
Another bang on handling of a topic that could be a sign post on the way to the destruction of Western Civilization.

I realize I’m not in any position to ask anything here but…

Could you do an essay on this title 42 thing that’s about to blow sky high!

Kuntsler thinks it has the potential to start a shooting civil war. I can see it too. What do you think?

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I do not want to see a shooting war, but I would like to see "middle America" standing up.

Enough already.

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Enough is Enough could be the new ‘Wolverines’ …😊

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Our country is dying. The Compost uses many reporters to try and take down DeSantis and Trump. Zero to report on the Xiden crime family or the corruption and rot in DC. May these liberals all rot in hell some day.

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See the Psalms of King David for cries as to why the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer.

Now we have some idea of what the people experienced who lived during the centuries long fall of the Roman Empire. Although I sense the American hegemony will not take as long to crumble with technological “weapons” at the ready. And the barbarians have been not only at our gates but within our country in earnest since the communist party joined the democrat party in 1948.

Our only hope is in God—and absolutely only God. In a way, I feel grateful to live in perilous times and share in the sufferings with Our Lord. But I confess know I won’t fair well unless I receive the promised grace to endure what’s ahead.

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Psalm 37 - in its entirety.

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You might want to try the Surrender Novena on google.com. This Prayer sounds ridiculous when you first say it, but the more you say, the more you will understand. Also, when you Pray, don't tell The Lord what you want, ask Him.....If it is Your Will, Lord. As Psalms also say.....Ask and you shall receive.

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Asking for help from others even from the Lord is one of the hardest things to do. It is a learned skill that we need to keep training all the time.

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Excellent admonition!

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Yep! That’s the specific Psalm I was referencing although there are many more.

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...or sooner...

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Not some day. Now

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They filmed Jaws in Martha's Vineyard? Interesting.

And I hadn't thought about "democracy dies in darkness" being a mission statement.

This isn't hypocrisy. It's naked political thuggery combined with an element of elitism worthy of Louis the 16th's France or Russia right before the Bolshevik revolution. You have a group of people who by dint of their "good deeds" (which is to say their "right think" and lawn signage and Twitter bios with appropriate pronouns and the flag of the day) think that they are exempt from whatever the masses have to deal with, even if the masses are dealing with the results of their so-called policies. And the masses are supposed to just, well, deal, or more to the point, shut up and deal. That's why Eric Adams, who is mayor of a right-thinking city, can stand up at a podium and lecture Greg Abbott for sending him migrants to house and feed and no one points out to Adams that New York has far more resources to deal with them than some small border town in Texas or Arizona, and, on top of it, New York loves its "sanctuary city" status. But woe to the person who makes them put their money where their mouths are.

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May 11th seems to be the date of the largest surge (possibly over 1m) of illegals to occur all at one time following the end of Title 42.

Watch for plenty of “distraction” news on and around that day.

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And Comer’s big ESG release on Wednesday will pull more people away from the invasion happening on the same day. All part of the plan.

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I suspect that's the whole reason the "big reveal" is Wednesday . Why not today? Or next week? Because Comer and friends are the flip side of the same deep state coin.

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A mass shooting at a school, to be sure...

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Until Amazon gets the Bud lite treatment, Bezos won’t care and the Post will continue to be the West’s Pravda. Martha’s Vineyard deserves all of the illegals coming to America.

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I have personally been to Marth's Vineyard many times and if there were ever a place that deserved an influx of illegal aliens, it is Marth's Vineyard. The year round residents welcomed the communist bisexual and most stupid ex-president EVER, but have no room for people most likely to work. I know. I worked with many illegals in Southern California and I thought they were a wonderful and hard-working people. The residents of Martha's Vineyard wouldn't even give them a chance......and the rich wonder why they have no chance of an after-life.

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Right over the target kiddo. I actually believe it was big mike and bath house Barry that gave the impetus to the trannies …pardon the pun here…to get their delusional asses in gear!

