Remember, there is always a distraction for every story that is headlining the news. Brace yourself for a report that all the containers on the ship that crashed into the bridge contained filled out ballots for Biden and his newly appointed vice presidential candidate Adam Schiff.

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The rumors that the ship was disabled via a cyber-attack to disable US infrastructure are disturbing enough. It has the smell of the so-called intelligence community all over it.

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Delete: " It has the smell of the so-called intelligence community all over it."

Insert: " It has the smelly intelligence community all over it.

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Yup, masters of projection, deception and diversion. Just about anything and everything on the table these days.

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There’s lots of explanations (and diversion) in progress. As Steve Bannon says, there are no conspiracies but there are no coincidences. Let’s just call this a coincidence. Of convenience. Like all the fires in food suppliers, cattle/beef sources, and now critical distribution points. No coincidence.

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They seem to not be inclined to wait for a natural disaster to leverage for Sleepy, Slow, Pedo JoeBama (as they did the flooding in the midwest for Clinton), or against the target (as they did Katrina to W), so they manufacture one.

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The conspiracy maniacs didnt even wait for the bodies to be found before starting the rumors. The Blaze really needs to go away.

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Glenn Beck used to be great with his white boards on Fox all those years ago. But he stuck his face in a bowl of Cheetos, for attention, like a drunk freshman. I never took anything he said seriously after that.

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Success, money and power eventually takes its toll on people. He is a bit like the two parties today. They have all lost their way.

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Beck cried too much on Fox. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but.

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Your comment is Russian Disinformation. Shame on you! (Sarcasm)

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03/28/24: Rather silly. All these middle-eastern truck bombers smuggled into the country by Biden-Hamas Airlines would have done the job for one tenth the expense.

--- Such a shame about Roomba "Triple-Chin" McDaniel (ex-RNC Expense Account Impresario, Champ, seven years running).

The indignity of it all. Paid $300,000 for conducting one interview... HOW CRUEL LIFE!!!

--- Never mind. Major league baseball starts today.

(The story that most of the Supreme Court justices could possibly be influenced by the NY Times is as believable as the alibi that Shohei Ohtani was the last to know that his interpreter's nickname was "Pete Rose.")

P.S. If the U.S. government has been smuggling illegal aliens into the U.S.A. on airplanes, why are we upset that the Boeing jets are crashing?

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I just read, in the interest of safety it has been decided to blow up the ship.

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Spot on DJ.

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The lunatic lawsuits, ceaseless censoring and putrid prosecutions are designed not only to bankrupt him but to send a warning to any other billionaire that their money You are so poetic this morning! I am truly sorry to see what these evil people have done to Guilani and others who have been Trump supporters much less what they keep trying to do to Trump. It takes nerves of steel and a strong family support and the knowledge deep in your heart that you are on the side of the righteous to stand tall and keep fighting these evil bastards. Whoever Trump chooses for VP has to be fully as strong and determined as our fearless leader!

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Pray for the day they take all of the Biden family's money. Just hope they don't lick their fingers as they count it.

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Not enough unless they get free room and board in greybar hotel with it.

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If and when the Biden Crime Family money is confiscated, it could be used to pay the school loans FJB promised to cancel.

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Brilliant idea.

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Got some Trump stock yesterday. Had to buck my advisor. She advised against it. Now I'm interested in a Trump Bible. I hope it comes in MAGA red. Not going to run it by my Pastor first though.

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Me too. My adviser is a NY self loather...me, I just felt we need to back him. Even if I lose it all I don't really care. There are a whole lot of more important things these days than money. Our children and grandchildren's future for one.

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Great idea, and I've long wondered: Why should all bible covers be designed with camouflage in mind?

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Good grief, this is what they had to do with issues of Playboy in the 1960s (the comparison is flawed, please forgive. It's the furtiveness that repels me).

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Exactly, how "gauche" to be seen carrying a bible, and even worse, going to church ...

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Agreed. Rudy is really showing the results of being bankrupted like they did to Mike Flynn. Time to get even.

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Mike Flynn got taken down pretty quickly the same way. They went after his family as well. Met him once at a military conference seemed like a pretty nice guy. He didn't deserve how he was treated. Hope he can make a comeback.

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Well said and exactly right.

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The mainstream media should not normalize Donald Trump’s behavior, nor should they give a platform to his lies or those of his sycophants, who for years have spread disastrous untruths that may have irreparably damaged our nation."

