Hitlery isn't clueless. She just thinks we are.

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A physically and morally unattractive whore of Babylon.

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I think of her as Jezebel, Queen of Israel and wife of King Ahab who attempted to have the prophet, Elijah, killed. "And the dogs shall eat Jezebel in the territory of Jezreel, and none shall bury her.” II Kings 9: 10 English Standard Version. Me, I would hope that it would be done by coyotes; we have them roaming in the west and south suburbs of Chicago.

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Hello friends. Today is my final day of grief this year. October 8th is 15th anniversary of my 1st wife. I was blessed to be lightly pursued until I realized she was exactly what I desired. I wanted a woman who took life and ministry seriously would still was fun to be with. I also wanted a wife whose family supported me whether or not they loved me. On August 17th of 2008, we celebrated our 40th anniversary. On October 8th Lynn passed away after a 15-year battle with cancer and other debilitating problems. During her long struggle she's still was my right arm and social director secretary finance manager etc. I did not realize how much she did for me until after she passed away.

Many of you are aware that recently my second wife Mary passed away on August 2nd. Her 74th birthday was on September 28th. I now have lost two wives to death.

My emotions have definitely been subdued after Mary's death. If I were to use a scale of 1 to 10 I would say they were around three to four for the last 2 months. Today my heart has been lifted even during grief to six.

Thanks to the prayers support and comfort of God my friends and my family I feel I've been greatly blessed.

Thank you for your prayers. I am looking forward to this new stage in my life. I am a child of God. Because of that I am not alone.

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Boy does this need editing. Today is October 13. Yesterday was the 12th which was the 15th anniversary of my 1st wife's death.

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I am so sorry for your grievous losses. May they rest in peace and you be comforted. No, you are not alone. Benedictiones Dei sint super vos.

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Coyotes, really? Surprising but as scavengers it makes sense. They might think about getting Lori Lightfoot to snack on. LOL

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Nah, even scavengers have standards

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True. I mean Hilary is a fat drunk and a diabetic. That she continues on her current lifestyle shows that she not only DOESN'T care about what is left of her supporters, but herself as well. Why the media continues to cover her is beyond me.

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Hillary always a favorite of mine, NOT Every time name mentioned I look for dead bodies. Seth Rich? Have you considered that JFKjr's death in plane at night relying on instrumentation was no accident, as they contested for Senate seat in NY? Ron Brown, Sec of Commerce military plane, at night, flew into side of mountain? Hell she's evil as hell.

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JFKjr was flying a plane he was not qualified or licensed to fly. He was also flying in fog which is a no-no for even an experienced pilot. I am not taking sides but going with the information I had at the time. Ron Brown and Seth Rich, you may have something there, but the evidence just isn't there. I am in no way defending Ms. Hilary, but from what I read, their deaths were indeed suspicious.

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I understand your comments and feelings but JFK Jr was simply a young low hour pilot flying a plane he had little experience with and he committed the cardinal sin of flying: he deviated from his flight plan by taking off too late, convincing himself he was a better pilot than he was and that the VFR conditions were still within the margin of safety for a pilot of his experience. He killed himself and two others because of his arrogance. As for the other deaths, they are circumstantial unless you have information different than what I have. I hate conspiracy theories, even those involving the Clintons. But I agree with you on one thing: the Clintons are pure evil.

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Because they worship her.

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From a Bible standpoint, I always considered her to be the Biblical Harlot. There is nothing she won't do for money.

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Hillary and money? Which story to begin with?

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They do and that is the root of all the current rage of the left - Trump and we voters had the temerity to deny her her coronation.

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And not a one of Clintons cult of followers could tell you what she has done to make life better in America.

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I'd say instead they share her views as they all come from the same corrupt cesspool.

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Take away the pulpit. The Left can't seem to do that. Clinton, Obama. Carville... they live and die by the old hacks. Much like the RINO remnants.

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Saw Carville (who even looks like a devil) on a video the w/equally nauseating Bill Maher, noting how he once went to a Trump rally and said he could not help but feel superior to the all the Trump rubes gathered there, to which Maher wholeheartedly concurred.

These people are manifestly evil, possessed of a hubris that defies description. They are “poster images” and the living embodiment of reprobate.

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Yep, like the Bushies who call that witch "amazing".

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Imagine what kind of mind that is.

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Easy one, "for the money the clicks bring".

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Great minds think alike. I posted basically the same thing w/o seeing your post.

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Great minds do think alike. Hillary/Vince Foster. Obama/his chef.

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Agreed, she’s not clueless. She’s clued in. She plays dumb but is diabolical.

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Good way to put it.

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Thank you Don Surber, this is a very damning article. It seems to me that every time the Federal government sets about to "solve" a problem, they do not merely fail solve the problem, they create a whole set of new problems to solve, which they also never solve.

