I have yet to watch any of the Olympic Games and have no intention of doing so. I heard about the opening ceremonies and that told me everything I needed to know.

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Seems to me that with this opening ceremony debacle and the boxing beat down, the LGTB community and the Olympics have just “jumped the shark”.

First Joe Biden suddenly becoming senile right before our eyes and the world seeing the idiocy of the LGTBQ left - both live on TV.

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Indeed, one would think - but despite the small number needed to stand up and push back, there are far too many who will cowardly rationalize why doing nothing is the right course of action. In the immortal words of John Stuart Mill, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

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It's attributed to Edmund Burke.

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When Good People Do Nothing – Proverbs 24:11-12; Mark 10:46-49 No proof either of them said it-not nice for blue medallions to disagree.

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When Good People Do Nothing – Proverbs 24:11-12; Mark 10:46-49 No proof either of them said it-not nice for blue medallions to disagree.

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Don't forget the sudden rise of the dimwitted word salad person as a finale to the debacle of all times.

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Maybe we should start calling them GBTQ since driving women, including lesbians from society is their goal.

Or we can stick with my original favorite, perverts.

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So true.

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The irony is that the Olympics were restarted in 1896 to promote physical education and international unity. The opening ceremony this year featured a morbidly obese person and Nazi chants from middle-eastern nations, the opposite of those goals. Of course, the original Olympics were pagan worship, so you can also think of this year's events as a return to the original intent of the competition.

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I can do better; to avoid dying of boredom, I have never I watched competitive sports of any kind,

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Bully for you. People have participated in and rallied around sports for centuries - for God's sake, unless you're gambling away your mortgage payment it's a harmless diversion. And a good time was had by all.

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People have done all kinds of stupid stuff for centuries. But that doesn't make it less of a waste of time and effort; consider how the worship of sports in high schools has hidden the decline of useful learning and good behavior. As Jefferson warned in 1785: "Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind."

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Physical activity in the form of team sports, in high school and beyond, when young people are at the peak of their ability is a PROBLEM? In our fat, chronically unhealthy society? I don't see it. You probably think the skill, effort and team work of drum corps and marching bands are a waste of time as well. How little you know or understand.

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Ooooh, a condescending one. "How little you know or understand."

What I know and understand is that for a long time now, all the overdone hoopla about sports in high school has served to conceal the fact that the educational part of HS has amounted to less and less, whether we're talking about academics or hands-on technical training. But the sports hoopla serves to pacify a substantial number of parents who otherwise might question the sense of having their kids attend school -- especially public high school.

I suppose you're a high school phys-ed teacher, hence the hostility.

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Weak, woke academics, non-existent technical training, no accountability for lack of achievement and no consequence for bad behavior are ENTIRELY different issues from physical activity and team sports. You do understand that kids' team sports are not confined to school, right?

Public education, especially in "troubled" districts, is in decline overall. But parents raising kids must live in the moment, and districts with the proper demographic percentages (where non-achievers/discipline problems are NOT the entire focus) still turn out bright, accomplished students. That's why people buy homes in those areas -- not everyone has the option of home-schooling or private/parochial.

I notice you completely ignored my comment about marching bands. And no, I'm not a PE teacher. Perhaps you're the kid who got chosen last for kickball and never moved on.

I won't be replying further, selectively obtuse people are a waste of my time.

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No need to insult others especially with the appropriate word, Bully. Freudian slip?

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It's a commonly used idiomatic expression - either for genuine praise ("good for you!") or sarcasm. Rather mild I'd say, you obviously didn't get it. Perhaps that's an insult as well. 😂

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No, I got it. I am certain anyone British got it for sure. I was just thinking about the common today usage of the word bully and it kind of seemed appropriate. I would rather watch paint dry than watch a live sporting event except tennis. Zsnore. To each our own.

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Correction: It WAS a "commonly used idiomatic expression" -- a hundred years or so. Someone like W C Fields might have said it. Or Teddy Roosevelt. Today it serves to convey the snobbery of JonesySmart.

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Can't refute anything I stated in my reply to YOU, so you scan the horizon. Be sure to check out the other subs I frequent.

Just an aside, do you really think someone of Mr. Surber's caliber appreciates your whiny drama? That's why I'm out. Show some respect.

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I agree although I do sometimes enjoy the ballet that is tennis but in all whites and silence. Cavemen days have returned to reverse civilization and paganism as well.

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A English cleric (kicked out of the Church of England, because he actually believes in Jesus) said last weekend that Christians should not watch these Olympics clearly dedicated to pagan and LGBTQ gods. Can't say I disagree.

FWIW, the interview as at TPUSA Believer's summit last weekend. Worth a listen to the podcast which illumines much of the dying off of Christianity in Europe.

