Actually listening to you right now. When I was a kid in the 1950’s people who worked for the government were paid less but did have job security. Now they have that are paid more and have no metric for accomplishment. Most just look at the clock and think that if they leave at 3:30 it’s close enough to 4:30. The saying is a job done “ good enough for government work”. Most of the time they would get you fired in the normal economy.

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Indeed. It was that way thru into the ‘80’s when I was a kid. It was understood that if somebody’s father was a govt employee he wasn’t talented/smart enough to make it in the private sector & took a govt job as a last resort. It was a guaranteed lower - barely middle class life. A govt job was always held in very low regard; if you took that it was a tacit admission of being a loser. Think it was under Clinton that the whole the whole system was flipped on its head & govt employees started getting six figure salaries. Think that was meant to co-opt the govt employees into becoming defacto democrat activists which is exactly what has happened.

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Then, it is time to grandfather the existing Federal employees as they are scrutinized and/or removed by DOGE as appropriate, and set a new job design standard for all new hires.

Feds have 20-and-out retirement with Fed healthcare for life, not the Social (in)Security and Medicare that the private sectors works 40 years to get for a barely passable retirement.

Have we EVER heard that the Federal retirement system may run out of money like Social Security? Does Congress invade and 'borrow' money from the Federal retirement system to wastefully spend? I don't think so.

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Get rid of government employee unions or this will all happen again.

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If a computer can do your job, plug it in and go home.

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Ever wonder why so many of us never knew that? All the news that's fit to print. That's just been changed a bit. All the news we want you to know.

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One more thing about govt. jobs. They can fire anyone for ANY reason at all. Or for no reason. Its only politics. Among the rank and file, they "respect each other." Outside of that circle, take your chances. BT, DT.

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Keep hearing govt workers can’t be fired due to the collective bargaining agreements. I know that’s BS but the media parrots it.

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Perhaps - and I hope so - but I haven't seen evidence that clearly supports that. Is all Federal government an 'employment at will' enterprise? I don't know.

'Employment at will' is a state-level law that says any employee can be terminated for any reason at ant time for cause or no-cause. States that do not have employment at will require termination to be for 'cause' and be verifiable in a court of law. I do not know if Feds have to (or choose to) follow state law. A quick search suggests that DC is also an 'employment at will' district so what you claim should be true.

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Just remember little z spent time with deep state Dems (including vindman) just before his WH fiasco.

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Zelensky is a comic. Don’t think there is any state craft training in his background.

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Exactly, he's an effing actor . Nothing that passes his lips can be believed .

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Chris Murphy

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Nothing like warming up for a big meeting with a bull session with a bunch of bull shiters.

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Yes, his staff or the ambassador should had him go through a prep session without outside influences.

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At least wear a coat and tie when requested by YOUR [ piggy bank ] benefactor.

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One of the major casualties of the Ukraine/Russian war was truth. But then again there was little truth about anything going on while FJB was in power. The war has been going on for three years and because of our Pravdaesque media no one in the public really knew who was “winning.” The concept that Ukraine, a lilliputian power could defeat Russia was a fantasy from the start. We need to praise the peace maker even if he won’t get the Nobel Peace Prize.

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We need to remember and continue to isolate all the people who fed the big lie that Ukraine could win it. Many are in the GOP right now.

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my feminist donk neighbor can't even look me in the face anymore. it's been over four months and she STILL hides lol.

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Aren't you the lucky one? Ask her if you can borrow a cup of gin.

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i could tell her i have funeral to go to and could i borrow her crying towel.

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one quibble with your post. no one watching msm and listening to the biden administration knew who was winning the war. i and millions like me knew.

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'The same people who DEMANDED a ceasefire from Israel—which had won its latest war with Palestinians—opposed a ceasefire in Ukraine' Classic oxymoron from our lunatic left.

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The West bears the entire responsibility for this war by continuously shoving NATO eastward which has been in direct contravention of promises made to Russia. Moreover there’s no need for NATO anyway; the Soviet Union imploded in 1991 so why is NATO still around? Look up the Maidan Coup of 2014; it was a CIA-inspired “color revolution” & The Minsk Accords were a total sham (admitted to by Angela Merkel) as just an excuse to arm Ukraine & foment a war with Russia.

Every U.S. president since Reagan (sans Trump) has been complicit in this & has blood on their hands.

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Speaking of responsibility for the war, it needs to be pointed out that, due to the idiocy of Pedo Joe and his autopen, we have been funding BOTH sides of the war from the git-go. Hardly anyone ever connects the dots - we have given untold billion$ to little Z and, by shutting down our oil industry and buying oil from Russia, we have sent untold billion$ there as well.

