I rarely grace the doors of a movie theater and have seen none of the ones mentioned. Why waste the time and money? Besides, what’s fun to me is to see woke Hollywierd tank again and again.

The only movie I’ve seen in the last 5 years was “The Sound of Freedom”. IIRC, that was an indie.

As to the poll - it’s a no brainer. I vividly remember my husband waking me at 4AM to tell me that The Beast of Chappaqua had lost. What a glorious morning that was!

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Don’t laugh but the last movie I went to see in a theater was Titanic! Sometime after that one, the industry decided that “they didn’t need no stinkin storyline” because non-stop action and violence is what the bored and ignorant masses really need. Hollywood then started their decline and were too ignorant to see it coming. Major dollars invested in a production doesn’t make it a good movie. Another nail in the coffin for Hollywood.

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I also saw Sound of Freedom, but the last movie I saw in the theater for entertainment was Top Gun: Maverick., but I come from Naval aviation. Five of the six men in three generations of my family served Naval aviation.

I'm not counting the times I took my granddaughter to the theater, OK? Those times were a duty.

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The Blue Angels just did an airshow nearby. First time in 10 yrs I have gotten to see them. They are amazing, and take my breathe away every time I see them. Dad was in the Navy 33 yrs, Active and Reserve. I was Navy too. Top Guns both movies rocked.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The things we do for our kids. I pulled that same tour of duty with my daughter.

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Let's hear it for Used Pilots!! My brother and Bro-in-Law trained at Whiting Field NAS. Your granddaughter will recall those times with you forever!

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I was born and raised in Pensacola, FL, seeing the Blue Angels practicing all the time, so I come from Naval aviation by osmosis.

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I stopped going to the movies around 2005, except to take my special needs daughter to clean movies. Top Gun is a superb movie.

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I never returned after taking my daughters to the Pokémon movie in 1998.

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WOT?! Hillary LOST the election in 2016?!

Why doesn't anyone tell me about these things?!?!


Apropos of nothing, we now honor The Blabbermouth of The Month, a James Goodrich.

Originally, a 21-line, unreadable single paragraph. The Cliff Notes:

"We all know ... evil doers ... gain power ... Reichstag Fire ... perfect blueprint ... burnt in protest ... Hitler ... dictatorial ... Our government ... politicians have become rich ... Jan. 6th ... orchestrated plan ... peaceful protest ... government opened fire ... FBI infiltrated ... police pulled ... stolen election ... created ... narrative ... ... threat to democracy ... power grab ... we the peoples' ingenuity ... common sense...

Punchline: "J. would write more, but Goodrich tires easily."

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Welp! If we are looking back and counting the last time we stood in line and sat in those uncomfortable seats at a movie theatre; this was our last time to spending money on popcorn, candy and watching a great film: 1982, as a family of 4. The film was ET.

We did hit the Drive-In Theatres a few times in the early 1990's with the kids but that was a different ballgame.

My husband hated standing in line, (thanks to his US Military experience), and he rarely did it. So, if there was a line at any attraction, we left.

AND somehow we lived our lives without going to the movie theatre for decades now!

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Did you ever hear the one about HRC? Hillary Clinton and her attorney were walking along in the woods one night. “Senator,” said Sussman, “these woods are creepy. I’m a bit scared.”

“You’re scared?!l” Hillary said incredulously. “I have to walk back alone!”

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Lawsy,Lawsy, Lawsy for shame per my momma.

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6 year old Hillary! 😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

How about we go back to boys being boys, girls being girls, men being men and women being women. We are designed by the creator differently. Both sexes are needed. Both sexes are to be celebrated and supported in their respective endeavors and choices. Perhaps the biggest mistake Hillary made was to act like an angry, elitist, arrogant, bad, tough, psychopathic and narcissistic man. That kind of man is to be avoided and deplored.

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Also one of the greatest moments of my life: Standing in my driveway at 1 a.m., thanking God for throwing Hillary Clinton on the trash heap!

From the culture grab-bag:

"In looking up the 1934 film, 'Little Game,' it was discovered that someone in 2014 thought that the road to Hollywood riches required casting the sewer-spewing volcanoes of American comedy, Janeane Garofalo and Rachel Dratch, in a movie by the same name ('A Little Game')."

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Hollywood needs to learn that if people want to be preached to, they go to church NOT to the movies. Why would anyone accept a preachy message from such an immoral source?

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Since no one in Hollywood goes to church, they don’t have a clue as to why people do go.

