Rob Reiner tweeted, “. . . In November, we can insure that a Convicted Felon does not occupy the Oval Office.”
It is interesting to note Rob Reiner had to make clear the distinction of a CONVICTED felon because it leaves out the string of democrat presidents who were far worse felons. It starts with the many accusations of rape and physical abuse from Bill Clinton that were never pursued or the blatant treasonous behavior of Hillary as Secretary of State over Benghazi or her providing access to thousands of top secret emails on her private server next to her toilet in the bathroom. As for Joe Biden and Hussein Obama, both actively treasonous criminals, their selling out of America is impossible to NOT see.
Reiner will find out the hard way that 75+ million voters for PDJT aren't just supportive of his presidency, they are well aware this is our last chance to save our constitutional republic, and they are ravenous for retribution.
I love Trump's political jujitsu of saying that SUCCESS will be his revenge, but *I'd* like to see some PERP WALKS!! But I'm not holding my breath for that. 😡
Save your breath, GW, you might need it by November 2025. At least 11 people who played a role in Trump's presidential campaigns or his administration have been charged with crimes.
I think Lawsy0's point was they are without merit, but that doesn't stop a corrupt DOJ from making the charge. If they are lucky with where it is heard and by whom, they can even get a guilty finding against a ham sandwich.
Believe it or not there are millions of people who do NOT see the lying, cheating, treason and corruption. It is estimated that about 20% of the population are sociopaths. This probably goes up to about 60% in the Swamp.
They see it alright, but they have no moral base from which to make a judgment about it. And if they start calling out their own party’s corruption, then they have to face their own world view and they are cowards to do so. Being a Democrat elitist is never having to be wrong about anything.
And it says a lot about the attitude and opinion they have of this country's laws and systems. Welcome to Germany cicrca 1930 or you could make an argument that we are there in about 1935.
Then, I guess the question becomes why do they NOT see it on their side but make it up and exaggerate it on our side? That must be a characteristic of sociopathy.
Social Projection? I'm not a Sociologist but maybe the most rabid of Leftists are those who see themselves exactly how they see us. In other words they really hate themselves as much as they hate us. This I believe. Rob Reiner is a perfect example. He played an imbecile 50 years ago and 50 years later he is doubling down.
Truly amazing.. Their kids won't be able to afford a home. Inflation is kicking them in the a$$. They can't seem to figure out why until they watch MSNBC and find out it's Trumps fault.
This reminds me, Reiner and his fellow zealots, that what they fail to realize is that Trump is their last chance to hold on to some semblance of their position in society. The left increasingly fails to realize that at some point the normies are going to say, that's enough. If it gets to that point with them thinking they need to take care of it themselves, the left won't like it.
If you look at what is going on at elite universities, these young people are going to be in positions of power and a lot of lefties who feel they will be eaten last, will be brutally shoved aside. From the outside, it looks like a descent into a totalitarian world.
"Reiner will find out the hard way that 75+ million voters for PDJT ..." That's all very well, but didn't Slow Joe get 81 mil in 2020? At least, that's what we were told ...
Since they ran the ballots through the tabulators on average 2.6 times, you'd have to divide 81,000,000 by that number to get the real number of votes Joe-Blow got. That is, 31,153,846.2 votes. The decimal of .2 was from hunter because that's all he has left between his ears.
"... and he was a better president than this schmuck is." Way to go, Don. Ten points! That beats Trump's remark when he called the schmuck in the Oval Office a "dumb son of a bitch." Then, again, you are both right.
Correcting my secretary again. I like Trump's quote better. DUMB SOB. I guess she does better if I know how to work with her My AI. Speak slowly. Slowing this brain down to synchronize with the speech recognition. Sigh.
It’s not even Andrea Mitchell that triggers them. It’s hearing the Truth.
It’s like daylight to a vampire.
A cross to a demon.
