How true: “It’s only an insurrection when Trump supporters do it.”

Is what we are witnessing “peaceful riots” or “riots for peace”?

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Yeah, when it's the Left,

"Some people did some things."

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How true this statement is.Insurrection should get a new classification in the dictionary !!

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It's only an insurrection of Rs do it.

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Kind of like "Nazi."

Support genocide = good.

Support smaller government, closed borders, oppose killing unborn babies and genital mutilation for kids = Nazi.

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ahhh no, it is a mostly peaceful protest with some understandable aggression..... /s

“It’s only an insurrection when Trump supporters do it.” and they only responded to being pepper sprayed and people being beat up by the Capital police.

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This whole scenario changed with the attack on innocent children. Some of this isn't done yet. The squad is evil.

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Saddest headline of the week: 'Christmas display in Bethlehem is cancelled by Palestinian authorities 'in honour of Hamas martyrs' as Israel continues to battle terrorists in Gaza'-Daily Mail

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I didn't see riot gear, flash grenades, tear gas, rubber bullets, people beaten senseless with batons.

Hell, they didn't even have FBI plants agitating the mob.

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Interesting: Schott's comments refer to the industrialization that took place under Hitler. Hitler didn't accomplish it by his own policies. It was accomplished because international millionaires wanted to support Hitler, because they hoped he would prevent the spread of Bolshevism from Russia. They invested a lot of money in Germany in industry and roads. It made Hitler look good, as if he were an effective politician, when it had nothing to do with him. Many members of the British royal family liked Hitler and were enamored of him. Henry Ford in the US was also enamored of Hitler. Joseph Kennedy, JFK's father also was for Hitler. The New York Times, which had information on the concentration camps and death camps in Germany published nothing about them. The New York Times, while ostensibly run by or owned by Jews, has been the most anti-semitic paper of record in the United States. Many, many Jews read that paper, and daily imbibe anti-Israel sentiment.

There is an article and video here at this website:


In which you can see Gazans watching video of Hamas' assault on innocent Israelis, the savagery, the butchering and burning alive of people. The Gazans, supposedly "innocent" Palestinians, are watching and reveling in it, shouting Allahu Akhbar! God is Great!

But what we are seeing when we watch these people enjoy the killing of Jews is we are seeing Obama and Biden who have created the conditions for October 7th. Obama and Biden worked assiduously to empower Iran, and give Iran billions of dollars, $10 billion more yesterday! It is these monsters we should realize who are the cause of the butchering of Jews.

The Squad, Obama, and Biden: these are the faces of evil on this earth. Hamas is just fulfilling their wishes. The fact that we have a generation of American students who believe Israel is committing genocide on the Palestinians, tells us we have work ahead to completely remake the college and university system in the US. How can Israel have committed genocide on the Palestinians when their population has increased by 6,000%? Our college students demonstrating in support of Hamas must be as ignorant as Obama, Biden, the mullahs of Iran, and the Squad.

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Great comment. We are not going to remake the university and college system though. There is too much money in it today. I go on driving expeditions across the country every year. I am shocked at the number of new colleges springing up across the country. They are everywhere. This happens for one reason; money. If there was not a lot of money to be made in it they would not exist. Higher education is big business today and it has too much influence to take it on directly. What needs to happen is at the student end thru their families. When parents decide to confront the system about its politics, change will come but it will be a long fight.

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You will never be deceived if you simply follow the money.

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One of life's truisms for sure.

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What I am thinking is that we could at some point condition federal funds on curriculum revision, ENDING POLITICAL INDOCTRINATION removing CRT completely, they must include conservative perspectives and professors, ending Queer studies, etc. etc. All these destructive ideas that are not educating our young people but indoctrinating them. That will force colleges to use their endowments to fund these ridiculous programs or else change. The federal government can publicize those colleges that decide to stick with indoctrination instead of education.

