The Hill reported, “High school boys are trending conservative.” It cited data compiled by the University of Michigan, so make of it that report what you will. But the shift makes sense because liberalism has failed boys miserably. For the past 50 years, girls have gotten the edge in education because Title IX federal funding demands it — even though such discrimination violates the 14th Amendment’s protection against such bias.
The liberals are also trying to constantly sissify boys and create Girly-Man Kens. Those that successfully become young men and go to college must then keep from being brainwashed.into liberalism. To successfully navigate from boyz to men makes one mentally strong. No wonder they are trending conservative.
"The liberals are also trying to constantly sissify boys and create Girly-Man Kens..." or put them in girl's clothes, pump them up with estrogen and other female hormones, and turn them into fem eunuchs. I hope that the mothers who did this to their sons wind up in the Ninth Circle of Hell.
Then they went Electric and had to add the Vroom Vroom noise because no one was buying the electric bikes. Oh and they went to Chinese parts yrs ago and now the bikes fall apart and need maintenance before they come off the showroom floor.
If I crack a gear tooth in third, I can go from second to fourth since they are now closer, at least long enough to comfortably get to the dealer. With four gears that'll risk clutch issues. Six speeds also probably puts the trans more compactly into the engine's torque curve.
Japanese bikes have five or six speeds if memory serves.
There might be more reasons than just getting ladies to buy the product.
But he really isn’t Tony, not anymore. He had his little hissy fit, had his tempest in a teapot, had hey everybody look at me no hands moment and where is he.
If the 13% think he and Lizzo (smh) are where it’s at can you really be surprised. Our kids, if you get my drift, don’t care anymore!
C'mon you guys and gals, I tried to crack a funny no one got it. His first name is spelled C-O-L-I-N. I spelled it C-O-L-O-N cuz I think he is an asshole.
Yep, he has made more millions from endorsements than his average talent as a Q-back would ever have given him. He is the national poster boy for the definition of “tool”.
For a second I thought you were referring to Colon Powell, killed in Viet Nam died years later agent orange, no matter what it says on the death certificate.
I think we can add Bill Barr to the list of girly men. I recall being at a restaurant about a year ago, and, heading to the loo, walked by a table that featured Paul Ryan. I often think of how I might have leapt across the table to bloody his nose.
All this male-bashing will disappear instantly when either the entire electrical grid goes down after we get hit by a solar flare or when the Chinese invade. Miraculously, men will be needed again. But it won't be pretty.
I don't agree with your opinion and here is why. It is assumed that either or both, Russia and/or China would attack the west coast. All your biggest ports are on the west coast AND all of them have huge homeless populations. If attacked, not even liberal politicians would just stand there while millions of their voters get massacred.
Won’t come to that; neither China nor Russia needs to invade. Neither has the inclination & only China has the troops though no experience in amphibious warfare. The U.S. is collapsing in on itself economically, spiritually, & culturally. All they need do is stand back & let it happen.
China can't afford to wait. The Chinese were taught a very expensive lesson around the turn of the century when they tried to float their version of the petro-dollar. I haven't heard that they have improved their refining capacities although they have the most on oil reserves. They have no choice but to go on the offensive believing no one would come to our aid. If that happens while either Biden or Harris are in office, their thinking may be correct.
Firstly who “assumes” China would invade the west coast? Outside of the typical neocons harping (to expand the Pentagon budget yet again) for another war with both China & Russia who’s saying this? Col Douglas MacGregor ( ) is well-schooled in the military arts & is a frequent contributor to the state of military affairs both in the Russo-Ukraine War & the Taiwan situation. He is on record that Ukraine has already lost this war & he sees China as flexing muscle without pulling the trigger because they don’t need to. His prediction is that Taiwan will want to unify with China over economic matters. If China were going to engage in an amphibious war Taiwan would be first on the hit list not the U.S., besides how are they going to mount the logistical behemoth of moving supplies & ammunition for field armies of (@ least) roughly 1,978,848 [general rule of thumb is an attacking force must possess a 3-to-1 advantage over a defending force; current U.S. Army & USMC total 659, 616. All that is not raw combat power but for the sake of argument let’s go with that) men + armor & fuel clear across the Pacific amidst a U.S. submarine force? In military operations logistics is everything. It became the bane of the German Wehrmacht first on the Eastern Front by November 1941; it was the main reason Rommel wasn’t able to destroy the British 8th Army in North Africa; it’s what prevented the German counterattack that was intended to drive the Operation Overlord forces of D-Day into the sea. The U.S. doesn’t have the manufacturing base to turn out military hardware like it did in 1941-45. Those factories were shipped to Mexico & -ironically - China by presidents of both parties. They’re shipping cluster bombs to Ukraine since - by Bai Den’s admission - we’re out of everything else. According to Col MacGregor - & other military veterans - the U.S. is unable to wage a peer-to-peer conflict @ this time. Besides, the exchange would would well go nuclear long before any Chinese troops hit the Santa Monica beaches. It’s not 1944 anymore. Plus trust the Chinese know that if they invaded the U.S., they’d be instigating the greatest, most savage guerrilla conflict in history because the American people own guns. It would be a guerrilla war without end. It’s often said that Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto cautioned against an invasion of the U.S. after Pearl Harbor for precisely that reason. If China & Russia with BRICS can de-dollarize the world’s economy as the world’s reserve currency China & Russia will have won. They can win & become major world players on the cheap simply be replacing the dollar as world reserve currency (precisely what FDR did to Great Britain during the war: replaced the Pound as the reserve currency with the dollar). The U.S. economy will be destroyed. That process is already in the works. They don’t have to physically go to war. Time is on their side. The hapless, ignorant morons in the WH & DC now either don’t know this/don’t care/don’t have the capacity to comprehend it.
