Don't think any law is going to stop the queers from grooming kids in the classroom. When was the last time we heard of a teacher being fired over this? Or even reprimanded? And what kind of man would relish in beating a woman in a sports event? Yes, a mentally ill one. Make no mistake, these people are ALL mentally ill.
There are lots of Dem female athletes who are silent. Pick any other cause and you see all kinds of bat shite crazy females out protesting, but not this cause??? Why would they stay silent and let this happen to their kids, grandkids and to themselves???
Why does anybody support savages? Why do people do self destructive things like become alcoholics/ drug addicts, or support things they know to be bad? Why do women date abusive men? Why would any sane person vote for Ilhan Omar or Adam Schiff? Most of the protesters aren’t Jews. They are either foreign students from the ME, paid agitators, faculty Commies, or WASP kids from wealthy families. Regardless, there’s plenty of stupid to go around, including on the Right. There’s no law against stupid. Queers for Palestine is proof of that. But when we you ask why Jews do something, it’s because just like your people, whoever they are, some are stupid.
On the contrary, you're not "very real", given that you can't handle reality. Criminality among the black population is through the roof; they make up only 13% of the population but commit 40% of the murders in this country, not to mention all the other crimes: and it's sappy girls like you who can't handle that reality. Until -- maybe -- you yourself are walking down a sidewalk in New York, minding your own business, and you get sucker-punched by a passing black.
No one less than Clarence Thomas has said that when he discovered those crime stats, for him it was a "Road to Damascus" moment. And it's great there are black people of his caliber -- but there aren't nearly enough.
Your truth or my truth? There is no make believe there. You said what you said and I did the same. Your insults are increasing so it would behoove you to move on.
There is truth. There isn't your truth or my truth. 1+1=2 and 1*1 is still 1 whether or not you believe it. I'm a Jew by heritage. The Jews who support Hamas and other antisemitic groups are as foolish as Chaim Rumkowski. The neonazis of the world are no different than they were last century
They probably just dont want to deal with being cancelled. Depending on the person they end up offending and the perceived offense, the person could lose their job, their friends and/or their family. That scares them to death.
Thomas isn’t mentally ill. He’s just a lousy swimmer who found a way to cheat the system. He is attracted to women and apparently it showed on occasion in the locker room. He’s a fraud.
Yep, they dont want to deal with the cancel culture of a group that is very vocal and at most 4-5% of the population. Unfortunately they are violent too.
Change is coming, girls in sports and others are pushing back. I would have expected more but Riley Gaines and Rowling are leading. The middle-schoolers in WVA are helping. The real girls/women are beginning to boycott events where they have to compete with trannies. The more that do that, the more the managing sports committees will have to listen or they will end up with a trannie league. Which is the logical step in all this anyway. Its just that girls will suffer until the trannies have their own league which is not what the trannies want. They are bullies.
I hope you're right, and a "tranny league" would be a great solution to the idiocy. But I fear that the trannies won't join it because nobody would want to watch their antics, and what they want most of all is rub their deviancy into people's faces.
It actually continually happens - stories pop up from time to time. More importantly was the sweeping change in school boards as parents began running against the left wing wackos and winning. Which has put the groomers off balance.
Way more to do - but it is moving in all the right directions.
There was an article yesterday? that said that school systems across the country are looking to reduce the number of teachers. The teachers/BOE have sunk their own boat. They showed their *ss during Covid so a lot of people are homeschooling. Its up from like 4-5% to 11%. and their cult doesnt encourage people to have kids (being really cynical) so its a double whammy, they are reducing their own supply.
I know the home schooling popularity is growing. Covid was terrible, and our reaction to it was even worse. But even that provided a silver lining in providing information for parents and communities to recognize what was happening in the schools. It has been the most productive front on fighting the silliness that is modern progressivism.
