Trump's ability to piss off the right people all the time always makes me smile.

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He's afraid of no one and he scares the sh*t out of every one. I love that, and often wonder how one achieves it. My first guess is to not care what people think of you and to live by your values always.

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When people say he's too mean I always say if you were in trouble and needed an attorney would you rather have a mean SOB protecting you or a kinder gentler representative?

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Kinder and gentler does not get the job done.

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You just can't give a damn when you speak the truth. That's how Trump does it.

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Although I'm a kinder gentler version of Trump I manage to scare the bejesus out of men. I had 2 men pack up their tools after I criticized them and 2 engineers change their assignments away from my area after I criticized them. Once I was upset because the alarms were set overly sensitive so I asked my supervisor to call the engineer to reset them. He called the engineer and said, quote, Mad Dog said if you don't come down and reset these alarms he's going to hurt you. That was not what I said but the engineer was down there in less than a minute.

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I was thanking God for sending Thomas, a wonderful boss, to protect me. I thought I heard a voice correct me. The voice said "I didn't send Thomas to protect you from others. I sent him to protect others from you." It was then I remembered the preceding incidents.

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Before I read this prayer, I was about ready to give you a call so you could straighten out the ADT people, Brinks bought them out. Both are lazier that Yard Children! I'd still be with the feckless but cheaper AT&T but they dropped all security services. I wonder if any of those ever got a taste of Mad Dog! Served'em right.

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The people who hate Trump have a problem parsing reality. Some of it is due to deep state PSYOPS which made Trump into a "Nazi,' sexist, and bigot. Others hate him because he humiliated them, like Mittens Romney, Hillary, and Fauxcahontis. But if you were not personally humiliated by him, the people that hate him basically know not a single true thing about him. They know not a single true thing about the millions of people who support him. They appear to us to be truly deranged, capable of intense out of control rage at the very thought that he could possibly win another election.

Think about that. Intense rage at a man who basically just wants to make America great again? A man who never took a salary as President? A man who doesn't drink, isn't corrupt, and just wants to clean up government corruption? Intense and undying hatred for this man?

It goes to show how incredibly effective the Mockingbird media and unconventional warfare like PSYOPS has been that it can take perfectly reasonable people and turn them into raving lunatics.

And these raving lunatics think THEY should be in charge of the country?

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They hate him because they fear him. Gee, how good is that? Here's hoping they have diarrhea till the 2024 election.

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Perfect assessment of TDS.

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Excellent comment, Eve.

Yes, the Left has found out how to 'push the buttons' of people's psychological vulnerabilities. It is a fact that Life for everyone is sometimes hard and can involve disappointments, unfulfilled aspirations, etc. The mature and healthy response is to take these things in stride and move forward with a good spirit. The sick response is to blame any negative feeling you have on a scapegoat.

The Left has been extremely aggressive in convincing people that "politicians on the Right" (especially Trump) and their recent bogey--"white supremacy"--and all their other bogeys-- are the reason why they are unhappy. The suggestion is "get rid of Trump and then everything will be OK".

The LAST thing they want, is for anyone to look too closely at what they (the Left) themselves are doing that is ACTUALLY bringing misery into people's lives. That's why the Left media is so totally distorted-- they hide anything negative that the Left does; hide anything positive the Right does; and screech 24/7 about the supposed evil of the Right.

It's also why this can be hard to untangle. One can't just present factual information and logic to people on the Left, because their political position has become deeply intertwined with their root psychological and emotional structure. It also shows why the Left/Marxism, etc. finds it necessary to destroy religion. It used to be that people found a significant degree of psychological and emotional health in spirituality, in their relationship to God. When that is stripped away and replaced with atheism, those people now must find another way to gain peace and happiness in life. And the Left has been there to aggressively convince them that allegiance to Leftist politics is the way to "goodness", and to aggressively seduce them into "hating scapegoats".

It's sad, because anyone building their life on Leftist political views is building a house "built on the sand", which will eventually crumble.

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Sadly they have made the last couple generations really really susceptible to the psych ops. It is a true shame that our kids now are afraid of everything and have no thinking/critical or otherwise skills. Its all Feeelzings. Well Truth dont care about Feeeelzings and life never was fair. We are only promised the pursuit of happiness in the constitution because there are no guarantees in life.

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Eve, one of the best comments I have read in a long time. You “get it”. Some people hate confrontation and refuse to believe what their eyes and ears are telling them because they have grown up in a country always believing we were the shining example of a perfect country. So they rebel against the guy who exposed the ugly truth rather than admit they have been deceived about our government.