To put it more bluntly, the DC “elites” couldn’t find their gluteus Maximus even if they used both hands.
I was on a work trip to Paris when that came out. My coworkers went to the theater and stood up and cheered when Paris was demolished. I thought they were going to cause an international incident. Course this was 25 yrs ago.
Interesting point. Men by and large are the DOERS so they are essential when things need to be done (or fixed). Hopefully, we will be civilized enough to organize our testosterone if a survival event to which you refer happens. Will we organize or individually hunker down in our houses to fight off the looters and the ill-prepared?
Well, HGTV would have you believe otherwise. Per its programming lineup, only women gut, renovate, and rehab homes, repair and install plumbing, lay flooring and floor tile, hang drywall, and do the electrical work - the landscaping is still left to Hispanic men, though.
Yes, isn't that interesting? Of course, there are legitimate exceptions but the rule is overplayed by HGTV. I guess HGTV is as fake as Disney. I am sure they would have Barbie renovating a house to flip for a huge profit while Ken sleeps in the backyard hammock.
They do have "Barbie" her name is Christina Hall and she was married to Tarek ElMoussa. They did a show called Flip or Flop. They got divorced and she got her own gig. I don't watch it but have seen the promos.
All valid points but the solution is a return to honoring and supporting the family - not to more taxpayer paid social programs. Social programs are not designed to solve problems. They're designed to provide guaranteed employment to kleptocrats.
Actually, social programs are designed to fail like every other government program. The problem is, even after they fail like every "Homeless" program, they continue to be funded.
So you know, in San Francisco, the SF Chronicle did an in-depth story about the massive failure of their "Housing for the Homeless" and drug interdiction programs and I was stunned at what I read, but not surprised. For example, over 90 percent of housing programs are run by family or friends of politicians ( called Nepotism in the real world). Junkies are given at least $1,000 in cash a month as they are considered "Disabled" AND free drugs, all because politicians want to be re-elected. There is NO other reason
Yep, to politicians, programs don’t fail because they are bad programs, they fail because we just didn’t throw enough money at them. It’s the universal rule of politics.
The failure of liberalism that this article points out so well is the notion that when we legislate equality liberals expect to receive equity, and the politicians play to that disparity. Equal opportunity has been defined by liberals as equal outcome.
The 1964 civil rights laws, and others that followed, destroyed the family unit by making men "optional" as the bread winner and being present in the home to help raise the kids. Families receiving benefits enabled the "optional" men to roam and keep producing other kids that the government would pay to raise. Dads (men) were invalidated by a welfare check.
Then, we have the liberalism of orchestrated division between men and women about equal pay and equal presence in the executive ranks. To Don's point, I guess women don't want to be roofers. More equity instead of equality; outcome instead of opportunity.
The destruction of America and society at large rests in destroying the family unit. Schools have become the surrogate parents, churches are dying and the teaching of life values has disappeared. Lastly, we have a liberal government writing ridiculous laws about things like hate crimes. If someone is willing to violate the law against you isn't it always a hate crime? The trickle-down of destruction continues.
"Equal opportunity has been defined by liberals as equal outcome..." except for them and their children. Examples: Congress and the World Economic Forum, controlled by old, billionaire fascists.
Your first paragraph is spot on. Equally to liberals means equal outcome. The reason we call them liberals today is because the term “delusional” had already been used.
Women are their own worst enemies. I’m a 66 year old chick and I’ve seen and experienced the duplicity and back-biting of women to the extent that I’ve developed a filter when I am getting to know a new female. Clearly, not all women are manipulative but far too many are. Even ‘friends’ who you think are on the up-and-up can reveal their game-playing in very weird ways, talking behind your back, back-handed compliments, white-lying, etc. Although men can also exhibit these traits more often than not, then tend to be straight shooters. Research has shown that women are more neurotic than men. No matter, it’s always good to keep your bullshit filter on.
