Agree. Plus we all know that the progressive left is not going to lay down and let PDJT have his way on every part of his agenda. The Commies in the media and in Congress are still out there and they never give up. Hopefully, the electorate will be paying attention to how they try to subvert the Trump agenda and not let the media gaslighting fool them.
01/13/25: One massive silver lining: LACA has been taken out. That enormous belching reservoir of cash and ideological hatred has been reduced to ashes, and what hasn't been burned yet will be.
I'm not particularly religious in a formal sense, but if even I can clearly see the connection between evil and a higher power's retribution against that evil, well, then, it truly must exist.
Timeline: The Butler, PA assassin missed. 11/05/25: The intellectually flatulent K. Harris is rejected. 01/08/25: LACA burns, night one. 01/13/25: It's still burning.
The dots have been connected. Those able to pay $2,000 an hour to firefighters soon might be (vainly) attempting to use that cash --- not to try to save their soot-smeared mansions in Brentwood, but to escape from Hades.
Your opening line is, alas, wrong. They are not resigning themselves to defeat. They are going to oppose Trump and any possible change by every means they can. Legal, illegal, or immoral. Doesn't matter. The party must triumph. Commie democrats must rule us. The arc of history bends to Demcorat rule. Look at the response to the LA fires: it's Trump's fault somehow.
It's going to take constant vigilance and working our asses off not to lose the House or Senate in 2026.
Under Franklin's goading, a group of thirty men came together to form the Union Fire Company on December 7, 1736. Their equipment included "leather buckets, with strong bags and baskets (for packing and transporting goods), which were to be brought to every fire. The blaze battlers met monthly to talk about fire prevention and fire-fighting methods. Homeowners were mandated to have leather fire-fighting buckets in their houses.
Reminds me of the "ladies handbags" the LA firefighters were using to try their best to douse those raging flames when the reservoir and fire hydrants were empty.
I saw many with 60 lb tool packs on their backs though. Most carried fire blankets too I suspect. Tough job to do in steep canyons. With those winds, your life can be gone in a minute. Glad someone still wants to do that job.
When you just stop to consider the miles long list of Democrat incomprehensible incompetence, graft and grift that led up to one of the greatest tragedies in American history, and now only to be outdone by the tragic and even more incompetent handling of the fires themselves, and their outrageous attempts to lie, distract and deflect blame by the very people responsible for creating it, it just makes your head swim!
The charred and burnt out ruins of the Democrat-run stronghold of CA is a symbol that will last for decades.
The entire horror of it just enflames me (pun intended)!
If, after having witnessed this cataclysmic event doesn’t paint in the absolute sharpest relief literally EVERYTHING that is wrong with the Democrat party, from “Climate Change” insanity, to “Social Justice and Equity” lunacy to the egregious and crushing theft and throwing away of peoples hard earned money, who receive not only nothing in return, but then all results them watching literally EVERYTHING they own burn to the ground, then God have mercy on us all as to what it WILL take to wake people up.
When it comes to "throwing away of peoples hard earned money, who receive ... nothing in return", don't overlook FJB's flight from Afghanistan. Although, on the other hand, our enemies got a huge present, comparable to showering Iran with pallets of money.
so is is a paradise or or a crap shoot?? A Pair of dice?
you can get good weather
fine beaches
San Ana winds ( good for kite flying!)
electric cars
no gas stoves ( coming soon)
Crappy spark-laden electric grid
fire plugs galore- none with water> (water costs extra??)
Electricity is OFF in an emergency- to make escape in your electric vehicle easier and water impossible to pump!! Just part of the double or nothing bet in Pair-o' dice
It is so deeply entrenched that, sadly, it took something this violent to expose the criminal incompetence. In a way, this too is divine intervention. It’s said when environmental stress overwhelms a region, Mother Nature breaks. That includes the million illegals overwhelming the social safety net; resources of water, housing, etc.
We see this yearly in Monterey County with the miles long bumper to bumper cars going in to Big Sur, dumping their garbage in the way. Sure enough when the rains come sections of two lane Hwy 1 between the mountains and sea, along the cliffs collapse. It takes millions and months to repair. Wash, rinse, repeat. The C of C must have more tourism and longer lines next year.
Yesterday an illegal alien was detained by neighbors until the cops showed up.
The illegal had a blowtorch and was trying to start a fire or two.