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It would be a start for sure. Too much of this political activism is hidden deep in federal budgets and get voted on and approved without a fair hearing. There should be no omnibus bills, no cross agency spending items, and every department's funding should be separate, be debated on the floor, and voted on separately. No more public support for political agendas and no more trillion-dollar spending bills designed with little guidance designed to bailout states for a supported political agenda.

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Let us hope the trend to pare deep state budgets starts yesterday and we go back to the constitutions meaning and no more.

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0 - zero - federal $$$$

That’s what’s screwed the entire education system from preK thru college!

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I look at my intelligent, informed daughter and then the pink haired social justice idiots in her school. Don't discount lazy parents who just want to be a "friend.'

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And get the Federal Govt out of the student loan business for starters!

Plus no more subsidies and government grant money.

That would bring about the end of a ton of them!

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Bingo, a winner.

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The vast majority of secular Jews in the US who are also leading members of the Corporate Class are self-loathing Jews ala Steven Spielberg.

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I really dont understand the self-loathing, either Jews or white people. Not one of us owned slaves period. We freed them. Before a lot of other countries. And there are still a lot of countries where slavery is prevalent but those countries are not called out. Instead, I am supposed to kow-tow to people who were never slaves and give them free shit? No. Life isnt fair, never has been. You are not guaranteed happiness, just the pursuit of it. you can get up off your butt and get what you want your own self. I dont mind helping someone who is temporally down, but if they arent helping themselves, it becomes freeloading. Nope, not supporting that.

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As I was told as a lad [your helping hand is at the end of your sleeve ].

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That makes two of us - I don't get it, either.

I'm with ya, 100%!

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I told a black friend that if he wants reparations, he has to at least work for me one day at no charge and mow my lawn. He laughed his ass off. Everyone else in the room looked horrified.

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I know a couple friends, black that would have laughed their ass off too.

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I agree. I think for each Jew there is a personal reason for rejecting their Jewishness. For some people, rejecting their Jewishness might be an attempt to reject what they do not like about themselves. If they can pin those unwanted qualities on Jewishness, they can "get rid" of those qualities, or so they think. But it usually doesn't work.

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The term ‘self hating’ or ‘self loathing’ Jew is probably too hyperbolic to describe 90%of the 70% of Jews that identify as being progressive, leftist or a democrat. What these people really want is to blend so much into the background that they are indistinguishable from the average American. They want to completely assimilate. To them, they see anything that identifies them as Jewish to be unacceptable and so they support stuff that goes in the opposite direction of what’s in their best interest. Support for Israel, Nope, Support for a President (who has a daughter and Grandchildren who are Modern Orthodox), absolutely not! How about 2A…are you kidding me.

You want to see what real self loathing Jews look like, try Googling the Ochs-Sulzberger family…ya know the guys who own the NYT.

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Chuck, I agree that that the NYTimes has been anti-semitic for years. It's horrendously antisemitic. One Jewish writer left it just a few months ago because of that. I think her last name is Baris.

It could be some want to blend in and not be noticeable.

A lot of it has to do with this idea that as Jews we were once discriminated against, so in America we need to help those who are discriminated against.

The problem with this is that progressives have gone from helping those who have been discriminated against to doing the discriminating! They invented cancel culture. Progressives since Obama have turned race relations upside down, to where now the color of your skin matters more than the content of your character.

So Jews who have gone along with this were making a big mistake. I saw this happening in the temple I belonged to: the people there were more interested in learning about the Palestinians than in learning about Israel. I left. It was not a good spiritual home for me.

I could see where Obama was taking Judaism: he was working to normalize Jew hatred, and the Jews who support him to this day ARE IN DENIAL. Most of them are. They would be crushed to realize how destructive Obama has been, and how they have supported his destructiveness.

Yes they want to assimilate, many of them, but a lot of them are still proud of their Jewishness in that they want their children to marry a Jew, and they take pride in aspects of Jewish ritual.

I think it is a tragedy what has happened to US Judaism. Jewish leaders have ill-served the Jewish community by refusing to identify Muslim Jew hatred as the main cause of antisemitism in the country, instead focusing on far right antisemitism which is a minuscule problem by comparison.