As a women, I have always gotten along with guys better than girls for just that reason. So much so, I ended up in male dominated fields for 30 plus yrs and did quite well. IT mainly. The best compliment I got was from being treated like one of the guys. Or troubleshooting a problem in 15 min that had 2 guys stumped for 2 weeks. I miss it.
I hated the petty bullshit games women played and the back stabbing, lost 2 promotions because a female boss I thought was a mentor sabotaged me.
My ex-wife would have benefited from a professional relationship with you, if only to be confronted with one whose experience was different from hers - she was always convinced that her male co-workers were undermining her at every oppportunity.
To be honest, I was able to get the guys to see past that, and I didnt have to be a witch or slutty. It helped I was really good at my job and could keep up with them or best them. The ladies behind me had it easier because of that. Now that is not to say that some did try to sabotage me but usually it came out (they were not good techs to begin with) and then the rest that were ok gave them grief. But all my issues with promotions ect were from women.
Sure, we males appear to be getting the short end of the stick right now, but the pendulum can’t be going to the left forever. It’ll correct. I have 7 grandchildren, two of whom are girls. Not one of the boys feels he is being hard done by.
We’re guys…send a challenge our way and watch us try and overcome it, either individually or as part of a team…its kind of what we do. I bet most people think Testosterone is a violence inducing hormone. Its really a male social adhesive hormone…it’s what makes men men and what makes men work so well as a team, or as part of a hunting party or as part of a construction unit. Sure if violence is needed to achieve success it does that too but its real purpose is to get the job done!
I actually feel bad for what feminism has done to and for women.
Being a guy I was never anti-women. I hired people based on a lot of criteria but sex wasn’t one of them. My wife thinks there is a glass ceiling in too many pursuits. I have faced glass ceilings of a sort in my career many times and overcame them. It’s what guys call “a challenge”. I do believe women are the smarter of the two sexes overall. So why don’t they look at these perceived ceilings as challenges and overcome them with intelligence? A question that will never be answered.
Just as an exercise in pure logic, why would anyone who owns a business that wants to succeed, put a less qualified individual in a higher position over some one more qualified just because the person in question is a man.
If the answer is they wouldn’t than there is no glass ceiling (anymore).
Enter ESG: when you won’t get a bank loan or financing UNLESS you adhere to their dictats and quotas in hiring, or go bust. Forget the glass ceiling! Being “Qualified” - man or woman - means nothing anymore.
the new feminism that embraces Trans drives me insane. The whole idea originally was so that we could choose what we do, be it homemaker, a career, or both. The latest version of feminism is wiping out women and celebrating being reduced to a body part. It used to be celebrating women in all their forms, and as a full partner to men.
I read (and not that long ago either) that the real reason governments both large and small promoted ‘Feminism’ at all was by sending women into the workplace it doubled the tax revenue.
But regardless, I just sit back and watch. Lilith ate her own children and so does ‘feminism’. Guys in women’s spaces… hahaha!
I for the most part to laugh when it bites the liberals in the butt. However, most of the victims are children or the vulnerable. Like them putting rapists in the womens jails in CA, with all their equipment. The ones claiming to be trans to get access to more victims.
I am sorry segregate the Trans from everyone else. It is a blooming jail and they can do that. Those women in jail, 2/3 of them are victims of domestic violence or rape. Not to say they didnt do crimes to get them but they are already tramatized and they can not fight what is being perpetrated on them by the Government who is supposed to keep them safe while they pay for their crimes. They dont need Trans cell mates.
Remember the advice on understanding women - women do and they hate each other. And liberalism magnifies the worst tendencies of them. <jk>
More seriously, it gotten to the point many young men are refusing to consider marriage because of how badly they feel the deck is stacked. They won't help a woman or a child because they know all it takes is one accusation. I know men who lost their jobs because one woman said he made her feel uncomfortable. Didn't do anything or say anything, just made her feel. And under Biden, you can imagine the response when he tried to file a suit. He submitted several piles and recordings of evidence, the company basically said he's guilty because we decided so. Case dropped.
The problem you outlined well here is just a part of some folks plan to divide and control us. Nothing much is possible in terms of legislation when the country is relatively quiet and peaceful. But divide it, threaten our norms, create anarchy, and you can get a myriad of things passed into law. The question is, does the country understand that premise or not.
Exactly. The Marxists wanted a revolution, and you can't have a revolution in a country where the folks are happy and pretty unified. So they deliberately set out to divide, and Race was their primary vehicle. And it is so phony, because they deliberately ignore all the vast work and progress that has been done from the 60's on to overcome racism. They also ignore the gigantic, successful black middle class. In today's society, to try to pump up grievances about racism is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
The same song keeps replaying over and over again and we never take the time to listen and learn from it. The do-loop that keeps us in constant conflict perhaps🤪
IMO, it all started with a petticoat presbytery. One day, women somewhere demanded that churches elect women as elders. Dads, granddads, uncles and brothers just sat down and let them. Strong congregations had a better chance to hold off on it. For a while, anyway.