ICE put a detainer on him upon his arrest. Will be interesting to see if the LA County sheriff’s office turns him over since they are woke and don’t cooperate with ICE.
I read last night on CFP that the recall petition for FKB has now collected over 60,000 signatures - hopefully both she and FGN are like the burned toast of the once hollow but beautiful city they are responsible for ruining
The left does not capitulate. It does not quit. Exhibit mistcurrent: the response to the LA fires. Exhibit next mist current: more money to Ukraine, more waivers for 850,000 illegals for weather, moving the censorship department down a couple of floors to another agency and another department.
Hopefully, all of those acts you mention are signs of the death throes of their power, as all were done sneakily and without the consent of the people. The media is just circling the wagons around a failing and flailing party, that has a huge target on its back. It is their last desperate attempts to appear as if they still are powerful and calling the shots, but those are hollow acts falling on deaf ears and a fed up citizenry.
The vestiges of their rule have left nothing but wreckage and ruin wherever one looks, and try as the media might to paint the incoming administration as the danger, the work of their own hands tells the real story. People have now decided to believe their own eyes, and are tired of being pummeled by false promises, and lies.
There is a remnant of the diabolical Left that will never surrender, that must be mercilessly destroyed, and they sense the impending consequences for their evil works.
We can only hope and pray that those who are coming in with this new administration are up to the task, and willing to see it through, or it will all have been for naught.
This is the big difference between the start of his first term and the start of this second term. He has recognized the people in his cabinet and in sub-cabinet positions decide what can actually be accomplished by the President.
"...all were done sneakily and without the consent of the people." I hate to correct a person on the right path...but this wrong in a VERY important way. There was no SNEAKING!!
This was done in broad day light
- out in the open and
ordered on TV ( the revolution will be televised!!) .
You were TOLD what you had to do.
Your livelihood was taken as they SHUT CITIES and Sectors.
They Kept many from working then GAVE THEM MONEY to scrape by.
The wealthy and privileged could 'work from home- new right!
Yes the media cooperated. no push back pandemic AII!!!
This was pure evil. "never let a good crisis go to waster<- Democrat motto. Forget about solving the problem and helping people.
This is the STRONGEST argument for retribution. Not so Trump can get back at them and gain his personal justice... but SO they never ever ty to do that again to anyone.
Look at all the things they did Their counter argument 'Trump is evil' does not pass any scratch and sniff test since myriad Presidents had many of the same foibles that he did. But Democrats
ruined childen,
invented genders,
ruined language,
ruined the country by abolishing our Borders,
made us all less safe and
enforced laws with less vigor to make all that clearer,
spoiled our health by FORCING US to take and untested vaccine that has clear adverse side effects.
Failed to Stop Russian aggression on the cheap
...after unconscionable stupidity in Afghanistan
then lying about what would deter Russia in Ukraine.
And then CONCLUDE... because Trump is a bit bombastic and less than civil to people (many of whom deserve it) and because he exaggerates he is worse than all all that??? ON WHAT PLANET??? The planet 'WHA! you Hurt my feelings??' Get over it!!! Cure the Eagles; Don Henley...
It is high time for our country to STOP paying or donating any money to any country that does not support us 100%; unequivocally. By the way, what countries have contributed to fighting the fire or have committed to helping with the rebuilding effort in SoCal? My guess is none. However, the great state of Arizona (and many other states) have sent fire fighters and equipment there. Fire Fighters have no borders; I salute them big time.
I saw last night, again on CFP, that Zalensky has offered to send 150 firefighters - can't imagine HOW he can do that now that so many from Ukraine have been killed in the great unwinable war with Russia
Right, and they're going to bring all that "surplus" firefighting equipment that LA gave them with them when they come. Like the mand said, "Talk is cheap."
That seems to be an overstatement, to say the least. Yes, except maybe in the Cold War, there has been a lot of destruction in wars, but when the war is over, normally, reconstruction starts. That's why today, in western Europe, it's not easy to find old WWII ruins, and yet, entire cities were flattened.
But about winners: either Russia will be a winner in being given all the Ukrainians as subjects to be tyrannized, killed, deported and enslaved in accordance with good old Russian traditions, or Ukraine will be a winner by avoiding that fate; and in such a case the Ukrainians will have proved that the Russian bear CAN be defeated.