The truth is what they detest, and cannot abide. It is the gravest threat to their entire existence. It must be suffocated at all costs. They not only don’t give a damn who suffers as a result, but they’ll delight in torturing that apostate as warning to all and any who dare let truth be uttered.
And should you forget what his face looks like, just look at any Dem and there he is again, another Meathead. Believe me, the country is full of Meatheads.
RFK Jr would take more votes away from Trump than Pedo Joe? In your dreams, Andrea. If you really believe that please explain why the WH is so afraid of him, won’t give him SS protection and is trying to destroy him by bringing out his relatives to bash him.
His only roll this election is as a spoiler. He will not be our next President. If he starts to take too many votes from Ole Joe, he may not even survive the campaign trail. Dems have hedged their bets by denying him SS protection.
I'm sorry; I also support Donald Trump, but for goodness' sakes, lay off the CAPITAL LETTERS !!! The IRRITATION FACTOR alone is enough to discourage readers. Paying attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation will be far more PRODUCTIVE!
The left needs to learn the phrase:"When you're in a hole, quit digging."
The way I see it, they have painted themselves into a corner - If the jury finds Trump guilty, that probably guarantees him the election win -- and doing so with every former demographic the left relied on: the black and brown voters. (No one relies on the yellow vote because they generally have a poor GOTV - get out the vote - record.)
And if Bragg drops the charges, Trump is vindicated.
I was shocked though when Engoran DENIED fat ass Tish's motion to reject Trump's bond! Apparently he got the memo that this fradulent lawfare is not working for their side - but it is for TRUMP!! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Bennie Thompson "introduced legislation that would automatically nix Secret Service protection for those who have been convicted of a federal or state felony that carries a minimum one-year prison term."(Faux News)
Mr. Thompson, if not in federal office, would likely be called “homeless”. But since he is in office, he’s just another bum right now. Just wait, no one but Bob DiNero thinks his bill is a good idea and it will backfire on them in due time.
The democrats are ignorant to the fact that they are creating a man larger than life with their persecutions. Obi wan was right: “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.” Trump is Obi Wan 2024. Mark Hamill is Rob Reiner 2024
I think of that poor soul wailing ‘No…No’ the night T was elected the first time (believe me you know who I’m talking about) and it’s still hard to believe that, somehow, that level of IQ, or the forces that cater to that level of IQ, are not only running the country but have plans to continue running it.
And our only response to the cheat that stole the last election is to (finally) get on board with ‘Vote Harvesting’.
The boys and girls running his campaign better have a lot better rabbits to pull out of the hat than that or We.R.F’d and I don’t mean maybe!
Chuck, when I hear someone say we should harvest votes it can only mean one thing; that we should stoop to crime and ballot stuffing like the Dems do. People say that because they see no other way of winning. So what is the point of anything then? If we really believe that then let the anarchy really commence. This is a pivotable moment in Americas history and the entire world is watching to see if we really believe in our system and find a way to make it work or if we are just another third world country like them. Just wait until Trump wins and the left cannot find the illegal votes. The message is, the system works and it can work in other countries too. You and I know vote harvesting is just another term for ballot stuffing. Im not on board with it and I fully understand what could happen yet again. But we stand to gain far more than we stand to lose here by NOT being what we hate.
Call me naive (believe me I’ve been called worse) but I actually thought the reference to ballot harvesting involved going door to door and getting votes from folks who were not likely to vote like invalids or older citizens, that type of thing.
So box stuffing or clearly illegal goings on didn’t enter my thinking.
But, if we don’t get the votes because, ya know, what happens then. Between Biden down there and the Bobbsy Twins of Buffoonery up here we and our kids are never going to get this right or get a shot of their own!
I read this week where the likely hood of a civil war in Canada is more likely than one down there.
Wow. How much more can decent folks be expected to swallow!
