The people in positions of power and influence in this country have gone stark raving, 100% certifiably insane.

What the hell happened? They decide to cut off the main sources that provide all of energy that run virtually everything and think that’s a good thing.

The airlines don’t hire people because they can actually fly an airplane but rather people who look and act a certain way instead.

They decide, after nearly 200 years of working to abolish racism, that now racism is a good thing and want more of it.

They convince themselves that there’s no such thing as a man or a woman, and hunt down children to mutilate to prove it.

They decide there’s no such thing as a criminal anymore, just bad people who want to put them in jail. And the list goes on!

I mean, seriously, what the ever-loving rich hell is going on?! People have lost their freaking minds. And what the hell is going to take to STOP it - like NOW?!

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Oh it is worse that you thought.

Math is racist. It is racist to do homework or require someone to show their work. How do you build bridges, cars, trains and planes but with math? and engineering. Math is only learned through lots of repetition and homework. Bridges, and planes will fail because we have DEI candidates who look and feel a certain way. Anything that uses math in 15-20 yrs from now has help to fail. We had enough issues with stuff not working, we did not need to add this mess to it.

Medicine is racist. Just ask the med schools. Some of them are teaching to withhold options from white parents because they are white and oppressors. That somehow treating them correctly will reduce the availability so that blacks and other colors cant get the treatments. As if that makes sense. Last I knew it was the insurance companies not letting doctors treat patients as they saw fit.

Trees are racist. There was a golf course sued because it had trees on the side where the 'white' neighborhood was but not on the one with the 'black' neighbors.

The military thinks that racism runs rampant in the ranks. They took what weeks to stamp out racism in the ranks? and sent everyone to days of DEI training. I was in the military (ages ago, thank God). We saw no color but everyone bled red. All the services were shocked to find that recruiting efforts dropped like a hot rock. Now they are dropping standards all over the place to get people in. How do you think THAT will work?

The list goes on and on. What do you think the trans idiot who has been stealing suitcases from airports for years did with all the nuclear waste it was supposed to dispose of safely? I am scared to find out but someone should. It certainly wasnt doing its job correctly. Sure they finally fired it but really? Someone needs to check what work it did do.

Its beyond stupid. Common sense left the room, hell the planet in the last few years. I just hope we can get it to stop.

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"Math is racist." We'll have to import (more) Chinese mathematicians.

"Medicine is racist. We'll have to import (more) Chinese doctors.

"Trees are racist." Cut 'em down and send the pulp to China.

"Military is racist". "Got those hicks kicked out, now what will the Chinese do, General"?

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Take the kids out of the public indoctrination centers (the so-called schools).

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Not all people have lost their minds. Your note is spot on!

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If salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet. (Matthew 5:13).

We are in the "trampled under people's feet" phase. God is saying "your ancestors promised to bring people to me by following my commands. If you won't continue that, I will use you to bring people to God through a less pleasant kind of demonstration."

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Good and evil are not aspects of morality and ethics. Good and Evil, God & Satan, are the overarching spiritual powers battling in every instant for possession of the living soul.

When, in 1962, the Supreme Court of The United States prohibited the Ten Commandments and the LORD's prayer in U.S. public schools, the incremental slide into our present sad state of secular humanism got a big lawfare boost. Millions of children have become adults without the first inkling of eternal things. Children in school today are killing each other and their teachers. Most of them can hardly read or write. The corporation CEO's and board of directors may have a little more literacy and polish, but they are more of the same meat off the same godless bone.

Naomi Wolf is in the midst of discovering how we got to where we are now. Have a look:


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Yes, I did read that. It is a profound article.

As you say, The Battle of the Ages has always and only been between Good and Evil.

The question is: can we return to chains that which is currently been unleashed?

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God can. Pray and keep praying about everythìng "small" or "great". "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:4-7 (ESV)

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Amen! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Another one bites the dust.

Besides it doesn’t help my waistline.

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Can’t get the song out of my head now.

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True…..but…..otoh don’t fat bottom girls make the rockin’ world go round?

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Here are some more ideas for Hershey as they transition to wokeism. They might as well go all in.