The strangest part of all this is that way back in 1943 the Supreme Court decided that school officials had no right to indoctrinate kids with any kind of ideology. "If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein ... " were the immortal words of Justice Jackson (NOT the present one!!!), who never even graduated from law school, in the Barnette case. Funny that nobody remembers it, because that's exactly what's been going for years and years now.
THANK YOU for this awesome reminder of our days where SANITY and REASON prevailed. In the 1940s and 50s, my parents (most of the time my Mother) would pop into my classroom to see what everyone was doing! No "check-in at the office first to get permission" because no permission was required. Wonderful days...
I maintain that, with the Frat Boys at the US Uni’s and Colleges rallying around the Flag during the recent Fakestinian attempt at country wide intimidation, Feminism, with all its tentacles, has now seen the beginning of its own end. And as it should be, it will be at the hands of…men. Men who have had enough, men who in the beginning voted for the earliest of early feminist legislature because they loved their wives, their mothers, their daughters and the women in their life. Men who tried being decent, thoughtful, empathetic souls.
How’d being Mr Nice Guy work out for us?
Patrick White (above) asks the very relevant question, ‘don’t they have fathers and brother’s?’ Watch the tide turn Pat. For the rest of us, be prepared to fund their legal defence. Fathers and Grandfathers, start teaching your boys to start acting like men again! Need a clue? Watch a couple of John Wayne movies…Red River and The Searchers come to mind. But if we, as men, don’t do it, and do it now, Than who and when?
Don't forget the millions of normal women who also think feminism as it currently stands is over. Aligning with Trans for God's sake, dumbest women in America ever!
How interesting that Frat Boys have now become heroes. Fraternities (and sororities) have been vilified for quite some time as bastions of white privilege. Perhaps, given the outrageous behavior of the radical leftists on campuses across the country, the Greeks, despite some occasional bad behavior, are now being seen as a positive force of college life and tradition. I'll guarantee this, the Greeks didn't boycott or walk out of their commencement ceremonies at Duke or elsewhere and, further, these men and women will become the leaders of the future.
A summary of your comment could be: Never give in, because the Left never stops demanding more until total insanity reigns. For them it's never enough.
I miss John Wayne. he was a good actor. Miss all of the old movies. Miss the beat 'em up, good guys win flicks. Not sure even Die Hard could be made now.
We are sicker than dogs. After the patriotic red, white and blue period, the lights should be black and blue, signifying what's been done to the face of our nation.
There are somewhere in the neighborhood of 180+ days of Holidays that their cult being celebrated in one way or another. Yes, we are very sick of this.
05/14/24: Regardless of the writer's skill, I had the feeling as I was reading it that that I've read this story one hundred times before --- because the names change but the common thread of moral corruption (sexual predation toward minors) in all of them is identical. I also recall that the gays' big argument was that they were born gay, and any attempt to change them was doomed. Now --- big surprise sarcasm --- it's the exact opposite: Regardless of who they are/what they are born with, they can be "groomed" by the gay Zamboni machine.
Ah, but if you read to the end, you get the good news about the University of North Carolina's Board of Trustees voting unanimously (!) "to abolish the university's DEI department and transfer all funds to the campus police". Yay!
But it's true, the LGBT stuff in aggregate has become nausea-inducing.
No Baltimore knew in 1980 that the Key Bridge was vulnerable and despite trillions in money allocated regularly to “boost the economy” they failed to build back better.
That bridge had no collision protection, which confirms my personal experience that Port authorities everywhere are clueless morons, in it for the "prestige" of looking important, but no common sense. Most bridges have structures along the ship channel leading to them that will keep ships going off course from hitting the bridge itself. They can be groups of pilings tied together with steel cables at the top, or concrete "islands"; either method has a good chance of protecting the vital bridge supports. And the Baltimore bridge, though it was an elegant design, from an engineering point of view it looked much more vulnerable than most such bridges because of the large distance between the supports. It only took one of those being bumped to destroy the whole thing.
Attempting to normalize the absurdly abnormal is what this transvestism is all about.
The queers and lesbos have largely succeeded in getting the public to accept homosexuality. Now a new horizon and goal with the transvestite movement.