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Wow…Valentina Gomez tells it like it is!

We need more candidates that have the “fortitude” to speak the truth. I might need to move to Missouri…

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Missouri is a glorious place to live! I moved there from Vegas 3 years ago, and I love it so much. I'm living a Little Farm in the Ozarks life.

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I have relatives who moved from Berkeley to Missouri and have found home and happiness.

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That can’t be authentic.

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The transgender movement is what happens when a mental illness is “transitioned” into a civil rights movement. It’s a consequence of magical thinking that the Left engages in on a regular basis, just look at the climate change canard. Does anyone believe that mankind can control the temperature of the earth?! These crazy people who make up the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party need to be kicked out of political power before it’s too late to recover.

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Need another Tail Gunner Joe.

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If, :"Word Salad" were to be prez, then it's already over. The end of civilization as we have grown to love gone the way of Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party. God Bless America! Trump Vance 2024.

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Agreed on all items. Let me add another. The US Olympic Committee shamefully chose the China loving NBA star LeBron James to carry our nations flag in the opening ceremony. But kudos to the advertisers like C Spire who immediately pulled millions of ad dollars from the broadcast.*** I believe you have just identified the lady who should be the next US Ambassador to the UN. Name That Tune star Valentina Gomez would be the perfect fumigator for that rotten institution.

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The schmuck who knelt during the national anthem carried the flag for our country. Let that sink in.

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Extra credit for using "schmuck" in your comment.

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Every little bit helps. In this case it would stronger if written in Chinese.

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Bu ji dao. It’s still pretty good in English.

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The Dept of Education must be eliminated. It is another Democratic Party money laundering and propaganda operation that usurped the power of citizens to locally control the education of their children. Through its mandates and grants which bring money to state and local school districts, it controls much of the curricula taught in your local schools. Through that mechanism, Democrats implement the goals they share with people like NEA President Becky Pringle. Pringle recently delivered an unhinged rant calling for more "reforms" in education, i.e., more suppression of actual learning, elimination of rewards for demonstrated ability and achievement, etc. A partial view of that corruption of education was exposed to public view during the Covid lockdowns. That drove a fourfold increase in parents doing homeschooling. *** A side note. New York, California and Texas are the biggest buyers of school textbooks. The content mandates from those three state boards of education (largely manned by NEA approved officials) to the very few textbook publishers are the reason why public school textbooks in every subject are full of DEI propaganda.

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It’s the union influence buying. I’d back a law that allows people to organize but that organization CANNOT use any money for political support. Voice your opinion but no buying politicians.

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There are such a laws but political action committees are set up to go around them. PAC activities are Constitutional because of the First Amendment. When SCOTUS banned mandatory union dues a few years ago, unions and their PACS were severely injured.

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I think we have that in Indiana, Greg.

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All too true...but in small town schools boxes might get checked for state and federal mandates, but teachers are free to teach traditionally, don't ask don't tell, as long as students show achievement and growth. Unfortunately new teachers are unaware of how great teaching could be pre common core and are at a loss for resources. Old used textbooks are a great resource as are all the curriculum written by my hero, Sigfried Engelmann.

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"Fumigator" Perfect. But, first, turn her loose on the Department of Education.

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Only if she fires everyone associated with DOE, burns all records since the founding, and rents out the offices to worthier individuals. If they could only go back to the day in 1979 when they took Education away from the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare. Jimmy Carter was on duty when that happened. I remember the hubbub because I was working for the university department that spear-headed that travesty. All those in on it damn-near had a broken arms from patting themselves on the back.

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Dept. of Education would be #1 with the FBI a close 2nd.

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As Babylon Bee said, domestic violence was elevated to an Olympic sport.

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The problems go back many decades as the IOC became filled with grifters demanding bribes from host countries/cities. It is only natural the rot spread from the logistics portion to the "sporting" portion of the event.

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The Olympics sank to rock bottom by making "sport" a beat down. There, I fixed it for you.

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"I separate LGBTQ from homosexuals in the same way I separate the KKK (Kamala, KJP and KBJ) from black women." Coffee spit..

Gays have been around since man was born and are just living their lives.

LGBTTQWETRUICIDISNENNVE's are communists and using terror as is their history. The only way men terrorizing women will stop is when WOMEN activate against them.

Ladies - Lead the charge and our muscle will defend you. Believe me... We are ready to grab these cross-dressers by their tiny balls, and...

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I "liked" your comment, but I really think it's past time for the adult MEN in the room to stand up and say, "Enough! Knock it off or we're going to take you out."

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I agree, but I am at a loss sometimes. I can beat a mans ass for attacking women and go to jail and lose everything. Should I do that if the women aren't standing behind me these days?

