Excellent report. And spot on as always.. I’m going to try to keep this as objective as possible.

The savagery of Hamas is no different from Al Queda, ISIS and all the other Islamofascist terror groups out there. Was crashing airplanes into the WTC better? No. It was what they could do to the USA at the time. Equally diabolical, cruel and violent. Any non believer and any non Islamic government - these terrorists will if and when given opportunity - do the same to you. We’ve grown numb, but there are small scale attacks all the time around the world based on the same ideology of hate. But not any more.

Please understand, only because of the Left in America do we have the Islamic ideology of hatred being celebrated in our nation - at universities, in our cities, in the media, in Congress. We import it because of Commies like Obama and Deep State globalist phonies like George Bush who provided cover for Saudis after 9/11.

What Israel is required to do now must be done here as well. Zero tolerance for murder, rape, any violence in the fake name of social justice. Zero tolerance for destructive failed ideologies based on lies and hatred, like Communusm. It’s all a lie and we better wake up. The goal is not peaceful coexistence for the Islamists or the Left. It’s murder and domination. What Israel is doing is hard and requires determination and sacrifice. If we can’t clean up our house, we won’t have a house. Stamp it out. Stop the funding and tolerance for lies and hate. Stop allowing Commies in government to break our laws. Reject all these phony accomodationists who profit from working for evil, crying racism and colonialism while they are the ones destroying lives and society- the Soros prosecutors, the dumbasses on the “squad”, the chickenshit RINO sissies who go along to get along. It is life and death. That’s the reality.

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When it comes to stopping this hatred, perhaps we should make the first example out of a few loud mouths in Congress who outwardly hate Israel.

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They hate America too. That’s my point here.

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That's why we need to start with them. They get all the free news coverage they want and use it to hate Israel and support pro-Palestine.

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Yes, they do hate America. Name them and shame them.

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Why not start with the JEWISH congressman Chuck Schumer.

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OK by me. He drives me crazy most of the time.

There are a few others too, especially Omar who should be ineligible to be in our government because she falsified documents to gain entry to America. As far as I am concerned, she is a terrorist enabler.

Tlaib's another one: https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1712137753469796700

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I am trying to ignore your bigoted self, but I can’t always do so.

Schumer May have been born Jewish, but he is not a religious Jew.

What religion are you? I can call out all of the liberals that are whatever religion you are and make the same comments.

It is time for you to shut up about the Jews.

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Are Catholics to be judged by standard bearers Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden? All politicians are bad unless proven otherwise. Thank you SL for your response.

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As a practicing Catholic, the only thing worse than faux catholics like Pelosi Biden sadly is our current Pope

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I derisively refer to him as pope Frankie.

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The pope is a commie. Like I always say, we don't call him Red Francis for nothing.

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Mr. Niederberger doesn't need me to defend him, but Jews like Schumer are self-loathing, and every bit as anti-Israel as I point out in my post. They are only Jewish when it suits them.

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I call them JINOs: they show up @ synagogue once a year during the High Holy Days & that’s it. Rest of the time their religion is leftist politics.

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Amen . Tony's very intelligent, but he ain't got no soul.

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You'd probably say that if you read my opinions on homelessness as well, but not true as I volunteered in shelters for many years. If politicians accepted the fact that homeless people REALLY don't want homes, but the cash they get in liberal run states so they can stay messed up, this charade called homelessness would end in a day.

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Spot on. Sure can't argue w/that-beats the hell out of working.

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Have I not told the truth EVERY time?? Were you aware that most of the top NAZIS were Catholic. Neither do I believe that Our Lord has forgotten your forefathers murdered his son. As far as Chuck Schumer goes, I believe it was you that said that "There are practicing Jews and non-practicing Jews. However true that may be, when Jews seek money for election/re-election, they always seek Jewish money and whatever else a particular politician believes, destruction of the Jews is always paramount. You don't complain about them, now do you ?

For the record, I don't hate anyone as hate takes way too much energy.

