8 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

“Explain it to me like I’m Kamala Harris” should be a thing

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I understand and appreciate the wit and wisdom of your comment, but upon reflection, it falls a bit short. Trying to explain something to Kamala, or one of her acolytes is an impossible task if the explanation is not congruent with their preconceived notions. It is like trying to explain something in English to someone who only speaks Chinese. One is tempted to explain louder, but to no avail. It only results in frustration.

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She has no interest in your explanation. She’s not even interested in what she’s saying herself. She’s just playing a role.

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She knows no more than "it's Trump's fault."

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Yes, and so poorly, also.

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Keep it simple for the stupid seemed rude.

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One might say it is a Sisyphean task for it would have to be explained again and again and again....

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Cue the music: We will, we will ROCK you.

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Where both speakers are stupid.

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Ha! Yes!

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Kamala Harris finally breaks down and visits a remote part of North Carolina.

With news crews following her around as they tour the place, the Vice President asks the local Mayor if there was anything they needed.

"Well," says the Mayor, "We have three very important needs.

"First, we have a medical clinic but no doctor to staff it."

Harris whips out her cellphone, dials a number, talks to somebody for two minutes, and then hangs up. "I've pulled some strings. Your doctor will arrive in a few days. Now, what was the second problem?"

"We have no way to get clean water. The hurricane has poisoned the water our people have been drinking for dozens of years. We've been flying bottled water in, and it's terribly expensive."

Once again, Harris dials a number, yells into her cellphone for a few minutes, and then hangs up. "I've opened some roads for water delivery, and we are setting up a water purification plant for your people. Now, what was that third problem?"

The Mayor looks at her and says, "We have no cellphone reception up here!"

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That's funny Don.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

I try to keep up; don't remember that exchange. If it happened, priceless! LOL

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10/17/24: WHOA! It's fiction. But that you would -- that you could possibly --- think that she's that stupid, then SHE MUST BE!!!

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I pray there is only one woman on earth as stupid as Harris, but I know she has many clones.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

The exchange quoted at the top of the article makes it sound like Harris expected Baier to play along with the pretend messages that most of the media parrots from her staff. Those who refuse to love the truth (especially the truth of Jesus Christ) will not be saved.

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Think you are right. Mind boggling how unprepared she was. Least they could have done was give her the Bluetooth earrings again.

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Actually, she was "prepared" to answer every question with, "But Trump..." This has been perfectly acceptable in her encounters with friendly media, but seems not to have made a similar impression on Mr. Baier. The result was something like the episode in Star Trek where Kirk argues the computer to death with logical contradictions. "Boom!"

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She would never implode if you accepted gibberish as a response to a question; Kamala is immune to logic and reason, her nemesis is the truth.

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Oh I just love the word nemesis. That a good old Perry Mason word!

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Her puppeteers are just as deluded. They don't believe their own lies, but they believe their lies will satisfy the desires of their flesh.

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wow, David, well stated.

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Adorable, She seems to become more stupid each day! How can that be possible???? She has become accustomed to the morons around her agreeing wholeheartedly with her "MEANINGLESS GIBBERISH", believing that her obnoxious and crass "HAW HAW HAW LAUGH" is what everyone's agreeable response is.. Could the entire group be heavy drinkers.... they forget what they said last evening, and now its morning again.... just laugh louder and keep grinning....

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

"She seems to become more stupid each day! " That she does. I would attribute that to the spotlight she suddenly finds herself under. She's coasted along for so many years and through so many jobs--for which she wasn't qualified or capable of handling-- that this sudden attention is exposing the real Kamala Harris. And it's neither pretty or intelligent.

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Besides... "hope and change" have already been used.

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We may have to do a manual override; Medics!

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She doesn’t really know or understand much - she’s just the next empty vessel in line.

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Obama's 4th term.....

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Miss Alice, I'm gonna hafta warsh your mouth out with soap if you keep a-cussin' like that.