Many Jews are starting to wake up.

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I like the way you express yourself Eve, and you clearly have what my Yiddish speaking wife would have called a ‘Gitten Nashema’, a Good Heart.

We were once part of the Reform community here and all 3 of our kids were educated and Bar Mitzvah’d there. They began to lose me when it turned out that the reform Camp in upper state New York, had a special table for cheese on Hamburger night. They finished that off by having a shiva the night after T was elected the first time. The last thing I heard (and this was in the last 6 months) the Rabbi there gave a lecture on how Orthodox Judaism was a threat to Israel.

Its true that the Jews on the Left do carry on some traditions from previous generations but I bet the Reform parents of a young girl would blanche at the thought of a Conservative or (can you imagine) an orthodox, even modern orthodox potential S-i-L.

For those who cast their support behind Obama, karma can be a real killer…ask Alan Dershowitz.

The tragedy as I see it is that they are not waking up fast enough or in enough numbers to be able to help themselves (although if those images from Oct 7 don’t make every Jewish home have at least one gun on every floor, its hard to think of what will).

And the writer you’re thinking of is Bari Wiess. I hated her and everything she wrote while she was an opinion writer at the NYT. But when she left she’s started to move slowly but inexorably to the right. You should here her now! She was just asked to give and delivered a speech to the Federalist Society. Yes you read that right! Here it is. Get a cup of coffee and enjoy!


Thank you for responding.


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Well said, Canuck Chuck!

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Hi Chuck,

I hadn't read your post but just on its own, her name popped into my head so I corrected myself in another post. Thank you for correcting my mistake about her name. It seems we have had similar experiences with reform congregations. It's funny how the reform Jews in the US think Israel should be a "democracy" like the US. (which isn't a democracy, but that's another issue). They don't like the idea of there being a Jewish State, as to them it seems discriminatory. But Israel doesn't discriminate against its minorities. In fact, Israel has bent over backwards to help its minorities. There is nothing discriminatory about Jews having a state of their own. But there is discrimination in people from Reform temples who think they should tell Israelis how to be more "democratic" or to tell Israelis they should have more reform temples than they do!

Also in a YouTube video with Caroline Glick she points out that Tikkun Olam ("healing the world") which is so beloved in Reform temples is actually another word for Jewish Communism. It is so true. But even more than that, it always seemed patronizing to me, a kind of virtue signaling, before those words were coined. It always made me uncomfortable when participating. There's nothing wrong with charity, but I feel there's a difference between true charity and social justice. It's the difference between compassion and guilt.

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Most Jews are not self loathing. And most Jews are not big corporate types unless they started the company, because most corporations are not Jew friendly. There are two kinds that are self loathing and they are easy to spot in my experience. One is the person who goes to great lengths to covers up their Judaism when it’s clear that they are Jews. They want to assimilate. They are afraid of prejudice.It doesn’t work. The other is the Commie. But the Commie hates all religion and often has minimal facts at hand, a total lack of self awareness, and globalized resentment for anybody who succeeds, that they hate almost everything and everybody. It’s a loser mentality.

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It's clear I painted too broadly using the wrong brush.

I agree, for the most part, with your analysis - my model of the self-loathing Jew in the Corporate Class is the Sulzburgers of the NYT, and the other was Steven Spielberg.

I wonder to what degree the Corporate Class is not welcoming to Jews, though - there seems to be ample representation in the finance, entertainment, garment, and publishing industries - I'm not sure I'm entirely incorrect (maybe just mostly 😉).

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In the old days, many companies would not hire Jews. So in the industries where Jews either started the industry, were significant innovators, or had to start their run companies because they were excluded from others there is a lot of representation. Jews invented Hollywood. Jews were influential in retail going way back. Jews started their own banks because they couldn’t get jobs at WASP banks. Jews started their own hospitals and law firms for the same reasons.And having been forced into finance by European countries that excluded them from must other industries, they got very good at it. Jews have a presence in tech because we tend to outperform at math and STEM. But in a lot of other industries presence is limited. Now with the woke DEI nonsense it’s trending lower because Jews are seen as oppressors like whites are seen as oppressors.

