I’m having a hard time saying anything nice about President Carter. People talk about how decent he was, but all I can remember about his “decency” is gas shortages and skyrocketing inflation. Inducing those as a result of some bent Jacobin ideology isn’t decent.

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I felt Carter was the worse president we ever had, for the reasons you mentioned. That is of course until Obama came along…and before you could think things couldn’t get any worse Biden saved them both from that honor.

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...you mean 'honor,' perhaps?

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I keep repeating in my head, “If you can’t say anything nice…”

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Maybe we had the same mama.

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Facts are facts nice or not. I do remember that the Democrats (ran both houses) treated him worse than the Republicans because he was considered an outsider like Trump.

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Decent person, lousy president

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Anti-Semite who gave us 45 years of Islamic terrorist attacks because he wasn’t man enough to stand up to the insane ayotollahs.

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I like how you think.

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It seems he licked their boots. Or should I say sandals?

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oh c'mon getting foreign policy wrong does not make him antisemitic!

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That’s my point, he wasn’t really that decent of a person either. Decent people are introspective, they don’t live with a destructive ideology to the end of their days. Carter developed an illusion of decency, kind of the same way Joe Biden has this image of “Lunch Bucket Joe”. It’s a false facade.

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no carter tired to live a life that was good and wholesome- he was not perfect- but he tried. Biden simply ate at the trough and had his fill while courting this image.

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Is an anti-Semite really a decent person?

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is a decent person really antisemitic?

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GOD told Abraham " I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you."

Maybe Carter's 100 years were giving him an opportunity to repent. Maybe they were a curse on America.

His ways are not my ways, his thoughts are not my thoughts. He is GOD, he is just. I'm just confounded most of the time.

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Hi Lu,

I get that someone may not like Jews or is uncomfortable around them. Fine, It happens. That’s their choice and as happens in a free society, they are entitled to it. That shouldn’t impact how they treat other people of other religions or the less fortunate. Don’t shake aJews hand, or donate to Jewish causes. We’ll live with it. I’ve lived with it and still gotten great projects completes with smiles all around. That in itself doesn’t make one a bad person or an indecent one.

What tips the balance is when they spread lies or falsehoods or worse concoct them out of whole cloth to bolster your case and make it worse for the whole. You see that with assholes like Stew Peters or Dr Loupis from Denmark. These are the types who are indecent people and bad people.

Does that help clarify that a bit.

Happy New Year Honey. What do you think of that 51st State thing?

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In my 74 years on the earth I have interacted with lots of Jewish people. Growing up in a vacation town in the mountains of Maine, I dealth with and worked for a lot of Jews from New York and Boston. I lived, for time, amoung a Jewish population in NYC. For 2 years I dated, and almost married a Jewish woman. I say al this because I can't for the life of me understand why the Jews are so hated. Some of the greatest entertainers were Jews. Groucho Marx was one of the funniest people to ever live. Henny ("take my wife, please!") Youngman. Mel Brooks. The list goes on forever. One of my favorite sandwiches is corned beef on rye from a Jewish deli in NYC. How can anyone in their right mind condone what happened on October 7th of this year?

Happy New Year Chuck and everyone.

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I think you meant October 7 of last year when Satan's Gaza brigade sought the fulfilment of the prophet Amos.

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I put a large part of the blame on the Roman Catholic Church.

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As a kid I always wondered why my Protestant southern grandparents never had anything to say abt Jews (Jews killed Jesus,etc.) but were very wary of Catholics “who worship graven images”. Somehow I managed to form my own opinions and escape generational prejudice.

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It goes so much further back than Christianity.

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12/30/24: Good show! And a happy new year to you as well.

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I wonder, Chuck, if Jew-hatred, although much less virulent today, was always inevitable simply because Jews more often excel at what they do -- whatever that is, good or bad. So on the one side there are Einstein and Milton Friedman and Irving Berlin, and on the other are Bernie Madoff and Epstein and Soros -- inciting or justifying or reinforcing the ancient prejudice, along with simple envy. Oh, and don't get me started on Karl Marx.

One illustration that I found in the Jerusalem Post might help:

The story is told ... of a Jewish man spotting a friend reading an Arabic newspaper. “Moshe, have you lost your mind?” he says.

“Well, I used to read the Jewish papers, but what did I find?” Moshe replies. “Jews being persecuted, Israel being attacked, Jews disappearing through assimilation, Jews living in poverty. So I switched to an Arab newspaper. Now what do I find? Jews own the banks, Jews control the media, Jews are all rich and powerful, Jews rule the world. The news is so much better!”

