I think Colin Kaepernick would be the perfect VP for the Ho VP.

They both take a knee as naturally as we sit down.

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Kamala doesn't just take a knee, she gets right down on it. Willie knows

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Kaepernick could use some hair-do tricks from KH.

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Our beautiful U.S.A has fallen into the most evil, wicked and unrestrained depravity as demonstrated by the last two “Democrat” presidents and the low IQ slut Marxist puppet. They and their administrations are a mosaic of similar creatures.

While our future looks dim, let’s continue to pray for God’s forgiveness, mercy and grace. May He send a new awakening in the nick of time. Otherwise, we will lose our Republic.

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Excellent points all around, but the republic was lost when The Wrestler declared war on half of the country.

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What happened in 1860 can be likened to what’s happening now: approximately half the country wants to go “full blown Marxist”. Do you think we should allow them to have half the country if that could be arranged? Or fight them and their poisonous ideology with all we’ve got until we’ve laid them waste? Lincoln saw not just the abolition of slavery, but the wider world to which this country was a beacon of Liberty. That’s our same struggle today, the abolition of Marxism.

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Most people aren’t Marxists or die hard MAGA.

They aren’t focused on the underlying ideologies or principles. So they often don’t know enough to understand what they want.

They default to what’s in front of them and what their social circle thinks. This is why the media can spew BS propaganda that you can’t believe anybody would buy, but they do buy it.

The main problem is to remove permanent Washington or permanent (pick your state) political machines that control what goes on behind the scenes- like rigging elections and selecting, not electing, candidates. Even in red states, like Arizona or Texas, the political dynasties linger and cause trouble. McCain, Bush, etc. In the blue states it’s obvious too. California is basically run by a few families - the Browns, the Pelosis, the Gettys. And then behind the donors and the patronage jobs in Washington is the intelligence apparatus where you get the toxic blend of secrecy for a living and lethal capabilities. It’s been like this for a long time. It’s only recently that the public is waking up to the problem. The RINOs would rather put democrats in office than let the voters will be carried out because it threatens their crooked and lucrative access to public monies and contracts. That’s all. Nothing more. There are no principles at work here but power and access to YOUR money.

This is not going to get resolved with talking and voting. The bad guys are using force and viruses and abuse of the legal system. Honestly it will be a miracle if they let Trump back into the White House. More trouble is on the horizon because some Americans are going to fight this, and not in court.

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It WILL be a miracle. God is on the side of truth, virtue, righteousness and much more. IN HIS word He says, “ If MY people will humble themselves and, seek MY face, turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sins and I will heal their land.

Notice that He said , My people. Believers in Jesus Christ.

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Let’s pray that you are right, Rob.

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Yes Tanto! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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If my people who are called by mine name, will humble …

Sorry. Forgot to include that important phrase.

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As I read your words, my brain filled in the phrase automatically!

The human mind is a marvel.

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Yes it is All His creation is a marvel.

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All Of what you’ve said: TRUE.

But again it all begs the question:


Why would you support, work for and/or with a group, a system, an administration that ALL THE EVIDENCE proves beyond a shadow of doubt is creating havoc and destruction in all that it touches, no matter your political bent or lack thereof?

Greed is usually the first response, and while that, for a time may be their payoff motive, can they not see the end thereof? That the ship is sinking?

I do, and I am no genius. Why would supposedly smart people who’ve made millions and billions support the destruction of this country, but more importantly, eventually their own as well?

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The people who are buying our elections and running this country do not live under the same rules that they want applied to others. The ultra-wealthy live very differently than you and I. They aren't necessarily bad people, they just don't see the same necessity in things that you do. They can buy or use their clout for favors you and I could never do so. This is the danger that we face. The middle class has been largely destroyed or reduced in scope as a viable political force. Today the term is used strictly for political purposes. We are about to start turning on ourselves if the trend does not change.

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Astute assessment of politics today.Power creates riches which leads to more power,hence corruption unabated.