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IMHO, the autopen ought to be used the same way that the older fashioned facstamp was....whoever used it had to initial it facstamp signature so that everyone knew. We most likely had some just post-pubescent college student "signing" everything. There was a reason why the Democrats bought off Liz and Bernie and everyone else and put in someone who was clearly heading down the dementia trail.

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post of the day but as you stated: "hardly anyone ever connects the dots".

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Well to be honest I really didn’t start “connecting the dots” until witnessing the four year coup against Trump which began immediately after his election in 2016. Seeing nearly all Fed agencies/employees circumventing & outright defying established norms & protocol in an effort subverting the will of the American people was a real eye-opener. Up until then I still believed in the “Red/Blue” BS.

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Brought to you by ozeros Valjar and co. Plays.

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Thank you....I was scrolling through comments to see if anyone would address the fact that it is not accurate to state that Putin started this SMO. He did not. Plus the SMO started as a basic civil war, which is not quite accurate but the Azov Battalion, with the blessing of Kiev, started fighting with civilian militia in the Donbas who wanted to be part of Ukraine but to govern autonomously. The DC Russiaphobes created the environment and the dope addict Ukraine president allowed his country to be destroyed. He could have opted to either follow the Minsk Agreements between Kiev and the Donbas....or....he could have sign favorable terms in Istanbul in spring 2022. He did neither.

It is naive to believe that, at this point, a 30 day ceasefire is going to be agreed to by Russia. It is not. Russia wants a final solution. I believe that the final solution will be for Russia to take back the land which had belonged to her and the Western rump to be divvied up and returned to the countries which they had originally belonged to: Poland, Lithuania, etc.

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"Plus the SMO started as a basic civil war, which is not quite accurate but the Azov Battalion, with the blessing of Kiev, started fighting with civilian militia in the Donbas who wanted to be part of Ukraine but to govern autonomously. "

Ukraine was a local skirmish that should have been left alone by the U.S. If Europe was nervous, they had the choice to assist, but America had no business being there but for the corruption of Joe Biden using his son and our interest in eight bioweapons labs.

We can't undo history but we still have no business being there. It's Europe's problem now.

I suggest we put the next bioweapons lab in Manhattan.

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Try putting it in Martha's Vineyard or Loudoun County...

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Perfection Rev !!

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As I understand it the war was started by the targeting of the native Russians of the DonBas area by irregular Ukrainian forces. The Minsk Accords were a setup for the whole intentional-war-by-proxy. Moreover Russia tried to join NATO several years ago & was rebuffed. Why? Justifying the MIC? Have never seen that adequately explained.

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Russia was fomenting stuff in the Donbas, it's just a cluster. Everyone ignored or violated both the Minsk I and II accords. Russia has security issues. Regions who lived through the Soviet period have nightmare issues. The only hope is for us to be engaged commercially in the area so that no one wants to mess around there.

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We are a ling way from having this issue decided. Stopping the fighting is not settling the issue. Putin wants his land back and until he is gone, it wont change. If Europe wants a settlement, they need to make peace with Russia, even if it means giving him his former lands. Russians dont change.

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Putin is going to get what he has right now - in fact will give a little back to get the Russian land he lost. Once the US has commercial ties to Ukraine, he is going no where else. Until we have another feckless democrat leader in the white house. But that is going to be awhile. By then Putin will be gone, and the Russian demographic bomb will be exploding, and Russia will need us around to make sure it isn't invaded by someone else.

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Sounds like you took classes in international diplomacy from Chamberlain.

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"the final solution" sounds historically ominous.

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As is the case with much effective misdirection, this comment depends on partial truth to establish its accuracy. Please allow me a moment to make the contrary case.

NATO was not "shoved" eastward. It was invited in to prevent exactly the kind of interference Russia has shown with other neighboring countries. When you live next to a strongman it is understandable you'd invite another strongman in to be your friend. And that answers your second question: why NATO is still around.

Yes, the west was involved in the Maidan Revolution. And I think we should not have been. Yes, the US was involved in lots of bad activities in Ukraine, partly to cover up money laundering schemes that were being run by people like Joe Biden and partly to keep the lid on other covert activities that were going on with our connivance (biolabs). Meanwhile the Russians were nibbling off pieces of Ukraine and infiltrating troops to incite opposition activities and kidnapping children to raise as Russians. No one's hands were clean.

The west did not "foment a war with Russia." That's like saying "Johnnie hit back first." Russia has been involved in undermining Ukraine for more than twenty years -- well before the Minsk Accords. In fact the Minsk Accords were an effort to stop Russian infiltration and taking over Ukraine from the east, something that had already succeeded in taking over parts of the Donbas and all of Crimea. I think it is entirely possible Ms. Merkel's "sham" statement was to cover up Russian interference as much as western interference. She certainly was no pro-west partisan.

Your comment might well have been written by Tucker Carlson, who has been pushing exactly the position you take for many years. I think Viktor Orban convinced him to talk like this, and I don't consider Orban an honest broker on this issue, although he does make the trains run on time.

