Soetoro is and always has been pure evil. Attending the church of the appalling Jeremiah Wrong was all one needed to know. Fuck Barry Soetoro.

While the Ho VP checks almost all of the boxes to be a perfect candidate next year (black, female, stupid (but not gay)), Soetoro and his enablers will find a way to get Big Mike on the ballot. Perhaps Xiden will step away after the nominating convention, so that the next Manchurian candidate is appointed rather than selected.

Liel Liebovitz nailed it with his takedown of Soetoro. I will now read the entire article.


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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Golly tamale - it’s like they don’t remember (or just don’t like and think no one will notice) the reason the US, Britain and Europe fought WWII and who it was who were sent to and liberated from the concentration camps.

I’m pretty sure Netanyahu remembers Obama insulting him on a state visit and sending him out the side door without lunch. And criticizing him on live a hot mic at a televised meeting. Or - as others have remarked: what happened after any of the previous 15 ceasefires. He would be very wise to not trust any of these miserable people.

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I am not anxious to point out the common denominator in all the evil developments in recent American history, but in the interest of accuracy, I shall, regardless of the ire it may cause. It's. The. Democrats. So here's to you, all the people who voted democrat in any previous election. You are the reason we are at this juncture in our history. It's you who put the mechanism for our destruction in operation. It's you who ignored Bathhouse Barry when he actualy came out and told us he was going to "fundamentally transform" America. What did you think he meant? Turn it into Disneyland? (Of course, ironically, in some ways that's what happened.) You never bothered to look at where he came from, his background, his family, his friends and associates. William Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn of The Weather Underground! Jeremiah Wright! Nope, none of that; just a "bright and clean" (tip o' the hat to Joe Biden) negro. Whereas in truth, Obama was a rage filled, revolutionary narcissist with a grudge against and a score to settle with patriarchal white America--you know, those evil, racist oppressors whom he shamed into voting for him, because they wanted to atone for all their racist past sins, namely YOU! Yeah, you. You utter fools. You stupid and unwitting (as well as some completely witting) co-conspirators in the downfall of our once great nation. You voted democrat even though you personally opposed abortion and gun control but you never once considered reading the democrat party platform that supported these and many other things antithetical to your traditional American values. You have no one to blame but yourselves. The pity is that you took the rest of us down with your ignorance. May God forgive you, because I won't.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

From the river to the sea the IDF will crush you like a flea.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Deuteronomy 30:19

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:”

And that goes for every man, woman and child, regardless of who you are or how you “identify”.

Those who feel beheading babies is in any way justifiable, don’t realize that by doing so they have just totally negated their own value as a human being, and literally put a target on their back to be “justifiably” treated as worthless.

To in any way equivocate, or sanction - much less cheer - the atrocities committed by the savages of Oct. 7th, is a direct pronouncement that all bets are off, and humanity itself is now 100% without value. It is a declaration that evil has license to run rampant and no one is exempt. It marks the end of civilization as we have known it.

And When the times comes - and it will - when these cheerleaders and their babies become the victims of torture and slaughter will they remember then how they exulted in the slaughter of Jewish babies?

The choices every person around the world is making right now as to where they stand today at this crucial moment in history will determine their very own fates in the future they are creating by virtue of those choices, whether they realize it or not.

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Can I get a “none of the above” on today’s poll?

Everything I needed to know about 0bama I learned when he said this on national television on September 7, 2008 - “…you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith ...“

And although he tried to walk that back with enormous help from the usual suspects, everything he has done since proves it to be true.

42 years later we are still suffering the damage done by Jimmy Carter. I fear for future generations of my family and my country.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Once again my 7 am read leaves me with a clearer picture and better understanding of yet another topic. Obama’s level of hatred and pettiness is an ongoing example in real life of the dangers of unresolved bitterness. What/who is the action which he sees as too great an offense to ever be forgiven? Is it real, or just perceived? Either way we are all eyewitnesses to the ever growing consequences when someone needs to get even.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

My immediate reaction to Mr Obama’s election was that i had never been so hopeful that I was wrong about someone since my daughter’s first marriage.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Obama needs to go to prison. His administration broke a lot of laws in what was done to Trump during his campaign in 2016.