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Well said. We on the right need to look at the big picture more often. Texas and Arizona are well on their way to being blue states. California was once a red state, back when it was the jewel of the country. The color changing trend is rapidly evolving and both coasts are going to be solid blue while a majority of the middle will be red or lean red. What then? The center feeds us and the coasts control the country. The dynamic has to change and soon. I agree with you on Trump. Should by the grace of God Trump be re-elected and take office, the left will NEVER stop attacking him because it's easier to do so than wage direct war on us. As the cliché goes, the left is playing hardball and we are playing softball. We cannot win like this. Just wait until this winter and they feds try to lock us down again with the next version of the Wuhan virus. It could be very ugly and the fight may not be just in the courts as you say.

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You can’t fight a junkyard dog with a toy poodle.

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Trump is the only guy running tough enough to start fixing this mess. I like DeSantis because he understands how to govern based on the will of the people. But even though DeSantis is tough and has the war fighter background, he is at a different place in his life than Trump. Both are tough guys, but Trump is the guy you want with you when the bar fight gets ugly and the rules don't matter. He is a flawed human but have you ever seen a strong leader who wasn't? There is a reason Ike kept GS Patton in command in WWII. He was a junkyard dog.

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I agree with your first sentence. I would call that group the infamous independents.

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this was vividly displayed in the 04 and 06 congressional elections where the marginally less left wing party failed to support one of the last congresscritters who actually cared about constituents. she squeaked through in 04 but was voted out for a commie in 06 - a commie whose fundraising was virtually all from out of state. since then i have a limitless contempt for both major parties.

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I do not believe half the country wants to go full "Marxist". I don't believe half the country could even explain what the term means to any extent. Too many see what is happening only thru the prism of how it is affecting them, not the country as a whole. There is serious education required on a mass scale here. Most people are one or two issue folks politically and never see or understand the macro. As citizens, too many bounce around like a bee-bee in a boxcar come every election cycle depending on who is "trendy" at the moment.

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I doubt think the average citizen who still votes Democrat knows what the heck they’re voting for, they are just brainwashed or suffering from irreconcilable TDS, or however they justify supporting them.

But those donors and money men pushing all this crap: DEI, CRT, ESG, LGb+, along with all the lawless actions of this government, certainly know what’s happening and full-throatily support it. The MSM keeps those voters ill- and misinformed to keep the whole corrupt charade going.

It’s the power centers, the IC, the moneymen and media that have to be taken down who are fueling this whole takeover of the country.

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On target. A few years ago my wife and I and another couple visited St. Petersburg in Russia. I was amazed at how matter of fact the Russian folks on the streets. The average Russian understands that America is somehow the rock that holds the world together. They may not understand why but it is the gold standard to the one's I talked to on the visit. Some of the more educated knew more about our politics and system than many Americans do. They also understand how corruption is destroying our country just as it is keeping their country from evolving to a true capitalistic economy. We must get control of our education system and return it to sanity. Our young people are ignorant and being programed against their parents and their country.

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Another parallel to that era is the new Republican party was created for the 1860 election after throwing out the Whig party in the 1850's. I think we are close to throwing out the Republican party and starting something new.

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Management allows? sends? blindness and grace hardens their hearts while their own fear porn backfires. Did David say they will fall into the the trap they set for others?

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Who's The Wrestler?

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Yeah, that is my question too!

The only one I know is Jesse Ventura who was gov of MN! 🤣

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The Wrestler, is President Lincoln.

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Thanks for that. I am not at all familiar with that appellation.

Nor why you think the civil war was the point at which the country was lost? Are you suggesting allowing slavery to remain legal would have been a better course?

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"Are you suggesting allowing slavery to remain legal would have been a better course?"

I am not – but the slavery question should have been left to the states. While I'm content to leave it to scholars who are much more learned than I, we'll never know if the Union could or might have been preserved without the War of Northern Aggression, per Lincoln's own expressed preference.

As soon as the Union army advanced against Confederacy armies, the republic per the constitution ceased to exist in fact. The idea persisted, but Lincoln's decision to preserve the Union by force was every bit the equivalent of Pelosi's manually shredding President Trump's SotU address.

