I’ll betcha there’s a private competition between the 3 witch hunters, Bragg, Willis and Smith, to see who’ll be the one to imprison DJT.

What a sick and twisted circus of malevolent clowns.

We must pray for Trump to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might while he must endure this trial for his life.

God have mercy on him and us all.

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Well said. Let's review: I just did the research for Biden puppets Jeff Zients, Jen Dillon, and Bruce Reed. All three are going to have really BAD days on both November 3rd and November 5th, 2024. The trend confirming a Biden Fiasco on Election Day (whether or not he's still alive) is getting more convincing each week, as the names of his minions are one-by-one ferreted out. Be well.

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Maybe Slick Willie didn't have sex with the hag. Remember, there are rumors Chelsea is Webb Hubbell's child. Who knows. But one thing we know for sure is fact that an awful lot of these conspiracy theories these days are turning out to be conspiracy facts.

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Nah ~ she looks just like him.

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Poor thing

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The “beer goggles” must have been strong on Webb, that night.

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Every man must visit Hades once in his lifetime, at midnight.

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Remember, Willie was fooling around immediately after the marriage so honestly I could picture a scenario where they never had sex. She made a deal with the Devil. Her soul for political expediency.

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Not to mention that Slick has admitted that Hillary has had more p***y than he has.

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perhaps bubba was the one making the deal with the devil. it wasn't his fault trump beat her like a snare drum.

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IMHO, she deserved it.

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Not even the Prince of Darkness, himself, wants anything to do with his own female spawn.

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But there was some justice, in that she turned her Secretary of State gig into a genocidal catastrophe. Followed by: "What difference does it make?" Followed by Trump's victory.

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See photos of Chelsea and Webb side by side A.D.

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I think that they were both fathered by Howdy Doody, but that's just me.

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I totally believe that Chelsea is Webb Hubbell's love child, but given Bill Clinton's proclivity to hit anything, I am sure that Hillary was an early conquest. In the last couple of decades, however, not so much.

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The odds are greater than zero that Bill had sex with Hillary ONCE... He never made that mistake again....

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Let’s be very clear about Bill Clinton: he was always, always having sex with himself. A Narcissistic, patronizing, egotistical, user. These personality types always marry ugly women or fag hags, disrespectful in every way possible and can still dress up and think they are acceptable. Hilary got what she deserved and so did he. Doc.

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Chelsea is a "three bagger." You put one over her head, one over your head, and on over the lamp in case it goes on.

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Beyond “three bagger” is “coyote ugly”…you would rather gnaw off your arm to avoid waking the sleeping beast that you took home while drunk. And beyond that is "double coyote ugly" where you gnaw off your other arm because you know she'll be looking for a one armed man.

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I remember both. Decided to go easy on Chelsea. Her mother, however, is another story.

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Ahh, Chelsea looks too much like Bill

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The fraud of these show trials against Trump has reached an unbelievable level. The arrogance, the narcissist peons, the in-your-face hypocrisy of the rule of law are beyond belief.

It would be a longshot, but to take jail in order to attend your son's high school graduation (and possibly be arrested while sitting in the audience watching the proceedings) may be 10 times more effective than his mugshot was. Let Trump go to jail like Peter Navarro - as a patriot. Let them share a cell.

That would be a pretty cool PR outcome. I don't think it would hurt his ratings. America would respect the brave man standing against this tyranny.

F*ck these corrupt DAs and Judges who are pitching lawfare like cow dung. I pray for a day they are each exposed and receive their appropriate punishment.

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Agreed. But it is even more than just these tools who bring the charges and the corrupt judges who conduct the trials. We ALL see what is being done here to Trump. Lefty and righty alike. I understand how people could not like DJT, but I will never understand how those same people cannot be outraged by what is happening in our justice system here. Law and order are being destroyed in the name of politics. Let that sink in. Newsreader pundits openly taunt and laugh at these events and Trump. They clearly know what this will lead to yet they continue as if it is just another day in America. These people are destroying our country and they seem oblivious to what they are doing. We have far more and bigger problems today than one corrupt old pervert in the WH. We are witnessing the beginning of a takeover of our entire government by the Marxist Democrats unless we stop it. As for the people who see it and vote “D” anyway, they are about to find out how Mr Trump feels when the same system comes for them.

