Wedding vows are supposed to mitigate the eventuality of the ideal romantic relationship reverting to the mean, right? "I promised to stick it out." Isn't this situation the foundation of the careers of countless comedians? I mean, how many jokes are based on the honey-do list?
Wedding vows are supposed to mitigate the eventuality of the ideal romantic relationship reverting to the mean, right? "I promised to stick it out." Isn't this situation the foundation of the careers of countless comedians? I mean, how many jokes are based on the honey-do list?
CS Lewis says that commitment in Christian marriage is not based on feelings, but is an act of the will. We choose to love (even when the other is unlovable) and the feelings will follow.
Wedding vows are supposed to mitigate the eventuality of the ideal romantic relationship reverting to the mean, right? "I promised to stick it out." Isn't this situation the foundation of the careers of countless comedians? I mean, how many jokes are based on the honey-do list?
CS Lewis says that commitment in Christian marriage is not based on feelings, but is an act of the will. We choose to love (even when the other is unlovable) and the feelings will follow.
Before Nancy and I married, we “committed to being committed.” Still together after all these years (38).
"I took my mother-in-law on a pleasure cruise. I drove her to the airport."