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Jews are hated because they are GOD'S chosen people. Satan knows this and therefore he rages against them. Satan's influence turns people to hating the Jews. If you hate the Jews it is because Satan is controlling your life, not Jesus.

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I love that! I read the page of a young, well middle aged Jew living in Judea/Samaria with a wife and 8 children. Today he urges us to stop constantly talking abt Oct 7th rather to celebrate all the victories that have come as a result…the destruction of Hamas and Hezbollah, removing the leaders of the terrorists, etc.. Of course we remember and never stop seeking the hostages but focus on the celebration of their release. Make that the intention of all who love Israel.

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I was going to answer Subvet above independently but your response allows me to handle this (if handling is the right word) together.

I agree with Subvet. This has been going on long before the Catholic Church got involved (Disclaimer…My Mother was a Catholic and converted). It may have been going on before there were Jews to blame it on. In my opinion it probs started with a prehistoric fear of people or phantoms who look like you, speak like you, act like you but who aren’t you…the fear of the ‘other’. It’s a factory installed fear that found a home in a cave lit by torches or a central fire and with every retelling of the tale, more gruesome, unconfirmable details get added until nobody remembers what the original tale actually involved.

I agree with you. If we add to the original fear the observable feature that these look-just-like-us aliens somehow seem to do better than us, then they are either cheating or utilizing some kind of black magic.

The ‘Jealousy Fable” was a big deal when I was a kid. But that is just a cover for the fact that part of the whole Jewish success story in NA ‘was’ based on several facts of Jewish life. Respect for elders and the teachings of “Elders”, a love of learning and the type of understanding and capacity to think in abstracts that comes from studying the Talmud after school instead of playing Football or Hockey. Sure the Askenazi’s apparently hit the genetic lottery when it came to brains but I don’t think Tevye knew that before he got the boot from the Pale of Settlement or just maybe its all Darwin…being part of a middleman culture didn’t work if you were stupid.

I don’t have any way of confirming any of this but but it checks off a lot of boxes in MY mind.

By the way, cute joke!

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Hi Chuck, yes agree with you. What I am finding is not liking Jews has headed into territory and comments that I never would have imagined. A few otherwise good people, but this kind of behavior is reprehensible. It's hard for me to get by that. But I saw it with a few relatives over the Christmas period and I was frankly dismayed.

Not bothered by the 51st state thing. It's just Trump trolling, but it sure has a lot of people taking it way too seriously. The righteous pro-Canadian stuff that I see on LinkedIn is ridiculous chest-thumping. Canada needs a major overhaul as most Western countries do. We didn't vote for the results we have.

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Do you think there is a "finger on the scale" in Canadian elections?

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No. Elections are 1 day in Canada with paper ballots. We have limited mail-in voting and few cases of fraud. Many voters are so fed up with Justin and what has happened in this country since 2015 -- deteriorating economic conditions, housing shortage, inflation, sky-rocketing debt, immigration and illegal immigration that we can't absorb because there are too many all at once -- that he and his Liberal Party are going to get wiped out. Once Canadians finally decide they are fed up, there is no going back. We'll see just how conservative Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is once we elect him. We'll also have the separatist Bloc Quebecois as our Official Opposition (not the first time which was 1993). It's going to be fun times!!! Eveything old will be new again.

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There's a lot to be upset about over his four years in office for sure. I blame him for falsetto-singing disco music - but his legacy will be his service and dedication to Habitat for Humanity. He also wrote poetry.

Lesson: Anyone sitting in the country's driver's seat as President can't let service to others and beautiful rhyming words be their skillset and motivation. That's what missionaries are. Instead, they need to have a strong moral backbone that doesn't bend, and a short temper to act out when anyone tries to bend it.

Moral discipline over service.

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Everyone that voted for Carter as president, had to find out about him like we the people in Georgia already knew as governor of Georgia.

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Carter was drek. (Look it up in a Yiddish dictionary)

Here is a good piece on this POS, and be sure to read the comment section, esp a very lengthy and knowledgeable post by "James Madison" (find it by using COMMAND+F on Macs)


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It’s kind of fascinating how startlingly alike the composites of Carter and Obama are: seemingly came out of nowhere, a cypher of a personality, cold, arrogant and self-righteous, duplicitous, deceitful and phoney, ruthless, cunning, and cruel, created untold damage to the country during their terms that would take decades to rectify.

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In other words - a Democrat. 😡

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Usually right in sync with you Suzie, but on this one, Carter was weak and in over his head, but I don't think he was cold, phony, and cruel. Not at all similar to Obama.