The problem is that the federal government cannot solve problems or they would work themselves out of jobs. In order for government workers to survive, they MUST NOT solve any problem at all. They must APPEAR to be solving problems.

Here is a zoom call with federal workers discussing revolution:


Congress hasn't passed a budget since 2007. They are, in Sundance's words, a Potemkin Village. Their jobs are to pretend to Americans that they are doing something. Everything they do is pretend.

The Fascist Bureau of Investigation pretends to investigate criminal threats to America by prioritizing white supremacists. By that they mean anyone who voted for Trump or plans to vote for Trump.

The Department of Homeland Insecurity pretends to secure the homeland by allowing an invasion of millions of unvetted people through what used to be our southern border.

The Department of Injustice pretends to bring criminals to justice by charging the former President with bogus crimes in the hopes that he won't be able to be elected President.

The Department of Agriculture and the FDA which are supposed to regulate Agriculture has no apparent plan to prevent mRNA vaccines from entering the food supply through produce, milk, or "vaccinating" farm animals.

The FDA which is supposed to regulate food and drugs gave the green light to a biochemical weapon to be used on the innocent American public calling it a "vaccine."

The Center for Disease Creation which is supposed to help in the prevention of communicable diseases actually helped in the spread of a coronavirus which had been manipulated in a lab in China. They did so by gain of function which increased the virus's transmissibility. In addition, giving the so-called vaccine in the midst of a so-called pandemic created increasingly rapid mutations that were immune to the so-called vaccine.

The Intelligence Community which is meant to provide intelligence for the President on foreign threats, provides intelligence to the President on Americans who disagree with the President and constitute an internal threat to the political aspirations of said President. It uses the intelligence gained to bribe and coerce judges, businessmen, Chief Justices, and thousands of Americans, including Donald Trump and members of his family.

From this we can conclude that our federal government exists for its own power, cares not about the citizens of this country which pay their wages, and is determined to keep their power no matter how much they damage and destroy Americans.

What started in 1776 as a war fought for human liberty has ended in 2023 in a totalitarian attempt to snuff out the light of human liberty. But a people that once new liberty is not the same as people in a country who NEVER experienced liberty. The yearning for liberty is a strong part of many Americans still alive today. It is that light of liberty that we must pass on to our children and grandchildren, and hold onto during these dark times.

Thank you to Don Surber and all of you readers who support that light of liberty.

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Eve, what a great commentary in response to this article. You've pretty much captured my sentiments on our present failing state of the federal government. However, we must not give up as your article has reminded me. Forever more when I think of these federal bureaucracies, I will remember that they're all really Department of PRETEND. I loved that.

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And we either pack it in and give up or dismantle it. The fact of the matter as you state so well is that the government at this point does not serve the people. It punishes the people, and by the people I mean productive Americans who pay the taxes and their families. I don't mean the corrupt blowhards in Congress or the welfare lottery winners.

A lot of smart people think the country is basically doomed at this point and that its better to get out of Dodge, move to Costa Rica, Mexico, Dubai or Singapore, and call it a day. I understand their rationale, and some days I feel that way too. But it's really not a solution. Once the USA goes down, there is no place to go that resembles what we all remember.

We need to slash the Leviathan. The government could be 1/3-1/2 its size and fulfill its functions. A lot of extraneous, unconstitutional functions should be eliminated anyway. Waste, fraud, and abuse should be pursued and prosecuted. We have to do it. We have to fix it. Nobody in Washington wants to fix it.

Loathsome Hillary Clinton personifies all the corruption, evil, and condescension in Washington, DC. She's the Mafia spokeswoman for the Mob. Nothing irritates me more than seeing these sleazy criminals stealing from the nation while they look down their noses at honorable people trying to make an honest living and raise their families correctly. She and her trashbag husband represent the moment when corruption in DC went on turbo.

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I agree with you on all points, Tanto Minchiata.

I believe that liberty loving Americans would be willing to help in any way they could in bringing the federal government to a manageable size.

It seems to me that one of the problems we would encounter is that while the Constitution started with giving the Federal government only specific enumerated powers, the progressive project that started with T. Roosevelt and reached its first apex with FD Roosevelt, involved changing the laws to include various other powers.

I am not a lawyer nor a constitutional scholar, and have not done the research to understand which laws and when passed, but right now our federal bureaucracy rests on a foundation of complex legislation MOST OF WHICH IS UNKNOWN TO AMERICANS AND FOR THAT REASON ALONE IS A PROBLEM.

One example of this is that during Reagan's term of office, the vaccine manufacturers threatened to stop manufacturing vaccines because they were getting sued too much. Congress then passed legislation (with a gun to their heads) to indemnify pharmaceutical companies which manufactured vaccines from having to pay liability costs. Now we see the incredible damage that just that one piece of legislation has caused. Vaccine manufacturers have no penalties for harmful drugs.