The night I met my wonderful wife of 30 years... We walked into an establishment and a man grabbed her ass right in front of me... She promptly punched him and broke his nose, then the girl with him hit him again. It was love at first punch. She told me shortly after that the dipshit did a full reach between her legs. Justified.

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maybe someone should send then a "harshly worded letter"

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A lethal "demerit" perhaps?

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My gay friends want nothing to do with the LGBTMSNBC movement. They don't want the Pride Month either.

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Yep. Same experience here.

Love the LGBTMSNBC! Very true. Rush's version would be LGBTPMSNBC. :-D

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"Pride cometh before a fall"... I hope that fall comes soon and is a long one onto a stony bottom with plenty of scavengers to eat the bodies.

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Quite true. I have had gay men friends who were successful artists and never mentioned their sexual preference. They related as human beings. Sadly, from a different generation.

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That has been my experience. I have been an Art teacher and exhibiting artist all my adult life. I have had many presumably homosexual friends. Probably. Who knows? Their sexual preferences were irrelevant. Personally I have been married to the same wonderful woman for forty years. That was irrelevant too. We were just friends and colleagues. Bless them xx

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Watching the Olympics is an act of endorsement. Same with Disney, MSM, , Target, the alphabet networks and cable channels. I prefer to stay out of the sewer and seek to live like Jesus. I often fail but it is a wonderful lifestyle with great peace and joy! The reward is eternal life.

We know where the LGBTQXZDBB crowd and supporters are going. We are commanded to pray for them that they will repent and turn to our Savior.

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Go woke go broke.

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Galatians 5 has a lot to say on this subject. Living in freedom is not living in license, and the fruits of the spirit are eternal.

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Yes! Galatians 5:19-21. 👍🏻

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Every remark about transvestism should start with saying that they hate women. Nothing a transvestite does elevates and honors women. On that basis alone it should be rejected. It doesn’t hurt to note that there are no transvestite “men” showing up at schools to show children how to use tools or read books about sex for example.

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Transvestite men have a distorted view of women which they expose in their over the top attempts in their dress, make up, to appear feminine.

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I think she is referring to women dressed as men

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Don’t read it that way. But it goes both ways. Women dressed as men are obvious.

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Michael Savage once observed that "Liberalism is a mental disease."

We keep seeing that statement validated by the left every day. The question is - when are we going to put them all back in an institution and sedate them (for the good of society)?

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I'm a former liberal from the Kennedy days, finally left in 2008 with the creepy push for Obama for President. I asked, why, he has no personal or professional accomplishments, he only won two elections with dirty tactics? He gave an anti-war speech that was so uninspiring the Chicago Tribune had no record of it, so his team wrote a new one. Oprah the kingmaker even endorsed him though he's not even qualified to run Harpo. I was a John Edwards supporter that year before the Dems harpooned him, overall, a much better and more qualified candidate, son of a mill worker, to self made millionaire, to Senator was quite a story :D Yes, so I agree with mental illness, leaving was freeing me of hate, vitriol and lock stepping with the dear leaders and being told to just shut up and Believe! Hope! Obama! (((gag)))

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Our histories are similar. I was teetering on the brink from a lifetime as loyal D but BHO pushed me over the edge. When they pointedly removed any mention of God from their platform I knew for sure just who he was and is still.

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Yes, and on his 3rd term as President through the puppet Biden. God willing his last. What a very destructive person BHO is.

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Many of my friends voted for him convinced he was MLK incarnate. His philosophy was more Black Panther than Martin. The fooled them and even when it became obvious they couldn’t admit they were wrong and voted in the worst possible. Of course the R’s didn’t give better candidates. I voted for them as protest vote against Obama. I truly felt terrible for the savaging of Sarah. The only authentic candidate in the bunch.

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…A phrase he stole from Rush Limbaugh.

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I would revise his statement to say, “Liberism is satanic cult practice masqurading as a mental disease”.

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Although I have no idea what "Cornhole pickleball darts" would actually entail, I have an imagination, and it provided me with this morning's chuckle. However, I am concerned that by coming up with this delicious absurdity, Our Esteemed, Gracious and Insightful Host (that should get me a "like" from Don) may have given some pervert, somewhere an idea. As with all the "conspiracy theories" that came true within three weeks, I am looking forward to an actual competition in this new "sport." ESPN will televise and "Caitlyn" Jenner will be the announcer, with Dylan Mulvaney providing color commentary. The winner of the competition will be invited to "The View" where he/she/it will be lionized as "stunning and brave" by Whoopi, and "brave and stunning" by Joy Behar. Must see TV, indeed.

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Must see pie throwing contest.