And that, come to think of it, would not be the first Russian defeat ever; not by a long shot. There was Russia's defeat in the Crimean war, Russia's defeat in the Russo-Japanese war, Russia's defeat by Germany in WWI, and let's not forget its silent defeat in 1991. Moreover, when you look at the facts, it's not at all clear that Russia could have defeated Germany in WWII without the huge amounts of American aid.
when JFK was SHOT it was from the FRONT and the government lied about it using the Warren Commission for 60-years. Parkland doctors can now be heard talking about it. They say they saw the wounds and immediately knew he was shot from the front. 'agents' threatened them to never disclose if wounds were entry or exit wounds. And Dems want to control out speech!! In July of 2020 NYC data told ME only 1.7% of the people dying 'of Covid' were healthy. Some 'pandemic, eh?? 98.3% has previous ( and debilitating) medical conditions. No one would listen and soon after that NY Mayor de-bla-bla-blasio terminated that data series in favor of one that features death by race - a worthless statistic. year later we not have sound data that report that the average Covid death had 4.5 co-morbidities. however we 'essentially' knew that after six months but had to shut down thee economy and de-stabilize Trump, to nothing of fulfill the medical agenda of Dr J Mengele Fauci who told he WAS Science. Well something. Now he is just HISTORY. Soon I'd like to see him just JAILED!
The collapse of the Democratic Party was inevitable. Trump, like James Polk before him, believes in manifest destiny. It’s only a matter of time before Canada and Greenland are part of America. FJB
Mark, Trump was just trolling Castro because Justin was always an anti-Trumper and this was Trumps way of saying “I’m back, pinhead”. As for Greenland, he just wants the mineral rights and cooperation. We can’t manage the 50 states we have now.
We're not supposed to " manage " the states , that is each state's responsibility . Adding more states ( certain standards must be met before consideration ) will have more pros than cons .
Trump will still have hishands full for 4 years. I hope people are working on keeping the house and senate in 2026 and the Trifecta in 2028. Here's hoping the one good thing to emerge from the wildfires in Caifornia is keeping Governor Hair Gel home. Nah, his arrognace alone will make him run.
What a fitting name -- Charles Blow -- for someone who wrote ahead of Trump's first inauguration in 2017: "... making Trump appear normal is contingent on public cooperation, which must be denied."
As if Charles Blowhard is in charge of the American public's political sympathies. Right this moment I cannot think of a more striking example of the MSM's overestimate of its own importance -- but there must be a gazillion.
Don, I really hope that, in celebration of what will happen next Monday, you will bring back The Trump Schadenfreude List. Today’s column is a good start.
I'm still worried - Joe can fill a lot of diapers in a week.
Agree. Plus we all know that the progressive left is not going to lay down and let PDJT have his way on every part of his agenda. The Commies in the media and in Congress are still out there and they never give up. Hopefully, the electorate will be paying attention to how they try to subvert the Trump agenda and not let the media gaslighting fool them.
01/13/25: One massive silver lining: LACA has been taken out. That enormous belching reservoir of cash and ideological hatred has been reduced to ashes, and what hasn't been burned yet will be.
I'm not particularly religious in a formal sense, but if even I can clearly see the connection between evil and a higher power's retribution against that evil, well, then, it truly must exist.
Timeline: The Butler, PA assassin missed. 11/05/25: The intellectually flatulent K. Harris is rejected. 01/08/25: LACA burns, night one. 01/13/25: It's still burning.
The dots have been connected. Those able to pay $2,000 an hour to firefighters soon might be (vainly) attempting to use that cash --- not to try to save their soot-smeared mansions in Brentwood, but to escape from Hades.
Suggestion: Replace FJB with FCS (CS for Chuck Schumer, or Chuck the Schmuck, which I prefer..)
Rush called him Chuck U Schumer. YEsterday was Rush 74th birtday RIP
FtS for f* the Schmuck.
Your opening line is, alas, wrong. They are not resigning themselves to defeat. They are going to oppose Trump and any possible change by every means they can. Legal, illegal, or immoral. Doesn't matter. The party must triumph. Commie democrats must rule us. The arc of history bends to Demcorat rule. Look at the response to the LA fires: it's Trump's fault somehow.
It's going to take constant vigilance and working our asses off not to lose the House or Senate in 2026.
True statement. Just because you can't see the snake in grass doesn't mean it is not there.
You are correct, Sir .