But that's not all: from that point on, a series of laws had been passed, the most recent of which was the PREP act. These laws worked together to make it legal for the US government to develop a biological, chemical, and radiological weapons program. In addition to that, the legislation allowed the government to purchase "medical countermeasures" in time of a national medical emergency. These medical countermeasures are not considered drugs and do not fall under any regulatory authority whatsoever. In fact, the "medical countermeasure" used in the COVID emergency was a gene therapy never tested for any length of time on humans (because this wasn't required) and has turned out to be, in fact, a biochemical weapon used on Americans.

The point I am making is that there are laws on the books that make this whole program "legal" and make it impossible to sue for damages to the human beings who have been sickened or died as a result of these shots.

We have many such laws in place in the federal government which have the combined effect of cancelling the US Constitution.

I honestly don't know how conservative Supreme Court Justices can live with themselves given this state of affairs. In our lifetimes we have seen our country go from periods of calm to periods of conflict. We have lived through assassinations and wars, but most of the time we all worked hard and hoped Congress was doing its job.

Now we have awakened to a country we barely recognize, it is a police state, in which the system of justice is being used to destroy the system of justice.

I only hope there are patriots who understand the constitution and the legal system enough to propose legal solutions to what has become a HIDDEN legal system. Along with that, there is a hidden accounting system in the government that hides trillions of dollars of off the books expenses. But that is for another time. If interested, go to Catherine Austin Fitts' website, https://www.Solari.com

Then there will be the problem of the those who work in and are part of the deep state not wanting to lose their jobs and how they will decide to prevent any reform. How Congress will act we don't know, but right now democrats and RINOs outnumber MAGA Republicans so if that stays the same, I am pretty sure Congress will do nothing other than pretend.

I am not trying to be negative, I am trying to think realistically about how such a massive change could take place: what are the obstacles? and what can be done about them?

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Perfectly articulated. Shadow laws, shadow government. Sunlight needs to be cast upon them. How is the question.

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What awaits Patriots is a long hard slog through a swamp filled with vipers of all persuasions from pols to judicial endorsed by deep state and msm.

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We ar pretty much the last generation to have even been taught about the Constitution.

Those coming up behind us have scant knowledge, nevermind understanding of just how this Republic was designed to operate.

And it’s not just our government: it is pretty much the entire Western world that has gone stark raving mad.

It is all going to come crashing down, either all at once or as a result of a series of major worldwide calamitous events.

What comes after will be horrific for whoever’s left alive.

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Suzie with a part of me I agree with you. Another part of me thinks that if our generation sticks together, we can and must overturn those who wish to enslave us.

It is one thing to enslave people who never knew liberty. This is the problem that the Russian people have: they have lived under the thumb of the Czars for centuries, and then under the Soviet totalitarianism. There is no shared history of liberty as an ideal. Their only ideal is of the "collective."

Since we know liberty, no one can confuse us and make us think we are free if we see we are not free. If we see they are using the law to destroy the legal system, we see it. We are watching them.

It is only a matter of time until We The People will have had enough of the government-corporate fusion.

For instance, in the past, we could count on the fact that businesses always wanted to please their customers. That kept businesses wanting to improve, and it kept them responsive to the customer. Once businesses get big enough, losing a customer or even a lot of them doesn't matter to them. They no longer care about pleasing the customer. Bud Light had a bad experience, but there are a LOT of big companies that don't feel they have to please the customer. Think BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard who own them all.

The federal government also takes this approach. If the federal government is small, it must be responsive to the people. Once it gets to be a certain size, the citizenry aren't even on their radar screen anymore. They feel empowered to ride roughshod over citizens because there is no penalty for doing so. They waste time, money, commit fraud, abuse the taxpayer because the taxpayer doesn't matter at all anymore.

The federal government including all 3 branches is literally unhinged and completely disconnected from the people. They have forgotten the reason they are there: to serve the people, and serve, instead, themselves. The federal government and both parties are involved in trillion dollar money laundering schemes which pay themselves off by being in forever wars in many parts of the globe. If the Pentagon is $4 trillion dollars short, well, a plane can crash into the Pentagon Accounting office and that is the end of that issue.

This Obama Biden government gave $148 billion to the Palestinians weeks before the attack on Israel.

"After the Trump administration and congress cut off foreign aid to the terrorist areas in the West Bank and Gaza, the number of terrorist attacks dropped sharply. So did the casualties. In all of 2020, only THREE Israelis were killed.< (emphasis mine)


In 2021, when Biden restored aid to the terrorists, Israeli casualties shot up 900%.