I don’t accept it as anything but what it is… taking God and Christianity and putting those beliefs aside in favor of “personal choice” when it comes to how one views themself sexually.
If one ever wondered why the Islamists hate the West this one is high up there .
They’re wrong on most everything but they are right on this one.
The transgenderism movement which began life as gender dysphoria is what happens when a mental illness is “transitioned” to a civil rights movement. A mental illness cannot be cured with a surgical procedure and the “doctors” who treat children with puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, and surgery belong in jail.
Wife and I were strong armed into getting the vaccines and she got a booster. I wouldn't do it. She developed chronic fatigue. It's been four years and she sees four doctors but none of them will entertain the idea that the vaccines are causing the chronic fatigue. It's been reported that Drs got kickbacks for giving vaccines and boosters. I guess now I know why they are deaf, dumb and blind about the aftereffects.
BTW: None of my kids, their spouses or my 8 grandkids were vaccinated. They all caught Covid and they are all fine.
No one in my family has ever been jabbed. We all got covid once and coasted through it with nothing but headaches and fatigue for about 4 days. I’m 71 and hubby is 76.
Makes no sense to me how so many people don't understand that third person "my pronouns" is compelled speech. The only pronouns that "belong" to an individual are first and second person because those are pronouns that are used during a conversation to which the antecedent is a part.
Third person pronouns are pronouns that are used to talk ABOUT a person who is not there. So what you are really saying when you say "my pronouns" is that "people must refer to me in a certain way and aren't allowed to have their own opinion about it". That's just compelled speech through and through.
If two people are having a conversation about me and call me an "asshole", well, I might not like not, but that's their opinion and I have no say in it. Same thing with trannies. The reason they want to dictate your pronouns is the same reason I don't want someone to call me "asshole" behind my back. Well, if you are one, that's your problem.
…the girls that are subjected to flashers, harassment, lewd comments and creepy behavior by men in women’s locker rooms…don’t they have fathers & brothers?
good to hear about florida bridges. michigan could do better than whitmer and her cabal of feminist rabble-rousing anti-american man haters.
i know that's controversial and some will not agree with me but we all get to speak our minds here and that's what i see and breath in todays' michiganistan.
The “love’ that dare not speak its name” has become the “love” that will absolutely not - under any circumstance- shut up! You want to sleep with & “love” an engine block, be my guest! Just don’t shove it in my face & expect me to consider it normal.
Hooray for Florida but now my gay Gov.and her wife will probably try to compensate for this smackdown.Great post needing to get out the fact sanity does still exist in America unbeknownst to the msm and followers of alphabet media.Again a snap poll as cat takes pity.Lead on Poca-Man as we cruise into summer pursuit of a MAGA 2024 third election of PDJT to be CIC/CEO.
I’m embarrassed that it had never occurred to me that they stole Bride’s month until Don pointed it out. And they’ve been successful because my 30+ yo DIL had not heard before that June used to be known as such. I voted Bride’s Month because we need to reclaim it and also need to encourage marriage and families.
I got married in June to my bride as did millions of others. Having said that, I read somewhere that October now leads June as the month of weddings. Anecdotally, my oldest son was married in October.
I’m encouraged that sanity (and courage in some of our politicians and bureaucrats) is making a comeback but - the elbeegeetee Marxist movement has been really successful in “transforming” mainline American churches and government schools. Still a lot of teaching and reprogramming to do to save our children.
Not sure why anyone should be particularly proud of whose trunk they put their junk in, let alone act on the compulsion to tell children about it. It's good that things are turning around, but don't expect the groomer nazis to go into hiding. They have no moral barriers to scraping that toothpaste off the bathroom floor and squeezing it back into the tube over and over.
Don't think any law is going to stop the queers from grooming kids in the classroom. When was the last time we heard of a teacher being fired over this? Or even reprimanded? And what kind of man would relish in beating a woman in a sports event? Yes, a mentally ill one. Make no mistake, these people are ALL mentally ill.
