"Republicans sell out America" I'm shocked, I tell you...shocked.

Why would so-called conservatives in Congerss, or actual conservatives all around the country, expect anything else? It's what they do. A friend of mine (Tom, a fellow subscriber here) said, "Wouldn't it be great if Republicans were on our side?" Now, that is a compaign slogan if there ever was one but only Trump and Vivek could use it.

DeSantis needs to drop his White House dreams and do what he's super qualified for...creating a coalition of red states and force the 10th Amendment down the throats of the reptiles in DC. That's far more important and immediate than any help coming from DC. He should not allow Abbott get the jump on him with the Texas National Guard at the border. It could be another Abbott photo op for all we know. The 10th Amendment sleeping giant had better wake up pretty damned quickly.

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Or how it would be done?

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Can you give examples of what that would achieve?

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Just look what this Gazan/Yemeni thing has dredged up and how law enforcement has failed us, right up to the gates of the WH.

And that’s just one group with a hard on.

There must be dozens more and keep in mind these people are doing this in an unusually cold winter. What’s this going to look like in May, and then straight through to November and beyond.

We’re f’d and will have to defend ourselves, our values and what’s left of our countries by ourselves. Get ready!

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We continue to read this week how’s God tells Moses that Pharouh’s heart will be hardened (so he won’t be too afraid to do his worst) and that thus, God’s mighty power and retribution would be visible to all. He instructs Moses that His people are to tell their sons, and their sons’ sons the wonders and miracles that He wrought for us in that place and in that time. And so it is that these thousands of years and thousands of generations later, we now are still and always faithful to Him and His instructions.

Today, as we face two cataclysmic threats to civilization - (1) Hamas and (2) the totalitarian left, here supported by the libs, dems, commies & rinos - we are reminded & remind God that we have stayed faithful and He is reminded and reminds us of how and why the wicked can persist; of how massive his retribution can be; and particularly that WE OURSELVES, IN OUR TIME can be and are His instruments. B”H, let it be so.

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Neera, thank you for taking the time to educate us. Your words of wisdom are hopefully inspiring to some of us. God works in ways we cannot understand or explain at times. Without evil on this earth and the struggles inherent to fight it, we would be in heaven, which awaits most of us...not FJB or BO

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"God works in ways we cannot understand or explain at times."

That may well be, but it is humans that murder other humans that believe they have a license from God.

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They are mistaken and will have time to understand the errs of their ways.

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Who are you referring to, Kam. Please clarify so I can understand. Thank you.

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Very nicely put Neera

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Thank you for your wise words, Neera, that bring calm to my troubled soul.

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Yes. In the end, this is what matters. RINOs are so good at getting us sidetracked. Damn them!

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it's an absolute shite show that unfortunately you are spot on about. i am 75 and as suber stated, am running out of time. if i am to die while the world is burning i would like it to be fighting for a good cause.

death to tyranny.

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75 ‘s a good # Don me too. Cya on the firing line😊

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brother in arms. i am not one to tell war stories and such but yesterday i ordered my first and only vietnam hat after 55 years (1968-1969-101st 502 inf lz sally) i will proudly wear it or my trump hat and if anyone doesn't like....too bad.

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In Yiddish we say F’em!

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F’em, those momzers.

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Is there a Berlitz course for Yiddish? I used to hear it every day.

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Yiddish is German with variations.

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Not sure where I saved it, but after Oct 7, Iearned what FAFO is written in Hebrew. As a Hebrew major at The OSU in the 70s, the sentence I committed to memory was - Ani medaber rak kcat Ivrit. (I only speak a little Hebrew)

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Republicans sold us out? You mean AGAIN?!

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As sure as night turns to day, and day to night.

Primary the bastards.

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It's not the people, it's the people behind the party who run the party. Look no farther than the RNC. You cannot be an independent thinker and constitutionalist in the GOP today.

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Rand Paul is.

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That was my (late) vote. They don't fear Trump. They fear losing power.

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The Republican Party should just change its name to the Party of Judas. They have sold out the entire country for a few pieces of silver.

Even if by a miracle and the Grace of God Trump makes it back into the White House the damage already inflicted upon this country has been of epic proportions and will take years, decades, to reverse and repair.