Raise your hand if you guessed this is a quote from Dan Rather’s substack. "

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I appreciate you reading Rather’s substack, so we don’t have to. We promote you to Chief Master Scout. 8 stripes.

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Dan Rather the guy still trying to fix his image around the water cooler for his egregious reporting on GWB’s service record?

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Yeah, his comments in the news the last day or two were *chefs kiss from someone who actually produced false documents. Since it was for a military record, he is lucky is (D)ifferent. If it had been a Conservative doing it, they would have used stolen valor or something else to put them in jail, even that long ago.

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Thx for the l ‘like’, Ozob the Merciless. Been meaning to ask if you’re related to Bozo the Merciful?

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I'd be curious to ask him to name an untruth that has "irreparably damaged our nation." If he is referring to allegations of voter fraud, his more contemporary colleagues' indifference to the truth of those is more destructive than making the allegation. Simply labelling such as "debunked" does not make it so. Fortunately for us, Dan Rather's lies only damaged his reputation and career.

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He confuses opinions and facts, if your opinion differs from his you are a liar.

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Basically the definition of "disinformation."

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Ad hominem attacks by Democrats are all they have. Every lie thinkable is on the table.

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Rather not.

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If it's a quote, please put a quote mark at the beginning of it. Thanks!

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Is he related to Brian Williams?

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Blood relationship is not needed. Being steeped in the same poisonous political broth is.

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IDK, pretty good gig $600K for 20 minutes work. Maybe she ain't as dumb as she looks. Seems like Rona's only friends now are the dying breed of RINO's. They can't die fast enough.

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Does anybody notice the similarity between Rona McDaniel and Ronald MvDonald?

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Ronald had a respectable job.

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Maybe only a burger king would notice, I answered doggedly!

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Time for bun puns!

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Clown world: RINO burgers...

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She isnt dumb, just a RINO. Who else jumps from RNC head to the propaganda arm of the DNC so effortlessly?

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Cause that's where the most money is... Paul Ryan did the same thing after he screwed us all.

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Without a safety net underneath; witnessing her witless humiliation has been priceless. After she saw what happened to Megyn Kelly, what the H did she think was going to happen, leprechauns hired by NBC-Pravda to dance on Sixth Avenue and 49th Street celebrating her entrance into America's Hitler Bunker (30 Rock)?

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Rona can join Monica's Purse company...the mohel & the mormon....

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Rona learned a lot from her Daddy. That could be her downfall... it's a wait and see. She is brutal, that is certainl

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"Ronna’s support for Trump was superficial. She was a frenemy who tried to sabotage the 2018, 2020 and 2022 elections because the last thing RINOs wanted was another Tea Party shellacking of their dear Democrat friends."

She was, indeed - however, with all due respect, Brother Don, she did not try to sabotage the elections in 2018, 2020, and 2022 - she succeeded, and wildly so.

"...we know what she didn’t do at the RNC — help Trump — and we know what Democrats plan to do to everyone: destroy us. Let her feel some of that pain first."

Aye - should the experience open her eyes and awaken her to understand what it is to truly be on the side of liberty, and to take a stand for America and freedom, so be it, even though the damage is done.

Sadly for Ronna, being the neice of Mittens "RINO Extraordinaire" Romney is all she has going for her. She has no substantive resumé of achievement in the private sector that isn't a function of her uncle's wealth.

For me, James Bond ceased to exist when Sean Connery was no longer portraying the character. So, with that, my favourite Bond film is, From Russia With Dossier.

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Bond will always be Connery.

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And vise-versa.

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Just a great actor.

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loved him in Hunt for Red October.

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Re: "should the experience open her eyes and awaken her to understand ..." Nah! Neva Happen. "There are none so blind as those who will not see,"

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Roona Rebounds with Roomba Endorsements! Rides around the Fox-Pravda studio on one (weight-reinforced!) to open their Doocey-Doofus Morning Show.


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Re. "Oh, I guess technically they are Stalinists". I propose "Maoists". Witness the campus Red Guards and DEI "reeducation" campaigns.