There are lots of Dem female athletes who are silent. Pick any other cause and you see all kinds of bat shite crazy females out protesting, but not this cause??? Why would they stay silent and let this happen to their kids, grandkids and to themselves???
Why do self-loathing Jews support savages?
Because the false lure of assimilation runs through their veins like an incurable disease!
Yup, no different than the lemming....
Why do teenagers all want to dress talk and act like black criminals?
touche'..... Why do girls on the outside want to run with the "mean girls"?
Why does anybody support savages? Why do people do self destructive things like become alcoholics/ drug addicts, or support things they know to be bad? Why do women date abusive men? Why would any sane person vote for Ilhan Omar or Adam Schiff? Most of the protesters aren’t Jews. They are either foreign students from the ME, paid agitators, faculty Commies, or WASP kids from wealthy families. Regardless, there’s plenty of stupid to go around, including on the Right. There’s no law against stupid. Queers for Palestine is proof of that. But when we you ask why Jews do something, it’s because just like your people, whoever they are, some are stupid.
This is an nasty, offensive comment.
The very word "offensive" has become the biggest enemy of free speech. Get real.
Is "I don't like want you said" more elementary? I am very real. And I really said what I thought of the comment. It's called free speech.
On the contrary, you're not "very real", given that you can't handle reality. Criminality among the black population is through the roof; they make up only 13% of the population but commit 40% of the murders in this country, not to mention all the other crimes: and it's sappy girls like you who can't handle that reality. Until -- maybe -- you yourself are walking down a sidewalk in New York, minding your own business, and you get sucker-punched by a passing black.
No one less than Clarence Thomas has said that when he discovered those crime stats, for him it was a "Road to Damascus" moment. And it's great there are black people of his caliber -- but there aren't nearly enough.
But WHY is it offensive to you, Vicki? As you said, it's called FREE SPEECH.
Vicki can you explain why you find it ‘nasty and offensive’
A huge problem in the world of make believe today. Truth being offensive.
Your truth or my truth? There is no make believe there. You said what you said and I did the same. Your insults are increasing so it would behoove you to move on.
The very idea of multiple truths is make believe.
Ther is only ONE truth !
There is truth. There isn't your truth or my truth. 1+1=2 and 1*1 is still 1 whether or not you believe it. I'm a Jew by heritage. The Jews who support Hamas and other antisemitic groups are as foolish as Chaim Rumkowski. The neonazis of the world are no different than they were last century
Whattttt????? What is wrong with this opinion, Vicki?
I am not sure to what you are referring?
Because they are being reproved by God. And God seems to enjoy irony.
they will say nothing until a right leaner is in office.. then all the "women rights" fools will awaken.. MSM is just salivating
They probably just dont want to deal with being cancelled. Depending on the person they end up offending and the perceived offense, the person could lose their job, their friends and/or their family. That scares them to death.
Thomas isn’t mentally ill. He’s just a lousy swimmer who found a way to cheat the system. He is attracted to women and apparently it showed on occasion in the locker room. He’s a fraud.
He is, and a cheater. He found a loophole.
And what does that say of the mental health of the officials who go along with the scam?
Yep, they dont want to deal with the cancel culture of a group that is very vocal and at most 4-5% of the population. Unfortunately they are violent too.
Change is coming, girls in sports and others are pushing back. I would have expected more but Riley Gaines and Rowling are leading. The middle-schoolers in WVA are helping. The real girls/women are beginning to boycott events where they have to compete with trannies. The more that do that, the more the managing sports committees will have to listen or they will end up with a trannie league. Which is the logical step in all this anyway. Its just that girls will suffer until the trannies have their own league which is not what the trannies want. They are bullies.
I hope you're right, and a "tranny league" would be a great solution to the idiocy. But I fear that the trannies won't join it because nobody would want to watch their antics, and what they want most of all is rub their deviancy into people's faces.
Fertilizer from a poultry farm tj.