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Warsh is still used in some parts of the country, honestly!!!

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That's what she does. It's all she has. That's what that stupid head bobbing is about, it's a non-verbal demand along the lines of the verbal "I know, right."

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Kamala Harris finally breaks down and visits a remote part of North Carolina.

With news crews following her around as they tour the place, the Vice President asks the local Mayor if there was anything they needed.

"Well," says the Mayor, "We have three very important needs.

"First, we have a medical clinic but no doctor to staff it."

Harris whips out her cellphone, dials a number, talks to somebody for two minutes, and then hangs up. "I've pulled some strings. Your doctor will arrive in a few days. Now, what was the second problem?"

"We have no way to get clean water. The hurricane has poisoned the water our people have been drinking for dozens of years. We've been flying bottled water in, and it's terribly expensive."

Once again, Harris dials a number, yells into her cellphone for a few minutes, and then hangs up. "I've opened some roads for water delivery, and we are setting up a water purification plant for your people. Now, what was that third problem?"

The Mayor looks at her and says, "We have no cellphone reception up here!"

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Yes, great comparison.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

“Trump has a track record. Kamala does not even have track shoes.”

I’m sharing this with all my friends today. (Both of them!)

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With my 4, makes six-the few-the proud.

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I'm having lunch with my favorite Democrat today. I'm using it.

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Please remember to be kind and respectful though at this lunch-- our goal is to sincerely reach them and convert them, not crow over them that "we were right and you were wrong". Please connect from the HEART with this man and convert him.

EVERY vote counts; Too big to Rig; etc.

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Yes. Don't tell this story!

Kamala Harris finally breaks down and visits a remote part of North Carolina.

With news crews following her around as they tour the place, the Vice President asks the local Mayor if there was anything they needed.

"Well," says the Mayor, "We have three very important needs.

"First, we have a medical clinic but no doctor to staff it."

Harris whips out her cellphone, dials a number, talks to somebody for two minutes, and then hangs up. "I've pulled some strings. Your doctor will arrive in a few days. Now, what was the second problem?"

"We have no way to get clean water. The hurricane has poisoned the water our people have been drinking for dozens of years. We've been flying bottled water in, and it's terribly expensive."

Once again, Harris dials a number, yells into her cellphone for a few minutes, and then hangs up. "I've opened some roads for water delivery, and we are setting up a water purification plant for your people. Now, what was that third problem?"

The Mayor looks at her and says, "We have no cellphone reception up here!"

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Obama needed someone dumber than him as VP so he selected Biden. Biden needed someone dumber than him as VP so he selected Kamala. Kamala needed someone dumber than her as VP. There was only Walz.

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Right on--- and interesting of course. The "one heart beat away from the Presidency" line is I guess no longer important now that the DEMS simply annoint people for office. So, let's say Kamala gets elected and then something happens to her and Walz is next up. Will he ascend to the Presidency or not? My guess is that the party moguls will simply annoint the next player they can control. Walz is probably un-controllable unless you send him out of the country with a boat load of money. He defines "loose-cannon".

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I think you are spot on.

Now if Kamala should get elected and something happened to her who would Walz pick as VP?

Stacy Abrams comes to mind.

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Too funny!!!! Sadly, also is an actual possibility.

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10/17/24: Walz can return the favor in 2028 by selecting Kamala as his running mate.

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Some one recently said Kamala was a like marionette with about a thousand strings. (Might have been Tucker Carlson--I was just trying to go back to sleep but had left the TV on.

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Kamala Harris finally breaks down and visits a remote part of North Carolina.

With news crews following her around as they tour the place, the Vice President asks the local Mayor if there was anything they needed.

"Well," says the Mayor, "We have three very important needs.

"First, we have a medical clinic but no doctor to staff it."

Harris whips out her cellphone, dials a number, talks to somebody for two minutes, and then hangs up. "I've pulled some strings. Your doctor will arrive in a few days. Now, what was the second problem?"