They have since consistently risen every year Biden was in office, up another 82% from 2021 to 2022. Even before the horrifying atrocities of the conclusion of the Jewish High Holy Days, twice as many Israelis had been killed in one month of Biden than in one year of Trump."



What we Americans must understand about our government is that at this point in time there is little difference between Iran, Hamas, and our government. OUR GOVERNMENT IS THE FUNDING SOURCE for all the violence against Jews and Israelis.

Let that sink in.

American taxpayers are paying for the death and destruction of babies and other innocent beings by terrorist monsters.

That is just how perverse the Obama Biden administration is. We must get the word out to as many Americans as we can, because it is sickening to think we are part of a country that would do this. And Biden has in no way offered to stop helping Iran or the Palestinians. The funding for Islamic terrorism is not going to end until there is permanent regime change in Washington DC

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To appreciate Liberty you must comprehend it.

The Left and the generations coming up up have zero comprehension of what true Liberty means, hence why they’re all for censoring speech and taking away guns.

I believe, sadly, that we have crossed the Rubicon.

There are currently an estimated 7.5 million illegal people in this country - and that number grows by the minute - who we have zero idea who they are or even where they’ve come from.

Our military has become a hollow shell without arms or ammunition!

Our economy is hanging by a torn thread - and even the thread is false!

Every single Institution from Medicine, to Education, to Justice, you name it is riddled with corruption.

All the people we’ve sent to Washington to fight all this are cowards or in on it.

We have an election coming up, but it too is a headfake, as absolutely nothing has been done to rectify the glaring rigging tricks that have stolen the last two or three from us!

Sorry, but the handwriting is on the wall, and no one is doing ANYTHING that I can see that’s going to stop this train wreck heading right for us from a speeding down the tracks.

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I agree. It looks bleak.

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Ouch, Suzie! Your comments are marvelous; but today you seem really discouraged. It is not so bleak, though. Definitely not all of the "people we've sent to Washington to fight all this are cowards...". There are quite a number of brave men and women in Congress, and we need to honor them and flood them with money and supporting calls to their offices. If we can get Jim Jordan in as Speaker, that will be wonderful.

(And yes, I know, some people might write him off because he did work with McCarthy--but that is way too much throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Jim Jordan is a true hardcore patriot, he did the best he could with a wimp like McCarthy in the Speakership, and as chairman of key committees, Jim Jordan still got alot accomplished by exposing things, etc. Set him free as Speaker and I know he will be stellar.)

But one area where things ARE even worse than your comment portrays, is I think the number of "7.5 million illegal people in this country" is greatly UNDER-stated-- I would put the number at closer to 40 million--or more. For decades, the same number of 11 million was used for the number of illegals in the country (though no one really had a clue how many there were, because the Census does NOT ask or tally it). But it was so completely fishy that the 11 million-figure didn't change for years!!!

And this was all BEFORE Obama got in office and the numbers began to climb drastically. Then the rate of increase paused under Trump's good policies. But under Biden, they have let in the 7.5 million illegals (about 2 million a year) JUST IN BIDEN's three years in office. So take the pre-Obama clearly understated figure of 11 million (it was probably closer to 25-30 million ), then add Biden's 7.5 million, and then add another huge number for however many came in during the 8 years of Obama's reign.

I'm sure the grand total of illegals is very, very high. No one gives an official figure, because it would really upset the public, and they want to keep their liberal base pacified and in the dark.

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Amazing comment! Thank you!

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Thank you Sherry!

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According to the feds here are how many people we employ to run our government at all levels:

4.0 million federal employees, of whom 8% (excluding armed forces) work part-time;

5.5 million state employees, of whom 29% work part-time; and

14.2 million local government employees, of whom 23% work part-time.

Now ask yourself, what are we getting for this amount of taxpayer funded employment?

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What are we getting? We are getting destroyed by biochemical weapons labeled as "vaccines." We are seeing our country's values torn to shreds. We are seeing our country's history demeaned and degraded. We are seeing violence in the streets go unpunished. We are seeing an invasion of illegal aliens. We are seeing our children not learning to read and write capably, not learning how to think critically, not learning the skills needed for earning a living. We are seeing our liberty be ground into dust. We are watching our Bill of Rights be destroyed in front of our very eyes. We are getting divided politically into so many different identity groups each of which has another axe to grind.

At the same time, Patriots are starting to assert themselves such as through boycotts.

Here's good news from Defending The Republic Newsletter:

"2- FINALLY! We have been urging people for years to stop giving money to their alma maters as they have turned into communist reeducation camps.

"Now, Marc Rowan, a billionaire, chair of the Board of Overseers of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and mega donor says: CLOSE YOUR WALLETS!

"This is a very important development. Read this entire piece. Pass it along to people at your universities who give money or sit on boards. This may be the start of stopping the insanity.