Under Franklin's goading, a group of thirty men came together to form the Union Fire Company on December 7, 1736. Their equipment included "leather buckets, with strong bags and baskets (for packing and transporting goods), which were to be brought to every fire. The blaze battlers met monthly to talk about fire prevention and fire-fighting methods. Homeowners were mandated to have leather fire-fighting buckets in their houses.
Reminds me of the "ladies handbags" the LA firefighters were using to try their best to douse those raging flames when the reservoir and fire hydrants were empty.
I saw many with 60 lb tool packs on their backs though. Most carried fire blankets too I suspect. Tough job to do in steep canyons. With those winds, your life can be gone in a minute. Glad someone still wants to do that job.
When you just stop to consider the miles long list of Democrat incomprehensible incompetence, graft and grift that led up to one of the greatest tragedies in American history, and now only to be outdone by the tragic and even more incompetent handling of the fires themselves, and their outrageous attempts to lie, distract and deflect blame by the very people responsible for creating it, it just makes your head swim!
The charred and burnt out ruins of the Democrat-run stronghold of CA is a symbol that will last for decades.
Gives a novel meaning to the old radical chants of "Burn, baby burn", doesn't it, Suzie?
The entire horror of it just enflames me (pun intended)!
If, after having witnessed this cataclysmic event doesn’t paint in the absolute sharpest relief literally EVERYTHING that is wrong with the Democrat party, from “Climate Change” insanity, to “Social Justice and Equity” lunacy to the egregious and crushing theft and throwing away of peoples hard earned money, who receive not only nothing in return, but then all results them watching literally EVERYTHING they own burn to the ground, then God have mercy on us all as to what it WILL take to wake people up.
When it comes to "throwing away of peoples hard earned money, who receive ... nothing in return", don't overlook FJB's flight from Afghanistan. Although, on the other hand, our enemies got a huge present, comparable to showering Iran with pallets of money.
so is is a paradise or or a crap shoot?? A Pair of dice?
you can get good weather
fine beaches
San Ana winds ( good for kite flying!)
electric cars
no gas stoves ( coming soon)
Crappy spark-laden electric grid
fire plugs galore- none with water> (water costs extra??)
Electricity is OFF in an emergency- to make escape in your electric vehicle easier and water impossible to pump!! Just part of the double or nothing bet in Pair-o' dice
Oh California...I'm coming home
I'm gonna see the folks I dig
I'll even kiss a Sunset Pig...
California I'm a coming home
now Where the F>>>> did my house go??
It is so deeply entrenched that, sadly, it took something this violent to expose the criminal incompetence. In a way, this too is divine intervention. It’s said when environmental stress overwhelms a region, Mother Nature breaks. That includes the million illegals overwhelming the social safety net; resources of water, housing, etc.
We see this yearly in Monterey County with the miles long bumper to bumper cars going in to Big Sur, dumping their garbage in the way. Sure enough when the rains come sections of two lane Hwy 1 between the mountains and sea, along the cliffs collapse. It takes millions and months to repair. Wash, rinse, repeat. The C of C must have more tourism and longer lines next year.
Brave men and women working for fools
I hope they were Vuitton! Leakproof?
The Devil wears Prada ( or carries it...)- what doe the fire dept wear? Anything with a watermark?
Yesterday an illegal alien was detained by neighbors until the cops showed up.
The illegal had a blowtorch and was trying to start a fire or two.
ICE put a detainer on him upon his arrest. Will be interesting to see if the LA County sheriff’s office turns him over since they are woke and don’t cooperate with ICE.
FJB may be replaced with FKB in Los Angeles.
I read last night on CFP that the recall petition for FKB has now collected over 60,000 signatures - hopefully both she and FGN are like the burned toast of the once hollow but beautiful city they are responsible for ruining
No Problemo- He only ahs the FLAMETHROWER to melt the ICE
Not sure. According to the briefings yesterday, they have no suspected arsonists in custody.
This report was this morning
The left does not capitulate. It does not quit. Exhibit mistcurrent: the response to the LA fires. Exhibit next mist current: more money to Ukraine, more waivers for 850,000 illegals for weather, moving the censorship department down a couple of floors to another agency and another department.
Hopefully, all of those acts you mention are signs of the death throes of their power, as all were done sneakily and without the consent of the people. The media is just circling the wagons around a failing and flailing party, that has a huge target on its back. It is their last desperate attempts to appear as if they still are powerful and calling the shots, but those are hollow acts falling on deaf ears and a fed up citizenry.