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Just like bad umpires, we've always had bad judges. However, it seems like the judicial activism has gone way out of control. I blame the universities and law schools. DEI is a great vehicle for getting the underperformers into these key positions.

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I could better accept the judicial activist judges if we had an equal team of Constitutional activist judges on our side. Is there such a person anymore? If so, do any cases get assigned to them?

Throwing out Roe V Wade was a constitutional judgment by our Supreme Court, a decision that even Ruth Bader Ginsberg supported and would have agreed with if she had still been there.

We can see what the over-turning of an unconstitutional law has done. Leftists use it to cause more chaos, distraction, and violent actions.

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IOW, they do the devil's work.

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In the end, laws really have little weight if humans have no moral or ethical base. They are just one more thing to ignore or use to one's benefit if you are devoid of ethics or do not see the non-morality of something. I like to think I am unshockable today but I have to say that these trials to eliminate Trump have truly opened my eyes to the debts that which we as a free country have fallen. Whoever the people are who are running this country today must be so devoid of any humanity that they don't see what they are ultimately going to cause. This country has always been very resilient to bad leadership and bad legislation. But what is going on today is tearing apart the very structure of our country's foundation system. Sadly, all those that see the Trump trials as comedy will never see the same trial forces coming for them until too late. America is a very ignorant country in some ways because too people think it invulnerable to destruction. When they find out they are wrong it will be far too late.

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There's that saying: "Hell is the Truth, realized too late."

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Omg, I never heard that one!! Thank you so very true.

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I can't remember exactly how it goes-- it may be "Hell is the Truth, seen too late."

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First sentence says it all Reddog !

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I wish every American would watch the movie, based on a true story, “Within the Whirlwind”. It shows how the powerful and the politically correct eventually get eaten by their own, from the main character to the person who imprisons her. It’s a delightful moment, though she is still in the gulag, when the man who showed her no mercy or understanding winds up in the gulag with her and says, “But I was innocent,” and she laughs in his face. Gonna be a lot of those kind of people here in America if this madness continues.

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Yes, I have wondered if these so-called class elites understand that or whether they think of themselves as so entitled they would be immune from the downside? What is happening makes me believe that some people believe the country is unbreakable and they can do whatever they want because it will always correct itself. They are so fundamentally ignorant if they believe that way.

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I’ve pondered that. I call them Utopian Elitists. I’ve come to the conclusion that many are blinded by their delusions. Put another way, they have shut God out — as proven by the fact that they think man can create utopia here on earth — and so He has “given them over” to their delusions.

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Given that they are currently literally unaware of the bad things the Democrats are doing to the country (because the Dem media never reports them), I'm sure they can't even conceive of bad things actually coming to pass that would touch them.

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Interestingly, the SC and a few judges have remarked on how unfair the current DOJ is.

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I also wonder if they wont reap the whirlwind in NewYork with a lot of hesitancy doing business in that state if they can come after you for a nothing burger. Not too many folks that can even appeal a $400 million dollar award.

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I think you are on target. This is to eliminate Trump but the bigger message is “this is what can happen to you if you defy us”.. It is almost copied right out of the play book of the Third Reich. It is chilling really that a state could wander so far from the constitution so quickly. That $400M was clearly a message to all, big business and the little guys.

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I think he should just ask Barron what he wants him to do. It’s his graduation so the decision should be his.

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Court closes at 5. Have the graduation at 7..

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Now that's a good idea! Barron probably goes to a private school, but I bet the school's management is too liberal or too chicken to change the graduation time. It sure would be nice to see some other Americans step up to the plate and take an effective action like changing the graduation time. C'mon, school administrators--take an effing stand!

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TPG Just how generous do you suspect Trump has been to Barron's school? that should be sufficient reason for the administrators to take a stand.

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Cookie, I had the same thought. Surely an honorable school administration would be reciprocal for the financial support the Trumps have likely given to the school. Also, I had been thinking that Barron went to highschool in New York state, but his school may well be in Florida, where the administrators would be more likely to be Trump supporters.

