"The rape of the rave". Absolutely spot on. One doesn't waste his time trying to understand a rabid dog; he kills it.

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Mr. Burnett, you took the words right out of my mouth......The article said:

...... no matter how many human shields in Gaza are harmed — to guarantee that Hamas and the Palestinians are defeated in this war rather than benefiting politically. I say:

WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU WAITING FOR?? Israel has had the ability to destroy Palestine and every other country who supports them 100 times over. If I had a neighbor who I knew would kill me or my family if given a chance, do you think I would wait for them to attack me? I sure as hell; wouldn't.

Israel gets most of its arms from the United States. Israel should just say "Thank you:" and do as they damned well please. Only the worst kind of fool would have a military and not use it. Remember this saying from the 60's? "You canNOT simultaneously prepare for war and peace." Words to live by, folks, so let's settle this once and for all. I can't help but think how much better off the world would be if WWII generals George Patton and Curtis LeMay had been listened to at the time, but war is so much more profitable for the "chosen few."

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Agreed! Time to drop the curtain on those proud to say "I'm going to kill Ya"

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Where is a daisy cutter when you really need one?

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Need one? Need ten, possibly ten times ten.

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...and that curtain should be made from shrapnel wrapped in either semtex or C4.

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Judge Judy rules that if it is a gift, the giver shall not dictate how that gift is used.

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10-10-23: I want WWII saturation bombing on Gaza. I want no brick standing on top of another brick in Gaza. And no taking prisoners. NONE. These unspeakable Hamas b*stards are --- incredible, isn't it?! --- the equivalent, if not WORSE, than the German Nazis and the Russians (WWII, before going into battle in April 1945, strapped German civilians onto the front of tanks to stop the Germans from firing on the tanks). Hopefully, Netanyahu understands this, and just isn't saying meaningless things. Say, where's Big Mike with her PR ""We Support Kickbacks" hashtag to demonstrate that she'll be enjoying yet another weekend on Cape Cod? (after having served her country with her eight years of churlish and ungrateful behavior as the Worst Lady).

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I think you're giving more credit to Biden and the legacy media than they deserve. Saying Israel has a right to "defend itself" doesn't equate to full-on support for Israel to turn Gaza into glass. This is the man who resumed giving money to Palestinians and just gave Iran $6B that Iran then used to supply drones, weapons and planning advice to Hamas. And that aircraft carrier is not a warning to Hamas, it's a warning to Israel to not strike Iran's leaders. As far as the legacy media - where were there cries of disgust at the celebrations of the attack in the US and Europe? Anderson's tears are crocodile tears.

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Words are easy to use as temporary cover because memories are short-term. Watch his behavior. He (like Obama) hates Israel

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Those two are responsible for much. if not all, the accelerated chaos. Obama gave lots of money (US taxpayer, we forget that) to the Muslim Brotherhood, who even Egypt threw out. Every time I see or hear anything about Obama, well you can imagine.

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Disgusting human being. Liar and hypocrite.

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I disagree, memories are LONG TERM

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All normal humans have both long-term and short-term memory but that isn't what I am referring to in my comment. I am referring to the daily news cycle. In the daily news cycle, people have short-term memories. One headline or quote is replaced with the one that is pushed the next day. My point is that Biden is saying what sounds fitting now because it won't stick for very long. Watch his behavior, not his words.

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Our political class is degenerate and that’s why Biden is the head of the class.

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Yes, there were other words that were kind of iffy, but I'll at least take these.

The aircraft carrier group is actually there to make everyone aware that while Israel's air force is other wise occupied, if anyone strays into this airspace - say Iran, or some Iran sponsored group out of Lebanon - they will be shot down immediately. We essentially are covering their back door. I don't think Biden wanted to do that - but the video coming out of this atrocity forced his hand. Israel might be allowed to do what they need to do.

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Somehow taking the Concentration Camp, otherwise known as the Gaza Strip, and Finally Solving the problem, by annihilating 2 million Palestinians, sounds equally barbaric as Hamas slaughtering innocents of Israel.

This is a EUROPEAN PROBLEM. It is Europe, Germany and France, with additional support of many countries of Eastern Europe who stole without compensation, brutalized and finally murdered millions of EUROPEAN JEWS.

Setting European Jews up in the (once) British Protectorate (colony) of Palestine, without the consent of the Semitic Jews, Christians and Muslims WHO ALREADY LIVED THERE, was the classic dirty trick.

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🙄 you really need to brush up on your facts, not to mention your history.