Will 5th Avenue Bar be renamed The Hershey Highway Bar?

Will Mr. Goodbar become Mrs. Goodbar? Will they remove the nuts from the candy during the transition?

Will the York Peppermint Pattie become the York Peppermint Patrick? Will they add nuts to the transitioned candy?

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Mx. Goodbar.

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Milk Duds could become Lactation-free Vegan... well, they would still be Duds. But with lipstick.

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Andrew Carnegie is quoted as saying: “ shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations.” Guess that happens even to corporations run by idiots.

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I heard it as dirt to dirt in four generations. The immigration from Eastern Europe came from a farm. He educated his children in America who became successful in business. The next generation inherited the business but couldn’t keep it going. Their children went bankrupt.

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It's all about cheap labor aka "The bottom line".

As far as trans is concerned for 1% to be dictating to 99% is absurd.

It is all about divide and conquer.

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I actively boycott all that I know are hostile to my conservative values, as much as I can.

When I lived in Chicago, I shopped at Meijer instead of Target. I shopped the local convenience store, fruit stand, and butcher instead of Safeway. My now ex-wife (and radical racial and social justice warrior) thought I was nuts.

It likely had zero impact - except to me - at the very least, I knew who was NOT getting my $ - not directly, anyway.

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Threw sway my Hershey kisses. Lady friend did as well. No more Hershey stuff here. Have no use for any company endorsing and supporting the destruction of Beautiful America’s culture and morals.

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Real kisses are better

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Real kisses from someone of the opposite gender!

I'm being picky, I know...

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Amen to that!!

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"Vice reported, 'Right-wingers across North America are harassing a [transvestite] and threatening to boycott Hershey...'"

"...the latest attempt by the right..."

"...as right-wing legislators..."

Who the hell is, "the right," and, the "right-wing?" Similar to how so many on the left use the word, 'fascist,' it has no meaning other than, "people we don't like because they believe differently than us."

I even object to including those who either identify as conservatives, or hold largely conservative views, only because there those (albeit very few) who consider themselves to be conservative but are no less authoritarian than the left because if this small number of folks had their way, they'd impose a Christian theocracy in a hearbeat.

This nation needs to return to God in a serious way, and fast, through each individual, not via governmental dictate.

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Hershey's tasted like chocolate-flavored wax to me for years. The old Hershey bars were much better because they really were milk chocolate. Lots of much better candies out there. Boycott? That's easy. There are other items I can eat. M&M's are another matter altogether, at least their plain and peanut versions. Boycott Hershey? Yes. Thanks for the column, Don. God bless you and yours every day. And all your readers.

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I am having a hard time deciding Kathy or Red China. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Glad I don't really have to choose. If I find any real M&Ms I may buy them. No way in Hot-Place will I buy a bag of Ma&Ya's

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Hershey's has figured out the old pro wrestling gambit. Develop competing fanbases for competing characters. Each fanbase will boycott its "bad"character, and each fanbase will compensate for its boycott by paying more to support its "good" character. Net result is more income.

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The M&M kerfuffle reminds me of the old corporate adage: "Stick to the knitting"

They had a unique, very successful business formula and some (not so) bright MBA wokester probably told them about other markets they could reach using other ad pitches.

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Hershey's trying to masquerade a man as a woman is bad enough but to do it on the first day of women's history month? That's just marketing stupidity at its finest. You don't have to boycott Hershey's - they'll be gone before long.

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If only...

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Just remember that trans secretary Pete's only qualifications involve the Hershey highway. Nuff said.

There is a new line called Jeremy's, they offer a He/him version and a Sh/her one without nuts.


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About that CEO of Mozilla (Firefox), your sentence read "They forced (him) to resign" over that $1,000 donation. I remember when that happened, and actually they didn't force him to resign, he resigned of his own free will. I was upset that he caved like that. He should have stayed and forced them to fire him.

Everyone the cancel culture comes after should stop folding and stand their ground. Enough already.

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PREACH, sister!

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I’ve been making my own chocolate for years using ethically sourced cocoa powder. I started when my favourite chocolate manufacturer here in NZ went halal.

Trust nobody, check everything.

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