Although I'm a woman, I can frankly say that toxic femininity is rampant.
As expressed in politics, it is a woman feeling free to abandon reason and indulge in emotionalism, and then feel self-righteous about it--like being emotional is somehow a legitimate way to participate in politics.
I really feel for the plight of men today. The Marxists have done their best to neuter their most dangerous opponents--men. Any man who is feeling a pull to discouragement, to listlessness, to just withdrawing, to allowing their potential to be crushed, should maybe consider whether they are being affected by a hostile mental environment that has deliberately targeted them. What could really help with that is prayer, that listens to hear what God, not society, is saying to them about their value and preciousness, and let that clarity begin to break the subtle mesmeric influence that is trying to hold men down. Your balanced strength is marvelous and for the glory of God, not toxic.
'We' didn't get 'here' overnight. This has all been multiple decades in the making, so we will not get out of here overnight.
BUT I feel the tide IS shifting.
The question is, can all of us who see it - and who have seen it for quite some time - can we hold on long enough to see it come crashing down and be ground into the dustbin of history?
An even worse aspect of college sports is that even with the disparity in enrollment not enough girls join a team. This forces schools to cut some men's sports to even up the numbers. Wrestling goes away because even though it costs nothing, mats and headgear, it can have way more participants than say volleyball plus girls basketball plus ....
And the young women on the US Soccer Team and in the WNBA still whine that the men STILL get paid more than the women - because the men's soccer and basketball games draw much higher audiences. And remember, before the US Women's National Soccer Team went on to win the 2019 World Cup, they had their @$$es handed to them in an exhibition game by a boys' team (mostly 14 and 15-year-olds) at a Texas high school.
Megan Rapinoe needs a lesson in free market economics. If you draw the ticket holders you will earn a paycheck. If not, you need to find another day job.
Yeah, well, with the poor performance by the US Women's National Soccer Team this year in the World Cup games, I'm certain that Megan will need to find another job. She's getting old, anyway (I last heard that she's 37 but she looks like she's in her late 40's). Does she still have her modeling gig with Victoria's Secret?
Title IX is essentially dead and the left killed it. While I don’t approve of guys growing their hair long and competing on women’s teams, perhaps it’s just payback and a small part of the arc on the pendulum swinging the other way.
The name of the article was supposed to be about the failures of liberalism of which I am prepared to discuss, not the how's and why's of college life. College life would be terrific if students were prepared to obey and learn and NOT push an agenda by NON-students.
That being said, what about this comment: "She (A female prisoner) gets a book deal and sympathy on The View." Speaking of The View, there was a comment that Whoopi Goldberg was suffering from PTSD and THIS is the reason for the failure of liberalism. Goldberg lies SO MUCH that she doesn't know what to believe or who to trust and so her 'Feet of Clay' have NO solid belief in anything. Can anyone show me one honest soul in the Biden regime. KJP is beyond hope.
Whoopi Goldberg should be put out of her misery along with her other "joyful" associates, perhaps as a public service, have only seen snippets of the show cut out but I admire anyone with a brain that can endure such nonsense for any length of time.
I have never watched it and I never will. To see that fat ugly bitch Whoopi Goldberg taking up half my computer screen first thing in the morning almost made me Ralph.
The liberals are also trying to constantly sissify boys and create Girly-Man Kens. Those that successfully become young men and go to college must then keep from being brainwashed.into liberalism. To successfully navigate from boyz to men makes one mentally strong. No wonder they are trending conservative.
"The liberals are also trying to constantly sissify boys and create Girly-Man Kens..." or put them in girl's clothes, pump them up with estrogen and other female hormones, and turn them into fem eunuchs. I hope that the mothers who did this to their sons wind up in the Ninth Circle of Hell.
Years ago, Harley-Davidson transmissions went from four gears to six, for the purpose of attracting more female riders.
Sadly, H-D is part of the problem in that regard.
Then they went Electric and had to add the Vroom Vroom noise because no one was buying the electric bikes. Oh and they went to Chinese parts yrs ago and now the bikes fall apart and need maintenance before they come off the showroom floor.
If I crack a gear tooth in third, I can go from second to fourth since they are now closer, at least long enough to comfortably get to the dealer. With four gears that'll risk clutch issues. Six speeds also probably puts the trans more compactly into the engine's torque curve.
Japanese bikes have five or six speeds if memory serves.
There might be more reasons than just getting ladies to buy the product.