We all are eager to identify ways we can help Trump and rescue this country. These school administrators have a perfect opportunity to make a day/time change for the graduation to show support for Trump. Yes, there may be some liberal parents who object, but tough sh-t. Surely the administrators have the authority to change a schedule.

I also loved MBethamn's idea (elsewhere in these Comments), that the graduation be held at Mar-A-Lago-- that would be such a special treat for everyone, that it might mitigate some of the liberal parent's griping.

--Actually, the liberal parents would continue their outward griping, but inwardly would be excited to go to Mar-A-Lago. BUT--security would have to be drastically increased to protect Trump from a twisted would-be liberal hero.

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The only downside of that would be any possible problem Melania might consider we haven't thought of. (Suzie made me look at it from a mom perspective.)

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Should we burn down the phone lines to the school requesting this? I’d love to be able to do something meaningful to communicate support to President Trump. This might be just the thing.

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Sure--great idea! If you or anyone can figure out what the school is and get a phone number, I'd be happy to call. If you find it-- post it in the Comments for Don's newest column (like tomorrow's) cuz I don't think most people look back to the comments from previous days.

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Not sure DJT would put the burden on his son. I bet the school changes the graduation date.

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Good mom response Suzie.

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Apr 17
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Thanks for the coffee spurt!

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Same here

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I think its rich that given all the lawfare happening, that the Dems keep running around stating the if Trump gets elected...its the end of democracy. Seems to me that if the dems actually do win, its pretty much over for this country.

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You are right. If logic prevailed in the lunatic leftist side of things, they wouldn't exist. They can't defend the indefensible such as saying the southern border is secure while we watch thousands cross each month with the border agents told to stand down, global warming that isn't happening in the destructive ways they claim, the clotshot is safe and effective so it is mandated. I could go on but you already knew this.

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Damn these lying eyes !

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Yes. That would make DJT the first POTUS elected by a vast majority while incarcerated. Why could we not see it coming that George Soros was buying all these District Attorneys by the busload?!

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they're already exposed, now for them to finally receive their just rewards!

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That may not happen until they're dead.

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Trump should attend his son’s graduation. A graduation only happens once and it is a big deal for the kid and the parents. It’s not like the judge is granting Trump a prison release for lunch date with is wife.

If Trump goes to the graduation and defies the judge and the judge acts to fine or send him to jail I think it will backfire biggly.

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I agree with you. Jailing him is too outrageous for even corrupt NYC. They will fine him some outrageous amount and effectively show themselves for what they are; corrupt beyond to the core.

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The Poca-Man wiped his feet on the Matt and came out swinging today.Happened to hear See BS news special report on the trial yesterday and the reporter was almost breathless about how beaten down PDJT seemed,then get home and see a vid of PDJT at the bodega before I see a vid of bidet in Scranton.You can not hate the msm enough is a true fact I have come to believe.Roll on Mr. Surber as we gain minds and hearts craving a sane and free America again.

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In 1992, Clinton’s lies during the primary were why the Right harped on the issue that character matters. The reasoning was, if he could rattle off an obvious lie about not inhaling, which the Left reacted with a nudge-nudge wink-wink, then he’ll lie about anything. His Gennifer Flowers lie was greeted the same way.

This prompted Joe Klein to write an odious column called "Bimbo Primary" in New York magazine 2/10/1992, in which he said: "Twerps and moralists will insist that anyone who could lie in such a way shouldn´t be president; actually, the reverse is true--anyone who can´t shouldn´t be president. The world is a subtle, dangerous place; leadership requires something more complex than Sunday-school morality."

Joe Klein is no stranger to lying. He wrote the roman à clef “Primary Colors” about Bill Clinton's first presidential campaign in 1992. He used the pseudonym “Anonymous” and then lied that he wrote the book. The thing that upset journalists was that he even lied to them.

When it comes to President Trump, about the only people who lie these days are the Left and the media.