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So, it sounds to me that Jews, instead of whining about the inequity (unfairness), they went about creating opportunities for themselves among their own. Their enterprises performed so well that their clients included Gentiles.

Check me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that essentially what Malcom X encouraged among blacks, as opposed to a hand-out from white liberals in the form an act of congress?

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Jews don’t perceive themselves predominantly as victims. They recognize and fight against prejudice, but they have never asked for nor expected preferential treatment. They expect equality of opportunity, but not of outcomes.

Israel was an impoverished backwater before Israeli statehood. For most of its early existence it was a Socialist leaning state. Most of the early founders leaned Left. Netanyahu, who was an American trained management consultant, presided over the development of the entrepreneurial economy in Israel. Read the book Startup Nation. Throughout history Jews started their own enterprises because they were excluded from the mainstream. It’s the proverbial give me lemons, I’ll make lemonade. Many people share that ethic. Some others want something for nothing. Jews aren’t the problem. The problem is a system that rewards identity and not hard work. America now punishes the entrepreneur and small businessman.

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Let me know what you think. I found it to be pretty interesting.

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Here’s an extraordinary article that reveals brilliantly how we got here and why.



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thank you so much for this article. It is very well written. What I am finding in the world of CRT and faux morality is moral equivalency. Moral equivalency postulates that no culture is inherently moral or more moral than any other.

This idea makes it impossible to understand the world around us. It implies good and evil are the same! We cannot live in a sane world if we cannot distinguish between good and evil.

No, cultures are not all equal, morally or in any other way.

A culture that makes murder sacred is evil. A culture in which life is sacred is good.

CRT is an attempt to destroy this knowledge of good and evil. It is an attempt to create a new way of organizing the world around oppressed and oppressors. But it is a very destructive ideology.

As the article points out, any ideology that supports and encourages people to feel like victims is destructive. There is nothing more destructive to a person and that person's ability to make a good life than feeling like a victim. CRT is attempting to turn all the people of the earth into victims and that is why CRT needs to be destroyed. It is an evil ideology.

Similarly attempting to encourage young people to mutilate their bodies as a solution to their confusion about themselves is also evil. It is no less damaging than telling a young person who is confused and unhappy to harm or kill themselves.

These ideologies are so damaging to culture and society, that it is important to start a movement to remove them from our society, starting with elementary schools, high schools, and colleges and universities.

The article's discussion on masculinity is very on point and clear. You cannot have a society without men being men. Yet that is exactly what progressives are aiming at. Do they have no idea what kind of society will result?

The article also answers why so many of today's elites think this way: they are looking for a way to deal with their guilt.

The great American economist, Thomas Sowell, wrote a book or essay (Guilt and Compassion) in which he distinguished between guilt and compassion. Acts that are motivated by guilt usually fail. Those that are motivated by compassion succeed. Most of the liberal legislation from the 1960s onward was motivated by white guilt, and failed. But progressives today double down on those same failed policies. Now they are doubling down by looking for more ways to manage their guilt, and all of them have turned out be destructive.

When you feel compassion for a person who is poor, you don't give him a living, you give him opportunities to earn his own living. When you feel guilt, you give him a living. This is what white guilt has done to Black and white poor lives for 60 years now. These are all based on perverse incentives that have made poverty worse.

So thank you for that great article!

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The “war on poverty” in the USA spends a trillion dollars a year on transfer payments. It’s been going on since the Johnson Adminustration. The percentage of people living in poverty has gone UP slightly since the 1960’s. It’s a political con game facilitating theft from the Treasury, like most things emanating from Washington.

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Polite way to say ROBBERY.

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I agree with you.

We are going to need to change quite a lot of things for this country to ever survive the destruction.