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we all know there are a large number of useless miscreants embedded inside the gop. the reality is that many of those are females and there are simply no women in the gop of leadership quality to the extent that they would make a good conservative president. none. zip. no maggy thatchers are currently on the national scene in america. that cannot be stated concerning the dem party. they have copious numbers of solid, leftist, marxist, feminist, man-hating, anti-american, racist female warriors willing to shout as loud as possible that they are large and in charge and intend to take out our once great constitutional republic. what that means going forward i have no idea...well actually i do but i'll reserve any further comments and await the push back about noem, blackburn and mtg (all fine women) coming to save the republic.

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I hear ya. Too many moderate women in GOP. But there are some in the wings like Virginias Lt. Governor. Shes a pit bull but speaks softly and bluntly.

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And carries a big gun, and enrages the Dems regularly.

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Yes, there is a broad bench in the Republican party that is still in the developmental stage, and they are all learning alot from the Master, Donald Trump. The future is bright, if we all aren't sent to detention camps.

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Blackburn is too old (and probably been in DC past her expiration date - too imbedded in the system); Noem and MTG, sadly both have character flaws that have been exposed; they would get skewered if they tried to ascend that stage...

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yup. as i said...no maggy thatchers around.

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Being skewered by the MSM and Political class will happen regardless of who is running. The Dems would skewer Jesus Christ on Easter....

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"... racist female warriors willing to shout as loud as possible that they are large and in charge ..." That's brilliant, and the best description ever of Fani-with-the-fanny and that other large-in-charge one in New York, Letitia.

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Tulsi Gabbard. Watch Tucker's interview with her.

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I’m wary of Tulsi. I can’t remember a democrat who ever changed their stripes.

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Likewise. She is clearly in a process of redefining herself which always makes me suspicious. If Trump picks her it will be a colossal error. But I still think he will pick a Black American. There are a couple good choices available. Just waiting for him to call me for my opinion😎

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the first three who come to mind are Alan Keyes, Winsome Sears, and Larry Elder

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Unfortunately, none of those three have a strong financial background, so to me that disqualifies them--and most of the other possibilities so far floated for VP. I loved Elder for California Governor, but he lacks financial savvy. Winsome Sears is still a political neophyte and needs alot more experience in the rough and tumble. Byron Donalds is black and his career has been in investments, but even that level of finance knowledge is not up to the level we're going to need.

If things continue as they are, we are going to be facing a huge global financial crisis. Anyone who is not really, really strong on finance is going to be overwhelmed by it, and would likely be unable to distinguish good advice from bad advice, and therefore, would make disastrous decisions. Vivek comes the closest, but he is not up to handling a global financial crisis.

I do think Trump can handle a global financial crisis, though. He's only human and probably couldn't handle it perfectly, but he would handle it far, far, far, far better than ANY person existing in America today.

The other day Trump mentioned a fellow billionaire I had never heard of as a possibility for VP. I am interested to learn more about this person. Of course, a mostly unknown billionaire likely wouldn't have the charisma or communications ability to LEAD this turbulent country. But if he was elevated from VP to President, he WOULD have the authority needed to protect our financial interests (our currency, protecting the principle of private ownership of our own assets, etc. etc.).

Elon Musk would be a SOMEWHAT more financially savvy VP, but we need him to continue the CRUCIAL protection of free speech at Twitter/X.

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And actually--a fellow billionaire would be, like Trump, better insulated and able to stand steady when the Left viciously goes after them to bankrupt them like they did Flynn and Guiliani.

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I like Winsome Sears

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Winsome Sears, unfortunately, could not qualify. Being born in Jamaica, she is not a native American, as the Constitution requires.

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Sears will be a great MAGA governor of Virginia after Youngkin leaves.

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Sears gets my vote.

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Sears played nice to get Trump's endorsement, then dumped him after getting elected. I don't think much of that. I know Trump doesn't think much of that, either. If he picks Sears, it is a bad sign.

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Me too. She endorsed Bernie Sanders. That alone is enough for me to never give her a second thought.

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my point exactly skinny.

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As I recall there was this guy...I think his name was Reagan who said "I didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me. Technically, he didn't change his stripes so this example may not fit your criteria. I like Tulsi, but she could be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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I stand corrected. The exception that proves the rule?

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the last thing america needs is a women for president.

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Never ever vote Democrat until they've wandered in the desert for 40 years and all of the current class has assumed room temperature.

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Great interview but talk doesnt matter, actions do. Be wary.