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If the full list of women who were groped, raped, sexually threatened, or physically abused by Bill Clinton was ever published it would make accusations against Trump look like the fairy tale it is. As for Bill Clinton, Hillary was right beside him destroying the affected women and promoting Bill’s lies.

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Trump is a notorious germaphobe leading me to disbelieve any notions of him searching for women practicing the worlds oldest profession...


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Absolutely 👍. Anyone who knows him for real 😧 “Trump is a notorious germaphobe leading me to disbelieve any notions of him searching for women practicing the world’s oldest profession...”. I am thinking those who accuse these things are the real perpetrators not Trump.

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As usual... His detractors, mostly in the democrat party(and globalist republicans), are absolute experts into projecting what they do onto their political opponents. Thank Saul Alinsky for it.

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That was my first thought when the Left was promoting the "pee tape."

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Me too. Plus, it was a private conversation invaded by others; an obvious 'surprise' operation.

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Apr 17
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You're too kind wonderful lady.

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I have wondered many times, who was really in charge in that duo, and what role did she play in all that he purportedly did?

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I wonder if he put his expensive cigars on HRC's credit card?

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Likely so and the hookers too. And I will bet she didn't care either. Bill was not the source of any Arkancide I suspect, the Witch was. A truly evil woman.

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Bill is complicit. Do not believe he isn’t. That is part of the gaslighting.

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Bill is absolutely complicit and guilty as sin. But he has always struck me as a follower, one of those guys who has charisma but is lazy. Hiliary knew full well what his strengths and weaknesses were and she used them fully.

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Better there than where he was rumored to have put them. . . . . . .

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What a wag! ;)

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And killing their pets!

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There isn't enough booze east of the Mississippi to make anyone screw Hillary.

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Mrs Weiner was unavailable to comment, eh?

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Funny you should mention Huma Abedin. There was a story some time ago that she was dating Bradley Cooper. Close your eyes, and s-t-r-e-t-c-h your imagination. Can Bradley be that much of a bottom feeder? Woody Allen, maybe. But Bradley Cooper?????

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The diarrhea sisters.

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She is repellent in every way now, but in fairness was not unattractive as a young woman: https://cdn.quotesgram.com/img/85/7/1365918004-Hillary.png

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Beauty is skin deep. Ugly goes right to the bone.

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Old school truism DJ.

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Hubble is from Arkansas, so there must have been enough booze west of the Mississippi for “Mission Accomplished “.

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HRC aka Everyman's Ex-Wife.

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Poster girl for bad decisions.

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I think the question also needs to be what are WE going to do.

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Im going to convert another vote to Trump. I have a lefty leaning friend who is really uneasy about these trials and Im going to make sure he votes “R” come November. We do have options.

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I'm going to scrape up what's left from the IRS and send in the April-May-June letter I just received from Trump's campaign. (I need to quit reading all these masterful responses and get Turbotax back on the phone to make it happen!)

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I'm surprised that (as of 8 am) only 4% have picked "Obey" in the poll today.

It is not safe for Trump to be in any NY jail, because the Democrats are out of control, and the risk of them trying to kill him while in jail is very high. It will NOT be 'wimpy' of Trump to Obey, because the graduation is not worth his life.

Also, the optics of Trump in jail would be so thrilling to hate-drenched Democrats, that they will become drunk with a sense of victory and obsessed with getting Trump permanently into jail. Trump should not feed their bloodlust by going into one of their jails unless it is absolutely literally unavoidable. This graduation situation is avoidable. Be wise and don't make this graduation "the hill you die on".

If the Judge does not back down and permit him to go to the graduation, Trump will reap pretty much the SAME huge public relations bonanza by having to miss Barron's graduation, as if he defied it and went to jail. People have already been saying that if Trump has to miss Barron's graduation--the election is over, people will be furious at the Democrats and vote Trump.

Barron will understand. And it will be part of his development, for whatever future role he may have in American politics.

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"Donald Trump can keep Secret Service protection for life, even if he were to be convicted and sentenced to prison or home confinement"


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Imkitty, I hope this is true, but I don't trust it. And I am not sure the Secret Service hasn't been compromised, as our military has been compromised.