Consider: even without agricultural technological advancement, it is likely the practice of slavery would have been ended, anyway, for this reason:

Only the plantation owners, and perhaps some of the more wealthy gentry, owned slaves. The vast majority of the citizenry did not. If allowed to vote on the issue, is it unreasonable to conclude that the voters would have abolished it via electoral means? I think not.

In one of his books (I can't recall which one), Shelby Foote relates an exchange between a Union soldier whose army was occupying a town and a resident that was something like this:

Union soldier: Why do you hate us, so?

Resident: Because you're here.

That illustrates the mindset of most southerners at the time – they couldn't have cared less about the issue until they were forced to care. It's just like homosexuality – most of us don't care what others do in the privacy of their homes until we're forced to care. How the plantation owners ran their enterprise was none of their business until the Union army forced the issue.

Finally, 'slavery' has a negative connotation. Yes, it is an abhorrent practice, but this idea that slavery in the Antebellum South is synonymous with physical and sexual abuse, uninhabitable living conditions, et al. is the exception, not the rule, and it is largely a product of the narrative Hollywood wants told. Even Alex Haley's work has been revealed to be an elaborate fiction.

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In Shelby Foote’s Civil War Trilogy he also expounds upon Lincoln, one of his most admired heroes, as much for his gift for writing as anything else:

“Lincoln was in his wartime speeches ever more direct in asserting that the South must be defeated not only or even primarily to efface what he came to regard as the stain of slavery, but to demonstrate to a global audience and for the benefit for all posterity that, as Foote put it ‘world democracy, which was shown to depend on survival of the Union with the South as part of the whole,’ could triumph over its enemies. In this respect it is Lincoln, even more than Wilson or FDR, who set forth in speech and confirmed in feats of arms the doctrine that the United States was the vector by which the world would become what America is—the prophet of our empire.”

In other words, to Lincoln the war was about so much more than just the abolition of slavery, but the preservation of the American experiment as determined by the Founders.

The God-given, inalienable right of all men to life, Liberty and the the pursuit of happiness, which every slave, regardless of the conditions he lived in, all provided by a “master”, was being wholly deprived of.

*(for interesting article on Shelby Foote, where I copied those quotes, you might like:


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Interesting thoughts. I have not heard some of these perspectives before. Thanks for laying it out.

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Not From Texas is not wrong. Our country would look much different had Douglas won the Presidency.

But we cannot know what would have happened had different decisions been made. We can know only what did happen and move on.

To keep alive the controversies and conflict of 1860 is nothing more than intellectual speculation now as almost two centuries separate us from that dispute.

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Yes. That is certainly true that it is just an intellectual exercise at this point. Sort of like Philip K Dick’s groundbreaking alternative history book Man in the High Castle (or Tower. I always forget) that had the Nazis and Imperial Japan winning WWII.

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Yes! Exactly like that. And for further reading of alternate history, you may want to research those historical authors who assert that it would have been better for Europe and the world had Germany won WWI. To be clear--World War One. I don’t have a book to suggest, however. Another intellectual exercise.

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Happy to share!

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Agreed Rob, but he didn't make this mess, we allowed it to happen and we need to fix it with his guidance and support. If we don't all pull together and resist being surgically divided by the left, this great experiment was for nothing. I believe we can do it but it is going to be painful for the country.

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What a mockery Biden and Harris have made of this great country. They are nauseating.

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"No one is in charge." Respectfully disagree. The globalist donors are in charge as they have been for decades, sir.

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I have to disagree with "first evers" always being incompetents.

Certainly if being a "first ever" is ALL they are, then yes, they will be utter losers. But I can think of two right off the top from Trump's admin who were First Evers and not losers - Dr. Ben Carson, HHS Secretary and even better example, Rick Grenell the first openly gay U.S. ambassador to any G7 country.

As for Kamala, a motto that will NEVER be one she adopts:

"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

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The excellent examples you give aren't d's - I wish we could clone Carson & Grenell

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Correct, they are Rs but refute the notion that 'First Evers' are losers.

Frankly, it just occurs to me that TRUMP is also a 'First Ever' I think in more than one category! 😊

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Generally, the vice president pick is one that makes the presidency assassination proof. That is why Bush 1 picked Quale and Obama picked Biden.