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And for the same reason, whenever Hollywood types create a religion for one of their fiction vehicles, they make it over-the-top weird. They seem to believe that everyone who embraces an actual religious tradition believes in magic.

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I'll give ya that. First century Christians were called a lot worse. And were killed for the privilege.

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someone described entertainment as "church for the masses", which is pretty good as far as it goes. i think these days is more fittingly "church for them asses".

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Perceptive and true Schlongy !!!

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Shirley and Pat Boone, possibly others, the exception to that rule.

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Alas, you have forgotten the pernicious influence of the Hollywood Scientologists.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I dunno that Hillary’s “50% ahead line” was the best part of her disastrous campaign. I think the 9/11 2016 tossing of Hillary unceremoniously into the “Scooby van” whilst abandoning one of her shoes on the curb (“Cinderella-esque”) as the van sped away the most amusing political event ever.

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Well, thanks to today's poll, she is.

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I remember her "pretty in pink" costume when Billy Jeff was first elected. Pink had been my favorite color for eons. She "rurnt it" as pappy would say.

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And Melania made the "Pussy Blouse" famous again, the 2016 debate night, with Bill Clinton in the audience along with his rape accusers.

It was a magical moment in time.

Remembering Ivanka walking to Chelsea, as she was seated next to her Father (Willie), and greeting her with a loving, smile and handshake...Love it all......

People sometimes think that Ivanka was not aligned with her Dad, but they don't know how intelligent or shrewd she really is.

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The greatest three-point shot in American political history.

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What an insightful column. I don't know how you continue to come up with such varied and interesting topics each and every day that provide such food for thought. Thank you. I haven't seen Barbie, but I may. I plan on never going to a Marvel feminist movie full of scolds.

I had a pang of nostalgia as I was dining out at a restaurant near a showing of Barbie. There were a group of young women dressed in pink and ordering Barbie cocktails from a special menu. It looked like pure fun and reminded me of the days when I would go to Falcon Crest viewing parties decked out in outfits with gigantic shoulder pads. Isn't this what entertainment is supposed to be all about? Fun.

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Liberals have no sense of humor, so fun doesn’t figure into the equation. It’s all about leftist propaganda.

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Good point. I don't know about you, but this war against humanity and freedom being waged by the left has changed me. I used to ignore their comments in the interest of getting along. No more though. I am too old to put up with it anymore. My wife can get along with anyone..............anyone! Me, nope, if someone makes a liberal statement or comment or slams something I hold dear, they had better be able to defend their remark or position. I used to have a couple little signs I would hang by the front door to get a reaction. My favorite was "Conservatives Welcome". My wife, The General, didn't think it was funny so........................ But seriously, I can respect someone with a differing opinion if they can defend their position and not be a hypocrite, that is, they live by the same principles they preach to others. Don't have to like it, but I can respect them. We are going thru a world reset, I think. Too early to tell what the world and this country are going to look like when it's finished. Regardless of the outcome, I'm still not going to tolerate liberals and Marxists.

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"I am too old to put up with it anymore." Me too!

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The plus side is it greatly reduced the number of Christmas cards I need to send out every year.

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But your postage costs remain the same.

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USPS: Part of the largest federal jobs program of all time. And they have no metric for whether or not they are still needed or necessary. Who even uses them anymore with the exception of Christmas?

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Well, from what I've been reading and hearing; the in-bred billionaire Globalists Class are insisting, developing and in the early stages of pushing "trans-humanism", which I don't expect to be around to endure or, at least, I hope I'm not.

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Crazy world, isn't it. I thought it couldn't get any crazier, but Hamas bragged about all the people they murdered in the name of Islam and now apparently, they are claiming they had nothing to do with it and it was Israel who killed their own people. Maybe they should send their PR people to the Bagdad Bob School of Public Relations for tips on how to lie and make your message sell. At least Bob was entertaining. Might be hard to enroll right now. The Democrats seem to have filled all the seats.

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I've got one for you: When I lived in Mpls., a neighbor of ours gave a Wedding Reception for her friends who watched All My Children when two of the characters got married. I'm talking white tents, catered, etc., etc. I think TV ate Moom'pichers' lunch.

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Barbie is the anti-Hillary.

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Reliving the Rodham train wreck NEVER gets old.

Watching Turner Classic Movies never gets old.

Reading about Hollywood failures never gets old.

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I could watch the evil witch lose the election over and over again and never get tired of it. But it's time the witch goes away, never to be seen or heard from again. She has too much baggage behind her, and that baggage was terrible for the country. I disliked Bill, but I almost feel sorry for anyone who has to be married to that woman..........almost.

