The article said:

"...praised Satan for respecting pronouns — which is odd because Satan and his LGBT teammates don’t respect pronouns."

I say:

Satan respects nothing, especially life--meaning YOUR life. Today, people, go to a cemetery or a Memorial Day Service and thank those who gave their lives combatting the very same evil, which is rising again from the left, so you could have your own life.

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Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal was slightly more subtle in tucking its pro-LGBT bias in a story called, “Combative Consumers Change the Marketing Strategy for Target and Bud Light.”

Reality: "Combatative Consumer DESTROY…"

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Lighten up a bit, bro. Some peeps don't like to be preached to.

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I don't mind people preaching to me as long as they have something to say. I will assume by the way you post, you have never been in the military, yes?

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See above

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"I'm one of eleven and very conservative in my beliefs." Would wager all 78 episodes of Justified you are the least liked by the other 10. And since you post so much on Don's blog, why aren't you a founding member? Some call me cheap; I prefer frugal. What's your pref?

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May the satanic media’s stock fall like Target’s and Anheuser-Busch’s.

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I haven't bought a newspaper in years. I can't boycott Bud Light because I don't drink it. And I can't boycott Target because I stopped going there when they started letting men spy on women in the restrooms.

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I can't say I have ever drank a Bud Light or any other light beer. Target reminds me of a well lit Dollar General with equally cheap products. The last time I b ought a newspaper was 10 years ago and it was a very over-priced Wall Street Journal.

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Agreed! The value of each of those enterprises' stock needs to continue to plummet, however.

As long as there is hope for recovery, the job is incomplete.

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Too bad. Not from W. Virginia; however: Almost heaven, Southeast Texas, BUSH Ridge Mountain's, San Jacinto River. happy Memorial Day, Surbs. Just remember what they sacrificed and for whom!!

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Hey Don, Afraid to like the monster you created? Check 'em all out, If you find 1 you like, you get Schlong's deal: Justified if you send me your address. Did I mention I just got a $5,000 a month raise?

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Got a feeling you're a Vet who cares deeply for the greatest country on the Planet.

Vaya Con Dios

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I am.

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Y don't U show comments to Schlong??????????

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Very well played, Schlong-You are a member of the RGFC-w/a all 78 episodes of Justified coming to you. Just need your address and Amazon will have it to you in 24 hours. Full disclosure: Never owned a share, but they are the GOAT. Bezos, not so much.

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Don't hide comments to Schlong; some are brilliant.

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I pray that "one nation under GOD" realize that these efforts to demonize GOD and praise Satan is leading us down a path to perdition. I detest those that do not recognize the fact that the founding fathers of our nation were somehow inspired and empowered by GOD to create a nation that embraced GOOD over EVIL for all men. And here we are with the mentally challenged leading efforts to destroy God's creation, The United States of America!!! DAMN THESE FOOLS

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If my Creator likes it, it's good enough for me. If you lose GOD AND family, you've lost it all.

Had my son disable capslock, so I wouldn't shout so much; little harder now, but worth the effort: DAMN THESE FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!

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While I firmly believe the Target boycott is absolutely essential, if you have even the slightest conscience toward good vs.evil, it particularly casts in sharp relief the need to create a parallel marketplace. The numbers just in share-loss expose a huge opportunity for more competition in what has become the new American battleground. We need not just more stores and products that don’t bend the knee to these evil machinations, but most essentially banks and financial institutions who won’t cooperate with the whole wicked ESG agenda, which is the root of our current corrupt marketplace. That kind of Competition will drive them into bankruptcy while generating a true and more honest economy and marketplace.

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Great explanation Suzie, especially about the banks. Here is a Twitter guy helping spread the word:

From Rogan O'Handley aka @DC_Draino:

"Best short summary I’ve seen for why these traditional American companies are going Woke

DEI & ESG initiatives pushed by the WEF are req’d to get big bank financing"

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In the meantime, might I recommend the app, publicsq; and shopping at Costco.

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Just noticed the Steve Hanson pic from your profile. Love it!!

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Here’s a link to a pretty in-depth description of the enormity of the evil ESG agenda and it’s tentacles that have captured virtually the entire marketplace plus Govt entities. The battle is enormous.

Well worth the watch!


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As we honor all the fallen on this Memorial Day, we should not let their sacrifice be in vain by allowing this woke culture to dishonor their memories and what they died for.

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Why take an entire month to celebrate all that happy gayness? Mom and Dad get only one day each. It takes only one Thursday a year to proclaim gratitude for our many blessings. We've managed to stuff Christmas holidays into 48 meager hours. But for some reason Queers need an entire month! As for bomb threats, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that Target called in their own bomb threats to stir up a bit of advertising.