The land of Israel has belonged to the Jews 4000 years before Christ, and the 2000 years since His death there and resurrection.

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Also, when your enemy tells you they are bent on your destruction you’d better believe them.

It’s not even about the land - it’s about annihilating the Jewish race.

So cut the moral equivalency crap. It’s about survival.

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I couldn't have said it better myself.

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I have just read of what these animals did to babies. BABIES! There is no moral equivalence for this.

Inflict upon them total war. At a certain point, your grievances ( whether justified or not), are moot. You lose the right to be aggrieved. You are properly described as an animal, a blight. A society so depraved it is owed no protection. And so war will settle it, as it has so many times before. You have escalated - and history would more rightly state you started it, at the behest of your brother arabs who then deserted you to be used as a political thorn - and now you will reap that which you have sown. And I would suggest that a huge, massive majority of those living in the concentration camp they chose to live in, applauded these attacks by their terrorists sons. Life is a bitch. And then you die.

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Sorry kam but the majority of Jews living in Israel come from the Arab and African countries. They were forced to leave soon after the war in 1948. Do you suppose they should be forced to return to places that expelled them? As others have already pointed out the indigenous people of the area that are still around are Jewish. When you find a Canaanite let me know.

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Regardless of who was there yesterday or even hundreds or thousands of years before, the Israelis have it now. They had it, lost it and then got it in 1948 and even then have had to fight for it multiple times since 1948. No one wants it but the Palestinians and they've failed - they're not very good at war so they should do something else.

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Go read the book O Jerusalem by Collins and LaPierre. It is the history of the formation of Israel and how the local Palestinians were told to evacuate Israel by the Arab League who was preparing to attach the nascent state and wipe them out. When the Israelis won, the Palestinians became refugees. Had they stayed, the Israelis would not have forced them out, but it was too late to return. The British via the Balfour Declaration promised the Jews a homeland in 1917 which they finally agreed to in 1948. As was stated below by

Suzie, the Jews have been in Jerusalem for millennia so your limited history is just that...limited.

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I guess climate change and pronoun charm school took the week off. Reality is back.

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Rod Serling couldn't even have come up with this crap. Charm school for pronouns? LOL

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Truth is stranger than fiction.

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At some point, the liberals will decide that Israel has responded sufficiently and it is time to show restraint. That request should fall on deaf ears. Hamas, Hezbollah and their Iranian terror masters must be destroyed.

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I think (hope) Netanyahu is smart enough to pursue this with “Patton” style. I think he has little trust or tolerance for Biden’s corrupt administration. I take him at his word that this event will forever change the middle east. He’s not going back to what it was before.

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Kill people and break things.

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Perhaps, if necessary.

I prefer to think of it as aggressively defend yourself when attacked and maintain recognizable strength as a deterrent. Peace through strength but kick the shit out of anyone who throws a punch.

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They should show as much restraint as the terrorists have. An Irish pol urged "a more proportionate response" from Israel. OK. Since the terrorists tortured, gang-raped, and then murdered some people, would it be a "proportionate response" for the IDF to do the same?

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Hi SL,

Absolutely Correct and thats why Israel has to flatten that shithole and disinfect it ASAP. I think thats the game Plan. You gotta Know the D-rats and their sock puppets are comin’!

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"Palestinian terrorists have mothers who mourn their deaths"

Wrong Don. Palestinian mothers celebrate the deaths of their terrorist sons who are considered martyrs, and the families get payments from the Palestinian authorities. The greatest hope of a Palestinian mother is to have a son who is martyred for Islam.