Your definition is the theoretical correct one but it allows for corruption by those collecting the ballots and thus, stuffing the box with illegal ballots. Too, if they know how you voted and it wasn't for their candidate, how do you know your vote ever got to the polls? Voting in America has always been held as sacred and secret and an honor to participate in but ballot harvesting goes way outside the lines when it comes to protecting one's vote. Plenty of evidence exists if people would just look at it. These are dangerous times.
I hear you. But we will never remove these people from society. The best to hope for is to marginalize them and educate others on the dangers they pose. The USA did not come with a warranty attached and we have always been an experiment that has gone very, very well until the Marxists infiltrated our systems, especially our education system and our non-elected federal agencies. Shame on us for being complacent while it was happening but now we see what has become a soft coup of sorts, and we need to act. Don't ever let a lefty get off with just shouting you down or deflecting in a debate. Time for some serious adults to take the country back.
Give you the inside scoop on Reiner; was friends with a woman who was his secretary @ Castle Rock ( this was during Shrub II). Every day Reiner would come in & go on an unhinged, 8hr rant about politics & W. All day every day. It became so toxic in the office because of this my friend complained to Warner Bros HR who did exactly nothing - he’s Rob Reiner.
The man’s a deranged lunatic & I’m being charitable.
Too much is written of The Meathead. He is probably a far better writer and producer than actor and he is better at both than as a good human being. He just isn’t relevant.
I know how you feel. I think many many people, including me, feel that way too. I said to my husband just yesterday that I want a different planet!
Some days are better than others. I guess we just have to do whatever we can to HANG IN THERE at least till November, if for no other reason than to PISS OFF THE LEFT by making sure we cast our ballots for Trump and urge as many others to do the same! 😊
i wouldn't bet your 401 on the election. trump will be lucky to stay out of prison at the rate things are going. the speaker is garbage and trump supported him. the cancerous rot is everywhere at every level and in every nook and cranny.
not everyone. just enough and just the right ones to intimidate all the rest. it worked on jan6th didn't it? yes it did. i was watching fox news live that day and they were in on the entire thing. they had their marching orders and talking points calling it a riot and insurrection before anyone had even gotten there. just like megan kelly, chris wallace and bret baier had their marching orders to take out candidate trump in the first debate in 2015. didn't work then but it did in 2020 and i am not as confident as you seem to be concerning 2024. 2018, 2020 and 2022 were all fixed gail.
yeah, you might be right but I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees. So I'm not (yet) willing to admit defeat or subjugation before it actually happens.
I was actually in DC on J6 (but through the grace of god or whatever got a migraine and had to go home before things went crazy) and while I was watching the crowd that was just starting to walk down Constitution from the Ellipse, I could see that something was off in how some of those in attendance were acting. Exactly by whom or how they were organized, IDK. But I do *not* want to assume defeat before I absolutely must.
i know what you mean. the good guys don't always win but i am sure it's a hard pill to swallow knowing you are going to go down in defeat. imagine how the jews felt during ww2 knowing they were not getting a shower but gassed and death. i suppose the best way to go is to die in your my ex-wife did.
When America weakens, our enemies become bolder. Russia has Nicaragua now too. Hopefully, Trump will buy Cuba before it falls into Russian or Chinese hands😎
Give credit where it is due. Davila is correct. Mitchell is a delusional propagandist. Mitchell is correct. She correctly detailed Biden's pandering and acknowledged the lawfare is driving Trump's popularity to new heights. Poor Andrea, she broke the First Commandment of the Left, Thou Shall Not Speak Truth. She obviously deserves the death penalty. *** The poll is a tough one today. How do we choose between the mentally challenged and two wicked witches? I'll go with Margaret Hamilton. She can no longer hurt us.