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I suggest you read the first Law of Holes and stop digging.

Good day.

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I don't "dig" for anything. Anything I say can not only be proven, but it isn't my fault you refuse to admit the TRUTH. What are you afraid of--to admit you're wrong !?

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Jesus wasn't murdered. His own words, "I lay down my life."

Thank the Jews! Without his paying the price for our sins we would not have Salvation which is ours through Him .

Also remember that we have the Gospel thanks to the Jews. Paul, Timothy, Silas, Peter, John, all Jews who carried the news of salvation to us!

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Saying "I now lay down my life" when you are having spikes hammered into your body is hardly a voluntary statement. Jesus actually had asked his father to "Pass on the cup" (chalice). Jesus did not want to die, but he did as his father ordered. When the crowds screamed "Crucify him, Crucify him" that doesn't sound to me that it was voluntary. I call that MURDER. Whatever you call it is wrong. Sheesh...after five absolute massacres of Jews in history and being kicked out of over 100 countries here on planet earth, you'd think the Jews would have learned something such as the true. purpose of the 12 tribes. The Jews still refuse to learn and it has now come to last weekend's massacre--even the parts that were staged.

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To be clear most Nazis were practicing Protestants, not Catholics. Jesus and John the Baptist were raised in the Essen sect of Judaism rather than the Pharisees or Sadducees sect. In modern times Judaism has many branches, like all religions it is unfair for you to judge others. Consider rereading the book of Mathew.

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Most of the Nazis were secular humanists. They turned their backs on GOD. The churches subjected themselves to the Nazis and quit teaching the Gospel.

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Well, let's see. Heydrich and Himmler were Catholic as was most of the German General staff, if not all of them to include Count Shenk von Stauffgenberg.. After July 20, 1944, a lot of the General staff such as Erich von Manstein were Catholic and forced to retire. I hadn't really followed those generals who came to power after 1944. I was referring to those who came to power along with Hitler as he solidified his base. Any particular Book of Matthew you'd like for me to read ? As far as the Pharisees and Sadducees, Jesus walked among them his whole adult life.

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I have always found that someone who calls others racists or bigots is ALWAYS the biggest racists of them all.

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Very clever Tony. You get a biscuit. Schumer is a bad guy.

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My problem with Schumer and his ilk - to include many black politicians - is they trot out their religion or race at election time and go back to being swamp critters after the election. I'd say the race-baiters are much worse. Definitely a swamp issue, not a "Jew" issue. Hope I came out of that as a pragmatist and not a racist. If I'm going to dislike someone, it is going to be on character. Religion, race, etc is lazy and ignorant.

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All Leftists and totalitarians have power as their ultimate goal, usually with wealth and close second. They use whatever is at their disposal to achieve that end. Leftist ideology promotes identification of the “oppressed” and marginalized groups and using them as a tool to destroy the “oppressor” aka the existing non-revolutionary power structure, whatever that may be in a given place. After they destroy stuff, they take over and destroy it some more. They are very clear on how to break things. Not so much in how to actually build anything functional. Most people who adhere to these beliefs have emotional/psychological problems and limitations which produce envy, hatred, avarice, and usually an inclination toward violence.

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Well said Tanto.

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GMTA !!!

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Dang, Marlan, I'm too old to be learning new acronyms.

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And I refuse to Google them any longer. :)

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Well said. I was talking to a Jewish friend of mine this morning who is upset and anguished. She harbours no ill will against the people of Gaza. She does, however like all of us, believe that Israel must retaliate with force so that this doesn't happen again.

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I would have had nothing against the average Japanese person, but I do believe occassionally bombing the bad guys back to the stone age every now and then makes regimes sit back and take a pause. The result is less life lost in the end. Last time that was really done well was when Reagan bombed Libya. Hard.

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Extremely well put Tanto!! 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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If Israel does what needs doing, the world opinion will turn against them. Israel needs to treat them like Joshua treated Jericho in order to solve this. And by them, I mean Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and the other islamofascist nations.

