Mocking liberals is low hanging fruit. There is so much material.

The Xiden administration is loaded with mockery targets. Maybe too many.

The mockery does need to increase exponentially.

What makes the mockery even more effective is that liberals have no, zero, zip, nada sense of humor. Their outrage is my joy.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Policymakers planning the demise of beef and pork industries in favor of crickets and mealworms deserve all the ridicule we can muster.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The Babylon Bee is an intellectual masterpiece. In a world where there is little to laugh at, they produce some very funny and creative material. The scary part is it is based on reality. The reality of AOC is she is using her position of influence to push destructive policy against this nation.. The greatest punch line in her story would be to see her (and her party) vaporize into the green environment.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The parody account is funny. The AOC account is just sad, concerning, and downright frightening because people do read and believe what she says.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The essence of comedy is truth. And, since Liberals have no sense of humor and are basically scolding Karen's, they react like a small child having a fit in the cereal aisle.

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"Mock them till they cry." Indeed, sir. Indeed.

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Yes, mock them. I agree!

Mr. Surber, while reading these, I could hear Tucker Carlson's gleeful laugh. Thank you.

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It is my understanding that AOC is bowing out of congress in 2024. What happened? Did AOC finally tire of being called STUPID every timed she turned around? Or was it that she realized her true calling was being a barista where you need no intelligence to do a job.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The parody account is funny. The AOC account is just sad, concerning, and downright frightening because people do read and believe what she says.

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As someone on Twitter said about AOC's hissy fit, if you're worried about somebody not being able to tell your account from a parody account, maybe the problem is you.

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Honestly, without the designation I cannot really distinguish between the two, so today it's #1. The fact that she truly believes her own BS is more sad than anything else.

"It took conservatives a while but the Internet gives us the opportunity to point at liberals and laugh. They do not like it."

It's about all we have remaining having been sold out by Jim Jordan, MTG, et al. They might take the correct stand on a few key issues going forward, but if they do, it smacks more of opportunism than it does principle.

"'A world where a jury ordered a father to accept the chemical castration of his 7-year-old boy does not deserve serious commentary. It deserves a punch in the nose and a sharking of its pants.'"

All too true.

Indeed - the more parody, the better - but I am having a hell of a time figuring out why I would/should find as offensive any of those those ten items listed. They're hilarious!

If being blocked by the object of one's ridicule isn't victory, I don't know what is!

Another excellent piece from one who is without peer!

Looking forward to tomorrow's recap of utter foolishness.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Don Surber

What ever happened to "Sean Spicier" ? One of the funniest accounts ever because conservatives loved the new Spicer after he left as Trump's PresSec. They were one tiny letter off, it wasn't the real him :) Hmmm? Wonder if it's the same guy/gal behind AOC Press ? Some are even guessing it's Catturd, a naturally sharp and funny wit as well.

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Dang. Getting up early means I am making a comment with all yall early birds. I promise it will not become a habit. Don....thanks for the article about AOC. An early bird special.

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Congress has always been the home of equity. AOC just was proof that meritocracy was dead. Anytime she opened her mouth one realized she did not have the brain of Daniel Webster or the mind of Henry Clay. In fact I surmise she probably couldn’t make a good margarita. Yet, she is the face of the Democratic house and probably the future Democrat Senate.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Well, I over thought the poll again and I’m in the minority again. Come on folks AOC is stupid and pathetically ignorant. Add in ugly as a donkey and what you get is NOT FUNNY!

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The thing with the Trump parodies is they were so stupid no one believed it was him. Anal Oral crossconnected on the other hand is so stupid everyone believes the parodies are her.

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