Miss Manners officially endorsed referring to officials no longer in office by their highest office. I am trying to imagine meeting Admiral Nimitz and not addressing him as Admiral. (Insert Colonel Sanders joke here). (In the early 50s, while in the navy, my mother in law once assisted with the Admiral’s dental work)
Wouldn’t it be ironic if the Communist Left, which runs the entire Democrat party right down to dog catcher, in their Mao inspired “the Olds” clearing out of traditional people and thought, only clears out the Clinton/Sanders/Meathead/Fonda/schumer/Pelosi/Hanks/streep/woodward/bernstein etc. generation of “olds”? (Yes, I read Bryan Dean Wright, too 😊)
That would be ironic, but I think Pelosi still wields too much power for anyone to take her out. It's amazing to me that an actually SMALL (radioactive) nucleus of people in DC, HOLLYWOOD and NYC seem to be running the entire political world (right into the ground)!
There seems to be the start of a cannibalistic movement in the Dem party directed at their own members right now. Mitchell is the current “buffet item” but more will be added.
Oddly but especially if you're Jewish. Great article in Tablet this morning explaining why most Jews are Democrats. Basically, they enjoy their privilege. The author claims not all Israelites left Egypt. Some stayed because they didn't have it too bad and were comfortable. Didn't take long for many of them to reach room temperature in the Three Days of Darkness. FAFO
Interesting, isn't it. We have all this history to learn from yet so many people don't want to do so. They are truly ignorant.............and I doubt they will ever change until forced to do so by some future reality.
Rob Reiner tweeted, “. . . In November, we can insure that a Convicted Felon does not occupy the Oval Office.”
It is interesting to note Rob Reiner had to make clear the distinction of a CONVICTED felon because it leaves out the string of democrat presidents who were far worse felons. It starts with the many accusations of rape and physical abuse from Bill Clinton that were never pursued or the blatant treasonous behavior of Hillary as Secretary of State over Benghazi or her providing access to thousands of top secret emails on her private server next to her toilet in the bathroom. As for Joe Biden and Hussein Obama, both actively treasonous criminals, their selling out of America is impossible to NOT see.
Reiner will find out the hard way that 75+ million voters for PDJT aren't just supportive of his presidency, they are well aware this is our last chance to save our constitutional republic, and they are ravenous for retribution.
I love Trump's political jujitsu of saying that SUCCESS will be his revenge, but *I'd* like to see some PERP WALKS!! But I'm not holding my breath for that. 😡
Yes, for sure. If justice could be served there'd be a few swinging from the gallows too.
We all understood him and his meaning. That remark was well played on his part. Even Dems were surprised by it.
Save your breath, GW, you might need it by November 2025. At least 11 people who played a role in Trump's presidential campaigns or his administration have been charged with crimes.
Yeah it is really scary and disgusting.
Yes, by November 2025 the Trump administration will have gotten the Biden administration's worst criminals charged and on trial.
define crime, Lawsy0
Some action taken contrary to written law.
NAME it!!
I think Lawsy0's point was they are without merit, but that doesn't stop a corrupt DOJ from making the charge. If they are lucky with where it is heard and by whom, they can even get a guilty finding against a ham sandwich.
I just saw where he named Hunter Biden as his VP.... That will keep the law dogs off him.
Believe it or not there are millions of people who do NOT see the lying, cheating, treason and corruption. It is estimated that about 20% of the population are sociopaths. This probably goes up to about 60% in the Swamp.
They see it alright, but they have no moral base from which to make a judgment about it. And if they start calling out their own party’s corruption, then they have to face their own world view and they are cowards to do so. Being a Democrat elitist is never having to be wrong about anything.
It is a protected class.
And it says a lot about the attitude and opinion they have of this country's laws and systems. Welcome to Germany cicrca 1930 or you could make an argument that we are there in about 1935.
Then, I guess the question becomes why do they NOT see it on their side but make it up and exaggerate it on our side? That must be a characteristic of sociopathy.
Its denial and seeing ones “cause” as always right.
Yeah, but it is more... their cause is only themselves and their like-minded circle of enablers.
Social Projection? I'm not a Sociologist but maybe the most rabid of Leftists are those who see themselves exactly how they see us. In other words they really hate themselves as much as they hate us. This I believe. Rob Reiner is a perfect example. He played an imbecile 50 years ago and 50 years later he is doubling down.