We will not have peace until Christ returns. Come quickly LORD Jesus.

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The trouble and treason starts here.

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There is a reason no Arab country wants the “Palestinians.” They are the Wil E Coyote of Arabs holding the ACME bomb. Great read Don!

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That is SUCH an important fact and element to the whole history of this saga!!

One of the chief “selling points” to the signees of the Abraham Accords was the once and for all diminishment of the “pesky Palestinians”. All the Arabs nations (exception Lebanon and Qatar), in truth cannot abide them. They have a been a thorn in the side of the entire Middle East for decades.

Right now, Egypt refuses to allow refugees from Gaza to enter their country. It’s a two-faced move: one face is to appear to thwart the Israeli ground attack, but the true face is that they don’t want the Palestinians/Hamas in Egypt.

Same goes for Jordan.

The only “point” of the Palestinians in the Middle East has been to make the lives of Israeli’s a constant misery.

But the truth of the Palestinians- and Iran for that matter - to the other Middle Eastern states (except Lebanon and Quatar), is they wish they would be eradicated too, because they threaten their countries existences as much as they do Israel’s.

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I take your point, however, it seems the relevant "audience" is happy to watch the Wiley Coyote cartoons, and to continue to purchase lots of tickets to the event. Sort of like the old canard that......."(you-know-who) uses (you-know-who) as their "Muscle."

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At some point, the left will again tell Israel when they should stop. They always do.

They will hopefully be ignored and Israel will finish the job.

“Level Gaza”. May it be so.

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"So it is written, so shall it be done."

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That's a Don Surber-level quote. Yul Brenner was an amazing actor and that was an amazing movie.

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Yes, I hope that Israel does not hold back.

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Yes, the Marxists will, sooner than later! They are so predictable!

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Rather than building bombs, and focusing on death, maybe Palestinians should learn to build things of importance such as electrical plants, water, purification, systems, and food production facilities.

Having been to the Middle East including many Arab countries, the striking reality is on the Israeli side of the border. The desert is green, and full of life. On the Arab side of the border, it is desert filled with sand.

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Amen. The Palestinians could have been building a constructive life for themselves, but instead they were seduced to the laziness of “victim ideology”, and built a life based on whining and getting welfare handouts from other countries and groups. They also accepted and participated in an educational system that heavily indoctrinated their youth in racial and religious resentment and hatred.

Really sounds like exactly what is happening to the lower-class level of blacks in America as the liberal/Marxist left turns them into the same type of whining non-performers as the Palestinians. (Middle class blacks in America have NOT fallen into this trap, only the dysfunctional Ghetto blacks.).

The Palestinians have had decades to take responsibility for themselves and get their act together. This is all their own fault.

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When you have Satan’s demons aimed at destruction and absolute evil, the last thing they think about is developing their land. Unfortunately, their messaging to the rank and file Palestinians is daily brainwashing like it has been happening here for decades and is now on supersonic steroids. We need a similar cleansing of the Satanic demons in the swamp and elsewhere in the US, and worldwide!

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ROE, thank you. God will take care of Satan and his followers, and the Israelis will help God greet them sooner.

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I didn't vote because there is "No Palestine" today, only people who identify as Palestinians. They don't have a nation or a place to call their home. It is time to fix that for them by leveling their occupation. Netanyahu gave Gaza fair warning to leave the area before they bombed. No empathy for the new bride here.

Somebody wants a world war pretty badly.

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Glad you posted this. Those that want to remain and be human shields have no one to blame but themselves or their good friends who are forcing them to stay.

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Exactly, yesterday there was a report of several UN personnel killed by Israeli bombing. Even if true, sorry not sorry!

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If we take the UN out with Palestine, all the better.

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AMEN Shrugged !!

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Don't lay down with terrorists if you don't want to wake up to being bombed.