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Carter stopped inflation y appointing Volcker- an act that lasted 30-years. Obama? not do much- lasting racial strife.

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Yiddish, it seems, is mostly a German dialect. In this case the German word is "Dreck", pronounced the same.

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Yes, Yiddish is a version of German, I think that has some Hebrew mixed in. It was / is the language of Ashkinazi Jews who populated eastern Europe/ Russia. Ladino was the Spanish - Hebrew language of the Sephardic Jews who populated the Iberian peninsula area.

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Actually as I understand it Yiddish originally derived from Middle German with bits of whatever local slang existed in the locale it was spoken in mixed in. There is certainly Polish, Czech, Hungarian and even Romanian as part of the language.

Wim is my go to guy on European languages. What do you think!

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This whole entry is way too long but FWIW, here is an overview of "Yiddish" from wiki...


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Sorry Gail, I never go to wiki for anything.

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Yeah there was a US securities firm by that name Dreck-sell and that is exactly what they did - specialized in junk bonds.

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Good read. Stephen Hayward captured the essence of Carter.

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Glad you liked it.

You should definitely read the post by "James Madison" in the comment section. I'd post it here but it is as long as a standalone article, but just as authoritative.

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Thanks, will check it out Gail W.

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Well that link is a real hatchet job. Did you think a man who was successful in politics in the US was Mahatma Gandhi? A lot of hyperbole and stuff not said and left hanging...insinuation. OMG! He was not perfect and he may have been human!! Gasp!! Personal judgements then lambast him his for being misused by those around him for political purposes. Dislike it? Yeah!! But that is not his fault. Do not blame him for that. and, yeah, he was a Democrat back before they seems to be consciously evil. I had voted for a lot of them...No more.

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Sorry, we will have to agree to disagree regarding Carter's record and legacy. I am in the camp who thinks he was an abomination on many levels, not the least of which was his antisemitism.

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I doubt any of us who sat in long gas station lines waiting to buy gas or those that had mortgages with interest rates in the teen's will be attending his funeral service. Probably a nice guy but a horrible micro-manager with blinders on.

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Reddog, when my wife and I bought our first house in 1975 one of our contingencies was that we could find a mortgage at 14%. Thanks to my wife, who found a "great" rate, we only had to pay 12%.

And when we went on vacation to the beach, I pulled an old license plate off the shelf so I had an even one and an odd one so we could buy gas every day of the week.

The worst memory of Carter was our hostages being held for 444 days because Carter was weak. They were released hours after Reagan's inaugural address. The hostage situation also fueled the rise of Ayatollah Khomeini - thanks again, Jimmy.

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12/30/24: Same here. The faster he's forgotten, the better.

"ITEM 14 ... 'Former Vice President Mike Pence said that he will not endorse Donald Trump‘s 2024 presidential bid.' ”

Dang! So THAT's why Trump lost. Now we know.

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As the Brits say, "Decent butters no parsnips."

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Carter worked a lot with habit for humanity building houses for people who couldn't afford them and eventually lost them because they couldn't afford to maintain them.

I worked on several of them, and saw them all eventually taken by the bank or the county for unpaid taxes or mortgage defaults.

GOD granted him 100 years of life. That speaks volumes. GOD allowed JFK to be assassinated at 46 and shielded Donald Trump from the same fate.

I don't worship Trump, in fact, some of the things he has done recently concern me greatly. I just pray that wasn't the head wound foretold in Revelation 13. I don't worship Carter either. He was a bad president, but the LORD did give him a long life.

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he did not form OPEC. He was not responsible for the Arab oil embargo. and he appointed Paul Volcker to stop the inflation that had been percolating since the late 1960s. Carter in your memory is blamed for the transgressions of earlier administrations. But he did have his own share (with extra helpings...) of policy failures.

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Good morning Surber Army - less than 3 more weeks to hold on!!

Keep praying we - and DJT!! - get there safe and sound!


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I only remember one thing about Carter's administration: Ronald Reagan, "Are you better off today than you were four years ago."

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That line is a keeper to be used over and over again in elections.

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Don is giving The Babylon Bee a run for their money!

We have been through very rough times politically. Many Americans have found it so disturbing that they have withdrawn from following the news (but that hasn't helped them, as withdrawing doesn't do a thing to heal their anxiety, which only grows the more they yield to their fear and look away). And the cognitive dissonance created by a Left Media that lost all touch with reality as they focused on "pounding in the official narrative" harder and harder, has left a big segment of the population facing psychological distress as the mask begins to crumble off the narrative and they realize they have been deliberately misled.

