Sep 18Liked by Don Surber

This was really fun to read. 1812 Overture! Blowing up pagers is as good as blowing up the golf course at the end of Caddyshack!

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I picture Don waving his pen like a conductor shouting DA DA DA DAAA BOOM 💥 He had fun writing this one.

Meanwhile, this has been looping in my head for the past three days. Please, for the love of God, make it stop. https://x.com/TheKiffness/status/1834585071875158502

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Yes made me want to find that old 1812 Overture LP.

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I've listened to it on YouTube since Fearless Leader drew attention to it. Boom! Backatcha!

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Now their solar electric systems are blowing up. If you follow the teachings of a 7th century warlord, now you get to live like a 7th century warlord.

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Sep 18Liked by Don Surber

Do Mossad agents do gig work?

Just asking for a friend named Donald Trump who really needs some experts on his security detail . . .

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Sep 18Liked by Don Surber

military bases that should be considered for housing refugees: Ft. Wainwright, Alaska; Ft. Huachuca, Arizona; Ft. Buchanan, Puerto Rico; Ft. Bliss, Texas; Twentynine Palms, California; Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona; Luke AFB, Arizona; Holloman AFB, New Mexico; Cannon AFB, New Mexico; Warren AFB, Wyoming.

That being said, the first places undocumented immigrants should be housed is in the homes of politicians who support open borders and every last one of their political supporters. Example: Denver mayor Mike Johnston has a wife and two daughters at home, so he should have at least 20 recent arrivals under his roof 24/7.

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Comment of the day! I have spent time at some of those bases and can tell you they are not resorts.

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We owe them an environment worthy of home.

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Diego Garcia, Johnson Island and Bikini attoll. None are within walking distance of my place. Gitmo is too close and the Cubans would do anything to get rid of them.

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Sep 18Liked by Don Surber

Aside from the cat and geese abductions, I read that the immigrants are legally allowed to get driver’s licenses without having to even take, much less pass, a road test. Most have no idea how to even drive a car to say nothing of the laws on the road. This has resulted in countless accidents, one involving a school bus which caused a child’s death.

That should me far more newsworthy than cats and geese.

P.S. they also get automatically registered to vote, just to add another layer to this horrific plague being foisted upon the country.

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There is a video of a resident of Springfield confirming that. They have their own line at the DMV office and they are issued 45 day 'driving passes'. The only criteria he observed was age being questioned. It is strange that Ohioans continue to vote for brothers DeWine.

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DeWidiot deserves every beat down we can give him. No strong Republican challenged him in the last primary. I might have to run to spice things up. Too many lacking in confidence in this war we're fighting.

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Say it again [BY DESIGN] Suzie.

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A feature and not a bug.

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It's a feature so that illegal aliens can vote.

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well, that's because those immigrants can't read and obviously couldn't interpret our road signs

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In Virginia we have a real problem with immigrant jay-walkers. They can be twenty feet from the crosswalk yet they walk between cars with no regard for safety. You have to really be careful here when approaching a lane of cars at a stoplight as these folks will walk right out in front of you with no regard for their safety or yours. Many have been hit this way. I am currently in Oregon working on son's ranch for a while. And old friend here said he saw a Mexican guy holding a sign up in Bend Or just down the road that said "Need work.

Illegal - I work cheap".

God help us all.

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15-20 years ago on my way to work had to wait at a light so the resident panhandler came to my window asking for money.He recoiled in shock as I told him to act mexican and get a job.He called me fine names as I took off.

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Whats infuriating is the fact that both illegals and H1B visa are taking all the jobs that are out there. I know 3 people who are unemployed. They were all replaced by H1B visas. They cant find work in their field because it is foreign only hiring going on.

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Obviously not their fault.

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Sep 18Liked by Don Surber

Is stand up comedy still a thing? I’m told it no longer exists on late night tv.

I heard writers for those comics make good money- Bentley money. Did you just miss that boat, Don, or have you chosen a higher calling? Ghost writing for Babylon Bee?

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Not sure who killed it or when. I think the magic Kenyan had something to do with it.

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If you support “from the river to the sea”, then you will have to sit down when you pee.

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Now that's funny. (My hubby said crotch jokes are never funny--especially if told well.)

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19

lol, I will endeavor to tell a few to my hubby and see what he says. I like Kevin's comment too. Someday I will be able to like comments again.

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Sep 18Liked by Don Surber

“Merry Bris-mas.” Now is the time for the Israelis to follow the Bible and do what Dinah’s brothers did to the Hivites!

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I don't know where Don gets his info, I follow behold Israel on telegram and Amir had plenty of videos of the mass castration event. My sides still hurt this morning.

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my wife told me that story

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Sep 18Liked by Don Surber

Please don't keep us in suspense . . . is this a story for the Sunday school kids . . . or the mature adult Bible study group?

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Genesis 34

Middle-school and up. (Middle-schoolers will love it!)

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Thank you, Pastor Boggs.

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That would be a former lay pastor and a current elder emeritus.

My gift is church curmudgeon.

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hahahaha I have a current mid-life curmudgeon.

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Pray about it. Is 🙏 a high five emoji or a ten?

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I saw it on Times of Israel

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It was all over X yesterday, too.

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Sep 18Liked by Don Surber

Every so often Don writes something that infuriates me and he did it today.