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They are masters at making themselves look like martyrs. They have to build a case for the cease fire. The cease fire will happen when they are removed from Gaza.

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Would you say the same thing about the Jews in Nazi Germany? The Jews did NOT want to move to Palestine (Today's Israel), so they came back. History seems to forget that.

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"Somebody wants a world war pretty badly."

I think it's the WEF. Their Covid operation to reduce the world's population shorted out.

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They didn't want this war. It's fighting the wrong people.

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This convinces many that this is a spiritual battle and it's time to take a side.

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It's past that.

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The article said:

A small war cabinet to direct the war with Hamas will be created, as demanded by Gantz, which will include just Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and Gantz.

I say:

The United States should try having three men in charge calling the shots instead of the 47 generals they now have, but Biden would never EVER cut the bureaucracy.

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I think that would depend on who the generals were.

Patton, Omar Bradley, US Grant, sure.

Miley Vanilley and his ilk? Let’s hope not

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If you ae wondering about all the war medals sitting on Mark Milley's chest, they are "Campaign" medals, not medals for actual combat. For example:

Going to Korea will get you 2-3 service medals without doing anything except showing up there. Such are our heroes of today.

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Curtis LeMay should be in there instead of Grant in my opinion.

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The three generals running America are General Motors, General Electric, and General Dynamics. There are others with them, but they aren't generals.

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My three picks would be Patton, Terry Allen and Theodore Roosevelt Jr.

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I may catch absolute HELL for saying this, but if you read and believe in The Bible (Biblical Revelations to be specific), Israel will be wiped out. There are no more wonderful people on the planet than Israeli Jews. Put American Jews in the mix and you

are facing the very thing that has now happened. Hey, American Jews, KEEP VOTING DEMOCRAT.

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It is strange they do that.

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Don't think that this is just about antisemitism. America is hated by these people as much as Israel is. We are number 2 on the hit list and expect attacks to come to our shores. We can harden our defenses if we are wise. We must stop offering aid of any sort to this cesspool of evil. Our money has funded those who are planning our destruction. Time to cut the cord, gather our allies in the mideast, such as they are and give the Israelis a free hand in saving themselves. Our support should be as strong as possible because in the end we are saving ourselves from the possibility of WWIII. The longer it goes on the more likely that will be the outcome. Hope and pray that the Israelis are able to quell this monster quickly with a strong message to all who might think of supporting it.

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Hey Don:

If we de-escalate, will Hamas de-murder and de-rape? Asking for a friend. Fred

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Khalid Mashal is calling Muslims everywhere around the world for tomorrow to be a Day of Rage.

He told Muslims:

1. "To show anger, especially Friday, in Muslim countries and Also among Muslim diaspora around the world; he called it “the Friday of Al-Aqsa flood”, he said this will send a message of rage to Zionists and to America

2. "He asked for financial help from all Muslims around the world; to help with their money, he called it “Financial Jihad”. He asked Muslims to give to the fighters of Gaza in order to compensate them for the destruction.

3. "He asked political pressure, from Muslim leaders and Muslim nations, to stop Israel’s military invasion of Gaza

4. "The most important thing: He asked all Muslims around the world to carry Jihad by their souls; to fight and be martyrs for Al-Aqsa. He wants Muslims to fight against the Jews, starting with Muslims who live in the countries surrounding Israel: Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt (but also other countries), to go to the borders and try to enter, each by his own means.

"He said: This is the time for Jihad to be applied on the ground rather than just in theory.

"He asked the Mujahideen to go in long caravans to spell their blood on the land of Palestine.

"These are his final words: "Funds are important but today we are asking for your blood and souls [to be sacrificed for Palestine] (link)

"Add to the number of direct Islamist jihadists, the support networks and foot soldiers from extreme leftists and groups like Black Lives Matter."

Jews and those who support Jews are to be made afraid to live anywhere.

Bari Weiss, who left the NY Times due to their antisemitism said, "The Nazis tried to hide their crimes. Hamas is livestreaming theirs.