It is still an effort worth undertaking, but there’ll be no “quick fix”, that’s for certain. And it will be ugly as these people have proven they will go to any lengths, by any means necessary, to pursue their evil and destructive ends.

We’ll need to adopt that same mentality: “by any means necessary” if we’re to stand a chance of crushing them in their efforts.

The Republican Party has proven they are traitors to the cause of the Republic and their oaths to uphold, defend and protect the Constitution, and instead exhibit the exact opposite character of being willing to sacrifice their “lives, fortunes and sacred honor” to stand up against the forces of evil who are bent on destroying this country. They will all go down in infamy.

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Am with you and share your outrage, but we cannot afford to throw out the baby with the bath water. We must discriminate between the American First Republicans in Congress and the RINO establishment. We don’t have the Democrats on our side, and if we Punish EVERYONE with an (R) in Congress, we have zero force with which to fight.

Send money to the good R’s; expose the bad, and send money to candidates who are primarying the RINO’s.

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It shouldn't be difficult to discriminate between the America First Republicans and the RINO's. We could count the genuine AFR's on one hand.

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There are a lot more than can be counted on one hand. True, it may only be 4-5 dozen fairly consistent (House and Senate combined), but we’ve got to support and strengthen each one we’ve got.

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On target.

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Doesn't work. Each member has to give a certain amount of all contributions to the RNC. You don't have to punish every member. But there are damn few real conservatives left in either House so picking out the conservatives from the RINO's is far easier than it used to be. Time for the Tea Party to organize, fund raise, and rise again, this time for the long haul. Call them the "Constitution Party" this time.

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Party of Judas. I like that. I’ll use it when I tell ‘em why I’m voting for their primary opponent or not giving them my money.

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Don’t wait, tell them now. 😊

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You’re right!

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Jan 15, 2024
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Agreed. None of us want to admit what is about to happen in this country in 2024. The damage it already far too great and the left is will not stop. We keep calling them the left but we should be calling them Communists because the operate exactly like Communists.

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If McCormick Place, Stephen A douglas convention Center, and the wet willy tower aren't full then Chicago doesn't have a problem. Probably should add the Hyatt and some of the musems and barry's out house.

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Absolutely keep sending illegal immigrants to Chicago and drop them off in front of the Hyatt. In fact, drop them off in front of Hyatt Hotels everywhere, which are owned by the Pritzker family, and let Gov. Abbott make a big noise about why doesn’t Hyatt put them up in their hotels over the winter. Hyatt Hotels are currently worth 10 billion.

Also send illegal immigrants in huge numbers to Cambridge/ Boston Massachusetts where Penny Pritzker is head of the Harvard Board.

If Biden is going to let in 5,000 illegals a day, send 5,000 a day—every day—not 200 or 500, but 5,000–be very aggressive about this and do it massively—and DeSantis participate in this too. This is an excellent and effective tool. Double down on it—no, triple down on it!

And there is a deliciously long list of places to send them—along with blue cities, every RINO sellout’s district. Send them in huge numbers to Hakeem Jeffries district, to Yale, to university towns everywhere, to more rich liberal vacation spots like Jackson Hole.

Force liberals to face this problem.

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Go Gal; Some believe Miss Penny bought a Presidency for $800,000,000 .If true, she is to blame for a broken America where men are women now; so who will fight the invasion of illegals?


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I like the way you think! RINO sellouts’ district. Excellent, except unfortunately there are a lot of them in the conservative states. /sigh

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Yes, we don’t want to overload Red states with illegals, but 5,000 or so in selected RINO districts will quickly anger their RINO voters and cause them to vote for their primary challenger.

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And by “quickly” I mean immediately. It would be a huge boost to the America First candidates who primary these RINO’s.

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With respect, that is not going to fix this. They are already HERE and there is no plan to stop them for a year yet. It might look like payback but it accomplishes nothing to close the border. Neither party really want the border closed. The GOP wants it open but controlled so they can pick and choose who comes into the country. The cheap labor at all costs corporations and the Chamber of Commerce are funding this invasion. It isn't going to stop until elected officials decide their country is more important than getting re-elected. The border needs to be closed, and the illegals deported back where they came from.

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You’re right, dumping illegals in the liberal cities etc does not SOLVE the problem of illegals coming here, but it wakes up a tremendous number of people when the problem is no longer abstract.