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Maybe we should stop calling it ObamaCare - it’s really single payer healthcare, which is what the radicals have wanted. Regardless of who is doing the disbursing to clinicians, the Feds set the terms for everything - the required or allowed services, the payments for services, locations they may be administered and all down to the content of the education of the clinicians. It’s Not Medicare Medicare. The only thing missing is actually eliminating employer administered “insurance.” And that’s not really insurance since there’s no risk-sharing and employees may not opt out of services they don’t need. It’s really pre-paid health care for people who are not as healthy as you are - or who want services like obstetrics even if they can’t bear children and free pediatrician visits for their kid even if your kids are adults or genital mutilation. So - don’t call it Obamacare - call it socialized national health care.

And keep calling out McCain for wrecking a perfectly fine medical environment because of crippling hatred for Trump.

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There was a time, in our country, when companies offered premium-free health insurance as a benefit to the employee.

We were fortunate to receive such a benefit and our children were born at the right time. It cost us $20.00 for each child. I was in a private room. We were served champagne, lobster and steak dinner to celebrate the birth of our child.

The care we received from our healthcare professionals was beyond reproach.

Those days will never come back to us but no one will ever take away that moment in time, even if they try.

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That’s a wonderful time to remember in your family. Babies make everyone smile. Relationships with people who help us are really valuable. That kind of relationship used to be encouraged in medical professionals. Health insurance became an employee benefit (not taxed intentionally) to get around FDR’s wage limits. It was a benefit in lieu of higher wages and meant something and did make a difference for employees. Now it’s a cost that many cannot afford (because by design medical care costs more) and so are forced into the Federal exchange - for high deductible high cost plans that have increasing limits on specific kinds of care. It mostly pays for the medical care for a lot of people you don’t know but read about in stories about immigration (no one can be denied emergency care…) and otherwise not working people.

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You make a great point in explaining that Obamacare is actually socialized national healthcare. I like the Obamacare moniker though because it reminds us and perhaps educates the younger crowd just who was mostly responsible for this monstrosity.

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Obamacare is a 9-letter curse word. Bidenomics is a 10-letter curse word. I'm trying to "quit all that cussin'!)

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Do us all a favor and wait until after the election to quit.

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OK. My daughter-in-law and I put money in a Swear Jar whenever we use words that begin with the 6th letter of the alphabet. I quit smoking after 12 years, so I can DO this!!

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Bless you! Remember, it's for a good cause.

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I wish the average American could see healthcare systems in countries where the government runs it such as the U.K. or many EU countries. The bureaucracy of national healthcare leads to two basic outcomes. Higher real costs (aka taxes) and poor healthcare due to bureaucratic inefficiency. It is the curse of any socialist system where personal initiative, competition, and profit are stifled. My wife did consulting a number of foreign hospitals and was appalled at what she saw. The only bright spot where she consulted was a private hospital in Scotland owned and operated by and for wealthy oil sheiks.

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I wish Americans could see ANYTHING run by the government turns to crap!

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It’s socialized medicine. Why beat around the bush? Socialism pure and simple

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Remember that when it comes up in conversation. Use the appropriate term. Explain it and don’t debate it.

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Terse and true.

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Couple of other things about Harding:

* He released all of Woodrow Wilson's political prisoners who opposed his plunging us into WWI. (You think Dems started that stuff on Jan. 6, 2021?) One of them was 1912 Socialist presidential candidate Eugene Debs. "I want him to have Thanksgiving dinner with his wife," Harding said.

* After an appalling lynching in Alabama shortly after he took office, Harding travelled to Birmingham, Alabama. (Which, recall, would be called "Bombingham" in the early 1960's.) He stood up in front of a white, Southern crowd and denounced lynching, an act that took physical as well as moral courage.

Harding was a darn good president. I have his autograph in my collection.

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Sad but Americans see presidents come and go and only know them by what the media shows us. Few read about history and past leaders anymore.

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Dec 1, 2023Edited
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The book Farenheit 451 is still being read in 2023 schools in the five contiguous county schools I know of. Loved the book. Recommend the DVD, also.

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McCain arrogantly and with a smirk gave a thumbs down months before his death to repeal of Obama non care. What a bitter, resentful wicked man! He had no love for the people he represented. Only hatred for Trump. A dastardly final act of a life poorly lived. He was not a hero as the communist media proclaimed.

