Late seeing this but adorable kids! I'm so thankful that Donald Trump won and that it was both the Electoral College and the popular vote what a blessing God has given this country and world.

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For the best Kimche you need a stuffed Big Bird for added flavor. Kids love it.

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Cute kids, Don!

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Thank God!

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I can appreciate your joy with the grand children, I now have six grand and seven great grandkids

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Cute pictures and video.

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Lovely Grandkids, Don. Anyway, I didn't stay up to watch the election news - I just couldn't bear to watch it. But when I woke up at 3:20 this morning, I checked the PJMedia page on my smartphone and, Glory Be! Not only did Trump win, but the Republicans gained control of the Senate - no packing the Supreme Court, no new onerous taxes on our property and bank accounts. Donald Trump and this nation are truly under God's protection.

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So when do we start rounding up the democrats to send them to the reeducation camps? lol.

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Remember Remember

Always Remember The Fifth of November!

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Night Poem) Lyrics

"Remember, remember!

The fifth of November,

The Gunpowder treason and plot;

I know of no reason

Why the Gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot!

Guy Fawkes and his companions

Did the scheme contrive,

To blow the King and Parliament

All up alive."

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I love the smell of schadenfreude in the morning

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You make my day.

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I wasn’t looking forward to this day, but now I feel unburdened by what has been. 😆

Your grands are adorable. Such a fun age!

As I watch my younger son’s four kids, ages 3-14, interact with one another - telling the other what to do, taking a toy or bargaining for it, helping the other, hugging the other - I think they won’t be easily triggered and feel the need for safe spaces. It’s a beautiful thing to observe. Families should have more kids if possible. And couples should have kids instead of only animals. I tell them a pet won’t take care of you in your old age.

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Grandparents are the evolutionary genetic winners. We should all be grateful.

(Not like the whining childless cat ladies.) Pets are nice, but they’re not kids.

S. Korea has the fewest kids in the world right now, I wonder what reason the Korean Surbers would give for that fact?

Also happy that Trump seems to have won.

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I’m already feeling safe again. I hope you rest well tonight. An incredible job well done.

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