“And that one morning I just, I mean, I had, I don’t know, a few hours’ sleep — and I, you know, I like to sleep. I just got up,” she said. “I was like — so I just went out and got a pork roast and started marinating it.”

What is she? 14 years old? Who wants a world leader who talks like that?

BTW, I would say that Walz is not a beta male. More like an omega male. I saw the video of him getting off a plane over the weekend and watched his mannerisms. That guy is a homosexual.

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People say she often appears drunk but that not it, though I’m sure she does tie one on when she gets the opportunity.

She’s heavy on pharmaceuticals, mostly for anxiety, like Xanax. That explains her slurry words and gangly movements.

That little blurb of hers, (“everything was in speedy, speedy motion”), about not being able to sleep was quite telling. She’s a classic manic personality.

Not exactly someone you want in the Whitehouse, forget the Situation room making life and death decisions for the country.

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But up to now, that same demeanor has worked for her quite well during her entire career. People see what they want to see in a person, not always the truth. If the presidency can truly be won or lost based on showmanship as some say, how could anyone vote in good conscience for this woman?

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I have spent a lot of time wondering how any sane person could vote for Harris . . or a clinton . . . or an Obama. My conclusion is the people who are in that boat don't analyze policy in detail, don't look at personal values and integrity (because most of those voters lack that characteristic). If one has the chance to interact with these voters, they make very inconsistent statements defending their opinions and when questioned, get flustered and can't continue a coherent conversation.

My conclusion is that they see their entire concept of politics at a macro level and only vote for a "person" because they affiliate with them in some way. It has nothing to do with anything detailed, any policy positions, etc. They just LIKE the person and want to be their "friend" and vote for them.

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I've also wondered. I sonclude that people physically age into adulthood, but don't mentally age past high school age or college age, whichever one propels them into the workforce, or they go that far.

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But would make for a perfect puppet! Maybe better than Sleepy.

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are you saying kamala harris is on anti-depressants?

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For sure, but for anxiety not so much depression.

It’s some combo of anti-anxiety Med like Xanax and quite possibly something like Adderall as well.

She’s most def on meds - no doubt in my mind.

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Hmm. I wonder if it is because she has spent so much of her working life placed in jobs beyond her actual ability, as when an employee is assigned to perform duties that are not part of their regular job classification. Biden is another great example.

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10/01/24: If she gets elected, everyone will be on anti-depressants.

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“A gramme is always better than a damn.”

- Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

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But it was a Middle Class Pork Roast so, you know, she gets us.

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And during the event she called in her concerns about the hurricane victims.

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to the bone. up to 40% of college students like to say they're 'gender fluid' now so perhaps the waltz pic was a wise one, especially considering that 65% of college students are female.

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They have no idea what it even means to be gender fluid, they are just being trendy and going along with the crowd, because that's what education has become in this country, indoctrination of the masses to group think.

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In the way back time, that was probably termed “bi-curious”

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Yes, the trend setters are the alphabet people. These kids all want their own letter.

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well yes ...but allow me to be acerbic with my demented black humor.

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95% feminine.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

except for the gender fluid ones which will probably lower that 65%.

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It worked for Biden so why would Harris be any different. There is no way to rationalize Harris' comments. She literally cannot walk and chew gum at the same time.

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Maybe. If you watch old clips of her she speaks more plainly and clearly. Perhaps her affect is because she has to remember her script/rehearsed lines and lies?

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but...orange man bad.

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10/01/14: The most dangerous 14-year-old on the planet. Comrade Command Sgt. Major (Fake) Homowalz? What kind of a bumper sticker would THAT be?!

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Is it possible that Taxafornia sent her to DC to get rid of her? Ask a buddy in Frisco?

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11 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

She dumped on him to deflect blame.

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And if Harris and Waltz lose, the first thing out of her mouth will be "my staff gave me bad advice about Waltz". Bet on it.

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The opening says it all. Couldn’t be clearer.

Not only did China allow 30 visits, the US allowed a military member 30 visits an adversary 30 times. Would we have allowed any military member to visit Soviet Russia 30 times?

Let that sink in.

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Exactly, and why do Walz and his wife have no retirement funds, properties, etc. is he better than Biden Inc at hiding $$$?

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And Why is no one asked to see Kamala’s and Walz’s IRS tax histories?

They harped about DJT’s for years!

Strange that.

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Because they know the answer before they ask it, and they don't want the rest of us to know it as well.

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It's safely tucked away in an interest bearing account in China.