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I’m trying to figure out if there is an historical antecedent to what’s going on in America. This is where people chime in with the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, or the decline and fall of every empire. But while on the surface that’s fine, the particulars don’t really jibe. Bear with me. What we are seeing is the nearly complete transmogrification of our government into a criminal gang. The gang is massively corrupt. In fact at this point corruption is the main function and product of our federal government: financial corruption, sexual corruption, legal system corruption. Legitimate functions are either done poorly or not at all. And while we could cynically say that all governments are corrupt and are gangs, you can’t look at the changes in the United States over the past few decades and say, “Well it’s always been this way”. Because it has not. We have a government and officials who are actively dismantling the Republic and selling it for parts to the highest bidder. The government and its affiliates, masters and subordinates, are essentially an organized criminal cartel, a Mafia at this point. Dinesh D’Souza argued that the Democrats were a criminal gang ten years ago. He was right, but it’s much bigger than just the Dems. It’s the whole thing and it’s international as well. The CCP is a criminal organization as well. And they are in the middle of a lot of this. So are the Mexican Cartels. What is the difference between a criminal group being involved in human trafficking and importing fentanyl, pushing around small business owners in their territory, and silencing opposition versus the Federal government doing it or facilitating it? The Feds went to college and they have more fronts to launder money, and they control the media. That’s it. Otherwise it’s basically the same. They want more money and power, they view everything through that prism, and they will do anything, and destroy anybody, to get those things.

The country that has the most experience and some success in dealing with an analogous situation in the modern era is Italy. The various regional gangs in Italy that made up organized crime had a stranglehold on the country throughout most of its history. Every government department was infiltrated. Politicians, judges, cops, businessmen were bought off and simultaneously threatened. The Italians got serious beginning in the 1960s with forming an anti mafia commission and subsequent efforts, not without significant bloodshed and controversy, helped to harden anti mafia efforts throughout the country. While the mafia is still active and corruption still exists, there has been significant progress. Culturally, the US and Italy are of course vastly different. But could this type of effort bear fruit here? Rather than fighting a civil war, establishment under a non Rino Republican President of a new, independent, aggressive unit to prosecute and incarcerate corrupt government officials would potentially turn things around. Obviously this would have to be outside the corrupt FBI and not under the corrupt DOJ, both of which should have their leadership removed and be reconstituted to actually serve the public interest. The alternatives are civil war or the end of the nation as we know it. Thoughts?

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Great analysis.and spot on how deep and rife it is.Fight organized crime,the government hates competition.

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Not to question the scientific bona fides of your cat, but each option is as much a non-sequitir as the other - nonetheless, I opted for the cancer-treatment one.

San Antonio is a remote Texas town? It's a city of nearly 1.5MM people in the hill country of the state, and more than 170 miles from the nearest border crossing, but then that would make almost every such community a remote Texas town.

"Texans tolerate them."

Barely - and it's beginning to wear thin.

"Who took in those 2,000 underage kids? Pedos? Recruiters from MS-13? Chamber of Commerce exploiters of cheap labor?"

Yes, along with NAMBLA-friendly agents, and others involved in sex-trafficking of minors.

"...the Tampa Bay Times and the Guardian..."

Why would a UK-based news outlet be cited as a non-anonymous source? Oh, yes - as a leftist propagandist (but I repeat myself), it's even more reliable than that soiled tampon, the NYT.

"...the Biden administration’s border security policies..."

What policies might these be? It's just an open border.

"Breaking the law is OK by Mister Bezos and his newspaper if you are black, Hispanic or a Democrat.

And flying illegal aliens in the middle of the night to places unknown is OK for Biden but transporting illegals to a sanctuary town (officially or unofficially) is a scandal if you are a Republican."

With all due respect, Don, this is nothing we haven't known since the HW administration.

At best, Democrats have the emotional maturity of high-school sophomores - at worst, theirs is just slightly more than that of a toddler. We really ought not to expect any better of them.

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Good rundown.

On the poll, It is best not to argue with the cat

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I remember hearing dogs have masters while cats have servants and I agree.

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Thank you!

Re: arguing with the cat - there's no winning - best to just accept reality and move forward.

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That cat will give you a comeuppance if you tried to argue. We need you to stay around, please dont argue with the cat.

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INFORMED SOURCES SPEAKING ON THE CONDITION OF ANONYMITY SAY: “It is critical to understand that both the DNC and RNC are private corporations with no affiliation to government.”

I answer: …which makes the politicians who serve under the RNC & DNC banners company men, not public servants. As company men, these fork-tongue politicians do nothing much for their constituents or their country, do they? They talk a lot and keep people stirred up. No politician from either side has organized any kind of legitimate resistance to illegal open borders, illegal crooked banking, and illegal un-equal application of Constitutional Law. Complicity instead of leadership.

EDIT: Barrack Hussein Obama is the modern day equivalent of Madam Defarge and Michele Obama is The Vengeance: two female villains made famous by Charles Dickens in "A Tale Of Two Cities."