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McCain torpedoed the nation to spite Trump. He was a petty, vindictive, selfish, and corrupt little man. He was a lousy Senator and sanctioned by the Republican Party in AZ because he was basically a Democrat. He was a Deep State tool and a corporate lackey. They threw him a big funeral in DC, because he was a Uniparty henchman, but few here liked him.

He was the kind of Republican who helped the Democrats ruin the country. His legacy here in AZ has been a political machine helmed by his corrupt wife to steal elections from Republicans. Not missed.

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Keating Five.

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Yes. Most notable among other sleazy deals.

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An Arizonan would know him well!

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The fact that someone was in the military should in theory make them a better legislator. In McCains case, it didn’t. He should have been voted out years before.

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McCain dined out on being a prisoner for years, and to the point that he should have been thrown in jail to relive the experience.

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Let's not forget the treasonous Gen Milley. There was a time when he would have been hung.

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Would have been hung, should have been hung, and aught to be hung. He was a smug disgrace to the men and women who wear the cloth.

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Just remarkable how the Swamp gets away with everything and anything. Here is a guy who subverted his boss, the President of the USA with zero consequences. And was proud and bragged of it. He violated his oath of office in every way possible. But he can live with it and justify it because his boss was a meany-head.

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Sometimes the old ways are the best ways.

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Key takeaway from this excellent analysis: "... either we stand up for an innocent president or we all eventually will be found guilty by virtue of our beliefs." Note well the recent disclosures of government infiltration and influence over internet sites and the actions of The Grand Inquisitor Smith and his vassal legal minions in seeking to discover not merely the identities, but the most detailed metadata of all Trump supporters who had the temerity to access anything Trumpian in the internet. What is most distressing is the likelihood that half of America is in favor of this, because they have bought into the democrat-media narrative. We are clearly no longer, "... one Nation, indivisible," but have split into two factions: traditional Americans and TWANLOC. (Hat tip to Richard Fernandez.)

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Keep firing. You are on target my friend.

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enlighten me please on TWANLOC ?

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Those Who Are No Longer Our Countrymen. A phrase coined by Richard Fernandez, who I recommen highly for his insightful commentary.

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Right on target Mr. Surber!

I was supporting Donald J. Trump, long before his escalator ride with our magnificent First Lady, Melania Trump.

I do believe, (and I could be wrong), that DeSantis did close the beaches at one point during the Chy-Com Flu scam.

When Mar-a-Lago was raided by the FBI, DeSantis hid and never said a word. At that point, I knew where DeSantis stood and it wasn't with MAGA or President Trump.

McCain was an evil man and was never a hero.

When Trump accidently won the Presidency in 2016, panic ensued in the Deep State and "The One" directed Rice and others to spy on Trump, his family and his team. At the same time, the 4th branch of government took control of manipulating, maneuvering and managing the Trump Administration, in order to destroy the President, his family and supporters. This continues today.

I'll just leave this link here, (if it's okay), for anyone to read:


I expect the 2024 Election War is going to be something none of us have ever lived through and will expose more evilness than many are prepared to handle.

Stay Frosty and Strapped.

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Before that escalator ride, I thought Trump’s running for president was not so much a joke as something on a bucket list. And then he began to speak, and I knew in that instant he was going to be our next president. He was serious.

My husband said he liked what Trump had to say, “But he’s got to learn how to speak.”

“Did you understand what he said?”

“Yeah, but he doesn’t talk like a politician.”

“And that’s why everyone understood what Trump said.”

You're right, MT: "DeSantis orders major shutdown of beaches, businesses in Broward, Palm Beach"


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True all. But Im uncomfortable bashing DeSantis here. He really didn’t have any options in the raid so I will give him a pass on it. But once the facts came out he should have spoken up. Nevertheless, we are talking about imperfect humans here so not sure I would have done anything differently. The real loser here is the country. Had DJT and DeSantis figured out a way to set aside their egos and coexist, they would have made a formidable team and been hard to beat in 2024. We likely would have had the WH for twelve years as well.

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I agree. The establishment probably saw as well and lured DeSantis away with promises of .... wait for it....MONEY!

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Yeah, money can take on many forms, some of which don't seem objectionable or corrupt like campaign support. DeSantis is a good man in my opinion and was somewhat ill prepared for the national stage I think. He seems to have assumed that what he did in Florida would translate to acceptance at the national level but it didn't. Also, the folks who are hired to run campaigns get power mad and give candidates really bad advice many times. Mr. DeSantis will survive this and be around in 2026 stronger than at present. I wish him all the best. He is far and away better than the rest of the field running today. But this moment requires the right person and Mr. Trump is it. No one in America deserves to be railroaded like he has been and if the left gets away with it, the country will never recover.

