine. It tied right into the black nationalism in the US the same time period. Just as radical just as violent. Nothing f’all to do with benefiting blacks. It did make them victims tho.
I think this is a developing story.....
Vigano is one of the few priests who makes any sense to me.
Remember "God only tests the strong !!"
And the enemy of God has no use whatever for sinners. He's already got those corralled. He only wants, "if it were possible, to deceive the very elect."
I prefer the Bible's version:
(Proverbs 3:12) for the LORD reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.
(Revelation 3:19) Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent.
God's rebuke is what has made me strong.
I was searching online for when Harvard changed its original name and found a citation from a priest about it. Here's the link. I thought it was a great read. https://www.americamagazine.org/content/all-things/holy-harvard
You may find it hard to believe, but I do as well. In Biblical Revelations, it says "The Eagle will walk with the lion." The eagle is a symbol for the United States. Many people think the lion stands for Israel. The lion is a symbol for the whole of the mid-east. The United States has two battle groups just sitting there doing nothing. Israel could level every state over there who had ever had bad feelings towards Israel. If God is with you as you claim, you will be successful and there will be peace. With someone like Joe Biden having your back, you'd better run like hell because "Summer is no longer niegh." Israel's time has come.
I'm troubled two battle groups in Western med sea are very vulnerable The landscape of conflict has radically changed with the weaponry, The Russian Kinzhal missile and the CCP
YJ-21 and DF-27 have redrawn warfare especially for our surface fleets, which we and Britain have relied on for some time.
Our offense capabilities are severely compromised. Our sea power is antiquated in modern times. Each battle group can be sunk with advanced hypersonic missles. The fleet’s are there as trip wire, to trigger a broader future conflict.
Read my post above if you are able.
The battle groups of WWII and Vietnam no longer exist; Even destroyers are a whole new look. The problem with the military is thanks to Joe Biden and fairy barry obama, says it is OK to have fags in the military. Uh, no it isn't. Anyone who says such bullshit has never been in the military. Faggots are the exact opposite of what it takes to be a good soldier, let alone a good human being.
Speaking of that airy fairy from Kenya! Loved Don's tanning bed reference. At least that angry woman founder of BLM made enough gelt from her scam to buy a few mini-mansions. Sec. Clinton (aka PIAPS) turned State Dept into anti-Israel at Obama's command. I always wondered how much he paid HER to let him win that first election. Probably it was because she could scam more money from John Q. Public at State than from a first-woman-potus scam.
I would have zero confidence in any high tech Chinese weapon. They can't even clone a Japanese lawn mower successfully.
"Hamas may be killing more Palestinians than Israelis are." I say, do whatever works! But if this is just the parrot media trying to pull a Poor Little Palestine, I think a few key US people and their lapdog media should discover unexploded land mines in their garages. You know, those freebies we left for them in Dirtbaghistan. Thanksgiving is coming up. Be thankful for this great website and for our remaining freedoms.
Believe me, I am.
It's very sad when you consider the students at the Ivy League schools are supposed to be our best and brightest.
You're right but never be "impressed" by that institutional paper. Worked with plenty of PHDs and have noted the contrast among many of them. I have two neurologists now and I see the same thing. Unfortunately, I am like their guinea pig. Some good some bad. Hope I got lucky. LOL FJB
Good luck. I have followed doctors to other places because the good ones are so hard to find.
As a graduate of an Ivy League school, there are certain realities that one has to face. Students are not necessarily brighter at Ivy League schools than it local colleges. Ivy League schools may have a greater percentage of smart people, but in fact, many of the Pac 12 or big 12 schools produce more top rate individuals. The reason is Ivy League schools are hard to get in but once you’re there, it’s very difficult to leave or be thrown out. On the other hand, there are so many people at the Pac 12 or 12 schools, the competition tends to weed out the wheat from the chaff. I always remember two of the dumbest people I’ve ever met were both Harvard graduates.
Thank you for your response. It was very enlightening. I went to a Big 12 school although it wasn't that when I attended. I agree that my school weeded out the students. In my particular school (music), the students that returned the following year reduced by approximately 30% from the previous year every year.
They are bots.
I think you're right. On these campuses you have a few Commie bastard leaders who are the true Marxist believers and then you have the other 90% that are the drone, meathead followers or bots.
Indeed the Jew haters have exposed themselves. Yet another massive "Palestinian" protest in Montreal yesterday. Some of the opinions voiced: Sickening.
https://www.thefp.com/p/the-day-the-delusions-died-konstantin-kisin -- An interesting read on where we are at in the Western world.
Speaking of 1942, if the Israelis are foolish enough to launch a ground attack into Gaza, by now much of it impassible due to the pulverized buildings, they will face the same exact deadly conditions --- perfect for defense --- that the Germans faced after they had bombed Stalingrad into near-impenetrable rubble. For an excellent book on the subject, I recommend Enemy at the Gates, by William Craig [1929-1997]; E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc. (1973).