"We have no way to get clean water. The hurricane has poisoned the water our people have been drinking for dozens of years. We've been flying bottled water in, and it's terribly expensive."

Once again, Harris dials a number, yells into her cellphone for a few minutes, and then hangs up. "I've opened some roads for water delivery, and we are setting up a water purification plant for your people. Now, what was that third problem?"

The Mayor looks at her and says, "We have no cellphone reception up here!"

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Ahahahaha! Awesome!

Wasn’t sure where that was going but we’ll worth the trip!

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That is totally true. I said that from the beginning that Biden was Obama's "in your face:" joke to whitey and the sheeple (duh) didn't even see it. O engineered this from day one and the "white man" fell for it. Why else would she (Ms Important) take a secondary spot to Biden? She laid in wait for this well planned debacle. SMH!

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Kamala is a spoiled brat and you saw that in the interview. She tried to rope-a-dope her way through it by insulting Donald Trump over and over, refusing to answer for the current Adminjstration’s bad policies, and spewing nonsense about things she’s going to do that are not remotely possible or helpful for her to do. She usually gets no pushback from the MSM, but Baier, who I do not like, actually did his job and persisted in demanding answers, to his credit.

But who advises her - she was totally unprepared. Either she didn’t prepare or she got bad advice. I think it’s a combination of both. You saw the arrogance come through. But she also can’t think on her feet. She repeats the same note over and over again. Who told her that just insulting Trump for 20 minutes would get her the Presidency? She looked like what she is, a shrill, not particularly intelligent, angry person who was not in control of the situation.

You want that person making national decisions of urgent significance? She’s had 4 years to show us something. She’s shown us she’s a partisan entitled whiner who has zero leadership qualities and zero accomplishments. No more upward failure for this harpy. Show her the door.Kamala’s phony DEI rhetoric translates from the Commie newspeak to English as: This person is unqualified and malicious.

Trump/Vance 2024

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It doesn’t matter who advises her because, from what her staff has leaked, she doesn’t listen to anyone and doesn’t read her briefs.

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So "staff has leaked" Some just jumped up and ran!

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I wish I could like this comment a dozen times. I agree with you 100%

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The prime example of TDS Tanto .

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Her answer is always to revert back to Trump.

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10/17/24: "Becky Quick: 'This is the best explanation I've heard.' "

Becky Quick, only marginally more intelligent than Kamala, was an excellent choice by the CNBC snakes to interview DJT. (sarcasm)

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“… a shrill, not particularly intelligent, angry person who was not in control of the situation.”

Pretty much described the entirety of the Left, which is why they loved her performance!

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Your comment is as fitting as the one by Gad Saad, which I posted below.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Just a note for those in the media who blare their ignorance by saying that somehow "tariffs will call more inflation."

INFLATION IS DUE TO MONETARY POLICY. (because the money supply is increasing ("inflating"))


What they really mean is that tariffs might contribute to a "supply shock" and that in turn will cause prices of certain goods to increase, but prices going up is not the definition of inflation. Anyone who says that and uses that definition is displaying their ignorance of economics.

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The short video of the late and greatly missed economist, Milton Friedman (never to be confused with Tommy Friedman) where he explains that inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon universally caused by governmental policies and excessive spending.

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Government policies include expensive gas - the price of everything goes up when it costs so much more to move merchandise. Biden/Harris destroyed our oil production in the first minutes of their misadministration.

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Perfection ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````!! Plays.

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Kamala Harris finally breaks down and visits a remote part of North Carolina.

With news crews following her around as they tour the place, the Vice President asks the local Mayor if there was anything they needed.

"Well," says the Mayor, "We have three very important needs.

"First, we have a medical clinic but no doctor to staff it."

Harris whips out her cellphone, dials a number, talks to somebody for two minutes, and then hangs up. "I've pulled some strings. Your doctor will arrive in a few days. Now, what was the second problem?"