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Don, Israel should do what Israel decides it should do; it's only tangentially America's business. This is but the most recent episode in the seemingly never ending travail between Jew and Moslem in the part of the world where their civilizations collide. America's proper role is to decide what is in the best interests of America and proceed accordingly, not what is in the best interest of Israel or their antagonists. Similarly, it was not and continues not to be in America's interest to actively intervene in the Russo-Ukrainian War, inasmuch as the same basic dynamics apply, viz., two population groups with a long history of violent antagonism living in close proximity to one another. However, we should take note of what happens when two unutterably opposed populations live in such close proximity to one another and more specifically, what happens when one of those populations decides to "make nice" with the other. Right now, right here we are witnessing the Biden/Obama regime attempting to subvert American sovereignty by admitting millions of strangers into our country with no though as to whether they will be good for us. In fact, I venture to say that they would prefer that these newcomers be as opposed to traditional America as possible, because it is their intent to eliminate traditional America and replace it with a compliant, dependent population of serfs who they can control, direct and use as a weapon against us. We do not want, nor will it benefit us and "our posterity" to admit a population that is antithetical to historically American virtues, but that is what is happening. If it continues, what just happened in Israel is likely--almost certainly--going to be happening here in our country, especially if a large enough proportion of our citizenry continues to want to "make nice" with their antagonists. Even now, there exists a group of people who have been told they have been taken advantage of, enslaved and abused by another group and that it is perfectly fine to take violent action to "remedy" that "oppression" by criminal means, such as theft and robbery (which includes "reparations"), assault and mayhem, all justified in the name of "punching a Nazi." The usurpers currently occupying the federal government and their supporters have themselves encouraged such action against the "deplorables" and "MAGA republicans." If Hillary Clinton and many who think like her believe it acceptable to recommend forcible "reeducation" on her political opponents, it takes no imagination to understand what she and others like her would do if given a chance. Unless we awaken to our peril, our likelihood of surviving as a nation is small and getting smaller with each passing day that we allow the situation to continue. Instead of seeking vengeance on behalf of Israelis or Ukrainians, or any other aggrieved group of foreigners, we should examine our own position and take steps to prevent things from getting worse in our own land. Having said all this, I fear I am simply whistling in the wind. I hope for the sake of "our posterity" that I am wrong and that we may awaken and throw out the bums in the next election, in hopes that those who replace them will not themselves become like their predecessors. But just in case, I recommend keeping one's powder dry.

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Excellent take on our current dismal state. Interesting to note that much of these incidents are somehow fueled by prior policies set out by an administration's perceived duty to intervene somewhere somehow. Yes keep your powder dry. With the influx of military aged men (receiving $2000+/month) you can bet that either we'll have planned assaults of another crazed copycat , run of the mill massacre.

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Hamas/Palestinians cannot expect any sympathy, despite their celebrations in all of our major Western cities. Too far this time. No sugar coating their hatred of Jews.

While the Israeli deep state was undermining Netanyahu and Hamas was pretending it didn't want a fight, the attack was being prepared. I would expect the same to happen in the U.S., Canada, or any and all Western cities. As I mentioned to family during our Canadian Thansgiving celebrations on the weekend, Muslims/Arbas have assimilated, certainly where I live because they speak French, but they haven't lost their hatred of Jews. I've witnessed this first hand.

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There are many decent Muslim people. But there is a large contingent that will never truly assimilate in the West. They hate Christians and Jews. They are opposed to equal rights for women.

They don’t accept Western law. Why you want to import people who hate your society is a mystery to me.

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“A radical Muslim will cut off your head. A moderate Muslim will hold you down while he does it.”

Beware the “decent” Muslims.

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I don't actually agree with that. Here's how an ex-radical explains their "thinking":


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It’s a good article. Not every Muslim is a fanatic.

But as the article states the religion is also a political ideology and that’s one big reason why it’s so problematic. Every country that is not exclusively Muslim, but has Muslims has problems with Islamist terror sttacks.

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Tell me from the so called religion of peace, how in the hell do you tell the good ones from the bad ones, there's your problem lady, you cannot...

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How do you tell a good person from a bad person, an honest person from a liar, a President from a traitor? It’s a universal problem, bro.

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Yes. I get it. But there are people who are Muslim who are kind, decent people. You have to actually know individuals. This planet is so fucked up. Look at us.

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We all use heuristics to live. Pick your poison.

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Smiling faces.......

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I don't understand why there are "Queers for Palestine" when there have been acts of violence against gays, lesbians, and trans-people, including stoning, hanging, and tossing them off of the top of high buildings.

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Because it’s part of the “intersectional” critical theory Frankfurt School brand of dumb Commie BS.

Doesn’t have to make sense. It just needs to be emotionally satisfying until you get thrown off a building.

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...or being stoned to death after being buried up to your neck...

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They are deluded in their leftist thinking.

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No, oblivious to reality is apparent in these creatures.

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My children's nanny and her family (Muslim) are wonderful and decent people. But there's not enough of them. There is a very large contingent that will never accept Jews or liberalism in the Western world.

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The attack will come to a major city in North America before the year is out.

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Absolutely no ifs, ands, or buts you are CORRECT. Although I suspect that 2024 will be the time when this occurs.

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Hatred of the Jew is a core tenet of their belief system. Their children are raised watching cartoons depicting Jews as evil monsters to be destroyed.


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At the end of a very long and tortuous day, this is going to be about taking out Iran and their dream of world wide death in the name of their blood drinking and death loving deity!