"Proportionate response"? An Israeli soldier -- female -- responded "We considered a proposition response, but we couldn't persuade our soldiers to rape, torture, and murder women, and behead babies or burn them alive."
Epic sarcasm. Sadly funny.
When a group of people savagely murder, rape, torture, maim, behead and kidnap innocent people including BABIES, under the cloak of a “political” cause, and that group of people are celebrated by thousands upon millions of people in every city, town, campus and village square around the entire world, where are we?
If these acts of barbarism are allowed to be not only condoned but moreso encouraged in this situation, the eternal Israel/Palestinian conflict, then they can -and will be - be championed in any and all perceived “righteous political” causes to come.
We may be witnessing the bitter end of any semblance of civilization, decency or morality as we may have known it, and the advent of an age where wanton slaughter, chaos and mayhem, in the furtherance of __________, (fill in the blank with your “cause du jour”), will be considered thoroughly justified.
Pray MUCH. 🙏
Good morning, all.
Seeing all the well-educated brats, prats and assorted chumps out in the streets, playing at "social justice" by condemning the Israelis, just leads me to assume that, collectively, they have very few brain cells to rub together between 'em. Their willful anti-Semitism is their latest 2 Minute Hate, fueled by the same people who would force them to kneel, and then hack off their foolish heads. I can picture their faces: "But we're your FRIENDS, why are you doing this??" Ugh. The dumb is appalling...
I am grateful that my kids - all grown men, and two with family - were raised to see this madness and not get swept up by it. Rather, they see it plain, and have hardened themselves against it, and they would lay down their lives for family against it. However, I have reminded them, in paraphrasing the words of Patton: "It is not your job to lay down your life defending your family. It's your job to end the S.O.B. who is trying to harm them."
Yes to that, Kv.
Antisemitism is an ancient form of fear known as ‘Fear of the Other’, those that are like us but not quite, and is such a part of our DNA that it could be described as a need. Seriously if the Jews didn’t exist, they’d have to be invented.
Having said that, the current state of Antisemitism can be traced to Edward Said’s influence particularly in his book Orientalism.
The book, published in 1978, swept through the liberal arts courses in NA and had its most obvious affect in Journalism, Education and the Social Sciences, all the above being previously affected by the social and education changes following the 1968 Democratic Convention and so-called ‘Peace Now’ movements affected by the Vietnam Experience!
This in no way, excuses it it only helps to explain it.
Add to that mix the unrestricted acceptance of Muslim immigrants here in NA under any pretense and Voila!
On a related note, my wife read of the incident in New York wherein someone burned the door of an apartment displaying a mezuzah, perhaps attempting to set the entire apartment on fire. So she went on Amazon and put a mezuzah in our cart. We're not Jewish, but if it comes to putting yellow stars on our outer garments, we will follow the example of the King of Denmark.
You and your wife are fantastic.
You are too kind. And we are fed up.
Mazel tov.
I hope to save the lives of their soldiers Israel simply floods the tunnels and forces the fighters to surrender or drown. See the pumps the Netherlands use to keep their land free of sea water. A few of those pumping the Mediterranean Sea into those tunnels wouldn’t take all that long to bring about a surrender or a lot of funerals.
And then pump some acid into said flooded tunnels, just for good measure, just in case they prepared for flooding with SCUBA gear.
As the saying goes, "From your lips..."
It will be interesting to see how they approach this. They have advanced robotic technology and mini tanks and drones that they can send in first. They will try to retrieve hostages alive if they can. They can use sonic weapons and other technology to drive them out of the tunnels. We shall see.,Mosul in 2007 was a preview. Extremely brutal, deadly CQB.
So, the ADL tacitly condemns the protests in support of Hamas not because of the terrorism of 10/7, but because it believes such protests are organized and sponsored by white supremacists?
Is that it?
Is that how the left can have it both ways?
If the US were truly an ally, it would simply let Israel do as it sees fit. The response of our nation's installed president repulses me.
I'm going with #2.
What a sordid state of affairs we are witnessing as a direct result of the communist infiltration of high er miseducation institutions.People who ignore history are doomed to repeat the unthinkable atrocities of mankind.Great post but poll is a both in truth. Thank you Don and pray for sanity to arise from the ashes.
That infiltration goes all the way down into the pre-schools. The indoctrination starts then.
Growing up I always heard "never again", apparently that has an expiration date. Fortunately, the line s between good and evil are clear and the enemy within has chosen sides.
And the enemy has come out from the shadows.
SL, we see the foot soldiers of the depraved barbaric enemy, we do not see those still in the shadows, the puppet masters. We can guess who they are but really do not know their names.
Good point, Mark.
Oh wow. Wish I'd thought of that. Never again, the phrase, has a special meaning for me.