"Marc Rowan at The Free Press

"University Donors, Close Your Checkbooks

"QUOTE: Trustees, myself included, have sat in silence as our schools were taken over by ideologues. It's time to wake up.

"While Hamas terrorists were slaughtering Israeli Jews, university administrators were figuring out how to spin it. Do not just take my word for it; read their statements. Across academia, administrators issued statements on behalf of their institutions expressing a repulsive moral equivalence between victims of terror and the perpetrators of that terror. The antisemitic rot in academia is unmistakable.

"At the University of Pennsylvania, where I sit on the Wharton School's Board of Overseers, leaders have for too long allowed this kind of anti-Jewish hate, which sanitizes Hamas's atrocities, to infect their campuses. There must be consequences.

"I call on all UPenn alumni and supporters who believe we are heading in the wrong direction to close their checkbooks until President Liz Magill and Chairman Scott Bok resign.

"The responsibility also rests with many of our alumni leaders and trustees, myself included, who have sat by quietly as the pursuit of truth—the ostensible mission of our elite institutions—was traded for a poorly organized pursuit of social justice and political correctness. Sitting on the sidelines has undermined trust in academia, hindered the production and acquisition of knowledge, and, most troubling of all, allowed for calls of violence and slaughter against a minority group across campuses. We can accept that no longer.

"While the moral and human cost for what we have done to a generation of students cannot be calculated, the picture is ugly. The financial cost of these policies is large and increasing. Much of this loss is kept silent as acknowledging it endangers the status quo and would encourage questions in the direction of the university from trustees, alumni, and students."

check out Defending The Republic website for more good news.

We can accomplish a great deal if we all stick together and keep our country's values and our religious commitments to God and family close to our hearts. Now is not the time to give up hope.

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I agree with everything you said here, Eve. But our complacency allowed this to happen. The real question now is, is our love of this country and all it has stood for going to fix it? We all are good at seeing and stating the problem and mess we are in but how many of us are willing to get involved on a scale that can change it? That chapter has yet to be written. One thing is for sure, it wont be the youth of today that does it. The coming revolt will once again pit family members against each other no differently than the last civil war.

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I agree.

Given what happened on January 6th, and what has been happening to Trump, I believe patriots in this country realize that the government is poised to attack and destroy anyone who speaks out publicly, who demonstrates, or who is an influencer on social media against Biden.

I am not sure complacency allowed it to happen. Specifically laws have been created and amended OUTSIDE OF PUBLIC AWARENESS in Washington DC that we are only learning about now because of the biochemical weapon used on us. There have been many laws put on the books since the 1980's or before, that gave the federal government powers inconsistent with the Constitution, and the weight of all of them combined has essentially neutered the Constitution and made it null and void. NONE OF US EVEN REALIZED IT HAD HAPPENED.

This is different from our Congress publicizing all these pieces of legislation and warning Americans what was happening to our Bill of Rights. No, they told us nothing. We have figured it out on our own, after we realize we no longer have a Bill of Rights.

How are Americans supposed to deal with a problem that is kept secret from them?

So yes, from this point on, we need to educate ourselves in this legislation (Katherine Watt's substack, Bailiwick News, has a lot of information on all the laws pertaining to health care that have resulted in the Biosecurity State). But not just in re: to health care but in regard to all our rights, period.

We need to find out what our legal options are, ways that we as citizens can change this situation before there are no longer any options left.

We are willing to work together, but nobody wants to end up in the gulag that is in Washington DC, for crimes such as "trespassing," that have been turned into felonies by weaponizing the legal system.

I agree this will end up dividing families like the last Civil War: this indoctrination of students was planned well in advance. Many of us have children who have paltry understanding of the US Constitution or US history, but feel compassionate towards people less fortunate, which makes them essentially "useful idiots" for Communism, cultural Marxism, and the end of America. These younger people do not want to hear their parents' view of what is going on, sadly, and to their detriment. We love them but they don't necessarily want to hear us because we sound to them like the people they have been taught to believe are "intolerant."

But regardless of whether our children can hear us or understand us, we might be the last generation able to turn this around for them and their children. They may never understand us until after we are gone. Nevertheless, it is incumbent upon us to do our part to figure out the most effective way of winning this war.

I just keep in mind that people born into liberty cannot confuse a state of enslavement with freedom. We know what liberty means. Our children think 'the collective good" matters more than liberty. That is how they are going to be enslaved.

So it is going to be up to us.

I don't think any of us know the way forward. If we knew what path we could take to change things, I believe we would take it and work together.

I agree, we all understand the problem we are facing, but none of us have a clear idea of how to create change.

The colonists had the advantage of a government that was across the ocean. That gave them time to communicate and work together, without the King and his men knowing about it.