Each of us here who had the courage and grit--and love for America--to pay close attention and face what was happening should give ourselves a pat on the back. We have all been part of the awakening which has been spreading more and more throughout the population. Imagine if someone had told you at the beginning of 2024 that Trump would win astonishing percentages of black men and hispanics, and that, despite voting fraud, the election really would turn out to be "too big to rig".

But we couldn't have endured throughout this without humor. Don writes meaty columns Monday through Friday, looking fearlessly at reality and "calling a spade a spade". These weekday columns are (thankfully) always sprinkled with wit, but on Saturdays Don serves up a full smorgasbord of humor. And the witty commenters among us chime in and take it even further. It is amazing how humor can restore one's perspective. There's got to be a spiritual element to humor-- it injects light into a situation, it drives out the darkness of evil and replaces it with lift and buoyancy.

Much gratitude and appreciation for all the wit shared here.

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"There's got to be a spiritual element to humor--"

Indeed, indeed.

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My son thinks that people who are very funny are also very compassionate since both qualities are the best to be had from a life of struggle and/or trouble.

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Well said, TPG.

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ALL ITEMS: Reading the recap of the last year in headlines really illustrates just how corrupt the mainstream media is and how influential they are over our everyday conscious thinking. Taken in the small daily doses they give us, like a drug, it is easy to not notice it's effects and how ludicrous it is.

One thing I've realized from this exercise is the deep state would be practically sterile without the mouthpiece of the mainline press.

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My wife and I blame the media more than the demoncrats - with a fair and honest media, the demoncrats would be exposed for the traitors they always were and are.

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Yes, I agree. I expect the Dems to lie, but the media is supposed to be neutral and honest so they deserve more criticism. But, I see the Dems as Hitler and the media as the underlings who "just followed orders". They were both guilty of murder.

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Once again Don puts SNL to shame.

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12/30/24: Don in his own right was born with wit. SNL puts itself to shame. And never the twain shall meet.

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Right you are and coffee spurts give him extra credits.

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Dear Don, this is Donald's wife, Christina. I'd send a personal email but not sure I can do that. I know my husband has made comments here before. Sadly Donald Paquin passed on December 29th, so just yesterday. I wanted to let you know how much he enjoyed your newsletter and I even read it to him in the hospital when he was so sick. Donald read all the time and was a very smart kind, super friendly and intelligent person. Your columns were what he always read first. He had 4 sons, two conservative one Republican but a never Trumper and one liberal. The liberal one actually read him your column at the bedside which is hilarious. He commented to his conservative brother that " he went over to the dark side" and if course Julian said " maybe your the one that's on the dark side" they were laughing though. Good to see that their views don't make bad vibes between them. The son that read your column said " I don't care as long as it makes him happy" funny thing is he claimed he is fiscally conservative but socially liberal, not sure that makes sense but I wasn't about to correct him. Just wanted you to know how much you touched my husband. He was a kind , charismatic , intelligent soul.

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You and your family have my sympathies. I thank you for taking the time to tell us and I trust everyone will pray for him and his family.

His comments here were appreciated.

I see he married well and was a good father, which is what life is all about.

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Thank you for the lovely notice you've shared with us of your husband's passing, and your marvelous way of letting us know. When you need a smile of remembrance, you can count on this bunch of Suber-ites.

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My condolences, Christina. How nice of you to share this information with us.

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Condolences to you and your family, so sorry for your loss

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Regrets and condolences to you and your family.

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Your family had their values in the correct order. I'm sure it was the good parenting. Bless you.

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Carter carrying his own [empty] suitcases when the cameras were rolling, then having his Secret Service detail do the same [with full suitcases] when there were no cameras, speaks volumes.

I said something nice, I voted “He gave us President Regan”.

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He was such a micro-manager he personally approved anyone who wanted to use the WH bowling lanes and tennis courts I read. No wonder he didn't accomplish anything of value, he was too busy doing inane things.

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12/30/24: Carter really was one of the biggest phonies I'd ever seen. But what we didn't know was that soon, cretins from the bottom of the DC sewer would make him look good, even noble, in comparison.

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I don't like those stunts and unless you are willing to do it, just stop it already. That's just fake, but I think it makes sense for Carter. I don't think he was a nice person overall, but I will give him credit for his Habitat for Humanity work.

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Tough choices on the poll.

Nice recap of a year that has been nervewracking...but has ended well.

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11: Kamehameha I, a murderous tyrant, who waged an aggressive war against his Bronze Age neighbors, using modern weapons is one of Hawaii’s selections for Statuary Hall. That’s your Spirit of Aloha.

