The ONLY polls I trust are Don’s totally scientific, cat approved polls.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Great post Don! I have a lot of respect for Kurt Schlichter and read him regularly, but I disagree with his tweet. Trump is the only candidate that will go full slash and burn. All the others talk of minor reforms, meaning they don't understand the depth of disfunction and corruption, or more likely, is part of it.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Genius! This column is pure genius. You shine the illuminating light of fact & truth that makes your people brave, optimistic & happy. God bless you, Don Surber, & keep you & our vsgpdjt safe.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Don Surber

It does seem that more Americans are aware that something is very wrong be it the economy, which is so wrong on so many levels, our blind support for a losing country like Ukraine, our complete lack of a response to what China did to us and the whole world or this stunningly stupid esg, dei, wokeness crap, the importation of illegals up the wazoo or the attempted legitimization of transvestites as normal folks. Americans know we are in trouble and it wasn’t this way before January20, 2020.

The people now in charge are the same ones who railed against the government in the 60’s and 70’s and now they are the ones in charge. They won’t go easily or quietly but go they must in 2024.

Every Democrat at every level must be challenged and defeated. And Ron! isn’t the answer.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Keeping in mind that ‘Polls’ are used as low level Psyops to make low IQ people in NA who ‘need’ to be with the mainstream doubt their gut (read instinct) feeling, I don’t trust any one of them. I’m not even sure Rasmussen isn’t tainted at some level.

Polls saying T has a galactic lead over DeSantis or whoever by the Dipshit Academy (or whatever) are there to make lazy Trump voters complacent and less likely to go to the voting booth if the weather is in any way inclement, or there is any chance of an uncomfortable outing. Do any of you guys know anyone like that…I know a shit load of them.

Keep your head in the game people and your eye on the Ball. The D-Rats have been war-gaming this election since Biden crawled out of his basement 2.5 years ago. They know what’s up and how important this election is and are prepared to pull out each and every stop (including the big one) to make sure T never sets foot in the WH again.

Know what? I lied, there is one pole I do trust…the 10 ft one I use to distance my self from liberals, progressives and commies!

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As far as polls go, consider this. I am 70 years old and have walked and driven in equal amounts during my life. I have never EVER been asked my opinion on anything except the few online polls that get through my Ad/block. Even then, they want to 'use cookies' before they count anything. That tells me this particular poll is sponsored by the democrats basically setting you up for your computer to be overrun by viruses.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Polls have always been crap, no more useful than tea leaves.

Media, this election go-round, are not hesitant to show weakness in FJB because the majority of them do not want him to run. Somehow or other they will “arrange” for him to drop out. Stay tuned.

As to whether there will ever be a 2024 election remains to be seen.

P.S. Tucker’s monologue on Biden “Wannabe Dictator” is pure gold, and frighteningly too true.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Don Surber

If you needed proof that President Trump won the last election by a landslide, look no farther than the recent indictment. Had Trump actually lost, the State Media and Regime would either ignore him, or more likely carry embarrassing stories of his parties and golf outings.

They fear him, replicating the last scam will be harder as the numbers are worse, for them!

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Years ago when I was writing a book, I looked at the polls in relationship to the actual votes. This was well before Donald Trump exposed the scam. What was interesting was in the states that didn’t matter that is safe, blue or red states the polls were incredibly accurate to within 0.5%. However, in the states that mattered, the ones that change the election, the swing states. The polls were off by 5 to 6%. That meant either the polesters were wrong in the swing states or more likely the votes were changed or manufactured. After 2024 the wannabe dictator will be the dictator. Votes and poles don’t matter, the vote count does.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Our nation is at a proverbial cross-road where we decide whether to continue on a moral and fiscal downward spiral started and fostered by the Democrat Party or to remain a free and vibrant constitutional republic. President Trump must win as there's no one else capable of and dedicated to righting our beautiful ship in this storm.

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Wow. If never-Trumper Luntz sees the illegal behavior PDJT has been subject to and publicly admits it, that 2% lead may actually be 22%.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Don Surber

If Fox hadn’t fired the chyron writer so swiftly, they may have won. To add salt to their wounds, Tucker lampooned them hard last night, and Matt Walsh documented their obedience to the ESG/DEI movement with painstaking detail…And we learned they spiked a post-arrest Trump interview.

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Your comment is so inspiring I had to take a nap before I commented further. Remember I'm 75.

I picked the first poll answer again because I'm 75.

Your rapid fire historical sarcasm didn't kill me because we are of the same mind, like the same poles, I repeat, poles, of a giant predator called Truth with holes in it's exterior that are a mix of blinding destructive light and equally destructive black gravity holes that sucks every lessor star dry. If you embrace lies, you die. If you cling to truth, especially THE TRUTH OF THE CROSS YOU LIVE. FOREVER.

I'm done for now. Duty lovingly calls. See you laters, dear alligators. Response?

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Use lefty logic against the Never Trumpers. Anything less than a full pledge of support is a tacit endorsement of the third world corruption on display in the Biden White House. No other option available.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Don Surber

COVID-19 (Wuhan Fever) was financed with US taxpayer cash and brought to you by Hu, Ping, and Zhu. The "free" vaccines were not free, safe or effective.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Don Surber