We have the advantage they didn't have of lightning fast communication across the country via the internet. Yet as we speak ,our government is working to shut down open communication on the internet. Most people will not even realize what is happening until they are unable to reach certain websites. Sundance, at the Conservative Treehouse has published articles on this plan, which is in the works now at DHS. By the way, the treasonous Brennan and Clapper are now working on this project for DHS, since they mastered the art of surveillance of innocent Americans using THE HAMMER supercomputer.

While we still have time to communicate together, let's try to research how people have successfully overturned oppressive governments in the past.

I have read books about various underground movements, (The Polish underground during World War II, for example the book, Story of a Secret State byJan Karski and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, a book called Mila 18 by Leon Uris) and about successful slave rebellions (The book All Souls Rising, by Madison Smartt Bell).. Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago is truly heartbreaking and inspiring. There is still a great deal more we can learn and share with one another from our readings.

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Agreed. Sadly, so many Americans are finding out that the Constitution is but a piece of paper and to some respects meaningless if it is not respected and followed religiously. We are losing our government in real time due to corruption at all levels. We are a future Ukraine in that respect.

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Reddog, yes. I am finding out that the Obama Biden government is the PRIMARY FUNDER OF THE WAR FOR THE EXTERMINATION OF THE JEWS IN ISRAEL. Our government, not that we voted for them, but using taxpayer money to fund a war meant to abolish Israel and destroy all the Jews. Biden has said absolutely nothing about reversing course on this funding for Iran or the Palestinians. So our government funds these monsters, while it is demolishing our republic from the inside.

We have to face the reality that our government is not an ally of Israel but THE ENEMY OF ISRAEL.

Our government is making sure Iran has a nuclear bomb. This is Obama's plan. The best way to normalize Jew hatred is to give a nuclear bomb to the one country in the world that hates Israel and the Jews.

We as citizens no longer have any say in any of this. Maybe some people here have

Congressional Senators or representatives they feel represent them. I have Pocahontas and Mr. Green Dream Ed Markey, Katherine Clark (whose daughter attacked a Boston police officer) and a Black bald woman from Boston. If I told any of them what I believe, I think they would send my letter to the DHS or FBI. That's the kind of Congressional representation I have.

Reddog, We are indeed a future Ukraine, Venezuela, or Cuba. Soon we, too, will be a failed state.

Can anyone tell me how global businesses can succeed by impoverishing millions of potential customers? I get that they want to pick up all the land and real estate on the cheap from people desperate to survive, but how will their money keep coming in when no one can afford any of their products?

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I was going to comment but, nope, I think you’ve covered it. 😉

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John Nolte said this so I don’t want to sound like it originated with me. Its been a while since i read it so I hope I get it right. He contends that feminism was one of the causes of this along with several other things. Feminism has certainly led women to improve their lot in our society, to the betterment of our culture and country as a whole. Its done a lot of harm too, But from this perspective here is his take.

Back in the day the highest aspiration for women was being a Teacher or a Nurse. Sure some women became Lawyers or Doctors or Engineers but for the most part the way forward was being a Teacher or a Nurse. Therefore the Brightest and the Best did that. That’s why most of us still remember their names. In my case I had (the Blessed) Mrs O’Brian, Miss Steel, Mrs. Green, Mrs Pike and Mrs Gummer. Wonderful Nurturing Teachers.

But, following the 1968 Democratic Convention and the introduction of Feminism, the Brightest and the Best went on to become Surgeons, Supreme Court Justices, Rocket Scientists and Astronauts, not a bad thing but it left the Teaching field wide open to the less talented. Not all of course but look on Twitter, Facebook or Tik Tok to see what also occupies that Strata.

Now they teach our Children bullshit. They teach them how to be activists and they teach them how to hate us and everything we hold dear. The more ambitious become Professors of the Occult…same Vile sewage but this time on Steroids.

If we want this to stop, if we want this to end, If we want this to change. It is we the grandparents who have time on our hands, who love our Children and Grandchildren who have to Occupy the School Boards, The Admin in PTA’s and abolish the Department of Education and change the curriculum in our schools

If not us, who remember what a good education and good teachers look like, sound like, act like and taught like, then who!

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One side comment on that: a older chemist near the end of his career told me when I was young and starting out that in his day women were mothers, teachers, nurses. The very few that entered the sciences were driven like nothing we see today and tended to be brilliant. He said he hadn't seen anyone with the skill and drives since the 70s.