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Maybe we should judge our president by not only what they accomplished (or didn’t accomplish) but how rich they became in office because they held office?

President Trump was a 69 year old rich businessman when he entered politics as opposed to Mr. Middle-class man himself (Joe Biden) who is now a rich man living a rich man’s life.

Why do We the People allow this to happen?


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Insider trading is a strong reason, Liz. Ask Dan Crenshaw and Nancy Pelosi.

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Item 12: NASA gives up on the Metric System. Inch, Foot, Corgi … check.

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This was hilarious today.

Hats off.

Item 5…

and we want to import more of these folks via the H1b program?

I think not. They’ll insist on bringing this sport to America.

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Well, there always is cock fighting which I think was brought to this country by Mexicans

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Place a tariff on H1B

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A guy on X (Robert Sterling, I think) compiled H1-B stats and he found that Indian companies based in America, such as Tata and Infosys among many others, brought in the most H1-B workers from lndia to staff their companies. I don't know if it's true but it could very well be.

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Good morning, all.

I made it past another turn of the Wheel (Otherwise known as the Solstice) full of hope and, as always, with a healthy dollop of skeptical and cynical included. Funny how the passing years and an ability to observe things as objectively as possible instills that in a fella...

What a year, indeed. From an obviously mentally challenged pResident to corrupt AGs to wannabe L. H. Oswalds, the fun never seemed to end; all the while academics of various stripes trying to convince the immature that this country needs to be smashed and rebuilt in the image of their (failed) heroes, Stalin and Mao; and the worst, the very worst: convincing children that they were born in the wrong body, and hormone treatments/surgeries will make them all better. While I respect most peoples' views and spiritual Paths, when it come to the trans "movement" I can assure you that, not only do I have zero respect for the proponents, I have what can be mildly described as an active dislike for them. Only the love for my family, myself, and my sense of personal responsibility is the leash that keeps me on the right side of the Karmic street. If, however, any more of my grandchildren end up in the clutches of these fiends...

In the meantime I will pray for the safety and health of all, mine and yours.

Have a great day, everyone.

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Regarding the poll—-all of the above—although history repeating itself (Carter begat Reagan & FJB begat Trump Redux) is always entertaining. Excellent year end review, can’t wait for part 2. My favorite, however, was — want to stop losing money on EVs? Quit making them!!!!

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The libtard judges in Hawaii are ignorami or getting into the rum punch a bit too much. Hawaiians from the different islands fought each other for centuries before being united by King Kamehameha I in 1810. .

Here's a AI generated list of some of their weaponry:

Hawaiian Historical Weapons

Hawaiian warriors, known as Koa warriors, relied on a variety of handcrafted weapons made from Koa wood, stone, bone, and shark teeth. These weapons were designed for close combat and played a crucial role in ancient Hawaiian warfare. Here are some notable examples:

Lei o Mano: A club-like weapon with shark teeth along its edges, used by high-ranking chiefs and warriors. The Lei o Mano was a symbol of status and power.

Koa War Clubs: Made from Koa wood, these clubs were used for melee combat. Some examples include:

Newa: A war club with human molars inlaid along its surface, believed to transfer the mana (spiritual power) of the fallen enemy to the club’s owner.

Lua: A club with a rounded head, often adorned with shark teeth or other materials.

Shark Toothed Daggers: Used for close combat, these daggers featured shark teeth along their blades.

Rippers and Slicers: Sword clubs with blades made from shark teeth or stone, held in place with rope or pitch. Some resembled the Incan Macuahuitl.

Slings: A projectile weapon used to launch stones or other objects at enemies.

Pololu: A spear used by ancient Hawaiian warriors, often decorated with feathers or other ornaments.

Stone Bolo: A throwing weapon made from stone, used for hunting and warfare.

Notable Events and Practices

Warfare between Islands and Villages: Ancient Hawaiians engaged in frequent battles between islands and villages, often fought with clubs, daggers, and hand axes.

Rite of Passage: The ali’i (chiefly) rite of passage involved stepping into waters while others threw spears at the individual until they reached shore without being injured.

Spear Fishing: Ancient Hawaiians used spears for fishing, both in rock ponds and on the reef.

Characteristics of Hawaiian Historical Weapons

Handcrafted: Most Hawaiian weapons were made by skilled craftsmen using traditional techniques and materials.

Close Combat Focus: Hawaiian weapons were designed for close-range combat, reflecting the emphasis on hand-to-hand fighting in ancient Hawaiian warfare.

Symbolism and Status: Many weapons, like the Lei o Mano, held symbolic significance and were used to demonstrate status and power.

Aloha and yippie kai yay ....

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