AD, That's a sad but true comment
It actually continually happens - stories pop up from time to time. More importantly was the sweeping change in school boards as parents began running against the left wing wackos and winning. Which has put the groomers off balance.
Way more to do - but it is moving in all the right directions.
There was an article yesterday? that said that school systems across the country are looking to reduce the number of teachers. The teachers/BOE have sunk their own boat. They showed their *ss during Covid so a lot of people are homeschooling. Its up from like 4-5% to 11%. and their cult doesnt encourage people to have kids (being really cynical) so its a double whammy, they are reducing their own supply.
I know the home schooling popularity is growing. Covid was terrible, and our reaction to it was even worse. But even that provided a silver lining in providing information for parents and communities to recognize what was happening in the schools. It has been the most productive front on fighting the silliness that is modern progressivism.
The strangest part of all this is that way back in 1943 the Supreme Court decided that school officials had no right to indoctrinate kids with any kind of ideology. "If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein ... " were the immortal words of Justice Jackson (NOT the present one!!!), who never even graduated from law school, in the Barnette case. Funny that nobody remembers it, because that's exactly what's been going for years and years now.
THANK YOU for this awesome reminder of our days where SANITY and REASON prevailed. In the 1940s and 50s, my parents (most of the time my Mother) would pop into my classroom to see what everyone was doing! No "check-in at the office first to get permission" because no permission was required. Wonderful days...
Florida takes a stand - way to go Florida! That's great news to read first thing in the morning. Thank you Mr. Surber!
I maintain that, with the Frat Boys at the US Uni’s and Colleges rallying around the Flag during the recent Fakestinian attempt at country wide intimidation, Feminism, with all its tentacles, has now seen the beginning of its own end. And as it should be, it will be at the hands of…men. Men who have had enough, men who in the beginning voted for the earliest of early feminist legislature because they loved their wives, their mothers, their daughters and the women in their life. Men who tried being decent, thoughtful, empathetic souls.
How’d being Mr Nice Guy work out for us?
Patrick White (above) asks the very relevant question, ‘don’t they have fathers and brother’s?’ Watch the tide turn Pat. For the rest of us, be prepared to fund their legal defence. Fathers and Grandfathers, start teaching your boys to start acting like men again! Need a clue? Watch a couple of John Wayne movies…Red River and The Searchers come to mind. But if we, as men, don’t do it, and do it now, Than who and when?
Don't forget the millions of normal women who also think feminism as it currently stands is over. Aligning with Trans for God's sake, dumbest women in America ever!
That one was right out of the park Alice!…as opposed to ‘Straight to the moon Alice’
and there are so many of them, one more ignorant than the next! WOW!
lol good one!
How interesting that Frat Boys have now become heroes. Fraternities (and sororities) have been vilified for quite some time as bastions of white privilege. Perhaps, given the outrageous behavior of the radical leftists on campuses across the country, the Greeks, despite some occasional bad behavior, are now being seen as a positive force of college life and tradition. I'll guarantee this, the Greeks didn't boycott or walk out of their commencement ceremonies at Duke or elsewhere and, further, these men and women will become the leaders of the future.
A summary of your comment could be: Never give in, because the Left never stops demanding more until total insanity reigns. For them it's never enough.
Hell is never satisfied.
stated better than i could ever do chuck. good post that needed to be put out there. you get a lot of push back on american thinker for this one.
Hi Don,
Do you have any specific articles or references for that… AT is usually unabashedly on our side?
i would rather not. just post it to american thinker and watch the fur fly.
I miss John Wayne. he was a good actor. Miss all of the old movies. Miss the beat 'em up, good guys win flicks. Not sure even Die Hard could be made now.
His best stand your ground movie was The Cowboys.
It was Marlan… turning those little fellas into men is what this post is all about!
If I tell you how many of his quotes (and movie related examples) I use on my Grandsons!
In 2024 the LBQT ship hit the Skyway and sank while the bridge stood tall.