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The problem with DeSantis is he hired or was given some of the RINOs campainge staff. He is listening to the wrong people. Makes him look like a RINO even if he started out different. Jebby boys are telling him the wrong stuff.

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Well, we know 2 basic things:

1) Christina Pushaw, his Press Secretary, was and is a fan of Zelensky/Ukraine..

2) Rupert Murdoch bought him off with his Book Tour. Murdoch did the same for Meghan Kelly, if you remember correctly, when she locked horns with Trump in the first Fox debate....they were ready to take out Trump from the start.

That's just for starters.

Politics is nasty business and if the UniParty Globalists can buy you out, they will do it every time. We are living through the most evil time I've ever experienced in politics.

That's why it's important to look with eyes wide open for the Truth, which has no agenda. We may not like the Truth at all but we are Wiser for it eventually, at least I've learned that, the hard way.

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Your right here. He has not been around long enough to be toughened by politics. He thought if he did the right thing that was enough, and it should be. But he's a relative rookie and what works at the state level isn't always what works at the national level. He will be stronger for this foray into the jungle.

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Two daily must reads. Mr Surber and Sundance.

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Exposing the deep state is also stopping Hillary which ignited TDS. All three with one vote. An "all of the above" without the choice. The cat is very strategic.

May Trump return to fully expose the deep state and tear them out by the roots. Then, toss them into the fire.

RINOs first. Fauci second. Wray third. Garland fourth.

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How about “do all of them first”?

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Because of Trump many many more people now know the “deep state” is the real deal. When did Congress vote to mandate transgender surgery? They didn’t but bureaucrats did via Obama’s nightmare.

Also many more know we are in an abusive relationship with Washington and all it holds under Meath what we see. The unelected bureaucrats who make regulations are now being seen for what they are-enemies of the people and certainly not for the people. They are for themselves and those with the biggest wallets.

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What we are seeing is a congress that refused to support Trump and his initiatives, even when they were aligned with the GOP platform. Then Biden comes in and starts reducing the power of congress with executive over reach and rule by EO, many of which are blatantly anti- constitutional from their inception. Today, congress is holding hearings to investigate Biden and no one cares, including Biden because they know the GOP will never impeach him and nothing will happen. The power of congress has been diminished and transferred to the Executive branch largely because the GOP is lazy and ineffective and the Dems have embraced corruption as a viable governing process.

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The 4th Branch of our Government is running the show, top to bottom.

Thanks to GW for the Patriot Act and Obama/Holder for manipulating the process to go after their political enemies.

Remember what they did to the Tea Party Patriots?

Well, Mitch and other R's were right there with them; hence the UniParty participated in the control of the Trump Administration and continue to participate through today.

It's right there in our faces daily.

The only chance we have is President Trump's return to the Oval Office with his new MAGA warriors.

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Agreed. But this will not begin to get fixed in four years of a Trump return. It will take decades to week out the bad actors and congress has never had that kind of attention span. We need to stop all foreign involvement until we clean up our own house.

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Clean and maintain OUR house first is correct.

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Like him or not Elon Musk did a tremendous service in exposing the deep state also. Twitter was essentially run and controlled in every way possible by our government. And it cost the guy $440 billion. He may play both sides a bit but he has balls the size of Hillary's!

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Agenda 25: Fire all permaGovernment employees, Audit Fed and DOD, Close FBI&CIA, Replace 3 SCOTUS, Release J6, Arrest and try Fauci, Soros, Rinos, extend Abraham accords, Isolate China, Close universities that use DEI or teach racism (all), and finally buy FJB more absorbent Depends.

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I heard something a long time ago and it stuck with me. I was in the military for 40 years so bear with me. Gen Shinseki stated that when you take over a large organization there are lots of issues you want to address but history has shown you only get one thing so you better make it a good/great change. The only thing Shinseki is remembered for is he mandated berets for all servicemen so they could feel special like the Special Forces. He fumbled in the end zone with that one.

The Trumpster will get one thing. I hope he fixes the election system to eliminate the cheating. His successor with have to tackle something else.

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Yes, the true root is honest elections. If we had them, we would currently have the Presidency, a majority in the Senate, AND a larger majority in the House as well. America would be on a completely different trajectory.

Honest elections also go a long ways towards achieving defacto term limits, as many jerks would be thrown out, who are being exposed by the intense scrutiny we are now giving to our government.