The comment about Senator Tim Scott calling for federal aid to help out the folks in Springfield frosted my buttons and I’m in Florida where frost is a pipe dream this time of year.

Does this dumb ass not realize “federal aid” is what got Springfield and every other city or area in this country INTO the invader mess we are experiencing?

This clown is not roadworthy for higher office. Keep that in mind when he name again surfaces in a few years as a potential Presidential candidate. With brain power like his he’s not ready for the office he currently holds.

As far as the “Paging Hezbollah” segment…. never underestimate Israel’s ability to defend itself. This one was extra special.

Too bad Representative Talib didn’t have her pager close by.

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That's correct. Feds caused the problem and then want to fix it with our tax dollars. The never ending hula-hoop system that caused the problem and then try's to fix it with fed money. Cities need to stop taking fed dollars because they are NEVER free dollars with no strings attached.

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Voters don't realize that is their fed remittance being returned minus the pols 40% vig.

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hamasians holding crotch bombs in their pockets...I did nut see that coming but those videos are entertaining

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Now a nut-free zone in Lebanon.

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I see what you did there

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And I think he did it quite well.

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Sep 18Liked by Don Surber

The terrorist group is changing their name to "He's ball-less". At least they won't be raping Jewish girls., best of all, no need for virgins.

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Nice one J.R.

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Great column, worthy of consideration for the No Ball Prize.

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I second that !! DJ

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The no balls pager surprise.

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Sep 18Liked by Don Surber

I must admit to laughing out loud (loudly) while reading today’s Mossad and the Springfield Cats.

Thanks for the laughs.

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We need all the laughs we can get these days.

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me too

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Sep 18Liked by Don Surber

Why did DeWine refuse to say who the “overseas” country or countries are that propagated the bomb hoaxes? That’s quite intriguing, seeing as how they’ve never had any qualms about blaming Russia for just about anything and everything.

So, are we to infer then that it was NOT Russia? Then who? And why can we not know?

Unless of course that, too, is total BS, and our own dearly beloved FBI has been up to its own tricks again.

By refusing to name said country(s) it just makes his statement sound all the more suspicious.

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I believe both DeWine and the mayor of Springfield are making out like bandits on this Haitian immigration thing. The federal government has allot of our money to throw around and the Biden administration has been doing that since day one in office. It doesn't matter that these two are supposedly Republican. We've seen many dirty Republicans over years.

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Dem. J.Trafficante at least had a clue of outrage !

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Beam Me Up, Mr. Speaker!

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Youngstown had a real character in ole Jim.

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It makes sense, landlords are dumping American families for Haitian as they gov'mint pays for them and more. It is happening all over not just at Springfield. NYC had a couple nursing homes dump out veterans so they could house illegals.

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P.S. the panic and reaction by the people, schools and businesses caused by the threats, I believe, forced DeWine to debunk them, thus making it seem more to me like a Dem plan to blame and tar Vance and critics of immigration for “enflaming crazies” blew up in their faces.

Hence, the nameless perpetrators were from “overseas”.

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For awhile I've been referring to that statement 'evil carries within itself the seeds of its own destruction', and that we should look with clear eyes at evil's WEAKNESSES so that we don't lose perspective on things.

But the level of stupidity we have been seeing from the Left on SO many fronts lately, makes me think I have probably been UNDERESTIMATING evil's stupidity. For example, have you seen those videos of Tim Walz's wife speaking?--Good grief--one commenter here said recently (sorry, can't remember which) that Walz's wife is "bat-shit crazy". Amen. How could anyone on the Left think she should get anywhere near a camera. And there's video of the would-be assassin Ryan Routh as part of a (paid) crowd being bused to a Kamala 'rally'--obviously he's a Dem operative.

Evil arises from, and is integrally entwined with, so many negative qualities--INCLUDING stupidity. May all of evil's designs blow up in their own faces without harming a single innocent individual.

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I couldn’t agree more abt Walz’s wife, Comrade Whatshername. If those hate filled eyes could have been shooting poison darts…

And yes again to ‘evil blowing up in their faces’…or crouches. Tell me Mossad doesn’t have a sense of humor. That should cut down on Muslim birth rates. Israel uses 21st century technology to deliver 7th century justice.

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Well said, TPG. You got it.

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as the saying goes "stupid is as stupid does"

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Well said TPG.

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He made it up most likely as politicians do when they think it serves their purpose. I don't ever want cities to view any bomb threat as a hoax. If a city cannot guarantee kids safety while at school then they are not doing their job. It's not difficult. Put armed police in schools. Arm teachers.

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Bias by omission becomes clearer by the day. Right on about timing of the Diddy got Giddy story. The large heap of factoids we all know so far about this “Lone Wolf” contrasts starkly with the “measured but enthusiastic” representations by those near the microphone in Palm Beach. Comrade Veltri wanted us to know that Routh had a weapons violation. Gee I wonder what he might know about who paid for all those flights? DeSantis could make things very interesting.

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Sep 18Liked by Don Surber

I wonder how many other people had a great time watching all the bouncing balls in Lebanon? One was better than the next. The virgins in hezbollah hell are all breathing a sigh relief now that they know they are now off the hook.

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Sep 18Liked by Don Surber

Known wolf.

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