Was it me, or did anyone else find it impossible, due to its content, to finish reading this story?
Thanks for the feedback.
Actually you proved the point. Americans are sick of this
We are sicker than dogs. After the patriotic red, white and blue period, the lights should be black and blue, signifying what's been done to the face of our nation.
There are somewhere in the neighborhood of 180+ days of Holidays that their cult being celebrated in one way or another. Yes, we are very sick of this.
05/14/24: Regardless of the writer's skill, I had the feeling as I was reading it that that I've read this story one hundred times before --- because the names change but the common thread of moral corruption (sexual predation toward minors) in all of them is identical. I also recall that the gays' big argument was that they were born gay, and any attempt to change them was doomed. Now --- big surprise sarcasm --- it's the exact opposite: Regardless of who they are/what they are born with, they can be "groomed" by the gay Zamboni machine.
Ah, but if you read to the end, you get the good news about the University of North Carolina's Board of Trustees voting unanimously (!) "to abolish the university's DEI department and transfer all funds to the campus police". Yay!
But it's true, the LGBT stuff in aggregate has become nausea-inducing.
lol yeah had to take in small bites, couldn't swallow it easily either.......
Did you HAVE to mention the swallowing part? I haven't had my breakfast yet.
Well, from now on, you'll just have to get up at 4:30 am! (You beat me to the "punch" that I refrained from throwing, so to speak.)
Um, still too soon
No Baltimore knew in 1980 that the Key Bridge was vulnerable and despite trillions in money allocated regularly to “boost the economy” they failed to build back better.
That bridge had no collision protection, which confirms my personal experience that Port authorities everywhere are clueless morons, in it for the "prestige" of looking important, but no common sense. Most bridges have structures along the ship channel leading to them that will keep ships going off course from hitting the bridge itself. They can be groups of pilings tied together with steel cables at the top, or concrete "islands"; either method has a good chance of protecting the vital bridge supports. And the Baltimore bridge, though it was an elegant design, from an engineering point of view it looked much more vulnerable than most such bridges because of the large distance between the supports. It only took one of those being bumped to destroy the whole thing.
...thanks to the "Three Stooges": Municipal, State, and Federal government
And the ship got bigger and bigger and bigger since 1980
It was considered too expensive.
Attempting to normalize the absurdly abnormal is what this transvestism is all about.
The queers and lesbos have largely succeeded in getting the public to accept homosexuality. Now a new horizon and goal with the transvestite movement.
I don’t accept it as anything but what it is… taking God and Christianity and putting those beliefs aside in favor of “personal choice” when it comes to how one views themself sexually.
If one ever wondered why the Islamists hate the West this one is high up there .
They’re wrong on most everything but they are right on this one.
give an inch, like a child they will keep testing
If you give a mouse a cookie......
I had never heard this until, I think you posted it a couple days ago. Its something my Gpa would say.
It's a wildly popular children's book!
Sweet, we need more readers. Thank you.
The transgenderism movement which began life as gender dysphoria is what happens when a mental illness is “transitioned” to a civil rights movement. A mental illness cannot be cured with a surgical procedure and the “doctors” who treat children with puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, and surgery belong in jail.
Right along with the parents. This is one instance where I agree the kids should be taken from the parents. This is child abuse pure and simple.
Instead they are being taken from parents who object with or try to get real help for their kids.
Amen to MLR and you Dennis !
It's a shame that the law books don't include organ removal procedures for the perpetrators themselves.
I like June as Jake's birth month...
Wife and I were strong armed into getting the vaccines and she got a booster. I wouldn't do it. She developed chronic fatigue. It's been four years and she sees four doctors but none of them will entertain the idea that the vaccines are causing the chronic fatigue. It's been reported that Drs got kickbacks for giving vaccines and boosters. I guess now I know why they are deaf, dumb and blind about the aftereffects.
BTW: None of my kids, their spouses or my 8 grandkids were vaccinated. They all caught Covid and they are all fine.