Truly amazing.. Their kids won't be able to afford a home. Inflation is kicking them in the a$$. They can't seem to figure out why until they watch MSNBC and find out it's Trumps fault.
Many people who crave power are sociopaths, including CEOs, among others.
Q: In fourth grade elementary school: Did you take my pencil?
A: Did it have your name on it?
Yes. My name is NO. 2
Now, may I have it back?
Shrugged, I can always count on you for a quick somewhat loud laugh. And I was already chuckling with lawsy's quote.
Thanks, Rev. I always enjoy your posts and hope you are well.
This reminds me, Reiner and his fellow zealots, that what they fail to realize is that Trump is their last chance to hold on to some semblance of their position in society. The left increasingly fails to realize that at some point the normies are going to say, that's enough. If it gets to that point with them thinking they need to take care of it themselves, the left won't like it.
If you look at what is going on at elite universities, these young people are going to be in positions of power and a lot of lefties who feel they will be eaten last, will be brutally shoved aside. From the outside, it looks like a descent into a totalitarian world.
Apparently Democrat crimes are okay today. So long as we keep electing GOP Reps and Senators who are RINOs, it will not change either.
I wonder about Rob's education growth; there is none so blind as he who will not see.
Good one, lawsy. A notable quotable.
Seething and hoping and preparing for a reckoning.
"Reiner will find out the hard way that 75+ million voters for PDJT ..." That's all very well, but didn't Slow Joe get 81 mil in 2020? At least, that's what we were told ...
Be sure to say that statement while you're rolling your eyes. I'm a little slow on sarcasm sometimes.
Since they ran the ballots through the tabulators on average 2.6 times, you'd have to divide 81,000,000 by that number to get the real number of votes Joe-Blow got. That is, 31,153,846.2 votes. The decimal of .2 was from hunter because that's all he has left between his ears.
"... and he was a better president than this schmuck is." Way to go, Don. Ten points! That beats Trump's remark when he called the schmuck in the Oval Office a "dumb son of a bitch." Then, again, you are both right.
Took the words right out of my mouth! That’s my “QOTD” on FB today….
I think I like Trump sense or better, dumb SOB.
Correcting my secretary again. I like Trump's quote better. DUMB SOB. I guess she does better if I know how to work with her My AI. Speak slowly. Slowing this brain down to synchronize with the speech recognition. Sigh.
It’s not even Andrea Mitchell that triggers them. It’s hearing the Truth.
It’s like daylight to a vampire.
A cross to a demon.
The truth is what they detest, and cannot abide. It is the gravest threat to their entire existence. It must be suffocated at all costs. They not only don’t give a damn who suffers as a result, but they’ll delight in torturing that apostate as warning to all and any who dare let truth be uttered.
“There will wailing and gnashing of teeth.”
~ Matthew 13:42
Amen, Suzie. Thank you.
Now I understand that Bible quote better. That's the same thing that happened when Trump was elected.
Well said, Suzie.
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
~ attributed to George Orwell
Like most of us every time I see or hear of Rob Reiner I think “there’s the Meathead”.
Reiner is a meathead. Reiner will always will be the Meathead.
And should you forget what his face looks like, just look at any Dem and there he is again, another Meathead. Believe me, the country is full of Meatheads.
made me laugh. thanks
Glad you laughed, we don't do that often enough today. Just be careful out there around those Meathead clones.
Laughing is so good for you. It is even physically good for you besides every other way. See the humor in the world.
Reiner shows that not all Jews are smart.
Loud chuckle. Thanks, Mark.
Could be why he is so bitter. Everyone knows him as "Meathead"
RFK Jr would take more votes away from Trump than Pedo Joe? In your dreams, Andrea. If you really believe that please explain why the WH is so afraid of him, won’t give him SS protection and is trying to destroy him by bringing out his relatives to bash him.