One has to pick their battles. The graduation is not worth the risk; and the public relations benefit will be the same whether Trump suffers missing the graduation, or Trump suffers risking his life in jail for disobeying.

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We all worry about the Final Solution for the Dem machine. If you can imagine it, it can be done. Jack Ruby was unavailable for comment.

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He could probably still be "Epsteined". If the IC can get to the Supreme Court they can get to the Secret Service.

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Schumer accidentally spoke the truth when he said "seven ways from Sunday." I answered the Cat's Poll with my usual tongue-in-cheekiness.

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I agree. The CIA has run the country for decades and they seem to be running this one too.

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I agree with your assessment. The best move right now is to show that Trump continues to maintain respect for the law (even as perverted as it has become). My only wish is that Karma really IS a bitch and visits these people tenfold.

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Yes, well put--there is a valuable benefit at the moment to "show that Trump continues to maintain respect for the law". It heightens the contrast between Trump's obedience to the law and the Democrats corruption of the law.

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“A republic, if you can keep it.” -- as Benjamin Franklin said.

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BP - I ‘ve also heard KARMA is a mirror and we could be in for another Shit show

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Just a guess on my part, BUT, from everything I've researched over the majority of my lifetime, concerning the Trump Family and in particular Donald John Trump AND the strong influence Melania and Barron have on him, they know how this episode will be dealt with successfully...but that's just me.

We will have to wait and see how this all plays out; just another day in the Commies soap opera of "Get Trump".

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There you go with another sanity infusion. Thanks again.

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Well said👍

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All very good points, especially the extreme danger of Trump being Epsteined if he gets anywhere near a jail. These are completely evil, hate-filled people he's dealing with. May God protect him

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He must keep out of prison.

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Well reasoned comment, TPG. He should definitely avoid going to jail. He should also attend Barron’s graduation. So move it to a Saturday and host it at Mar-a-Lago. Best graduation ever!

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great idea

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Sound logic, all around. I am rethinking my vote.

I can’t get over how pathetic it is to use a high school boy as a pawn of idiotic lawfare. But, your last line-so very true.

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True. Even Obama's kids were off-limit to the press. However the 7-ways-from-Sunday rule of IC seems to kick in to the Fat Boys Institute.

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I think this all depends on how high you think the risk is of Trump being "Epsteined" in a NY jail. I assess the risk as super high. The Democratic party leaders want Trump and Robert F. Kennedy gone and will act down the line if no one else does. Even if there's not a deliberate conspiracy to kill him while in jail for attending the graduation, it only takes one deranged idiot in the prison population or staff to take it upon himself to attack Trump.

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…Or, he would be coronated as “King of the Big House”, by his fellow prisoners, who’ll most likely sympathize with his being illegally railroaded.

But I get your point.

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Your wrong. People will see it as not living up to his ideals if he obeys. The judge is on very thin ice here and he knows what could happen to him personally if he doesn’t back down on this point. It is NYC after all.

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Wow, never thought of that.

Epstein all over again.

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Apr 17
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So true, better to not have his dad at his graduation, than to maybe not have his dad around ever again.

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This is heading down a road these democrats really don't want to follow. And they must realize that as they panic in the knowledge that Hillary, Barack, and Joe are all in the sights of the pendulum swinging back. Each have actually done actual crimes - yes folks, Barack's utilization of the FBI went over the legal line.

At some point some democrat has to say stop before the whole thing flies off the cliff.

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Both Bill Maher and Carville have said, back it off a bit. Dems aren't listening.

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Nice going. You mentioned two maggots in one sentence.

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Ouch !

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Like when a predator smells blood in the water!

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This is like the old game where two cars speed toward one another to see who flinches first. But not the same here. The Dems are all in with this corruption and can’t flinch at the last minute because they know they are way over the line and people will eventually be called out and ruined. Notice I didnt say go to prison. No one goes to prison if Democrat.

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True. But that remains true until all of a sudden it doesn't. We are in way new territory right now. We are seeing the beginning of the death throes of communism in the west. Ceaușescu was dictator of Romania. Then suddenly he was not only out of power but imprisoned and then dead. The left assumes the right will never punch back. And the right is slow to anger. But once the fuse it lit, they tend to go all in. Lord knows we have seen a bunch of potential fuse lighting events. One will light it, then hang on.