I used to think democracy was a good thing, but now all that I hear from the demoturds is them screaming from the mountain tops, that we're killing it, DJT is killing it, the deplorables are killing it, there's been so much overuse of the phrase it's becoming meaningless. The demoturds have been hurling the insults of Nazism, Racist, Xenophobes for so damn long it is now just commonplace. It doesn't even have the shock factor any longer. I am pretty sure that Japan doesn't even allow the Muslims and their religion of peace to set foot in their country, must be nice to have borders. What ever happened to the phrase you can't have your cake and eat it to, another prime example of idiocracy when we pour who in the hell knows how much of our tax dollars to support both the Israelis and the simultaneously the Palestinians.....INSANITY. To paraphrase one Forrest Gump" I'm not a smart man but I know what is right from wrong" Is the real problem not being addressed called Iran? Once again I say we are the frogs being boiled, it's coming here, and it's later than you realize! Unleash the dogs of war, I agree with a commenter earlier here, you're gonna have to shoot your way out...........
I think the Dems, believe that they will be the last ones standing, history not withstanding. They dont understand that they will be the first turned on. The actual lies and deception that they tell themselves to live in a non-real world is astounding. It would cure our energy problem if we could actually bottle it.
Right! Never ask an crocodile if he'll carry you across the river on his back. He'll tell you, "Sure, hop on." You'll be his lunch. Aesop said it first.
It seems that these days democracy means what ever people want it to mean, which ultimately means nothing.
Thanks for offering the phrase "you can't have your cake and eat it, too." My wife told me, "You can't have your Kate and Edith, too."
If I knew how to attach a picture, I'd share my new favorite. Bulldog is worried about being kidnapped, says "The more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe, eat cake!"
A civics teacher in the late 1950's told our class that democracy often led to Mob Rule. I've wondered if it was true or false since I've been an adult. Civics, of course, is no longer being taught in our American schools. They prefer DEI and BLM.
While times like these are disappointing and frustrating for most good people, events, like this expose the hidden evil that exists in our society. While God knows the evil that is inside us, man needs to be reminded from time to time that evil walks among us.
Historically, there was not much difference on college campuses during the 1930s when Nazism was supported by many of the universities, including Harvard. Many of our top elites at that time also supported the Nazis such as Joseph Kennedy and Ford. The difference between now and 90 years ago is that the men who saved us back, then have all been emasculated, and will not come to our defense.
Boys are not being allowed to be men.
LuAnn that is very true. However, they are allowed to be girls.
I call those men: Soyboys.
Thank you Don Surber for this article.
I think it is clear that the Biden Administration's actions show it to be on the side of Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Turkey, and Qatar, against Israel and the Sunni States of the Middle East.
Biden has many Nazis inside his government: https://justthenews.com/government/local/least-9-democratic-staffers-who-demanded-biden-hold-israel-accountable-are-now
I agree. Whenever anyone talks about the need to protect the humanitarian needs of the Palestinians, they are in complete denial or are lying. There is no difference between the Hamas leadership and the Palestinian people living in Gaza and the West Bank. They are all brought up to believe that Jews have taken away THEIR land, and that they are totally within their rights to kill as many Jews as needed to get it back. Meeting their so-called humanitarian needs is supporting genocide. Genocidal terrorists must be defeated and destroyed before they kill more innocent people.
In one interview, a Palestinian man from Gaza stated that no one living in Israel is a civilian. Not even babies or children. To him they are all part of the army of Jews that took their land away.
When people justify child burning, you know they have crossed the line and have become the devil's minions.
The idea that one is a victim of aggression does something very powerful to a person's mind: it makes that person unable to control their aggression. For if you have been victimized, you feel anything you need to do to get revenge is 100% justified. This is the same personal victim stance that Hitler experienced. In his mind, the Jews had caused the defeat of Germany in World War I, and brought on the hyperinflation and depression. He believed the Jews had caused his personal defeat and inability to succeed in life. This then became organized in his mind as an obsession with eliminating Jews and Slavs from Germany, which he believed would allow for Germany's purification and allow Germans to rise to overcome every past defeat.
When you dehumanize people and believe them to be "sons of pigs and apes" as Muslims do, or "vermin" as Hitler did, you further justify eliminating them as a threat.
The Palestinian people live in a culture of death. Death in the effort to kill Jews is glorified, much more than living good lives. They believe it is the shortest route to heaven.
These people have been programmed to kill Jews and abolish the state of Israel, and our US government has done all in its power to help them.
We cannot let them win anymore than we could have let Hitler win.
Amen, Eve.
The poll was difficult as both are true. They spent so much on the preparation to kill Jews they neglected to build their own infrastructure. I do have to wonder why the Israelis didn’t figure out that by providing for free water and electricity it freed up the money for terror. Like the elites here, the leaders there are smart stupid people.
‘Neglected’ is too charitable. ‘Not the reason they live’ is more in line.
I agree neglected was too charitable. They chose kill Jews to the lives of their people. That is why they build their offensive military depots in and under civilian and religious structures. My question is with so many Jewish brains in Israel how did they not figure that out before?
As a Twitter poet, my only criticism of my mental health friends are "There are too many words." Nap time? Then finish Don's blog? Make American great... again...and again...and again.