No one in my family has ever been jabbed. We all got covid once and coasted through it with nothing but headaches and fatigue for about 4 days. I’m 71 and hubby is 76.
i am 76. never got the china jab. not once. got covid twice (so i was told). and so here i am.
respects to you and your strong adult children!
Makes no sense to me how so many people don't understand that third person "my pronouns" is compelled speech. The only pronouns that "belong" to an individual are first and second person because those are pronouns that are used during a conversation to which the antecedent is a part.
Third person pronouns are pronouns that are used to talk ABOUT a person who is not there. So what you are really saying when you say "my pronouns" is that "people must refer to me in a certain way and aren't allowed to have their own opinion about it". That's just compelled speech through and through.
If two people are having a conversation about me and call me an "asshole", well, I might not like not, but that's their opinion and I have no say in it. Same thing with trannies. The reason they want to dictate your pronouns is the same reason I don't want someone to call me "asshole" behind my back. Well, if you are one, that's your problem.
got a "pecker".. you are HE
Don't, you still are
So if a person tells us their pronouns, maybe we should ask, “And what are your chromosomes?”
Hah! 👍
Not sure who you are? Look in your pants.
I had never thought of it this way. Thank you.
The “my pronouns are they/them” drives me crazy! It’s nothing but confusing and misleading which is probably their goal anyway.
As someone (here?) said, there are two sexes, male & female, and three genders, masculine, feminine, & neuter.
…the girls that are subjected to flashers, harassment, lewd comments and creepy behavior by men in women’s locker rooms…don’t they have fathers & brothers?
They do but have become feminized themselves.
good to hear about florida bridges. michigan could do better than whitmer and her cabal of feminist rabble-rousing anti-american man haters.
i know that's controversial and some will not agree with me but we all get to speak our minds here and that's what i see and breath in todays' michiganistan.
The one thing we normies can always count on is the Left overplaying its hand.
…and leaving us with their mess to clean up after.
The “love’ that dare not speak its name” has become the “love” that will absolutely not - under any circumstance- shut up! You want to sleep with & “love” an engine block, be my guest! Just don’t shove it in my face & expect me to consider it normal.
Hooray for Florida but now my gay Gov.and her wife will probably try to compensate for this smackdown.Great post needing to get out the fact sanity does still exist in America unbeknownst to the msm and followers of alphabet media.Again a snap poll as cat takes pity.Lead on Poca-Man as we cruise into summer pursuit of a MAGA 2024 third election of PDJT to be CIC/CEO.
You must be in Oregon.
I are sadly.
I grew up with June being "bride's month" not changing my mind.. PERIOD
I agree
Me, either, it’s Brides’ Month. XX brides to make it clear.
I’m embarrassed that it had never occurred to me that they stole Bride’s month until Don pointed it out. And they’ve been successful because my 30+ yo DIL had not heard before that June used to be known as such. I voted Bride’s Month because we need to reclaim it and also need to encourage marriage and families.
They turned it into “Bride of Frankenstein” month.
I got married in June to my bride as did millions of others. Having said that, I read somewhere that October now leads June as the month of weddings. Anecdotally, my oldest son was married in October.
Our 6/6 1986 so I do not forget D-Day.
October makes no sense. It's alll Greek to me. I probably do not want or need to know why this is.
maybe so the "honeymoon" lasts all winter?
birth rates are down...
I’m encouraged that sanity (and courage in some of our politicians and bureaucrats) is making a comeback but - the elbeegeetee Marxist movement has been really successful in “transforming” mainline American churches and government schools. Still a lot of teaching and reprogramming to do to save our children.
Hopefully, some TWEAKS to our Sexual Abuse LAWS would be helpful to get the issue moving forward.
Not sure why anyone should be particularly proud of whose trunk they put their junk in, let alone act on the compulsion to tell children about it. It's good that things are turning around, but don't expect the groomer nazis to go into hiding. They have no moral barriers to scraping that toothpaste off the bathroom floor and squeezing it back into the tube over and over.