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My 4th grade teacher was a tough old broad from Texas with a twinkle in her eye. She was hilarious. When we misbehaved in class she would say "I'm gonna tie you up in a knot so tight it will take a whole troop of boy scouts to undo it." When we misbehaved during P.E., Coach would make us do pushups or run laps in the 100 degree heat. When you didn't know your subject material, you failed. If you were really bad, you got paddled by the principal. Nobody died. Nobody had a nervous breakdown. It was a happy time. And we knew there were limits to what we could get away with. Without discipline there can be no civilization. If you can't control yourself, how can you function as a civilized person? Without responsibility, how can you appreciate freedom? Now people are free to engage in any kind of behavior that's self destructive. They are free to be ignorant. They are free to be incompetent and dependent. And our society mirrors that perfectly. No standards, just bad behavior and self-loathing.

I think women should have the same opportunities as men. Not everybody wants to be a housewife or have kids. Those that do on the other hand shouldn't be shamed for their choice. They should be admired for their role as wives and mothers. But the problem isn't women in the workplace. It's telling women that they are victims and that they need to punish their oppressors.

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While I grew up in an era In which we too were paddled if we got out of line, I’m not sure that that would work with our Deviant Society today. I think the biggest issues are that classrooms are mainstreamed to include those with both physical and mental disabilities. While it is great for those individuals who are main streamed into the classrooms, it is disruptive for those who are trying to learn. The smart phones are oxymorons. And finally when individuals get into the prestige schools and prestige jobs based on their skin color, rather than their intelligence and skills, it has a demoralizing effect on everyone.

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Consequences for wrong doing went the way of the dodo bird.

Now we are left at the mercy of karma, better known as “you reap what you sow”.

Also sometimes goes by the initials: FAFO.

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There were actually THREE standard occupations for women who worked outside the home—teachers, nurses, or secretaries. Vast numbers of women worked in business in this capacity. In the modern era, many women of that segment instead went to get their MBA’s and moved into the more substantive roles in business.

Women were also the backbone in the retail field, but society did not look upon those roles as having the same professionalism as teachers, nurses, and secretaries.

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One side comment on that: a older chemist near the end of his career told me when I was young and starting out that in his day women were mothers, teachers, nurses. The very few that entered the sciences were driven like nothing we see today and tended to be brilliant. He said he hadn't seen anyone with the skill and drives since the 70s.

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Just to try and tie Dons post today to yesterdays post we have gays and trans for Hamas holding protests.Ironic idiots??

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I grew up listening to a great AM radio DJ, Jim Quinn, who later became a conservative talk show host. One of the things he said always stuck with me and applies to Don's post. He said, "A liberal is someone who stands on their head and screams the world is upside down".

That's Hillary - and every other leftist lunatic - who takes straight logic, bends it into a pretzel, and calls it truth.

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The arrogant, elitist, ugly Marxist bag lady has sold her soul to the devil in spades. Every word she utters is describing her and the Marxist Democrats. It is called projection.

Remember 30,000 emails? Remember the Clinton Foundation? Her lie about avoiding rockets in a former Yugoslavia state? Her set up of Trump with the Steele dossier? The sale of Uranium to Russia? Conservatives are deplorable? Need I list more?

She should be one of the first indicted by the 2nd Trump administration for treason, found guilty and be executed! There! One way to begin to turn the indoctrination of innocent children by the Marxist demons.

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Bingo. You nailed Hillary-Killary. She is describing herself and the media Democrat demons who fake their fawning over her. She is a hollow, sad, unhappy, dark soul, and she wants everyone else to be as miserable as she is.

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If ever there was a person that had a hole in her soul, it is Hillary. Her desperate seeking of the Presidency and of any limelight available to her is an effort to fill that void. If she can get in a position to “be above other people”, in her mind that theoretically would make her feel “whole” again.

It actually wouldn’t fill that void, but she senses that it’s the only option available to her. And the reason it’s her only option is that she has alienated herself from the real source of having a “whole” soul. She has embraced poison instead of light and goodness, and she is not “right with God”.

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Excellent diagnosis and potential solution.

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There’s an understatement!

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She is what you have described.

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Hillary isn't clueless. That Satanic hag knows exactly what she's doing...

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Yes! This is the root issue. Satan is the great deceiver. Every example Don discusses in his Substack is a perfect example of the left taking the truth and inverting it to deceive the public.

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The effect of today’s educational standards are: journalists who just report but don’t ask questions. Doctors who prescribe drugs and therapies without thinking about their efficacy or effect. Lawyers who railroad the innocent without thinking about the effect on the individual or society and politicians who pass laws and spend money without regard for the state or county they represent. We have become a ship of fools on the Titanic of life, yet our arrogance makes us believe we are on a perpetual 5 star luxury vacation.

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And voters who elect the Fetterman’s of the world to congress.

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Don has done a superb job in his coverage of public education. The federal government seduced local systems with the allure of money which came with strings attached. These strings hampered teachers with new rules and regulations and the quality of education plummeted. These higher costs per pupil don't go to the students or teachers. They mostly fund the ever growing bureaucracy, useless administrators and political appointees.