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He knew what he was doing - DO NOT feel sorry for that walking vernereal disease.

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They both deserve each other but occasionally, just occasionally, I think Bill got the short end of the stick.

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Like I said "almost".

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She's the only reason why I check the NY Times obituary page every single day.

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Okay, now you owe me a computer screen. Coffee and computers dont work well together😂

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I was trying to figure out, as I was reading this, if I should care about what studios anywhere are making and releasing, and whether they are successful or not. Then I reflected on the fact I have managed not to give a damn about this question for 80 years, and just said nahh. . .

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Great column. The reasons most people don’t want to see these movies are that they are frequently no good, and that they are un-American. The trend of making innumerable sequels is indicative of a lack of imagination.

The trend of rewriting classics into political manifestos is trite and boring. If I want to watch stupid people gaslight me about imaginary problems, (spoiler alert: I do not) I can turn on the MSM news. Once upon time, some of these problems were real. We passed legislation. Now they aren’t. They are a fabrication from a fever dream with a back story of grift and corruption. (Hey that sounds like a winner movie plot to me. ) There is a racism, sexism, xenophobia, environmental problem, but it’s really on the Left. They hate white people and Jews and affluent Asians and heterosexuals and fossil fuels and the rule of law, hot dogs and cows. They also hate brown people from other countries when they actually take them up on their phony invitation and move to their decaying prison cities. They hate America, and themselves, although they don’t realize that last part.,The people with the problem are the ones making the movies. Hating 80% of the country doesn’t lend itself to making great art. Art should lift you up, not give you a lecture. Because people know that the hatred is based on lies and being uninformed.

I watch cooking shows, where even if you’re a libtard, you have to actually make a thing , foreign tv detective series and old films - less woke frequently, or at least less annoying in another language or country. It’s more fun to watch other countries be stupid, not your own. I read a lot of books. Almost never see a flick in a theater. The wokesters and Covid ruined that for me. The woke ruin everything.

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Wish I'd said it: "They hate white people and Jews and affluent Asians and heterosexuals and fossil fuels and the rule of law, hot dogs and cows."

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British detective shows on BritBox and Turner Classic Movies.

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Yes I watch Britbox, which has some good police procedurals,, also like the Escape to the Country series which features beautiful English countryside. Unfortunately it’s a BBC series so every show features some type of gratuitous community eco-friendly “sustainability” project, with much accompanying eco-genuflection.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Times have changed. When I was a kid in Minnesota we could see a movie for a dime. We all took in the Saturday matinee. In high school we could go to a drive in theater and see movies. Good place to make out. Movies on TV were few and far between. Nowadays we all have Netflix etc. We wait for a movie to leave a theater and be on TV. I still felt the tug of the big screen movie theater until Covid shut everything down. Haven't been to one since. The big screen tug is gone for me and I doubt if I'll ever go back. Sad....

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Drive-ins were relatively cheap when the cost was split between those riding in the car and those riding inside the trunk.

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Oh man, that one brings back memories. Still remember the time a bunch of my friends borrowed a utility van from one of their brothers and loaded about a dozen guys in it and headed for the drive-in. They made it in thanks to a friendly young lady at the gate where you enter. Would have all gone well had they not had a significant amount of beer along with them. But they all made it home okay, from the police station:)

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Man oh Man SL. the first movie I saw at a Drive In was Star Wars. Dad took Bertha (a 15 seater van with the back 2 seats removed), Mom and a boatload of kids to the Drive In. Mom had 2 black trash bags of popcorn popped and colas in the cooler. Mom and Dad sat inside and watched it all nice and calm like. Us kids were on the roof in sleeping bags and all. What memories.

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I didn't know I was being a helicopter parent, but when Star Wars was first shown, my husband and I got a babysitter, and went to see the film to be sure it wasn't "too intense" for our 4-year old son. Hubby OK'd it, as just a western with space suit costumes. Son now 51 years old and remembers every word of dialogue from that movie.

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All the kids in the neighborhood went with us. I think it cost them $2 for 2 adults, and probably 12 kids. My brothers played on the swings ect up front but they still remember the whole movie.

Im going to have to find a drive in and take hubby just for old times sake.

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You too????

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Things at which men excel (not necessarily in any order, except what came to my mind):

Physical activities demanding strength, speed and agility;

Esoteric mental/intellectual activities, e.g., chess, theoretical physics, higher mathematics.