If they're talking they're LYING. Period.
You mean, whenever their lips move?
Just like teenagers. Explains a lot.
That “poll” that found that RFK jr would take more votes from DJT was a fake. Probably undertaken by the RNC or similar. Brilliant really.
Fake news and fake polls. Two oft used arrows in the Dem quiver.
It is more than glaring that his numbers are never, ever mentioned in ANY polls.
I’ll bet they never even ask about him in their polling.
That’s pretty damn stupid on both sides.
What happened to his voice? Was it the drugs?
Neurological disease.
His only roll this election is as a spoiler. He will not be our next President. If he starts to take too many votes from Ole Joe, he may not even survive the campaign trail. Dems have hedged their bets by denying him SS protection.
I'm sorry; I also support Donald Trump, but for goodness' sakes, lay off the CAPITAL LETTERS !!! The IRRITATION FACTOR alone is enough to discourage readers. Paying attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation will be far more PRODUCTIVE!
I would say do you serve cheese with that whine, Win, but I might be responding sarcastically to a bit of sarcasm on your part.
The left needs to learn the phrase:"When you're in a hole, quit digging."
The way I see it, they have painted themselves into a corner - If the jury finds Trump guilty, that probably guarantees him the election win -- and doing so with every former demographic the left relied on: the black and brown voters. (No one relies on the yellow vote because they generally have a poor GOTV - get out the vote - record.)
And if Bragg drops the charges, Trump is vindicated.
I was shocked though when Engoran DENIED fat ass Tish's motion to reject Trump's bond! Apparently he got the memo that this fradulent lawfare is not working for their side - but it is for TRUMP!! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Spot on target. Keep firing.
No, they need to keep digging. Until that hole caves in on them and they all suffocate from their arrogance and evil.
Reminds me of The book of Esther. Poor Haman. Everything went wrong for him, and that day is coming for Democrats, probably. I'm not a prophet.
Bennie Thompson "introduced legislation that would automatically nix Secret Service protection for those who have been convicted of a federal or state felony that carries a minimum one-year prison term."(Faux News)
Further proof they want Trump dead.
Another pipe dream of the criminal looney left; that will never happen.
One day, the new Nazis will be targeting them...first they came for the Jews....
Mr. Thompson, if not in federal office, would likely be called “homeless”. But since he is in office, he’s just another bum right now. Just wait, no one but Bob DiNero thinks his bill is a good idea and it will backfire on them in due time.
Christ wouldn’t be Christ without the resurrection. Mandela wouldn’t be Mandela without prison. Meathead will always be a moron. FJB
The democrats are ignorant to the fact that they are creating a man larger than life with their persecutions. Obi wan was right: “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.” Trump is Obi Wan 2024. Mark Hamill is Rob Reiner 2024
Not all are ignorant. Maher and the ragin cajan have called for easing back on the lawfare. Add another Dem to the chorus, Andrea.....
History teaches us many valuable lessons. We will see. The next few months will be telling.
Twisted, but correct.
I think of that poor soul wailing ‘No…No’ the night T was elected the first time (believe me you know who I’m talking about) and it’s still hard to believe that, somehow, that level of IQ, or the forces that cater to that level of IQ, are not only running the country but have plans to continue running it.
And our only response to the cheat that stole the last election is to (finally) get on board with ‘Vote Harvesting’.
The boys and girls running his campaign better have a lot better rabbits to pull out of the hat than that or We.R.F’d and I don’t mean maybe!
Chuck, when I hear someone say we should harvest votes it can only mean one thing; that we should stoop to crime and ballot stuffing like the Dems do. People say that because they see no other way of winning. So what is the point of anything then? If we really believe that then let the anarchy really commence. This is a pivotable moment in Americas history and the entire world is watching to see if we really believe in our system and find a way to make it work or if we are just another third world country like them. Just wait until Trump wins and the left cannot find the illegal votes. The message is, the system works and it can work in other countries too. You and I know vote harvesting is just another term for ballot stuffing. Im not on board with it and I fully understand what could happen yet again. But we stand to gain far more than we stand to lose here by NOT being what we hate.
