I can't answer your survey today. I despise both answers.

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I know just how you feel. But my curious cat MUST know the result so I FORCE myself to choose. Altogether an interesting exercise. And one more reason for being a devoted Don Surber fan!

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It seems whenever I do vote I disagree with the majority. Today is a good example. I thought I could survive the humiliation of buying Bud Light but I could never survive the stroke even a minute of CNN would induce. Maybe I’m over thinking these polls! Maybe Don is ballot harvesting!

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At least with CNN, you could turn off the volume so you don't have to listen to their lies. With Bud Light, you have to see it. To me, at least, that's even worse.

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Plus walk into target which worse than Walmart

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It not might even be any good as a toilet cleaner. I'm sticking with the original Budweiser & Brush to maintain that nice, shiny "brand-new" porcelain look.

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Agree with Tony, you can have the TV on and muted. Buying Bud Light helps their bottom line (a tiny bit) and who wants to do that?

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Thanks for going down in flames with me. Buying Bud Light anywhere is better than watching CNN at least IMHO.

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What are the requirements for having my name under Don's?-Liked by Paul Majors. Just got $5000 a month raise. Did I mention I have a Paul Majors Fan Cub on Fbook? Look at me, Pa, Top O The World..

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I used to watch 10 minute segments on CNN and MSNBC to keep,up with the enemy and get a good laugh at their lies (knowing full well their sycophantic watchers believe every syllable). I stopped after the 2020 election was stolen. I could suck it up and do so again.

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Pols need leather skins Schlongy,Keep up the good work my man.

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I've hired a full time true journalist, Don Surber, for $5 a month to read the spewings and antics of brain dead journalists and politicians. Best. Investment. Ever.

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You can still do that by watching Bannon's War Room. He often starts the show by running a bit -- sometimes several minutes -- of Morning Joe. He believes that the rest of the MSM take their cues from that show and wants to make sure his own audience knows what the other side is drinking.

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Might as well get it over with and get another vaccination shot (300,000 dead so far).

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I can sit in front of a TV blasting CNN and completely ignore it. If I do it at a restaurant, it costs me nothing. Buying a Butt Light is more than I am willing to give.

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Ditto. I don't drink beer...

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I keep meaning to have a Heineken and always forget to order it. Meanwhile, the InBev ("Incest Beverages") management has decided to stake it all on one roll of the dice with their new, Harvard MBA-sponsored, "Hindenburg Lite."

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I feel the same way!

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I'm with you

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Don was assigned by God to write this column.

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Are you saying Don is on a mission from God? 😉

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Hello again , everyone!!!

Blessings to you all common sense Americans!!

We seem to be a dying breed according to the woke cried. But, I have good news!!

We are truly in the majority. Get out there and speak!!

My days of teaching are coming to an end. I love my students. I am 74 years old.

Pray I find something more fun to do.

I am just so annoyed at this group of idiots who think they can push down our throats satanic rituals in schools, big businesses.

You might be seeing me soon on tv. I plan on becoming vocal.

God save my country!!

My husband would roll over in his grave if he saw what is going on in our beloved America.

He was a money manager for 41 years before having a bad surgery on his back. He was a scratch golfer. I better say nothing more.

You all who read this , stay the course. We cannot give up!! America is worth saving. Let’s talk to the brave men and women who have given their blood for us!!

In His Service,

Helen 🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

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Do the math: XY≠XX.

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lol but next they will say that math is racist.... oh wait they did.

Seriously, I dont understand the lefts' determined take that kids know their own minds. The whole part of being a kid is you get to be a cat in the morning (hat tip to Don's cat) and an astronaut in the afternoon. It changes worse than the weather. I am sooo glad this madness didnt exist when I was going up. I was 22 before I decided I liked dresses occasionally. I was a tomboy until then, and still am in someways.

And why cant books have ratings similar to movies? Those have been around for decades, although I think the move industry is stretching the definition on some of the rating these days.

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Speaking of movies, did this pronoun business get kicked off when the movie people all became actors instead of actor and actresses ? We haven't been to a movie is a very long time since all those people of the screen are generally speaking such sleezebags

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I first swore off movies when they turned up the volume so loud it hurt my ears. Then they replaced the short subjects with unending ads.

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I am not sure. I dont think it was that long ago. Mainly when the trans movement became something that the MSM pushed. They would show absolute meltdowns over 'misgendering'. Then I think the trans starting looking for misgendering opportunities much like that poor cake guy from Colorado.