It’s true, both official parties (Dems and Repubs) mostly don’t really want to close the border, but what the Uniparty wants is becoming increasingly irrelevant—because gigantic numbers of THE PEOPLE now are recognizing the problem and want it addressed. Polls show this has become one of the top issues in America now.

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You mean the Donald Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont?

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I keep repeating this here and elsewhere. The GOP is not on your side, unless you are a giant corporation or a billionaire. You know, a political party doesn’t have immortality. It’s ok if a diseased, corrupted organism passes away. They are not going to be an engine of positive change in this country. They keep showing us their backsides on every serious problem.

Why do they cave? Because getting along in Washington with people who hate the country is more important than honoring their oath of office and the interests of their constituents. They have no honor. They lie to us every election. There are a handful of decent people out of 535. If you keep supporting them, you’re stabbing yourself in the back.

Look at the drama over the Speakership. What’s the end result: a guy who is no better than the last guy. “I’m a conservative.”, he protests when challenged. No, you aren’t. This deal you’re trying to make proves that. Why do we need a deal in the first place? If there is no deal, the $$$ runs out and cuts in discretionary spending have to be made. We don’t need millions of illegal unskilled people coming in. And Republicans are willing to allow 5000 a day - that’s nearly 2,000,000 per year. This is treason. There are laws on the books.

I’m done with these professional losers. They don’t want to fight for the country. They are weak, and therefore of no use. Please don’t give them money or vote for them.

This is Washington DC versus America. DC is the problem. Stop feeding the beast.

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The UniParty has been in force for many decades.

It was during President Trump's first term that they exposed themselves.

Remember: Democrats want power

Republican want money

Democrats pay Republicans to vote the "Democrat" way.

I'm glad this is leaking out now; wonder how this will effect President Trump's Victory Numbers?

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Republicans want re-elected for doing nothing.

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A huge AMEN Tanto !!

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Shutting down the country will hurt far more lefty's than righties. But you are incorrect on Johnson. He is better than McCarthy, but then we set the bar so low here that it is meaningless.

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Better how? Operationally on the big issues, how?

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Lots to quote here, Tanto. Especially since the deadwood in congress won't just burn up!

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Spot on Tanto!

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I don't have the words to describe my utter indifference toward alleged Republicans.

This will ultimately adversely affect us all, but in the short-term, it is just insult to injury for the working poor who apparently don't have enough competition for the meager pay of low-wage menial-labour jobs.

I will vote Trump and leave the rest of my ballot blank.

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And every single person who is against this invasion needs to get tough and start asking some pointed questions when they hire, house cleaning, landscaping and remodeling done to their houses. Because too damn many look the other way when it comes to getting cheap labor for themselves.

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The NGOs at the border probably have a press busy turning out ids and ss cards as a side gig.

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Meanwhile, here in N. TX this morning, we're covered with a lovely blanket of snow, only problem, it's 11 degrees, still snowing, the wind is not blowing so the lovely windmills are not turning, the sun is not shining so all those acres of solar panels have no sun to collect. Why in the hell would anyone be so stupid to think that fossil fuel should not contribute to making our 21st century world operate?

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12 and still snowing in north Mississippi.

Thankfully, no windmills anywhere near here. One stupid solar farm maybe 30 miles away.

Only liberal idiots (I repeat myself) think that way.

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Here in mid-Tenn., we woke to 4 inches of fluffy snow. But since it is MLK Day, I have seen no traffic on our little lane. There is a major street nearby & quiet. Not even the usual trash pick-up trucks. The quiet gets to me a little--I only retired in 2018. That said, glad to stay in and let the amateurs have it.

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Of course it's snowing in Montreal. It's January. That's what we do here!

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Ps I’m reading a Louise Penny novel right now (The Madness of Crowds) and it’s set in the Canadian winter. Several of hers have been set in winter—really gives a good atmospheric impression of what winter is like up there!

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I've read many of Louise Penny's Inspector Gamache novels and I do recommend them for their authenticity. The stories, yes, are set in winter and most often in a fictious small town in Quebec's mountainous Eastern Townships. A lovely and quaint part of Quebec that was historically settled first by the French and then by United Empire Loyalists. Many people who live there easily move from one language to the other. She's a treasure.