Therefore, if there is a president Harris, she would have to pick someone who is dumber and more inept than her. The only person I can think of to be her running mate would be John Fetterman.

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Hank “Guam May tip over” Johnson could compete for the title.

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Hank was no worse than Barbara(f the dairy farms,I get my milk at Safeway) Boxer.

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Hank Johnson was the first to come to my mind.

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Democrat politicians on a national level are entirely fungible goods--one is like another. As proof that this is undeniably true I give you Exhibits A, B and C: Biden, Fetterman and Harris. You could run a cardboard cut-out of any of them (and they pretty much did in the case of Biden 2020) and they would get elected in certain democrat precincts. Those who control them--the monied interests--are running the country now.

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You are too kind. The voters in those "certain democratic precincts" didn't even need a cardboard cutout. Most of them didn't cast their votes at all. They were ballot harvested for a bribe and the "monied interests" voted for them.

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Sometimes called the Chirqaq way, but more realistically should be called the Illinois Combine way. Look at the vote that makes illegals eligible to be LEO's and thus the cannon fodder for firearm confiscation.

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What a frightening thought! These public officials are actually chosen and promoted for their incompetence and weirdness. It's probably the fastest way to take this country down. Someone is in charge--Satan.

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Satan is the master of deception and the "chosen" public officials are placed to be a constant distraction to people like us. We waste too much time talking about these distractions so we don't focus on the real issues.

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Very true.

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Are Y'all f'n kidding me. The D-rats are so well organized they can put whatever they want in front of the American peeps and have it 'elected' including the Ham Sandwich you could indict if you wanted to.

I get the distinct impression you think you're going to be able to vote yourself out of this. Get ready for one of the Bobbsy Twins to pop out of the political Jack-in-the-Box come June/July of 24 around the time that old degenerate slips on a banana peel and winds up deep-6'd. How does a combo of Michelle/Kamala, or one or the other sound, cause U know one way or the other at least one of them will make their way onto the ticket. Kennedy ain't getting anywhere close to it.

If you can't guarantee a one vote, one day, inked finger election (Ha!) y'all are at the mercy of the unbelievably efficient D-Rat election conveyor belt and all is lost.

Ammo Up and Supply Up kids...gonna be a bumpy ride!

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Michelle's nomination will cause the Kamala issue to instantly evapoate; in their euphoria she will immediatly be forgotten.

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Not going to happen. Moochie has the world by the tail and is too lazy to work. She has demonstrated that over and over again while in the WH.

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I bet the reason she’s taken a gaycation and looks so f’d up is because she’s thinking of the ramifications if she says yes to running

FYI alluding to ‘she’ in the preceding comment was for the sake of easing the convo

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Moochie Obama will never run for office. Name one reason she would take her first job in life at this juncture? Not going to happen. Her husband burned any bridges she might have used to get in office.

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If the current imbecile can pull this off, all the time while believing he's in an endless version of Basken-Robbins, how hard is it going to be for Mike to follow orders, ditch the 5 o'clock shadow and read off a teleprompter.

Once again, the D-rats don't care how many votes they actually get, their machinery can produce whatever they need to make it work...

We aren't...are not...going to vote ourselves out of this!

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I don't disagree with you on most of your comment Chuck, but the only way we are going to fix this is using the law to do so. If we cannot return our election system to one that can be trusted, then what are we left with? We are a country of laws, and the only recourse outside of that will result in anarchy and a series of unintended consequences without an end. I am not afraid to fight for my country. I spent twenty six years in the Army. But everything we have we owe to the laws that govern us. We are much smarter than the left who operate using emotion and lawlessness while systematically dividing us. It's time we force our party to do the right things and support us.

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You do realize that i live in Canada right Red, and I’ve never been in the army but I’ve treated several dozen armed services members. My oldest Grandson is set to go into the Army as I write this. Therefore I respect both your wise opinion, you counsel and your service.