As long as fruit Colon Kirkpatrick remains a viable alternative to real athletes, I am doubtful of what lies ahead.
But he really isn’t Tony, not anymore. He had his little hissy fit, had his tempest in a teapot, had hey everybody look at me no hands moment and where is he.
If the 13% think he and Lizzo (smh) are where it’s at can you really be surprised. Our kids, if you get my drift, don’t care anymore!
C'mon you guys and gals, I tried to crack a funny no one got it. His first name is spelled C-O-L-I-N. I spelled it C-O-L-O-N cuz I think he is an asshole.
I've been using colon for him so long I didn't think it was a typo.
And his last name is Kaepernick -- where did Kirkpatrick fit into the funny?
I eat and poop like everyone else and that Includes making mistakes.
Oh. Sorry -- I thought it was another part of the humor.
I got it but I thought it was part of your witty tepartee
Like Colon Powell
Yep, he has made more millions from endorsements than his average talent as a Q-back would ever have given him. He is the national poster boy for the definition of “tool”.
A white man's "niggah"
For a second I thought you were referring to Colon Powell, killed in Viet Nam died years later agent orange, no matter what it says on the death certificate.
I think we can add Bill Barr to the list of girly men. I recall being at a restaurant about a year ago, and, heading to the loo, walked by a table that featured Paul Ryan. I often think of how I might have leapt across the table to bloody his nose.
All this male-bashing will disappear instantly when either the entire electrical grid goes down after we get hit by a solar flare or when the Chinese invade. Miraculously, men will be needed again. But it won't be pretty.
The Chinese don't need to invade so long as the corrupt whore Joe Biden remains in office.
All they have to do is hang back while we destroy ourselves then step into the void created by our implosion.
Sun Tzu to the nth degree.
I don't agree with your opinion and here is why. It is assumed that either or both, Russia and/or China would attack the west coast. All your biggest ports are on the west coast AND all of them have huge homeless populations. If attacked, not even liberal politicians would just stand there while millions of their voters get massacred.
Won’t come to that; neither China nor Russia needs to invade. Neither has the inclination & only China has the troops though no experience in amphibious warfare. The U.S. is collapsing in on itself economically, spiritually, & culturally. All they need do is stand back & let it happen.
China can't afford to wait. The Chinese were taught a very expensive lesson around the turn of the century when they tried to float their version of the petro-dollar. I haven't heard that they have improved their refining capacities although they have the most on oil reserves. They have no choice but to go on the offensive believing no one would come to our aid. If that happens while either Biden or Harris are in office, their thinking may be correct.
Firstly who “assumes” China would invade the west coast? Outside of the typical neocons harping (to expand the Pentagon budget yet again) for another war with both China & Russia who’s saying this? Col Douglas MacGregor ( ) is well-schooled in the military arts & is a frequent contributor to the state of military affairs both in the Russo-Ukraine War & the Taiwan situation. He is on record that Ukraine has already lost this war & he sees China as flexing muscle without pulling the trigger because they don’t need to. His prediction is that Taiwan will want to unify with China over economic matters. If China were going to engage in an amphibious war Taiwan would be first on the hit list not the U.S., besides how are they going to mount the logistical behemoth of moving supplies & ammunition for field armies of (@ least) roughly 1,978,848 [general rule of thumb is an attacking force must possess a 3-to-1 advantage over a defending force; current U.S. Army & USMC total 659, 616. All that is not raw combat power but for the sake of argument let’s go with that) men + armor & fuel clear across the Pacific amidst a U.S. submarine force? In military operations logistics is everything. It became the bane of the German Wehrmacht first on the Eastern Front by November 1941; it was the main reason Rommel wasn’t able to destroy the British 8th Army in North Africa; it’s what prevented the German counterattack that was intended to drive the Operation Overlord forces of D-Day into the sea. The U.S. doesn’t have the manufacturing base to turn out military hardware like it did in 1941-45. Those factories were shipped to Mexico & -ironically - China by presidents of both parties. They’re shipping cluster bombs to Ukraine since - by Bai Den’s admission - we’re out of everything else. According to Col MacGregor - & other military veterans - the U.S. is unable to wage a peer-to-peer conflict @ this time. Besides, the exchange would would well go nuclear long before any Chinese troops hit the Santa Monica beaches. It’s not 1944 anymore. Plus trust the Chinese know that if they invaded the U.S., they’d be instigating the greatest, most savage guerrilla conflict in history because the American people own guns. It would be a guerrilla war without end. It’s often said that Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto cautioned against an invasion of the U.S. after Pearl Harbor for precisely that reason. If China & Russia with BRICS can de-dollarize the world’s economy as the world’s reserve currency China & Russia will have won. They can win & become major world players on the cheap simply be replacing the dollar as world reserve currency (precisely what FDR did to Great Britain during the war: replaced the Pound as the reserve currency with the dollar). The U.S. economy will be destroyed. That process is already in the works. They don’t have to physically go to war. Time is on their side. The hapless, ignorant morons in the WH & DC now either don’t know this/don’t care/don’t have the capacity to comprehend it.