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Just four years ago - FOUR. Not 10, or 15. - she endorsed Biden, claiming he would "govern with the spirit of aloha". I'll include the link for your enjoyment.


NO women for the VP pick. He's never going to pick up enough moderate female voters to justify it. The few that would go for it would also go for a strong man. And Tulsi Gabbard is just another finger-to-the-wind political climber.

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That was an excellent interview -

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yes but talk is cheap. ronna the mutt, mccain, collins, murkowski.....all talk and no walk.

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Hell. half the time, they have no talk.

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MSNBC: What a bunch of adult female cry babies. They acted like it was cheerleader try-out week. Boo Hoo!

As an after-thought, I want to make clear that I include Joe Scarborough among the adult female cry babies on MSNBC.

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But they got people to watch them nonetheless.

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Not me. We know the ONLY people watching are absolutely braindead zombies.

Yes, I know, they vote too.

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AND they breed!

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Like mushrooms: In the dark, fed on on bullsh*t

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If I was of a conspiratorial turn of mind, I would think that the suits at NBC conspired to hire Ronna because he was a dumpy, unattractive, inarticulate spokesperson who would be an embarrassment to the GOP every time she appeared on the tube. But I don't think they are THAT smart......

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You had me confused there. I thought you were describing Ronna as a tranny.

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Smart has many meanings. Was Hitler smart? Stalin? Obama? There is an argument both ways I think. So smart has nothing to do with it. Mission and purpose and final result are what matter.

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I'm thinking "crafty" when I hear "smart."

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or sly like a fox. A fox is sly but not necessarily smart.

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I know! Fox is mostly "hungry or angry" maybe even hangry. What's that fox got against the hen, anyhow!?

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As much fun as bashing Ronna might seem, the Christian thing to do is repay evil with good. We can celebrate that power has been transferred to someone who seems interested in righteousness, though.

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What happened to: Treat others as they treat you?

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I think you are misremembering the verse:

“Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 7:12 NKJV)

Which is not quite the same.

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And then there is: Do unto others before they do unto you.

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Exactly whose side are you on? 😀

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Yes. In an easier understood form... "do to others as YOU would have them do to you". Big difference.

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Where does it say THAT?

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The Thug handbook.

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Of course. The Gospel of Graft and Grift.

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A good idea but we are running out of “other cheeks”.

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I got a couple of cheeks they can kiss.

The game has changed. We cannot go back to being the nice guys and hoping our virtue will result in votes. It ain't never going to happen because the Dems have developed a smear/lawfare scheme that has worked for them and they will continue to use it at our peril. We must adjust even if it hurts to do so. That's War today.

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Dennis I hear you but we are smarter than them and have right on our side. We dont need to be them, just smarter in our actions. We need to start with messaging. I dont want to be them.

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Turning the other cheek does not mean submitting to evil. It means avoiding escalation. It doesn't mean that when the other side escalates you cannot defend yourself in kind. But it calls on us to be calm, and even to suffer if it will bring about good (not evil).

In the culture at the time, someone would strike a person's face open-handed (palm of the right hand to left cheek) to indicate contempt or discipline an inferior. To strike someone's right cheek with your right hand, the knuckles would be used, but hitting someone with your fist was an indication they were your equal and challenging them to a fight.

The other phrases Christ used to illustrate His point:

+ "If anyone sues you for your tunic, give him your cloak as well." This also focuses on embarrassing your adversary. In Leviticus, God commanded Jews not to keep someone's cloak overnight even if it was owed to them (basically, it was about preventing usury as well as death from exposure). So giving your cloak to them imposed obligations on them, and if they failed to meet them it was grounds for being expelled from the synagogue.

+ "If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles." Roman soldiers were allowed to force non-citizens to carry their gear for them, but only for one mile. So if you went two miles, you could get them in trouble for demanding more of you than was allowed.

All of these examples show how to use a person's actions against them without escalating to violence (unless they strike the opening blow first).

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That's very good and enlightening. Thank you!

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Sorry, David, but I respectfully just don't agree with this interpretation of these scriptures.

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I'm curious how you think they should be applied, then. They seem to say we should not seek retaliation but help those who have wronged us realize what they are doing so they have a chance to repent.

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Well, there's "bashing", but there's also the VERY necessary clarification of the wrong embraced by a person like Ronna. We're still in the "clear exposure of evil" stage.