This was all set in motion by Barack Hussein Obama. This was his plan all along. Sock puppet Biden helped by giving half a billion dollars to the Palestinian Authority saying they are not a terrorist entity. Between Obama and Biden they gave hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran between supporting their oil exports and piles of cash. Obama's plan was to delegate our Middle East authority to Iran.

In addition, Obama hated the exceptionalism of the USA and hated what he saw as the exceptionalism of the Jews, in terms of the Judeo-Christian heritage of the USA. What better way to demolish that exceptionalism than to give a nuclear bomb to the most Jew hating country in the world. He left Jews who were in the democrat party to pledge allegiance to the country that has vowed to wipe Israel off the map. Obama's goal: normalize Jew hatred.

We are entering a potential second holocaust. The number of Muslims far outnumber the number of Christians and Jews. Our government has sided with the Muslims against the Christians and Jews. They sided with Black Lives Matter against innocent Black and white people, when BLM activists burned and looted Black owned businesses. They have turned our country inside out and upside down.

Prepare yourselves. Stay safe.

Isaiah 41:10:

Fear not, for I am with you;

Be not dismayed for I am your God;

I will strengthen you,

I will help you,

I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.

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I think Western cities should get ready for some protests.

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And BLM will be rioting alongside the Palestinians.

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ICYMI-Perhaps I chirped too quickly: 'The administration is now working with fund manager Qatar to hold up the $6 billion after Iran’s ally Hamas launched a wave of attacks against Israel on Saturday,'

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I wish I had bought that AR15 instead of the Red Rider BB gun that I use to plink cans and teach my local squirrels to stay off of my bird feeder. We're rapidly moving in a direction where self defense will need stronger fire power.

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That will be interesting to watch and see what happens globally. They are really itching for a total smack-down.

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Smack down should be coming! Boom!

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Level Gaza. Then Iran. That should do it!

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And when the Israelis finish the job, I hope we can see the parallels in our country. We have domestic terrorists controlling our government. While lacking physical violence (for now) what else could you call the unending attacks on Trump? The DOJ and Hillary are making it clear that they truly consider Trump supporters (mostly Tea Party folks) enemies of civilization who must be rooted out of society and even sent to re-education camps. Pol Pot smiles. So does Joe Stalin.

I don't see much about the recent friendship between China and Iran. Wonder if they played a role in this attempt at ethnic cleansing? Is Joe getting 10% of everything?

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Well written historical background by David Horowitz for those curious


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Horowitz is a must read. Like Don. Horowitz was of the Left and witnessed the murder of Betty Van Patter by the Black Panthers and switched his tune.

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I wish the witnessing of leftist insanity would be the antidote to being a Democrat. If it was, by now, Biden would have created the largest army of conservatives (although Trump's ratings continue to grow!)

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Excellent article.

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Good morning(I hope), all.

I'm not sure which is more loathsome: the attack by Hamas, or the approval/support of it from many and various folks. The lies bought into by naïve fools...whom the terrorists would rape and kill just as rapidly as their victims in Israel. I notice that, here in the Desert Southwest, there isn't much advertising for any 10/13 pro-palestine rallies. Seems to be confined to largely blue cities. I guaran-damn-tee, the reception such a rally would see from the folks 'round here would be less than positive. The local lawfolks would likely have to form a protective cordon around the creeps...

As far as Gaza goes, I stand by what I have already stated. Down to the ashes, make the rubble bounce, and drive the tanks over. They can find mercy with their Higher Power, if they even have one.

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Several points…

1. Israel needs to finish this thing once and for all, and do it quickly. If there are (and of course there will be) refugees its the Palestinian diasporas issue to sort out, not Israel’s.

2. Once this thing is finished so is BiBi’s political career.

3. The Border being breached fiasco needs to be sifted through and sifted through again. Even when the final report is issued it would be a good idea to have taken a course in reading between the lines. Instinct tells me Occams Razor is going to be helpful. Pretty sure we aren’t going to like what it shows and what our gut already tells us is true!

