Remember, there is always a distraction for every story that is headlining the news. Brace yourself for a report that all the containers on the ship that crashed into the bridge contained filled out ballots for Biden and his newly appointed vice presidential candidate Adam Schiff.

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Mar 28Liked by Don Surber

The lunatic lawsuits, ceaseless censoring and putrid prosecutions are designed not only to bankrupt him but to send a warning to any other billionaire that their money You are so poetic this morning! I am truly sorry to see what these evil people have done to Guilani and others who have been Trump supporters much less what they keep trying to do to Trump. It takes nerves of steel and a strong family support and the knowledge deep in your heart that you are on the side of the righteous to stand tall and keep fighting these evil bastards. Whoever Trump chooses for VP has to be fully as strong and determined as our fearless leader!

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Mar 28Liked by Don Surber

The mainstream media should not normalize Donald Trump’s behavior, nor should they give a platform to his lies or those of his sycophants, who for years have spread disastrous untruths that may have irreparably damaged our nation."

Raise your hand if you guessed this is a quote from Dan Rather’s substack. "

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Mar 28Liked by Don Surber

IDK, pretty good gig $600K for 20 minutes work. Maybe she ain't as dumb as she looks. Seems like Rona's only friends now are the dying breed of RINO's. They can't die fast enough.

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"Ronna’s support for Trump was superficial. She was a frenemy who tried to sabotage the 2018, 2020 and 2022 elections because the last thing RINOs wanted was another Tea Party shellacking of their dear Democrat friends."

She was, indeed - however, with all due respect, Brother Don, she did not try to sabotage the elections in 2018, 2020, and 2022 - she succeeded, and wildly so.

"...we know what she didn’t do at the RNC — help Trump — and we know what Democrats plan to do to everyone: destroy us. Let her feel some of that pain first."

Aye - should the experience open her eyes and awaken her to understand what it is to truly be on the side of liberty, and to take a stand for America and freedom, so be it, even though the damage is done.

Sadly for Ronna, being the neice of Mittens "RINO Extraordinaire" Romney is all she has going for her. She has no substantive resumé of achievement in the private sector that isn't a function of her uncle's wealth.

For me, James Bond ceased to exist when Sean Connery was no longer portraying the character. So, with that, my favourite Bond film is, From Russia With Dossier.

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Mar 28Liked by Don Surber

Re. "Oh, I guess technically they are Stalinists". I propose "Maoists". Witness the campus Red Guards and DEI "reeducation" campaigns.

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Mar 28Liked by Don Surber

we all know there are a large number of useless miscreants embedded inside the gop. the reality is that many of those are females and there are simply no women in the gop of leadership quality to the extent that they would make a good conservative president. none. zip. no maggy thatchers are currently on the national scene in america. that cannot be stated concerning the dem party. they have copious numbers of solid, leftist, marxist, feminist, man-hating, anti-american, racist female warriors willing to shout as loud as possible that they are large and in charge and intend to take out our once great constitutional republic. what that means going forward i have no idea...well actually i do but i'll reserve any further comments and await the push back about noem, blackburn and mtg (all fine women) coming to save the republic.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28Liked by Don Surber

MSNBC: What a bunch of adult female cry babies. They acted like it was cheerleader try-out week. Boo Hoo!

As an after-thought, I want to make clear that I include Joe Scarborough among the adult female cry babies on MSNBC.

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Mar 28Liked by Don Surber

If I was of a conspiratorial turn of mind, I would think that the suits at NBC conspired to hire Ronna because he was a dumpy, unattractive, inarticulate spokesperson who would be an embarrassment to the GOP every time she appeared on the tube. But I don't think they are THAT smart......

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Mar 28Liked by Don Surber

As much fun as bashing Ronna might seem, the Christian thing to do is repay evil with good. We can celebrate that power has been transferred to someone who seems interested in righteousness, though.

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Mar 28Liked by Don Surber

Don, The obvious choice for the James Bond movie is: “The man with the golden toilet!”DJT

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Mar 28Liked by Don Surber

Trump as bond ..his caddy responds..”if that’s his original brain..I’m Arnold Palmer “ trump replies “it isn’t..I’m standing on it”…Let’s have a little fun with mister “bribefinger”!!!

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Some of you might remember that Ronna McDaniel is not the first GOP chair to get hired by a left-wing news network after leaving the position. I think the difference then was Michael Steele made his RINO credentials clear for a few years before MSNBC could accept him.

The real question is, who are these GOP managers that keep choosing these fake conservatives to lead. Take Speaker Mike Johnson, please.

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Mar 28Liked by Don Surber

Nice breakdown of Messnbc as a deranged crew in control of a rudderless ship.Do they have a sane personality on air? Not much of a Bond fan /more Maxwell Smart so will skip poll and pray PDJT keeps drumming in their echo chambers.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28Liked by Don Surber

Been saying for quite some time & it’s a mantra with me anymore: the democrat party has morphed into a version of the nationalsozialistdeutschearbeiterpartei or National Socialist German Worker’s Party which has always been tagged as “right wing” but it was nothing of the sort. A large hint is that it includes the word “socialist” in its name. Another is that National Socialism (I.e. fascism) & Communism are different only by degrees; under communism the state owns the means of production & distribution. Under national socialism/fascism the state nominally leaves the means of production & distribution in private hands yet dictates the outcome. As an example look @ China; they were communist from 1949 to a period in the early 1990’s when they decided (with a lot of western help) that they liked money so they invited investment & stood back to allow big corporations to do business & manufacture in China. Corporations in China only have as much freedom as the govt allows; step out of line & they are shut down/taken over & top people disappear. The Chinese govt is in bed with the corporations because they like the money. Benito Mussolini described fascism as “the melding of corporate & political power”. The corporations bend to the will of the govt to secure favoritism & be allowed to do business. Which political party is in bed with corporations here in the U.S.? Who’s in bed with Big Tech/Big Pharma/Defense Inc.,?

Also it’s worth noting that both Hitler & Mussolini were Marxists before they were fascists. Again, it’s only a difference by degrees. The constant smear (& that’s all it ever has been) of Dems calling the right/republicans “fascists” does not stand up to scrutiny & the charge can’t stand on it’s own because of the flaw inherent: how does a group that believes in/votes for small govt & individual rights jive with a dictatorship where the individual’s rights are subordinated to the collective?

It’s laughable on its face. As far as MSLSD & Morning Joke, these people are disingenuous & fake. They’re clowns & jesters tap dancing to their overlords in the govt/intel complex. Moreover the democrat party is an illiberal party; look what happens to those who don’t go along with the meme/ accepted platform? RFK, Jr? You’re canceled/fired/shunned from polite - read “accepted” society as a heretic.

Those who constantly carp about “tolerance” & “diversity” possess neither & do not/have not practiced what they preach. They are the height of hypocrisy.

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Mar 28Liked by Don Surber

your mention of Brendan Eich calls to mind why the GOP has long been dead to me. Representative Marilyn Musgrave attempted to introduce a Federal Marriage Amendment in Congress. it never so much as got out of committee - itself an outrage. in 2006 the extreme left spent enormous sums against her, but she squeaked through to re-election. in 2008 the totalitarians succeeded because the national party gave her no support.

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