Having said that, and Thank God for the laws and codes you have mentioned that have gotten us this far, When we are the only ones following the rules and the laws while the other side stridently breaks them, when the ‘judges rule in direct opposition to them, when politics over ride the constitution and when political and weaponized terrorists are given free rain to burn, destroy and render asunder while decent law abiding folks are injured, maimed or killed with no or risibly inadequate sentences or are paid reparations instead, what options are left to us.

I don’t think I mentioned or talked about organized armed resistance for a reason although in truth I can see a point in which the citizenry may have to take back control. And I’ve been told and read that a civil war is the worst conflagration that can be visited on civilized human beings, but knowing this, why does our opposition carry on as if its not an issue for them. How in the name of all that is Holy does a Maui or a Kelowna or Quebec or Greece happen and the Gov’t not only lies about it but appears to have a hand in it. Are we to remain optimistic and hopeful untill a Tank appears at either end of our streets. My in-laws were Holocaust Survivors. We all know how that story ends.

If we are smarter than the left why aren’t we showing it. Why do we let them make fools of us over and over again, often using the same venues and methods and we lay there, flaccid and yielding. Why do we elect and more often then not re-elect cowards and or traitors and or outright controlled opposition that performs on cue time and time again. ‘

‘Force our Party to do the right things and support us’? We should have gotten rid of the dead wood and branches in ‘20 and ‘22, but somehow we didn’t and now that ‘24 is coming up, a reasonable question might be ‘how is that working out for us. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when i say its the most important election in Modern History. The d-rats know it too and they are acutely aware of what lies ahead for them if they lose control of the throttle. So I expect them to pull out all the stops. All of them!

And therefore, in order to protect ourselves and our precious families, my counsel , for what its worth is to ammo up and stock up. We’re not going to get another shot at this.

Thanks for commenting. I hope I gave you something to get back to me on!

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Chuck, I hate smart phones. They aren't! Had a response to your comment all typed out and away it went, off into Joe Bidens reality where everything goes to die I guess. So here goes again on my trusty laptop. I read your comment three times because it captured so closely my feelings regarding this mess. Doesn't matter where one lives, Canada or US, the same thing is happening both places. I had a high school teacher who said something one day in class that stuck with me my entire life. He said "America is a grand experiment and it is up to each of us to nurture, respect, and protect it". I'm paraphrasing but that was the essence of his message. I have never forgotten it. I'm a civil engineer by training and my brain works in a very methodical and linear manner. That is both good and bad. On the issue we are discussing, I find myself far too often just repeating the problems without discussing solutions. I certainly understand your comment regarding how problematic elections have become. My hope and prayers are directed at being able to solve this in a peaceful, lawful manner where logic, commonsense and love of country play the major roles. But I don't know honestly if that is possible today. As I see it, leftist and Marxists have concluded that their end game of total control of the masses thru messaging and defense of their ideology is no longer possible so they have essentially started just ignoring the laws they deem "unequitable" or unfair and have resorted to a sort of soft-dictatorship to rule, not govern us. I honestly believe that their goal is to push us so hard and keep so many fires going that by the time the majority of people see what is happening it will be too late to fix or stop it. There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that they want this to result in some sort of open violence by groups on the right so they can declare an insurrection and thereby impose Marshall Law and suspend "temporarily" some of our freedoms, but in reality many of those freedoms will never be restored. End game. They have us under control. And the Liz Cheney's and Kinzinger's of the uniparty can always claim thereafter that "we on the right started it". An appalling thought but wholly possible given the current players. So what is the solution then? I believe in the law. This country has always had one thing going for it that made it unique and that was our basis of laws and how all that we have is tied to that structure. Abandoning that system is easy..................but the outcome will be devastating and unthinkable and make the last civil war look pale in comparison. So how do we make the law work for us? The only sane way forward in that regard in my judgement is thru our legislative processes. Today, you see parents organizing and confronting an out of control education system around the country. This is long overdue, but it will take much more. The real fix is thru Congress, forcing them to confront the issues and to exercise their authority in providing oversight of federal agencies and forcing those agencies to operate within the law. Therein lies the rub. Congress has not done this for decades in any real non-political manner. Speaking of the GOP here, I am convinced they care more about re-election than they do accomplishing anything. They have kicked the can down the road for so long few of them are tough enough to take on the urgent pressing matters today. There is plenty of evidence of that fact. As a life long member of the GOP I have stopped supporting them until such time as I see them stop talking and start acting with real positive results. Here we are today, all kinds of investigations of Biden, plenty of evidence, and no action. The left would have impeached Trump yet again on a fraction of the available evidence of wrongdoing. I want to see the rise of a strong, viable third party of conservatives who will take on the uniparty and force them to act. Until we see mainstream families marching on city halls and legislatures and the WH demanding that the rule of law be restored and government accountability, nothing is going to happen. I will admit that I try not to think about Option C; open civil war, but in reality, we are in a civil war right now. It just isn't out of control hot yet. I owe this country my life and all of its successes as do we all. Perhaps the true meaning of "the American dream" is really that everyone recognize how much they owe this country and stop being petty and selfish and commit to preserving this life for future generations. It doesn't need to be torn down to fix it. It just needs to be respected and nurtured. We are rapidly approaching a bellwether moment. If Trump is convicted illegally in the eyes of the public and barred from office, it could be like the moment our ancestors faced in their Tea Party moment. Keep the faith my friend, but also keep your "tools" handy should they be needed. I am.