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Shut down the CIA and there would be NO terrorist threat.

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Yep. Worthless yes, dangerous and I believe murdered JFK after he delivered his speech on June, 10,1963 at American University. They may have thought, hey this guy's not with the program at all. To think of the countless deaths this group caused. But interestingly enough an intelligence gathering group is essential to not getting blindsided by your enemy. But isn't that what just happened?

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I don't think,"Blind sided" is quite the word I'd use. Israel had already been attacked the day before. Kind of like the 'Tet' offensive in Vietnam 60 years ago.

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By design?

Wouldn’t put anything past these guys to get their ends.

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And to think this illegitimate, corrupt and inept administration is proposing a nuclear deal with Saudi Arabia for some kind of peace? These fundamentalists, whatever their beef, can't be encouraged especially with anything like a nuclear weapon. And yes, Iran, its theocracy must not have it. Israel realizes this and WILL NOT permit it.

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I guarantee it is top of mind for Netanyahu!

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There are already calls for Israel to ceasefire. I have not heard that in Ukraine. This is war. When one sees the video making the rounds of a beautiful young teenage girl set on fire by these animals while the crowd laughs and cheers as she fights to put it out you see that everyone is complicit. In cancer surgery you have to take out some good tissue along with the bad. I vote to level Gaza. When pictures come out soon of the children women and elderly hostages killed.. I vote to level Iran.

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All those Ukrainian war supporters just look ridiculous now.

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I can’t help but think that Zelensky is in a panic now as Israel’s righteous war is putting the lie to his, and exposing it’s egregious fraudulence.

The only silver-lining being that his war makes it more difficult for some who’d like Israel to back down have to now keep their mouths shut.

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IMHO, Iran should have been turned to a sea of glass after 9/11. But I'm way too easy on them, for sure.

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40 babies beheaded? At least the Nazis of 32-45 tried to hide their atrocities.

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Don, We, all of us Americans, need to have a serious conversation about the terrorist threats in the world. This is not just another action-packed television show. It's reality--and it's coming here. Hold our politicians and elites accountable and have a plan!

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Yes, it is coming here. How many of those young men crossing our border are jihadis? The shiite is going to hit the fan here and we as individuals had better prepare ourselves.

Several years ago I became a “prepper” for a number of reasons. Between the terrorists and Xiden’s crashing economy, I’m more convinced than ever that I made the right decision. If you haven’t begun to prepare, you had better start now.

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All the more reason to fight against government confiscation of firearms.

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Most agree the cowardly, brutal, unprovoked attack on Israel by Hamas must be countered immediately and hard. However, I can't get the thought out of my head that the deep state powers to be are getting impatient for a serious world-changing event such as a scaled nuclear response of some kind. These Palestinian invaders had to know they had a one-and-done chance to do harm only to be out-powered very quickly. Somebody wants WW III somewhere in the world. Ukraine is losing steam.

Their fast request for a cease fire using some hostages as collateral while Israel continued to level the playing field could lead us down that path. Netanyahu said the Middle East would never be the same. Remember, we're dealing with Iran here. Now, a likely nuclear Iran at some level.

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Yes and thanks to Biden and that cabal in the White House.

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Yes, as interest in Ukraine slows we have a Israel -Hamas. Makes you think, doesn't it? Somebody(ies) do want a global conflict.

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Level Iran. Start with their nuclear research facilities. Next, wipe out Ali Khamenei's headquarters. Massive strikes thereafter..

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Biden isn't running the government, Obama is, and he's always had a deep reservoir of love and patience for Islamacists. That's why for past 15 years or so, except for Trump's 4 years, there has been so much indulgence of Iran and it's proxies and allies, the Sunni Hamas and the Shite Hezbollah. Supporters of both, plus Americans supporting Iran directly, are deeply ensconced in our security agencies and can determine policy, including who gets hired and promoted. There's a great book about this, written by Rich Higgens called "The Memo", where he details the infiltration into all agencies by Islamacists, Sunni and Shite.

The murder and abuse of prisoners by Hamas should not surprise anyone. These are Jews and are seen by Islamacists as sub-humans: the Koran says that devout Muslims are to kill Jews where ever they find them. While most Muslims reject this, the Islamacists read the Koran as the revealed word of God and therefore it is their duty to do so. If they die in the effort, then they are martyrs and go to paradise, where they have 72 virgins at their disposal. They do this all the time and have for 1500 years: the only thing about this episode is that they filmed it all and posted for all to see.