"We have no way to get clean water. The hurricane has poisoned the water our people have been drinking for dozens of years. We've been flying bottled water in, and it's terribly expensive."

Once again, Harris dials a number, yells into her cellphone for a few minutes, and then hangs up. "I've opened some roads for water delivery, and we are setting up a water purification plant for your people. Now, what was that third problem?"

The Mayor looks at her and says, "We have no cellphone reception up here!"

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Despite the opinions of the Rolling Stone, the audience at the Chicago Economic Forum gave Trump a STANDING OVATION at the end of his talk. They get it.

Another virtue of tariffs is that Trump can pursue them without waiting for RINOs and Dems in Congress to approve/cooperate.

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Allow me to comment before I finish reading Don's fascinating post. Kamala is losing because of the Democrats death grip on unrestricted abortion, and Nancy pelosi's shenanigans on taking over Washington DC. Her experiment on dangerous on vetted illegals being welcomed into the country was simply for the reason to take over the US. Everything that they have railed about on Donald Trump they now are adopting.

I did not pick Donald Trump, but I prayed for a man such as him to reduce the burden on taxpayers. He's absolutely right about himself. He is a stable genius. By shifting the fundraising from taxes to tariffs and aggressively seeking ways to bring industry back to the United States will be our countries salvation.

To be honest, when he first announced His candidacy for presidency I shouted no loudly at the television and was about to rail on him when I thought I felt the finger of God on my lips, and I immediately realized he was going to win. But he won me over with his tariff policy. I know for a fact that he drove business back to America because my stepson was working for a company out of Taiwan and as soon as it was obvious that Donald was in charge, his company built a plant in Dearborn of 1400 employees. After working for Elon Musk for 6 months and fisker for 6 months, a headhunter lined him up with these people in Taiwan. One time when we were taking him to the airport, because he's based in Detroit but works a lot in California, as he got into the car he was blathering that Donald Trump is the best president ever, for the reason I just mentioned. So put that in your pipe and smoke it. MAD DOG

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So far, nobody has mentioned that before Wilson invented the income tax, tariffs on imported goods were the federal government's main source of income; today they are only 2 percent or so. But I'd gladly go back to those days, when the American economy boomed to become the world's biggest.

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“…tariffs on imported goods were the federal government's main source of income”

…As was originally intended by the Founders.

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Trump is both like Jehu, and like King Cyrus. Musk is more like a Daniel, trying to get settled for the long haul in Babylon.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

That interview wasn't just a dumpster fire, it was a TITANIC fire.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Because Democrats are basically economic morons (See Paul Krugman), they can never understand basic concepts like supply and demand so how the heck are they going to understand a nuanced issue like tariffs. To. them, everything is a zero sum game, but like most things economic issues are dynamic in nature and there can be win-win scenarios if one is clever enough to understand the big picture. Trump understands the big picture, Kamala and her flock do not.

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Well said.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

I thought the tight furrows on Kamala's brow during the simple but direct questioning were going to cause her head to crack open. It looked like she was trying to squeeze a thought - any thought - out of her head like we squeeze a sponge to wring out the water..

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Hard to squeeze anything out of something that is empty.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Camel-uh has been a moronic fraud her entire life and career. I’ve known disgusting parasites like her who befriend you only to steal your innovation and industry to call their own. Thankfully she’s being exposed for all to see. I guess they couldn’t keep her in the basement like the diaper-filler.

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And to think we owe it all to Willie Brown! Sarc/off. No thanks, a lot, Willie B.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Only thing better than when Trump shot back at the smug Bloomberg Editor with "You've been wrong all your life on this stuff" is if it were Paul Krugman sitting there. Then it would have REALLY been apropos. And funny we don't here much of him anymore... thankfully.

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Paul Krugman has been wrong about EVERYTHING; he stated @ the top of Trump’s first term that the stock market “ would never recover”. Why does anyone listen to this idiot?