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And yet communism started in Germany. The Germans sent Lenin to Russia to destabilise the Czar and eliminate the eastern front.

As for the financing, when Germany's bankers were arrested they had proof that they were following orders from the American Banks.

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Interesting, thanks for that.

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It wasn't just the banks, although they were some of the worst offenders. Ford made a lot of money in its dealings with Germany and Henry was quite the ebullient Jew hater. Funny how money seems to override any concerns of national identity with many people.

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Karl Marx, while a German by birth and upbringing, wrote Das Kapital in London and resided in London, where they have a big statue of him, for the last several decades of his life.

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Israel is expected to fight with one hand tied behind its back.

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There would be no Hamas without a Western audience and Western benefactors. Notice how Hamas uses the Western media and liberal politicians and Commie UN to agitate for concessions after mass murder. The West funds and encourages the Islamofascists in a misguided application of libtard guilt. If the West treated the Arabs and Iran as they deserve for their hatred, this would be a much smaller problem. Instead we give them billions and our politicians, who are imbeciles and thieves, are bought off and/or ideologically suspect. Nuclear power, our own hydrocarbon fuels, no immigration, no purchasing of influence and it’s a much smaller problem.

You think China cares what Hamas thinks? You think China would waste their time feeling guilty? Iran if treated the way if deserves could not make anywhere near the trouble it does without the money from the west. It was a massive mistake not to let Russia into NATO when Putin asked Clinton about the possibility. None of this would be going on. The Russians don’t like the Muslims and they don’t need their oil. They got into the ME to oppose the USA after WW2. This dynamic would have been eliminated. We are governed by the dumbest, greediest, worst people on the planet.

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The purpose of "higher" "education" today is to supply Democrat voters for the future. From kindergarten through "grad school", with very few exceptions, "education" is an evil scam. One cannot get truly stupid and twisted on his own. "teachers" and "professors" are necessary.

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Damn you and your factual, well written post! Nazi!!!

Sarcasm, of course. Nice post

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They are sick and also stupid.

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The “Palestinian “ protesters are Antifa in Hijabs. They are the brown shirts of Germany or the teens of the cultural revolution of China. They need to be eliminated before they eliminate us. They are the warning sign that Xi Van Fleet warns us about in her book Maos America. Our youth are our enemy... be scared.

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No, don't be scared, be prepared.

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What is the saying, age and experience will eventually beat youth and stupid?

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It can't come soon enough. Very discouraging and frightening to see and listen to some of these young people.

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These are all “college educated” men and women like the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Xi has his hand in this.

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Replace educated with indoctrinated and you nail it .

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They are basically taught to regurgitate whatever they are told, not to think critically. Even if it goes against what they are seeing. I dont get it, if someone tells me the moon is green, I double check it. Ive never seen it green so there fore, I was lied to. Do that a couple more times and I dont trust a word out of your mouth. that goes for just about everyone I know, meet, or interact with.

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Yes, but not sure we have enough time left to see that work out.

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Hmm. The cops actually acting like cops. I guess their PR department got involved.

All these ‘State Representatives’ are going to be re-elected because they think and act like the people they represent! Tlaib was censured…Big Wow!

Antifa, wether wearing hijabs, pussy hats or rainbow coloured clown wigs are going to be big players in the coming months as we count down the days towards the election (wether there is an election or not). They are the d-rats version of the Nazi Brownshirts of the 1930’s. They are big enough to need to be confronted by the military…either that or the citizenry. I’m afraid the days when we just talk about using our guns in our own defence may be coming to an end. Either that or lose the Republic

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Sadly, my $ is on losing the republic.

The over-compensating tough talkers will fold like a cheap suit. They will prove to be individual tributes to France - they will surrender at the slightest threat.