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They also created the common core for education. The core is hollow. The core is rotten.

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At many Medical Schools today they created the New Pathway for medical education. The students talk about their feelings about medicine but are clueless on the anatomy and physiology of the body.

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That is downright scary. I guess they will see the patient, ask three questions and prescribe six pills.

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The true irony now is that many doctors don’t actually see the patient. Because of the EMR systems most doctors just look at the notes which are rehashed of the notes of some other doctor or notes from another day, or some bad macro that was put in and write their “new” note, and then bill the patient. i’ve had many of times where I’m called in the middle of a night for a trauma patient and the emergency room doctor drones on about the CAT scan report reading it Word for Word, but having no idea what it means. I ask what the physical exam shows and more often than not. They’ve never even examined the patient.

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Frightening stuff about what the future looks like in ALL occupations staffed by uneducated automatons.

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Sadly, I look at the pilot of the plane and the physician in the ER and I wonder how did they get this job? These policies have done have done nothing but accelerate bias.

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It sure won't pay to get sick. I think the same de-evolution applies (or soon will) to engineering, science, pretty much all of academia.

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Add present day admission criteria to the mix and you have a society that is doomed

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Great lessons, Donnie Boy. If I may add:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation..."

God gives you your rights and no man can take them away unless they are unjust or you have taken away another's rights.

God bless Donald Trump as he one of the few trying to support your rights.

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Mind boggling to realize that the greatest threat today to our and this country’s very existence is our own government.

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It's been true of every society and government throughout time.

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What was written about West Point and the school of engineering is true, but what has also been taught is how to play chess (For strategy/strategic purposes)...I also wanted to share a note dropped to me last night.

12 hrs ago

I’m sure to Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos a 20M house looks like a mudhut, To those with a 20M home, my home looks like a mudhut. Similarly a person who lives in a mudhut looks like he lives like a king compared to someone who lives in a box. Everyone has problems, while I may not care as much about the fact that Billionaire Oprah has bills that may total over 1M per month, I would feel bad if something bad happened to her. We are all human, and empathy for all no matter what there lot in life is a good thing. Thank you all for such well thought out comments. Even if I disagree, I appreciate your passion.

I say:


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Hitlery was indulging in something that the left has perfected - projection. Could she possibly have been more accurate in describing the left and herself?

Speaking of cults - remember this? “Barack Hussein Obama, mm, mm, mm” being chanted by school children?

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Yes. It probably replaced the morning pledge of Allegiance.

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Got 2 paragraphs in, stopped because my blood got angried up.

My state taxes - 10% in the sad state of affairs in WA state - go towards schools.

Why in the hell is there a federal beuracracy absorbing additional taxes for state schools?

I'll read the rest of the article, probably get more angried up, but worth it.

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We need some Red States to start rejecting the Federal education dollars so they can rebuild their schools to TEACH. Isn't Tennessee talking about doing just that?

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…and our House of Representatives, which has the “power of the purse”, should defund the DOE -and pretty much every other Department in the entire Federal government while they’re at it.

That fact that they don’t and never even try to, tells us what hypocrites and how utterly feckless they have always been.

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Hard poll today. Two wanna-be suicides and a lying amoral oppressor.

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A NYT article about education in the US:

'The network of schools run by the Defense Department has been performing well for years and continued to do so during the pandemic. These schools are typically on military bases, and they educate about 66,000 children of service members and Defense Department civilian employees.

Perhaps the most important lesson is that the schools are excelling not by discovering some new secret about education. They are doing what decades of research has suggested is successful. “It is not surprising that they have good outcomes,” Douglas Harris, a Tulane professor who has studied the recent progress by a different school system — in New Orleans — told me. “It’s consistent with many decades of research about effective schools.”

Consistent with military culture, they set high standards and create a disciplined classroom culture. In 2015, the schools overhauled their curriculum using principles from the Common Core, a national program that many other districts have abandoned after criticism from both the political right and left. But the approach seems to benefit students.'

What the article did not mention is that if little Johnny shows up to school unprepared, the school informs the parents' bosses know about it and the parents get in trouble. This is basic accountability.

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A lot of military homeschool. They move around but have a large network that’s supports each other. All my grand kids are home schooled with half tied to the military. I was a skeptic at first but I’ve got the first two gkids in college and they are solid citizens

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…better get them OUT of those colleges (unless it’s Hillsdale) if you want to keep them that way!

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Excellent post on [education?] today and rapid decline in our school systems.I often wonder while reading articles on line if the authors have ever studied history,civics math and science at any time in their education.The majority of [ journalists ?] appear to lack drive to research topics and the ability to use logic.Posting math is racist does not make it so.Post is great but poll needs aota.

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Stick a microphone in front of an idiot, you get gibberish!

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