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Perhaps he has a lifetime “pension” from China. Mike Johnson is similar - no visible investments or savings and he sure acts like he is compromised. Just sayin’ it’s odd they are pretty invisible.

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He does have retirement funds. He has an Army retirement, a school teachers retirement, his wife's retirement and SSI, and his SSI. Not wealthy, but he is okay. But how do you visit China 30 times on the salary he and her made?

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For someone in his chosen occupation it’s rather odd that he has just that

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He was pulling down a paycheck in China.

He might be a communist sympathizer but I think the China trips story is a nothing burger being drummed up by our friendly conservative story tellers.

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Which military are you talking about? The one before or after the Obama administration? Timing in this issue matters. I was an Army CSM and I can tell you that if I had tried to do the same thing, I would have been investigated quickly and lost my security clearance and consequently my job. 30 visits to a communist country? Who visits any country save maybe Canada perhaps that many times? And no one asks him why. Where did the money for the long trip come from? How on earth did he get that much time away from his ARNG unit while in a leadership position? Yet, Harris picked him purportedly knowing all this. But why?

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Stop the logical thinking Reddog !//sarc

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Exactly, Sergeant Major.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

It’s important to remember that Walz was vetted and hand-picked by Eric Holder and Obama.

Kamala was hand picked by Obama.

Biden was hand picked by Obama.

None of them were picked for their abilities or brains, but quite the opposite. They were picked distinctly for their lack thereof.

They are useful idiots in the extreme.

We have not had a functioning President for four years. The last three months prove that to be beyond doubt.

There is an apparatus at work, it’s strings mostly being pulled by Obama and his gang of corrupt cohorts.

It’s is all smoke and mirrors. Kamala herself is a total construct, but a total void within. She dances to the tune of her masters.

Walz is the same, but I’d wager an even craftier more dangerous one. He has weaseled his way into the inner sanctum of Democrat chicanery over the years and his hatred for what this country stands for is what fuels him, just like Obama.

As a Governor he let his own cities burn to ground right in front of him, and sided with the arsonists.

That does not bode well for our country.

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Like the Clintons, Obama's time to influence the party will pass soon. The people who prop up these Dems move on quickly when people stop being effective in what the money backers want.

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Damian Williams, the Diddy and Adam's prosecutor is being groomed to replace Obama.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

I’m voting for no one else was dumb enough to hitch their wagon to hers. He is like Biden choosing her… he won’t show her up and he would be an insurance policy so she doesn’t get removed from office like they did to Joe.

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Only the neediest would consider being #2 to her. The same dilemma Biden had - everyone knew how icky, nasty and dumb he is.

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if waltz really is an insurance policy that sure doesn't say much for the voters of minnesota.

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I’m getting the impression the voters of Minnesota didn’t really know much about the guy and simply bought into his bs stories. The more they find out about him the less they like him. I would think if he ran again he wouldn’t get elected to state wide office in Minnesota

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Especially since he let the twin cities burn during the Floyd riots. Or after his shutdown of the state during the Covid panic.

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Vetting of a candidate is no longer done by the nation's media. It stopped during Obama's candidacy. Now they are paid to follow the DNC lead.

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Maybe not communists, but more like "subjects".

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Seeing what is actually behind the curtain of JOYOUS PRANCING PEDO SCUM has been fascinating. I mean, you have to hand it to THE USA COMMUNIST LEAD ORGANIZER(fake sign in video but still funny) of the DEEP DARK STATISTS; they instruct the hypnotized masses, they show them(they locked them up, emotionally harmed their children, stole their innocence and youth!) who they are, and what they will do-AND-these criminal grifters still get elected: and re-elected! MINN seems to seriously be lacking in discernment.

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Minnesotans are not typical Americans to begin with. They have been on the Anti-American Activist Lists for a long time now....

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Tucker has been saying Walz is a creep since he was first selected by Commie Kam, says he knows his type having gone to boys school and having known some of the dorm masters

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Truly is a stunning phenomenon to even contemplate.

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This is a good point.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Poll needed to gain votes. Nice post this morning with sweet jabs at msm/left/dem/.socialists on the last waltz byTimpon. The American voters owe a huuuge thank you to Don Surber ,VDH,Tucker,Elon,JHK,the Kellys J.and M. S.Zito etal for putting truths on the ballots . Kudos and carry on Poca-Man as we strive for a return to sanity.MAGA 2024

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Here in Minny Tim Jong Walz just signed a post birth baby-killing 'bill'.