The vestiges of their rule have left nothing but wreckage and ruin wherever one looks, and try as the media might to paint the incoming administration as the danger, the work of their own hands tells the real story. People have now decided to believe their own eyes, and are tired of being pummeled by false promises, and lies.
There is a remnant of the diabolical Left that will never surrender, that must be mercilessly destroyed, and they sense the impending consequences for their evil works.
We can only hope and pray that those who are coming in with this new administration are up to the task, and willing to see it through, or it will all have been for naught.
I'm hopeful. Although I realize that trusting God has better odds, this time around Trump has surrounded himself with some high-octane people.
This is the big difference between the start of his first term and the start of this second term. He has recognized the people in his cabinet and in sub-cabinet positions decide what can actually be accomplished by the President.
"...all were done sneakily and without the consent of the people." I hate to correct a person on the right path...but this wrong in a VERY important way. There was no SNEAKING!!
This was done in broad day light
- out in the open and
ordered on TV ( the revolution will be televised!!) .
You were TOLD what you had to do.
Your livelihood was taken as they SHUT CITIES and Sectors.
They Kept many from working then GAVE THEM MONEY to scrape by.
The wealthy and privileged could 'work from home- new right!
Yes the media cooperated. no push back pandemic AII!!!
This was pure evil. "never let a good crisis go to waster<- Democrat motto. Forget about solving the problem and helping people.
This is the STRONGEST argument for retribution. Not so Trump can get back at them and gain his personal justice... but SO they never ever ty to do that again to anyone.
Look at all the things they did Their counter argument 'Trump is evil' does not pass any scratch and sniff test since myriad Presidents had many of the same foibles that he did. But Democrats
ruined childen,
invented genders,
ruined language,
ruined the country by abolishing our Borders,
made us all less safe and
enforced laws with less vigor to make all that clearer,
spoiled our health by FORCING US to take and untested vaccine that has clear adverse side effects.
Failed to Stop Russian aggression on the cheap
...after unconscionable stupidity in Afghanistan
then lying about what would deter Russia in Ukraine.
And then CONCLUDE... because Trump is a bit bombastic and less than civil to people (many of whom deserve it) and because he exaggerates he is worse than all all that??? ON WHAT PLANET??? The planet 'WHA! you Hurt my feelings??' Get over it!!! Cure the Eagles; Don Henley...
Amen and Amen! We need to preach it from the rooftops!
Woe unto you Democrats! Woe I say!
Your closing paragraph speaks the truth, Suzie.
It is high time for our country to STOP paying or donating any money to any country that does not support us 100%; unequivocally. By the way, what countries have contributed to fighting the fire or have committed to helping with the rebuilding effort in SoCal? My guess is none. However, the great state of Arizona (and many other states) have sent fire fighters and equipment there. Fire Fighters have no borders; I salute them big time.
I saw last night, again on CFP, that Zalensky has offered to send 150 firefighters - can't imagine HOW he can do that now that so many from Ukraine have been killed in the great unwinable war with Russia
offering and sending are two different things.
Right, and they're going to bring all that "surplus" firefighting equipment that LA gave them with them when they come. Like the mand said, "Talk is cheap."
Yes, that was a bizarre piece of info that surfaced--that LA had sent firefighting equipment to Ukraine. Virtue Signaling Uber Alles!
Amen Steve @
Maybe because it IS winNable?
There will be no winner in the Ukraine- Russia conflict . Costs inflicted so far are unrecoverable.
That seems to be an overstatement, to say the least. Yes, except maybe in the Cold War, there has been a lot of destruction in wars, but when the war is over, normally, reconstruction starts. That's why today, in western Europe, it's not easy to find old WWII ruins, and yet, entire cities were flattened.
But about winners: either Russia will be a winner in being given all the Ukrainians as subjects to be tyrannized, killed, deported and enslaved in accordance with good old Russian traditions, or Ukraine will be a winner by avoiding that fate; and in such a case the Ukrainians will have proved that the Russian bear CAN be defeated.
And that, come to think of it, would not be the first Russian defeat ever; not by a long shot. There was Russia's defeat in the Crimean war, Russia's defeat in the Russo-Japanese war, Russia's defeat by Germany in WWI, and let's not forget its silent defeat in 1991. Moreover, when you look at the facts, it's not at all clear that Russia could have defeated Germany in WWII without the huge amounts of American aid.