I know the meltdowns make me grumpy. I am a woman with a low voice, always have been. I was mistaken for my dad on the phone since I was 4 and my husband once I got married, needless to say a very long time. It is not meltdown moment. For a people claiming to need no validation, they meltdown an awful lot over stupid stuff.

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Removing your penis does not make you female, it makes you a Eunuch.

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Said is before: A tranny is not a man trapped in a woman's body. Only 2 genders-geezers & non geezers

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If trannies are simply trying to live their lives as they assert, they wouldn’t make intrusive demands on those of us who simply want to live our lives.

And leave our children and grandchildren alone.

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I LOVED the suggestion I heard the other day on a conservative radio show I was listening to, which said that one tactic which patrons of a store who were offended when they encountered a display of Pride mdse could employ would be to take a shopping cart and if you see one of these offensive displays, take all the mdse, load it into a cart, and then just go park the cart somewhere in the store. It's all part of becoming ungovernable in that it 'costs' the store employees time to re-stock the mdse, and time=money.

Bonus in that it is not doing anything illegal like the shoplifters are, it's just being ungovernable.

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Not a bad idea, but there is a down side. Removing the merch removes the signal.

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I'm confused - What signal do you think it removes?

Would it not be better to NOT have Pride propaganda on display, including to children, to whom it is intended to appeal?

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It removes the signal that this store is stocking unwanted merchandise and that we should take our custom elsewhere.

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It's #1, today. I can always turn off the damn TV, but if I purchase a case of Bud Light from Target, it's a reminder of a most embarrassing act.

"Anheuser-Busch distributors stand to lose millions, including Cindy McCain’s Hensley Beverage Company in Phoenix, Arizona."

Yeah, that's a shame - it couldn't happen to a better person. 😉

"'...analysts say all that enthusiasm for restricting the rights and health care of about 0.6 percent of Americans risks putting off swing voters.'"

.6 percent - I wonder if that figure isn't somewhat overstated, but given Youngkin's and DeSantis' electoral success in their respective states, I submit Mr. Saksa is writing what he hopes to be and wishes were true.

"Then why do Democrats win on social issues?

Because they stand for something and fight for it!"

This is the single most glaring failure of character among congressional Republicans in caucus "leadership," as well as those at state, county, and municipal government - they are deathly afraid of offending ANYONE in the media, or on the other side of the aisle. I don't know when the Bush style of politics (where you do everything to win the love and respect of those who absolutely loathe you and would have you dead if they could get away with it) became the preferred approach, but save for Matt Gaetz, MTG, and perhaps a handful of others, this is their #1 problem.

It was bad enough when they were the congressional equivalent of the Washington Generals to the Democrats' Harlem Globetrotters, but it is their individual and collective lack of a moral compass and conviction that accompanies it, and Republicans are more to blame for the abysmal current state of affairs.

Voters are not suddenly discovering that Republicans are on their side (they're not - they never were), these voters just can't abide what the Democrats are doing.

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The size of the trans population is slowly increasing, mostly among the young and the mentally unbalanced, which tells you all you need to know about how much credence to give the idea that trans people are born that way.

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Yes. From 0.0123456% of the population to 0.234567%.

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Cindy McCain's comeuppance has been long, long overdue. I'll guarantee you, however, that she's canny enough not to have put all of her financial eggs in one basket. Oh, well. Maybe the San Andreas fault underneath her 8th face lift will give way.

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Dylan Mulvaney = Bud Blight

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What they are saying is, “drink Bud and your penis will shrivel and fall off” 😂

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The Beer Endorsed By The Kartrashians!

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You always highlight details that matter, Donnie Boy. Love it. And yes, chivalry is not dead.

"...including Cindy McCain’s Hensley Beverage Company in Phoenix, Arizona." Good. I can no longer stand anything McCain.

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That was some good schadenfreud for today

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Drop the "Mc." (I drop the mic. Applause.)

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There once was a tea boycott. How did that turn out?

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Notso hotso. Ever drink Folger's?

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The article says:

Assigned at birth is factually incorrect. Sex is determined at conception — and assigned by God.

I say:

That's right and nothing any homosexuals says is going to change that. Animals like Lia(r) Thomas and every other trans-asshole who competes in women's sports is not only a bully, but a fraud and a budding child molester.

How many rapes and assaults on children have to happen before this insanity ends and the insane asylums open back up and every one of these crybaby losers never again see the light of day. Most politicians are cowards and they will do ANYTHING to stay in office, including rescinding the rights of all this human garbage.