Nuff said.

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Under Democrat reign, a country can be destroyed economically, but as long as they can kill those babies the party faithful are just fine with it.

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Imagine Harris being elected with Walz as her VP. Imagine Harris being replaced either through impeachment or after a term or two. Then imagine Walz becoming President. Who could possibly create such a scenario? If you need more than one guess, you are not a regular Don Surbur reader. No, Walz wasn't a mistake. He was a gift. A gift to America from China delivered through careful planning. Let us put the scenario in context. Harris was raised by communist parents. Harris routinely cites communist doctrine as her own. For years, Harris's husband led a team of lawyers representing CCP owned corporations. When Biden was removed by coup, Harris's husband immediately walked away from his position to squelch all media interest in his work history. Walz was the perfect Plan B to Harris. As Don notes, he is another tool of the CCP regime. Walz is part of China's plan to capture America without a shot fired.

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Jim, that's absolutely frightening yet totally well thought out. You've done a great job connecting the dots!

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

The movie "The Manchurian Candidate" comes to mind. I have had the same thoughts.

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Maybe, maybe not Jim. China could be trying alright, but remember, the election is a month away yet and these two idiots are not in office and wont be if America is still paying attention. The country is waking up..............slowly, but waking nonetheless.

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My comment was intended to identify the plan, not predict its success. I believe Trump will win in a landslide of such proportion that it will overcome the Dem cheating. Let us pray I am correct.

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Amen J.M. !

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I agree but at least even the Manchurian Candidate had some props.

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This may be the first debate ever I actually watch live. Even without knowing who is hosting it. But that doesn't even matter because we all know whoever it is will be covering for the girly man. Tampon Tim's best option might be to suddenly lose his voice... or go to the mountains of NC and get lost in a mud slide.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Pork roast? there goes a whole lot of pandering to muslims. bwahahaha

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Maybe it was Halal pork.

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It's the left's unending script, they down play the expectation, then declare he/she exceeded expectations and is the winner.. over and over....

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11 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

“That makes so little sense that the only explanation remaining is he worked for them.” Amazing how often things just don’t make sense these days - unless you look at the explanations that are seemingly unbelievable and/or insane. Then suddenly the dots seem to connect themselves.

I’m actually looking forward to tonight’s episode of “Lying Liars And Their Media Shills.” I do so hope that JD Vance shines a light on the true meaning of “weird.” And then some.

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I'm looking forward to 2 productions on the TCN network - "Art of the Surge" about our hero Trump and "Line in the Sand" by James OKeefe where he took a crew to document riding on top of The Beast with all those others through Mexico to the US border and how many different people have to be paid off enroute. Tucker is creating quite an amazing empire

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The powers that be chose Walz not Kamala -

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Well, to be fair, they chose Kamala as VP in the first place.

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Obama>Biden>Harris. Harris is an idiot.

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Yep, we all know it. Democrats installed Kammie and Timmy.

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This was clearly not the first time Kamala coped with her anxiety by "marinating a pork roast." Ask Willie Brown.

Honestly, the jokes almost write themselves at this point.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Kamala was tired so she made a sketchy decision that may end up costing her the presidency. Good thing being president isn't a relentlessly demanding job that often requires life and death decision making that could keep one up at night.

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You too can be appointed border czar to fix the border problem and never visit the place other than a staged dog and pony show. She did absolutely nothing to fix the problem because the Democrats do not want it fixed.

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Cumala made a mistake? She is a mistake. She couldn't make the first primary vote in 2020 and blamed it on racism. The fact the dems didn't get she was calling them racist was funny times two. And the brains of the party simply installed her this time around. Doesn't that show the people of the party are not in tune with the leaders of same? It appears Obama and his gang ain't what they think they are. He's clean, he's articulate, he's the whole package man...

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Remember, Joe endorsed her before BHO could get his astronaut in place. Joe screwed BHO like BHO screwed him.

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Now that is a good observation. A total dementia patient that never showed any sense on any subject outwits the smartest man in the party. That there is some sweet irony. God works in wonderful ways.

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I just about cracked up the other day when Biden told us all that "he had turned his entire presidency over to Harris and that she was running the country now". That is just too funny and classic Biden.

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Good grief, did he actually say that? If he did, then let's start immediately demanding ACTION from Kamala on the border or anything else to PROVE she "really" will fix things "once she's President".

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Great points! And they’re too stupid to be insulted for having been played like banjos!

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...and banjos playing the theme song from "Deliverance".

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