4. There already is a Palestinian State…its called Jordan

5. Am Yisrael Chai…The People of Israel Live

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Why would Bibi's political career be finished?

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The Breach, for whatever the reason, was on his watch, and so are the resultant deaths…In this country that at the very least would call for a vote of No Confidence

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This is somehow Trump's fault, so your logic is extremely sound.

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Thanks for the explanation, Chuck. It will be interesting to see if this happens.

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Don, Don, Don, I understand the normal human emotion that arises when one sees a clear-cut case of savagery, such as the events in Israel. It is, however, the emotional content of our reaction that is the most dangerous part. It's the same thing we (or at least, I) feel when I see one of the myriad of videos of black savages assaulting whites and Asians in our American cities. Makes me want to say, "Kill 'em all." But I know that is not what should be done once the emotion cools off and I am capable of rational reflection. Having said that, I again stress that I will not second guess the Israeli response to the event; it's their country and their war, so what they choose to do about it is their decision. Unless it directly effects our American national interest, I am content to remain aloof, even though I wish and pray with all my heart that things were not so. And I get it that the overwhelming majority of residents of Gaza support Hamas--or at least they did until they came to realize that their support carried a heavy price. I am pretty sure that lots of post-WW II Germans and Japanese had the same impression: "What was I thinking?", but those same people almost universally supported the government that put them in that position. And certainly, once engaged in hostilities, America prosecuted the war with all the retaliatory savagery demanded by the circumstances, but once hostilities were ended, those same Americans rebuilt their enemies' countries, such that now we have been at peace with them for nearly a century. In other words, we didn't kill 'em all; just those who perpetrated and participated in the hostilities against us. I suppose what I am driving at is a desire to refrain from supporting blood lust while at the same time also supporting a reasoned, rational and morally supportable response by the Israelis to the horrible attack they suffered. To digress a bit, I remember the reaction of most Americans to the World Trade Center atrocity; we were all in on killing those responsible for it. Every time the videos of the Towers exploding and falling were played on our TV screens we were more than happy to follow the lead of our President, GWB and attack... who? Did it matter then? No; we just wanted to repay the atrocity with some ass-kicking, but in hindsight, what did the "War On Terror" (tm) accomplish? Deaths and woundings of thousands of Americans, Iraqis and Afghans, with the end result that the people we declared war on then now hate us even more and support those who wish to do us harm. There was no way we were going to restructure that backward, seventh century islamic part of the world with our Enlightenment European Christian concepts of democratic self-government, but we suffered from the curse of Hubris. We are now continuing to pay the price required by Nemesis. What we should do at this time is seek to best protect our own interests; end immigration, deport illegals, stop the endless funding of foreign countries in the name of "humanitarianism", especially stop the funding of ancient blood feuds between ethnic antagonists in other parts of the world and put an end to the current government sponsored elevation of one racial or ethnic group over another here in America in the name of "equality." It is well to remember that when we stand before God on Judgment Day, we will not be asked about our ethnic or racial heritage; we stand alone and will be judged according to what we, as individuals, chose to do while living. Entrance to Heaven is not dependent on one's group identification, regardless of what the social justice warriors tell us.

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The response will be in phases. First they have to kill all the terrorists left in Israel. Second the hot phase requires a retribution strike on Gaza. The last phase is the "Cold Anger" phase and I suspect that will be the most deadly in the long run. There will be a never ending hunt for those responsible and then their elimination. This will include those not currently living in Iran. There will be consequences.

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Remember Munich.

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I do see your point, but many are beyond "rational reflection" due to the war crimes that were committed in Israel.

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I think Steve is a typical lawyer who gets paid by the word. sarc/

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Nope. I got paid by billable hours, and believe me, it takes a lot of .1 hour time entries to make a decent income. : )

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I assume you realize I was just kidding.

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