To put it more bluntly, the DC “elites” couldn’t find their gluteus Maximus even if they used both hands.
They are patient.
If they do, picture the scene from independence Day where the people are gathered on the roofs to welcome the anhilators.
I was on a work trip to Paris when that came out. My coworkers went to the theater and stood up and cheered when Paris was demolished. I thought they were going to cause an international incident. Course this was 25 yrs ago.
Interesting point. Men by and large are the DOERS so they are essential when things need to be done (or fixed). Hopefully, we will be civilized enough to organize our testosterone if a survival event to which you refer happens. Will we organize or individually hunker down in our houses to fight off the looters and the ill-prepared?
Well, HGTV would have you believe otherwise. Per its programming lineup, only women gut, renovate, and rehab homes, repair and install plumbing, lay flooring and floor tile, hang drywall, and do the electrical work - the landscaping is still left to Hispanic men, though.
Yes, isn't that interesting? Of course, there are legitimate exceptions but the rule is overplayed by HGTV. I guess HGTV is as fake as Disney. I am sure they would have Barbie renovating a house to flip for a huge profit while Ken sleeps in the backyard hammock.
EVERY BIT as fake as Disney.
The dental office I frequent ALWAYS has these shows on the TVs.
They do have "Barbie" her name is Christina Hall and she was married to Tarek ElMoussa. They did a show called Flip or Flop. They got divorced and she got her own gig. I don't watch it but have seen the promos.
First we hunker down and get organized and secure our families, then we will organize like minded people to survive long term.
Right on target my friend. Can’t wait until all those Kens wake up and find out work gloves don’t come in designer colors.
Hah! That made my day!
All the Chinese or Putin needs to do is put an EMP in the midwest. It will take down the electric grid, and blow the ones on the coast from shock.
This is what keeps me stocking up on staples.
All valid points but the solution is a return to honoring and supporting the family - not to more taxpayer paid social programs. Social programs are not designed to solve problems. They're designed to provide guaranteed employment to kleptocrats.
Actually, social programs are designed to fail like every other government program. The problem is, even after they fail like every "Homeless" program, they continue to be funded.
The more those programs fail, the more they get funded and the more funding they get.
So you know, in San Francisco, the SF Chronicle did an in-depth story about the massive failure of their "Housing for the Homeless" and drug interdiction programs and I was stunned at what I read, but not surprised. For example, over 90 percent of housing programs are run by family or friends of politicians ( called Nepotism in the real world). Junkies are given at least $1,000 in cash a month as they are considered "Disabled" AND free drugs, all because politicians want to be re-elected. There is NO other reason
Yep, to politicians, programs don’t fail because they are bad programs, they fail because we just didn’t throw enough money at them. It’s the universal rule of politics.
Bingo! I too agree the family unit is also the core to a healthy vibrant and productive society!
…plus to make sure the problem not only gets worse, but will last through perpetuity!
The failure of liberalism that this article points out so well is the notion that when we legislate equality liberals expect to receive equity, and the politicians play to that disparity. Equal opportunity has been defined by liberals as equal outcome.
The 1964 civil rights laws, and others that followed, destroyed the family unit by making men "optional" as the bread winner and being present in the home to help raise the kids. Families receiving benefits enabled the "optional" men to roam and keep producing other kids that the government would pay to raise. Dads (men) were invalidated by a welfare check.
Then, we have the liberalism of orchestrated division between men and women about equal pay and equal presence in the executive ranks. To Don's point, I guess women don't want to be roofers. More equity instead of equality; outcome instead of opportunity.
The destruction of America and society at large rests in destroying the family unit. Schools have become the surrogate parents, churches are dying and the teaching of life values has disappeared. Lastly, we have a liberal government writing ridiculous laws about things like hate crimes. If someone is willing to violate the law against you isn't it always a hate crime? The trickle-down of destruction continues.
"Equal opportunity has been defined by liberals as equal outcome..." except for them and their children. Examples: Congress and the World Economic Forum, controlled by old, billionaire fascists.
Your first paragraph is spot on. Equally to liberals means equal outcome. The reason we call them liberals today is because the term “delusional” had already been used.
Women are their own worst enemies. I’m a 66 year old chick and I’ve seen and experienced the duplicity and back-biting of women to the extent that I’ve developed a filter when I am getting to know a new female. Clearly, not all women are manipulative but far too many are. Even ‘friends’ who you think are on the up-and-up can reveal their game-playing in very weird ways, talking behind your back, back-handed compliments, white-lying, etc. Although men can also exhibit these traits more often than not, then tend to be straight shooters. Research has shown that women are more neurotic than men. No matter, it’s always good to keep your bullshit filter on.