When "trans"-athletes don't get their way, all they do is cry and scream just like any other homosexual and then they get dangerous as the number of sex assaults on children increase.

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Eeesh. If this post is the edited version, I shudder to think what the original said.

Politics is a 'game' of which side has messaging that is holding to a 'reasonable standard' and whose messaging goes too far and turns off even those who are tacitly in agreement.

Cue here the Jeopardy theme song until the lightbulb goes off...

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You don't seem to understand the damage these people can do. When these people were just homosexuals, they hung out in their own groups. What these "trans" are now are bi-sexuals, or as we called them during the Viet-nam war "Genderphux." What makes them so dangerous is that they are polysexual, which means they will have sex with anything--male, female, little boys and little girls plus horses and dogs or have you never heard of this. There is NO bargaining here--this must stop.

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Thanks Tony. I appreciate your sincerity and passion.

And I do understand the potential damage SOME of these people can do.

Just like SOME heterosexual people (mostly men) can do, BTW. [And I'm in no way equating the normalcy of heterosexuals to the aberrance of homosexuality.]

Does that mean I think it's productive to demonize what SOME people of any category MIGHT do? Nope.

It's the messaging as well as the strategy that my objections are focused on.

It's not much (or any?) different from the gun-grabbers who seek to demonize all (legal) gun owners. As soon as strategy and messaging starts painting with a broad brush, imo the effort is undermined from the goal that is sought.

Instead, I would encourage focusing on the crimes/ damage actually committed [males illegitimately taking academic sports scholarship opportunities from females; males being given access to formerly all-female areas like bathrooms and locker rooms and committing crimes against females as a result, males taking jobs as "female" spokespeople, etc] instead of focusing on whatever insanity or depravity some people are. It's not bargaining. It's focusing on what and where the ACTUAL problem is occurring.

People who live their lives in a way that deviates from the majority of humanity is NOT the problem unless/until their conduct towards others becomes problematic. Like the famous SCOTUS justice said: "Your right to swing your fist ends where it meets my nose."

Saying that 'all people who MIGHT make a fist are the enemy' is not productive. IMO.

But I respect it if we disagree.

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still don't like you but you have some valid points.

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I used to drive my ex crazy because I can be very serious as my previous post indicates. I said to her "At least intense people stand for something.". Words to live by, my dear.

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and why the hell aren't you a founding member?

FM#1-wearing it proudly

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If the insane asylums would open back up that would also help address many of the people living on the streets problem since many of them have serious mental issues

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Reopen the Trans Allegeny Lunatic Asylum!

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It's not the homosexuals. who are the problem. There are plenty of gay conservatives. Whatever we may think of them, for the most part they make no attempt to influence or compel our behavior. There are, of course, some extremists among them, but I think they are a distinct minority. Let's not paint with too broad a brush here.

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You might want to read my 2nd comment again.

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Well, yes. But I hadn't read your second comment when I posted this.

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Loved the guy that said he was a 'Male Lesbian'.....miss him 5 days a week.....

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Oh, I am definitely a lesbian who worships ladies...

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Maybe we should form a club.

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I don’t like either poll option. Some Transvestites are mentally ill people that want to be accepted as normal. The pushers of Transvestism do so to do further abominable damage to the culture. Particularly to our children!

Sodom and Gomorrah in the 20th and 21st centuries, brought to you by revolutionaries and sickos who’ve sold their souls Satan.

May God protect His people and children from all the evil swirling around us!

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I don't think these boycotts will affect elections directly, because all elections are rigged. But the boycotts will definitely influence corporate CEOs. Now that QE has switched to QT, corporations suddenly have to rely on customers for money. They have been accustomed to relying on the shareholders who force ESG requirements. Shareholders don't want customers; they want every corporation to exist in a pure abstract world of share manipulation.

Politicians don't want voters. They only want donors.

We're in a period of (ahem) transition right now. Soon the corporations that successfully reverted their ESG surgery will be driving politicians in a different direction, and the politicians who read the new compass may try to attract voters instead of donors. So far I'm not seeing the latter effect.

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Let's not forget that Biden hosted Dylan Mulvaney at the White House. There is plenty of video and pictures of the two together. Smart Republicans should capitalize on using them in their campaign ads, if there are any.

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Smart Republican is an oxymoron

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Who do you identify as, Mark? Ellen Barkin?

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