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I haven't read The Madness of Crowds yet. I recently finished reading All The Devils Are Here, set in Paris and obviously far away from the fictious town of Three Pines. I recommend it.

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Winter is totally real here and it can kill you if you don't pay attention.

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I’ve read nearly all of them. But had been avoiding this one (Madness of Crowds) cuz I heard that Penny was good friends with Hillary Clinton, and I was dreading that this new book was going to be a way of criticizing the Right for not getting on board regarding the pandemic. But it turned out to actually be a tour de force. Just finished it. Parts of her writing have become repetitive; and now that I know she’s a liberal I’m cautious. But her description of Three Pines community life and the elements of spirituality in her psychological probing do draw me. She probably has Christian origins but seems to me she has moved deeply into secular humanism. Man’s nobility is the real center of her belief system; God is remotely peripheral.

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Great post. I don't think the "R"s will change until they and/or their families are being assaulted by the illegals. They assume, like the "D"s, that the crime, disease, and violence would stay in the poor, working class and middle class neighborhoods. We are passed that point now and the spillover into upper middle class and upper class neighborhoods is upon us. They are starting to see what the rest of us have experienced for years and the white cognitive elites do not like it, as manifested by the governor of IL squealing like a stuck pig at the invitation of the very people he welcomed for years.

Danny Huckabee

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I’m 71 and when I look at this situation, all I can think of is my grandchildren and what kind of country they will live in. I may have posted this before but it bears repeating - I can’t imagine our fathers, the greatest generation, putting up with this. They would have taken it into their own hands to close the border. Tragically, men like that are rare these days, especially in DC.

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The Republican Party has always been the party of jellyfish. They are composed of spineless individuals, not willing to do what is necessary to save the Republic. There have been some shining stars in our lifetime, however, most all are corrupt individuals looking out for themselves, rather than for their constituents. While most of these migrants are probably good people, there’s a large percentage that are terrorists, communist, sympathizers, and individuals who have life views that are so different from Americans that eventually our country will make the Balkans seem organized. Voting is useless. Taking up arms is useless. Not much to do other than get right with God and live aa good a life as possible.... until the next pandemic

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They aren't good people if they violate out border laws to take what we have worked out butts off for. Time for our government to declare war on every country supporting this invasion and start by breaking diplomatic relations, then cut off all foreign aid. No travel from those countries, either way. Two can play this game.

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F-word, F-word, F-word. Here are a few more truisms from the Dems; I’m sure the Surbs have many more. From the river to the sea is just an aspirational call for freedom (calls for annihilation of the Jewish state), by any means necessary (BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY), undocumented migrants (illegal aliens), Allahu Akbar means God is great (means Allah is greater), Inflation Reduction Act (Income Reduction Act), Welcoming refugees into your home is the right thing to do from a moral and humanitarian perspective (you first), DIE (Degradation, Intolerance, and Exclusion), Cloward-Piven is our Bible,(Overload a system, Create mass panic and hysteria as the system is overloaded, Oversee the destruction of the system, Replace the former system with a new system(Utopia?)

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The title of todays post is “Republicans sell out America”.

Sadly, this title can be used once a week, for years on end, with the subject matter never being repeated.

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Agreed. It's a weekly story.

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Perfect timing, Don. My sentiments exactly. I lean toward the Bannon message "Shut down the border or shut down the government." Republicans are clearly showing how they support illegal immigration, war, and American energy dependence.

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HA HA HA!!! Big D, you just stole my wife’s line regarding her flatulence (Mine don’t stink). You win the Internet on MLK day!

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I can appreciate those who see a strength in welcoming immigrants in this time of declining global populations. But this is insanity. We could determine our needs and almost recruit what we wanted. from laborers, to factory workers, to machinists, to tradesman, to scientists.

But no, we do this stupid stuff that the dems think will provide them an electoral advantage in the future, even though as these people assimilate, and they will as well, they don't vote like American blacks; they vote like whites, and don't like the liberal social policies.

As such, if you are a democrat, and vote for them, you are a traitor, putting your countries well-being behind that of your political desires. You are willfully asking for your country to be run by commies. I know how this ends, though I don't know how long it will take to get there, or how many lives will be lost in the process - because commies kill people, always and forever - but, you the dem voter, have their blood on your hands. May it forever be stained on them, so you can remember your treachery.

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