The Dems hated Lincoln too. ‘Nuff said
Cue Proverb about dogs returning to their vomit.
They are so unhinged they hated Kennedy too.
It is said Kennedy chose Johnson as Veep to get him out of the senate. No they didn't like Jack at all. Hence Nov 22 1963.
when JFK was SHOT it was from the FRONT and the government lied about it using the Warren Commission for 60-years. Parkland doctors can now be heard talking about it. They say they saw the wounds and immediately knew he was shot from the front. 'agents' threatened them to never disclose if wounds were entry or exit wounds. And Dems want to control out speech!! In July of 2020 NYC data told ME only 1.7% of the people dying 'of Covid' were healthy. Some 'pandemic, eh?? 98.3% has previous ( and debilitating) medical conditions. No one would listen and soon after that NY Mayor de-bla-bla-blasio terminated that data series in favor of one that features death by race - a worthless statistic. year later we not have sound data that report that the average Covid death had 4.5 co-morbidities. however we 'essentially' knew that after six months but had to shut down thee economy and de-stabilize Trump, to nothing of fulfill the medical agenda of Dr J Mengele Fauci who told he WAS Science. Well something. Now he is just HISTORY. Soon I'd like to see him just JAILED!
Be it assassinations, civil wars, or just ordinary riots, the Democrats always resort to violence.
Hmmmm...seems you selected a list of activities that are only violent-maybe you'd like to try again? Just sayin'
I didn't select these activities. The Democrats did.
That is a true statement when talking about Dem lawmakers.
The collapse of the Democratic Party was inevitable. Trump, like James Polk before him, believes in manifest destiny. It’s only a matter of time before Canada and Greenland are part of America. FJB
Mark, Trump was just trolling Castro because Justin was always an anti-Trumper and this was Trumps way of saying “I’m back, pinhead”. As for Greenland, he just wants the mineral rights and cooperation. We can’t manage the 50 states we have now.
We're not supposed to " manage " the states , that is each state's responsibility . Adding more states ( certain standards must be met before consideration ) will have more pros than cons .
"Rampell is so out of touch, I wonder if she has hands."
classic Surberism right there
"Failure has consequences."
The most prophetic statement ever made about Joe Biden.
Rampell isn't out of touch, she's nuckin futs.
Trump will still have hishands full for 4 years. I hope people are working on keeping the house and senate in 2026 and the Trifecta in 2028. Here's hoping the one good thing to emerge from the wildfires in Caifornia is keeping Governor Hair Gel home. Nah, his arrognace alone will make him run.
Supposedly Newsom and Whitmer are both toast now. Pritzer also not an option.
Maybe the D's will finally get some younger people to run? But who? AOC is similarly unqualified and radical.
Hakeem Jeffries.
Can't say he is better than AOC. Might be worse...
Oh my
Anxiously awaiting to hear "Oh Canada" replaced by "Oh say can you see."
Not going to happen as I see it. But "Oh Canada" is a really good song and tune.
Never happen. But the Canuks have a great national anthem.
Yep, ours has some inspiring lyrics but the tune is from a British pub song, not so great.
Some great hymns started out as popular songs.
accompanied by a Humdrum?
I dunno Oh (crap) Canada is a pretty good song...
Oh Canada
the homeless's native land
we see migrants near and far
come true North we'll shield thee!
we stand on guard O migrateee
and tax Canadians to support thee
Oh Canada where liberals and Progressive go!
Great needs spread and our debt burden grows
Our debt is unpaid from east to western sea
and still we hope we can pay this bill
Our true north Strong and everything free!
Ruler supreme and wokest of all
Trudeau doled out pork to one and all
Help us to feed,and Oh God to pay
this lasting growing debt (today)
waiting for a better day
We ever stand...for anything!
What a fitting name -- Charles Blow -- for someone who wrote ahead of Trump's first inauguration in 2017: "... making Trump appear normal is contingent on public cooperation, which must be denied."
As if Charles Blowhard is in charge of the American public's political sympathies. Right this moment I cannot think of a more striking example of the MSM's overestimate of its own importance -- but there must be a gazillion.
Don, I really hope that, in celebration of what will happen next Monday, you will bring back The Trump Schadenfreude List. Today’s column is a good start.