Pray for the victims and their families, and for the accuracy of Israeli bombs.

Danny Huckabee

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Pity the virgins.

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Like all Lefists, the Nazi barbarians of Hamas went too far, although every attack they've made is unacceptable, and now they've lost the support of their patrons in the West. Please Bibi, do not stop.

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Pride goeth before the fall (sic). We can only hope. Too far, not that Hamas' goals and actions can ever be justified. This step too far, should bring about their end.

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Just musing, but there’s probably a principle involved, that evil carries within it the seeds of its own self-destruction.

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How did this atrocity go unnoticed by our intelligence community?

They were directed by Joe Biden not to look for it.

In the early days of the Biden take over the National Intelligence Priorities Framwork(NIPF) was redirected to focus on Joe’s perception of the biggest threat to our country. He has repeatedly emphasized this “risk” on many occasions. That threat? Climate change.

It goes a long way to explaining why our southern border is wide open-climate change in the invaders home countries and how a group like Hamas could pull off such a coordinated attack.

Joe once again has Americans blood on his hands via his doofus job performance and the idiots he surrounds himself with.

Wonder if he took any advice on this from naked Frank or Hunter?

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I would bet a LOT of actual cash money that the alphabets have long known what was in play this time. They have been paying hamas for years and cohabiting with them for years. The alphabetd have a long history of not telling all they know to all who they actually report to. They know where the training camps are, who move when and where and most of all they know where the money is, much of it even before the most recent deposits, straight from US taxpayers by various US aid agencies, NGOs and the UN and its corrupt agencies. None of this is invisible. Maybe the only flaw was thinking they could control what they grew.

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This is absolutely true. My brother served for years in Middle East intelligence gathering (after serving in the Navy ). We know every tank and troop movement on the ground in the Middle East. We. Know. EVERYTHING. So you're right - this was not a surprise.

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Intelligence Failure? The warning for the US is a tad late; our intelligence failures started November 3, 2020, and won't be over until the fat lady sings. (Shh. I think I hear her tuning up now.) We can visit our intelligence failures, by now covered in the sand somewhere in Afghanistan where the diminished capacity president dropped them the day our troops hung their heads in shame and pulled out before any civilian was released.

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I think the intelligence failures were well noted in late 1980s and early 1990s with the fall of the U.S.S.R., which wasn't noticed.

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It was a set up courtesy of Barry the fairy and his group of globalist nincompoops. Took awhile but planned it was on our end Joe is just the useful idiot.

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Exactly. Those big ships in the med aren’t fishing. And they were deployed long before there were thousands of satellites floating around the earth. Not all the pictures come from iPhones.

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🎯% !!!

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Their “eye” has been turned on their fellow Americans who oppose their party and it’s diktats.

The FBI is now almost totally geared to hunting us down - not actual terrorists- and make our lives a misery.

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POLL: Yes - level Gaza.

Then, send a message to Tehran: if you're not out of Tehran in 48 hours, you will die. Then drop a nuke on Tehran. Time to get serious and send the strongest "message" possible.

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Do not nuke. Send in a force and extract the pollies who authorised this massacre. Try them then hang them.

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I wish I could share your optimism. But there have been too many celebrations all over the world (including the USA) of the slaughter coming out of Gaza, complete with cries of "Gas the Jews" and other such pleasantries. (/s) Also, the legacy media very early started blaming the Jews for the slaughter by saying over and over that oh dear it's too bad but what can you expect after years of oppression and occupation and apartheid and lack of human rights blah blah blah. The world has not risen up to side with Israel. In fact, in all my years (and I'm 81) I've never before seen so much cheering on of genocide against the Jews.

And by the way, after WWII, some of the antisemites around the world (including the USA) began blaming the Jews for not fighting back against the Nazi slaughter enough. Now that the Jews are fighting back, they're being blamed for being "disproportionate" at best and the cause of the slaughter - and thus deserving of it - at worst.

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The Western world has imported this. The number of "celebrations" by Muslims in Canada and the U.S. is shocking and elsewhere (London, Sydney, Sweden, etc.), but in reality it should not be. Our politicians did this and the left courted this. This what we've got.

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Ditto. They can ram their Ramadan as far as I'm concerned. Name any muslim or islamist who was in on the founding of this country, and I will eat your hat!

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Well, I think it was Thomas Jefferson who was battling them around the founding. . . The Barbary Wars

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And after WWII the USA pushed out the British & French from the middle east. These two nations understood the workings of the Arab states but unfortunately America never has, until President Trump negotiated historic Abraham Accords.

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