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Happily, it isn't as bawdy as the name makes it sound. I saw my first cornhole target game in my preschool years. Simply cut about 5 holes in a sheet of plywood, set it almost vertical, and toss 3 or 5 beanbags into the holes. Each hole carries specific points. Thereby earning you some cheezy prize fresh off the boat from places that make such "prizes."

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I am seventy-four years old and have a clear recollection of participating in this highly competitive (I kid, I kid) sport (again, I kid) as a young boy during my family's annual outing, which was typically held at Monocacy Park, known by the locals as "Illik's Mill". (Look it up; it's still a very nice little spot.) Only we didn't call it "cornhole," but simply "beanbag." Similar set-up, with targets made of approximately 3'x3' sheets of plywood with a single, 6" hole cut in the middle, oriented diagonally to the ground at about a 30 degree angle, around thirty feet apart, with 5 cloth bean bags about 5" square. (Being homemade, all measurements were approximate.) Each team consisted of two players, stationed at opposite ends of the pitch, alternating throws. Scoring was simple; how many bags did you get into the hole? If you tossed one in on top of the other guy's, you stole his count. First team to get twenty-one was declared the winner (I think; memories are hazy). Winners got to continue playing (until the food was served, or they got bored or too schnockered to continue) and losers sat out until all the other challengers had their turn. Lord, I wish I could go back to those days, but that really was another country.

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Both cornhole and pickle ball are actual fun games, you really don't know? You haven't lived. Especially cornhole, family fun!

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The destruction of the olympics is part of the plan to destroy all that is familiar and fun and rational. Boycotting is an option, but the madmen have won when it works. Either way, they win unless we end their attack.

Our only option is to fight by any means necessary to save the world and ALL good things they have destroyed.

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Well said. You're right, they've also won when we boycott it because in the end that formerly good institution is thereby even further wounded.

The word "wholesome" comes to mind here-- there has been an attack on everything that is wholesome. It is the "wholesomeness" itself that makes it a target. The Boy Scouts. Childhood innocence. The nuclear family. Etc. Which makes it clearer and clearer who the real enemy is.

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Looks like Sat for VP selection-so Mon you have your blue medallion?

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Only if kamala survives till election day and is the final Dem ticket. I still have my doubts. It will be ‘fun’ to watch it play out.

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The only fun will be if people enchanted with "black" and "woman" will wake the hell up and get serious and the last election results (if honest which I also doubt) are true. Which I also doubt. I never dreamt the country was corrupt until Comey let HRC off...then it hit me like a lightbulb moment of all times. I still can't believe it. GBA!!!

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Nice try-but the bet was selection, not execution😁

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Someone needs to take Khelif out behind the stadium and beat the snot out of him.

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Mike Tyson has challenged the weirdo Khelif to a boxing match. Let’s make it pay-per-view and give the millions generated to Angela.

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I would watch all fifteen seconds of that.

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Too short. Only one blow would be thrown.

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A Tyson haymaker could flip a fairy into the tenth row.

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...with brass knuckles...

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Whoever would have thought that this sketch by the Pythons would be so prescient?


Yet, it has long since left the realms of parody and satire to become prophecy fulfilled.

It IS Satanic - there IS no other explanation

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The Olympics having a man hit a woman are as tone deaf as Adidas having Jew Hating Gigi Hadid model the 1976 Olympic shoes ( in which the Israelis were killed). Disgusting. FJB

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They didn't think about it.


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Profundity-Thy name is David

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What a disgusting, degenerate Olympics! The next time Russia decides to invade someone I vote for France. The pin-head guy who decided to dress up like a woman and beat up on real women needs to get in the ring with one of those UFC women fighters if he thinks he’s tough. Have a body bag handy at ring side. I feel really bad for all the legitimate athletes competing, some in their only chance to do so. But where is the joint outrage from those competitors at the degradation of their sports? For far too many, it’s easier to just look the other way and stay silent apparently. And where is the vaunted women's movement? Maybe we are getting closer to the real problem here.

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France is lost, they are 8% Muslim

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And the other 92% are liberal.

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Muslims would be okay with the degradation of the Biblical Last Supper. Of course now they’ll have to throw of all the participants off the Eiffel Tower.

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Too many put the democratic/liberal party ahead of their gender. They are supporting the party at the expense of all that has been accomplished for their gender. To no ones surprise, they don't see it.

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Have not watched Olympics in years due to politics in background.If all I read is correct it is past time to separate the wheat from the chaff/(trannies) and plow them under adding to soil base.Where are the AWFLS and pro abortion/my body my choice voices for women at the time of need for womens rights now?Good essay on global pc insanity on display in (gay) Paris.Lead on and we shall overcome the odds Mr.Surber as we slowly return to sanity in America with PDJT as POTUS.

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No women's rights protest allowed unless a Republican is in office..

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I suspect you nailed it tele.

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