Things at which women excel:



Please understand that everything graphs out on a Bell curve. To wit, there are men who excel at emoting/nurturing and women who excel at intellectual pursuits, but they are the outliers. Most people fall in the middle, and things tend to thin out at the extremes. Of course, it is also true that there are more men than women with extremes of IQ, both low and high, and men tend to lead the pack when it comes to bad behaviors as well. (It's not due to any kind of "systemic sexism" that men far outnumber women in our prisons; it's because men far outnumber women in criminal activity, especially of the violent kind.) When women seek to adopt male roles and activities (e.g., sports) they can't possibly match men's achievements, due to biological differences. Likewise with men who adopt female qualities. (I give as collective Exhibit A, Dylan Mulvaney and Richard "Rachel" Levine.) Even today's surgical/hormonal treatments can't change these facts. As soon as so-called "transwomen" stop taking hormones, their bodily appearance and function (to the extent it has not been surgically altered) return. The tumult in our society largely stems from the lie that women and men are the same and interchangeable at whim. The "girl boss" is a myth and a Hollywood fiction, and although there are women who have the capacity for leadership (Margaret Thatcher and Golda Meier come to mind) it is far more frequently the case that they are a disaster (Jacinda Arden and Hillary Clinton are immediate examples). The wholesale substitution of female for male in the MSheU and the resulting disastrous failure, both cinematic and financial is only one example of this eternal truth: men are men and women are women. We should celebrate the differences and stop attempting to supress them.

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Since I am a former Attorney Wrangler, I hesitate to add to your list the one thing women excel at: total recall of any time you ever offended them. (I've learned that if it comes up, it doesn't HAVE to come out. Took me nearly 78 years to learn that.)

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

I suggest that natural advantages of women in exhibiting Emoting and Nurturing, when applied, can be more powerful than a male's physical strength. How many here would admit to being a little twisted around the finger of a special lady?

I am.

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I did not mention, but in light of your comment, will add another obvious difference, viz., the powerful impact of a comely young woman on the average man. All one need do is watch what happens when a good looking girl walks into a room full of young men. Eyes bug out, nostrils flare, biceps flex while at the same time, knees begin to knock and heart rate and respirations skyrocket. Most young women are innately aware of this power; some use it in (mostly) innocent flirtation. Others use it like a weapon. Some young women are blithely unaware of this, thus putting themselves into situations they later regret. It is the purpose (among many) of every father to instruct his daughters on this phenomenon. I did. What one's daughters chose to do with this information is up to them, but one hopes that moral instruction in the family setting is imparted along with--and prioritized over--everything else.

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It is interesting (I think) that the women who excel in the intellectual activities are some of the most interesting historical figures. Marie Curie was the first woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize of any kind and the first person to have been awarded two. Grace Hopper, who wrote COBOL and coined the term "bug", was a giant of early computer science. One of the greatest cryptanalysts in history was Elizebeth Smith Friedman. She was denied fame and acclaim for decades (I only learned of her a couple of months ago) because her work was so highly classified.

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Florence Nightingale.

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Curie, I know. Friedman I will catch up on. Thanks for the hook-up.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Back during Obama's reign, I was working for a privately-owned company and the president was really into politics. We actually printed off about half of Obama's big Stimulus bill, and sat around the office all reading it and handing eachother the pages as we finished. We petered out at about 500 pages. There was a big brou-ha-ha at the time that "the stimulus bill did not include any tax cuts", but the Democrats swore Yes it DOES contain tax cuts. Well, I can testify, because I read it with my own eyes, that Obama's stimulus bill DID include tax cuts-- but only for Hollywood! (which seemed bizarre at the time).

But not long after that, I saw a news clip of Obama, and he was addressing Hollywood and telling them they needed to make movies that were 'more helpful' to good causes (i.e., liberal policies). At the time, my still rather innocent self was shocked that he would so openly demand such a quid pro quo and that entertainment would deliberately be made for propaganda purposes. But that mindset is now deeply entrenched in Hollywood.

And PS, it was shocking to see in that "Stimulus bill" the magnitude of money being given to one after another liberal advocacy group--even including ACORN. Truly shocking. If I recall correctly, this was notoriously a bill that was NOT drafted by US Congressmen, but was drafted by an outside company--The Apollo Group (or corp. or something)(which I believe is still around). It turned out that the head of the Apollo Group at the time was a former CO-FOUNDER (along with open communist Bill Ayers) of the Weather Underground. So the Apollo Group head was also likely a communist. And remember that Obama was Chairman of the Board for 5 years of communist Bill Ayer's Educational Foundation in Chicago--this was Obama's main "community organizer" activity before he ran for Illinois Senate. This showed that even early in Obama's presidential term, he was using his Chicago Communist connections to draft major legislation for the country like that Stimulus bill.