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Most likely true - almost all these outrages are done by members of the aggrieved group, or by someone sympathetic to its cause.

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School Boards…

It all starts with taking back control of the school boards…

…and firing squads!

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Some years ago Sam Harris (who I like) said that he believed some people may need to be executed for their beliefs. Not only did I think that was a tad harsh but another philosophical writer, Theodore Dalrympal ( who I also like) tore a huge piece of him for that!

I have since changed my thinking.

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Dalrymple is brilliant.

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What this points out is there is still more of US then there are of them.

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Dank Gott 😅

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Gott sei Dänk!

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“ A pin depicting a guillotine with the label ‘Homophobe Headrest’ might be the edgiest.”

What would happen if this pin was purchased and the word ‘homophobe’ was changed to “leftist”??

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I'd purchase them by the gross to give away.

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How much would that one sell for? There may be a market. ;)

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Right out of the leftist playbook. They slowly normalize aberrant behavior by putting an innocuous face on one aspect of it. Then they will move on from “Satan respects pronouns” to much darker aspects of satanism, until all the barriers have been broken down for all out Satan worship.

They can deny they believe in Satan but it is undeniable that Satan is working through them.

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Remarkable that Gannett and some other media sources reported that bomb threats were investigated without noting (at first) that it was an LGBTQ radical that posted the bomb threats. I guess they were hoping that readers would think that some "right-wingers" posted the threats. Also remarkable that police didn't find any bombs. The person who posted the threats stated that Target was full of "cowards" who catered to "the homophobic right wing redneck bigots" who protested the LGBTQ merchandise. Obviously, the person who posted the bomb threats didn't have the "balls" of BLM, AntiFa, and the Weather Underground of the '70's

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Of course they did. But it is increasingly obvious to more and more people that these are lefties in action.

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Maybe I’m not up to speed on some things:

1. How do all these consumer facing massive corporations get the nearly simultaneous memo to start marketing campaigns targeting a small to tiny segment of the population, which they know will trigger a reaction from the right aka normal people ?

2. Why do they launch marketing campaigns where anybody with an IQ over room temperature must know this creates considerable economic risk for the company and flies in the face of board of directors’ fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders of these publicly held corporations?

3. How is it that they could possibly think that 99.999% of Americans, even non-religious people want to buy merchandise associated with Satan? Why would the company associate themselves with Satan? It’s economically suicidal.

4. What does it tell you that companies that don’t follow through are threatened with violence and bombings by the very fringe groups that they sought to do PR for?

5. Isn’t it strange that all these failures are cast as overreaction by normal people and lies are invented to portray the reaction as criminal, violent, and intolerant rather than focusing on the absurd and provocative marketing?

I don’t think these moves are spontaneous. They’re being formulated and rolled out by government or government front operations to advance a neo- Marxist political agenda or color revolution, whatever you want to call it. Not sure whether there is a carrot or a stick attached here. If the FBI and CIA and WH can manipulate media corporations, why not consumer goods corporations? They desperately are trying to provoke violence to use as an excuse to further curtail civil liberties.

This isn’t going to stop. Ignore these companies. Don’t patronize them. And don’t take the bait. This is more evil from the Left.

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Tanto this is the old(look squirrel) ruse to stir division every way possible and ask (,why are we so divided) ruse they have used so success fully in prior elections.Great observations!

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I actually have a large percentage of my prayers answered anywhere between favorably and miraculously. I have written about this in my poetry, sermons, and books. Based on my statistical analysis I can conclude that the probability of Trump winning is at 90%.

I am strongly convinced (99.99%?) that God was behind the 2016 win of DJT. Likewise I credit the win of FJB to being groomed for 8 decades by Satan to be an antichrist.

Of course there is a one in ten chance I'm wrong.

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I wouldn't think the antichrist would be so friggin dumb. FJB is sleazy and evil to be sure, but the antichrist ? Soros, perhaps, but not Biden.

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Today is the day to remember those who have fallen in service to this country.

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...and ONLY those. No first-responders, teachers, or social workers.

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Mean Tweets 2024!

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I have been reading the WSJ for years and notes a long time ago the “news” side was decidedly left and the opinion page center to a little bit right. They also allow (encourage) leftist op-eds. With all the MSM you need to read or watch like the the people in the old Soviet Union learned to read Provda.

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I guess Bugs are not vegetables but how do they get the chicks to eat tofu?

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