But he really isn’t Tony, not anymore. He had his little hissy fit, had his tempest in a teapot, had hey everybody look at me no hands moment and where is he.
If the 13% think he and Lizzo (smh) are where it’s at can you really be surprised. Our kids, if you get my drift, don’t care anymore!
But he really isn’t Tony, not anymore. He had his little hissy fit, had his tempest in a teapot, had hey everybody look at me no hands moment and where is he.
If the 13% think he and Lizzo (smh) are where it’s at can you really be surprised. Our kids, if you get my drift, don’t care anymore!
C'mon you guys and gals, I tried to crack a funny no one got it. His first name is spelled C-O-L-I-N. I spelled it C-O-L-O-N cuz I think he is an asshole.
But he really isn’t Tony, not anymore. He had his little hissy fit, had his tempest in a teapot, had hey everybody look at me no hands moment and where is he.
If the 13% think he and Lizzo (smh) are where it’s at can you really be surprised. Our kids, if you get my drift, don’t care anymore!
C'mon you guys and gals, I tried to crack a funny no one got it. His first name is spelled C-O-L-I-N. I spelled it C-O-L-O-N cuz I think he is an asshole.
I've been using colon for him so long I didn't think it was a typo.
And his last name is Kaepernick -- where did Kirkpatrick fit into the funny?
I eat and poop like everyone else and that Includes making mistakes.
Oh. Sorry -- I thought it was another part of the humor.
I got it but I thought it was part of your witty tepartee
Like Colon Powell