Obama knew about everything and oversaw it.

He’s a bad guy who hates America and Americans. And he’s the Democrats messiah 🤷🏼.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Thinking calmly and deliberately, It’s way too late (says the kid from Canada) for the d-rats to cook up a viable candidate to stick into the race against T, who has any chance of matching his style and message. Kennedy is going to take out the center (we in Canuckistan understand how multiple parties work and the damage that does) Left and the few pubies who don’t like T but didn’t have anywhere else to go, so on paper at least, a legitimate election would appear to run in T’s overwhelming favor …Ha!

This election is going to be so F’d up, you’re all gonna wish you could import the election officials from Afghanistan!

One Person/One Vote/ One Inked Finger.

Another thing I’d like to import from Afghanistan is their penchant for immediate trial and summary execution of Traitors (maybe even like forget the trial part)

Tell me has there ever been the persecution of a former President for being a phony American, an illegitimate President and being an enemy agent… No? Always a first time !!!

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

No, Barack, "WE" didn't have a hand in the carnage in Israel or its response to it. "YOU" did! You will never admit it but a lot of what happened on 7 Oct was due to your actions or lack of actions as president. You didn't let Israel finish this when it was easier to do so. Nope, you decided instead to support Iran so they could spend millions to aid Hamas and finish off Israel for you. YOU are an Israel hater, Barack, just like a major portion of your party! Right now, you are nothing more than a puppet master, manipulating your surrogates to manipulate Joe "Mr. Magoo" Biden because he hasn't had a clear or original thought in ten years. You taught us a good lesson, Barack. You taught us to watch what politicians did, not what they said. Your administration will be remembered as just one big lie after another, which is actually far better than you deserve. So do us all a big favor and finally take personal responsibility for this mess you helped create and foster in the ME. It would be the first honest thing you ever did. Oh, one last thing, go ahead and tell your lazy wife to accept the Dem nomination in 2024 now that you have finished with Magoo.. Go ahead. Maybe you will finally see then how much the American people distrust you and your lazy assed, no qualifications or background, American hating, never worked, wife. I eagerly look forward to it.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

It will be more difficult to steal this election now rather than in 2020. They will need to print over 100M fake votes. RFK Jr independent run has screwed the Dems. While I believe it is too late to switch out Biden with Kamala this close to the primaries....who knows with the party of chaos. Kamala truly is dumber than a box of cheerios.

I believe the Dems are resigned to DJT in 24 and will reopen the Russia Russia playbook with some new media hoax and try to tie him up for 4 more years until they can get Gavin N. ready. However it is possible Trump may have learned something from these past 8 years. It is possible he may put a Hanging judge in charge of the DOJ and put these traitors where they belong. However that fantasy depends on a republican senate for confirmation and one with big balls.

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"The split is between the Obama wing that wants Israel erased from the river to the sea and Democrats who want to be re-elected."

Yep. Obama is most likely funded by the Muslim Brotherhood and always has been.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Mr. Obama is The Incredible Shrinking President.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Now that Biden has fulfilled his role as a third Obama term puppet he can be discarded. Obama had to know Joe was an idiot but useful. Now Joe is still an idiot but his usefulness is diminishing quickly and the problem for Bath House Barry is the VP ho is even more stupid and unpopular than Joe.

She also isn’t from the Obama camp directly as Joe is but more of the Clyburn section of “gotta have a black woman” mantra so she might be harder to control.

Dems have a problem of which disliked idiot to run but they got the cheat going so they may pull it off again.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Spot on, Mr. Surber. Except that Zero is more of a queen in this game. I think Soros is the king.

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