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It is not calling out her misdeeds I am against. It is the ad hominem attacks.

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Don, The obvious choice for the James Bond movie is: “The man with the golden toilet!”DJT

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Good one

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I thought Churchill's golden toilet (which he named "America") was stolen.

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I've still got the picture of Trump sitting in Churchill's chair at Chequers...I know THAT po'd a lot of pointy heads...same pointy heads that tossed Churchill into the dustbill after the War....

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Trump as bond ..his caddy responds..”if that’s his original brain..I’m Arnold Palmer “ trump replies “it isn’t..I’m standing on it”…Let’s have a little fun with mister “bribefinger”!!!

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Some of you might remember that Ronna McDaniel is not the first GOP chair to get hired by a left-wing news network after leaving the position. I think the difference then was Michael Steele made his RINO credentials clear for a few years before MSNBC could accept him.

The real question is, who are these GOP managers that keep choosing these fake conservatives to lead. Take Speaker Mike Johnson, please.

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Nice breakdown of Messnbc as a deranged crew in control of a rudderless ship.Do they have a sane personality on air? Not much of a Bond fan /more Maxwell Smart so will skip poll and pray PDJT keeps drumming in their echo chambers.

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No one on air there is sane.

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Been saying for quite some time & it’s a mantra with me anymore: the democrat party has morphed into a version of the nationalsozialistdeutschearbeiterpartei or National Socialist German Worker’s Party which has always been tagged as “right wing” but it was nothing of the sort. A large hint is that it includes the word “socialist” in its name. Another is that National Socialism (I.e. fascism) & Communism are different only by degrees; under communism the state owns the means of production & distribution. Under national socialism/fascism the state nominally leaves the means of production & distribution in private hands yet dictates the outcome. As an example look @ China; they were communist from 1949 to a period in the early 1990’s when they decided (with a lot of western help) that they liked money so they invited investment & stood back to allow big corporations to do business & manufacture in China. Corporations in China only have as much freedom as the govt allows; step out of line & they are shut down/taken over & top people disappear. The Chinese govt is in bed with the corporations because they like the money. Benito Mussolini described fascism as “the melding of corporate & political power”. The corporations bend to the will of the govt to secure favoritism & be allowed to do business. Which political party is in bed with corporations here in the U.S.? Who’s in bed with Big Tech/Big Pharma/Defense Inc.,?

Also it’s worth noting that both Hitler & Mussolini were Marxists before they were fascists. Again, it’s only a difference by degrees. The constant smear (& that’s all it ever has been) of Dems calling the right/republicans “fascists” does not stand up to scrutiny & the charge can’t stand on it’s own because of the flaw inherent: how does a group that believes in/votes for small govt & individual rights jive with a dictatorship where the individual’s rights are subordinated to the collective?

It’s laughable on its face. As far as MSLSD & Morning Joke, these people are disingenuous & fake. They’re clowns & jesters tap dancing to their overlords in the govt/intel complex. Moreover the democrat party is an illiberal party; look what happens to those who don’t go along with the meme/ accepted platform? RFK, Jr? You’re canceled/fired/shunned from polite - read “accepted” society as a heretic.

Those who constantly carp about “tolerance” & “diversity” possess neither & do not/have not practiced what they preach. They are the height of hypocrisy.

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It's why Molotov commented, at the time of the signing of the Ribbentrop non-aggression pact, that "Fascism is a matter of taste". And it's why Hitler ordered that the Nazi Party give priority to aspiring new members who were former communists.

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Well said.

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your mention of Brendan Eich calls to mind why the GOP has long been dead to me. Representative Marilyn Musgrave attempted to introduce a Federal Marriage Amendment in Congress. it never so much as got out of committee - itself an outrage. in 2006 the extreme left spent enormous sums against her, but she squeaked through to re-election. in 2008 the totalitarians succeeded because the national party gave her no support.

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. . . bringing that sad story to the current day, in 2010 the voters in that district realized what a mistake they had made in electing Betsy Marxist - er Betsy Markey - and they dumped her. In 2014 their new representative got elected to the Senate where he only lasted one term and he was replaced in the House by the popular sheriff of the largest county in the district. that was Ken Buck who has screwed over the whole country by resigning before the end of his term, thus getting the leftists one seat closer to a majority. (not my district btw, but it was only about two miles away from the place where i worked from 2004-2013)

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