Hi Red,
Call me naive (believe me I’ve been called worse) but I actually thought the reference to ballot harvesting involved going door to door and getting votes from folks who were not likely to vote like invalids or older citizens, that type of thing.
So box stuffing or clearly illegal goings on didn’t enter my thinking.
But, if we don’t get the votes because, ya know, what happens then. Between Biden down there and the Bobbsy Twins of Buffoonery up here we and our kids are never going to get this right or get a shot of their own!
I read this week where the likely hood of a civil war in Canada is more likely than one down there.
Wow. How much more can decent folks be expected to swallow!
Your definition is the theoretical correct one but it allows for corruption by those collecting the ballots and thus, stuffing the box with illegal ballots. Too, if they know how you voted and it wasn't for their candidate, how do you know your vote ever got to the polls? Voting in America has always been held as sacred and secret and an honor to participate in but ballot harvesting goes way outside the lines when it comes to protecting one's vote. Plenty of evidence exists if people would just look at it. These are dangerous times.
Rs gotta play the game (legally) and use lawfare.
I hear you. But we will never remove these people from society. The best to hope for is to marginalize them and educate others on the dangers they pose. The USA did not come with a warranty attached and we have always been an experiment that has gone very, very well until the Marxists infiltrated our systems, especially our education system and our non-elected federal agencies. Shame on us for being complacent while it was happening but now we see what has become a soft coup of sorts, and we need to act. Don't ever let a lefty get off with just shouting you down or deflecting in a debate. Time for some serious adults to take the country back.
Rock On Sister… but I think the time for shouting and foot stomping may be passed.
Give you the inside scoop on Reiner; was friends with a woman who was his secretary @ Castle Rock ( this was during Shrub II). Every day Reiner would come in & go on an unhinged, 8hr rant about politics & W. All day every day. It became so toxic in the office because of this my friend complained to Warner Bros HR who did exactly nothing - he’s Rob Reiner.
The man’s a deranged lunatic & I’m being charitable.
Too much is written of The Meathead. He is probably a far better writer and producer than actor and he is better at both than as a good human being. He just isn’t relevant.
i can't stand this any more. i need to move to a condo on the beach and just tune out the world. perhaps start with just tuning out the world.
if they put trump in prison, i'll need to move to an island in a warmer climate.
Just keep looking online for those sales on ammo…
Reload. Its cheaper and an endless supply.
You may be right, but apartment life is not very conducive to that solution...
Aw heck, go for it. What could happen?😎
My wife of 52 years might take exception...
Fight the battles my friend, just not with your wife.
I know how you feel. I think many many people, including me, feel that way too. I said to my husband just yesterday that I want a different planet!
Some days are better than others. I guess we just have to do whatever we can to HANG IN THERE at least till November, if for no other reason than to PISS OFF THE LEFT by making sure we cast our ballots for Trump and urge as many others to do the same! 😊
i wouldn't bet your 401 on the election. trump will be lucky to stay out of prison at the rate things are going. the speaker is garbage and trump supported him. the cancerous rot is everywhere at every level and in every nook and cranny.
good hunting.
What is the alternative future that you suggest we hope or work towards?
The future DOES COME no matter what.
Are you expecting we're all going to end up in a gulag, end of story?
not everyone. just enough and just the right ones to intimidate all the rest. it worked on jan6th didn't it? yes it did. i was watching fox news live that day and they were in on the entire thing. they had their marching orders and talking points calling it a riot and insurrection before anyone had even gotten there. just like megan kelly, chris wallace and bret baier had their marching orders to take out candidate trump in the first debate in 2015. didn't work then but it did in 2020 and i am not as confident as you seem to be concerning 2024. 2018, 2020 and 2022 were all fixed gail.
beware and be aware.
yeah, you might be right but I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees. So I'm not (yet) willing to admit defeat or subjugation before it actually happens.