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Tell me you’re not shilling for Desantis. I realize it’s an article about illegals but it also seems like an article reminding us that Desantis did a thing. I enjoyed Desantis’ little rebellion even if it only lasted about a day. Call me suspicious but knowing that Desantis is the uniparty’s guy for the GOP I’m pretty sure The Post was back-door positioning Desantis. This article seems like you’re doing the same.

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DeSantis may well be the boy but not this trip around. I fail to see the rush with him. He said he was going to be the Gov of FLA to the end of his term. Even if he graciously opts out this time he’s still got 2028 and if he gets elected for a second term he’ll still be only 56 when he’s done!

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I’m not sure what the right decision is for the Republican candidate. On one hand there’s something fishy about Ron is he’s RINO or deep state guy? And yet Trump is unelectable at this point. It’s not because I don’t like him and not that he doesn’t deserve it and not that he didn’t do a good job as president (other than his staff appointments and handling the Covid crisis). It’s because the fix is in more so if he runs then if he doesn’t even if he’s in jail for for bogus criminal trials, in my mind there’s no path for him to win. I hope I’m wrong but there’s too many factors at play and unless he can fix the election like the Democrats it will be another four years of Biden or 8 of Michelle Obama.

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I'm afraid if DJT is nominated there will be another four years of leftists and it will be all over for our culture. Maybe even for the nation as a whole. He shows no sign of fixing the weaknesses that led to his victimization by the deep state. I don't care who is our next President as long as it isn't a Democrat.

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You need to only read polls that don’t have a political agenda: Emerson or Richard Baris (can’t remember is polling company). If you did, you’d realize that Trump is nearly 20 points over Biden at this moment. Biden would beat Desantis by 12 at this time. That said, I don’t fit one moment believe that Biden will be the nominee. It’s about ballot harvesting and the economy. Full stop. Nothing else matters. And however much chaos surrounds Trump will surround anyone who challenges the current democrats, including Desantis. All that BS noise about indictments and people suing Trump is just political stunt. I’m voting for Trump. He’s the only person who can save us from the mess of the last 3 years...maybe.

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There was a time when news outlets claimed, "We report, you decide." Perhaps, that was in the last century.

The WaPo article has nothing to do with reporting the news. It is all about a partisan political agenda, instructing the reader what to think (decide) about the matters presented--and omitting pertinent details that counter the tenor of the article. It makes a good example of propaganda.

As I'm fond of repeating, all media is entertainment--choose wisely, consume sparingly.

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Meanwhile, the other 49 governors are nowhere to be found...

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some are doing some things, mainly fighting back against the child mutilation. We will get there I pray.

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Thank you.

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Quite surpised the compost even mentioned race/sarc.Between Fried and Criss the dems own Fla. dontcha know.Don the cartoon is perfection for the story and thank you for reading the report to save my time and mind.No mention of the mouse -pedo distict?Roll on Mr.D.

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Republicans can't and won't get an even real they are the party of the rich, you know . (Looks in amazed wonder at 0's digs)

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Oh but he got his from book advances dontcha know......

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To Don:

Dang, O mighty Guru, why didn’t you tell me about Notes? A 3-trick pony-Drugs-Hospice-Family-My beloved Queen Sharon has Alzheimer’s-No politics. ‘Born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad’. Understatement of the century. Let’s go Brandon. Did I mention I lost 24% of my IRA last year?

Click early and often. Any $ go for the Queen's Memory Care.

You have created a monster mini-me. However, you are #4(God, Jesus, and Elon). No Bentley, but I will always be your first founding member, and a paid subscriber to Instapundit.

No hard feelings that, not only did you not publish my article on Drug pricing, but you also ghosted me. Totally understand, I'm overwhelmed w/9 followers, 2 likes, including me, and comments only from family. Peace out Surbs; as always, click early and often.

My home will remain subsubstack. OMG, my first post on Fbook and Twatter better than an aphrodisiac; for us geezers-more effective. Don't cry for me, Argentina, but willow, weep for me; I'll do my crying in the rain. Cry-stop me before I burst out w/show tunes! How about tears in my ears from lying on my back in my bed while I cried over you? Got some good ones, some old ones, and some new ones. Yep, I'm crazy, but not bat**** crazy.

Affectionately, King Lear, aka Cyrano 829, and PM (a 30-year-old brain in a 90-year-old body not long ago-now it's about 90/90, but still in early stages).

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