Proof positive that - as long as you have the “proper” pedigree & the accepted ideological outlook you can do no wrong.

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"Why does anyone listen to this idiot?" A friend of mine answered a similar question (it was about Harris) with a reminder that there was a man who ran a circus back in the day that said something about birthing suckers.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

The Best Pilot That Ever Lived grew up just a few miles from my childhood home in West By-God Virginia. It is said that when Yeager shot down a Kraut, he followed the airplane down, pouring bullets into it until it met its shadow on the ground.

Yes, things look promising for the righteous and the good, but do not be complacent; heap damage upon the Heels-up Harris campaign until it meets its shadow. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, and we'll all be free.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Indeed! Ordinarily, I really enjoy reading what Victor Davis Hanson has to say. It seems he put some reason behind a win for 2nd Banana Kamala--that scared me awake.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

The difference between the two interviews Fox held couldn’t be more glaring. Trump answered direct questions and Kamala acted like she was swatting an annoying mosquito

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7 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

The media, who hate Trump or more precisely, they hate what Trump represents, use tariffs like a red herring rather than talk about the real issue which is "do we want to make a foreign country's economy prosper or do we want to make our economy prosper"? Tariffs are just a tool to achieve a desired end. We can't fix nor are we responsible for every country's economy. The president should only be interested in safeguarding one economy......ours. But the leftist media don't care about the American worker, they only use the American worker when they need them. I don't have a clue what is going to happen on the world stage. Foreign countries are not the priority of most Americans. What is important is American jobs and you cannot have a strong America if you are importing most of what America needs daily. The "one world order" guys don't get to decide what happens to the world. Individual country's should decide what happens within their borders based on the will of the citizenry. The tariff issue is just being used as a wedge by the left/globalists crowd to affect the elections and thus the direction of the country. If Trump can win and enact his repairs, it will spell the end, at least for the short term, for the globalist mega-rich gang because it will enable other country's to do likewise and protect their economies. The left knows this is a do or die election for them. Vote "R" and vote often.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Thanks again Don, for keeping abreast of the rags I’ll never read. I never agreed with Rolling Stone’s opinions on music back when they stuck to their knitting. I was sad when it became clear the Duke Lacrosse team would not own them after that defamation case verdict. I still have a bias against Matt Taibi from his days working for them. The Milthwaite beating was a thing of beauty. Anytime anyone says “economists say…” they need to be reminded of John Kenneth Galbraith’s (a famous dead economist, so he can’t opine any more) observation “the only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.” Now I’m going to have to watch Brett Baier’s interview since I don’t watch Fox (“Fox News is television for stupid people” - Stephen K. Bannon, political prisoner). As for your first poll, Kamalalama Ding Dong has done more to support the repeal of the 19th than anyone. Hillary has done more for late-term abortion. That hag is in her what, 231st trimester now? What a missed opportunity. And Howard Lutnick is a gem who should be trotted out more. But I understand he has an important day job.

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I was not looking forwards to spending a whole hour watching the Bret Baier-Kamala interview-- but it is actually only 26 minutes. It is well worth seeing, because essentially there IS no response to Bret Baier's excellent common sense questions, so Kamala had to literally shout over Bret with her pre-rehearsed non-stop barrage of "Trump is the Great Satan".

Alot of people have not been happy with Bret Baier lately, but he is the first reporter Kamala has faced that kept pressing her on her BS.

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Not enough, he should have asked herover and over until she answered, "HOW many migrants have entered the USA during your administration" until she answered with the number. Trying to "be nice" to her is like to a rattle snake.

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Dook revealed it's wokeness with the mens lacrosse team decision. Book " Until Proven Guilty" reveals the entire matter. Black political arrogance during an election and a corrupt DA who was eventually disbarred. Dook sacrificed the wrongfully accused students instead of protecting them. Completed my undergrad experience there in the early sixties. Segregated student body then even athletics.

From the beach....


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