As a women, I have always gotten along with guys better than girls for just that reason. So much so, I ended up in male dominated fields for 30 plus yrs and did quite well. IT mainly. The best compliment I got was from being treated like one of the guys. Or troubleshooting a problem in 15 min that had 2 guys stumped for 2 weeks. I miss it.
I hated the petty bullshit games women played and the back stabbing, lost 2 promotions because a female boss I thought was a mentor sabotaged me.
My ex-wife would have benefited from a professional relationship with you, if only to be confronted with one whose experience was different from hers - she was always convinced that her male co-workers were undermining her at every oppportunity.
To be honest, I was able to get the guys to see past that, and I didnt have to be a witch or slutty. It helped I was really good at my job and could keep up with them or best them. The ladies behind me had it easier because of that. Now that is not to say that some did try to sabotage me but usually it came out (they were not good techs to begin with) and then the rest that were ok gave them grief. But all my issues with promotions ect were from women.
My bullshit filter is always on but usually clogged up beyond function due to what we digest from media everyday. I need a bigger filter!
Sure, we males appear to be getting the short end of the stick right now, but the pendulum can’t be going to the left forever. It’ll correct. I have 7 grandchildren, two of whom are girls. Not one of the boys feels he is being hard done by.
We’re guys…send a challenge our way and watch us try and overcome it, either individually or as part of a team…its kind of what we do. I bet most people think Testosterone is a violence inducing hormone. Its really a male social adhesive hormone…it’s what makes men men and what makes men work so well as a team, or as part of a hunting party or as part of a construction unit. Sure if violence is needed to achieve success it does that too but its real purpose is to get the job done!
I actually feel bad for what feminism has done to and for women.
The Pendulum swings!
Being a guy I was never anti-women. I hired people based on a lot of criteria but sex wasn’t one of them. My wife thinks there is a glass ceiling in too many pursuits. I have faced glass ceilings of a sort in my career many times and overcame them. It’s what guys call “a challenge”. I do believe women are the smarter of the two sexes overall. So why don’t they look at these perceived ceilings as challenges and overcome them with intelligence? A question that will never be answered.
Just as an exercise in pure logic, why would anyone who owns a business that wants to succeed, put a less qualified individual in a higher position over some one more qualified just because the person in question is a man.
If the answer is they wouldn’t than there is no glass ceiling (anymore).
Enter ESG: when you won’t get a bank loan or financing UNLESS you adhere to their dictats and quotas in hiring, or go bust. Forget the glass ceiling! Being “Qualified” - man or woman - means nothing anymore.
You are talking about merit and that has gone by the wayside a long time ago. Now it is nepotism or quotas.
I am sorry, I do NOT want quotas on who my doctors or my pilots are.
Agreed, but the left cannot have that because it eliminates their victim base. So on and on it goes.
“Victim base”—good term.
the new feminism that embraces Trans drives me insane. The whole idea originally was so that we could choose what we do, be it homemaker, a career, or both. The latest version of feminism is wiping out women and celebrating being reduced to a body part. It used to be celebrating women in all their forms, and as a full partner to men.
I read (and not that long ago either) that the real reason governments both large and small promoted ‘Feminism’ at all was by sending women into the workplace it doubled the tax revenue.
But regardless, I just sit back and watch. Lilith ate her own children and so does ‘feminism’. Guys in women’s spaces… hahaha!
I for the most part to laugh when it bites the liberals in the butt. However, most of the victims are children or the vulnerable. Like them putting rapists in the womens jails in CA, with all their equipment. The ones claiming to be trans to get access to more victims.
I am sorry segregate the Trans from everyone else. It is a blooming jail and they can do that. Those women in jail, 2/3 of them are victims of domestic violence or rape. Not to say they didnt do crimes to get them but they are already tramatized and they can not fight what is being perpetrated on them by the Government who is supposed to keep them safe while they pay for their crimes. They dont need Trans cell mates.
Remember the advice on understanding women - women do and they hate each other. And liberalism magnifies the worst tendencies of them. <jk>
More seriously, it gotten to the point many young men are refusing to consider marriage because of how badly they feel the deck is stacked. They won't help a woman or a child because they know all it takes is one accusation. I know men who lost their jobs because one woman said he made her feel uncomfortable. Didn't do anything or say anything, just made her feel. And under Biden, you can imagine the response when he tried to file a suit. He submitted several piles and recordings of evidence, the company basically said he's guilty because we decided so. Case dropped.
HR bloated w women, the busybody department…
Yes-- this is a serious problem. Busybody and bossy, and pushing DEI.
Actually, not just women, but black American women. I can attest to this first hand.