I was actually in DC on J6 (but through the grace of god or whatever got a migraine and had to go home before things went crazy) and while I was watching the crowd that was just starting to walk down Constitution from the Ellipse, I could see that something was off in how some of those in attendance were acting. Exactly by whom or how they were organized, IDK. But I do *not* want to assume defeat before I absolutely must.
i know what you mean. the good guys don't always win but i am sure it's a hard pill to swallow knowing you are going to go down in defeat. imagine how the jews felt during ww2 knowing they were not getting a shower but gassed and death. i suppose the best way to go is to die in your my ex-wife did.
Get a duplex. I'll join you.
Just don't pick Antigua as I just read that China is camped out there and will soon be using it as a strategic location in the Caribbean.
AH, I have news for you -- CHINA is ALL OVER THE ENTIRE CARIBBEAN! (and S.A. and everywhere else.)
I know for certain they have a LOT of construction in NASSAU, Bahamas and you can't get much closer to the U.S. than that.
China is all over Africa, too.
got to be near the beach. i love the sun.
I'm with you. The bluer the water and the sandier, the better.
been to antigua a couple of times. saint marteens is really nice. french or dutch side are both great.
When America weakens, our enemies become bolder. Russia has Nicaragua now too. Hopefully, Trump will buy Cuba before it falls into Russian or Chinese hands😎
Give credit where it is due. Davila is correct. Mitchell is a delusional propagandist. Mitchell is correct. She correctly detailed Biden's pandering and acknowledged the lawfare is driving Trump's popularity to new heights. Poor Andrea, she broke the First Commandment of the Left, Thou Shall Not Speak Truth. She obviously deserves the death penalty. *** The poll is a tough one today. How do we choose between the mentally challenged and two wicked witches? I'll go with Margaret Hamilton. She can no longer hurt us.
Miss Manners officially endorsed referring to officials no longer in office by their highest office. I am trying to imagine meeting Admiral Nimitz and not addressing him as Admiral. (Insert Colonel Sanders joke here). (In the early 50s, while in the navy, my mother in law once assisted with the Admiral’s dental work)
Who here isn’t gonna bring marshmallows when Meathead self-immolates after the election?
Wouldn’t it be ironic if the Communist Left, which runs the entire Democrat party right down to dog catcher, in their Mao inspired “the Olds” clearing out of traditional people and thought, only clears out the Clinton/Sanders/Meathead/Fonda/schumer/Pelosi/Hanks/streep/woodward/bernstein etc. generation of “olds”? (Yes, I read Bryan Dean Wright, too 😊)
That would be ironic, but I think Pelosi still wields too much power for anyone to take her out. It's amazing to me that an actually SMALL (radioactive) nucleus of people in DC, HOLLYWOOD and NYC seem to be running the entire political world (right into the ground)!
I agree, it’s crazy but that’s how it is. Radioactive is a great description of them.
It’s easier to get things you want when you only surround yourself with like minded people.
That is because the LEFT is of ONE HIVE MIND!!
Conservatives never all agree on ANYTHING.
There seems to be the start of a cannibalistic movement in the Dem party directed at their own members right now. Mitchell is the current “buffet item” but more will be added.
Oddly but especially if you're Jewish. Great article in Tablet this morning explaining why most Jews are Democrats. Basically, they enjoy their privilege. The author claims not all Israelites left Egypt. Some stayed because they didn't have it too bad and were comfortable. Didn't take long for many of them to reach room temperature in the Three Days of Darkness. FAFO
Interesting, isn't it. We have all this history to learn from yet so many people don't want to do so. They are truly ignorant.............and I doubt they will ever change until forced to do so by some future reality.
Yep, cannibals. Joe Biden's fake uncle story started a Dem trend.
I can fix that hump……Let’s Go Brandon….