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Very interesting and informative from your personal, up close experience. BHO is such a waste of space

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Not to mention waste of oxygen.

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Congress Critters do NOT draft their own legislation, it's all done by their $$ support groups, i.e. Chamber of Commerce, etc.

That is why when the Trump Administration came in they had to write their own bills, because those other bills were shelved by the UniParty and another reason why the UniParty worked towards blocking every effort made by President Trump and his team.

Expect all of that to change when he is back in the White House; teams have been created to do this legislative work, as soon as the 2020 steal was approved by the sleazy treasonous UniParty.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Don Surber

While I found "Oppenheimer" enjoyable, the only movies I actually go to see these days seem to be the ones I get dragged to by my teenage son. I saw the whole MCU cycle and couldn't tell you a thing about the plots or the characters. (Except for the raccoon, who seemed to be the only entertaining figure in the whole thing.) I sat watching the last "Star Wars movie and spent the last 45 minutes looking at my watch every two minutes wondering when it would be over. (To be fair to him, my son felt the same way.)

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Consider it a victory that your teenage son still wants to be seen in public with you!! Worth the price of admission. I was that lucky too. Still am. Many are not.

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Yes, quite true. Must count the blessings.

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My teenage son is now 43! We have been very close since I cut his umbilical cord. He is a gift and a blessing. What an honor to be his dad! Thank you Lord God!!

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Once again DEI caused another movie to DIE. Within one microsecond of seeing the trailer for the movie, the marvels I knew the movie would bomb. Unfortunately like all other things in this country, there is no consequences for failure. In fact, I’m sure the Director and producer of this financial disaster will go onto Helm another big screen bomb. Maybe they’ll remake Schindler‘s list as a comedy. Because of all the antisemitism, it may be a big hit.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The 1987 movie MOONSTRUCK was funny and fun. It's got all kinds of women and all kinds of men. It's loaded with memorable lines, but SNAP OUT OF IT! is the one I remember best. And the slap.


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Maybe I'll watch it. I never have a good feeling about Cher or Nick Cage, but hey, they got talent. Directed by Norman Jewison, who also directed Fiddler on the Roof, one of my family's all-time favorites. Ironically, Jewison is not Jewish (I'll bet you didn't know that). And, having just looked him up on Wikipedia, a lot of other movies I enjoyed.

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Very good movie. Made before Cher went completely around the bend. The confession scene still makes me laugh thinking about it. But about that second one we need to talk.

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Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It's been two months since my last confession.


What sins have you to confess?


Twice I took the name of God in vain, once I slept with the brother of my fiancé, and once I bounced a check at the liquor store -- but that was really an accident.


Then it was not a sin. But what was that second thing you said, Loretta?


I... a... slept with my fiancé's brother.


That's a pretty big sin.


I know.

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one of my favs

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"Yes, Mrs. Cstorini, I would LOVE some oatmeal!"

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Cher at her very best! Loved it too.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Don Surber

A most enjoyable column! When people stop referring to themselves as “people of color or black/brown persons” they can clear the fog out of their brain and construct an entertaining event or movie. I won’t hold my breath.

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In all my many decades of living, I swear to God, I have never looked at anyone as a "person of color".

I was taught that we are all God's children, regardless of color.

What happened to "Jesus Loves the Little Children; Red and Yellow, Black and White"?

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Mea culpa & Boo Hoo!

I accidentally checked Washington instead of Hillary in the poll & I was confused by much of your column, today, Don. First time ever. Were there two Barbie movies or is it all about the recent Barbie movie? I hope I improve as the day goes on.

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I almost checked Washington too as I thought it was a humorous thought of him crossing a river that once caught fire. However, getting to the choice of Hillary, it was a no-brainer.

Compared to yesterday's poll, this was easy-peasy.

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i think our genial host came up with an idea for a movie that people may want to watch: as Washington is crossing the Delaware, a temporal anomaly sweeps up him and his cohort depositing them on the Cuyahoga on June 22, 1969 where instead of redcoats, they must contend with a river that is on fire.

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Don, I went to see the Barbie movie this afternoon because of your column, and thoroughly enjoyed it! It was as charming as Enchanted; funny, eccentric & kept me guessing. It’s both kid & grownup friendly. I highly recommend it!

AND it sure improved my day! Thanks.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The Fruits of Feminism…ya gotta love ‘em. Or Not!!!

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"The Fruits of Feminism" - shrivelled and bitter-tasting.

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Like bad prunes...

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