The problem you outlined well here is just a part of some folks plan to divide and control us. Nothing much is possible in terms of legislation when the country is relatively quiet and peaceful. But divide it, threaten our norms, create anarchy, and you can get a myriad of things passed into law. The question is, does the country understand that premise or not.
Exactly. The Marxists wanted a revolution, and you can't have a revolution in a country where the folks are happy and pretty unified. So they deliberately set out to divide, and Race was their primary vehicle. And it is so phony, because they deliberately ignore all the vast work and progress that has been done from the 60's on to overcome racism. They also ignore the gigantic, successful black middle class. In today's society, to try to pump up grievances about racism is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
The same song keeps replaying over and over again and we never take the time to listen and learn from it. The do-loop that keeps us in constant conflict perhaps🤪
The Dem playbook is to create problems, and then make them worse.
It comes naturally for them. No moral basis whatsoever.
IMO, it all started with a petticoat presbytery. One day, women somewhere demanded that churches elect women as elders. Dads, granddads, uncles and brothers just sat down and let them. Strong congregations had a better chance to hold off on it. For a while, anyway.
Churches are mirrors of society - both good and bad.
Interesting. Hadn’t thought about that before.
Although I'm a woman, I can frankly say that toxic femininity is rampant.
As expressed in politics, it is a woman feeling free to abandon reason and indulge in emotionalism, and then feel self-righteous about it--like being emotional is somehow a legitimate way to participate in politics.
I really feel for the plight of men today. The Marxists have done their best to neuter their most dangerous opponents--men. Any man who is feeling a pull to discouragement, to listlessness, to just withdrawing, to allowing their potential to be crushed, should maybe consider whether they are being affected by a hostile mental environment that has deliberately targeted them. What could really help with that is prayer, that listens to hear what God, not society, is saying to them about their value and preciousness, and let that clarity begin to break the subtle mesmeric influence that is trying to hold men down. Your balanced strength is marvelous and for the glory of God, not toxic.
'We' didn't get 'here' overnight. This has all been multiple decades in the making, so we will not get out of here overnight.
BUT I feel the tide IS shifting.
The question is, can all of us who see it - and who have seen it for quite some time - can we hold on long enough to see it come crashing down and be ground into the dustbin of history?
It sure would be satisfying to watch!!
An even worse aspect of college sports is that even with the disparity in enrollment not enough girls join a team. This forces schools to cut some men's sports to even up the numbers. Wrestling goes away because even though it costs nothing, mats and headgear, it can have way more participants than say volleyball plus girls basketball plus ....
And the young women on the US Soccer Team and in the WNBA still whine that the men STILL get paid more than the women - because the men's soccer and basketball games draw much higher audiences. And remember, before the US Women's National Soccer Team went on to win the 2019 World Cup, they had their @$$es handed to them in an exhibition game by a boys' team (mostly 14 and 15-year-olds) at a Texas high school.
Megan Rapinoe needs a lesson in free market economics. If you draw the ticket holders you will earn a paycheck. If not, you need to find another day job.
Yeah, well, with the poor performance by the US Women's National Soccer Team this year in the World Cup games, I'm certain that Megan will need to find another job. She's getting old, anyway (I last heard that she's 37 but she looks like she's in her late 40's). Does she still have her modeling gig with Victoria's Secret?
IMO, Some people, other than parents, watch for the sport. All everyone else talk about is T & A. (ref. A Chorus Line broadway musical)
Title IX is just one more example of the maxim that the government screws up EVERYTHING it gets involved in or promises to "fix".
Title IX is essentially dead and the left killed it. While I don’t approve of guys growing their hair long and competing on women’s teams, perhaps it’s just payback and a small part of the arc on the pendulum swinging the other way.
The name of the article was supposed to be about the failures of liberalism of which I am prepared to discuss, not the how's and why's of college life. College life would be terrific if students were prepared to obey and learn and NOT push an agenda by NON-students.
That being said, what about this comment: "She (A female prisoner) gets a book deal and sympathy on The View." Speaking of The View, there was a comment that Whoopi Goldberg was suffering from PTSD and THIS is the reason for the failure of liberalism. Goldberg lies SO MUCH that she doesn't know what to believe or who to trust and so her 'Feet of Clay' have NO solid belief in anything. Can anyone show me one honest soul in the Biden regime. KJP is beyond hope.
Whoopi Goldberg should be put out of her misery along with her other "joyful" associates, perhaps as a public service, have only seen snippets of the show cut out but I admire anyone with a brain that can endure such nonsense for any length of time.
The View is the sickest show on TV.
I have never watched it and I never will. To see that fat ugly bitch Whoopi Goldberg taking up half my computer screen first thing in the morning almost made me Ralph.
Ralph! I've only ever heard my son call it that. He's 51 and more conservative, if possible, than I am.