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I hope you are wrong but suspect you are right here. The founders risked their lives and their fortunes to do the right thing for this fledgling startup country. But today, people claim to follow the same model but balk when it comes to risking THEIR life and THEIR fortune. We see it in other ways too. Some people claim to support the military and members who serve but they do so knowing they would never risk THEIR life the same way. There are simply too many people today who talk tough with absolutely no conviction. But they are fully ready to let someone else risk it all for the things they themselves would not.

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"Their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor" to do the right thing. That is the motto carved over the portico on our War Memorial Building across from the State Capital in Nashville. It took me years to memorize it.

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"The cops actually acting like cops. I guess their PR department got involved."

The use of PR suggests they actually care about their public image. I don't think so. They do what they are told - and we can deduce the DNC takes precedence over The Squad. More evidence as to who is calling some of the shots.

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I see the same thing .FJB and Barry Soetoro

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"Bang. Halt."

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"Stop or I'll (BANG) shoot!" LOL.

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Yeah. Don't make me (BANG) shoot you!

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AIPAC's $100 million effort to remove The Squad means $100 million less available for other Dems.

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The money would be better spent infiltrating tough, young patriotic conservatives into their districts, all living expenses paid, in time to vote in conservatives, and begin the deforestation of muslims.

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Note that we didn't see any Ashli Babbit or Rosanne Boyland treatment of these insurrectionists.

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Hell. I knew the federal agencies were already horribly corrupted when FBI agents (lovers) Peter Strokz and Lisa Page's released communication between each other indicated her question to Peter, "Should we contact POTUS and update him?" That only proved to me, that the FBI had been rogue for some time. And who was POTUS? FJB and Barry Soetoro

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These 4 fascists' represent the majority of their respective constituents, so the money will just be wasted as they will support them anyway.

Every reference to Christians and Jews in the Koran is pejorative and it clearly tells Muslims that to be devout, they must kill Jews where they find them. I hope they can be defeated but probably not and with mass immigration, all sorts of racists and anti-Semites are pouring into the country, others will just take their place.

Danny Huckabee

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All the money in the world cannot educate an ignorant person who does not want to be enlightened or shown the truth.

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Here's my favorite take on that sentiment: A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still. Freely I have received, freely I pass it on.

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Comment number two. I couldn't vote on today's survey. I can't predict predict what a shot of common sense will do to Democrats. Since I'm a political news junkie I can only predict it will extremely interesting entertainment. My cinematic brain sees scenes with special effects. The warmongers will have on their war paint. I would like to see this massive passion be steered like the General Eisenhower/Patton personality of my favorite President. He would also be able to be implement the 1% annual reduction, a controlled deflation, that Jim Jordan has wisely set up as the minimum bipartisan standard necessary for the survival of our Nation. This will be aided by an army of Citizen Journalists that God appears to be raising up, like the Jewess Laura Loomer and gay Andy Ngo. Let us not forget Professor Emeritus Don Surber. Thank you, Don and fellow Surbers. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!!

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I cannot and will not lose heart when confronted by that which is appearing out of the cataclysmic events unfolding. An oath taken once does not die or retire! Love of country and its principles are indelibly etched on my heart and soul. FJB and Barry Soetoro

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I can't shout Amen because my Evangelical sensibilities run deep and restrain me greatly. See my Hannibal Lecter profile picture. But I and my wingman will stand beside you like my brother and I did for a crazy friend (don't take it personally) who was goading a car full of laughing black young men parked in front of Gary Indiana's 1st McDonald's. This probably how the first phalanx was formed. Some hot headed Spartan was probably arguing with an arrogant Athenian. Stay tuned.

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Never underestimate the value of self defense training.

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AIPAC likes to work with both parties in its role as an advocate for Israel in Washington. The model used to be not to alienate anybody and educate everybody. This primarying business is new stuff. So they are now seeing what I’ve thought for a long time. You are wasting your time advocating for Israel to a bunch of Commies. The Commies need to go. On the other hand, if a district elects a Muslim con artist like Ilhan Omar or a Palestinian terrorist lover like Rashida Tlaib, or some Al Sharpton protege, there’s a reason. I know a better way to spend $100,00,000 but I’ll go to jail if I say it out loud.