The United States has long played an outsize role in the world because of its huge military, economic and cultural heft. But despite what the Russians, Chinese and Iranians like to say, we are not the cause of everything bad that happens in the world -- including global warming. I would like to see some honest balance brought to the historical discussion of events in places like Ukraine. Zelensky, for all his shortcomings (pun intended), stood up to the big bear. We supported him, often with too little too late, but he has held Putin to a slow slog instead of a speedy takeover. I would like the killing to stop, but I don't want to reward Putin and then realize too late that he also has designs on the Baltic States and Moldova, as well as parts of Poland and Romania.

It is well and truly time for Putin to be satisfied with the borders he has. Or to be denied commerce with the rest of the world.

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"Shoved", "pushed"...let's not quibble with words. NATO expanded eastward after saying that it wouldn't.

"Involved" in the Maidan Coup (not "revolution")....GMAB...We funded it probably through USAID one way or another...The crazy Russiaphobe of Trotskyite grandparents Cookies Nuland and the US Ambassador were up to their little ears on this one...The money laundering schemes came under Obama....but the labs were there before.

Re anything that Trump may have done during the first term with Ukraine, I disregard. He was surrounded by warmongers and was totally out of his element at that time to understand the danger that he was in. He was thinking like a CEO who are not accustomed to subordinates knifing them in the back.

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Russia was just as implicit in NATO's eastward expansion because of the policies they pushed. Russia quite publicly wanted to control the security arrangements of all of Eastern Europe. That is why they never joined NATO, and that is why the eastern European countries asked to be included in NATO. I say that while saying I don't think NATO really has a role to play anymore, but it became the vehicle under which this all played out. There were a bunch of unsavory characters throughout the region including the US. There was also the undercurrent of the Davos faction playing here that certainly made things even more difficult. No heroes here really, just various levels of badness.

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Succinct and accurate👍

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When you go from using the CIA to counter your enemies to allowing them to dictate policy, the outcome is always the same. The position of the US government on Russia never changed one bit after the collapse of the USSR. If the CIA is not reined in and exposed we learned nothing here.

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We could have stopped the NATO for Ukraine talk but we didnt.

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I am not on Putins side here but given the same thing happening to us and we would react the same way most likely. Classic study here to prevent future wars and teach young state dept officials.

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We did: Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

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Yep, and one should realize that Ukraine(Z) are just proxies....Trump,/Putin are negotiating against the EU/WEF/NATO & the power elites that control them. Power elites still want Russian wealth ( resources) and are doing everything they can to further war & U.S. participation. Interesting times.

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Zelensky made the classic error of ego over substance. Humility goes a long way in this world. Yet, he has shown that he is truly a bad “actor” on the world’s stage.

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He saw himself as a statesman and future legend like Churchill. When people are always telling you that you are great, you start believing it. Fast forward to today: possibly a million dead all because of an ego that blinded him to reality.

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His ego AND the cocaine.

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Eh, I think he was a controlled asset because his country depended on it. He did what he was told.

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NYT, Mo Dowd, Thomas L. Friedman... And on and on. Rupert Murdoch...

Haven't paid attention to them for 15 years. We have Donnie Boy and whole world of actual experts on Substack and Podcasts...

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Dittos !!

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Little Zee has listened to the CIA via USAID for too long.

They are no longer calling the shots. Trump is and believe him when he says he wants the killing to stop.

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Zelensky is a twerp in elevator shoes. If they made elevator brains, Little Z would be their first customer.

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One would expect there to have been several White House staffers with similar responses as the Ukrainian ambassador's when Biden had his disasters. Only none of the media would ever show that.

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From time to time there were photos which showed some Congresspeople standing nearby Biden, and you could tell by the rigid fixed smiles on their faces they knew very well what was going on but they were playing along.

One iconic photo I can't forget was Dem. Senator Chris Coons--standing to Biden's side applauding with a rigid fixed phony smile/grimace, refusing to look in Biden's direction. There were also a few photos now and then of some black House Rep (don't know his name), actually looking at Biden with distressed outrage. Those probably didn't make it onto the Left media, but did show up on X or elsewhere.

Just ponder this--literally hundreds of people encountered Joe Biden, and many Congresspeople, especially Democratic Congressional leaders, engaged with Biden regularly and often. All these people KNEW Biden was at marginal cognitive capacity. They KNEW, and they played along. Every single one of them is guilty of aiding and abetting treason. The Democratic party has turned into a criminal racket with the upper folks (and likely some scary enforcers behind the scenes) commanding the rank-and-file Dem Congresspeople to stay in line. Surely they have dirt on every one of them to hold over their heads.

