Having 3 kids was one of the best decisions we ever made. Anybody who has sat at the head of a long table for any Family Occasion and seen the happy eyes of your children, their spouses and all those grandchildren looking back at you knows exactly what I’m talking about!
Having 3 kids was one of the best decisions we ever made. Anybody who has sat at the head of a long table for any Family Occasion and seen the happy eyes of your children, their spouses and all those grandchildren looking back at you knows exactly what I’m talking about!
Having 3 kids was one of the best decisions we ever made. Anybody who has sat at the head of a long table for any Family Occasion and seen the happy eyes of your children, their spouses and all those grandchildren looking back at you knows exactly what I’m talking about!
Like when my 7 y/o great granddaughter helps me blow out my birthday candles at the family celebration. Too sweet.
A Great Grand Daughter…You’re blessed Ma’am
I am indeed. From my eldest grandson and now another girl due from his younger brother…right around my birthday! Hooooray!
Yes sir!
Sorry, you guys but whatever’s up with Substack it allows me to post but not like