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There haven’t been honest elections since...1860?

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T was once and will be again the Best President the US has had since Washington. Godspeed!

We know it and they know it, and they are going to do everything they can to reverse the inevitable, including starting WWIII to cancel or ‘Delay’ the 2024 election.

One of the reasons they need to do this is for the point men not to wind up in Jail or worse!

Buckle up kids, the next 11 months are going to be something like we’ve never seen before.

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The hatred of Trump is really the fear of Trump because they know he will find them and stop them. When one looks at Trump as a battlefield and considers all the attacks surrounding him, they are really scared, partly because (thanks to Mr. Surber) people are waking up.

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They don’t appear to be waking up fast enough to me. But maybe Im wrong here and don’t see it. 2024 is going to be a year none of us will ever forget.

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One of my measures of believing people are waking up are the comments on any story about COVID, the return of COVID, the newly announced pneumonia virus from China that is now in Ohio (first location in the US).

All of the Karens and mask champions have either crawled into a hole to hide or society in general now believes the government lied to them, stole their Constitutional rights by forcing an untested clotshot on everybody (while Pfizer hid clinical evidence these had life and death risks. especially to pregnant women and all children).

The comments show a lot of very angry people. They are angry at this corrupt government, and it is spilling into other areas of politics.

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On target. Couldn't agree more. The one thing that has happened due in large part to Mr. Trump is the loss of trust Americans at large feel for their government. When people realize that their own government has become corrupt and is lying to them on a regular basis, a lot can happen and we do not yet understand the full significance of it. I think the China virus scam was the final straw with many people because it hit so close to home and impacted everyone personally. If I were a young man or woman in the prime of my life and who got the shots and the boosters after the government and the medical community assured me they were safe, I would be stomping nails mad and worried about the cardiac problems now turning up. That is no small thing and it will have implications for decades to come. The federal government really stepped on it this time and the FBI and DOJ lying and deceit is further exacerbating the problem. And congress is going to give the FBI a brand new building and complex when they should be stopping any further financial expenditures until they decide what to do with the agency. THAT is how screwed up our priorities are.

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A major conflict erupting could be good or bad for Biden if one assumes he is going to stay in the race. Im not so sure.

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Dems dont want him. I expect he will have a heart attack but the Dems would be stuck with Kamela so it has prevented the heart attack so far.

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Yeah, it's great, isn't it? The party who says they are smarter than the rest of us is stuck with Larry or Moe this go around. Curly from California doesn't have a chance to replace either of them.

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I love to make predictions - and usually am wrong - but I'd put money on this one: Joe won't be on the ticket. I won't put money on whether he will still be alive on election day

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Maybe it will be a mannequin. A black non-binary one with a penis and breasts.

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Would any dem notice?

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Only the black non-binary individuals with a penis and breasts.

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Totally agree. Who knows who it will be but it ain’t gonna be FJB.

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You’re probably right. His cult have decided they are done with him and he is a liability so my guess is he will find a reason to over rule his ego and bow out. Not sure how they get rid of Harris though. She, so incompetent she’s dangerous. Regardless, if we blow this election the party is done. Part of our problem is the RNC. They have a track record of losing. How can McDaniel keep her job losing like this unless the party is okay with being second. The only thing I will predict is that both parties will look different after 2024 results are in. The whole two party system is on trial in 2024.

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"I always believed covid was just another virus going ’round'" So did I. I contracted it before anyoe knew what it was. I was sick for 3 solid weeks. I couldn't stand up for 5 minutes. I hunkered down and treated it like any other flue. Bed rest, orange juice, chicken soup, acetaminophen, and other over the counter remedies. After the three weeks I was still "not right" for two more weeks but was able to function despite a loss of appetite. Three weeks later "all Hell" broke loose and the world was shut down for months.

My wife sleeping and sitting next to me the entire time never got it. Or if she did she showed no symptoms.

It was not fun but it didn't kill me. Had I gone to a doctor he probably would have prescribed one of the "forbidden" remedies which at the time were not forbidden.

Covid was designed to end Trump's presidency pure and simple. Oh the evil folks garnered some other benefits but getting Trump was the objective.

You will never convince me otherwise.

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Spot on.

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Me, either.

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Me, too. I always believed that and when I said it to family and friends in March-April 2020 they just rolled their eyes.

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The moment of the week: The headline story that Trump was slapped with the gag order for the second time and immediately attacked the judge, district attorney and the judicial system. Best story since Gone With the Wind.

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