Muslims claim that everywhere they traditionally live is Muslim land. Nobody else is supposed to be there and if they are, only as a second class citizen or a slave. Very nice. This is the definition of xenophobia and racism. No different from Imperial Japan or Nazi Germany or the CCP and other genetic real estate fascists for that matter. And btw Israel has two million Arabs who are police officers, Judges, in Parliament, officers in the armed forces. So don’t start with the apartheid 🐂 💩 . But we’re not supposed to see that. We, on the other hand are expected to accept everybody from everywhere and suicide our culture in America and the West more generally. We’re supposed to take advice from mass murderers? It’s a lunatic’s homework assignment. So what’s the point: when a mass murderer like Osama Bin Karen writes his whacked out manifesto - who cares? Here’s his manifesto “ We hate you because you let Jews live on a tiny piece of desert that they’ve always lived on, even though we couldn’t do anything constructive for 1500 years on all the rest of the f-g desert even with all our oil money and our sadism justified by our Koran. We also hate you because you are mostly Christian, successful, and we suck at everything but killing and ululating. PS - please don’t litter. Best regards, Homicidal Maniac Osama.”

But this is what the pro-Hamas POS “protestors” in DC believe. They are part of the Commie-Islamofascist axis of fake victimhood. And our government lets them cause mayhem and brutally persecutes law abiding American citizens because...fill in the blank...the cops should be cracking heads and arresting people. I guess it’s easier to shoot unarmed patriotic veteran women and beat grandmothers to death in the Capitol than to arrest actual violent rioters, most of whom are paid thugs and many of whom aren’t even citizens.

The Muslims understand how to work the system, immigrate, get welfare, have lots of kids, rinse and repeat. Build mosques, blast the call to prayer 5 times a day and the Westerners move out of the neighborhood. More Muslims move in, form an enclave, build madrassas, teach hatred, rinse and repeat. Sharia law, violence against the West, support for terrorists, hatred of non-Muslims. This is the importation of disaster. It’s only starting.

I saw the demonstrations for Israel in DC this weekend. What do you see: people smiling, people singing, people who are peaceful and who love life dealing with a tragedy. Look at the pro- Hamas rallies. Screaming, threats, violence, insults, rage. Is this what you want in America?


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Good rant and spot on my friend !!

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This money will be wasted as these creatures are all in brain dead zombie districts.Maybe and it is a big maybe AOC and Bush get beat but the replacements will become the replaced upon arrival in the swamp.The only way to effect change is to elect PDJT for a third time and try to turn this vehicle racing to the cliff edge.Great hopes for a miracle to occur are helped by writers such as you Poa-Man so please carry on.Snap poll ,treat to Dr.cat.

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From a CAVE, Bin Laden "takes the U.S. to task for not signing the Kyoto Protocol treaty on restricting emission of greenhouse gases,"

From a CAVE.

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I don't believe that at all. Fake Bin Laden news.

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I don't believe it'll be successful, but I wish them luck and success.

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I agree, RL. But there's also the "beware of what you wish for" portion to this. Let me see the replacements before I cheer the Squad's demise.

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If they can primary half of the squad, it will be money well spent.

Tlaib gets the Dearbornistan vote. Omar the Somali vote. Some others could also be at ground zero for vote rigging, like Omar and Tlaib are.

Let us pray.

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I think Tlaib and Omar may have a real struggle in the primaries as those two are very publicly the worst of the worst when it comes to this crowd.

Bush and Bowman are just dumb useful idiots. Not harmless but followers of stupidity.

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Your right. Bush and Bowman are proof that with enough stupidity, anyone can be elected to represent a constituency that is even dumber.

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Money talks - and in low vote turnout primaries - which especially the dem's always are - a little money goes along way. And don't be surprised to see that money number go way up. They aren't currently giving it to the big elite universities! LOL!! It will also be interesting to see if in the process they take out a Soros DA or two along the way.

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