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My Friend,

I believe we are of the same mind ( even about the phone) and I have too large a family that have way too many minor children to want a hot civil war or even a short term insurrection.

But we have to be ready. One prays for a peaceful, legal resolution to this, I just don’t see a pathway to it in reality!

Be well and have a great week-end. It’s been a joy having this convo.

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Likewise my friend. Better times are ahead if we come together as a country.

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Kamala Harris for president ?? The ONLY thing she is qualified to do is go around the White House is on all fours and Biden is already doing that. See where it got U.S. ??

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She probably couldn't find Ukraine on the map . I feel she's just as inarticulate as Joe Magoo. And not as smart.

Yep give her the nomination.

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She couldn’t find the map.

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She couldn’t find the White House on a map

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What I will say will sound crude. All the deep state wants is, first, control. 2nd, they need a willing puppet, someone who will tolerate the hand of the deep state shoved up their arse and controlling their every thought, words, and deeds. I think Don is spot on.

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"Well, being popular among voters is overrated in elections that are fixed."


"'The most recent analysis from the Los Angeles Times has her net approval rating at negative 11.'"

David St. Hubbins, and Nigel Tufnel ought to be impressed that the number could go all the way DOWN to -11.

"The deep state protects its own."

Indeed it does. Swapping one bad actor for another as DeSantis proposes, changes nothing. No, it must be utterly and completely destroyed, and the ground salted.

"...because the Democrats and RINOs don’t really run DC. They just obey orders."

...and the RINOs - see Cocaine M(0bama's b)itch "The Turtle" McConnell, John Thune, Pierre Delecto, Lindsay Grahamnesty, the Beach Boy, et al. obey THEIRS from the actual Democrats most enthusiastically.

The Cackler should show some gratitude to Willie - she won't, of course, but she should.

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POLL: Willie Brown - cuz there's nothing like rubbing our noses in it as they steal another election.

Joe licks ice cream cones.

Kamala licks (Paul Harvey pause...) other things.

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Where’s Bernie?

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He's playing socialist while enjoying his ill-gotten wealth from politics in one of his several mansions. I think they slapped him down hard enough in the last round to convince him to go away.

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"Slapped him down" - with more ill gotten gains.

"Politics/socialism has been very good to me."

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After decades of concern about election outcomes, I began to question what difference they make.

Observing a good outcome, I experienced little change in my life. Different outcome....same result.

Until the 2008 primaries, too long a story for here. But that led some really terrible outcomes.

They were the changes you didn’t see, but felt incrementally ever since. It was a methodical re-population of the federal bureaucracy to achieve un-announced leftist goals, well disguised as “change.”

Things are different now.

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Totally concur!!!!

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The signs are our-of-control visible now….a great comedy sketch exists compositing sworn statements under oath by the likes Wray, Majorkas, Garland, or one of my old favs, Koskinen….ad nauseum

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