Will never forget Joe Manchin at one SOTU stood up to clap for something Trump said, then he jolted a bit as he realized what he'd done and looked over at Schumer, who was frowning at him, and Manchin quickly slunk back into his seat. This was on TV and was crystal clear.

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Jill Biden was the POTUS brain. That should never be allowed and wouldn’t have been except for the media and a do nothing GOP.

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Especially because THAT was not much of a brain.

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You dissed the Dr. ??

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Real Doctors can save lives, I would never dispute that. Even so, they are as imperfect as the next human being, therefore not exempt from criticism. There was Dr. Freud, there was Dr. Goebbels, Dr. Mengele, there was the Doctor who killed George Washington by excessive bloodletting, there was another whose name I can't remember, who invented and promoted lobotomies ... there were those who prescribed thalidomide to pregnant women ... But the worst Doctors may be those who get doctorates in "Education" by writing PhD theses brimming with errors and nonsense.

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Great application of Ecclesiastes 3. I regard it as a treasure chest of wisdom.

I see Putin’s ‘violated’ the latest ceasefire. I don’t find that worrisome. Letting the bigger dog (whether aggressor or not) get the last punch is not so bad.

Trump’s putting our finger on each side of the scales to bring about a lasting resolution. Blessed are the peacemakers.

Wasn’t it a Colt ‘44 that was called a Peacemaker?

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Putin never agreed to any ceasefire....Where do you get your news?

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The Single Action Army revolver was chamberes in many different calibers.

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Can’t answer the poll today. Assuming Putin will do nothing seems a bit like having blinders on.

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'Kent must have taken the day off.'.But what caused all his trouble was Zelensky’s ego was bigger than his position in life.' He was gambler who crapped out and wanted someone else to stake him'.

Or as the gambler (DJT) might sing. 🎵So if you don't mind my sayin', 'I can see you're out of aces

For a taste of your whiskey,I'll give you some advice"

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I would rock my boys when they were babies, and sing The Gambler to them (also Riding on the City of New Orleans). They grew up to own their own businesses. Not sure how they feel about that song now.

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Or as the gambler (DJT) might sing. 🎵So if you don't mind my sayin', 'I can see you're out of aces

For the rights to your minerals, I'll give you some advice..


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PMe, that was an excellent choice, I just modernized it because I seriously doubt Trump would trust Zee's whiskey.

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FWIW-My wife dated Kenny Rogers. They both attended Reagan High. School.

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Swear I meant to say Cat.

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He's a cokehead, for God's sake. Does no one understand typical behavior of cokeheads?

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There have recently been assertions floating around the Internet that Zelensky is a cokehead, but in the clips we see of him, he appears normally functional. A jerk maybe, but not impaired. Is there any evidence for him being a "cokehead"?

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To be sure, the company he's kept lends credence to the rumor.

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For sure he is

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"wouldn’t even have a chance to negotiate a piece without the help you gave us.’ ” Glad you put that ) Think SNN's sly enough to misspell peace.?

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Zelensky is a creation of the entire Western government’s Globalist Elite power structure.

He is no politician, or great thinker, or even very smart, for that matter. He has been marinated in the delusions of that Elite power structure from the day of his creation when he was plucked from virtual obscurity and ensconced into the seat of President of Ukraine, a mere puppet to the whims of the New World Order crowd.

His history with Trump began with his selling him out in 2019 so that the Democrats could use him to attempt to impeach the 45th president on trumped up charges.

Fast forward to 2025, when none other than Trump has returned to power with a mandate to avenge the crimes perpetrated against him

and set the world aright.

When Zelensky, the Frankenstein creature of the Lefts delusions, stepped into the White House on that fateful day, his entire circuitry was overloaded and fried. All that he had been programmed to think, say or do failed spectacularly only manifesting in a display of a rambling, resistant and sputtering fool. He was by no means prepared for such an encounter and all his programming went horribly wrong.

He was discarded from that place like junk, and scurried back to his masters for them to help repair his frayed and smoking wiring. But all they could manage was a weak and poor patch job, that in no way would be able to withstand this far greater and more powerful Trump.

Zelensky is an empty shell, and his Overlords have been rendered powerless, their delusions of worldwide dominance now crashing down upon their heads. With their last gasps for breath they are flailing and screeching, and still conniving but they have nothing, as little by little their power is being stripped from them. The tearing down of their phony facades and false structures is in full swing, and just ramping up.

And we’re all here for it.

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Don't know much about Kentucky but it's not Ruby Red -217 to 1. I know less about Massie, but when has that ever stopped me? I don't care how conservative he is, you just don't go against your party leader. Even the purple rhinos held their noses and voted for what the American people wanted. What a quaint idea. Even if Thune has all his cats lined up, it’s still going to take at least 8 dims to make it pass. I'm going to bet there's not going to be a walkout, because eight people in the Democratic Party must be smart enough to know you don't cut off your nose to spite your face.

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