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I pray you are right, Jim. But I am not sure about seeing the death throes of communism here. It is flourishing in Europe and is firmly intrenched here. The colleges are spitting out new one's faster than we can counter them at the moment. Part of the problem is a general reluctance on too many peoples part to just be quiet and not challenge this communist plague. Those people have not learned anything from Trump. He is doing just that and winning at it. We can have calm and pointed debates if we disagree on issues because we have brains that can think. Allowing the left to control the conversations is wrong and they can not hold their own once you engage them. We will always be confronted by communism and Marxism here because they are evil ideologies. One light may light as you say, but it by no means is enough unless people keep it going. We shall see...............soon.

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You would love how Dr. Phil called out the "intellectual rot" on today's college campuses on his new network. That's a pithy, punchy phrase, which I plan to use continually now in connection with academia. Intellectual Rot!!!

Some state university systems have already striped DEI out whole, (Texas and Florida), and others will surely follow soon. Now for corporations to stand up and strip DEI out of Human Resources and return us to a non-racist meritocracy.

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No prison Ass- Island

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It’s too late at this juncture for the Democrats. They done Thelma’ed & Louise’ed they own selves.

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lol. 😂 I was thinking we are in FREE FALL!!!

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Trumps brilliance is simply because he recognizes ALL People regardless of class or race; if you like to work like he does, you are welcome. Going to see Alba is genuine and political unlike almost any other politician.

Review what happened to our Signers of the Declaration like Carter Braxton. The same thing is happening to Trump.

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David versus Goliath.

Donald versus the Government.

We must all sling our votes in unison.

Then route out the conspiracy.

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I wonder what will happen to all these judges and prosecutors when Trump becomes president?

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They wouldn't be there if it wasn't for Soros and Dark Money. Take out Soros and Dark Money and the rest will be taken care of naturally. There are too many tax free groups working outside of their tax free restrictions. Politicians look the other way but the Trumpster could upset their apple cart.

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Except for one fed, the rest are state employees. I hope the people there take care of them by making them unemployed and convicted of bias and attempted false imprisonment.

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I gave up trying to keep up with genius thinking. Whatever DJT decides will turn out to be what's best for the country. I'm getting closer and closer to disclosing what happened in my home on November 8, 2016.

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I’m getting the Island of AssHATY ready. Kool Aid anyone?

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If you think Trump's mug shot was a fund raiser, an 8X10 glossy of Trump behind bars would be worth more than the Mona Lisa.

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Two points each for the use of the word “chinchilla” and mentioning Juan Epstein.

All the efforts at demonizing Trump have failed, except with brain damaged Democrats, which make up about 85% of Democrats these days. The longer the shams go on, the more absurdly grotesque they appear. You can fool a lot of the people the first time, but not the tenth time. People are sick of this nonsense. The Democrats have succeeded in making the country look like a joke when it comes to our professed love of the rule of law and the Constitution. We as well be living in Tijuana. Anything goes if you’re connected to the Democrat cartel, and the enchiladas are better.

But what has worked is stealing elections and covering up the crimes of Democrats. Real crimes. Stopping the steal is the most important thing in November.

Trump 2024

The only thing he’s guilty of is being a patriot.

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AMEN and thank you Tanto !

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Ditto what Marlan said!

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I’ve heard that there is a mountain in Sunland Park, NM, where they have some decent Mexican food.

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What bemuses me is that all my Never Trump friends (who probably will vote for Trump in November but don't want to admit it) say that they don't like Trump as a person and these trials prove that he isn't a good guy. But when I point out that Biden did the same things or worse than Trump but was never even charged with a crime, they have no reply. The NYC fraud case where the fine was a half a billion dollars when it was obvious that no crime had been committed made it crystal clear that the whole thing was a political witch hunt. In the meantime, America continues to slide into third world status and I worry about the future of our grandchildren.

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In my humble opinion, too many people are voting for Class President, not President of the United States.

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